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Coming with v0.20 we'll be seeing Garnet soon! I'll try to keep this post a bit spoiler free, some of you might recall Garnet from before v0.14 and how she acted in dialogue but without any visuals. Well, needless to say she won't come off acting differently than before and now we have visuals to get a better idea of the full picture for her. :P

We'll be seeing much more of her within Erika's route, think of her in a similar way of how Rosa and Allie are supporting characters for Nova. So naturally Garnet will pop up when literature club related events kick in and maybe some stuff a little outside of that.

Below is a little bio and details for her to go along with her preview images and her expression sheet seen above! ^^ (While she might look pretty shy, she isn't anything like Rachel in terms of being shy. Rather think of her shyness as being more like a bit more awkward feeling around guys with how she acts, but compared to Rachel it isn't seen as extreme.)

Name: Garnet Schmitz
Height: 5'8
Age: 24
Body Type: Average
Bust: DD cup
Friends: Erika? Other lit club members
Club: Literature Club Leader
Activities: Reading, Writing, Playing board games.

Info: Garnet comes off as your typical average girl that not many people might notice upon first glance, due to her lack of makeup and looks in general. It seems like she'd be the kind of girl that's seen as a ghost, blending into the background of what's going on around her.

Regardless of this and her natural slight shyness that makes her feel a bit awkward around guys at times, getting to know her more leads to figuring out how creative and smart she actually is and how she could get attention for it possibly if she wanted. Along with that, she is very passionate with reading and writing her own cute little stories, with the dream of one day becoming a writer for kid's books, because of her love for children.

~Design log~

Regarding her visual design as a character, I wanted to really look back on the old scripts for her dialogue and get a decent idea of what I had envisioned for her at the time. I could've went with the typical glasses wearing, super nerdy bookworm type and I'm sure even some of that might be picked up on just with how she looks currently.

But I didn't quite get the sense that she was super typical in that fashion, but rather sort of the girl in school that goes unnoticed and feels invisible. She doesn't seem to mind being seen in that way, as it lets her continue peacefully being in her own little world of writing and enjoyment for stories.

That's sort of the basic idea of how her design came about and was built off of. It might actually end up being that for those who really wanted Erika to feel much more like the bookworm sort of character, but feels a bit too much like she's taking another role instead. Garnet might end up being more fitting for this instead, but it'll depend how you look at it.

Regarding her outfit choice designs, school uniform aside. Her choice in underwear I felt was going to be leaning more modesty and sort of plain in a way, nothing to really grab attention pretty much, but rather just what she feels is cute and knows no one else will probably see her underwear.

Diaper design felt pretty quick and easy to figure out for her. Something cutesy and the first thing that came to mind to work for her character, is the idea of her own little kid's book style stuff. It's hard to see, but the front design print has little cute bear characters and it says "Cuddle Bears". The rest was figuring out what the siding color and pattern would be to fit with that, if anything would be needed to be noted for what's on the backside of her diaper, etc. Pink and polka dots felt pretty fitting to me and so we rolled with it. :P

Her dress is what we'll see of her during more casual moments outside of her school uniform. I originally wanted to have her dress a little more colorful in this design, but I felt like it might go against her character in a way as well. Everyone's idea of stuff will vary, but her current dress I feel sort of comes off as dull? Not really something flashy and I think without that coming out the wrong way, it suits her fashion wise in some ways.

~Expression design~

For her expressions, like any other character Lisa creates. I think she does a wonderful job capturing and playing into each character's personality traits just perfectly. Garnet's is no exception, as you can get a decent idea of her expression sheet and range.  

I personally get some Rachel vibes from Garnet when just visually looking at her expressions, but it's hard to judge without pairing it up completely with context in the game when used as well and given the idea those two characters probaaaably? Won't interact with one another given how things play out for routes and all that.

There's some fun expressions for her though that should be fun to see how they pop up, like her determined one for example.

With that said, I think I've went on enough for this preview. :P

Artist credit: Lisadikaprio



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