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Hey folks!

Good lord where did February go? Wow. Guess I was too wrapped up in writing.

As I said last week, I'll be taking March off - I wish it wasn't so, but hey, that's recovery for you. I'm already looking forward to April's requests.

I may have news of something that's possibly going to come up in a few months soon - it might disrupt my scheduling later in the year. I'll let you know details when I know more.

For now, enjoy the stories!


Request: Time for more Lucario shenanigans:

Lusamine has decided that a Pokemon as strong and unique as this specific Lucario deserves to be part of her collection of Pokemon to love, so she has him "captured" and "restrained" so that he can't use his powers to change any of the Aether Foundation, thinking that without being able to move, he can't do anything, not realizing that words are strong too. But she also wants him studied so she can find out what exactly makes him tick, so she has him brought to a secluded room. Lusamine foolishly takes a moment to taunt him, giving him the opportunity he needs to drain her of all will and intellect before having her free him. She then gets turned into a Pokebabe as effectively punishment. Lillie's change happens when Lucario and the changed Lusamine run into her. She becomes a Solgaleo Pokebabe. And at the end of it all, Lucario decides that it's about time he picks out a name for himself to set himself apart from the more ordinary Lucario of the world. And he settles on "Luke", thinking it's the only appropriate name for him to use.

“I know this isn’t the most hospitable welcome in Alola,” Lusamine chuckled, brushing her blonde hair back behind her with a flourish, “but I do hope you realise how very much it means to me to have you here. Are you comfortable? What should I call you? Oh, but I suppose a creature like you wouldn’t have a name, would you…”

She smiled at her ‘guest’, all grace and charm – a façade only undermined by the darkened lab that she was standing in the middle of, and by the shackles clamped tight around said guest’s limbs.

“I am sorry about the restraints,” she continued, sounding like she meant every word whole heartedly. And perhaps she did! The President of the Aether Foundation had a mind that would make most people recoil in terror if they got a glimpse of what actually lurked beneath the surface. “But given everything you’ve accomplished, they seemed necessary. I can’t let you use your fascinating powers as you please, after all. Besides, a magnificent creature like yourself could never be contained in a mere Pokéball, I’m sure.”

“Well quite,” Lucario finally spoke, regarding his captor with calm, but suspicious eyes. “More than a few fools have tried that. Though I admit, none of them put quite as much effort into capturing me as you have.”

Lusamine giggled with delight, clasping her hands. “Oh, I can be a resourceful woman, when I see something I want. And you… Well, you’re just delightful. Maybe not the classical standard of beauty, but that power of yours certainly does beautiful things…”

To Lucario, a master of the world of auras, Lusamine was fascinating… in the same way one might regard a car crash on the side of the road. Tragic, horrific, and captivating. Her mind was twisted like an origami flower, looping in and around itself into an ever tightening knot of insanity. Once upon a time, this woman might have been a normal, even perhaps a gentle and kind person… (Maybe. Probably not.) But whatever she had been through in life had clearly warped her into a monstrosity.

In short, she was a terrifying creature to find yourself at the mercy of.

“And now, that power belongs to me!” The blonde was rubbing her palms together in glee. “Oooh, I can’t wait. In fact, I have the perfect test case for you~”

The blue Pokémon raised an eyebrow. “A test case…?”

“Mmn.” She nodded, a vicious glint in her eye. “That’s one of the reasons I had you brought here, into the heart of Aether. I want to learn what makes your powers tick. I want to see how they work. And maybe, in time, I can even learn to replicate them…”

Lucario sighed. Of all the nonsense… “I can assure you that my abilities are well beyond your reach.”

“I suppose we’ll see.” Lusamine didn’t deny the possibility outright. Instead, she simply shrugged. “Either way, I’ll learn exactly what you’re capable of soon enough. You see, I’ve already summoned my ungrateful brat of a daughter to meet me here in a few minutes.”

That caught the Pokémon by surprise. He couldn’t help but blink as his brow furrowed, blue ears twitching. “Your daughter? You want me to use my powers on your own child?”

An ugly expression flashed across the blonde’s normally beautiful face as she snorted. “Calling her ‘my child’ is nonsense. The vile whelp abandoned me years ago, just when I needed her most, and now she thinks she’s become a Pokémon Trainer or some nonsense like that. My real children would have obeyed me without question – that… thing is just a loose end.”

Monstrosity might have been too kind a word for this woman.

Then, as quickly as it had come, the dark glare vanished, and Lusamine was all sweetness and smiles again. “But you, my darling blue friend, you can fix all of that!” She leaned in, petting the Pokémon’s head. “I lured her here with a few sweet words about how I’ve seen the error of my ways and all that nonsense… But when she finally arrives, you can work your magic - make her beautiful and obedient, just like she always should have been!”

“Ah, so that’s what this is about.” He peered at her, studying the blonde woman’s form carefully. “You wish to know how my powers work? It’s simplicity itself. I’m happy to explain.”

Her eyes lit up with excitement. “You are? Wonderful! I knew you’d see sense eventually.”

“Of course.” He shrugged – as much as he was able, anyway. “I’d be happy to show you if you’d let me down from here…”

But Lusamine just laughed at that. “Hah! Oh, no, I don’t think so. No demonstrations – not without the test subject here. That’s why I’ve made sure to bind your hands and legs. You use those powers when I say, not before. I simply can’t take the risk you’d do something silly like trying to use those powers on me~”

“On you?” He raised an eyebrow. “What an interesting idea. I wonder what you’d become.”

“An unmatched beauty, no doubt,” The blonde laughed again, flicking her hair back once more. “A prospect almost tempting enough to let you do it, but-”

“Oh I’m not so sure about that,” Lucario interrupted, talking over her easily. “I mean, these things can be so heavily influenced by personality…”

The blonde’s good mood evaporated, and that dark gleam returned to her eyes. “How rude. Now be silent, before I include a gag in your restraints.”

He didn’t seem to hear her. “Take that attitude of yours, for instance. Your brutality is off the charts, and that sort of thing demands strength…”

“I…” Lusamine was starting to feel odd. Not bad, no, just… odd. Warm and bubbly, like her body was a shaken can of soda. It was weird, like she could feel herself starting to puff up – but that was nonsense. And a distraction. She had more important things to focus on. “I appreciate that you’d rather not be here…”

Yes, she was ignoring the strange feelings. Ignoring the sensation of swelling strength in her limbs, ignoring the way her muscles were starting to bulk up, ignoring the way her frame was starting to turn from lithe to stocky as she grew…

Because Lucario was still talking. “Then there’s those vicious instincts… More bestial than beautiful…”

“How dare… you…” She put a hand to her forehead, closing her eyes for a moment and missing the dark fur spreading down her fingers, pink little pads sprouting up over her palms. Fur was starting to spread in a lot of places, actually, all dark below the neck, and then almost pure pink as it started to crawl up under her chin. Her white dress was starting to rip as her body continued to bulk up…

“Of course, you’re cute enough on the surface, but anyone who looks deeper can see how dangerous you actually are. That really leaves only one option.

“That’s enough. You will be-ware silent!”

Wait. She hadn’t meant to say that.

Lusamine slapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes going wide – and it was only now that she noticed the changes her body had gone through. Fur now lined her body, from the top of her head to the soles of her feet – her distinctive blonde hair the only trace of her original colouring left on her. And her frame was so much bigger now – she’d grown almost a foot taller, and maybe a foot wider as well, her arms and legs thick with muscle (even if it was hard to make out under her fur). Her dress was hanging on to her by a thread…

“Wha- What have you-?”

“Oh, one other thing.” Lucario grinned at her. “You’re really dumb as well. Only a moron would have let herself walk into the same room as me unprotected.”

She blinked, the slightest lines of a confused frown starting to deepen on her pink furred brow, and then…


Her eyes went wide, crossing as the mind behind them vanished, draining down into her body, and-


- Tearing through her dress as her breasts and ass inflated with her former intelligence. Whatever else she was, Lusamine had – until but a moment ago – been a very intelligent woman, and it showed in her new assets. Her black furred tits were easily twice the size of her head, if not bigger, and her ass was happy to match them. It was a good thing that Beware were so strong – because if it wasn’t for her new upper back strength, her new chest would have pulled her straight down to the ground.

As it was, she fell backwards onto her big bear behind instead, drooling as her entire existence reoriented itself around being a big dumb and slutty Bewear Babe instead of a maniacal executive. With her now incredibly shrunken mind, it probably would have taken her quite a while – if it hadn’t been for a polite cough from the other Pokémon in the room.

“Now, let me down from here?”

“Yes Master!” The command was simple, just like the new her, and she quickly rushed to obey it. That turned out to be easy, too – the metal restraints easily ripping away underneath the might of her paws.

Lucario grinned as he dropped down to the floor, lightly rubbing his wrists as he studied the latest bimbo to add herself to his collection. “For the record, my dear - I don’t need my hands free to use my powers.”

“Of course not, Master!” The blonde bear Pokébabe giggled. “That’d Beware silly~”

“Mo- Lusamine?” Lillie paused at the open door to the lab, peering in with a guarded look. She hadn’t been down here in a long, long time – it had been years since she’d given up on her mother – but the place looked every bit as dark and foreboding as she remembered. The urge to turn around and leave was already overwhelming. She really didn’t want to be here.

But… The secretary at the front desk had waved her down without issue – she was expected. This wasn’t some kind of misunderstanding. It just seemed that her mother wasn’t as done messing around as her messages had claimed. Wonderful. Well in that case she might as well see what the woman was up to, and if she needed to be stopped again.

Against her better instincts, the blonde trainer stepped inside and let the doors slide shut behind her. It was fine. She wasn’t a kid anyone, and she had her Pokémon with her. She could handle this.

Honestly, the place was dark and foreboding enough that she was tempted to pull out a Pokémon that knew Flash – an instinct she’d gotten from training in Kanto, no doubt. She resisted though – after all, it might give her away before she’d done any snooping. As a wandering Pokémon Trainer, she was very experienced in wandering around weirdly hostile corporate buildings.

On this occasion, though, she didn’t have to wander far. The very first doors she opened…


… Slid open to reveal big furry BOOBS.

“What the?!?”

Before Lillie could react, before her hand could shoot for the pokéballs on her belt, the boobs - Ah, the, the woman with big boobs, rather - pounced, leaping forward and wrapping her up in a crushing hug, stuffing the stunned blonde’s face between her massive tits. Lillie struggled, of course, but the woman’s grip was too powerful – she was far stronger than she looked, and she looked strong.

What was more, the Pokémon Trainer couldn’t help but feel this stranger was familiar. Something about her long blonde hairstyle…

Wait. It couldn’t be. “M-mom?!?”

There was a chuckle, and an unfamiliar voice spoke up from nearby. “Sorry about her. I’m afraid she’s become very affectionate.”


Lillie tried to turn her head, but she was firmly lodged in a sea of boobs. And before she could figure out a way to get free, she felt a firm hand rest itself against the back of her head.

“Let me make this simpler for you – or make you simpler, I suppose.”

What did that-


The question vanished from her head, as did most of the contents of her brain. It was a delightful sensation – one that immediately replaced her panicked expression with a dizzy smile. Her worries about this lab, her anger at her mother, her self confidence gained from her journey, her plans for the future… All of those concerns flowed out of her mind, melting like ice on a warm summer’s day and flowing elsewhere.

The helpless blonde went limp in her mother’s arms as she began to change – white fur growing over her skin, starting from the hand on her head and spreading down through her body. It grew thick around her neck, creating a sort of mane as it wove in with her blonde hair, one that framed her face and parted only for the massive breasts that now swelled up on her chest as her former self was turned into fat tiddy and heavy booty. She even sprouted a white furred tail.

Finally, her green eyes turned a cosmic blue, losing all of their sharp wariness as they turned vapid and glazed, bridged by a blue glittery brow – and with that, the change was over. Where a powerful, capable Trainer had been, there was now another drooling, busty Pokébabe.

Lucario studied his handiwork as the two bimbos giggled and rubbed their chests together. “My my – you naturally resonate as a Solgaleo. I guess she got her wish after all. You did turn out beautiful. And you can drop her, Beware.”

“Yes Master~!”

Lillie found herself deposited back on the floor, released from the incredible grip of her transformed mother – only to immediately throw herself back into her embrace. An affectionate nature ran in the family.

The Lucario smirked as he watched the two, folding his arms in satisfaction at his work. “You may not have been very smart, but you were a resourceful woman – and now, I am a resourceful Pokémon. From here I should be able to expand my collection to be even greater than ever before.”

“Mmn~ I’m, like, so happy to help, Master!” The bimbo babes bounced and preened, both trying to show off for their new owner.

He just nodded, a contemplative mood taking him. “You know, when we first met, you asked if I had a name…”

Bewaramine blinked. “I did?”

That got a chuckle. “No, I suppose you wouldn’t remember that. And really, the only thing you’ll ever call me now is Master.”

“Yes Master~” That was both of them this time, completely in sync and with only vapid lust in their eyes.

Still, he kept thinking. “A name is a useful thing though. It sets me apart from the others. I’m no mere Lucario anymore. I am… distinguished. Important. It’s far past time I claimed a name for myself.” He rubbed his chin, nodding to himself. “I think… Luke. That sounds right. What do you think, girls?”

“It’s perfect Master!” Bewaramine clapped her hands, almost creating a shockwave with the force.

“Like, totally amazing, Master!” Lillgaleo nodded, her galactic tits jiggling proudly.

Both of them were utter suck ups, but ‘Luke’ didn’t seem to mind.

“Excellent. Now…” He stepped forwards, looping an arm around each Pokébabe’s waist as he walked them away. “Let’s continue this little reconciliation, and see how the two of you compare to the other mother-daughter pair in my collection…”

The pair giggled as he led them deeper into his new lair. They absolutely couldn’t wait~


Request: Neo gains a new facet to her Semblance, and decides to test it out on an unsuspecting Yang. Disguised as a sexy, stage magician, she puts the blonde through a magic act and out of it as her new bimbo, bunny assistant!

Things had become a little too routine for Yang of late. Ever since team RWBY had finally – finally – arrived in Atlas and begun their training under General Ironwood and Weiss’s sister, everything had kind of… settled. You know, calmed down, stabilized. The desperate rush that had dominated the team’s lives since Haven – no, since even the fall of Beacon! – had let up at last.

And that was boring as hell.

Look, don’t get her wrong, Yang liked the peace and quiet just fine… Just, not in such big doses, you know? After a while, she was going to go stir crazy. She needed more in her life than boring rote routines and training schedules. She needed excitement. She needed adventure. She needed to get out there and have fun!

Some people might have thought losing a limb might have made her a more cautious person. These people, Yang would flip off with her new awesome metal fingers. She’d lost an arm, guys, not her entire personality. Yes, she’d had a down period for a while there, but she was still herself underneath it all.

And herself needed to get out of these stuffy military offices once in a while to hit the town on her own. Hell yes – no little sister to look after, no wealthy celebrity to chaperone, no introvert who insisted that they visit every single book store in the city to carry shopping for…

Hey, she loved her team, but some days she needed time to herself. That wasn’t too much to ask! And it was nice to get away from all the soldiers, too. They really did it differently up here in Atlas, didn’t they?

So that was how Yang Xiao Long found herself wandering down the glittering streets of Atlas, looking for something to do. The night was young – a little too young to be hitting the clubs just yet, though that was definitely on the itinerary later – and she had credits burning a hole in her pocket. The most prosperous city on Remnant was her oyster, and she had every intention of enjoying every bite.

It was strange, then, that she found her attention being drawn to a small, out of the way theatre she spotted down one of the side streets. It wasn’t off in an alleyway or anything, but the place wasn’t exactly the height of glitz and glamour either. It was a fairly plain looking building, honestly – but it was the billboard outside that caught the blonde’s eye, and slowed her pace.

‘For One Night Only,’ it boasted, ‘The Amazing Technicolour Sensation – The Great Politini! You won’t believe your eyes – and you really shouldn’t!’

All of that was standard enough, but next to the words was a picture of the ‘Great Politini’ herself. A woman in a classical magician’s outfit, albeit one designed purely for fanservice – a tight black suit, red bow tie, a flashy red cape, and a black top hat held in one hand, pulled down over the top of her head and hiding her hair. But it was the eyes that drew Yang’s gaze. They were different colours – one brown, and one pink – and entirely too familiar.

“Couldn’t be…” The Huntress frowned, finally slowing to a stop and turning to face the theatre fully. There was absolutely no way that she was staring at a poster of Neo, the sinister sidekick of one of Vale’s most notorious criminal masterminds, and woman who had personally nearly outright killed the blonde back during her Beacon years. No, that was impossible. Ruby had thrown that bitch off the top of an airship.

But those eyes… She knew those eyes…

Hm. She glanced at the ticket office. Well, it looked like she’d found something to do for a few hours…

The theatre was quiet as she stepped inside the show room, the excited hush that came with any act already building. Quietly, the blonde made her way to her seat – front row, because she wanted to be sure about what she saw here. If it really was Neo, then she’d have to act… But if it wasn’t, well, she didn’t want to be cleaning some harmless magician’s clock. They probably didn’t deserve it, except on the general principle of her being a magician.

The lights were already dimming as she sat down – she’d made it just in time. There was a drum roll, the hiss of an eager crowd, the curtain beginning to rise, all to reveal a single figure, already in the middle of a formal bow…

Annnnd that was Neo. That was absolutely Neo, the little pipsqueak wasn’t even trying to hide it! She had the same chocolate/strawberry/vanilla hair, the same mismatched eyes, the same smug smile…

Yang found herself leaping up onto the stage before she’d even realised she was moving, fists already blazing with aura. “Hold it right there, you little creep! You’re not getting away this time!”

It wasn’t exactly an elegant strategy, but she was a direct girl, and she had a score to settle. She was no longer the berserker who threw herself heedlessly into the fray, but that didn’t mean charging in had no use to her.

That said, if she was hoping to surprise her quarry, she was disappointed. Neo’s smirk didn’t move at all – at least, not until she turned to the audience and mimed putting a shocked hand over her mouth. But even as she acted – getting a loud laugh from the confused crowd – Yang could still see her eyes glittering with malicious glee. Oh, this woman hadn’t changed a bit.

“Knock it off,” the blonde growled, taking a step towards the ‘magician’. “I don’t know what you’re doing here, but I know it can’t be good. Whatever it is, I’m going to-Huh?”

Again, she found herself trailing off as Neo ignored her – instead removing her top hat and making a show of pulling out a long series of rainbow shaded ribbon. She was just continuing her act, ignoring the threat – and Yang couldn’t help but see red.

“I said knock it off!”

The Huntress had much, much better control of her temper these days, but Neo was an expert at making people lose their cool. Yang lunged in fist raised to clobber the criminal before she could pull any stunts – then there was a blur, the magician’s image vanishing, the world spinning…

And once she’d finally cleared her head, she found that somehow she’d not only missed her target, but that she’d also become tangled in the woman’s ribbon, so wrapped up in it that she was practically in a cocoon. She even had a bright flag plastered over her mouth, functioning as a kind of gag. “Mmph!”

By this point the audience was roaring. Neo was playing every second up for her show, bowing and waving as the cheers grew louder. To them, it must have all seemed to be part of the show. The humiliation certainly wasn’t doing anything for Yang’s mood.

‘You little…’ Her hair started to glow, her aura intensifying. Burning these ribbons away would take a lot out of her – she hadn’t done that trick in a while – but it’d free her up, and then she’d smash the runt back into last week. Then she’d see who the audience cheered for-What was she doing?

Neo had picked up the other end of the string of ribbons. As Yang glared at her, confused, she gave a little wave – and then yanked on the string as hard as she could.

“Mhmhmhh!!!” The blonde’s scream was an incoherent mix of shock, dizziness, and rage as she found herself spun around like a spinning top, a whirl of colourful ribbons and burning aura. Completely helpless, she was sent careening across the stage – straight into an open wooden cabinet waiting for her.


The door swung shut behind her, leaving a dazed blonde locked in a box. It rocked and shook as she swayed, but as dizzy as she was, there was no way she’d be breaking free any time soon.

The audience clapped as Neo took another bow, and then skipped over to the side of the cabinet. Still grinning, she reached up and opened a little hatch on the front, revealing Yang’s confused face, taking advantage of the moment to wave at her.

“Wha- What are you…?” The Huntress was furious, obviously. That mattered little at the moment, since she still felt like she’d fall over if she took a step, but it was going to become very important the second she snapped out of this dizzy spell.

And yet still, impending doom didn’t ruffle the magnificent magician in the slightest. She just giggled – silently, of course – and then opened another pair of hatches, revealing little windows over Yang’s chest and legs. Another flourish followed, emphasising each part, even reaching in to grope one of the blonde’s boobs for a second (drawing an outraged squeal), before she knocked on the side of the cabinet, getting a firm wooden thonkand demonstrating how solid it was.

That seemed to rouse the captive, at least. Yang shook her head, glaring with red flashing eyes. “I am going to tear you apar-huh? W-wait, what are you doing?”

What Neo was doing was pushing against the side of the cabinet, specifically against the middle part with Yang’s chest. This shouldn’t have been an issue – save for how strange a thing it was to do – but for the fact that the middle part was giving way, shoving itself to the side. And it was doing so without the top and bottom parts.

Yes, neither Yang’s head nor her legs were moving. Those remained firmly where they should be! But the middle box was sliding easily to the left, and before the Huntress’s wide eyes it slid completely free of the rest, leaving a gaping hole in the middle of the cabinet. And, it had to be noted, in the middle of her.

“What the hell?!” She stared; jaw dropped. Her body felt fine, no pain or loss of sensation, but she could also feel her chest bouncing up and down in the malevolent magician’s hands. It was, uh, disconcerting, to put it mildly. And it didn’t get better when Neo hip checked the cabinet, knocking both her head box and leg box to the ground with a thud.


But Yang didn’t have any time to complain, not as the graceful criminal kicked the other two boxes into the air. Catching each, she started to juggle them right there on stage, throwing all three high up in the air before letting them drop back into her hands. The audience was delighted.

… Yang was not. Obviously. She’d reached her arm through the window over her chest and was trying to grab the other woman every time she was within reach, growing more frustrated every time that Neo casually dodged her. “I don’t know how the hell you’re doing this, but when I get my hands on you, you’re going to wish you never survived that drop!”

Another silent giggle was her only response.

But eventually the juggling act came to a close. Neo dumped the three boxes, still separate, out on a table, rotating them all so the audience could see inside. Legs on one side, chest on the other, and head in between.

“Nn… You…” Yang couldn’t do much more than grumble – having her head thrown around like that had been disorientating as hell – but she was definitely getting her dissatisfaction across. Not that it seemed to matter.

She didn’t have to dwell on that for long. Soon she was torn from her thoughts by the pink/brown/white haired woman placing something down in front of her face. A… Metronome? What? Why on earth was she showing her a metronome?

It was a strange little device. A metal wand on a simple base, swinging from left to right and then back at a constant rhythm. But the real oddity was at the tip of the wand. Waving back and forth in front of her face was a strange little metal figure. A woman with a big bust and bunny ears…

It reminded her a little of Velvet, actually, though the faunus had never had tits that big. But there was definitely something about it, something that snagged her attention as it waved back and forth… Back and forth…

“What- What’s this supposed to be?” She managed, groaning a little as her mind still struggled to settle after all she’d been through. “Some kind of… uh… Some… thing?”

Tick… Tock…

Her head was feeling kind of hazy… She put it down to the juggling, but why was it getting harder to think instead of easier all of a sudden? “It’s… ‘s a cute bunny… but…”

Tick… Tock…

“Kinda… looks like a bimbo, really…” She giggled, her eyes drifting out of focus even as they remained fixed on the bunny. “One of your dumb little props…”

Tick… Tock…

“Yeah… Heh… Dumb… Stupid… Bunny… Prop…”

The blonde laughed in an empty headed way – and then her jaw went slack, drool pouring from her bottom lip and dripping down onto the table. Behind her, Neo gave the audience a grin and placed a silencing finger against her lips. A hush descended over the theatre – though the blonde hardly noticed. She just kept watching the bunny swinging back and forth… Back and forth…

So as the magician lifted the box that contained her legs and reached in, before yanking out her boots and pants, discarding them on the floor, she didn’t even feel a draft! Though she did coo a little as the other woman slipped some nylon stockings up her now bare thighs.

The same happened again as Neo moved over to the box that contained her chest. Just as before, the criminal reached in and quickly stripped the woman down, throwing out her jacket, her shirt, and even her bra, winking at the audience and giving the box a sneaky spin – before wrapping those big bared boobs up in a yellow leotard.

By this point Yang’s drooling was leaving quite a puddle – so Neo picked up her head box, reassembling the other two with a few graceful kicks and flips, before slotting her all back into place, head on shoulders on hips. Then, with one last wink and flourish, she spun the rebuilt cabinet around and opened it up, now facing a full length mirror.

The blonde blinked as the world snapped back into place. In front of her she saw her reflection – a big boobed blonde in a weird yellow leotard. What- What was…?

Then Neo hopped up and slipped a pair of bunny ears onto her head, and she found herself staring at a Dumb Stupid Bunny Prop

A jolt ran down Yang’s spine as everything clicked into place. She straightened up, a stupid, mindless smile spreading over her face as she pushed her boobs out proudly. After all, she was just a dumb stupid bunny prop – she had to make the show look good! And she knew just how to do that…

“The Great Politini, everyone!” She cheered, gesturing towards her owner, who took a graceful bow as the crowd went wild. Yeah! That was what eye candy like her was for~

The diminutive criminal chuckled, reaching up on her tiptoes to press a kiss against Yang’s unresisting, smiling lips – before hopping up into the air, flipping herself over to land on the blonde’s shoulders. As she did, the world around them shimmered – and then shattered, as if made of broken glass. The lit stage, the props, the boxes, even the clapping audience, all of it vanished, leaving a simple empty building – save for the two of them.

Neo grinned. The boost she’d gotten for her semblance recently had worked perfectly. The silly Huntress hadn’t realised she was caught up in a hypnotic illusion from the moment she first saw the poster – which just meant she’d been free to melt the dummy’s mind for as long as she wanted. And poor Yang had never exactly been a mental titan.

But with this, her test of her new powers was complete – and they’d gone perfectly. Soon, she’d be able to use her gifts to capture the rest of team RWBY… And then Cinder, too. Maybe Emerald, if she felt like it. Heck, maybe she’d even try her luck and see how Salem’s mental fortitude held up against an onslaught of hypnotic illusions…

That was for later, though. Right now, she had a happy bimbo bunny to enjoy. And she had every intention of doing just that!

But it might have been surprising to learn, as Neo steered her new prop out of the theatre, and out of civilised society entirely, that Yang couldn’t have been happier about how things turned out. Part of that was because of her bimbo brainwashing… Most of it, in fact… But still, it wasn’t all bad.

After all – things certainly wouldn’t be boring from now on~


Request: Y'shtola and Garuda meet Sazzara (OC), and over the course of their journey to climb her cosmic sized body, find themselves turning into empty headed bimbo sluts…

Across the vast cosmos of the multiverse, between the twinkling lights of distant solar systems, and the swirls of galaxies, there are few beings that exist that are more venerated than the great Star Dragons. Incredible space faring beings that exist on a level simply above that of mortal man and beast, practically divine in and of themselves. Their bodies can span the length of an entire orbital cycle, their minds crackling with enough energy to power a galactic civilization, and their muscles surging with the strength to pop a dyson sphere like an egg. Reality itself bends the knee to them, warping as they please in their presence.

Space faring civilizations know to treat warily around these great creatures – for while they were almost universally benevolent, their power was so much greater than even the mightiest of the other races that the slightest interaction with them was akin to ants pestering a bear.

Earthling ants, not, like, Polynin 3 ants. Those things could tussle with a bear just fine, honestly. They didn’t fit the metaphor at all.

But yes. Their words, when they deigned to speak, rang with such truth and clarity that they reduced corrupt societies down to their foundations. Their wisdom and insight was so piercing that to merely feel one’s gaze upon your was to feel your every secret and doubt ripped asunder. And their plans, when they put them into action, spanned the course of entire civilizations, resonating without cease through the cosmos until their aims were achieved millennia afterwards.

… This was true of most of them, at least. But there was at least one exception to all of the above. The attentive reader might have even picked up on the ‘almost universally benevolent’ mentioned earlier. This was not a mistake.

While there are many Star Dragons whose names have been carved into the bedrock of society, there is one that will always draw terrified attention from any who have explored the stars for long enough. The trail of glittering, mindless, slutty devastation that she had left in her wake left no doubt about the danger she represented.


Of all the great Star Dragons who swam through the solar seas, Sazzara was the only one who had ever been exiled from the presence of her kind. ‘Enough is enough’, the great council of their race had decreed. ‘There’s a limit to how slutty and greedy a dragon can be!’

She had evidently decided to prove them wrong.

So now, dark scales that glistened with starlight swam through the multiverse, ever hunting for new prey. The great Star Dragon dwarfed many of her peers, her endless hunger ensuring that she never ceased to grow (though she complained that half of it always went to her hips or tits). She was easy to recognise, for she was always adorned in entire planet’s worth of golden jewellery and gems – forged from the riches of worlds she had plundered, and the souls of heroes that she had sapped until only slutty obedient slaves remained.

It didn’t matter, though. If you were in a position to recognise her, it was already too late. The depraved dragon was about to feast, and you were on today’s menu…

The world of Etheirys had been through a lot over the past few millennia. Devastating calamities, world spanning wars, and the ever present threat of red chocobos had left their mark on the peoples of this shining star.

So it really was beyond the pale when the space between worlds split open, and a dark dragon wrapped in glittering gold, mane shining with the power of nebulas, emerged from nowhen to wrap around the planet. It had really had enough of this kind of thing.

Sazzara didn’t much care, though. This was just the kind of world that she liked – one glittering with riches to gorge herself on, and running rich with strong souls to consume. It was perfect! She could satisfy herself for weeks with this one if she went slow.

Of course she could never hold herself back that long, but still~

A greedy grin spread across both of her faces, and the great Star Dragon gazed down at her new dinner table. Oooh, choices, choices… What would make for a good starter? Ah, these souls looked nice and powerful! It was time to begin…

Y’shtola woke with an irritated start, eyes creeping open slowly and peering around, before she sat up properly. Where in the world was she? These surroundings didn’t look familiar. Her sight might not have been what it was these days, but these strange plains were completely foreign to her. Dark, hard grounds extending in every direction like gigantic scales… No, this wasn’t right at all.

What had happened? The last she recalled, she had been attending a diplomatic conference between a delegation from Gridania and the Ixal after some tensions had ignited in the region – and ignited hot enough for the bird men to summon their ever delightful primal to protect them. Garuda had been as belligerent as ever – even the correction to her summoning ritual provided during the end of days had done little to correct the queen of the wind’s attitude… And before that could even be addressed, everything had gone dark.

It was a shame the two who would normally have dealt with these issues weren’t around to handle it these days – It would have saved the interruption to her research…

But obviously that was the least of her problems now. Grumbling, the miqo’te climbed to her feet, brushing her black dress down as she peered around. Odd surroundings aside, there didn’t seem to be anyone else aro-

“You there! Insolent one!” A shrill voice pierced the silence, accompanied the flapping of great wings.

Oh. Great. She wasn’t completely alone – but suddenly she really, really wished that she had been.

“What treachery is this?” Garuda swept down, landing in front of the scion with a burst of wind, her beady black eyes already glaring. “Where have you taken me this time? I knew I should have scoured you and your kind from the earth as soon as I saw you…”

Y’shtola winced. Of all the creatures to be stuck in this place with. “I’m afraid I’m just as confused as you are, your bellowy-ness,” she spoke up – unable to completely contain her curt wit with diplomacy. “One moment, we were discussing simple trade agreements, and then the next we were here. How it occurred, I cannot say.”

“Hmph.” The bird woman snorted, disbelieving. “An obvious landwalker trick. I demand you return me to my subjects at once!”

The miqo’te’s smile was really struggling to stay on her face. “I would be delighted,” she managed, in a strained voice. “But I really don’t know what’s going on, or where we are. So until we get some kind of clue…”

“Ohh, maybe we should help them out, Tifa!”

“Totally Aerith~!”

New voices? Thank the stars. Y’shtola spun around, looking to find the new arrivals – and suddenly found herself beset by a very busty, very naked, very eager black haired woman. Before she even knew what was happening, the stranger had wrapped her arms around her, and was trying to rigorously trying to determine the flavour of her tonsils.

It took a lot to stun the witch of the scions. She’d seen a lot in her time. But a mega busty woman appearing out of nowhere to catch her in a kiss was more than enough, and before she knew it the cat woman found herself pinned underneath a very amorous lady, her mouth fully captured by warm, soft lips.

Her heart skipped a beat, a warmth blossoming in her chest. Without even thinking about it, she found herself kissing back, compelled by a strange instinct that took hold of her, and captivated by the heated look in the woman’s eyes. Her pupils were strange – looking more like red spirals than normal irises – but for some reason she found them… mesmerising…

Garuda didn’t seem to notice anything unusual. “Typical landwalkers. Cease wasting my time and show me how to return!”

But she, too, was getting some attention from a naked woman – this one a brunette. “Oh, don’t mind them,” ‘Aerith’ purred, skipping over and stroking the wind queen’s wings. “Here, let me help you relax…”

“What- Oohh…” The primal’s snarling bark trailed off into a moan as the other woman started massaging her back, gently weaving her fingers through her feathers. She settled embarrassingly quickly, cooing like a songbird as the woman worked on her. “That’s niiice…”

Y’shtola, meanwhile, was wondering why she wasn’t trying to fight this woman off. It was peculiar. Normally she wasn’t what you would call an ‘affectionate’ person. Her personality was ‘Look, don’t touch’. Physical contact was a no, and that was before you got to the fact that she’d never considered herself as interested in girls before! But here she was, accepting these lascivious advances, even as her legs buckled out from under her, and she found herself borne to the floor.

It was only when they finally broke for air that she was able to start questioning what was happening.

“Wha… What was that…?” She gasped, chest heaving as she looked up at the woman on top of her. “Who are you? What’s going on?”

The woman – Tifa, judging by her voice – giggled as she sat down on top of her, her gigantic breasts – seriously, they were collosal, way bigger than her head – jiggling proudly. “You’ve been chosen by Sazzara, our magnificent mistress! You’re so lucky!”

The miqo’te blinked, trying to ignore her ‘companion’s squawking moans. “Sazzara? I’m unfamiliar with that name…”

She trailed off, accepting another kiss from the red eyed woman, their tongues twirling with surprising passion. Fortunately for her, Aerith was happy to answer as she continued combing Garuda’s feathers.

“Sazzara, the great Star Dragon,” the woman said merrily. “Silly, where do you think you’re standing right now? Or, well, laying~?”

Huh? The witch blinked. Star Dragon? She’d met dragons before, but none had called themselves that. And she was on top of this magnificentcreature? But that would mean…


She looked upwards – and there, sparkling against the black sky, was her world. It was a view she’d seen once or twice from the moon, but it was no less breathtaking for the familiarity. Of course, the fact that she could see it like this meant she was even further from home than she’d thought…

Eyes widening, Y’shtola extended her aetheric senses – and gasped into Tifa’s mouth (not just because the other woman had started squeezing her tits). These dark plains weren’t like gigantic scales – that was exactly what they were! She and Garuda had found themselves taken to the belly of a truly gargantuan creature – one so massive that they could walk upon her as though she was a world all of her own! The sheer scale of her was incredible.

Tifa finally broke the kiss again, looking down at her partner fondly. “She’s picked the two of you to be the first additions to her collection out of all the people on your world!”

Aerith nodded. “Soon you’ll get to join us, isn’t it great?”

Now it was Garuda’s turn to prove she’d been listening. “Join you?” She asked, her tone slow and distracted – maybe because Aerith had moved her feather massage around to her front, and was now outright groping her tits. “What do you mean?”

The pair giggled, sharing a proud, knowing look. “Once, we were heroes like you – then she claimed us, and turned us into her slutty, obedient slaves forever and ever!”

“Mmhm!” Aerith nodded happily. “She brought us here, scooped us right up out of our old world, and then drained all of our strength, powers-”

“Don’t forget brains!” Tifa interrupted.

“Oops, yeah, those too!” The pair held another airheaded gigglefest. “And in return she granted us these sexy bodies and bound us as gems for her to enjoy. It’s amazing!” Aeirth smacked her ass proudly, while Tifa shook her titanic tits in Y’shtola’s face.

She had to admit, they were incredibly sexy…

Leaning back, the dark haired bimbo pointed to something off in the distance. Squinting, the witch could just about make out a planet-sized arm, and around it a golden bracelet that glittered with starlight.

“My real self is one of the gems on a bangle around her wrist,” Tifa explained.

“I’m on her ring finger,” Aerith added, leaning back from sucking on Garuda’s tits for a second to wink at the others.

“You’re so lucky~”

“I know~”

Y’shtola frowned. There was something strange about all of this – something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Maybe that was because Tifa had stuck a hand up under her dress, and was currently putting herfinger on, but no, that was totally normal, right?

“Anyway,” the black haired bimbo was saying. “Now the same thing is going to happen to you! So relax…”

“Sink down with us…” Aerith was guiding Garuda to the floor, sitting with her legs spread.

“And let’s have some fun as you fall into brainless bimbo bliss~!”

Hmm… No. No, they couldn’t do that. They had… things to do back home, didn’t they?

Reluctantly – very, very reluctantly – the miqo’te struggled to her feet, slowly sliding out of Tifa’s grip.

“I’m afraid we- Oohh…” She bit her lip as the bimbo’s fingers continued to play under her dress, before shaking her head. “I’m afraid we have other things to take care of. How do we leave this place – do you know?”

It felt like she was forgetting something – or several somethings, about the seriousness of a galactic scale creature circling her home – but nope, she couldn’t think of anything else.

“Leave?” Now that question truly seemed to confuse the bimbos.

“Yes. Quickly, too, before we end up like you two.”

And that comment drew a pair of outright laughs.

“Don’t be dumb,” Aerith said, rolling her eyes. “There’s no way.”

“Yeah.” Tifa nodded. “It’s already happening!”

What was already happening?

“Obviously not,” Y’shtola groused, not noticing as the cleavage line of her dress began to tear, normally hidden boobflesh bulging up from underneath. “Is there no one else we can speak to about this?”

The pair shared a strange grin that she couldn’t quite make heads or tails of, before shrugging to her.

“Well, I guess you’d have to take it up with Mistress herself…” Tifa said, pulling her hand away.

“I’m sure she’d be happy to hear what you have to say…” Aerith nodded, releasing Garuda (and getting a disappointed coo in response).

“You’ve just got to make the climb up to her head!”

The two pointed off towards the horizon, and the scion cast her senses in that direction. In the far, far, far distance, she thought she could see something that may have been the burning pink light of a dragon’s eyes.

It looked like an impossible journey to walk, but… That was where her guides had said to go, and she couldn’t think of any reason to disbelieve them, even though a small voice in the back of her brain said that there were many. It would just have to be done.

“If you want to return,” she said over her shoulder to Garuda, who was still looking rather distracted, “then follow me. Otherwise remain with them.”

And she started walking.

The bird woman seemed conflicted for a moment, but soon enough, she scrambled to her feet, and hurried after the witch. She had some pride left in her, after all. Though it was strange to be walking like this – had her chest always bounced so much? And why was she finding it so hard to tear her eyes away from the scion’s ass as she strutted down the scaley path?

It completely failed to occur to her that she could fly far faster than this – or that she could fly at all, come to that.

The two bimbos simply waved, and watched them go, before turning their lust-ridden attentions back on each other…


The climb was tougher than it looked. As much as the route had seemed like a straight line, eventually the smooth scaled ground had become a slope, and then a hill, and now mountains towered overhead – the gigantic creatures breasts, unless Y’shtola missed her guess, wrapped in incredible expanses of precious metals and fine silks.

Some debate had broken out about how to get over them, with neither the miqo’te nor the primal liking the idea of an unassisted clamber up smooth scales or slick fabrics, but both parties having their own directions for how to deal with the problem.

Y’shtola was suggesting that the primal simply fly them up past the worst of it. She had wings and she was strong enough, surely such a minor request couldn’t be a problem?

But for some reason Garuda was reluctant, and she was being very cagy as to the reason why. Instead, she insisted that the witch simply teleport them up, not caring in the least about the risks that such a spell might entail.

For some reason, the idea of going around, longer route though it may have been, never occurred to either of them.

“Enough wasting time,” Garuda eventually (though not very eventually) growled. “Your foolish concerns are for regular mortals such as yourself. I’m sure a god like myself will easily be able to see us through your primitive spell!”

Well… Okay, that was maybe possible. And it was clear that arguing wasn’t getting them anywhere.

“Very well,” Y’shtola conceded. “Then brace yourself. For now I will cast one of the most dangerous magics, the uninhibited transport spell that… That, uh… Um… H-how did it go again…?”

She pressed a finger to her lips, brow furrowing with confusion. How was she supposed to cast that spell? How strange – she was sure she’d known it well, she’d used it a number of (rather regrettable) times in the past, but now its mechanics completely eluded her queries. It was like everything about that magic had been sucked out of her head completely, off to… somewhere else…

The witch shifted, pulling at the collar of her dress as it grew yet more uncomfortable. Why was it so tight today? It had been such a warm trek, too, despite the lack of cover from any of the elements, she was really starting to feel… W-well, no need to dwell on that.

She’d questioned, briefly, just how there could be any kind of atmosphere here at all for her to breathe, but she’d quickly forgotten the query. She was just too hot to bother thinking about stuff like that…


“… Ah.” Ears twitching, her cheeks flushing in a mix of irritation and embarrassment, Y’shtola had to come clean. “Forgive me, but I cannot seem to recall how to cast that spell at the moment.”

“Tch.” Garuda rolled her eyes. “Typical landwalker. Very well, since you are clearly incapable, I will use my great master of the winds to… To…”

There was a pause. The bird woman’s wings ruffled uneasily.

“You can’t remember either?”

“Of course I can!” She sniffed and folded her arms under her swelling chest. “I just don’t feel like it right now, that’s all.”

Was this strange? It definitely felt like this situation was unusual – but Y’shtola really couldn’t think of how. She couldn’t think of much in general, actually. For some reason her head was feeling blissfully empty, while her tits were feeling nice and full. It felt good, but wasn’t there supposed to be something she was doing? She’d gotten so forgetful lately…

“Need a hand down there?”

A voice pulled the catgirl out of her thoughts, and looking up she saw a waving blonde figure, climbing down from on high. It was another incredibly busty woman, though this one was blonde. It was practically all that seemed to separate these dragon slaves…

“I do not need-”

“Please! We’d be very grateful!” Y’shtola cut Garuda off before she could blow this for them. “We need to climb all the way to the top!”

“Of course! You’ll want to offer yourself up to the Mistress as quickly as possible!” The blonde dropped down, sliding down a rope and landing next to the pair with a grin.

“Oh, no,” the witch said, shaking her head. “We’re going up there to… Uh… What was it again?”

She looked to Garuda, who just shrugged.

The blonde laughed. “Sure, sure, they all say that. Just tell her Celes Chere says I love you when you get there, okay? Now let’s get you hooked up…”

She produced a pair of harnesses, seemingly from out of nowhere, and helped the two travellers put them on. For Garuda, that was easy, despite her wings. It was like the thing had been designed for her. But for Y’shtola, there was an issue…

“Well the harness won’t fit with all these clothes on, babe,” Celes giggled, grabbing the hem of the witch’s skirt and lifting it up.

“Oh, of course…” That made perfect sense, and the catgirl raised her arms, letting the woman strip her of the offending garment without struggle. She didn’t even comment when her bra and panties were ripped away too. This was all completely normal behaviour, of course. As was the blonde spending a good ten minutes groping and licking her body as she squeezed her into the harness…

Yep. Perfectly normal.

Soon enough, the pair were harnessed and hooked up, ropes starting to lift them into the air – with a kiss to both women from Celes for luck.

“See you at the next orgy~!” she called, waving as they went. “Oh, and try not to fall! If you get sucked into the cleavage canyon it might be years before you get out!”

And so they rose, soon finding their bodies being dragged against the ‘cliff’ surface as they went. But the feeling was surprisingly gentle. The scales were soft, delightfully so, and the metals they drifted over were reassuringly warm. It would have been easy for the travellers to find themselves sinking into the softness of those massive breasts – to let their bodies and minds fall steadily under Sazzara’s sensual sway.

So… very… easy…


By the time the two reached the Star Dragon’s nape, they were in a blissful daze, their cares and worried sanded away by the ride. Neither was sure how long the climb had taken, and it didn’t really feel like it mattered. Time bent at strange angles here, dominated by the Star Dragon’s will, just like everything else.

So the two simply slid out of their harnesses, and began to walk.

It was strange how easy the journey had become now. Each step felt lighter than the one before, every inch seemed to cover a mile. It was as though their burdens had all fallen away, and the weight was no longer slowing them down. With each step, the pair felt warmer and wetter than ever before. Nothing seemed to bother them – not this strange realm, not their kidnapping, not their nudity, not their ever decreasing list of abilities, not even how horny they felt…

It was just easier and easier not to think, and the less they thought, the faster they went. Soon, they were barely thinking at all, and their destination was in sight.

Above, the two great heads of Sazzara towered over everything else, somehow dominating the entire horizon, if only because there was no way to look at anything but her. This close, her presence was overwhelming, even as she seemed to pay the travellers no attention. She was still focused on the world she had encircled, high above.

Of course there was still plenty going on to greet the two.

Before them was a gigantic orgy. Women of all types and creeds were spread out in a writhing field of tits, asses and cunts, all kissing, licking, sucking, and fucking without end. None of them showed any sign of anything but pleasure, moaning and screaming in delight without end. Not a one seemed to notice the approaching duo.

But there was an obvious path for them – one that they walked with blank brained steps, their minds practically asleep and snoring. A path that led directly through the orgy to a golden platform in the middle, where two golden rods jutted proudly out of the ground.

Neither Y’shtola nor Garuda needed any instruction. Instinctively, they understood what to do. As one, they walked up to the rods and positioned themselves above them. Then they bent their knees, slamming themselves down, and-



The Golden dildos slid right into them, slick and lubricated by their already dripping juices. Thick and powerful, they immediately pushed the pair into orgasm, blasting their shrunken brains with pleasure they could scarce comprehend even before their knowledge had drained into their tits.

Big, stupid smiles spread over the two women’s faces, and steadily they began to pump themselves up and down, their arms folding behind their heads as their gigantic tits swelled even larger and their dumptruck asses grew even thicker.

And finally – finally – the golden gaze of Sazzara turned upon the two of them, her two heads turning down to inspect them.

“Ah,” she said, smiling. “You’ve arrived~ What lovely little snacks you are! And you’ve come all this way. What would you ask of me, my newest delights?”

It was too much. Staring into the golden eyes of a being beyond even gods, caught in the gaze of the pure embodiment of lust and greed, was more than anyone could bare. As one, Y’shtola and Garuda felt their pea-sized brains pop, their tits and assess swelling one last time as their old selves became nothing more than fat for their curves.

“Mistress!” Y’shtola cried, her voice wanton with desire. “Make us yours!”

“Turn us into your stupid, slutty slaves forever and ever!” Garuda begged, tits still bouncing. “Let us worship you until the end of time and beyond!”

The dragon heads laughed. “Such a sweet request,” said the one on the left.

“How could we turn it down?” said the one on the right.

They drew closer, and the two new worshipers couldn’t contain their delight. As one, they found themselves chanting, praying to their new world, even as their existence as independent individuals drew to a close.

“Big on boobs and small on brains
Our skills are lost, our minds are stains
A hero and goddess, eternally yours
Thank you for making us slutty dumb whor-!”

The dragon’s twin maws opened, tongues snapping out and snagging around the pair’s waists. An instant later, the two were yanked off of their podiums, straight up into their Mistress’s gaping jaws. They had a moment to cum one last time in utter bliss, and then-


Both of them vanished, little more than slight bumps in their owner’s throats for but a split second, before they both blissfully melted away, becoming one with their goddess.

A sparkling green gem appeared amongst millions of others, nestled snugly on the edge of Sazzara’s breastplate, while a glittering cat’s eye was added to the collection of her left head’s right horn. And as they did so, a tanned, white haired catgirl with breasts far, far, far bigger than her head, and a green feathered bimbo with curves that would never allow her to fly again materialised, their eyes swirling with their mistress’s power.

The giggled, jiggled, and then jumped upon one another, both sucking and fucking with all of their might, joining the eternal orgy without thought or hesitation.

Above them, the dragon basked in their new lustful energy for a moment, before turning her attention back to the world in her grasp. Now, who to pick next…?


Request: P5 Cognitive detectives

I wanna go with Toya this month, she becomes a tough tomboy athlete. Fiery spirit, competitive, star of the track team, and always likes to be doing something and Kawakami’s sort-of pupil. For appearance I wanted to go with a more toned body that’s slightly more masculine, tanned skin with freckles and short boyish hair. Wears the boys school uniform because she thinks the skirts are uncomfortable, and always has her track uniform under it.

For every force, there’s an equal and opposite counter-balance. For every question, there’s an answer. For every attack, there’s a parry. For every strategy, there’s a rout. One always has to keep an eye on the inevitable backlash, lest it swallow you whole – and alas, the Phantom Thieves and their allies had not.

The operation was nearing its end. There weren’t many criminals left who had yet to be captured. Sentences had been declared and enforced with ruthless proficiency, and now most of the former dissidents were serving lifetimes of community service. But the work was not quite complete, not yet. Some of the worst offenders had evaded the eye of the law for a time – and they couldn’t hide forever.

Take for instance the case of one Hifumi Togo, the beautiful shogi prodigy. She would be a tricky one. Care had to be taken. The suspect that they were chasing this time had almost qualified to be a criminal herself – there but for the grace of god. There was a certain volatility to her that wasn’t as present in other cases like the tabloid reporter or the downtrodden school teacher.

But none the less, no one was above the law. Whatever moves she made, whatever tactics she concocted – the player was about to be played.

Stepping from the swirling malfeasance of the cognitive sea, the newest Indisputable Constable nodded to herself. She’d make sure of it.

Hifumi stepped into the church like she was returning to an old childhood home. Once upon a time, this place had been her sanctuary, a place where she could play shogi without worrying about judgement, scorn, or pressure from her mother. And it was where she’d made some of her first genuine friends, including one particular…

Oh, but, aheh, no need to dwell on that. Honestly, she hadn’t been back here in a while – life had gone on, and her path had led her to new places. It was a shame, but that was how things went. She’d never forget the time she spent here and the bonds she’d made – they’d really helped her out in a dark time, and now she knew she was a stronger shogi player than ever before thanks to what she’d learned.

So naturally, when she’d found herself back in this part of the city, she’d drifted over to pay the place a visit. It was quiet, of course – the old building had never been a thriving hub of activity, but that was fine. She’d really just wanted to have a peaceful…


… relaxing…


… walk down memory…


… What was that? It sounded like…

Curious, she crept through the aisles, all the way to the back of the church. There, sitting almost silently in the benches, was a blonde woman-

- A strangely familiar woman –

- Who was setting up a shogi board, of all things! Why of all the coincidences…!

“Hi there!” She greeted the stranger with a smile and a wave as she walked up. “Did you come here to play?”

“Oh! Yes, I did.” The blonde looked up in surprise, but didn’t seem offended by Hifumi’s interruption. “I heard that a while back there was a beautiful champion shogi player who used to practice here. I thought I’d come and try to get some of her luck to rub off on me.”

Ooohh. Aheh. The brunette tried not to blush too hard. She wasn’t sure she’d call it ‘luck’ to have her mother bribing all of her opponents like that… But this was still kind of cute. And a little mortifying. Well, it wasn’t as if the lady knew who she was talking to, at least.

“Heh, I don’t know about that…” She said, brushing her hair back nervously. “But if you’d like a game or two, I’d be happy to practice with you.”

“Really?” The blonde gave her a sunny smile. “That’d be perfect.”

“Great!” She took a seat and offered a hand. “I’m Hifumi, by the way.”

“Imufih,” the blonde said, taking it and giving it a shake. “Shall we?”

“Let’s.” The board was quickly set, and the game began – as Hifumi tried to ignore the strange tingle in her palm, and her new friend checked something on her phone…

“To step onto the battlefield with anything less than total and complete preparation is a folly only answerable by death!”


Constable Imufih Ogot ducked and rolled, frantically hunting for cover from a spray of dragonfire. The cognitive world that she had entered was nothing like the one she’d expected. There were no bars or prisons here – it was a battlefield, and the yellow eyed shadow of Hifumi Togo was the dragon riding commander of it all.

“This isn’t how this is supposed to work!” She screamed, diving under a hail of arrows. Her uniform – the outfit of a referee – was already muddy and charred after only thirty seconds, and it wasn’t going to get any cleaner on this excursion.

“Did you believe such a feeble gaol could actually hold the Emperess of Flames? Then perish and be forgotten!”

Good god in heaven, what was with this girl?! She looked so sweet and demure on the surface, but she was actually like this inside?! What were they teaching kids in schools these days?! It was all this new age media, it had gone too far!

Armoured soldiers surrounded her from the east. Towering monsters from the west. And overhead, the dragon was drawing in power for another blast of fire. There was nowhere left to run. “Trespass in this mind will be answered with the full force of my fury! Have you any last words, interloper, before you meet your just demise?”

… There was really only one thing to say to that.

“I surrender!” She fell to her knees, head bowed.

The dragon paused, warlord leaning over its head to peer down at her. “Really?”

It was hard to put into words just how disappointed she sounded.

“Y-yes! Yes, absolutely yes. Um. You win. H-here… Accept this gift as a token of my… submission?” She smiled nervously, offering up her phone, its screen glowing with blue light.

Hifumi’s shadow sighed, leaning down and scooping the tribute up. “What is this? A Pamsung? I already have the latest model…”

“Ah, no…” The constable was starting to sweat. “No this is a unique model, just for you. T-take a look…”

The warlord shrugged, doing just that. “Very well, but I don’t see-”


“… What the… The… Ah…” She trailed off, frowning as a blue light glowed behind her yellow irises. “What is… this…?”

“A- A gift, your warrificness!” The singed referee scrambled to her feet. “A chance to be the real you!”

The shadow’s frown grew deeper, but she was still looking at the phone – staring into the blue spiral. “The real… me?”

“Yes!” Seeing that her desperate plan seemed to be getting somewhere, the constable went all in. “A-Aren’t you tired of being so quiet and meek? Of being thought of as a distant beauty or, or put up on a pedestal?”

Hifumi’s inner self twitched, her lips pursing. Yes – yes, those were concerns of hers. She felt she’d been doing better with that stuff lately, but they still bothered her…

The blue glow in her eyes grew brighter, more intense, as she found herself staring deeper into the spiral.

“Now’s your chance to change all of that, general.” Imufih looked around, trying to see if this was working. All of the soldiers and monsters under the ‘general’s command had gone still. Maybe…? “Now you can embrace the real you!”

“The real… me…” This time there wasn’t any resistance in the Shadow’s voice. Her eyes twinkled, before turning completely blue, the spiral consuming her whole.

Things went silent for a bit – the mental world of Hifumi going quiet and still as the mind at its core dipped into mindlessness, and the referee creeping around the place as stealthily as she could so as not to wake anyone up. She really didn’t want to get hit by another dragon breath attack.

Eventually, though, she’d managed to climb up next to the stunned shadow, and sat herself down next to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “So, listen. You’re a tomboy at heart really, aren’t you?”

The hypnotised general didn’t move her eyes from the phone. “A… tomboy…?”

“Right!” The constable nodded. “You know, a real feisty, sporty chick! Practically one of the guys! You wear the boy’s uniform to school because skirts are too uncomfortable, and you’ve always got your track uniform on underneath it, you know?”

“Sports…? B-boy’s… track uniform?”

“Yyyeah…” Imufih stole a quick, nervous glance at the dragon she was sitting on. It didn’t seem to be rousing. This was… working? “Yeah, you’re a real sport freak. Track and field, soccer, you love anything that works up a good sweat.”

The Shadow nodded gently, a small, slightly drooly grin growing on her face. Encouragement to push harder!

“In fact, all of this strategy and tactical nonsense, that’s way over your head!” The constable waved the ideas off with her hand. “You prefer physical skills, not pointless board games. Honestly, you’re kind of a dummy. Practically a thug! Academics, not your thing. But sports? Oh you’re allll over that.”

“All over it…” Hifumi’s inner self nodded. “Gunna kick ass…”

“Absolutely!” Imufih cheered.

“Gunna… Gunna be the fastest…”


“The strongest…”

“That’s the way!”

“The toughest babe this city’s ever seen!”

“Perfect! Now, if you’ll just-”

The shadow jumped to her feet, eyes still shining. “People will cower in fear before my incredible gains!”

The constable shifted nervously. “W-well, hold on now, let’s not get too-”

“I’ll be the shining dragon star of Kosei! The champion of destiny! I won’t stop until I’ve won every contest there is!”

… The constable couldn’t help but feel that she may have just created a monster…

Back in the real world, the actual Hifumi was oblivious to what was happening in cognitive space – though she had to admit, she was feeling very… energetic, all of a sudden. Like her muscles were primed with energy – well, what muscles she had, hehe.

And she had to admit, she was getting a little impatient. No sooner had she sat down to play than her new friend had dashed off to take a quick call or something. It had been a while though – was everything okay?

Fortunately, no sooner had she thought that than the other woman returned, frantic with apologies.

“Sorry sorry, didn’t mean to take so long,” said the harried looking blonde. Hifumi blinked. The woman looked like she’d been through a warzone or two.

“Not a problem,” she said with a gentle smile. “It just means I had more time to think on my next move. Let’s keep going.”

And she moved her next piece…


… Then blinked. What strategy had she been persuing, again? It had seemed so clear a moment ago, but now she couldn’t quite recall it…

Her brow furrowed in concentration, and she looked over the board, trying to visualise how she wanted the battle to flow once again. Forgetting was unusual, but not a problem. She could easily reconstruct her plans.

As she did so, though, she missed a few things changing around her. Her clothes, for instance. her prim and proper Kosei girl’s uniform, complete with blue jacket and black skirt, were shifting, their fabrics reweaving and buttons unbuttoning, into the boy’s version between blinks. The jacket popped open at the top to reveal the white shirt beneath, and the skirt vanished completely, a pair of black slacks sliding into place on Hifumi’s legs instead.

Hmm. She put a hand to her chin, deep in thought, then shifted uncomfortably. Why was she sitting so uptight like this? It was a friendly game, she could relax a bit…

The brunette’s stance, the way she sat, shifted without a second thought. Her delicate poise was replaced with a casual, even boyish slump as she sat back in her chair, her legs spread in a most unseemly way for a girl – but it was way more comfortable to her.

Aha! How about this move?


Oh. Oh, that hadn’t been so great, actually. Oops, she’d given up a really good position with that. Huh, how unlike her – was she having an off day? Hmm, she’d have to think carefully for this next part.

Unconsciously, she started chewing, chomping down on the stick of gum that had materialised in her mouth. A rich blast of cherry flavour washed over her tongue, drawing a happy giggle from her throat, before she started distractedly blowing a bubble.

And it wasn’t just her jaw that was getting a free workout, either. The shogi ‘prodigy’s muscles had never been a particular point of consideration or pride, but now they were gaining some real definition. In the time it took her to blow her first bubble gum bubble, muscles all over her body started to inflate, just enough to stand out. She went from a girl who would struggle to carry heavy shopping to a woman with a killer set of abs who clearly lifted at the gym every weekend, minimum.

That came with an even bigger change to her posture, of course. Her shoulders were getting broader, her frame getting bigger, bolder, stronger – the kind that left no doubt about her place on the far end of the nerd-jock spectrum.

Her skin gained a helping of colour too, washing outwards from her lips as the bubble burst, and swiftly washing over her entire body. The pale glow of a bookworm who barely so much as glanced outside was replaced by the healthy tan of a woman who sweated under the sun at every opportunity. She even gained a smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks, giving her the full outdoorsy package.

Annnd… she’d move this piece next! It looked pretty~


“That’s my win~” The blonde moved her last piece into place.

“Huh?” Hifumi’s voice was deeper, more confident, if devoid of its previous wit, and she blinked as her bubble burst – and at the same moment her hair shrank, turning from long elegant locks to a cut so short it could easily be mistaken for a boy’s. “Oh. Uh. Okay? I guess. I never really understood how this game worked in the first place, so…”

That last bubble pop had taken all of the former ace’s knowledge of shogi tactics and strategy – annnd knowing how the game was even played – with it. She was kind of a dunce after all. All this thinking and stuff wasn’t her thing. More of a jock than a nerd, y’know?

“Well, thank you for playing with me all the same,” Imufih said with a smile that looked just a touch too smug. “It was-”

A ring ran through the church, and the sports star held up a hand, pulling out her phone. “Oh, hey, one sec – gotta take this.”

She lifted the phone to her ear and leaned back in her chair. “Yo, Coach! What’s up? All set for practice later?” There was a mumble, and her face fell. “Whadd’ya mean you’ll be late? Detention? With who?” More mumbling. “The goth girl was doing what under the desk? Where’d she even get the voodoo doll?” Mumble mumble. “Alright, I’ll handle it myself. See you at the track tomorrow, Kawakami!”

She grumbled, sliding the device away. “Well that sucks. Now how am I going to… Saaaay.”

Imufih froze, having just packed away the shogi board. The tomboy was giving her an intense look. “Um… Y-yes?”

Hifumi grinned. There was a worrying glint in her eye. “So hey – I did you a favour helping you with your dumbass boardgame, right? Well now you can pay me back!”

Uh oh. “Uh. P-pay you back how?”

“I need someone to pace me down at the track, keep time and fetch me water, crap like that.” The brunette got to her feet, flashing her the most charming smile imaginable as she ripped off her uniform, revealing the track gear beneath! “It’ll be easy, you’ll only need to run a few laps. Help me out?”

“Um.” Her heart was fluttering. Oh no. Was this the power of… bishonen?!

“It’ll be fun! C’mon, I’ll race you there.” Despite her words, she grabbed the unfortunate blonde’s wrist and pulled her along as she got to her feet. Her new level of strength meant she easily dragged the poor nerd along after her. There would be no escape.

Imufih swallowed. She’d definitely created a monster. Now she just had to hope this didn’t get way more out of hand…!


Request: It’s February, and Rin Tohsaka is getting ready for the holiday that month. Valentine’s Day. Because a certain boy has caught her eye and she wants more. But she needs to make sure it all goes well and he only has eyes for her. So she pulled some strings with the Tohsaka name to get a couple of arrows of Cupid. Her flawless plan is to set a trap so when Shirou walks in, he gets hit with an arrow and she’s the only person he can see. As she finishes the trap, she looks over the other arrow she didn’t load, wondering if he was really worth all this trouble. She places the arrow down and grabs her phone to message him when the door flys wide open and not Shirou enters. It is in fact the one person who she was trying to keep Shirou away from. Luvia…

There is some discussion to be found on the subject of the sense of one Rin Tohsaka. By all accounts an elegant and splendid mage, an idol of hundreds during her ‘normal’ life, and an envied genius in her walks amongst the Clock Tower personage Yet none the less, she always seemed to have her plans unravel at the last instant, as though some cosmic force insisted she not succeed, lest she be deemed to OP.

The waters were muddied further by the addition of two outright goddesses to her profile, both of whom had their own issues that really only exacerbated matters… But for the purposes of this study, these extra elements will be ignored. And we certainly don’t need to bring any incarnations from the Servantverse in on this.

Instead let us focus our attentions on the events leading up to Valentines Day, in timeline 69C. In this time period, the genius mage had found herself as a student of the Clock Tower, in the minerology department (unsurprising to anyone who knew of her favoured style of gem magic). She brought with her an apprentice and a familiar, who need not really be paid much mind save for their role serving as the impetus of the following scheme, and found herself in close proximity to a rival in affairs of both love and war, Luvia Edelfelt, who will be described properly shortly, because she will be integral to how the events in question will proceed.

To put it in brief, Rin was jealous. And a jealous mage is always bad news. No one in the mage’s association is known for being a good person, and witches and wizards are very creative in the way they can express their negative emotions – normally by making them everyone else’s problem. Rin, despite her responsible nature, was no exception to this rule. In fact when push came to shove, she would make her peers proud.

Specifically, she was jealous of the attention that a particular boy, upon whom she had her own affections, was getting as the festival of romance was approaching.  Shirou, her beau, was oblivious of course, having embarked on a notoriously difficult cooking course that was taxing all of his considerable skills… Which, in retrospect, probably just made the problem worse.

So Rin wanted his attention on her – and on no one else. Thus, she plotted, and set about arranging aa scheme that she was absolutely sure would get her what she wanted, with absolutely no repercussions.

She was a mage through and through, this one.

But at least her plan was simple enough. She procured, at great personal expense (and no small degree of ancient tomb robbing) an artifact of ancient times, from the age of the gods itself. Magic from those days could perform feats now rendered impossible in modern times, and these were a powerful set of relics indeed. No, the red devil certainly wasn’t messing about.

She’d gotten a hold of a couple of Arrows of Cupid. Because why half ass a zany scheme when you could whole ass it instead?

But yes, it was a simple plan. Shirou would enter her room, having been summoned by her. He’d close the door, and in that instant, the magical bow she’d prepared would fire – lodging one of these bolts into his ass. At that instant, he’d be overcome with love for the first person he saw: Her.

Yeah, it may have been a little, ah, desperate… But she was a woman with needs damnit! And she was going to get hers, no matter what. Expecting that dope to actually make the first moves was like expecting the sun to rise in the west. Just wasn’t happening.

Still, maybe this was a bit far, even for her. She looked over the second arrow – the one she hadn’t loaded into the bow, the backup for a just-in-case scenario (just in case Saber came with him, for instance). Was the redhead really worth all of this effort? Two one-of-a-kind relics, a fiendish scheme, an unstoppable love spell, all just to get a romantic Valentine’s Day? Wouldn’t a romantic dinner do the same thing?

… Eh. She was a magus. This was how they did things. And she was in faaaar too deep now to turn back.

With a shrug, she set the second arrow down on her bedside table and swiped up her phone. Now she just needed to send Shirou a text, and trap would be well and truly set. Just as long as she didn’t send the message out to all of her contacts this time…



The curse struck. Here, at the last moment, an interloper arrived to destroy all of her careful arrangements, slamming the door open and striding into her room without care for invitation. And not just any interloper, but the worst case scenario – the blonde forklift/hyena hybrid herself!

… It should go without saying at this point, but Rin and Luvia did not get along. The Finnish mage hit every switch on Rin’s hate list, and just in turn the ‘Country bumpkin from Japan’ did the exact same for Luvia. Their families had a running feud caused generations back by fallout from a grail war, and neither woman was ever going to accept coming second to the other.

They were entirely too alike, was the real problem. But naturally, neither would admit as such.

So Luvia showing up right here and now was the worst possible thing for Rin’s scheme – she could feel the unravelling starting already. But she wasn’t going to go down without a fight!

“What are you doing here, you miserly brute? I don’t recall asking for a visit from the Nordic bimbo patrol.”

The blonde just smirked. Naturally they were both more than used to the insults that their rivals would throw. “Why, I’m just doing some public service. Anyone could see you’ve been up to something these past few days – and with Valentines right around the corner, I couldn’t risk you doing anything sinister to my beloved Shero~”

Oh right, yes, that was another issue between them – they were both after the same guy.



Yep, it seemed inevitable that a fight was about to start – one that would devastate the surrounding area, without a doubt. And normally that would have been the case… Save for the very unfortunate intervention of fate.

Two unfortunate things happened, one after the other. The first was that the door, having been slammed open and then left to its own business, drifted back on its hinges and swung shut on its own, unnoticed by either mage.

The second was the bow that Rin had prepared earlier, previously hidden behind said door, now had a clear shot – and, just as designed, it magically fired its shot – straight into the last target Rin would have wanted.

“Oh!” Luvia jumped, the blonde mage nearly hitting the ceiling as she felt a sharp poke in her rear end, the arrow striking her behind straight through her blue dress. And she might have had more to say than just that, but before she could, a strange expression crossed over her face – a kind of wistful puzzlement, as her eyes turned pink…

Rin, meanwhile, was turning as white as a sheet. She knew exactly what had just happened, after all – and, worse, she knew exactly where Luvia’s eyes were pointed right now.

“Oh…” The blonde’s face turned dreamy, her lips curling into an eager smile. “Rin…”

The red devil swallowed, backing away from the advancing mage. “Uh, L-Luvia, wait a sec, don’t-Oh!”

She squeaked, actually making a sound very similar to the one Luvia had made, and then her head spun around, looking down. There, sticking out of her skirt, was the second golden arrow of Cupid – the one she’d left on the table… The table she’d just backed into. As she watched, the arrow vanished in a shimmer of golden sparks, its purpose achieved, leaving her with a torn skirt, and a sore ass.

Okay. This was bad. This was really bad. Her genius mind was already running the numbers. She’d just been struck by an arrow of Cupid, which meant she was Destined (with a capital D) to fall completely, utterly, head over heels in love with the next person she saw. Right, well, as long as she could make sure that the next person she saw was-

Sadly that was as far as her thought process got before Luvia, who she had briefly forgotten, grabbed her and yanked her around into the most passionate kiss of her life. Rin’s eyes shot open wide – and then turned a blissful, hazy pink, just the same as the blonde’s. A moment later, and she was kissing back just as passionately, melting into her new lover’s arms.

And that, for better or worse, should have been that. It wasn’t such a bad result, even if neither woman would have asked for it. Rivals to lovers was a tale as old as time, and plenty of people would have thought nothing special of it. Even the sharpest of mages wouldn’t have automatically suspected magic at play – most people at the Clock Tower would have simply said ‘It’s about time’.

But there were a few things still left to play out. A couple more misfortunes drawn in by the Tohsaka curse.

One was the fact that, had Rin taken the time to properly analyse the relics she had recovered as she normally would have, instead of immediately rushing to set up her crazy scheme, she would have realised that they didn’t just contain love spells. No, as it turned out, gods of love could be a little perverted (Who knew?) and this one had added a little extra ‘something’ to make sure that the people struck by his arrows became the perfect partners for their new loves. A small little curse that would turn those struck into who or whatever their Destined one told them they were – as well as making sure that their thoughts turned wet and slutty as fast as possible, to really speed that good lovin’ along.

Yeah, love spell arrows really aren’t that ethical a thing, this shouldn’t have been a surprise.

The other complication was that this was Rin and Luvia. And desperately in love they may have been, but some habits were hard to change.

“Mmmn…” Their lips parted, chests heaving as they panted for breath, pink pairs of eyes still gazing lovingly into one another. “You’re such a top heavy bombshell of a slut, Luvia.”

Rin’s mind, swirling with magics that encouraged love and perversity both, immediately went for the only way she could think to express herself – insulting her beloved.

“Well you’re a fat assed whore,” Luvia replied with a smitten smile, hands sinking down to give her lover’s defenceless rear a squeeze. “One who’s utterly in love with only me~”

Another kiss, tongues twirling as their hands explored one another’s bodies – ripping away any clothing that happened to get in the way. Both women were deceptively strong – their outfits were little more than confetti in moments.

“Mmn, you’re such a bimbo for my butt, you stupid titty tramp!”

“Ahn! Tit obsessed fool! You’re n-nothing… Nothing but a big booty ho!”

They both moaned, their touches and kisses growing more and more desperate. And as their lusts built ever higher, their heated bodies quickly began to transform to follow their paramour’s words. Rin’s ass – already quite a fine one, and about to grow finer – was inflating underneath Luvia’s fingers, giving her ever more handfuls to squeeze. At the same time, the blonde’s tits were swelling up just as quickly, giving the brunette plenty to grope, pinch, and kiss.

“Slutbag Simp!”

“Dumptruck Dummy!”

Asses plumped and boobs blossomed, the girls curves now easily bigger than their heads. Their minds were changing to, of course. The elegant magus was melting away, replaced with a slutty, salacious whore who would do anything for the woman she loved, no matter what – while her dignified rival found herself forgetting all forms of restraint, becoming nothing less than the sluttiest blonde on the planet, happy to perform any act to please her partner. Their minds dulled and drained away, naught left but a bimbo and a fool. Everything else was discarded, useless.

Magic wouldn’t be an option for curing this infliction, nor would either of them ever want to.

The two fell into bed together, hands and tongues exploring every inch of each other – their lusts now far too much for mere words to convey. And as they did, Rin snapped her fingers – locking the door and sealing it tight with a barrier spell that’d stop anyone from getting in or out for as long as she desired. Originally she’d prepared it to use once that redhead arrived, but… You know, it was funny. She couldn’t remember the boy’s name.

Oh well. She had much more important things to busy herself with. Like Luvia’s fat tits!

And so the pair descended into utter debauchery – and this study draws away, findings inconclusive. It was simply impossible to say if Rin was cursed or not. Because, yes, her plans had certainly unravelled, and nothing had gone and she intended… But it was hard to deny that she’d succeeded at her ultimate goal.

After all, no one was going to be paying Shirou any attention now. Least of all her!


Request: The Servant Trap: Pavarti enters Cockaigne and immediately knows what this place is: a cunning trap laid by Mara (aka Kama) to try to lure in and corrupt their Master for Valentine's Day! With the help of her new local friend, she's sure to get to the bottom of this Singularity and save the day!

“This is definitely Kama’s doing. I knew I sensed her presence here.” Parvati sighed, looking around at the lust ridden city of Cockaigne. “It has her sticky fingerprints all of it. She must have found a spare grail lying around somewhere. Well darn, I really thought she was doing better about all of this…”

Grumbling, she walked down the streets, eyeing the many banners and stands that had been placed around, all advertising the same festival – each lustier and lewder than the last. Boobs, butts, and seductive silhouettes galore! Even with the eternal pink smog that hung over the singularity, there was no way to miss the mood of the city. “I suppose it was just too much to hope for that she’d learn and grow on her own. But… to turn Valentine’s Day into such a torrid affair… Hmm…”

She rubbed her chin, deep in thought.

“Are you familiar with the holiday, oh great goddess of grace?” At her side, a cloaked figure – one of the many denizens of this corrupted place – hovered helpfully. “I’d be happy to explain if you’d like.”

Technically they were her Master, the one who’d summoned her here, but he’d made it clear that he only wished to serve as her guide to this strange city. What she did here was left up to her. It was nice to know that even in such corrupt and wretched places, there were still such kind and generous people around to rely on!

The purple haired goddess smiled, shaking her head. “Fear not. Both the grail, and my host have provided me with more than enough information. This is a holiday that celebrates love and romance with traditional gift giving as the centre piece, usually of chocolates or similar, personal presents. Not… This.” She looked around at all the lewd signs again. “Obviously to Kama/Mara, it would have made for an irresistible target for her to ‘corrupt’. She does have kind of a grudge against these kinds of things…”

Her own role in Kama’s grudge didn’t really need mentioning. She did feel pretty bad about it though!

Her Master clapped his hands. “Well I’m sure it won’t be any trouble for a wise and benevolent divine spirit like yourself to handle whatever devious plans she’s come up with!”

Par nodded. “Quite. It’s my responsibility, after all.”

With that said, she turned to the city once more, seemingly coming to the end of her deliberations. Her hands clasped together, wrapping around her trident as she raised it up, its head pointing to the ground.

Then she spoke, her words ringing out through the smog ridden city. “I demand see that this most sacred of days is returned to what it should be – a tradition of love and care, not sex and frivolity! In the name of the divine, be cleansed!”

She slammed the trident down, and a shockwave of light blasted through the city, the working of a great magic consuming everything around it. There was, of course, no real care or concern for warning the people of said city about what she was going to do. Par was kind of like that sometimes.

Still, when the wave of light had passed, everything looked… normal.

Normal for a normal city, even – not Cockaigne. The sky was clear (even if the clouds were still pink), the buildings clean, the aura of sin practically banished. And upon the street that the Goddess and her Master stood, the many lewd brothels and stalls had been replaced by sweet looking cafes and charming market shops.

Such was the power of a Goddess!

“There,” she said, lowing her trident and smiling sweetly. “Much better. And I’m sure Kama will show herself now as well. She could never resist arriving in person to attack whoever it was disrupting her plans. A few smacks of my spear should sort her out.”

At her side, her Master was rubbing at his eyes. “Ugh, talk about the ultimate Karen, I swear…” May have been quietly muttered.

“Hm?” The Goddess turned, oblivious. “What was that?”

“Oh, nothing!” Her Master laughed sheepishly, and then changed the subject. “Uh, so, I don’t see her anywhere…”

“Mm. Yes, it’s strange.” Parvati frowned. “Restraint like this has never been one of her strong suits…”

She too was looking around – so she missed the way her shadowed guide’s eye twitched. “Perhaps if we make it even harder for her to ignore you, your divine-ness?” He suggested.

“Oh?” The goddess looked at him curiously. “What do you have in mind?”

“Your seat, my lady…”

The Master pulled back the fancy wooden chair and waited for his Servant to seat herself, before tucking her back in at the restaurant table. They’d found the most elegant looking place in town, with white table cloths, pink ribbons hanging from the ceiling, and violin music playing in the background – the full Valentine’s experience.

“Why thank you,” the goddess giggled, settling into place as her Master took his own seat. “What a gentleman you are. Though don’t forget, I am married~”

“Of course, your magnanimousness. But I’m sure you showing us all how a real Valentines date should go will get you what you want.”

She giggled again, waving him off. “Oh please, I’m just a simple housewife, really – barely even a goddess! Just call me Par.”

He grinned. “If that is your wish, my g- I mean, Par. Here, I’ve prepared a special gift for you on this special day.” And from… somewhere, he produced an entire bouquet of blue roses, wrapped in pink ribbon. He handed them to her like a knight offering jewels to his princess. “I won’t go as far as red roses, but still.”

“Oh, how lovely!” She took them happily, inhaling deeply to take in the aroma. The scent was sweet and cloying, filling her nose in an instant, and then filling the rest of her head behind it – or so it felt. The sensation made her giggle (the third one so far, my she was feeling girly today~) and sway in her seat a little, a deep feeling of giddy joy flowing through her. Ah, it felt like she was a young maiden out on a first date with her bea- with her… Um… With her boyfriend! Hoo, lost the word for a moment there.

“Here, allow me.” And he gently plucked a rose from the bouquet, one that seemed to be little more than a bud, tucking it into her hair, just over her left ear. The giddy feeling intensified, and she almost swooned. Her! Swooning! Ahaa, this was fun. She hadn’t done anything like this in a long time, and now she had to wonder why.

Well, no sign of Kama yet. Best to keep going.

“There’s more!” Her Master grinned, pulling out a bottle of wine from behind his back. “After all, we should make this as romantic as possible, shouldn’t we?”

“We should!” She nodded, eyes sparkling with mirth. “Though I warn you, if you’re trying to get me drunk, if have concrete elephants in my family tree, and they got their tolerance from me.”

“Then you won’t mind that I got the strong stuff, from Cockaigne’s finest distilleries,” he chuckled, popping the cork and pouring her a glass. “How about a toast, to this most romantic day?”

“To romance!” The giddy goddess cheered, raising her glass and clinking it against her Master’s, before taking a polite sip. It was a sweet taste, with just a hint of zing that seemed to shoot straight up her spine into her brain – captivatingly delicious. Before she knew it, she was tipping her head back and downing the full glass.

As she drank, instantly forgetting her intention to only have a sip, the rose over her ear began to glow with a faint pink light – one that seemed to be flowing out of Parvati’s ear, for some reason. It’s bud-like petals were starting to open, growing bigger and more resplendent… Though still mostly a bud for the moment.

She failed to notice her Master throw his wine glass off over his shoulder, not allowing so much as a drop of it to touch him. But then, she wasn’t noticing quite a few things at the moment. Like the sudden draft she should have been feeling as her clothes began to morph.

Yes, her outfit, normally so mature, regal, and dignified, was changing, melting away – quite literally in some spots, where a few droplets of spilled wine were sizzling through the threads. The blue silks of her dress were slowly shrinking, revealing more and more of the body beneath, though she didn’t seem to notice.

Nope, she didn’t notice that at all. She just giggled and cheered again as she set her empty glass down. “Ooh, that was, like, totally delish and stuff…” she said, her words a mildly slurred. “Pretty weak on the booze, tho’.”

She hiccupped and swayed in her seat. Totally not drunk. And absolutely not rubbing her thighs together under the table, either.

“Well I’m sure it’s nothing for a goddess like you.” Her Master was smiling too now. Yay yay~ “Now, what else… Ah, of course. The most important part of any Valentine’s day – the chocolates!”

Now he produced a heart shaped box, putting it up on the table and opening it to reveal rows upon rows of delicious looking confections. Parvati found herself leaning over the table, her almost bare chest squishing against the table cloth (were her boobs a bit bigger than she remembered? Nah…) and her ass obliviously raised up in the air behind her. She was even drooling a little as the rose in her hair glowed brighter and brighter.

“Ooohh…” She licked her lips. “All for me? D’awh, you’re, like, so totally sweet! You should be careful tho~ My husband has a fiery temper~”

The Master twitched, smile drawing just a bit tight. “Yeah well ‘bout time that jackass got NTRed…”

Par failed to hear him though, eyes dancing over the chocolate selection. “Ooohh… Do I want that one? Oh, or maybe that one… Or… Or… Mn. I totally can’t choose!”

Her partner chuckled. “Then let me help you.” He leaned around, looping an arm around her waist (without even thinking, she wiggled in closer against him), and then reaching into the chocolate box and plucking one out between his fingers. “Here. These are all Bimbo Bonbons, but one’s called a Booty Booster. Try it.”

She blinked. “Bimbo Bo-ulp?”

He pushed the chocolate through her accepting lips before she could even finish, and she obediently found herself chomping down-Oooh!

The flavour was indescribable. It was simply divine in ways mortal senses couldn’t hope to convey. Instantly she started sucking, licking at his finger to get even a little more of a taste, not caring in the least as her ass burst out through what remained of her dress, fattening up into a massive heart-shaped money-making badoka. Though her Master certainly seemed to notice, as his hand around her waist reached down to give her new cheeks a good squeeze.

“Ah!” Her mouth opened in shocked delight – and he took the chance to pop another chocolate in.

“Try this one too. It’s a Booba Boomer. You’ll love it.”

She wasn’t really listening – far too busy chewing and swallowing, gulping down every last piece. As she did, her tits followed in her butt’s example, exploding through what remained of her now skimpy – and indeed, now shredded – top, swelling up to both be far, far bigger than her head. They pressed down against the tablecloth, spreading out underneath her like beanbags, and drawing more blissful moans from the transformed goddess.

“And this one… Well, I don’t think you need it at this point, but let’s make sure your dumb ditz days really never end with this lovely Brain Blaster!” This time the cloaked man just held the chocolate out in front of her glazed eyes, and let nature take its course. She practically jumped forwards, wrapping her lips around half of his hand in her desperation to swallow and-


Her brains burst, popping like candy as they were blasted apart by blissful sensation, far too much for even a Servant and Divine Spirit to handle. She slumped onto the table, drool pouring from her widely smiling lips as the rose in her hair fully bloomed, shining with pink light and drained smarts. Her eyes were vapid and glazed, turning solid pink as the magic finished its work.

A bimbo, through and through.

It was only then that the Master’s robe fell away, revealing a smug looking silver haired man. It felt like he should have been familiar, but the poor purple haired bimbo just couldn’t place him. Oh well, couldn’t have been important.

Kama laughed. “I knew my male form’d be perfect for this place. I may not have made this singularity, but I love what they’ve done here.”

Then he looked down at the bimbo on the table in front of him. “Well Par, if you’ve been working so hard to get my attention, you must be really desperate for it, huh?” He smacked her now plump ass, drawning a half brainless giggle, half wanton moan from the corrupted Goddess.

“You know, Valentines is almost like a ritual. Sweet smelling roses to dull your senses and drain your sense… Sweet swirling wine to sap your wits and stoke your libido… And the sweetest tasting chocolates to soften your muscles and fatten your curves… You’ve really made a nice offering of yourself to me!” He smirked. “And who am I to refuse?”

He stepped around behind her, hands getting a firm grip on her hips as the rest of his clothes burned away. “Okay then. You wanted my attention, and now you’ll have it. I hope you’re ready to spend the rest of eternity as my adoring fuck slut. We’ll see how many times I’ve got to fuck you before your stupid ‘clean fun’ enchantment breaks. Try not to make it go too quick, whore~”

Parvati just giggled and wiggled her rear in response. She didn’t really, y’know, understand any of that, but she had a feeling she was going to enjoy whatever came next. And above all, there was one thing that even a brainless bimbo like her knew for sure:

Valentine’s day was, like, the bestest holiday ever! Teehee~!


Request: (Fire Emblem Engage/Awakening)

Alear wakes up one day, cursed with the growth of a penis. A spell prank no doubt, she thinks, but it doesn't take long before she finds herself gradually and unwittingly obsessed with only thoughts of the member between her legs. Though one would typically wear Emblem rings around their fingers to summon iconic heroes from other worlds in battle, Alear instead feels compelled to wield her ring around her cock instead. Imagine Emblem Lucina's surprise when she finds Alear with her ring on, letting loose a few spurts, and each time she does, Lucina loses a portion of her precious IQ.

Perhaps also interesting, however, is the magical backwash such an act causes, where bimbofying one spirit in this world retroactively bimbofies the heroes' real selves back in their own times.

It was difficult, being the Divine Dragon. It was a position that came with a lot of responsibilities, and occasionally the weight of the world stopped by to press on her shoulders, just in case she ever ran the risk of forgetting that. Plus she hadn’t exactly had any training for this job – she’d just woken up one day and been told that the fate of the world depended on her, more or less.

Still, Alear never let it get her down. She was a bright soul – or, at least, she was when she was allowed to be – and resolutely did her best to handle whatever challenges came her way with a smile. Indeed, it was that determination and optimism which drove people to flock to her. Even the four kingdoms came to believe in her and her cause rather quickly.

But those traits, while heroic, could also be a bit of a detriment. They meant that, more often than not, when she found she had a problem, she was reluctant to talk about it with others. Whether it be because of shyness, inexperience, not wanting to tarnish her image as the Divine Dragon, or simply pride, sometimes she could be rather hard headed about trying to deal with her problems on her own.

“Nnngh…” Wrapped up in the sheets of her bed, Alear felt like she was sweating buckets. She’d begged off from her duties today, telling her stewards that she felt unwell through the door and requesting some peace and quiet, which had quickly been agreed to. The problem wasn’t that she was feeling a little warm, though.

It was the source of that heat. Specifically, the shaft that had appeared between her legs overnight. At first she’d thought it a simple prank, an embarrassing joke of some kind, but it had quickly become clear her new, ah, ‘member’ was more than that. Before she’d known it, she’d found she was struggling to pull her thoughts away from it, and its distraction had become too intense to ignore.

Her breath was hot, but the fire in her loins was hotter. And no matter what she did, no matter where her fingers stroked or how hard she t-tried to, ah, p-pump… Nothing seemed to sate it! It just made it that much worse. Ngh… She was just… so… so… horny!!!

Was this normal? Was this just something that happened to Divine Dragons from time to time? Ngh, it wasn’t like she had anyone to ask…!

Wait… Wait, she did! She had her Emblem rings, and surely they would have some knowledge of this subject. And if she could trust anyone to be discrete, it would certainly be they, right? They’d definitely know what to do – she just had to ask!

Desperately, she rolled over on her bed, reaching out to her bedside table for the box where she kept her most precious resource. So desperate, in fact, that she instantly knocked said box to the floor, scattering her rings everywhere.

“No!” The red faced dragon rolled out of bed and flopped down to the floor, still half wrapped in her blanket and otherwise completely nude, scrambling for her lost treasures like her life depended on it. Her hands slapped across the stone, sliding desperately to find- Aha!

She snatched up the ring, barely even caring which one it was, and prepared to engage. It felt like she was a bomb about to explode, but even that was being denied to her. Hopefully this hero could… this hero could…

Oooh… The humanoid dragon licked her lips nervously. This ring felt… so good… in her fingers. Cool. Smooth. Slick. How would it feel around… How would it feel around her cock? Maybe that was what she needed. Maybe that was what could finally give her relief!

By this point Alear was far too gone to consider the strangeness of her thoughts. Instead, she could only hurry to obey the bizarre impulse that seized her – equipping her emblem ring southwards, betwixt her nethers. It slid on easily, as if it had been made for this very purpose – and immediately, the divine dragon felt a surge of relief.

“Ah!” She gasped, eyes rolling back in her head, her body slumped against the side of her bed, legs spread on the floor. “Yes! That! Ahn! Please! I beg you!”

You would not think that such stammered, slurred words would count as a prayer or incantation, but Alear had always done things her own way. The emblem certainly responded to the need, flaring with blue light…

“I hear your call, Alear, and I respond! What do you ne- Wh-What are you doing?!”

The light resolved into the familiar blue-haired figure of Emblem Lucina, and for a moment her pose was every bit as bold and heroic as one would expect from a legend like herself. Until she spotted her summoner, that is. Then her jaw dropped, staggering backwards a step as her hand rose to cover her mouth, her eyes going wide.

The Divine Dragon didn’t care. She was finally feeling a release to this burning pressure within her reach, and she wasn’t about to give it up when it was so close! She continued to pump the ring up and down, getting it nice and used to its new seat on her cock. It was nothing but pleasure, and she could feel it all building up to something incredible…

And Lucina could feel something too, judging by the way she was twitching. Her body had straightened up, her arms dropping limply to her sides, her expression still locked in a mix of shock and confusion. Each time her summoner stroked her emblem up and down, her hips twitched in sync. “Nn… Haah… A-Alear, y-you must stop this! I… I don’t-Nngh!”

Her protest ended in a squeal the exact moment that the Divine Dragon squealed herself, her cock finally exploding and unleashing a shower of essence all over the blue haired heroine. She must have been pent up to an extreme.

But to Lucina, it didn’t feel like she’d been showered in the stuff. No, it felt like the blast had gone straight up through her body, filling her head and melting her brain. She found herself dropping to her knees, her tongue lolling from her mouth, body quivering from the surge of pleasure, her mind thick with confusion and desire. Her vision had turned entirely white for a moment…

Then she shook her head, trying to focus. She was a hero, she could resist this kind of sensation… Well, mostly.

“A-Alear,” she stammered, breathing heavy, her thoughts thick and slow. “You’ve gotta… like… stop, or else… This… This feels totally wrong…!”

Alas, her summoner didn’t seem to hear her. In fact, she’d already started pumping again, her cock still as stiff as ever. The pleasure of getting to cum, even just a little, was stunning. Overwhelming. In her entire life, she’d never felt anything like it – and now she wanted more. The urges hadn’t gone away, if anything they’d gotten even more intense, and she had no intention of denying them. Already, she could feel the pressure building up inside her again.

The heroine could feel it too, her own hot and horny body shaking in response, burning need growing between her thighs. “W-Wait,” she tried to protest. “Don’t-!”

It was too late. Before she could finish, Alear finished for her, cumming again in another proud spurt.

Immediately, Lucina could feel it shooting though her mind, as though the Dragon’s dick was directly pounding into her brain. Her thoughts sank beneath a white, sticky tide, and she found her eyes rolling up in her head, drool rolling down her chin.

That wasn’t all, either. Her body was reacting, changing. Maybe it was because her ring was being used as a sex toy, but she seemed to be becoming one as well. Her armour was dissolving as burning pink energy ate away at it, her hips expanding while her breasts swelled. Even her eyes were starting to turn pink around the edges. It felt incredible.

And again she pulled herself back from the brink. Again, she tried to reach out for her friend, even though her mind was utterly melted and her head was full of spooge.

“Please… D-Divine Dragon… You… You totally can’t fall to this icky corruption stuff… You’ve, like, gotta resist it! You gotta, like, be the people’s light in the darkness and junk…”

Her plea met deaf ears, accomplishing nothing. Alear cried out one last time, her essence spilling from her lower head like a spluttering faucet, all flowing right through the Emblem of the Princess Exalt.

Lucina screamed out as she came as well, juices splashing on the floor beneath her bent knees, her tits fattening up to be bigger than her head, her ass maybe even wider still. The last hint of blue in her eyes vanished, replaced with vapid pink, as her hair turned completely blonde, and her brain completely popped.

The blue aura of a hero winked out. Now, as the former heroine panted, there were only the lusty pink flames of a total bimbo slut burning around her.

Pink eyes fixed on the proud shaft of a dragon.

A slow, stupid smile crossed plump, pink lips.

“Ooohhh,” Lucy purred, slumping forwards onto all fours, her tits swaying beneath her as she crawled forward. “Like, lemme help you with that, stud~”

Eyes burning with unfiltered lust, she licked her plump lips. Then she lowered her head down in front of her summoner, and sank to kiss her ring…

“Hmm?” Princess Ivy blinked, looking up at one of the murals that were frequently seen around the palace. It was a common and well known scene, depicting one of the legends from which the Emblems were descended. But… It was strange. She had walked past this image, or ones like it, countless times, and yet today she felt like she was seeing it for the first time anew. Like there was something different about the picture before her eyes that she had never seen before.

It was a simple enough picture, depicting the legendary heroes in their battle against Grima, the Fell Dragon. There was Chrom, the fabled Exalt on the left, and at his side, Robin, the infamous tactician. Then, there, over on the right, was… Was…

Oh yes, that was Lucina, the, ah, courtesan. The woman who was written into legend not for her bravery or heroic deeds, but for her incredible body and her insatiable libido. While historians debated if her efforts were deliberate or not – legends told that she was monumentally stupid – there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that her ‘diplomatic’ contributions to Chrom and Robin’s quest had been absolutely vital to their victory over Grima.


The fact that such a stupid slut had somehow left a strong enough echo to become an Emblem Hero spoke for itself – though actually speaking to Lucina tended to give a person a headache. And trying to ask her the truth about what had happened back then just got a nonsense answer about “fucking and sucking” her way across all of Ylisse…


Ivy considered the mural for a moment longer, and then shrugged. Nope, she couldn’t see anything wrong. It all seemed completely normal. As far as she – or indeed, as far as anyone was concerned, it had always looked that way. Because it always had.

Apparently, a potent enough change to an Emblem Hero could rewrite history! What a worrying power to possess… Fortunately, neither Alear nor Lucina were currently in any position to notice or abuse this new development!

Though hopefully neither of them thought to start using any of the other rings they had scattered around…


Request: Continuing with the RWBY hypnosis story.

A few weeks have passed since Blake and Weiss were captured by Cardin. Over this time, he's also managed to capture even more girls, and Jaune was called away to assist his sister Saphron and her wife Terra, to move into their new place.

During this time, Yang and Glynda notice many other girls at Beacon starting to have some strange quirks (based on what they've been brainwashed to be by Cardin), and Yang decides to investigate…

Things had been quiet at Beacon Academy lately. What had been a rather chaotic year, even for the premier school for Hunters and Huntresses, had died down to a steady and efficient pace. Why was that? Well, no one could say for sure. Maybe everyone had worked out all of their energy and settled down. Maybe school work had gotten intense enough that the students all had their attention devoted elsewhere.

Or maybe it was something else, like one of the most chaotic students having gone back home for a couple of weeks to help his sister and her wife move houses. Jaune was definitely unpredictable/clumsy enough that his absence might explain a few things…

Well, who knew? Certainly not Yang. And honestly, it was starting to bother her. Everyone was acting really weird. She barely saw Blake these days, and Weiss barely said a word to her when they did meet. And given that she theoretically slept in the same dorm room as both of them, that was just plain bizarre.

Now even Ruby seemed to be avoiding her, and she was getting annoyed. If her team was playing pranks on her for having a few sleepovers at Jaune’s place, that was one thing, but this had gone far enough. She was going to put a stop to it.

The question was how, when she couldn’t find any of the jerks to yell at them for it! Whenever she tried to talk to them they just seemed to disappear. The only time she saw them now, they were sleeping in their beds – they had an impressive ability to sneak out while her back was turned. Ugh, why was this so difficult. What were they up to behind her back?!

Well fine then, two could play at that game.

She knew for a fact that all of the girls still had to attend classes – Professor Goodwitch had been very sure about that when she’d asked her. So, all she had to do was wait until Professor Port finished another of his long, boring lectures without falling asleep… More difficult than it sounded, honestly… And then, when the rest of her team snuck off, it was time for a little detective work.

Following them proved to be surprisingly easy. They moved quickly, practically marching through the halls, but they weren’t that concerned with covering their tracks. Yang just had to sneak behind them, and the trail was easy to follow. Heh. People always thought she was just a dumb blonde. Could a dumb blonde do this?

All too soon, she’d found exactly where her team had gotten to hiding outside of lessons.

“Isn’t that Cardin’s room?” The Huntress folded her arms, frowning. “What the hell could they be doing in there?”

Cardin Winchester was pretty infamous for being the school thug – an idiot with more brawn than brains who picked on everyone he considered weaker than himself. If the others were hanging out with him, it couldn’t be willingly. He had to blackmailing them or something. Either way, there was no way she was going to stand for it.

Perhaps a less impulsive woman would have gone back to the Professors, or taken a more subtle approach to this problem. That woman was not Yang Xiao Long.


The door practically flew off its hinges as she burst into the room. “Alright, what the hell is going on- What the fuck?!”

The scene she’d found in Cardin’s room was nothing like what she expected – though, admittedly, she hadn’t really known what to expect in the first place. Even so, finding Weiss dressed in a skimpy black bikini complete with a maid’s headdress offering Cardin a drink on a silver tray, Blake completely nude save for a cat collar around her neck pawing at his legs, Ruby dressed up as a mechanic, complete with goggles and an oil covered apron working on some strange device in the corner, and Coco and Velvet, of all people, dressed as slutty cheerleaders performing cheers…

There really was no way to prepare for finding that, come on.

And before she could recover, Cardin started talking. “Well if it isn’t the school’s biggest bimbo herself. What, was knocking too complicated for you?”

“You…” Her eyes narrowed and her aura flared, the Huntress readying her fists and cocking her gauntlets. “What the hell have you done to them, Jackass?!”

He shrugged. “Just want vomit boy’s been doing to you, sweet cheeks. I guess they lucked out in getting a better master than you did.”

Yang’s brow furrowed. What Jaune had been doing to her? That didn’t make any sense… And her mind automatically stopped thinking about it before she could dwell. Well whatever! It wasn’t like she needed to hear what he had to say for himself. This was very much a punch first and ask questions later kind of situation!

“The only one getting lucky here,” she yelled, drawing back her fist and preparing to charge, “is your Denti-Gah!”

For a moment, everything was a blur – and then she slammed into the ground, a weight on her back and one arm twisted up behind her shoulder.

“Target down, Master,” she heard a familiar voice speak in ice cold tones.

“P-Pyrrha?” She strained to look over her shoulder. There was the redhead, Champion of Mistral, glaring down at her like she’d just been caught eating a baby or something. And beside her, sitting on Yang’s back, was Nora, her expression equally dark. Both of them were dressed in cameo styled outfits – if you could call short-shorts and barely buttoned up tight ‘jackets’ outfits, anyway.

The two ignored her confusion, looking only to Cardin – who smirked. “If the bimbo wants to spend all of her time in a trance, let’s give it to her. Get her in the machine.”

The what? “Hey, wait, what are you-?!”

No one answered, or paid her questions any attention. The blonde was lifted to her feet, her clothing sliced away by a few precise cuts of Pyrrha’s blade, and she was carried bodily over to the corner of the room, where Ruby had been working. Obviously she tried to resist, but between Nora’s strength and Pyrrha’s skill, she may as well have been trying to stop the sun from setting. Without delay, she quickly found herself shoved into ‘the machine’ – a metal chair with restraints that snapped shut around her ankles and wrists.

As she went, Cardin looked to his ‘chief engineer’. “Is it ready?”

“You bet, Master!” Ruby flashed him a bright thumbs up. “What kind of programming would you like for her?”

“Hm, she’s always been a dumb brute…” He chuckled. “Let’s go with Gorilla.”

“Yes Sir, Master Sir!” Ruby saluted, and then pressed a button on her controller.

Yang watched it all with wide eyes, desperately trying – and failing – to break free. “R-Ruby, wait, what are you doing? Help me!”

“Sorry Yang, Master’s orders! Don’t worry, you won’t mind in a moment.” The brunette flashed her a cheerful, sisterly grin, as if there was nothing wrong with this situation at all. “I’ve been enhancing this machine all morning. It’ll work great!”


It was too late. Ruby pressed a button, and a helmet descended over Yang’s head, a visor covering her eyes. Headphones clamped down around her ears a moment later, and the machine turned on. Hissing static, white noise underlined with words crackled at the edge of the blonde’s hearing, while a bright black and white spiral lit up in front of her, filling her vision.

Perhaps if Yang hadn’t spent days, weeks, even months at this point, in a semi-permanent level of hypnotic trance, she might have been able to resist. As it was, though, the instant she spotted the spiral swirling before her eyes, her well trained brain shut down, and her mind opened up to the barrage of programming now flowing into her head.

Her jaw dropped, drool pouring down her chin, her body going slack as her mind was completely rewritten in an instant. A second later, and the machine let out a loud Ding, helmet rising, restraints unlocking. Its job was done.

“Wow. That was quick.” Cardin blinked. Even after his insults, he hadn’t expected her to give in that easily. “You really fixed it up, Slave.”

At his side, Ruby looked uncertain – albeit, still entirely unconcerned about the fate of her sister. “Huh. That’s weird. I didn’t think it’d…”

Then Yang slumped forwards out of the chair, getting to her feet. She fell into a slouched position, back hunched over so much that her knuckles were practically brushing the floor. The blonde made no moves to cover her naked breasts, which bounced proudly in the air as she stumbled about, and indeed, she didn’t seem to be aware that she was naked at all.

“Ook,” she grunted, looking around with dim, almost bestial eyes. There wasn’t a trace of human intelligence behind them. “Ook ook!”

Ruby winced. “Ah. Oops…”

“Oops?” Cardin raised an eyebrow at her.

“Yeah, uh, sorry Master.” Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “It looks like I had the polarity set backwards. I know you wanted me to make the brainwashing machine gentler so that it didn’t fry so many of your slave’s brains, but…”


She gestured at the blonde, who was currently scratching her ass. “But it looks like I accidentally made it stronger?”

“Ah.” He looked back to Yang. “Oops.”


The two stared for a moment.

Then Cardin shrugged. “Oh well. It’s not like anyone ever expected a working brain out of that one. Keep working on it, slave – the next girl might be actually important.”

“Yes Master!” Ruby saluted, and then hurried over to do just that.

“And as for you…” Cardin considered his newest slave for a moment. Eh, why not? She was hot, even if her brains were toast. “Let’s give you a proper welcome to the harem.”

He dropped his pants, and the blonde’s eyes lit up. Oooh, even as dumb as she was, she knew exactly what to do with that banana~

“I’m afraid the situation’s gotten worse, Sir,” Glynda spoke into the video phone from behind her desk, fingers clasped in front of her as she carefully recounted events. “More and more students are acting strangely, and now some are going missing entirely. Including Yang, I’m afraid.”

“I see.” On the other end of the line, Jaune frowned. Even the massage he was receiving from a blank-eyed Saphron didn’t look to be improving his mood. “I guess I’d better speed up my return to investigate.”

“Yes sir.” The blonde Professor bowed her head. “I’m sorry that I couldn’t keep the situation under control in your absence. The loss of one of your slaves under my watch is clearly unacceptable.”

“Don’t be so hard on yourself, Glynda. Clearly, something sinister is afoot. If anything, it’s my fault for being away for so long. I got taken in by the charms of my sister’s new home.” He smiled and accepted a glass of wine from an equally entranced Terra. “But that’s done now. I’ll be back soon. Start making the preparations.”

“Yes Master.” Glynda nodded firmly. “I’ll start preparing the plan we discussed. Don’t worry, everything will be taken care of.”

“See that it is.” Jaune smirked. “If you’re on the case, I’m sure everything is well in hand. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll start packing, and give my sister and her wife a proper farewell. I’ll see you soon, Glynda.”

“See you soon, Master.”

The line closed. Glynda took a breath, missing him already. Hopefully he’d hurry back – and if he did, she had to get moving. Reaching for her phone once more, she got to work.

There was much to be done.


Request: Another follow up to the Gamindustri Streaming phenomenon:

Eager to try to follow up on the trend as hinted on the first Neptune story, the other CPU's attempt to find their own success in streaming. This time we focus on Noire, who is attempting to leverage her hobby of cosplaying to recoup some of her rapidly dropping shares (views). Previously embarassed by it, she pushes aside her concerns because the situation is just that dire. However, same with Neptune, some more risque or revealing cosplays drive the view count up, and fill her with more and more shares generated from pure arousal and lust, which in turns causes more shifts and changes in reality.

One might think that the Goddesses of Gamindustri, the eternal pillars that supported the four nations, would be above chasing the latest fads. One would be wrong. One would be oh so very, very, very wrong. The only time these girls weren’t out there thrusting themselves into the latest craze was when they were trying to be the one to start a new one.

It could be that they did it because, as goddesses, they relied on Share energy, the belief and goodwill of their followers, to function – or even exist at all. They needed to have at least some presence in the public eye, or else they’d lose all of their power.

But let’s face it – they really just wanted to be popular. Neptune was a people person, Noire was a perfectionist, Blanc was a creative, and Vert was competitive. All of them wanted, or even needed, other people around them, validating them, worshiping them… And it really helped that doing that was their job as well as their personality.

… Well, that’s how Histoire occasionally put it, when the four had annoyed her enough with their latest shenanigans…

Whatever the truth, there could be no doubt that when one Goddess began raking in the shares by tapping into a new fad, the others would not be far behind. That was just how things worked around here.

That said, the CPUs of Lastation, Leanbox and Lowee had been carefully watching Neptune’s descent into a porno bimbo. They knew the risks. They’d seen what changes that depending on such risqué sources of shares. Care and caution would obviously have to be used in rigorous amounts, lest they too fall prey to-

“Well of course that happened, it’s Neptune.”

“Eh, it didn’t actually change her that much.”

“Honestly I don’t really see a difference.”

… No, of course, all three of them had rolled their eyes, shrugged, dismissed the charges, and decided that they could absolutely handle what the protagonist of protagonists could not.

This, too, was how things worked around here.

And so it was that Noire began her tentative forays into more adult content. She’d already got the streaming thing covered, she’d been working away at it for months now, developing the latest tech and streaming skills to cultivate an audience… And Neptune was beating her numbers hands down. Like, it wasn’t even close. It was like comparing Blanc and Vert’s chest sizes, there was one side that was the obvious winner and one side that you weren’t sure was even taking part.




“Oh come and say that to my face, blondie!”

“I’m afraid I just can’t see you beneath my magnificent chest~”

G-girls, please, the story has barely started, enough with the fourth wall breaking…

“Oh? Magnificent? Isn’t Neptune bigger than you now? Guess you’re not even taking part anymore either!”

“Why you little-!”

You two aren’t even in this one!

“Exactly! So get out of my story, and leave everything to me. Don’t worry, I’ll soon sort out this silly adult entertainment phenomenon and bring it to heel. Just another magnificent conquest of Lastation, Ohohoho~!”

Uh, right. So…

“Okay I’ll fight you later, right now I just wanna watch her get hers.”

“Agreed. Pass the popcorn?”

SO! Anyway, yes, Noire, CPU of Lastation, Goddess Black Heart herself, was a little frustrated. Annoyed, even. But certainly not desperate, ahahaha, no, no, never that…

It was obvious now that just regular streaming wasn’t going to cut it anymore. Neptune had given the fans a taste of the forbidden fruit, and now they wanted more. Well fine then! She could do that. Nothing as, hmph, low brow as Planeptune’s CPU though, obviously. She was going to be classy about all this. Give them just enough to tantalize, but never anything more.

Heh heh. She’d have them all eating out of her hand!

It was just… going to take her doing something that she’d previously been hesitant to do. It was time to cross the rubicon. In the name of her shares, she had to do it.

She had to reveal her cosplay habit.

It was embarrassing, absolutely mortifying – though she’d long practiced her sewing ability, Noire was still incredibly camera shy about revealing what she felt was a childish hobby – but desperate times and all that. She couldn’t let Planeptune beat her just by appealing to the lowest common denominator!

… But, y’know, that didn’t mean she couldn’t show off a few of her more risqué outfits while she was going. In for a credit, in for a bank heist, right?

So she was still kind of embarrassed, but also delightfully vindicated, when the numbers from her first cosplay stream came in. They were good! They were great in fact. That one stream single handedly arrested her share loss avalanche overnight. She was saved!

Though… She couldn’t help but notice that the biggest numbers came in when she was wearing the most revealing outfits in her collection… Hmmm.

Perhaps that would have been enough. A fun, slightly naughty quirk, in addition to all of her many other fine talents, was absolutely enough to secure a comfortable future for Lastation and its Goddess. Sure, Noire would never unseat Planeptune from its number 1 spot on the charts this way, but operations would still be fine to continue as normal.

But then she wouldn’t be number 1.

She’d be second place to Neptune.

So maybe she could throw a few, even lewder outfits on for her fans after all…

Yes, there was no escaping it. Goddess Black Heart was a perfectionist. It was her greatest strength – and also her greatest flaw. She had to shoot for the stars. But surely, surely, someone as smart and responsible as her could thread the needle without getting overwhelmed, right?

And so it began.

“Good Morning Lastation! I thought today we’d play a bit of Crypt Looter, so of course I’m wearing Bara’s iconic outfit…” She grinned, showing off her classical green tank top and booty shorts combo.

“Well hey there, come on in, the show’s just starting! Today I’m breaking out my copy of Element Clockwork Liquid, and breaking in my Geryl outfit!” Military pants and a combat vest, complete with a cosplay assault rifle and a smug wink.

“Welcome welcome! New exclusive for you, Black Heart fans – can you guess what I’m playing today? That’s right, how do you like my Lifa costume? My top looks a little tight? Well isn’t that the point~?” The suspenders had been hard to fit over her chest, but getting rid of her bra had given her juuust enough space.

… This was fun! Wow! After getting over the initial hump, Noire had to admit that she was having the time of her life. She got to show off, she got to put on cute, sexy outfits, and she got to do it all for shares. She was having a blast!

And y’know, maybe it was the lust shares she was getting, but she felt like it’d be even more fun if she kept on going and let herself get a little more unrestrained on these streams…

Yeah, that was Noire’s other issue. She got carried away far too easily. And she also missed the fact that her curves were starting to swell, though her audience certainly didn’t.

“How do you like my Gun-Li, from Sidewalk Brawler? I know, I know, but I wanted to try something classic…” She posed for the audience in a blue qipao, even doing a few kicks to the side to show off her smooth legs.

“Well after yesterday’s Gun-Li, I had to do Porrigan from ShadowAdjacenters next, right?” This time she was dressed in a low cut black top, purple leggings, and she had bat wings at her back, all showing off her sexy figure like only a succubus could.

“Here’s a little something for you premium viewers Tamus’s zero suit, from Reptroid! Heehee, don’t tell Blanc, okay?” Skin tight latex showed off every curve in the Goddess’s body, and she was eagerly posing to show off every angle, wiggling her (much bigger) rear at the audience without a hint of shame.

By now, she wasn’t even doing it for the games anymore – she just wanted to show off sexy outfits. The more revealing the better. That way they were even easier to make! It was, like, totally win win! Plus it was way easier to fit slinky outfits around her curves. Had they gotten bigger recently or something?

If she’d been in a more sensible frame of mind, maybe that would have been her cue to pull the breaks on this whole endeavour. But since her body was now filling with a constant flow of lust shares, ‘sensible’ wasn’t really a good way to describe her. Honestly, for every inch her boobs and butt grew, her brain seemed to shrink twice as much…

“So, like, I think this costume is from a movie or something? It had, like, a big giant snake in it or something, but who cares? I just wanted to look like a pretty princess, y’know?” She giggled and did a little shimmy, dressed in a very skimpy version of a red harem dress, her most private parts covered by almost transparent veils.

“Heehee, I thought I’d try Heyonetta, but I don’t have quite as much hair as she does, and like, my boobs are waaay bigger, don’t you think?” She giggled and winked at the audience, her ‘outfit’ mostly just her twintails wrapped around her chest. The camera’s view didn’t go below her waist, but it was pretty clear she didn’t have anything on down there…

“Uh… Mn, I don’t remember who’s outfit this was, it was just the only one that’d fit over my tits. Don’t I look super sexy in it though?” Honestly, it was hard to say what cosplay this was supposed to be, or if it was even meant to be one in the first place. Noire’s new curves, now all significantly bigger than her head, had stretched what might have been a very skimpy swimsuit to almost breaking point, just barely hanging on around her bimbolicious body.

Yep, the lust shares had done their work. Goddess Black Heart, the fastidious, responsible, hard working member of the 4 Goddess crew, had absolutely traded her brains for fame – and what fame it was! With every stream now she was closing in on Neptune’s numbers. Soon, she’d be number 1 – the sexiest, sluttiest, stupidest bimbo in all of Gamindustri!

W-w-wait. For a moment there, live on stream, the ditz’s eyes shone with a spark of intellect. Did… Did she really want that?

She felt good. Like, really, really, really super fuckin’ good, mmn. Lust shares coursed through her body and filled her up with warm, sexylicious goodness, from the top of her big bouncy boobs to the bottom of her, uh, big bootyful butt. But, wasn’t this too much? Her thoughts were so sticky and slow, she could barely remember her favourite games…

Maybe it was time to stop and-

Ding! A superchat flashed up on screen.

[100k if you take that top off on camera!]

Plump pink lips curled into an ‘o’ as her eyes widened in shock. 10,000 shares?!? Holy crap, was that a lot? It felt like a lot! Hell yeah, she’d totally do that!

The light of intellect winked out, smothered by the twin forces of lust and greed.

“Sure!” She giggled, leaning forwards towards the camera. “But, like, I need to set this stream to 18+ first!” Even a bimbo could remember that much.

That said… Uh…

She stared down at her control panel, nervously licking her lips. Which button was it to switch, again? All these buttons had such pretty lights, but, like, she couldn’t remember how they worked. Heck, she couldn’t remember how to do anything but look sexy!

Oh! But wait a sec. She totally knew how to solve this.

“Uniiiii!” She raised a hand to her mouth and called out into the hall. “Can you come help me? I like, forgot how to make this thingy work!”

Noire smiled. Her super sweet, super cute lil’ sister would help her out! She was, like, such a smarty~ The CPU could definitely rely on her to sort this out!

Of course, with the cameras still on and the stream still running, it remained to be seen how long that would remain true…


Stephen bocknick

Loved the twist in the Parvati one. Was expecting kama to just be another bimbo, completely forgot her male form

Director D.Z.

I mean I'm certainly not counting out her getting bimboed on her own later, but for this one she got something nice =D