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Afternoon folks!

Okay, my cold seems to have passed, and I'm writing away! Here's hoping that keeps going as normal. And that's really all I've got to say this week! Here, enjoy the story!


“Think Pink Beauty Spa and Resort…” The blonde trainer stared down at the building from the end of the road, folding her arms and sighing. “Guess there’s no running away from this anymore.”

Even the peaceful countryside air around her didn’t soothe her irritation. It was hard to ignore. She’d been avoiding coming to places like this for ages, and even though she was here now, she couldn’t deny it bothered her.

But then, Serena had always been kind of stubborn about this sort of thing underneath her calm exterior.

She adjusted her cap, using it to block the sun from her eyes as she began walking towards her destination. It didn’t have much of a brim, but it did the job. These days she’d trended back towards using a red outfit based on the one she’d worn years ago, back on her first Pokémon journey. It was pretty nostalgic – and besides, retro was all the rage on the coordinator circuit right now, so why not enjoy it while it lasted?

Maybe it’d help her ignore all of the pointless advice she was sure she was about to get about how to beautify her Pokémon. And there, she really needed all the help she could get.

It wasn’t that she thought she was above getting tips and pointers, of course. No, she appreciated the skill and technique that professionals could bring to anything, especially the stage. And as a proud Pokémon Performer and a Top Coordinator, she had learned from all kinds of people as she’d travelled the lands, first with Ash, then on her own. She’d learned so much – and most especially, she’d learned never to judge a book by its cover.

But these guys…

‘Team Pink’ brand business had been popping up all over the place recently, and something about them really put her off. Maybe it was the tacky reputation of their brand, or some held over grudge against anyone who called themselves ‘Team’ (Thanks Jessie), or just nothing more than vibes, but she really didn’t click with them at all.

Still, they were getting pretty hard to avoid. A lot of old locations she’d once visited as part of one of her various Pokémon journeys now hung the Team Pink logo over their doors. She’d even visited Alola recently, only to find a huge Team Pink presence, right where she thought she’d find a break from the whole thing.

It was a little infuriating, to be honest. Serena was a polite girl – she was known for her impeccable manners across every performance circuit across the world! – but even she could be driven to distraction by such an inescapable onslaught. They’d even tried to contact her for sponsored shows! Ugh, as if! Her style was completely at odds with such a slutty- Ah, she meant, um… Such a revealing style.

But in the end, her attitude had been defeated by the ultimate foe – logic.

“Have you ever, like, tried them?”

“No! Of course not! Why would I?”

“I think you totally should before you get all judgy, ‘Rena~”


And, much to her frustration, she hadn’t been able to think of an argument to counter that. She was being pretty judgemental here. Just because they had a bit of a reputation didn’t mean they were actually bad. In fact, a lot of people she knew and trusted swore by them!

Even her mother. Which… Okay, maybe that was part of the reason she was so hesitant, too.

But there was one person she couldn’t ignore. One of her best friends, and fiercest rivals, at least when it came to Pokémon Coordination.

“You’ll totally love it~” May had assured her over the phone line. “Trust me. They’re totes the best!”

“Ugggh… Are you sure?” Serena had practically twisted the phone cord into a Tangela around her finger.

“Yeppers!” Her friend’s advice was chipper, bright, and left no room for doubt. “Ooh, I know! I’ll book you an appointment myself! They’ll, like, take extra good care of you!”

And that had been that.

If it had been anyone else, Serena would have tried to (politely) wriggle out of it. But May was different. They had a real friendship. They had a powerful bond. And the brunette had blackmail material.

They’d met a long time ago on the coordinator circuit, and had instantly hit it off. The fact that they’d soon discovered they had friends in common had only sealed the deal. Actually, May had sniffed out Serena’s crush on Ash right away – and, once she’d finally stopped laughing, she’d agreed she wouldn’t say anything to interfere, for which the blonde had long been grateful. They’d been friends ever since.

Something that remained true to this day, even if May had been acting pretty weird lately…

Thus, the bell over the glass doors tinkled as the blonde stepped into Think Pink Beauty Spa and Resort, already grimacing at the sweet perfume. “You’d better be right about this one, May…”

“Welcome!” A smiling Nurse Joy in a pink nurse’s cap bowed to her from behind the front desk, a cheerful pink Chansy at her side. “Like, how may we help you?”

Serena took a breath and put on her best polite face. Come on girl. Play nice.

“Hi!” She smiled as bright as she could. “My name is Serena. I think my friend May booked a reservation for me?”

Joy nodded and moved over to her computer, pink nails flying over the keyboard. “Hmm… Ah, of course! You have an all-access pass for the weekend – where would you like to begin?”

The blonde blinked. “All access? To everything?” Wow May, that must have cost a pretty Pokédollar. Had she really gone that far?

“Absolutely!” The Joy nodded, turning her monitor so that Serena could see that, indeed, she had been granted the full package. VIP treatment and everything. Her friend had really taken care of her.

“Well then…” She put a finger to her cheek, thinking. Even if she wasn’t really interested in this place, she couldn’t turn her nose up at her friend’s generosity. How to make the best use of this… Ah! She had an idea. “How about you give me the full tour, so I can see all that you’ve got to offer?”

There. Then she could see what she was in for, and if it looked like too much, she could still make excuses and bow out. That was the ticket.

Joy clapped. “Oh, perfect! I know just the tour guide for you.” She turned and whistled. “Oh Sylveon?”

Serena’s eyes widened. “Sylveon?” That was a Pokémon she knew well – one of her stars was a Sylveon! She’d raised her since she was an Eevee.

So if there was any Pokémon who could cut straight to the blonde’s heart, it was this one. And she had to admit, the Sylveon that trotted out from through a flap in the wall certainly knew its style. Most of that species were white furred with pink and blue highlights – this one was pure pink.

The Joy smiled happily. “Sylveon here is one of our top Pokémon! She’s been helping out with us since we first opened. There’s no one who knows the spa better. I’m sure she’d love to give you the guided tour.”

“Sylve~” The pink Pokémon gave a chirp of agreement, before skipping over next to Serena. One of its whiskers reached out and wrapped around her arm – an incredible sign of trust from a Pokémon. But the real surprise was about to come.

‘Can you hear me?’ A bright voice echoed in the human’s head; every bit as cheerful as the smile on Sylveon’s face. ‘This’ll make things, like, a ton easier~’

“Woah.” Serena couldn’t keep the shock off her face. “You can talk?”

‘Yeppers! Through my ribbons, anyway. It’s a cool technique, right?’

It certainly was! Well, okay, she had seen talking Pokémon before – one in particular that she really could have seen less of, quite frankly – so this wasn’t so completely out of left field. Still, it was really impressive, and she couldn’t help but wonder if maybe her own Sylveon might be able to learn how to do it. Her bond with her Pokémon was close enough that she could understand them without words anyway, but it’d still be really fun to chat with her like that…

‘Anyways…’ The pink Sylveon brought her back to the moment with a giggle. ‘I’d be happy to show you around! Follow me, I’ll give you the full tour!’

Oh, there was no way she was turning such a cute little critter down. So, with a nod and a wave to the Joy at the desk, she followed after Sylveon, stepping through a door at the back. Beyond, she was surprised to discover that this was one of the staff only areas, where customers weren’t supposed to wander. She really was getting an all access tour, huh?

It was a relief. She’d been sure that she’d be forced into some treatment or session or something before she’d had a proper chance to look around. But this was good. Taking it slow – she still had a chance to back out if she wanted.

She didn’t think anything of the fact that Sylveon’s ribbons were still wrapped around her arm.

‘First things first,’ the pink Pokémon’s thoughts echoed in her head as they walked down the hall. ‘Let’s take a look at the spa facilities. We have services for, like, humans and Pokémon both, but I think you probably wanna see the human side of things first!’

“Well, I guess that’s true.” The blonde giggled with the Pokémon, following it through another door.

‘Okay then! So here we have the bathing room.’ Serena gaped as she found herself stepping into an area designed to look like an old fashioned bathhouse. The walls and ceiling were wooden, with the floor being made of patterned tiled stone. There was a faint cloud of steam in the air, one with a pink tint – which was explained immediately when she saw the baths themselves, all filled to the brim with pink water.

She and her guide were standing in a maintenance room for the area – or at least, that was what she assumed from all the pipes running everywhere. But the far wall was some kind of window into the bathing area itself, through which the blonde could see several women enjoying the facilities. Many were wrapped in fluffy towels, but those in the water were completely naked – something that didn’t seem to bother anyone. In fact, all of the interactions between the women consisted of giggles and splashing each other – though, actually, over in the corner there, it looked like a couple were making out pretty heavily…

That seemed… Odd? Surely it was strange, right? Nothing Serena had seen indicated that this place was, um, a nudist spa or something? Why weren’t the baths private, or at least bathing suit mandatory? If it wasn’t for how misty the place was her blush would have been luminescent!

There was something else, too. None of the women she and Sylveon were watching seemed to realise they were being observed, even though a couple were looking right at the pair. No waves, or signs of recognition. It took the blonde a moment to realise why.

“Is this a one way mirror?” She asked, examining the ‘window’ closer. “Why do you have one of these here? That doesn’t seem right.”

Something was very, very wrong he-

A feeler stroked against her forehead, adjusting her cap, as another tightened around her wrist. There was a brief tingling sensation, a fuzzy feeling, as though her head was being wrapped in a fluffy towel of her own.

Huh. What had she just been thinking? She was sure she’d been upset a moment ago, but now she felt completely calm.

‘This is just an observation room, so that we can make sure nothing goes wrong in the baths, without disturbing our guests,’ Sylveon explained, as cheerful as ever.

Hm. That made sense… didn’t it? She couldn’t think of any reason why it didn’t, anyway.

‘We offer many private rooms, but our most popular service is the communal baths…’

Yeah… Now that she looked, she had to admit, splashing about in all that pink water looked pretty fun. She giggled as she found herself imagining a good long soak, letting all of her cares and worries drift away from her, her head getting lighter and lighter…

‘Let’s move on!’


Serena blinked, and suddenly she found herself walking back down the staff only corridor again, being gently led along by the wrist. She shook her head, trying to dismiss the feeling of disorientation. Geeze, she couldn’t let herself get distracted like this, she was supposed to be paying attention.

‘Next up,’ came the thought-ful voice, bringing her to another door, ‘the Massage Parlour! This is where we help you work out those aches and strains, and get your bodies into tip top think pink shape!’

The door opened, and they stepped into another old fashioned room with a window looking out onto the area being described. Beyond it, Serena could see dozens of massage tables, all evenly spaced out across a mostly white tiled room, all of them complete with towels, pillows, bowls filled with oil, and various tools that any masseuse would want on hand.

Each table was also occupied by a woman currently receiving a massage, attended to by a pink Machamp. And none of them seemed to be trying to conceal their bodies at all.

Serena quickly started turning red, seeing so many naked women squirming and moaning, almost all of them laying on their backs, exposing their chests to the world. She tried to look away, focusing on Sylveon instead. “W-wow… That’s… so many…”

‘Yeppers! This is one of our most popular treatments – in fact, we recommend that everyone who comes through our doors tries it out! Unless they have totally killer bodies already, that is~’

Wha… What did that mean? Frowning, the blonde turned back to the window, taking a closer look at what was going on (and hopefully not at the naked women). Machamps were a famous fighting type Pokémon, known for their physical skill – and for having 6 arms with which to push that skill to the absolute limit. But this wasn’t a martial arts match here.

Instead, it looked like the many armed fighting types were using their considerable strength and skill to massage their clients with incredible precision. And having four extra hands was certainly helping. As she watched, every woman seemed to melt under each touch, as warm, muscular hands caressed and squeezed their bodies.

In fact… Huh. Was that a trick of the light? Serena leaned closer, forgetting her embarrassment for a moment. It was weird. Some of these woman looked a lot, ah, bustier than the others, but had they been that way a moment ago? She’d been trying not to look, but- there!

There, right before her eyes, a green haired woman in the middle of the room was happily moaning away as her Machamp kneaded her chest. And it wasn’t like she had all that much of a chest, to be honest, though Serena was far too polite a lady to ever say so out loud. But maybe she wouldn’t have to worry about that, because as she watched, it seemed that Machamp was finding more and more flesh to work with. The woman’s flat chest was suddenly a firm chest, and then just as quickly it was a decent one. With every grope and squeeze of those mighty pink fingers, her breasts were swelling up, now growing to big, and then to proud, and then finally humongous as the Pokémon’s hands finally retreated.

That couldn’t be real – she must have been mistaken. But then, there, again! That blue haired woman on the next table – the exact same thing was happening there! And then at the next table, that brunette was getting the same treatment, but for her behind. What on earth was this?

“Wha…” Serena stammered, stunned, before looking to her guide. “How…?!”

The Sylveon chirped happily. ‘Our expert masseuse Pokémon provide women with the bodies of their dreams! It’s a first class treatment, only for loyal Team Pink recruits!’

Team Pink recruits? What was- What- Wha-?

There was a light tickle as a ribbon-like tendril brushed against the side of her head. The fuzz grew thicker.

Wha… Wha… What had she just been thinking about?

Once again, it felt like she’d been in the middle of something, feeling very strong emotions, only for them to just… stop. A gentle calm resonated through the blonde’s soul, utter serenity embracing her.  And for some reason, she felt like she was forgetting something…

“What were we just talking about, again?” She asked, looking to Sylveon in confusion.

‘Oh, just about how jealous you were about the bodies these fine ladies are getting~’

“Ah, right…”

Well of course she was! Those babes were like, super hot! Mmmn, she could just imagine herself over on one of those tables, getting all of her aches and pains massaged away, and getting the boobs and butt of her dreams to boot! Hehehe, ohhh, her career as a performer would skyrocket if she had that kind of sway over the audience, hehe~

‘Just one more stop, Miss Serena, then I think you’ll be set.’

“Hm?” Oh, she’d been daydreaming again, hadn’t she? Ohh, and drooling a bit. Oops – good thing no one noticed that.

They were back out in the corridor, though Serena’s steps felt unsteady this time. A strange sense of uncertainty followed her like she’d crossed a Gengar’s grave. But why? Everything was totally normal, right? She tried to tell herself that, but she couldn’t help but feel like an incomplete jigsaw – missing some important pieces of the picture.

But she couldn’t dwell on that for long. Soon enough, they’d arrived at the next door, and stepped inside to find another viewing room. This one was a fair bit darker than the others, the window showing what looked to be a theatre performance on the other side, with the low lighting that entailed.

Serena raised an eyebrow as she looked at the large audience of busty, big bootied women – none of them wearing a scrap of clothing. Was there anything off there? Nope, it all looked completely normal to her. But she had to keep her eyes peeled for any clues that might help her solve this strange mystery.

In the meantime she listened to Sylveon, as the pink Pokémon’s feelers held her wrist and rubbed at her temples.

‘Finally, here we have the theatre/programming room. So, like, this is where our new recruits have their minds shaped into proper slutty forms to fitting their new bodies~’

At the front of the room past the window, Serena could see a stage, and on it, another familiar Pokémon – and this one, at least, was supposed to be pink. Clefairy, the moonlight fairy Pokémon, was singing, though the blonde couldn’t hear her voice behind the soundproof glass. None the less, she seemed to be giving a very enthusiastic performance, her fingers swinging from side to side in a very familiar pattern.

“Metronome?” The human looked to her guide. “Is that what she’s using?”

‘That’s right! You’re so smart. Well, you were…’

Serena blinked, and felt an odd tingle in her scalp – and then smiled proudly, feeling completely unconcerned about her new friend’s words. Like, all of this was totally super normal, after all. She couldn’t remember why she’d felt all, y’know, skeevy about this place. It was just a nice, normal, totally awesome spa!

And yet…

She looked through the window again. All of the women in the crowd were staring intently at the stage, their heads swaying left to right as the metronome fingers ticked. Most of them were drooling, their eyes blank. That was, like, weird, right? What were they even watching?

Curious, her gaze swept back to the Clefairy, watching as she continued to dance.

Tick. Tock. Team. Pink.

It didn’t seem that interesting. Just, y’know, swaying back and forth…

Tick. Tock. Team. Pink.

Back… and… forth… Actually, this was kinda… kinda… Back… and…

Tick. Tock. Te-

‘Careful, Miss Serena! You’re not quite ready for the full program juuust yet. Let’s get you a proper bimbo body first, right?’

“Eh?” Once again, Serena found herself standing back out in the corridor, with no memory of how she’d gotten there. This time it barely even registered. “Oh, yeah, like, I guess…”

‘Oh? You sound uncertain.’

“Yeah…” The blonde sighed, puffing up her cheeks as she thought over everything she’d seen. For some reason it took a bit longer than usual – her memories feeling oddly jumbled and, like, weirdly pink? But she shrugged that off. “I dunno, it all looks, like, super cool and stuff, but… I don’t think it’s really for me?”

The Sylveon tilted her head. ‘You don’t?’

“Nah.” Serena paused for a moment, then giggled, smiling. “I’m a Pokémon Performer, you know? And the most important part of that is my Pokémon! If I got, like, a super makeover and showed up with massive titties and a big butt, I’d totally overshadow them! And that’d be totally awful.” Resolute, she shook her head. “Nope nope nope. Even if this place looks really cool, it’s not for me.”

‘Wow.’ The pink Pokémon sounded genuinely impressed. ‘That’s amazing, Miss Serena!’

She blushed, quietly proud. “Why thank you, I-”

‘I’ve never met anyone so stubborn before!’

“O-oh. Well, I mean, like…” That brought her to a stumbling halt, before she rallied. “Hey, that’s not the point!”

The Sylveon just giggled. ‘It totally is though,’ she ‘said’, her feelers steadily starting to wrap around Serena’s wrists with surprising strength. ‘See, my job is to calm stubborn guests and make sure they’re left nice and pliable before they start their treatment – and I’ve never had anyone hold out as long as you! You must’ve had, like, a ton of willpower!’

“Huh?” The blonde’s brow furrowed, the gummed up gears of her mind struggling to understand what she’d just been told. “What do you mean you-Oooohhhh…”

And before they could even begin to turn, they were arrested once more, as the Sylveon’s feelers snared up her arms and slapped against her ears – the fuzz in her head intensifying into a pleasant pink fog almost instantly.

‘I’ve been draining your brain since we started the tour, but I think now I’d better make doubly sure that there’s not a single unsexy thing left in your head~’

Despite that promise resonating through her head, there was nothing Serena could do to stop it. True to her word, the Sylveon had been working on her mind for quite some time now, and by this point she was quite helpless to resist it. The pink Pokémon’s natural ability to soothe emotions and erase hostility had been greatly enhanced by the spa, and now its full strength was unleashed upon the unwitting performer.

Soft and gentle. That was how it felt. Like everything bad had been taken away, and she’d been wrapped in a nice, warm blanket. She was sinking into the sweet embrace of a sea of fluffy clouds, cut off from all cares and concerns…

She couldn’t even care about what was really happening. That was one of the first things that had been erased. A single brush of a feeler along her ear, a tickle in her brain, and all of her worries and fears had vanished completely, smothered and snuffed by the Pokémon’s aura. Like those nice, sweet clouds were just flowing in through her ears, the fog in her head growing so thick you couldn’t even move in it. Soon, she’d forgotten anything was wrong at all – the memory fading into the mist, never to return.

By now the blonde was just standing in the corridor, glazed eyes staring blankly ahead, a simple, silly smile on her lips. Her arms hung link at her sides, her body swaying lighting on her feet, held up mainly by Sylveon’s feelers, now wrapped around her head like a hairband. She was completely calm. Completely unconcerned. Completely open to be rewritten.

In truth, the blonde’s intelligence had been dipping into a downward slope ever since she’d first set foot inside the spa, but now that steady decline really became a nosediving free fall. The gummed up works of her brain solidified completely, her thoughts evaporating, her memories dissolving into nothingness. Her thoughts about what a Pokémon performer was supposed to be vanished like they’d never been – replaced with a hot and horny urge to show off her body instead. Perfect for the bimbo she was going to be.

The drain didn’t stop until everything that could possibly get in the way of Team Pink’s plans was sucked away. Only then, once Sylveon was convinced that there was nothing left in the blonde’s hollow head, did she finally let up.

An empty headed giggle burst from the human’s lips as the feelers finally retreated. Light returned to her eyes, but only the dim, vapid kind. Her once sharp gaze was nowhere to be seen.

‘Now how about we start your treatment properly?’

“Kaaay~” Serena smiled stupidly, not resisting even a little as Sylveon led her back towards the reception – and back towards her new destiny.


Hours later, a very different Serena stepped out of the Spa front doors. Oh, she was the same woman. Same face, same hair, same height, all of that. But you’d be forgiven for not recognising her. After all, that morning Serena had not possessed tits bigger than her head, or an ass just as wide. She hadn’t been dressed in Team Pink brand clothing, a tight pink miniskirt, a pink jacket over a black T-shirt that barely contained her new boobs, and, naturally, a TP pink hat. And she hadn’t been a vapid ditz with dim eyes and a goonish grin, shaking her hips and jiggling her tits with every strutting step.

No, that morning she’d hadn’t had any of those things – but that afternoon, she possessed them all in droves. Something she was all too happy to show off.

Though, first, she had a phone call to make. She’d already dialled in the number with a long pink nail as she strutted away from the spa.

“Hey Maymay!” The bimbo giggled as the other end picked up. “I was just thinkin’ ‘bout you! Yeah, you’re like, totally hot – wanna do a show together? We can totally fuck each other’s brains out! Mmn, yeah… Oh! Do you think you-know-who’d be up for a threesome? H-hey, quit laughing, Maymay, I’m totally serious!”

A small empty headed argument began as she walked away, but Serena was confident she’d get her way. May was, like, a total slut after all – just the same as her!

Yeah, the future was very bright indeed for Team Pink’s newest porno performer~


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