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Okay.. So this Dev Update is just a tiny bit later than intended.. ^^"

So if you haven't kept up, early this month I came down with a fever and to share the long details.. It turned out to be covid for the 2nd time. Luckily it wasn't as much of a pain as the first time around, but it still knocked me out of commission for a good week until I could feel normal again.

Since then, I've been playing catch up on development a bit and management on some stuff behind the scenes with the team for how we're moving forward. Another pretty important announcement that probably belongs in a big update post.. Is that in recent weeks, I've decided that after a long 4+ years. I've put my 2 weeks notice in with my day job.

Originally my plan was to shift my focus from my day job towards doing college courses back in 2020. But when covid popped up along the way, it delayed my plans while trying to wait out what the best choice would be during that time period. I think.. I'm ready to move on with college focus though.

I'd like to firstly say.. The project is still continuing for one thing. My personal living situation might change a little bit depending on what I wish to do, but I can say that with my personal savings and options given to me. I'll be able to focus on schooling and the project without having to worry about doing a part time job or anything like that.

So I will admit, this has also had some effect on things here recently with development as it's a big step to take in my personal life and figuring things out regarding that... But I officially leave my day job after August 26th! I just wanted to announce this, as it is a big thing personally for myself and also make it aware to everyone of other stuff going on behind the scenes.

But with that said, moving back to MA focus mentions! I think we're looking pretty solid for the rest of this year to deliver greatly on some real quality content for the game and I can't wait to get it all shared with everyone asap!

Technically, behind the scenes.. We have much of development for the first route episodes of the cast really progressed along. So, my hope is that between episode 5's content and what's prepped beyond that, it'll be a ton of exciting content coming to the game and it might turn a few heads in what we end up seeing already. :P

Speaking of episode 5.. I do have some gameplay screenshots, video preview and some general hype to share here very soon. It'll probably end up being it's own special post that we'll actually open up to the public fans, as it feels fitting to let them get excited that some heavy content is coming.

I think most excitedly.. I'm really excited to finally share a full look into Bridget and Lola's characters. That might be light spoilers, but given we haven't seen much of them prior to episode 5.. I think it's safe to fully mention that. ^^" For many, I'm sure you've been long awaiting the return of Bridget and Lola as in Bridget's case, she has a bit of a personality difference compared to what we last remembered from before the Ren'py swap.

Of course, episode 5 will feature everyone's personal favorites also popping up along the way and it's fair to say that the scenarios that are presented with those characters are some quality ones for sure!

~Recent Work~

Before this post becomes too long.. >.<

We have some sprite previews related to Rachel to share with everyone sometime in the coming days. We'll possibly have the romance related track for music done by the end of this month as well. (Had some troubles with getting the right direction with this track.)

I believe Lisa is tackling some very light stuff for sprites still, but I'd like to shift our focus back to Kickstarter oc's that remain as it's been a while and our original goal was to get those wrapped up before the end of 2022.

MarxeDP and Ajose are sort of on vacation last I heard from him early this month while I was sick still. We have the next 2 cg scenes in the works though, so expect to maybe see some concept previews of this at the end of this month.

ComposerJF as mentioned is finishing up the romance track, but then as we head into September.. I'd like to shift our focus back to character themes with tackling Juliet's theme next!

There's some other minor stuff being worked on, like a new font to be used for the game.. Which I hope will be ready for episode 5, but it might come in the form as a minor update patch sort of deal into September. Along with that, some gui stuff I hope will be coming along each month to share.

~Closing Statements~

Okay! >.< I'll cut things here.. This is a little longer of a post than I was shooting for, but I had a bit to address and mention.

Hang tight everyone! I'll have a very very exciting post in the coming days that gives us a full visual glimpse into how episode 5 is looking in the engine! ^^


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