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Hey, everyone! The moment I've been working towards for the past two months has finally arrived, and let me tell you, I'm absolutely thrilled!

I've made countless tweaks and changes to the story while I was working on it, and with every twist and turn, the story was shaping up into something different, filled to the brim with thrilling details. I had a ton of killer ideas I wanted to pack in, and now, it's become a whopping 170-page behemoth, and believe it or not, it's only the first chapter!

I don't mean to boast, but I truly believe this might be one of my best stories yet. It's dripping with all the wickedly juicy stuff you all love. Plus, I've included some transformation elements I've never explored before, so I'm eager to see how you'll react to it.

So, mark your calendars because the first chapter of "The Motel Room" is set to drop on August 5th! To all those who DMed me, expect the links on that date!

Looking forward to seeing you all soon!


Hey, everyone! Almost there, I promise! I know you've been waiting for it tonight, but I gotta apologize; it won't be ready just yet. It's gonna be here real soon, within the next couple of days. So stay tuned and get ready for some awesome stuff!




*plays a 5 hour loop of the chorus for “I’m So Excited” to show how hyped I am*


can I get the link when it's out

Al Boudreaux

Can’t wait to read it. Glad that u r doing good.

Eric Herrera

Could you send me the link


Hey, everyone! Almost there, I promise! I know you've been waiting for it tonight, but I gotta apologize; it won't be ready just yet. It's gonna be here real soon, within the next couple of days. So stay tuned and get ready for some awesome stuff!


Oh, I'm super excited to hear your thoughts once the story is out!


hi, can't you just put up the first 20 pages in the meantime? plz


Hi, still not finished?


Any update on timeframe?


This looks like a joke. Please tell us something.

Shaun Foraker

Can we get shorter stories so we can at least get one or two stories a month


Honestly, either something is published right now or I will seriously consider requesting a refund.


So long........


Could we please get an update.


12 days late and adding...


Been a member since February. So, $35, plus sales tax for 2 new stories? If you’re not going to produce something in a month you should consider pausing your fee like Avaro does or you risk losing patrons forever.


Now what is the next step? Put a post saying that it will be on September 5 and let's pick another month? Very disappointed


Still nothing?


I go straight ahead and I don't hide. I have proceeded to unsubscribe and reported everything that happened this month to the platform. I'm sorry, but you left me no other choice.


It’s been 25 days since you said “couple of days”. Did you maybe mean couple of weeks or mounths ?


this post was a month ago nothing can we get some response on why no story

Shaun Foraker

Anything update surprise story or 2


Still no News ?