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It's been a while since we hosted the first voting poll for this, which can be found below.

Erika and Heather were our winners, but depending on how fitting the scenario idea of this wallpaper will be. We might just toss Miki in as the 3rd runner up.

What is all of this? Wallpaper voting?

Since December 2020, we began doing fun little bonus wallpaper art pieces once in a while to offer to supporters/fans. This one being our Summer themed one and I know we're a bit on the later half of "Summer" but we had other cg art to tackle priority wise for new game content before doing this bonus stuff for fun.

We're expecting we'll see this wallpaper not done until sometime in September, but only because we don't want to have it conflict with game content art, which I think can be agreed on is higher priority. :P

So how does this work? Can I vote and how do I get the wallpaper when done?

Of course you can vote! Once finished the wallpaper will be hosted in our guide post, along with the other ones that are finished.
>>Guide Post<<

As for how this works.. You can cast your votes on any of the options below that you wish to see for this upcoming wallpaper! You don't have to worry about limiting your vote to only one option, but you may choose only one if you see fit as well.

For this poll since we already know which characters are selected to be featured. We're focusing this on around what scenario theme to go with.

My idea is split between two "themes" to focus around Summer.

(1) - Typical Summer beach fun themed, possibly getting to see the girls enjoying the sun while splashing around or lazing around for a tan in their swimsuits? Maybe Miki splashed Heather while she's sun bathing and Erika is freaking out, knowing how badly things can go from zero to a hundred easily? Plenty of options below!

(2) - More Japanese Summer festival themed, possibly seeing the girls roaming around said festival while in kimonos? Perhaps Miki and Erika are having a blast playing some festival games, trying to encourage Heather to try them as well but she's being stubborn? Plenty of options below!  

Let the voting begin! (Each will offer diaper variant versions, showcasing said wallpaper with diapers on and off. So for example swimsuits in full as one version, while the other version features their swim tops but diapers on for their bottoms.)


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