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Guess who's back in action? And oh boy, have I got some stories to share! First off, I want to express my immense gratitude for the support you all have shown, despite my mysterious disappearing act (hey, I had my reasons, I promise!). Seriously, your support means the world—love you all, guys! While the situation here hasn't exactly improved, at least I'm back home and ready to dive into crafting new stories.

Now, onto the good stuff. Oh, how much I love this plot! Maybe it's the kid in me, but there's something thrilling about an evil witch plotting against her stepson. The incredible Caireenawishes has been working on this for a long time. It seemed like my tendency to create massive works rubbed off on this talented author—she's cooked up one heck of a comic, one of her largest to date! We coordinated the details for some time, but unfortunately, some things had to remain unchanged. In the end, you might catch a hint of what my idea would look like. You know me—I've got a thing for blondes!

And hey, speaking of blondes—why did the blonde take a ladder to the bar on Christmas Eve? She heard the drinks were on the house!

Oh, and before I forget—here's a ho-ho-ho for a Merry Christmas to each and every one of you! 🎅 Let the festive cheer kick in!

The Wicked Stepmother <=== Click Here

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James Abbot-Cole

Not a bad story, though I'm not sold on the Layout, maybe don't have the speech bubbles jump around so much. The artwork might take a little getting used to but it serves it's purpose in the story.