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Ka-boom! Missed me? Who's been itching for some good old bimbo transformations? Well, get ready 'cause I've got a fine collection coming you way!




nice to see u back! i almost cancelled my membership since u were gone for quite a while.. welcome back!


anyway merry xmas!


welcome back and merry christmas with personal problems solved and good health

Al Boudreaux

It’s a Christmas miracle. Lol, missed u posting. Welcome back.


Appreciate the warm welcome! Missed you all too, guys. I'll make this holiday season even better with more posts! 🎁😄


Thank you for the warm welcome back, Lala! You guys are awesome! Wow, what a night! Merry Christmas! 🎄

Eric Herrera

Do I still get the motel room story?


Honestly if you can keep to this months schedule I might resub. We'll see

Mindy Murdoch

I am super glad your back! Ill resub Jan 1st, I hope you have everything sorted and I am so excited to see what you have for us!


Thanks a ton! It feels amazing to be back! I'm working on getting everything sorted out. Btw, 'The Motel Room' is going to be massive—my biggest story yet. Get hyped!


Is The Motel Room still coming today?


Still no new story?

Bayley Peters

Are we getting the "You write the story" post today?


hi, 0 news here ?


Up to the same old tricks. Posts something after almost a year to get back some subscriptions. Promises to deliver more stories and stay on top of it. We will probably need to wait for another 3 months for a story or response now, and they will probably come up with a great excuse like usual😂


Yeah, it's getting tiring now. Wouldn't mind the gap between stories if there weren't false promises and a lot more communication


Exactly. If they are going to miss the mark, in example of yesterday. They should try hard to do a quick comment, not even a post; "Hey sorry guys, not tonight, doing life stuff". Instead they have us wait forever then act like it was nothing. And they don't respond to their patrons comments either, really shows a lack of appreciation for them.


Or put another story in the meantime if they are already written


It would be possible to have news plz


This lack of communication is seriously starting to piss me off. 0 news, not even a little "yes I'm fine" to see if it's still ok....


It's crazy to think that you've been advertising The Motel Room since last April


In my humble opinion, the problem is that you set timetables that you never keep. If you are not going to meet them, don't create false expectations.


This account is honestly just a scam by now

Daddy Brock

Can I get a refund please clearly you are not meeting any timelines you set very disappointing


I want a refund


At this point im inclined to wait a year or two then subscribe for a month then unsubscribe and keep doing that. It’s only fair if this creator A) isn’t delivering any work, B) not offering a refund or at the very least pausing his fee, and C) not communicating and taking us all for granted.


still no update for motel

Troll troll

Refund, please


Refund please.


I think everyone deserves a refund this month🤷‍♂️ Then maybe that would help the creator be better at sticking to the committed times that they say when they will post things!


Three options: you make a refund and I give you one more chance, you start publishing what you owe or I remove the subscription forever if you don't publish anything and you don't make a refund. You have given me no choice but to do this ultimatum


Yeah you’ve “come back” and you’ve missed 4 of 5 of your stories one of which has been advertised since the first half of last year refund please


Everyone will unsubscribe and then that will solve the problem and report it to Patreon for a refund. 0 communication for 3 weeks, that means everything.....


Everyone it is really clear that this Creator is a total scam artist. I don't know about all of you. But I have not seen a refund🤣 If you are still subscribed I would beseech that you unsubscribe and find another creator. This is getting old, you shouldn't be paying this creator if they don't create anything.


You managed to deliver 1 out of 5 posts while still taking peoples money. Congrats.


Firstly take as much offence as you want it’s beyond a joke now I’ve reported you to Patreon and I hope everyone does the same I would like all my refunds from since i last subscribed thanks.

Verónica Jerez

I don’t know why some people are still subscribed to this creator. It seems that they are not going to post anything anymore. Just report and look for a refund. Waste of time


>posts nothing for 2 months, suddenly starts posting on the dead Ashleigh Mae account. Like clockwork

Ashleigh Mae Transformations

Don't want to feed into anything here, but if I were the same account I would've refunded users here as well! I returned after my account was banned by Patreon and refunded users for missed content. Unfortunately, it seems like this creator (who is not me, to be clear) has not done the same. If I have wronged anyone in this comment chain, though, please DM me and I'd be more than happy to find a way to refund you beyond the Patreon window/provide for missed content! My apologies to all.


You "two" produce extremely similar content. Both accounts use canva as their way to deliver media. Nobody, and I mean nobody but these 2 accounts use canva. Both accounts use the same style release roadmap. The storytelling and the media themselves are very similar. The same kind of editing, gifs. Especially the older works. If youre not the same person controlling both accounts, youre long lost twins. But I could be wrong.


I actually think that while there are similarities in over arching plot and originally in media (I was subscribed to both), the actual writing style and description style of the actual transformation are rather different. Ashleigh Mae's media has also gone a different route over the past 6-9 months.


They may be 2 different people, I have no way of proving one way or another. I certainly hope they are honestly.


I can't type on the other post, because I am no longer a member. But doesn't everyone love how this Creator came back without a story, just a promise of one. And on top of that they did not give any explanation to why they left for so long, and why they won't refund their paying members. Honestly I hope all of those subscribed to this Creator still can forget about them and find others. This Creator is full of false promises and never keeps their deadline! Best of luck yall!


Lol I periodically check in here and I see he has actually posted? Please don't give this scammer any money. Whatever you vote for will never be published anyways.


Lol I do the same. Funny how the “creator” didnt bother to explain themselves, apologize or refund money they stole. Karma always bites those that do wrong. Sad that there are 150+ just giving their $ away with no return. This is patreon not gofundme

Daniel Delahaye

Well done for being 3 months late I’m so proud of you where’s my refund?


I apologize, guys. There were times when I just couldn't manage it. But I hear you, and I'll make sure to stay connected.


Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous! Like waiting for a movie to come out, huh? Anyway, sorry about that. I'll make it up to you with more stories soon.


You're absolutely right. No deadlines from now on, at least for a couple of months until we get back on track.


Hey guys, you're free to subscribe for whatever amount you feel is necessary, and soon you'll even find it available for free if you search right. I'm completely open about my works, and the main reason I'm doing this is because I simply love creating something fun and seeing people enjoy it. No filters here. I'd be happy if you just read my works.


Sure thing! I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll do my best to make it up to you with my upcoming works.


We don't really care why you're away, we just want to hear from you to see if everything's okay. I don't know, create a discord and let us know when you want to take a break or when you'll be away. For the time being, I'm going to follow the progress of the other stories from a distance, they'll take time to come out, but for now I won't be re-subscribing, at least not right away.


I'm really sorry to hear that. But unfortunately, some things are just out of my hands. Anyway, I'll make sure to keep you guys more updated from now on. The refund has been issued.


Hey Juanan, I'm not sure where you heard that I'm not giving refunds upon request. I want to assure you that I'm not a scammer, despite what some might say. It's especially disheartening to hear this from someone who's been with me from the very beginning. I hope you've had a chance to read "The Motel Room" and see that scammers don't pour this much love into their creations. It's just been a bit of a rough ride for me these past couple of years, and sometimes I can't stay as connected as I'd like. The refund has been issued.


thank you very much, I have indeed been following you since the beginning and I have enjoyed your stories very much from the beginning. What annoyed me in particular was that you didn't put a message saying "I'm sorry I won't deliver but be patient, I will". I'm going to check out the motel story. Best regards


Yeah, I guess I should've thrown in some shorter stories while I was working on "The Motel Room," kind of like what I did with "Welcome to Mexico." My bad. Won't make the same mistake again.


Hey Veronica, those who are subbed probably understand why I might lose connection for a while, given my situation. And they know I'll be back posting again.


Hey guys, love the conspiracy theory! It's always entertaining. Personally, I'd rather stick with one lively, entertaining, and beaming channel than create more. But hey, life throws lemons, sometimes big ones. About refunds, just want to clarify—I'm always happy to issue them when people reach out. It's a bit of a bummer hearing you talk about me like that.


Hey there, I actually posted the story practically on the same day I came up with it, which doesn't always happen, I agree. As for my absence, if you've been following my posts closely, you'd know the reason. I didn't really want to talk about it, but you guys may already be aware that there's a war going on in the place I'm currently in. If you want more details, feel free to reach out to me in DM. Just to clarify, I'm always open to issuing refunds when people reach out to me. However, during my absence, I may not have a connection due to the aforementioned reason.


You're totally right. I meant to get back to each of you before I made a post with explanations and apologies.


The overall issue is a lack of communication. If connection issues are common for whatever reason where it can take months between posts, you may want to try changing your payment options to reflect that. I know Patreon has a payment per update type of option that may fit these very long no contact times. In the end, people just don't want to pay a subscription that doesn't give back what was promised.

Dopest King

If you're not posting this month can I have a refund please?