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The serene silence in the room didn’t reflect the chaos his mind was in right now. There were too many thoughts running in his mind, and with each thought, his curiosity was bubbling up. He had always believed that there existed creations of God that he could never comprehend, he had always believed that Angels were not just a myth, but he had never thought that they existed as if they were just another creation. The words of the little girl by his side implied that Angels were just another creation that could be seen and killed. 

Shazan wanted to ask her so many questions, but he felt that he shouldn’t be asking about them right now. It was just his instincts asking him to contain his curiosity. His eyes looked at the girl by his side, and his mind quietened down. He was now marveling her beauty and her features that were a heavenly perfection. 

“Even Angels wouldn’t be able to match you in beauty.” He said and smiled. His words were true from his heart. 

“Well, Thank you!” Renesme smiled brightly.

“But…” He had a teasing smile on his face now. “There’s someone I know, who is just as beautiful as you.” 

“Who?” She asked curiously. Her expressions told him that she had absolute confidence in her beauty, yet she was not prideful about it. 

“It’s my sister.” He chuckled and answered her. “So, your charm wouldn’t work on me.” 

“Is that so?” 

“Yes!” He nodded. 

“But why do I feel like it’s working just fine?” She teased him back. 

“Perhaps, it’s my charm that’s making you believe so, silly girl.” 

Shazan conversed with her as if he had known her all his life. There was just something about her that made him feel complete for some reason. He hadn’t even realized the fleeting time with her.  

Renesme had never talked with someone so much in her life. She told him several things she had experienced. And she told him about her hobbies. He was intrigued when Renesme claimed that she loved dancing and that she was great at it. And after she had danced in front of him, he sat there with surprise, admiration, and adoration reflecting on his face. 

He had then told her about his hobbies, the animals he loved, the music he liked, and his favorite food. She was a little confused when he described the flavors of his favorite food. And so, he had called to the kitchen to prepare some of his favorite dishes and send them over to the room. 

She made him talk about his family as they waited for their supper. At other times, he would have been struck by waves of painful memories at the mention of his family, but at the moment, he happily talked about it.

Shazan told her about how much he loved Arianna, and then he told her about Keira. He also told her about Asaya and Helen, and he talked to her about how lazy and adorable his Karen was. He told her how caring Marilyn was, and then he told her about how loyal and efficient his family butler, Ezio, was. They were the people important to him.

Renesme didn’t raise a lot of questions. She happily listened to him talking about his family. His voice emanated to her how much he loved and cared about them. Her senses were keen as she found him, at times, avoiding certain information, and she felt that it had something to do with the pain he hid inside of him. She didn’t ask anything about it since she feared it would evoke his painful memories. She didn’t want to see him in pain. 

He was baffled to find out that Renesme didn’t know much about the world. She didn’t even know what country they were in, and how everything worked in this place. She had some vague idea about how money worked and what Governments were, but it was like she lacked the basic details of this world. He was curious, but he explained everything to her with patience. 

“So this is the Head-Quarters of The Wise-Blood Order?” 

“Yes,” He nodded to her.

“And you work here with the rest of them?” She sounded displeased at something. 

“Yes,” He answered her. “I am the First Lord of The Wise-Blood Order. There are a Total of Seven Lords at one time, and the one commanding and observing them is called the Supreme Zero. Stephen is the current Supreme Zero of the Order.”

“But there are more than seven people here, and some are stronger than you and Stephen.”

“They are the Elders. They were Lords at some point in time, but they retired, and now they spend their time helping the new fellows and roaming around the world. They seldom take interest in the management of the Order, but they come forward when their aide is needed. They are all under the Command of the Supreme Zero.” He explained to her.

“Why are there only two Orders in this world?” Renesme asked.

“The reason is that they have two different ideologies. They both work to maintain the order in this world and look after the Azeros. The difference lies in the approach. The Order of the Myriad Eye believes in the thought that Azeros should rule this world. All the humans should submit to them, and the truth of the Amazeros should be apparent to everyone in the world. The Wise-Blood Order believes that the world must not know of the truth. It would lead to Chaos, and then the control over the Azeros would weaken as well. The Orders won’t be able to contain the actions of the Azeros, and the fear in the hearts of the humans would either lead them to revolt or lose their free will, which is an integral part of the Human existence. If a war happens, it’s clear that Azeros would win, and that means that more than half of the world's population could disappear.”

He told her about the ideologies of the Orders. It was no concern to him what happened to the world, and which Order prevailed, but since he was part of the Wise-Blood Order, he would work in that direction. 

“That’s sinister. Isn’t it?” Renesme smiled. “Both the Orders, in the end, want the Power. Your Order wants to rule the world from the shadows, and the other Order wants to rule from the front.

Shazan laughed heartily at her words. She was smart, and he was impressed that she was able to see right through their intentions. How could it be that the Powerful won’t hold the Power over the weak? It was all about Power. The only difference was their approach to handle their affairs. 

“True.” He nodded at her. “The Orders are not exactly antagonistic to each other. We work together from time to time, but yes, we have fought against each other as well. The existence of the two Orders prevents the world from falling into chaos. There are several different Powers working under each Order. Several different secret factions and families work with us. They support the Ideologies they believe in, and the one that could profit them. There are some factions, and families that do not belong to any Order; They want to remain independent. And lately, both the Orders have been trying their very best to gain their support.” 

“Is that the reason why those Elders are trying their best to gain my favor?” Renesme smiled lightly. 

He nodded at her. He was lost in some thought when the door of the room was knocked, and the sudden interruption helped him reach a decision. 

“I don’t want you to get involved in any of these stupid affairs.” He told her and smiled. “Live your life, and forget about these matters. You don’t have to support any of them.”

His words surprised Renesme, and she happily nodded to him. 

“I thought you were the First Lord of this Order?” She asked. 

“Let me tell you a secret,” He reached over to her ear and whispered. “I don’t care about their naive struggles; All that matters to me are the people I love.” 

Renesme giggled at his words and watched him walk over to the door. She knew he wouldn’t ask her to help his Order. It was unlike his character, and then there was the fact that he wanted to possess her for himself. How could she not see that possessiveness in his eyes? She could feel it herself. He didn’t want her to work for people. And she would never work for anyone. 

The moment he opened the door, his smile brightened. 

“Keira!” He happily held her hand and dragged her inside the room. 

Keira was taken aback by his excitement and followed him inside the room. She didn’t even get the time to think much before her eyes landed on the girl sitting on the couch, and she was mesmerized by the beauty of her. 

“Keira, this is Renesme,” He introduced her. “And Renesme, this is my wife Keira. Isn’t she beautiful?”


“She is.”

The girls replied in unison. They both acknowledged each other’s beauty. Keira couldn’t help but smile. There was just a vibe around Renesme that made her feel at ease. And her earlier worries to why Shazan was taking so long, vanished in the brink of time. 

“Come.” Renesme gestured her to sit by her side. 

Keira looked at Shazan, and seeing him nod to her, she walked over to the little girl and sat by her side. 

Shazan let the ladies be, and turned to the maids that were standing at the door. Their supper was here. He gestured them to enter and set the trolley near the table. 

The girls were nervous in his presence, and they carefully set the dishes on the table before asking if he needed anything more. 

“No, It’s fine. Thank you.” He told them. 

His words made the maids blush, and they bowed before taking their leave. Before leaving the room, one of the girls looked at Renesme, and her jaw dropped open in her amazement. She was surprised at her beauty. Thankfully, the maid by her side dragged her out before it could be considered rude. 

“Even girls fall for your charm.” He chuckled as he took his seat on the table. 

“You make it sound like it’s my fault.” Renesme smiled and said. 

“Isn’t it?” 

She didn’t answer him and cutely shrugged. She was holding Keira’s wrist and feeling her heartbeat. She was using her Aura to scan her body and observe the state of the child in her womb. 

Keira didn’t know what Renesme was doing. She felt a soothing warmness in her abdomen, and then she felt as if the blood in her veins was getting excited. 

“It’s a girl.” 

The words of Renesme shocked Shazan and Keira. Both of them didn’t speak for a while, and their eyes were locked on Renesmee as she placed her hand lovingly on Keira’s belly. A sweet smile was adorning her face, and it seemed like she was happy from the core of her heart. 

Shazan got up from his seat and walked over to the girls. He planted a kiss on Keira’s forehead and teasingly nudged her nose. 

“I know my daughter’s going to be just as beautiful as her mother.” He softly said to her and caressed her cheek lovingly. 

Keira blushed under his touch. His loving gaze warmed her heart, and her eyes turned misty. She didn’t know how Renesme could tell if it was a boy or a girl with just a touch, and then there was the fact that she was only a month into her pregnancy. However, her heart believed what Renesme had said. It was a girl, and she was happy about it. Her hand gently caressed her lower abdomen, and she whispered the name she had decided if it was going to be a girl. 


Shazan smiled at her and planted a kiss on her head. 

“That’s a beautiful name.” 

Renesme nodded excitedly. She liked the name, and her eyes showed that she was just as excited for the baby as Shazan and Keira were. 

“Come,” He patted Keira’s head. “Let’s eat.”

The girls nodded to him and followed him to the table. Renesme sat on his right, and Keira took her seat on his left. He found it amusing that Renesme was waiting for him to place a plate for her with his choice of the dish. And so he plated a Steak for her, the same as the one he was taking. He introduced her to the different sauces and let her pick the ones that suit her taste. 

He was glad that Renesme said that liked the Steak. She happily ate it, and then took another one. She ate a lot for a girl, but it was understandable, she was a Zeros. Zeros needed a lot more food than the humans, and so, he didn’t find it unusual. 

Keira silently observed her Husband and the little girl who looked to be enjoying their time eating. She couldn’t understand how easily Shazan had accepted this little girl. She had never seen him so happy in the company of someone who was not his family. Seeing a bright smile on his face, and his happy expressions, her heart felt at ease. She hoped that he’d regain his lost self. He was once a kind of boy who loved having fun and teasing everyone around him. He used to laugh a lot and made others laugh, but now, at times, it felt like he was just the shell of his old self. It was the same for everyone in the family. Each of them had suffered. They bore the pain inside their hearts that could never be forgotten. But he had lost the most, and his pain was the greatest. She wished for her Master to be happy, and she felt indebted to Renesme for giving him a happy time. 

“Keira,” Shazan called out her name. “Is something bothering you?” 

She shook her head, and affectionately smiled at him.

“I am just too happy.”

“That’s good,” He nodded to her. “Eat more.”

“You want me to get fat?” 

“As if you could.” He chuckled and continued eating. 

“But do you?” Keira squinted her eyes and questioned. 

“Nope…” He smiled. 


Renesme giggled at their exchange, but she refused to talk while they were eating. 

Shazan recalled Stephen telling him what Julius had told him. He had observed the manners and etiquettes of Renesme, and no matter how he looked at it, she was a Princess. He was keen to such details, as he was a Prince as well. He could tell the background of a person by just the manner they talked in. And by every passing moment, he was becoming more and more curious about Renesme. 

He took his leave after finishing his meal. He let Keira stay with Renesme as he walked to the Hall where the Elders and Stephen were waiting. He didn’t like giving answers to people. He just wanted to do something about their interest in Renesme. 

The moment he entered the room, dozens of eyes locked on him. He ran his gaze over to the people in the Hall, before nodding and walking to his seat on the main table. The current Lords of the Order were not present here. It was only him and Stephen, and the rest were all Elders. And the last person was a girl with emerald eyes. 

“You surprise me, lad.” 

The man who said in a pleased voice was Julius. He was sitting there with his eyes closed, and despite the glee in his voice, there was no smile on his face. 

Shazan had a good impression of this man. Julius had no interest in the matters of the Order, and unlike some other Elders, he didn’t even bother to favor any Lord over the others. 

“You don’t need to worry about anything. She is not interested in the matters our Power Struggle.” He said to the people on the table. 

His words gave birth to whispers, and discussion between the people on the table, but he didn’t bother with them. His eyes turned to the girl sitting by his side, and he smiled at her.

“You don’t get bored here, little Sera?” He asked. 

Serafina was surprised at him addressing her by her nickname, but then she blushed and lowered her head. 

“I do.” She answered. “Father made me come here because he wanted me to learn more about these things, and to meet you.” 

“Next time Stephen asks you to do something you don’t want to do, tell him that you have my permission, and so you don’t have to do it.” He chuckled and told her. 

Stephen was sitting right by the side of his daughter. He helplessly shook his head at Shazan’s words. He wanted to refute him and wanted to tell him that Serafina still had a lot more to learn, but he knew that his daughter already belonged to this young man. He was her Fiancee. 

Serafina gleefully smiled at Shazan’s words and nodded to him. She was happy at finding him initiating a talk. He seldom said a few words, and surprisingly, he seemed happy today. 

“If you want to meet that little girl, you should go to her room. Keira is there with her.” 

She looked at him when he said those words. There was a smile on his face, and for a moment, he allowed her to read his mind. 


He told her again in her mind. 

Serafina was confused as to why he was making her leave, but she didn’t ask and obediently got up to leave the room. She nodded to her father and then walked out of the room. 

Stephen’s brows furrowed as he sensed something wrong in the Hall. He glanced at Shazan and found a solemn look on his face. The pale smile on his face scared him. He understood why Shazan had made Sera leave this Hall. 

“Tell us what you learned about her, Silverstein.” A hoarse voice an Elder sounded in the room, and the discussion on the table ceased. 

All the eyes except Julius’ looked at him for an answer. 

“Nothing… I failed to learn anything useful about her.” He answered. “I could only determine a few things, and I can tell you that she’s immensely strong. Other than that, she has manners of a Princess, and so her Family must be special. And no, she is not wearing a façade. Her actual age is twelve years.” 

His words caused a ruckus on the table. A girl who was not even thirteen was stronger than them. It was unacceptable to some, and some feared her. However, there were a few people on the table that had sinister smiles on their faces now. 

“And how did you manage to converse with her, and even share a meal with her?” An elder with a smile on his face inquired. “Did you manage to use your powers on her?” 

“I don’t know anything about that, and no, my Powers are useless on her.” He shook his head and replied. 

The silence lasted on the table only for a brief moment, and then laughter reverberated in the Hall. 

“You are still too young to hide things from our eyes, lad.” An Elder spoke. “I have a feeling that you know a lot more about her than what you are telling us.” 

Shazan looked in the eyes of that Elder, and his eyes flashed a cold glint. He could see through the intentions of these few Elders, and his blood was boiling in rage. 

“I warn you, Gladrielle. Let those thoughts vanish from your mind, or you will meet your end before time.”

“You have got guts to threaten me, lad.” 

Gladrielle stood up from his seat. His grey hair declared his age, and his pale blue eyes were holding greed and rage inside of them. Despite his age, his face looked to be that of a man in his late forties. It was thanks to his strength that he managed to look over a century younger than his real age. 

“I want that girl,” Gladrielle announced in the Hall.

There was silence in the room. People were surprised at what was unfolding before them. There were some other Elders who wanted to get their hands on Renesme, but they couldn’t bring themselves to stand against Gladrielle. He was one of the strongest people in the Hall. 

“She’s mine.”

Shazan’s voice reverberated in the ears of everyone present. His words were few and said in a low voice, but they made the hearts of people tensed. The warning was loud and clear.


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