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Lucifer 2X03.mp4

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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another fun reaction for Lucifer!!! I enjoy this episode. Not so much for the case itself, which is still pretty good, but I always love this show's main characters, who bring so much to even the weaker episodes. And another key aspect that draws me to this show is seeing how Lucifer works out his personal dilemmas throughout each case he works with Chloe on, then how he always learns more about himself than he ever expects to. This episode is certainly no exception. First... a lot of my favorite moments throughout this show in its entirety, often tend to be the more subtle, as well as heartfelt moments within an episode. And one of my favorite moments in this episode is one of those moments. I really love when Lucifer talks to Chloe about him and their killer being a sin-eater, and how no one willingly chooses to become one like he was forced to become upon being cast out of Heaven and into Hell. You can see the pain once again in his eyes and on his face as he talks about how it's a sin-eater's duty to absolve the world from the worst all humanity has to offer while it changes you and puts quite a painful toll on you, while really talking about how such has been his duty for eons because of the punishment forced upon him by his father. Until he then swiftly hides it behind the mask he always keeps in place before Chloe sees his pain. Unfortunately, she isn't really understanding what he's really saying because she's too caught up in trying to figure out their case. Even though Lucifer doesn't expound further on what it means to be a sin-eater, I really love the subtle underlying meaning behind his words. He is talking to Chloe about their killer, but deep down, he is also talking about himself as well and I really love it. I also really love how Lucifer's mother causes him to really question why it is he is continuing to punish people when it's no longer being forced upon him. It's certainly an intriguing notion that Lucifer comes to realize he never thought about until now. My other favorite scene comes in the end when Lucifer distracts the killer by talking with the HR guy about the reasons why they both punish people, while Chloe is making her way up to the controls so she can set off the cooling system before the killer can burn the owner of the web company alive. This is when Lucifer comes to partly understand why he enjoys working with the LAPD so much outside of simply loving to work with Chloe, and comes to understand the difference between him and this other punisher. This man has despicably come to enjoy punishing people because he gets a thrill from them begging for their lives and their apologies while claiming he does so because they deserve a taste of their own medicine, when he's really come to take sick pleasure in punishing them and tries to justify his actions by choosing people he believes deserves such punishment. However, Lucifer enjoys punishing people in spite of it previously having been the duty forced upon him, because now he does so to help bring justice to those who are hurt and killed by these killers. It burns him to see innocent people suffer at the hands of those who wrong them and kill them because Lucifer cares more about us humans more than he understands in spite of those who become killers and who hurt others. Whereas beforehand, God forced him to punish all of the damned souls who were condemned to Hell because of the guilt they feel over their sins in life, whether they are deserving of punishment over their guilt or not. And you can see that in doing so, it all has taken quite a painful toll on Lucifer too. This killer become nothing more than any other killer Lucifer has helped Chloe and Dan to put away. I hope all of this makes sense. As for the killer... the actor who plays Ray doesn't play this role very well and I suspect that it's not only the actor who plays this role pretty badly and whom I don't like at all in this episode or in the only other role I've seen of his, but it's also on the writers too. They just don't write this entire scene for this character well at all. Tom is fantastic like always, but he can only carry the scene the best he can and does remarkably well under the circumstances. I didn't expect the killer to be the HR guy, even though I should have, given that he's the only guest star in this episode I recognized from another show and the recognizable actors always tend to be the perpetrators. Now, as for the overall case itself... It's very interesting. I really like the overall idea of a killer seeking out people they see as those deserving of punishment for their own terrible and cruel misdeeds. Even if they're truly deserving or not. The problem though, is that some times, sin-eaters aren't always right about who is truly deserving of such punishment and who isn't. A lot of the times, innocents suffer from people who believe in this way of thinking. Which is what can make sin-eaters so dangerous. Even Lucifer isn't always good at seeing who are deserving of punishment and those who aren't. Which is one of the many reasons why he appreciates Chloe and has come to care deeply for her. Because she helps him see what he can't and she makes him a better man. Even though he doesn't always fully understand why he's so drawn to her. And this is also how Chloe feels about Lucifer too. Because he helps her to see what she can't and she feels that he makes her a better detective and woman. I really love this about their character development!!! Oh... and I love how Chloe mocks Lucifer in the end once she douses Lucifer, their killer, and the victim in the coolant to stop the killer, as she states, "Man, you really don't shut up.", to which Lucifer jokingly retorts, "Congratulations, Detective. I suppose I look quite extinguished," rather than distinguished, which would be the proper word since extinguished means to put out a flame or fire. I really love all of Lucifer's many puns and not so subtle jokes. Hilarious! :) And as for Chloe and Dan ending their marriage by going through with their divorce at last, I definitely feel it's the right decision for them and for their daughter. Of course I feel badly for both of them that their marriage is over, because they're both good people. But they're better off as friends after all they've been through, which they've made very clear. And I really do like their friendship. Also... I applaud Dan for coming to this conclusion first, which is why this episode really makes me appreciate his character all the more. And lastly... I really like the scenes between Amenadiel and their mother a lot too. The question is once again though... does she really mean all she says, because once again, we see her act shady and devious in the end when she deals with the mugger and smiles, as it's revealed her powers are slowly returning to her. And after we see her smile at the end of last episode upon claiming to Lucifer that she had been the one to convince God to cast him down to Hell... it's really hard to say whether or not she means anything she says. She just appears to love causing mischief and chaos in Lucifer's life, especially at his job while she's trying to figure out why her son loves it so much. I am most definitely intrigued by their mother's true motives. :) Thank you so much! I can't wait for more Lucifer like always!! Until your next reaction... Sincerely, Heidi