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Life is the part of Chaos that is beautiful and just as terrifying. 

Renesme had these words flash in her mind when she saw the young man in front of her. Her heart was pounding in excitement, and the blood in her veins was ecstatic. It was only for a moment, but she had seen his eyes turn to the shade of wine. And she no longer had doubts about who he was. 

She had sensed him long before he had even stepped inside the Palace. Her senses were locked on him, observing his every action, and hearing his every word. Some part of her soul was asking her to rush to him, but she hadn’t figured out why she felt that way. The curiosity soon turned to anticipation when she heard him talk to Stephen. He was coming to see her here.

She was waiting for his knock on the door, but this frivolous man had barged inside without her permission. A spark of anger flashed in her mind, but it vanished the moment their eyes met. Surprise, shock, disbelief, belief, and then relief, she had so many emotions take form in that one moment. 

He stood there smiling at her, and his eyes didn’t shy away. He didn’t hide the admiration in his eyes for her, and Renesme was certain that if any man had kept his eyes on her for so long, she would have taken his eyes from him, but she didn’t feel any rage or repulsion under his eyes. She liked the feeling of having his eyes on her, and she loved the smile on his perfect face. He was handsome. It was to the extent that it was perfection. And why wouldn’t the embodiment of Life be handsome? She was beautiful too. 

“Shazan Silverstein”

He gave his name, and Renesme couldn’t help but smile at him. 

“Renesme Azrael” 

Shazan stood there in a daze at her smile, and she didn’t say anything to disturb his trance.

It took him a while to collect himself, and then his expressions finally wavered. He had finally sensed that his heart was behaving strangely. 

Renesme caught the change in his expressions and hid her aura from him. He was too weak and hadn’t yet realized his powers, and so she could hide from him. 

“It’s rude to come in without knocking on the door,” She said coldly, and her smile ceased. “What makes you so sure that I wouldn’t harm you, Mr. Shazan.”

Her words managed to suppress his feeling that he was unaware of something. It was not that he was scared of her, nor did he feel like she would harm him. There was a part of him that made him feel at ease in her presence, and there was a part of him that didn’t even want to be at guard in front of her. And that was what was making him curious. 

Shazan didn’t let down his guard though. He knew better than to let his guard down in front of anyone. It was the first time he was meeting her, and she was someone immensely strong. A moment of carelessness could cost him everything. 

“My apologies, Lady Renesme.” He said with a smile. “I hadn’t sensed your presence.”

It was an excuse, and they both knew that it couldn’t be believed. 

Renesme stopped herself from smiling at his silly excuse and nodded to him as if she had accepted it. She could see that Shazan didn’t believe that she had accepted his excuse, but his smile had not left his lips. Just a few moments had given her the sound idea of what kind of a man he was. He was dangerous. 

She was surprised to see how strong his mental strength was. He was cautious and clever. And he had control over himself that not many people in the world would have. He admired her beauty, and she knew that he had started falling in love with her. It was not in his control. It was the same for her, but he hadn’t lowered his guard in front of her. He had managed to stop his feelings from clouding his judgment. She was impressed by his display of self-control, but then her eyes finally caught what was hiding behind his eyes. 

Her heart clenched when she realized the pain in his eyes. Her blood was boiling in rage, and her eyes were now on the verge of overflowing with mistiness. He had a smile on his lips, and he had not lost any of his emotions, but there was a pain hiding inside of him that could destroy him. It was the pain of someone who had lost everything, and the pain of someone who could never forgive himself. 

Renesme controlled her heart and her expressions. She didn’t allow him to see that she had figured him all out. She walked over to the couch and sat on it before gesturing him to be seated by her side. 

Shazan was surprised when he saw her gesturing him to be seated by her side. His brows furrowed, not hiding his curiosity from her. He walked over to her and sat down by her side waiting for her to speak. Her aroma was soothing his nerves, and the sense of security he felt by being by her side eased his worries. But no matter what, he couldn’t allow himself to lower his guard in front of someone he had only met today. He unleashed his Powers, and tried to test the waters. He wanted to know if she would be influenced by his Powers or not, and he wanted to see how she would react to his actions.

She sensed him using his abilities on her, but she didn’t pay attention to his actions. It was a futile effort. The difference between their current Realms of strength was too great. 

A curious thought lingered in her mind. She could see right through him, but she still failed to understand something. Why had he not lost his sanity, and how did he manage to not lose any of his emotions under the immensity of the pain he hid inside of him? She had no answer for that. The only explanation was that he still had not lost everything and that he had something he wanted to live for. 

Her mind flashed with the thought of the girl she had sensed with him. They were in love with each other, and she knew that she had a special place in his heart. And then there was the fact that the girl was pregnant with his child. Was that what he was still willing to live for, and was that why he was holding onto his sanity?

She turned her head to him and gazed right in his eyes that were looking at her. No matter how hard she tried to get the answer, she could not. And then she decided to ask him. She did not like the idea of looking through his memories.

“Who do you love the most in your life?” She asked. “Is it the girl that came here with you, or is it someone or something else?” 

The sudden question surprised him. No matter how hard he tried, his Powers had not worked on her. He could not influence her mind even in the slightest. He knew that she was allowing him to try all he wanted, and that was the reason why he had not faced backlash from her Mental-Strength. And now that she had raised such an unexpected question, his heart finally trembled. 

He didn’t know why she had asked the question. The mere thought of her hurting the person he loved the most infuriated him, but the sincerity in her eyes confused him. He took his time making up his mind. His sixth sense told him that she wouldn’t harm him and his family, but he couldn’t be sure. 

“I would never harm you or the people you love dearly,” Renesme said with a smile. 

His heart finally gave in. The sincerity and trust he felt in her tone curbed the last of his worries. He suppressed all the painful thoughts in his mind and just looked in her Wine eyes. He felt that the pain inside of him lessened, and some part of him told him that she could see right through him. And somehow, the thought didn’t scare him. He wanted to be seen by her. 

“I love my Family the most in this world,” He answered her with a smile. “And the person I love the most in my life is my sister, Arianna.” 

Shazan knew that he could never love anyone as much as he loved Arianna, and he knew that he had never loved anyone as much as he loved her. 

Love was a strange emotion. It could not be reasoned, but at the same time, it stemmed from care, obsession, passion, lust, and familial bonds. The root of Love could be any of these, but no matter how hard one would try, he would still fail to reason the emotion of Love with them. What was it that made him so sure that he loved Arianna the most? His love for her stemmed from each of these emotions, and yet, his love for others stemmed from the same emotions. Then what was it that made Arianna more dear to him than anyone else? Was it her love for him? 

He knew that the women in his life loved him dearly. They loved him enough that he was dear to them more than their lives. He still couldn’t understand why his heart was biased to Arianna. He couldn’t bring himself to love them as much as he loved her. He didn’t even know how and why he loved her so much. And he didn’t even want the answer to such questions.

Renesme giggled when she found him lost in thoughts, and the cluelessness on his face was something she was certain was a rare occurrence. But she had received her answer. She knew now why he had not lost himself. Her mind registered the name he had spoken, and she was looking forward to meeting the girl who had unknowingly made her owe to her. 

She tenderly looked at Shazan, and her heart skipped a beat. She had already made up her mind. There was no way that she could allow her greed to snatch away everything for her. She would put an end to the dark fate that loomed on the Supreme Laws. 

“Ask me what you want to know.” She told him. “I will answer you as long as it’s not something you are not yet ready to have an answer for.” 

Her words made him skeptical. He didn’t understand what she meant by him not being ready to hear some answers, but the part of him told him that it had to do with the feeling of familiarity and security that her presence provided him. 

“You know why I came here, right?”

“I do.” She smiled. “They asked you to get some information out of me, right?”

“Yes,” he nodded to her words. “So, tell me, Miss Renesme, why would you leave the mountain that your family had been living in?” 

“It’s just as you had answered to that man named Stephen.” She smiled palely. “The Family I had is gone now. And there was no point in staying there anymore. I wanted to see the things around the world that I had heard and seen from the memories of my family.”

“Seen?” Shazan frowned at her words. 

The ability to see the memories was the ability of Mind-Reading that Stephen and his Family, Mirsakov, possessed. 

“Don’t think too much.” She shook her head. “It’s not my Bloodline Power. It’s a common ability where people can share their memories. You are not strong enough yet. When your Mental-Strength has reached a certain level, you will be able to share the memories as well.”

It was not the first time in his Life that someone had said that he was not strong enough. It was not something that bothered him, but it did make him feel like he knew very little about the world.

“What’s your Bloodline Power then?” He asked. 

Renesme stayed silent for a while. Her eyes observed him, and then a bright smile bloomed on her face. 

“The same as yours.” She answered. 

Her words confused him. He looked at her again and looked in her eyes. No matter how hard he tried to look at it, she was not a Silverstein. 

“You still do not know about a lot of things. The Powers of Bloodlines fall under different categories. What your Family is famous for is Mind-Manipulation. It falls under the Law of Spirit, and your friend Stephen falls in the same category as well. Your wife there, she has heightened senses. She falls under the Law of Judgement.” 

Her words were a knowledge to Shazan that he had never attained before. He wanted to hear more about it, but Renesme stayed quiet. She was testing his curiosity now, and the smile on her face showed that she wasn’t going to tell him more. 

“You haven't told me what exactly is your Ability.” He sighed and asked. He wanted to know more about this subject of Laws, but he remembered the words she had spoken earlier. She said that she wouldn’t tell him things he was not yet ready to hear. There must be a reason why she wouldn’t tell him these things, and he felt like it was for his good. 

“Don’t call them Abilities. They are Laws. Your Mind-Control is one of the Myriad Laws in the universe. As you grow stronger, it will merge with more Laws that fall under the category of the Law of Spirit.” Renesme told him and then proceeded to answer his question. “My family, Axius, has the Myriad Law of Truth. We are famous for our Eyes of the Spirit. We can see the truth of the world. It’s a special part of the Law of Spirit.”

“What do you mean by you can see the truth of the world?” 

“I can see the shades of the light surrounding us that you can not see. I can see your strength. I can see behind illusions and the dimensions that surround us. I can see things others can not.” Renesme answered him unhesitantly. 

Shazan was not surprised at hearing her Powers that she termed as a Myriad Law. What surprised him was that she had not hidden her Powers from him. She had not revealed this to others who had tried to ask her, and for some reason, he felt like it was normal that she was not hiding things from him. She was keeping some things, but as she had said, it was just not the time for him to learn about them. 

“So, your real name is Renesme Axius.” He smiled and winked at her. 

“No.” Renesme giggled and shook her head. “I cannot have the name Axius since I am an Azrael.” 

“Azrael?” He frowned at the mention of the name. The word felt familiar to him, yet it was so alien. He remembered reading about a similar name in some books. It was the name given to an Angel.

“Are you an Angel?” He laughed and asked. 

The expressions on Renesme’s face made him laugh some more. She felt clueless as to why he would say that. 

“I am not an Angel,” She said. “Why would you ask that?” 

Shazan suppressed his impulse to laugh some more, but the genuine curiosity in Renesme’s eyes kept him from doing that. It was for the first time since he had come in her room that she had behaved her age. She gave off a feeling of a thirteen-year-old girl now, and he had to control the impulse to stroke her head. 

“I read about an Angel called Azrael in one of the books. If I remember right, the Angel was the Angel of Destruction.” He told her.

Renesme seemed to have understood why he had asked her if she was an Angel. She had a pale smile on her face now, and she looked to be lost in some thoughts. 

“What is it?” He asked her. 

Had it been anyone else with her strength, he knew that he wouldn’t have dared to disturb the thoughts of such a person, but Renesme was different. He felt like he could disturb her, and she wouldn’t even mind it. 

“Nothing,” She shook her head. “Was just wondering if an Angel would even dare to call himself an Azrael.” 

The coldness in her voice made his heart tremble. It was as if the little girl had vanished, and what was there in her stead was a lady with immense strength. His eyes looked at her, and the soothing feeling she gave off to him was making him fall in love with her. He knew that he was attracted to her. She was heavenly beautiful, but there was more to it. There was something that he could not understand but still feel it. It was a heartwarming feeling. 

“You are scaring me.” He joked with her and patted her head.

He had done it subconsciously, and the moment he realized what he had done, it was too late. His hand was caressing her head the way he caressed the head of the girls that belonged to him. 

The soft touch and the little bounciness of her hair made him pat her head some more. His eyes were looking right in her eyes. And what he found in her eyes was affection for him and some happiness. He was mesmerized by her. He wanted to hold her in his embrace and hide her from the rest of the world. He wanted her to belong to him and only him. The spark of this deadly possessiveness scared him, and he took his hand back. Now he was not sure of his control anymore. 

Renesme giggled when she saw the flustered look on his face. It was amusing, and she knew why he was feeling that way. She was happy. 

“By the way, why wouldn’t an Angel dare to call himself an Azrael?” He asked as he tried to shift his mind off the thoughts that were running wildly. 

“Because they have no right to bear that name. And there are certain rules that must be abided by.” She answered with a smile. 

Again, he felt like she wouldn’t answer him any more than that. The girl by his side knew things he didn’t, and as someone who longed to learn about the truth of the world, it was nothing less than torture to him. 

“And what would you do if you come across an Angel who called himself Azrael.” He chuckled and asked. 

“I will kill him.” 

He was just teasing her, but now he was scared of her. He could feel deep in his heart that she meant the words she had just spoken. She was still smiling, and her Wine eyes still held affection for him, but the words she had spoken were grave and true. He wanted to ask her more questions, but he remained silent. She had meant what she had said, and that implied things he was scared to ask. Did Angels exist for real?


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