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With our 2nd year anniversary date since we've first started working on MA is coming up early September. There's going to be some minor adjusting of how some stuff is visually displayed on mainly our Patreon page, but in other websites for where we host downloads for the public as well.

I think it's important to mention that our wonderful Guide Post that's pinned won't be going anywhere as it seems to be a very helpful tool for many to bookmark and always check back easily on what has been posted since X date, etc.

The biggest thing changing that might turn some heads is that we'll be removing the download links for v0.14.5 of the game.

What?! Why is that?!

Okay, without major panic lol. :P That old version of the game isn't being wiped off the internet for good, simply we'll be hiding it a little more within the guide post under it's own special "important posts" section for the hardcore fans that need more to do. It's just that with where it sits visually right now above our most current downloads, it comes off as confusing to some people I believe.

Some might be mistaking v0.14.5 as where to jump into the game starting off, instead of checking out the latest versions of the game. Which kind of gives the wrong impression to any newcomers as it isn't meant to be where new players should begin or try the game for their first impressions.

So I think it would be best given the common route of MA (Episodes 1-5) will be soon open to supporters and then followed by the public without too much further waiting time. Which makes for a good timing to more or less hide the whole v0.14.5 game files, least put it aside so it isn't next to recent releases to confuse anyone.

Once again, v0.14.5 isn't being wiped from the internet. Simply moved and a bit more hidden within the guide post, etc.

Okay, what other visual changes are coming or what not to Patreon or other hosting websites for MA?

Mainly the rest will be visual stuff, some improvements to the banner image and other image stuff to help make the areas we host MA stuff on looking a bit more nicer.

Pretty much, nothing too crazy and it won't change how to navigate through stuff for information, etc.

Is that all?

Well one little mention since I brought it up here. As I mentioned, our 2nd anniversary since we've started development on MA is coming up in the first week of September. So much like last year around this time, we did a big public post in the style of a long Q&A between mainly myself, Uncle Artie and a little bit of input from Lisadikaprio. Since it was the make up of who was all around on the team during the earlier progress.

This year we'll also include and try to reach out in asking some questions to our cg artists (MarxeDP) and our bg artist (Olivson), along with our composer (ComposerJF).

Along with our own Q&A and thoughts about development and over all stuff to celebrate our 2nd year mark of development. We'd like to begin gathering questions from all our fans, supporters, anyone! Doesn't matter how silly or off topic your question feels like, we want everyone that feels comfortable enough to join in to be part of our big 2nd year anniversary post in September. ^^

(Please if you have questions to ask for that, you can leave a comment on this post, direct message us through Patreon, Kickstarter, Itch.io, Twitter, etc. We will also probably host a special discord channel in our server here starting this week to gather questions regarding this. Below are links to our Itch and Twitter, seeing they might be the best methods of contact outside the rest if you can't reach us with the other methods for any reason.)


Q&A stuff aside we'll be trying to include some other fun stuff within the post when it's created in September for bonus goodies! :P

That about sums up my post here though as a heads up and what not.


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