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(Warning! This post may contain major spoilers for the story! Read further at your own risk.)

This is a behind the scenes look at the upcoming episode writing, which will cover what are called "events" during the episode. Episode 5 is looking to be around 35-40k word count, which is our biggest episode yet and added with the other content planned for v0.20 it'll be our biggest update yet in general.

If you haven't seen the the previous posts, you can check it out below.
(1/6) https://www.patreon.com/posts/behind-scenes-5-53807158
(2/6) https://www.patreon.com/posts/behind-scenes-5-54054794

Moving on within the episode.. Brandon comes across Juliet who seems to be in the middle of doing some student council work, after a brief chat with her. She's having trouble with this odd advertisement for one of the clubs that must be new and seeking members still, but even more bizarre is the naming of the club. "Animal and Cooking Lovers"

Brandon admits it does give off the wrong impression, possibly leading students to believe it's a club for people who might not love animals, but do enjoy them in a different way perhaps. Which seems pretty odd for a club, so they come to the conclusion that whoever made this advertisement just didn't think about how odd it might sound.

Juliet decides she'll go to the club room advertised on the sheet and let them know about the mistake, but Brandon decides to join along since he's trying to cover as much ground possible for checking clubs out anyways.

The two head there and come across Rachel who is all alone and seems to be unaware of their presence, before becoming nervously shocked by noticing them.

The two are welcomed to come sit and they bring up the mistake of the flier to Rachel, willing to help her fix it and from there, they talk a bit more and begin getting to know each other a bit better (Rachel and Juliet). Juliet offers to help Rachel with finding more members to join to make her club official before the cutoff date happens. Brandon mentions he would join, but he needs some time to generally think things over first.

Because of Juliet's kindness, Rachel wants to treat the two to some of her cooking skills. Not only because of Juliet willing to help her, but also because she made a promise to Brandon about making him something for being so nice to her as well.

So the two naturally agree and even help assist Rachel in her cooking and from there, once everything is fully cooked and ready. They sit back down together and Brandon tries the cooking first and is amazed with just how good it tastes, encouraging Juliet to give it a try. Juliet goes to take her first bite and her taste buds go into full blast over it, maybe a little too much...

It seems as if maybe she's having a unique experience of the tastes filling her mouth and envisioning it too much, but that wouldn't be the only thing that comes out of her experience taking place.

She ends up having a bit of an accident, one that sparks a interesting reaction out of her and Rachel tries to settle her down, realizing that maybe the two have a bit more in common than they originally thought. This would seem to be the beginning of a cute friendship between the two after things have settled down a bit.

With that, Juliet does try to excuse herself as she has other club duties to attend to sadly and Brandon decides since he can't get in touch with Joey or Nathan still, he'll tag along with her and maybe get to see a few other clubs in the process with her being somewhat of a tour guide.

Juliet decides that'd be okay and so the two excuse themselves from Rachel for the time being, but making it clear they'll try to help her out with her club in no time.

With Brandon and Juliet walking along, he naturally figures Juliet would want to stop by the nurse's office for a diaper change, but she actually blushes and admits that she just doesn't have the time right now to do that. She even admits that it's not too bad and seems a bit used to it, kind of surprising him for someone like Juliet to say considering her background and who she is.

He doesn't think too deeply about it though, brushing it off that many students at this academy probably get used to it quickly enough and what not.

(Things fade out, assuming they check out some other clubs for a bit.)

A bit later, Brandon and Juliet are chatting as they're on the way back to the student council room as she needs to handle some stuff from there about today's stuff about club duties. Brandon has a little bit more time before his buddies are to meet up with him, so he of course wishes to hang out a bit.

Once they reach the student council room though, they notice Heather is there and seemed to be reading something, before stashing the book away in a drawer and standing up, wondering what the hell he's doing here.

This of course sparks Juliet a bit with how Heather is acting towards him, trying to calm things at first, but then things seem to get a bit heated between the two girls. Brandon is fearful for Juliet considering Heather is bigger than her height, build and all! Not to mention the first hand experience of knowing how easily Heather could take care of himself or his sister, let alone someone like Juliet.

For some reason Heather backs off though at some point, making Brandon think that maybe she realizes she's still on thin ice even with no one else around, that or it could be the idea of having the royal guard personally come after her for daring to harm Juliet?

Regardless, as the situation seems to have settled down and is normal even. While Juliet is taking care of some filings, Heather seems to be acting pretty nice towards Brandon. She's willing to show him some stuff and explain things about what the student council normally does, etc.

This continues for some time and then Juliet mentions she has to go take care of something else real quick. This is when Brandon decides to take his chance to follow suit, but awkwardly Heather subtly prevents him from leaving without bringing attention towards Juliet.

With Juliet out of the picture for a moment, Heather drops the nice act and begins to bring up how she's waited since her little classroom humiliation to really break Brandon into the understanding of where he sits status wise with her. (At her feet, like the obedient dog he's supposed to be.)

This results in her forcing him to grovel before her and praise her, really getting a huge ego trip out of the whole thing. It feels like a step back for Brandon considering he thought maybe he really managed to show her the other day, but here he was again, being forced into degrading himself for this crazy chick he thought.

That is until she makes a mention about how out of all the little servants before him, he's the only one who seems so eager to fight against her and she even makes it sound as if that's a good thing, so much so that she wishes to bless him by being stepped on. Something that apparently isn't common for her previous servants...

At first she knocks Brandon onto his back pretty roughly and demands him to unzip his pants and pull them down so his diaper is exposed, of course he struggles against wanting to do this because of how awkward and weird it is.

But she enforces that she'll do worse if he doesn't obey, so he awkwardly slides his pants down, exposing his diaper while sitting there. It's then at that point when she smirks and presses her foot down against his diapered crotch, making him squirm a bit as she's clearly being rough and he tries to beg her to stop even.

This turns into her making him beg like a dog at her heel to stop, among other things before she eases a bit on the roughness. But even more awkward is how Brandon seems to be feeling from a mixture of the events and movements against his diaper, which even Heather has to have taken notice of as she makes awkward comments.

Let's just say... There's some awkward sexual tension going on here by the looks of it. After their little moment of things taking place, it isn't long before Juliet reappears and nearly catches the moment, but she for sure notices some awkwardness in the room for a brief second.

With Juliet showing up, Brandon feeling pretty awkward about what just happened, he decides to take his leave and uses the excuse that his buddies finally got back to him about meeting together to check other clubs out, etc.

Many thoughts will be flowing through his head after leaving the student council room, such conflicting feelings racing through his mind... But he would have to wave them off for the time being as he made his way to meet up with his buddies once again...

~Writer notes~

-So this write up covers the third and forth events of episode 5, split in a way that should feel good pacing wise and how everything has been leading together so far in these behind the scenes for episode 5 so far.

-For the third event the focus is clearly set around a good mix of Rachel and Juliet, there's a bit of stuff taking place here. Those of you who have been following the game since earlier in 2020 will probably realize this is a bit different than how Rachel and Juliet originally meet for the first time and how their friendship begins, but that isn't a bad thing. (Hopefully)

It felt fitting to introduce Rachel's club idea of course and take a bit of a good mix of some other events from long ago that could be reworked a bit into making this feel a bit more natural with how their friendship forms, think of this as the seeds of their friendship showing pretty much. :P

-The cg scene and many moments of this third event are really fun! I've been waiting for quite a while for this moment of having Rachel and Juliet be seen together again. I think it's important to say there is a bit more exposure set on Juliet here, but for good reasoning. Rachel has had a bit more exposure so far in comparison, but clearly she's still very important to this event too and by no means is she not important here. Pretty much both characters are getting a nice balance of more exposure together to learn more about them, maybe even a little too much one might say. <.<

-I think with the third event, fans of the two characters should come out of this whole event feeling pretty good about how things were handled, the exposure of their characters and more. That being said, I can see in some ways that visually it might feel like one of these characters gets the short end of the stick from what happens here. It isn't intended to feel that way and I'm sure some will maybe want a little more visual rep for the other character because of it in a similar fashion or what not. (I'll just say there's some plans to make sure we're keeping count and balancing how much visual rep in cg art each character is getting as the game progresses. :P )

-With the fourth event, it's clear that the focus is more focused around Heather at the forefront. I know she's had a bit of exposure so far, but she's one of those characters that has a lot going on with her to tackle and setup the idea of progress with her because of this. Not to say other character's can't have equal screen time or what not, etc.

-My idea with the whole fourth event moment kind of comes in the form of being a mix of new stuff and taking a older moment from the game from long ago. Originally this event to be seen here was a moment in a different kind of setup, but similar in function. Juliet leads Brandon to the student council room and we see our first interaction between Juliet and Heather for the first time on screen. It's a key moment for these two, because all we have prior to it is the idea in the readers mind being these two clearly work together with being in the student council, but we don't know too much about how they view each other and so on.

So I think it's important to show that and also get some other details out of this event, like more details on the student council, but mainly being able to finally see those two character interact and fill in some pieces from previous moments regarding Juliet or Heather.

-The fourth event is a bit different of course compared to what it originally is based on from earlier in 2020's script. Long ago with that, there was a bit of a tension going on to lead towards a choice of leaving or staying. If you stayed, things sort of play out in a similar fashion to this new event here, but if you left with Juliet. You would check out her gymnastic stuff taking place and I'll just say this... Said gymnastic moment from long ago isn't gone forever. :P It'll be seen at some point, probably within Juliet's route by the looks of it.

-I really liked trying to figure out the pacing of events in episode 5, with everything going on for club focus. It's easy to say it could feel a bit samey if everything played out too similar or in a set path sort of way or format of (see this club>next club>repeat). I believe I've made it broken up at the right moments to feel fitting around the events going on and not distract or ruin anything for the experience in this episode.

-I'm pretty excited to see how fans of Juliet, Rachel and Heather will react both from the supporter release and also later in the future once v0.20 is open for the public. (Who am I kidding! I'm always excited to see supporter/fans reactions to each release. :P )


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