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Altdorf, Switzerland.
Friday, July 6th, 2018.

The dim light in the room added to the solemnness that the men sitting on the table emanated. The black table had the symbol of a blood flame on it, and the people on the table had a similar symbol on the cloaks that they were wearing. They all looked to be near their fifties and sixties. But the wisdom and astuteness in their eyes proved that they were much older than what they looked.

“What have you decided, Stephen?” A man asked with a concerned face. It had been a while since they had all gone silent. 

“I have already sent for Shazan. He will be here at any moment now.” The man with blonde hair and emerald green eyes said with a sigh. He looked to be in his early fifties, but his hair was still lustrous. There were slight wrinkles on his face and a shallow scar under his right eye. He was a handsome man for his age, and his aura was overwhelmingly potent. 

“Do you think he will succeed in getting some information out of her?” Another man voiced his concern. 

“No, but I believe that he might have a chance.” Stephen squinted his eyes and seemed to be lost in some thoughts, “She’s not so simple. And I have a feeling that she is stronger than all of us, and I mean that all of us combined.” His words made the hearts of the people around him heavy. 

“That’s not possible?” An old woman asked. “She is not even 14 years old. How could she be stronger than us? It must be her ability that you are unable to read her thoughts.” 

“And the terrifying feeling she gives us? You have been in her presence.” Stephen mockingly smiled at the woman. “Tell me, Alice, did you not feel like you were too insignificant in front of her?”

The woman wanted to say something but lowered her head. Her body trembled as she recalled looking in the Wine eyes of that little girl. She had felt like her soul was being sucked out of her. It was terrifying. But her heart was not content with the words of Stephen. She was not willing to accept that a 14 years old girl was stronger than any of the people present on the table. And Stephen had said that the little girl was stronger than all of them combined. No matter how she looked at it, it seemed impossible to her. There had to be a reason why she gave them such a terrifying feeling, but it was not because she was stronger than them. She was sure of it.

“What do you want to do to her if Shazan fails to get some information as well?” Another man inquired. His voice didn’t hide his apprehensions. 

“What can we do, Ben?” Stephen shook his head in helplessness. “I know some of you have plans for her. You want to send her to the House of Scarlet letters or own her for yourselves.” He looked at them. “But you know it’s not possible. And I wouldn’t allow anyone to be rude to her or to give her a reason to stand against us. We have no idea what she’s capable of doing.” 

“But what if she had some motives against us?” A man asked with concern.

“I don’t think she has any interest in the matters of The Wise Blood Order. If she had planned on harming us, I believe that she would have already done so.” Stephen looked at the man on the other side of the table. “You are the one who brought her here, Julius. Do you have no information on her abilities?” 

“I have already told you guys everything that I know.” Julius shook his head. His long grey hair waved, and his grey eyes closed. He was an old man, older than everyone present on the table. “I owed my life to a couple who had saved me from death. I still remember how mesmerized I had been by their Wine eyes and hair. They were unlike anything I had seen before. They were in their late teens and lived in a small house under a mountain. Even though they led a simple life, their makings were that of princes and princesses. And even their clothes were different and of a design that I had never seen before. Their etiquettes were more defined than what I had been taught in my life. I only spent a few days with them, and that little time was enough to make me believe that they were not simple. When I recovered, I left. I had tried asking them about their family, and their origin, but they had never answered me." He sighed. "I owed my life to them, so I didn’t force them to answer my questions. And I never told anyone about them. They wanted to live like they were living, and they told me that was how their family had lived like for generations. Isolated and alone. So, I let them be.” 

Julius sighed again and looked at the red gem that the young man had given to him as a present. He had still not figured out what it was, but it was unlike any stone he had seen before, and it was beautiful. 

“A month ago, I decided to pay a visit to them. You all know that I am nearing my time of demise, and so I wanted to see them one last time. But life isn’t fair. I had not seen them for only thirty years, and what I met there were their graves. And in that small house was living this little girl that I brought here with me. She informed me that the young couple I was acquainted with were her grandparents, and they passed away 24 years ago.” He stopped and frowned. “I couldn’t understand how they could die at such a young age. They were strong people. They were Azeros. But the girl did not answer me. I had lost my control over my emotions for just a moment, and at that moment I had raised my voice.” He smiled at the people around the table, “And the way she looked at me scared me to the core of my soul. I had never been so scared of anything in my life before. I was sure that if I did not apologise the next second, my life would be forfeit.”

His words added to the tension inside the room. They were all aware of what kind of a man Julius was. And for something to scare him meant that it was something beyond their power. 

“I suggest you not to hold any ill intentions towards her. She is dangerous.” Julius warned them. “I only brought her here with me because she was all alone now. And she had not refused my suggestion when I had asked her to come with me.” He didn’t say anything more and sank back in his chair.

The room remained silent for a few moments before Stephen cleared his throat and got up from his seat. 

“Shazan is here.” He told them. “I will let you know how things turn out.” 

“Warn him not to lose his control in front of that girl,” Julius warned.

Stephen nodded to him and exited the room. 

Inside a luxurious living room was sitting a young man around twenty years of age. The young man was devilishly handsome. He was lazily sitting there, and by his side was sitting a teenage girl who looked to be around 16 years of age. Her bluish grey eyes were mesmerizing, and she was someone who had elegance and beauty worthy enough to be by the side of that boy. The girl was holding his hand, and her head was resting on his shoulder. She looked peaceful at being close to him, and the boy had his cheek resting on her head. It was clear that they loved each other dearly. The pair straightened up when the girl sensed someone approaching the living room. 


Stephen entered the room and flashed a generous smile at the young man. 

“Lord Stephen,” Shazan nodded to the man and slightly bowed after getting up from his seat. 

“There’s no need to be so formal. I am your father-in-law .” The man laughed heartily as if the prospect of Shazan being his son-in-law was his life long wish. He went forward and hugged the young man, before gesturing him to be seated. 

Shazan sat down on the couch and observed the expressions of Stephen. He knew that Stephen had something on his mind, and that was why he was called here. Stephen was not just his future Father-in-law, but also the Supreme Zero of The Wise-Blood Order. 

“Is everything okay?”

Stephen walked over to the other couch and sat down. He observed Shazan and the girl by his side. 

“How are you feeling now, Keira?” He inquired in a fatherly manner. 

“I am fine, Uncle Stephen.” Keira politely smiled at him.

She was one month pregnant. And she had never been happier in her life before. 

“You don’t have to push yourself in these times.” 

“Don’t worry, Uncle. It’s okay. And I am his Shadow. I have to be with him at all times.” 

Stephen shook his head when he saw the determination in the eyes of this young girl. How could he not see the worry that her eyes held? He had lived for nearly six decades, and in his lifetime he saw all kinds of people. He knew when someone was worried. And he could read the mind of this girl in front of him. She was here because she was scared of leaving Shazan alone. And her fears weren’t baseless. 

“Treasure her, lad.” He said and sighed. “You are lucky to have someone who treasures you so much.” 

Shazan didn’t answer him and still observed the expressions he was wearing. He had a premonition that something big had happened.

“Am I so bad at hiding it?” Stephen chuckled as he saw Shazan waiting for him to explain things. He was impressed by this boy’s capabilities and strength. And he was dangerous. 

Shazan was the youngest First Lord in the history of The Wise-Blood Order, and soon he was going to sit on the seat of the Supreme Zero. Stephen had already nominated him as his successor, and Shazan had proven his strength to the other Lords and the Elders. He was strong enough that even Stephen couldn’t use his ability to read minds on him. His mental strength was at a scary level, and it was also the reason why the old Elders respected such a young man like him. 

“Julius brought someone to the Palace a month ago.” Stephen sighed and started telling Shazan about the problem they were facing. “It’s a young girl of thirteen years.”

Shazan frowned at what he heard. He couldn’t understand what anything had to do with the girl’s age.

“I can’t read her mind,” Stephen said. “And I believe that it’s not her ability that keeps me from reading her mind.” 

“You mean to say that this girl is stronger than you by several folds? Or holds a stronger mental strength than you?” He was not too surprised at Stephen’s revelation. 

Seeing no surprise in the young man’s face, Stephen sighed. How could something like this surprise this young lad? He also possessed higher mental strength than him. But that girl was different. 

“Both,” Stephen nodded.

Shazan’s expressions finally showed hints of surprise. 

“Are you certain?”

“I have not seen her display her strength, but I have this feeling that she is stronger than me and stronger than any Elder in the Wise-Blood Order. And this feeling comes from deep within my heart. Just like you, I have confidence in my instincts. And my sixth sense has never betrayed me.” 

Hearing hints of fear in Stephen’s voice shocked both Shazan and Keira. It was the first time they had sensed fear emanating in Stephen’s voice. 

“You will see it for yourself,” Stephen nodded to him. 

“You want me to try to get information out of her?” Shazan asked in a serious voice. 

“Yes,” Stephen nodded. “She’s stronger than you, but your mental strength is higher than anyone else I have known. I don’t think it’s at the same level as her, but perhaps, your ability will work on her.” 

“And if it doesn’t? And what if she senses me trying to control her mind?” 

Stephen laughed when he heard those questions. 

“You don’t seem to be worried about it. The way I see it, you are looking forward to meeting this girl.” 

Shazan didn’t refuse his words. He was curious. He wanted to see this person who instilled fear in the hearts of all the Elders of this Secret Order. He inwardly smiled when he thought of the Elders losing their minds over this matter.

“Do you have any information on her abilities?” He asked.

“No,” Stephen shook his head. “We tried to figure them out, but she never revealed them.”

“Uncle,” Keira worriedly spoke up. “Do you think it’s wise to put him in such a danger? What if she hurts him?” 

Stephen remained silent. He knew that his request was selfish, but he had to give it a shot. Shazan was their last hope of getting some information out of her, and he had confidence in his successor. He knew that Shazan wouldn’t do anything too excessive to infuriate that girl.

“It’s risky, but he knows how to deal with these situations.” Stephen nodded to Keira and looked at Shazan. “Are you willing to meet her?”

The question was unnecessary.

“Of course,” He answered without hesitation. “I’ll be back.” He looked at Keira and nodded to her. 

Keira caught his hand as he tried to get up.

“I am coming with you.” 

“No, you are not coming with me.” He patted her head, and free his hand from her hold. “Stay here, okay?”

“Shazan…” Keira pleaded as her eyes turned misty. 

“I’ll be fine.” He assured her and planted a kiss on her head. “The girl has been here for nearly a month, and she hasn’t harmed anyone. As Uncle said, they have tried to see through her abilities. And if she is truly as strong as Uncle believes, then she must have seen through their intentions. The fact that she hasn’t harmed them or gotten mad at them means that it didn’t bother her much.” He gave his reasons to her. “I have a feeling that she wouldn’t harm me just for prying a little.” 

Keira was still reluctant to let him go alone, but she knew that he was worried about her, and so he was not taking her with him. She was with their child, and Shazan didn’t want her to face any complications. It was better for him to go their alone, and she knew that he was intelligent enough to work himself out of complicated situations. 

“I’ll be fine, Keira.”

Shazan assured her again, and Keira finally nodded her head. 

“Don’t do anything reckless, or I will report it to Arianna.” 

Shazan shook his head and lightly smiled. His Queen was now threatening him, and well, her threat was quite effective.

Stephen got up from his seat and walked out of the room together with Shazan. After they walked down the long hallway, Stephen surrounded them in his aura and finally spoke. 

“Keira can’t hear us now.” 

“Why are you scared of that girl?” Shazan finally asked the question he hadn’t asked in front of Keira. 

“Julius told me that her family lived in isolation for several generations, but this girl readily agreed to take Julius’ offer to bring her to a new place.” 

“Tell me everything Elder Julius as told you.” Shazan frowned and asked. 

Stephen narrated everything to him and looked forward to hearing his thoughts on the matter. 

“What do you think is her reason to come here?” Stephen asked. 

“Perhaps she was just bored.” Shazan smiled and said. “She had no brother, and no other family left. Her bloodline would end with her, and from Elder Julius’ observations, it seems like the people of her family die at a young age. She is thirteen years old right now, and I believe that she only has ten more years of life.” 

The confident analysis of Shazan impressed Stephen. He couldn’t help but smile in satisfaction. He had such thoughts, and now that Shazan had also reached a similar conclusion, his worries lessened. No matter how strong this girl was, she had a weakness, and since she was going to die young, it was unlikely that she would harbor any intentions of getting involved in the power struggle of this world. 

“You don’t need to push yourself to get information out of her. If you feel like she is too dangerous, then retreat.” He warned him and smiled. “Though I highly doubt that she would be able to stand your charm.” Stephen ended his words with a wink. 

Shazan shook his head at the thoughts of the old man. Stephen wanted him to seduce the girl with his charms to get some information about her. He was truly a shrewd man.

They both arrived outside the door of the room where that girl was staying. Shazan tried to sense any presence inside the room, but he couldn’t find anyone. His senses were unable to grasp her.

“Be careful,” Stephen whispered and walked back to the hall where the Elders were waiting for him. He knew that Shazan would take his time. 

Shazan stood outside the door for a few minutes, and after taking a deep breath, he opened the door and walked inside. He hadn’t knocked on it because he wanted to get some reaction out of her. He wanted to see how she would behave at his rudeness. 

A fragrant aroma assaulted him the moment he stepped inside the room, and what greeted him were a pair of enchantingly beautiful eyes glaring at him. His mind froze. He had never thought he would see someone as beautiful as Arianna, but the girl before him was that beautiful. His heart was beating in a strange rhythm, and he hadn’t realized, but his eyes had turned to a wine shade for a moment before they returned back to normal. 

“Shazan Silverstein” He smiled and gave his name to her. 

The girl had a surprised look on her face. The eyes that were glaring at him were now looking at him in disbelief. Her shock lasted only for a moment, and then her expressions returned to normal. A smile appeared on her thin yet sensuous lips. 

“Resenme Azrael.” 

His heart trembled at the beauty of her voice. 


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