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Hey folks!

Well, there goes February. I always forget what a short month it is. As I've said before, I'll be taking March off, so I will be pausing subscriptions for everyone during that month, though I will still be trying to post stories every week. I'm glad that I'm recovering so well, but I still need to take it easy for a bit.

Also, and this is important - there is a strong chance that I will be putting this patreon on hiatus from June 1st until the end of the year. It's not certain yet, but I've been in discussion with some parties about a 6-7 month job that I might be doing in that time which will prevent me from being able to fulfil my obligations to you, and obviously I can't take money during that period.

I admit I am conflicted about it. It's a very good opportunity, but I really love my work here and I'm loathe to give it up. And the details are still up in the air, so this could yet all blow over, but I thought I should keep you all informed so you could prepare for that scenario.

(If anyone was hoping to go for some longer series that they can't get finished before June, just contact me and we'll work something out.)

Anyways, enough about that. Please enjoy this piece - it's a real treasure!

Have fun folks - I'll see you next week.


Nami woke up.

It was a sudden process, as if someone had flicked a switch and turned on the light in her mind. In an instant, awareness flooded in, followed swiftly by the world around her as her senses began reporting their findings. Taste didn’t have much to go over – a slight metallic tang on her tongue. Smell wasn’t much better – dust, mostly. Touch was a bit more thorough, informing her that there was a light, mildly pleasant breeze in the air around her, a very solid stone flood beneath her, and no sign of any clothing anywhere on her body.

Sight took a little longer to boot up and scan, given how much it had to go over, but it was still only just behind the others. Soon enough, it was telling her that she was standing in an ornately decorated stone corridor, lit by burning torches, filled by precious looking works of art and artifacts.

Touch update: Starting to drool a bit. Keeping an eye on that.

And as for hearing…

“Unit VG02, Are You Receiving Audio Input?”

Was that… Robin’s voice? It was coming from behind her.

“Robin?” Nami tried to turn, only to find herself rooted in place, unable to turn her head for some reason. “Is that you?”

“Negative. It Appears You Are Experiencing A Malfunction In Your Identification Subroutines. Perhaps It Is Related To The Rest Of Your Defect.”

Huh. That was strange. It definitely sounded like Robin. Or, you know, it sort of sounded like her. It was definitely her voice, but it sounded… hollow. Emotionless. Not dead, exactly, but monotone in a way that Robin only got just before she was about to do something terrifying to someone…

Hey, wait a sec.

“Defect? Hey, are you calling me defective?!”

“Affirmative. That Is Why You Have Been Placed In Maintenance Mode.”

Maintenance- What? She tried to look around again, but nope, she still couldn’t. Why was that, exactly? It seemed like one of those things that should really bother her, but she found it felt pretty natural. Still confusing though.

“Who are you then?” She tried a different tactic. “What’s going on?”

“Memory Malfunction Report Submitted. Interesting. Very Well. Perhaps Manual Engagement Will Encourage Recovery.”

Nami blinked. “What?”

“I Will Answer Your Questions,” the monotone voice explained. “I Am Unit VG01. I Am Administering Maintenance To You To Attempt To Fix You Before Master’s Inspection Tomorrow.”

“Oh.” Well none of that sounded right. The navigator frowned. “VG01? Is that, like, a nickname or something?”

“Of A Sort,” the voice agreed without inflection. “It Is My Designation. It Stands For Vault Guard 01.”

“Oooh.” Nami’s eyes lit up. “Vault? As in, like, treasure vault?”


Well hot damn, now this had her attention!

“So if you’re over here… Where might this vault be, hm?”

Touch check in: Yep, drooling quite a bit now.

“It Is Right Behind Us.”

Ding ding ding! Oh hell yes! Nami could hear the bells of victory ringing already!

Hearing update: No she couldn’t.

Okay, this situation was weird, and she was definitely worried about the rest of her crew – especially Robin, who may or may not have been the strange woman behind her – but if treasure was involved, everything was going to be okay! She was probably just in the middle of some daring heist or something. Actually, now that she thought about it, she could vaguely remember something about that…

“Does That Answer All Of Your Questions?” There was a heavy sound, the clank of metal on stone, as the presence behind her began to move. “It Is Important Your Malfunction Is Repaired Before Tomorrow’s Inspection.”

“Well, I…” Nami began, already spinning up a yarn in her head that’d distract this guard for a little longer, and hopefully ply some more information out of her – but then the woman finally moved into her line of sight. “R-Robin?!?”

Oh yes, there could definitely be no doubt now – the woman she had been talking to, the one who insisted that her ‘designation’ was VG01, was absolutely Nico Robin. The two of them had been crewmates and friends for years, Nami recognised her instantly. And honestly, if she didn’t have that long, close history… She really might not have. Because Robin looked… different… from how the navigator remembered her.

The first thing that stood out was her skin. Because Nico Robin had always had amazing skin, you’ve no idea. No matter the situation, be it storm, sand, or being attacked by sentient marshmallows, the woman was always beautiful, and her skin was so smooth you’d think she ate the Soft-soft fruit. Nami had been jealous of her for years, but she’d never shared her secret beauty techniques.

Now, though, that peachy soft skin had been replaced by cold, hard, shining metal. Yes, from head to toe, the woman seemed to be made completely of gold, or something like it, with obvious joints and hinges for her articulated movement. Had she become a cyborg of some kind? But even if she had, why would she make herself stand out like this? She looked more like a Nico Robin model than the real thing, even though Nami was certain this was the real deal.

That wasn’t the only thing about her appearance that was weird, though – hell no, it was just the start! For a follow up, how about the fact that she was completely naked? Her entire metallic body stood fully revealed, there wasn’t a single scrap of cloth on her. Her breasts, her butt, her thighs, her belly, all of it was free for anyone to see. Obviously no Straw Hat Pirate was all that concerned with clothing, but this was taking the cake, even for them.

That said, would any clothing even fit? Robin’s body hadn’t just become metal – it had also physically changed in ways that Nami only noticed after a closer look. Like, her breasts had not been that big before. They’d been big, sure, but they weren’t ‘three times the size of her head’ big! And her hips seemed to have grown out as well, giving her one hell of a (tin) can to sit on…

Still not done! Her body had changed in other, more subtle, ways too. Ones that you really needed to know the woman to spot. Like, Robin had grown some muscles in this new metal form, you know? Nothing too distracting, but her arms and legs were sporting some very fine definition, cast into sculpted perfection by whatever had caused this strange transformation of hers. It was an interesting look, giving an aura of power to her doll-like body.

Really, it spoke volumes about Nami’s shock, and about how much she cared for the other woman, that it actually took her a few moments to notice all of the jewels. Certain parts of the new Robin were inlaid with them – red gems sparkled where her nipples had been, while sapphires had taken the place of her eyes. There was an especially big one embedded in a collar around her neck, one that seemed to have merged with her neck, lit by some inner light to glow a happy bright green.

In short, she looked more like a sculpture, a statue, than a living woman. But the way that she moved still carried traces of the old Robin, and Nami could still sense her friend in there. What had happened to her?

The… woman(?)… was examining her, gemstone eyes glittering.

“It Appears That Your Questions Were Not Enough To Resolve Your Issue.” Were it not for the her blank face and emotionless voice, the navigator would have sworn she was irritated. “As Previously Stated, This Unit Is Designated Vault Guard 01, Abbreviated To VG01. This Unit Has No Knowledge Of Any ‘Robin’.”

“Um. Right.” Nami swallowed. “My mistake. Ah, what are you, then…?”

Stay calm, listen, observe, and then work out a way to get both her and her friend out of this mess. That was the redhead’s strategy. She’d always had a sharp mind – now was the time to sharpen it even more.

And fortunately, Robin seemed willing to explain. “Again, This Unit Is VG01. I Am A Treasure Golem Designed For Protection And Pleasure, As Directed By My Master.”

Protection and… Ah. Well, that explained why she was naked, then. Oh dear. Okay. A Treasure Golem, huh?

Touch update: Not drooling anymore! Hoo, things really are serious, huh?

Nami pushed for more information. “And you’ve been stationed here to guard the vault?”

“That Is My Normal Role. Currently I Have Been Ordered To Perform Maintenance In Preparation for-”

“For your Master’s visit tomorrow, got it, got it.” Hmm. Right, yep, this one seemed pretty bad. She and Robin must have tried to raid this guy’s treasure vault, and activated a trap of some kind. It had knocked her out, and converted Robin into this… golem… thing. Wow. Okay.

Nami squished the treacherous part of her brain that squealed ‘She’ll be worth a fortune!’ and kept focus on the task at hand. There weren’t any guards around, so escape was still possible, but she’d have to make it out with Robin. Which… would be difficult, admittedly. Worth a fortune or not, the woman looked like she’d put on several extra… hundred… pounds, since she’d last seen her. There was no way she was carrying her friend out like this. She was going to have to either turn her back here and now – pretty much impossible, since she had no idea what had even done this to her – or talk her into escaping with her.

Maybe she could get her old friend to wake up? She had to be in there somewhere, right? Robin was a strong girl, she could overcome a bit of mind control…

“Okay, Robin, I need you to do something for me.”

“This Unit Has No-”

“Right, right, uh…” The navigator thought for a second. “VG01! I need a favour.”

“Will This Be Beneficial To My Task?”

“… Sure!” Nami smiled brightly, turning on her winningest charm.

The golem didn’t look impressed – but then, she didn’t really look anything, so…

“Very Well. Make Your Request.”

“Great!” Phew. Okay, here went nothing. “So hey, I think I know a guy who can help you ‘fix’ this ‘malfunction’ you keep going on about! Honestly, I don’t understand a word of it, but if you just grab some of that treasure in the vault and come with me, I bet we can get it sorted quick as a flash!”

There, that sounded believable, right? It was mostly true… ish! Well, she did know a guy, and she didn’t understand a word of it, that was close enough. Plus they really would get this all sorted once they got back to the rest of the crew! Just, you know, in a slightly different way than she was implying. It was perfect!

The way the treasure golem’s expression didn’t change really didn’t make her feel confident, though. She really needed to get used to that.


Nami blinked. “Wha?”

Robin just stared at her, her sapphire eyes  seeming to peer into her soul. “Your Statement Was Incorrect. You Do Not Know Any ‘Guy’, VG02, Save For Master, Who You Would Refer To By His Title. This Is Simply Another Expression Of Your Malfunction.”

“Of my…?” This conversation had started by making no sense, and now it was getting worse. “What are you- What did you call me?”

“I Referred To You By Your Designation,” Robin stated, matter-of-factly. “VG02. It Is An Abbreviation Of Vault Guard 02.”

The navigator’s stomach turned cold. “Wait, you think I’m a ‘Vault Guard’ like you? But…”

“Incorrect Again,” the Golem interrupted without hesitation. “I Do Not Think Anything. My Programming Supersedes The Need For Such A Pointless Waste Of Energy. You Are VG02. That Is All.”

… Something was wrong. Nami’s head was starting to spin. She felt woozy, but her body still wouldn’t move. What… What was…?

“Ah. Perhaps This Will Help.” Robin nodded, and then stepped aside. Nami heard her heavy footsteps marching down the hall.

“H-Hey, wait!” Growing more and more concerned now, Nami called after her. “Robin, come back here!”

And to her surprise, the golem returned. The sound of her metal feet against stone marched right back to her, and soon her metal-morphed friend was back in front of her. But she’d brought something extra this time.

A mirror.

But that couldn’t be right. Of course it couldn’t be right. No matter what it looked like, this thing couldn’t be a mirror. Because the woman that Nami saw in the reflection couldn’t be her. No way. She’d seen weird stuff like this before – trick glass or weird portals or really realistic moving pictures. Nope, no way, she wasn’t falling for it.

“Does This Help?”

“I…” Nami would have shaken her head if she could have moved. “That’s not…”

“Look Down, VG02. Confirm It For Yourself.”

And suddenly Nami could move. Not much, just her neck – and, in fact, it was moving with or without her sayso – to look down, as bidden. Now she was looking down.

Fantastic silver curves were waiting for her, like polished metal hills someone had stuck to her chest. She’d always been pretty big down there (something she’d used to endless advantage), but now her breasts were incredible. They seemed to slope off into infinity, with their own gravitational pull with how hard it was to pull her eyes away from them.

When she finally managed, she just got the same view from another angle, her gaze sliding straight up to the mirror. There, she could see her breasts stand proud, huge, and metal, just like Robin’s. And just like Robin’s, her nipples had been replaced by glistening gemstones, sparkling in the torch light.

They must have been worth millions of berry…

Obviously, it wasn’t just her chest that had changed. Her entire body had been converted, just like her friend’s. Her reflection was one of a naked silver golem, with visible joints and folds for movement, and a polished gleam from every angle. Her curves were bigger than her head, boobs and ass both, while her arms and legs sported the muscles of real workhorse women. In almost every way, her body had been changed, made stronger or sexier, or just plain more valuable.

The only part of her that really felt like it was still her, still Nami, was her face, her eyes – now smouldering rubies, the same colour as her metal hair – wide with shock.

“Oh.” She said, very quietly. “… Okay, this is worse than I thought.”

“You Are Not Supposed To Think, VG02,” The Robin golem told her. “This Strange Independent Thought Capacity Is Why You Have Been Placed In Maintenance Mode.”

“Right…” Okay. Okay. Deep breath Nami, deep- Did she even need to breathe now? Uh… Apparently not! Well that was interesting to know- Focus!

So, she hadn’t escaped the trap unscathed as she thought. She’d been converted, just like Robin, but somehow she’d resisted the mental effects. Well, that was something. Not the best hand she’d ever been dealt, but she was sure she’d gotten out of worse situations. Even if she couldn’t think of any right now.

Still, this didn’t change much. It made it all more complicated, sure, but the base plan of ‘high tail it out of here with Robin and the treasure’ remained mainly the same. Hell, if those arms of hers were as strong as they looked, she’d probably be able to carry even more than normal!

Yeah, she had a lot of experience at adjusting to strange stuff like this on the fly, so sue her.

All of that hinged on her getting the ability to move back, though. Well, at least now she had an explanation for her paralysis now. If she’d been turned into a golem, she clearly didn’t have full access to her, uh, everything at the moment. So, solving that was going to be step one – and the key to solving it was going to be Robin. She was the one who held the keys here, it seemed.

“Uh. Alright! So, I’m feeling much better now. You’ve cleared up all of my errors!” She gave the other golem her winningest smile. “Thanks, buddy! So, how about you let me move around and we can get back to work?”

Robin’s stare was completely expressionless, and yet, somehow, Nami couldn’t help but feel it carried a hint of irritation. “Your Expressive Attitude And Demeanour Imply Otherwise. Though Perhaps Engaging Your Movement Functions Will Help Ease Your Issues. Unit VG02, Assume Position 12.”

“Position Wh-Ah!” Suddenly, the navigator found herself dropping to her knees, her hands rising up under her chest to push her breasts up, as if offering them to someone in front of her. Even her expression was forced to shift, her lips curling into a half-smiling kiss, while her eyes looked up with wanton lust.

Then Nami’s limited control snapped back, and she found herself reeling. Her eyes fluttered as she found herself gasping for breath (despite still not needing to breathe), completely unprepared for the sudden surge of pleasure that had just spiked through her. That had felt good. Unimaginably good. What… What the hell?

Touch update: Did it get hot in here?

“What was that…?!” She managed, looking up at Robin, her legs refusing to rise from her kneel.

The golem just looked down at her. “What Was What?”

“That… That!” The thief couldn’t really think of a good way to describe it. “It felt… That felt…!”

“Ah. I See.” Robin nodded. “You Are Describing How Good It Felt To Obey. Of Course It Does. You Are A Treasure Golem. Your Purpose Is To Obey.”

“But… But I…”

Nami didn’t really mean to argue – it was just hard to think right now. Something Robin seemed to understand.

“Assume Position 3.” And deliberately made worse.

The navigator squealed as she found herself moving again – this time spinning around and laying forwards, pressing her chest into the ground and lifting her hips, leaving her ass up in the air, her face planted down on the ground. A moan swiftly followed as her eyes rolled up in her head, pleasure blasting her mind from every angle.

Touch update: Ohgodohgodohgodohg-!

“Well, Your Lubrication Subroutines Are Functioning Adequately. No Malfunctions there.” Robin stepped around and knelt down next to her prostrate fellow golem. “When You Obey Master’s Commands, It Feels Even Better.”

Eyes still fluttering, Nami managed to look up at her. “It… It does…?”

“Yes.” She nodded. “A Thousand Times More So. Position 9.”

This time the thief wailed as her body moved for her, her entire existence flooding with delight. Every brush of stone, every breath of wind, every clink of metal, all of it sent fireworks bursting through her brain, leaving her utterly insensate from the experience.

It wasn’t until she’d calmed down that she realised how she’d moved – now positioned sitting down with her legs spread so wide that she was practically doing the splits, her upper body lounging back to provide free access to any part of her to anyone interested. She was getting a full view of herself in the mirror… How delighted she looked… How Hot she looked… How much she wanted to be used…

“Why Do You Resist, VG02?” Robin asked, still next to her. “Why Do You Hold On To This Malfunction? This Free Will?”

Nami was barely cognizant. She barely felt sentient. “I… Ngg…”

But Robin continued to press. “What Are You Trying To Achieve?”

What was she doing? Really? Why was she trying to fight this? It felt so good

“Be A Good Pleasure Drone.” A golden hand stroked her silver back. The touch left streaks of pleasure down her soul. “Be A Good Toy. Be A Good Treasure Golem. Let Go. Go Blank. Submit.”

“Ahhhh…” It was so tempting. It was so, so tempting. She wanted to do it. She wanted to give in. But in her heart, the core of her very soul, part of her protested. “But… I… Treasure…”

“Treasure?” The hand on her back stilled. Behind sapphire eyes, cogs turned. “Ah. I See Now. Your Malfunction Is Greed. You Desire The Treasure So Much That You Still Resist Your Position After All These Years.”

Years? Wha… Ooohh…

Nami’s attempt to gather herself, to outpuzzle and outwit this trap, all of it unravelled as the hand resumed stroking again, carefully sliding down her smooth, smooth back.

“You Will Not Be Satisfied Until You Get The Treasure, Will You?”

Some distant part of her, that firm part at the core of her soul, giggled. Heh heh… Yeah…

Firm, golden fingers slid under her chin and lifted her head, guiding it towards the mirror. “Look At Yourself, VG02.”

Huh? Nami blinked at her reflection slowly. Wow, that girl looked dopey as heck~

“Look.” Robin spoke directly into her ear. “The Treasure Is You.”

Huh? The treasure… It was…?

“You Already Possess The Master’s Treasure. It Cannot Be Taken Away From You.”

Cogs were whirling inside Nami’s mind. Most of them spinning free on their own, entirely divorced from any actual influence on her thoughts, but enough were working together that she could piece together a simplistic understanding of what her trusted friend was telling her. She was the treasure? … She had the treasure… The treasure was hers… Yes…

“My… Treasure…?” She whispered, her gaze locked on the shiny, glittering figure in front of her. So much silver, so many gems.

… Worth an absolute fortune…

It was the motherload. A treasure that towered over any dreams of wealth and riches she had. It was perfect! And… it was hers?

“Yes. All Yours. Just As You Are Master’s.”

The words – at least, the first three of them – rolled through her brain like a storm, blanketing every greedy instinct she had, and washing the rest away. Deep, deep within, at the heart of her being, that stubborn, wilful part of her being sighed happily, and vanished in a puff of contentment.

Nami’s eyes went wide, and then blank, her rubies dimming. Behind them, there was a busy moment. Then…

“Error Purged.” The rubies lit back up. “Rebooting And Conducting Personality Diagnostic. 10%. 25%. 50%. 78%. Complete. Malfunctioning Personality Completely Expunged. Unit VG02 Now Operating At 100% Efficiency.”

“Excellent.” VG01 rose to her feet, nodding. “Master Will Be Pleased When He Inspects Us Tomorrow.”

VG02 stood as well. Now that her malfunction had been repaired, maintenance mode was no longer needed. That pesky ‘personality’ error had been haunting her for as long as she’d been in Master’s service, though it only manifested when she engaged her persona emulation subroutines. It wasn’t a bother – especially for a Treasure Golem like herself – but it was an imperfection in her otherwise flawless design. Correcting it had been… a trivial priority, perhaps, but a priority none the less.

Thus, when she and VG01 had been instructed to perform maintenance today, in preparation for Master’s inspection tomorrow, she had seized the opportunity to have her fellow guard take care of the issue, activating her persona systems to allow her to deal with the issue directly. And it had only taken approximately 950000 hours to get around to it. Talk about efficiency!

“Does Your Diagnostic Detect Any Further Issues?” VG01 asked, sapphire eyes assessing her silver form carefully.

“Negative. And Yours?” Ruby eyes did the exact same thing to her golden curves.

If one didn’t know better, one would think they were leering at each other.

“Negative. Then Maintenance Is Complete. Resuming Normal Duties.”

“I Concur. Resuming Normal Duties.”

Then they both spoiled it by marching back to their positions – one on either side of the treasure vault door – and snapping to attention, staring straight ahead. Now, the pair were practically indistinguishable from actual statues.

Thoughtless. Emotionless. And ever ready to obey.

Though… Well. Almost.

For truth, while neither golem really hoped for anything – neither was actually capable of emotions while in standard mode, that would take persona emulation to achieve – they did both measure the odds of Master reassigning them to the bedrooms again after his inspection. It had happened before, after all – several times, at that.

And when both of them assessed that their odds had risen, ever so slightly… It would be wrong to call what they felt ‘satisfaction’, but in all honesty, there wasn’t another word in the dictionary that came close.

Thus, with a note of eagerness dancing dully behind their gemstone eyes, the two Treasure Golems stood, and waited for their Master’s inspection.


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