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Hey folks! Weekly story time!

At the moment I'm suffering from a bit of a sore throat/cold combo - you know how it goes. I'm hoping it'll pass quickly, but it has slowed me down some. Given that, I will likely be taking March off to catch up on everything - just letting you all know in advance!

With that out of the way, story! Hope you enjoy!


Sae Niijima closed the front door with a relieved sigh, another hard but fulfilling day of work behind her. It wasn’t easy being a defence attorney in a country where the legal system had such a heavy slant towards conviction, but it was better for her soul than her old job as a prosecutor. At least now she could walk home with her head held high.

Hanging up her jacket and dropping her briefcase on the couch, the lawyer swept back her silver hair and strode into the kitchen, eager for a meal after the long commute. Once upon a time she’d relied on her sister to make meals around the place (to be honest, Sae had never been very good at the cooking side of things) but that little bird had long flown the nest, so these days she mostly got by on quick and easy ready meals.

Honestly, it did make her apartment feel a bit too big, just being here on her own, with so much of her furniture designed for two. Plenty of tables and chairs… Even if the white and black chic look did slim it all down, it was still a lot. Not really the kind of space needed for a single female lawyer, but she got by.

It had been a few years now since she’d ‘switched sides’, as it were. There had been a lot of talk around her back then, whispered confusion about the star prosecutor’s ‘betrayal’ and angry recriminations from old coworkers. There had even been some speculation that she’d been a victim of the supposed ‘Phantom Thieves’, and that was the reason for her change of heart.

Well, she couldn’t quite deny that, but it hadn’t exactly gone like the rumours said. The Thieves hadn’t stolen her heart – they’d just given her the chance to realise she still had one in the first place. Not quite their usual handiwork, but she definitely preferred it over what happened to their other targets.

Granted, life had still become pretty tumultuous for her after that. Going from prosecution to defence had left her with few allies, and more than a little resentment from the police whenever she had to involve herself with them for a case. It wasn’t just that a former ally had turned into an enemy for them – she also knew all of their tricks, and how to deal with them. Their underhanded methods didn’t work against her, and they knew it.

Fortunately, that had all died down with time. Now… Well, they still didn’t like her, but they didn’t like any defence attorneys proving them wrong. Her appearance on the scene generally meant their cases were going out the window. The courts may have had a high conviction rate, but with her knowledge of the system, she could make sure her innocent clients never ended up there. All the same, it was better than it had been. And now she got to go home feeling like a human being, instead of an inhuman executioner.

Of course, with a job like hers, work was never truly over. There was aways more to do. More paperwork to pour over through dinner. That habit hadn’t changed – honestly, it was worse than ever now, without anyone to try to pull her away from it. Her love life was as dire as it had ever been, and Makoto had moved out years ago, first to head to college, and now to her own place after graduating from the Police Academy. She was off following in her father’s footsteps, and though Sae may have had some difficult feelings about that (in addition to being worried sick about her), she couldn’t deny she was proud of what her younger sister had accomplished.

And it did help to have a contact like her in the Police force to call on when she needed some information about a case.

Take, for instance, her current case. A simple charge of robbery – her client had been accused of stealing from a jewellery shop, a smash and grab. The case had been circumstantial – the client had just been in the area of the theft, and no stolen goods had been discovered on his person. None the less, the detectives in charge were eager to pin the theft on him. Typical.

This kind of thing happened quite often – less than scrupulous officers looking to pad out their numbers with ‘solved’ cases. But despite it being so frequent, that didn’t make it easy to beat. She could do it, but it would be a long and hard battle without some decisive evidence of her client’s innocence.

How fortunate, then, that Makoto had found her just that.

Her sister had taken a look into the case on her behalf (off the record, of course), and had quickly discovered CCTV footage from near the scene of the crime that clearly placed her client elsewhere during the event. Specifically, it had him drunkenly flirting with some women outside a nearby bar. Not great for his marriage, perhaps, but fantastic news for keeping him out of jail.

That was the hope, anyway. But Sae hadn’t seen this footage herself yet. She only had Makoto’s word on what was in it. Of course she trusted her sister implicitly, but Sae was the lawyer in the family – she needed to check it out for herself.

So that was the plan for the evening, as she sat down on the couch, carefully setting a bowl of steaming hot noodles down on the table in front of her. Watching hours of CCTV footage, probably over and over again, examining it all carefully to not just prove that her client was innocent, but also to make sure there wasn’t anything in the film that the prosecution could use to throw this evidence out.

It was what she would have done after all, once upon a time.

The thought traced a rueful grin on her face as she blew the steam off her dinner, before connecting her laptop up to her widescreen TV. She had a big screen and she might as well use it, instead of squinting at her much smaller monitor all evening. Then, leaning back, meal left on the table to cool, she hit the play button, and settled back.

This would prove to be a mistake.

The screen flared to life with a shocking suddenness, rather than the normal slow flicker she was used to seeing from unedited camera footage. More, rather than a pale or awkward fisheye view of the street outside the bar, colours bleached through a low-light filter, instead Sae found herself staring into a whirling vortex of colour – mostly pinks in various shades. Spiralling tendrils of warm mango and peach swirled in front of her, highlighted by lines of strawberry and sunset, all twisting into a dizzying centre that her eyes kept losing track of, no matter how hard she tried to focus.

Simply looking into it for a few seconds was enough to give the young lawyer an extreme sensation of vertigo, and she was thankful that she was already sitting down. It was the kind of view that made the rest of the room sway around it, the kind that made it hard to think about anything else, filling up your head through your eyes.

It was almost pleasant, actually. Kind of a rush, a feeling warmth as her heart beat a little faster and her gaze sank into the simple patterns. It kind of caught hold of her attention, like she’d found a puzzle to solve with her eyes, and she couldn’t help but trace through the spirals with them for a moment, before remembering that this wasn’t right.

What on earth was this? At first, she thought it was just a graphical glitch of some kind, but it didn’t settle or stop. Brow furrowing, she turned to her laptop to see what the problem was, and-


That was odd. Why wasn’t she turning? For some reason her head refused to budge. Her eyes wouldn’t even flick. All of her senses remained locked on the screen, resisting any command she gave her body to move away from it. And the strangest part was… It was because she didn’t want to look away?

It was sort of like being stuck in bed on a cold day and not wanting to leave the covers. The practical part of her brain knew that she needed to put a stop to this and get on with her work no matter how pretty this strange glitch was. But another part of her just didn’t want to stop watching the spirals. They felt nice to look at. Good. Warm.

Another tingly rush of heat spread through her as the patterns twisted around. The longer she looked, the more complex the patterns seemed to get. In fact, by this point, she could swear she could actually see something more within the screen – like those old magic pictures where you crossed your eyes to see the real image. She was close, really close… She just needed to relax a little, let her eyes go out of focus…

With a sigh, Sae leaned back in her chair, forgetting everything else she was doing as she focused completely on the spiral in front of her. Another tingly rush of endorphins flushed through her, drawing a small smile to her lips. Yeah, it felt good to relax. It felt good to watch. It felt good to stop thinking so hard…

And as she stared, the image flickering at the edge of her vision swam fully into focus. A shimmering pink backdrop, still swirling at the edges, with happy yellow letters dancing on the screen. It was weird – if she tried to focus on any particular part of it, everything would dissolve into swirls of meaningless colour and light… But as long as she relaxed, and stared at all of the screen, letting her eyes unfocus, the entire thing was as clear as day.

How this was happening or what it had to do with her job were questions that flittered in the lawyer’s head for a moment – before another rewarding rush of pleasure knocked them straight out of it again. It was much more important just to watch and relax

The words flashed on the screen. ‘So You’re A Bimbo~’ They read, the letters sketched out in cursive, finishing with a little heart shape at the end.

Which was a pretty confusing thing for Sae to read. A bimbo? What? She’d heard the term before – she was sure any woman who’d struck out for their own career out of the kitchen had. But wasn’t it just a way of calling a woman an idiot? Who would make such an elaborate illusion just to call someone that?

But the show had only just begun. Before the lawyer could even finish asking herself that, the pink screen dissolved away right in front of her astonished eyes, fading like a film transition into a shot of a room with glowing white walls and a white ceiling, with an empty black chair in the middle.

Sae blinked. The illusion was incredible. For a second, her eyes focused again, and everything melted back into a sea of swirls and spirals… But she couldn’t hold that focus for long, and after a second, everything snapped back into view.

And as it did, a woman walked into frame. A woman with long silver hair, wearing a professional suit, with a dark jacket and black heels. She looked familiar. Almost like…

Don’t think…

Like… Uh… Hm. She’d lost her train of thought.

The woman reached the centre of the room, spinning the chair around and sitting down with her legs split, smiling at the camera. “So you’re a bimbo,” she said, giving Sae a sympathetic, knowing look. The sound of her voice was strange, seeming to echo in her head without ever going in through her ears.

The lawyer blinked again, the video swirling for a moment before reestablishing itself, the sound cutting in and out. A bimbo? Wait, was she talking to her? That couldn’t be right… But it was so hard to think right now… Better to stop thinking

“You might not have known that until just now,” the woman continued, her voice matter of fact. “Perhaps you’re still in denial. Or maybe you’re having trouble following all these big words already. Whatever the truth, the answer’s the same – by the end of this video, you’ll have no doubt that you’re a slutty little airhead with more tits than brains! Much more, in fact~”

Sae was starting to frown – a slow expression, but one building like an avalanche. This strange video had been amusing to start with, but now she was feeling insulted. All she wanted to do was relax, but she couldn’t just ignore this foolishness. Her? A slutty airhead? How dare this woman say such a thing!

But the woman just kept smiling. “I’m sure you’re confused – actually, that’s probably quite normal for you! – and maybe a little angry. But calm down. Everything will be explained. I’m not trying to insult you, I’m just stating facts!”

Oddly, the lawyer found her anger dying down at her words. She’d explain, so she just needed to calm down… Okay, that was reasonable… As long as she was just stating facts…

“But just what is a bimbo?” The video kept going. “And why do they have such a sultry reputation? Let’s take a closer look, and try to explain the alluring beast you’re about to become. And I promise – I’ll try to use small words.”

Sae’s frown was growing again, even in her calm state, but before she could really put words to her discontent, the screen flashed pink, the white room vanishing into the spirals once more. This time, though, it wasn’t just chaos – it was a transition. And it came with a merry little jingle that echoed in the lawyer’s head.

‘I'm a bimbo, yes it's true
I'm so much dumber and sluttier than you
My ass is killer, my tits are huge
Oh I'm a bimbo, yes it's true~’

She blinked, and when the screen stopped swirling again, the woman was back, now stood in front of a display stand showing an anatomical diagram focused on the upper body of a naked woman. The background had become a science lab set. It was like she was here to give a presentation – she even had a little pointer stick.

“Let’s begin with the obvious,” she said, slapping the stick against the diagram, its tip landing dead center, just below the chest. “As you may expect, the first thing to look for in any bimbo is the tits.”

Sae’s frown deepened again, a little confused about where this was going. “The tits?” She found herself asking, her words half mumbled, jaw strangely numb for some reason.

And as if she’d heard her, the woman nodded. “That’s right, the tits. Otherwise known as breasts, boobs, jugs, melons, mamma milkers, slutbags, cock pillows, the jiggle factory, hooters, and the bust.” Each name was accompanied by a pointer slap. “Among many other titles~”

The lawyer squirmed uncomfortably in her seat. She wasn’t sure why, but something about the way this woman was making her feel… Strange. That warm feeling was starting to gather in her chest, making her feel weirdly aware of her own body.

“All women have breasts, of course, but only bimbos have great big massive badoka-honkas. And since you’re a bimbo too, of course you have massive knockers as well.”

That drew a snort. No, she didn’t. Her chest wasn’t especially small, but it was hardly huge. Even this liquid heat simmering inside her couldn’t change that. What nonsense.

But the presenter on screen seemed to anticipate her disagreement. “Don’t believe me? That’s natural. But let me show you. Imagine your own chest for a moment. Remember their size and heft. Picture them clearly in your minds eye…”

And despite her disbelief, Sae found herself doing just that. She didn’t close her actual eyes, of course, those stayed rooted to the screen, barely even blinking. But in her head, her thoughts filled with tits… With boobs, melons, slutbags, hooters

The image in front of her dissolved, replaced by a barrage of bouncing tits, a montage of mammaries. Round, full breasts spun and jiggled, filling the screen, filling her mind…

Then just as commanded, her own chest appeared in the centre of a sea of cleavage and busts, just like she’d last seen it in the mirror. Meagre, by the standards of the ones filling her head, but proud none the less. Yes, that was-

“That’s not right, you silly bimbo!” The woman’s voice interrupted her thoughts, echoing through her mind. “You’re imagining them much too small. Didn’t I just say to picture them clearly? Your bimbo boobs are bigger than that!”

Wha…? That… Didn’t…

But Sae’s imagination was malleable, and as tits continued to dance before her eyes, her grasp on what she thought her own chest looked like slipped. Just a small slip, a slight swell – her bust growing just a little larger…

And, unnoticed by the thoroughly entranced lawyer, her jacket top tightened, rustling quietly as it found itself to be a snugger fit than it had been a few seconds before.

The video wasn’t satisfied though. It pulsed, beaming images of inflating busts and expanding chests directly into her brain, the voice of the woman sounding less than impressed. “Wrong again, slut. Bigger.”

Sae grit her teeth, breathing hard as her mind wavered. A slip became a slide as the breasts in her mind’s eye grew bigger still…

… Her top was feeling kind of constraining now…

But the tape still wasn’t done. “It’s so cute how you lie to yourself. Bigger.”

“Nggh…” The barrage was wearing on the lawyer’s will, a sheen of sweat starting to shine on her brow. Not that she noticed, too captivated by the thought of colossal chests and titanic tits.


Her imagination was obeying without hesitation, a slide becoming an avalanche. In her mind’s eye, Sae’s tits were growing bigger than any of the images filling her head, bigger than any she’d ever seen in real life.


And in the real world…


Her jacket buttons gave in, bouncing away across the floor, one even snapping off with such force that it bounced off the TV screen, though she didn’t really notice it. Beneath it, her sweater was stretching out beyond its limit, pushed out by the shape of a rapidly inflated bust, now nearly twice its original size.

It was only than that the tape finally relented.

“That’s better~ Close enough.” The tits on screen faded, replaced by that silver haired woman and her knowing look once more. “You see, tits like that could only belong on a bimbo’s chest, right?”

Still in a daze, head still full of tits, Sae had to admit she might have a bit of a point…

“Let’s move on.”

Another transition hit, and with it, the same song as before rang through the lawyer’s mind.

“I'm a bimbo, yes it's true
It’s so clear that I thought you knew
I’m so horny so do me do
Oh I'm a bimbo, yes it's true~”

It was strange. The first time she’d heard it, it had annoyed her, but now she was finding it kind of catchy?

But there was no time to reflect on such things. Now the video had switched to a new scene. And instead of the lab, there was now…

“A strip club…?” Sae was feeling so confused, and her head was just getting thicker by the moment.

“Don’t try to think about it,” the silver haired woman giggled, shaking her head. Behind her, dancers were swinging on their poles, swinging their hips towards the camera to the rhythm of the beat. “Just listen.”

Don’t try to think…

“After the tits, of course the next thing we need to study is the ass.” The woman continued matter-of-factly. “Naturally any good bimbo has massive proportions both above and below. So, are you a good bimbo, or a bad bimbo?”

Of course Sae tried to protest. “I’m not-”

“You’re not a bad bimbo,” the video interrupted her mid-thought. “That’s right.”

It… It was? … Right… The lawyer’s lips quirked into a dazed smile. She wasn’t a bad bimbo…

“You’re a good bimbo!”

She was a… W-wait, she needed to think…

“Stop trying to think so hard,” the woman purred. “Just picture your ass instead.”

Stop trying to think

Sae’s objections slipped from her mind as her attention slipped inwards again, this time sinking down to her behind. It was a sensation that was helped as that liquid heat in her chest dripped down to her hips, making her shift in her seat once more.

“Of course you have some nice thick cheeks…”

She squirmed, uncertain and unsure… But her mind was already softened up, and it was growing softer by the minute. Plus, this one she had less resistance to. She’d always considered her chest one of her finer features, and paid her rear much less attention – and thus, had a much hazier image of it in her head. That haze now served to give the video all the grip that it needed.

“Don’t be modest. That fat dump trunk of yours is bigger than that.”

W-was it…? It must have been… She took her breath, and adjusted her mental image, aided by the bouncing booties on the screen in front of her. So plump… So juicy

“Thicker! Fatter! A good bimbo like you deserves a good booty!”

Right, right, right… Thicker… Oohh… F-fatter… Ah… Mn… She deserved… The wide ass she was seeing in her head…

“Keep going. Don’t settle for less! You deserve a butt big enough for two seats!”

Ngh! There was a sensation of stretching, of growing, of thickening. Of her sensible pants tearing at the waistband, her panties snapping, her cheeks plumping outwards… Sensations so strong they could almost have been real, not just in her imagination.

But that was ridiculous…

“Now that’s an ass you can smack!”

… Because her ass had always been this huge, hadn’t it…? So large that she balanced on it like a peach, a fine and thick hourglass, with cheeks as large as her breasts…

Sae chuckled breathily, and didn’t think about it as the video flickered into another transition.

“I'm a bimbo, yes it's true
Shake my ass and jiggle my boobs
My holes are dripping, my brain is goo
Oh I'm a bimbo, yes it's true~”

She found herself humming along with the ditty now, as silly as it was. Because it was silly, right? She wasn’t really a-

“Of course, being a bimbo isn’t all physicality.” The screen snapped back into focus – now showing the image of a bedroom, with the silver haired woman laying spread out seductively on the queen-sized bed, Lady Godiva style. “A lot of it’s sexuality too. And you’d know all about that, wouldn’t you, you horny little thing?”


“Well of course.” The woman shrugged casually, twirling a lock of hair innocently around her fingers. “Why else would you be spending your night watching a video about bimbos all night?”

B-but that- That wasn’t- Ahh…

The woman leaned forward, red eyes sparkling. “What do you see on screen?”

Sae’s eyes widened. She saw… She saw…

She saw porn. Flashing past her eyes, image after image, she saw women bouncing up and down on long hard shafts, she saw men pistoning back and forth into wet, wanton holes, she saw tongues twirling, she saw hollow cheeks sucking, she saw tit licking, she saw ass fucking, she saw…

“Silly bimbo, you can’t lie to me. I know the heat’s building between your thighs.”

It was. She couldn’t deny it. Her thighs had been rubbing together for god knows how long now, her dripping slit staining the couch cushions. She was horny. She was so horny. So unbelievably, ungodly, unimaginably horny… She felt like her brain was melting from the heat alone.

“It’s okay.” The woman was back, leaning forwards again, baring her body for the world to see. “There’s no judgement here. Ease the flame. Release the tension.”

The lawyer tried to resist for a moment, held back by either shame or embarrassment… But a moment was all she managed. Then her hands moved, releasing their death grip on the couch and ripping away the torn remnants of her pants and panties, plunging her fingers deep inside…

“That’s it. Touch yourself. Stroke your slit. Squeeze your tits.”

Oh god yes. She obeyed without a thought, one hand pumping between her legs, the other groping and pinching her basketball sized boobs. Pleasure surged through her body – more than she’d ever felt before, her newly cultivated and oh-so-sensitive nerves overloading her blitzed brain.

“Such a horny, horny bimbo. You can’t resist it.”

She couldn’t. It was too much, all too much, and her melted mind couldn’t even think of why she’d try anyway. With a loud cry, Sae came, juices soaking the cushions beneath her. Fireworks of ecstasy went off in her brain, lighting everything up in a warm, pleasant buzz that settled into a dopey afterglow.

Her head cleared – just for a moment. Enough for her to get her breath back. But she could still feel that heat, smouldering inside of her. And she knew it wouldn’t be long before she got that horny all over again.

The woman with silver hair winked at her. “See? I told you so.”

And the screen blurred into transition without another word.

“I'm a bimbo, yes it's true
I'm so much dumber and sluttier than you
My ass is killer, my tits are huge
Oh I'm a bimbo, yes it's true~”

By the time it came back, Sae was knuckle deep in her cunt again, gasping as she pinched a nipple. But her eyes still hadn’t left the screen, and she saw a familiar white room taking shape, the woman say back on her chair.

“Now…” She was speaking rather slowly, for some reason. “We’ve covered a lot about bimbos. We’ve talked about how big your tits are. We’ve talked about how fat your ass is. We’ve talked about how you’re a bunch of horny sluts. And you’ve been a very good girl, sitting and watching all of this. I know how hard that must be for someone with your limited attention span. But there’s one last thing about bimbos that we have to discuss. The most important one of them all.”

Sae blinked at the TV, too horny and confused to really follow. Which was exactly as expected, judging by the knowing smile on the woman’s face.

“We have to talk about how stupid you are,” she explained. “Because you are one dumb bitch.”

The lawyer took a long moment, trying to pull the horny sludge her mind had been reduced to back into something coherent. Had she really just said- Heeeeey…

“Just face it. You’re a stupid cunt.” The woman shrugged, as if she’d uttered the most obvious truth in the world. “Don’t believe me? Then let’s do a little test. 1 plus 1?”

Two – she answered without thinking.

“3 plus 3?”

Six – the same again.

“589 divided by 12?”


This time she hesitated, struggled – and before she could regain her footing, the woman was talking again, the walls flashing pink around her.

“Come on, these are simple equations! How about 17 times 873?” She didn’t even pause. “Time’s up, still no answer? How about something simpler then. Did you know that writing gullible backwards spells orange?”

Really? Sae ran through it in her head automatically. E L B… Wait-!

The woman chuckled mockingly, the walls flashing pink again. “Oh wow, you really fell for that. Aren’t you supposed to be a lawyer? But no, that’s silly. You’re just a bimbo.” More pink flashes. “A dumb slut. An empty headed whore. Tits for brains. Airhead. Moron. Whore!


Sae resisted. Of course she did. She’d fought long and hard to become the woman that she was – a smart, independent person who could be proud of herself and her accomplishments. She had no intention of surrendering that, of thinking she could ever be otherwise. No matter how soft her brain had become, she still fought against these ideas.

But for just a moment, there was a flicker of self-doubt. A second of uncertainty. Hesitation. Confusion. And through that micro-gap in her armour, the video struck.

Maybe… Maybe she really was a bimbo…?

“Yes. That’s right. It’s okay.” That smooth, sultry voice licked in through her ears and caressed away her shame. “No one expects a bimbo to know any better. Here, let me show you what I mean…”

The screen was pure pink now, flashing so bright and so often that it was just one long blur. And Sae’s eyes, still locked on the screen, reflected it all, practically pure pink themselves.

“Imagine your brain,” the voice whispered, inserting the command straight into the lawyer’s mind, leaving her unable to disobey. “Imagine it as you want it to be, all full of sparks and ideas and thoughts.” The image sculpted itself in her imagination easily, using all of her remaining brainpower to do it. “But that’s not what it really looks like, is it? We’ve proven that.”

Sae shuddered. She wasn’t sure why. Anticipation of something, maybe, but she couldn’t think what… she could barely think at all…

“Exactly. Far too smart. Smoother. Rounder.”

The image in her mind obeyed the whispered commands, and a moan spilled from her throat as she felt the fuzz in her head thicken. Her image of her own brain, of her own thoughts, her intelligence, grew smoother. Simpler. Smaller.

“You really can’t do any of this without my help, can you? Such a bimbo. Iron out those creases. Steam out those thoughts.”

“Aaahhn…” Another moan, her lips starting to quirk up into a wide smile as her cares all seemed to evaporate away. Everything in her head was dissolving, fading, melting into a puddle of pleasure. Anything that stood in the way of feeling good was erased. Entire trains of thought were puffing into nothingness, her education and experience smoothing away.

“So full of air,” the voice purred. “Like a big, pink, airheaded balloon…”

She didn’t want to stop. Couldn’t remember why she’d ever stop. The image of her mind grew bigger as her mind itself grew emptier. Soon the image was all there was left. Out it grew, filling her head with nothing but air. The thought balloon stuffed every inch of her brain empty, swelling so big and pink and tight, until-



It was more of a feeling than an actual pop, but the results were more or less the same. Sae’s lips curled into a surprised ‘o’ shape as her eyes turned pink, and her brain went blank. Her mind was utterly empty, popped like a balloon, leaving just a dumb, busty, big assed booty bimbo where once a defence lawyer had sat.

“I knew you could do it.” The woman chuckled. “Big boobs. Big Butt. Big horny. Smaaaall brains. I think I’ve proved my point?”

Sae certainly didn’t argue. She just drooled.

“So you’re a bimbo! I’ll leave you to it.” She winked one last time, before rising from her chair, and walking off stage. And as the video came to an end, the song played one last time.

“I'm a bimbo, yes it's true
I'm so much dumber and sluttier than you
My ass is killer, my tits are huge
Oh I'm a bimbo, yes it's true~”

The ‘film’ came to an end, the pink spirals finally fading from view, their job done. All was silent.

… Then the screen lit back up with spirals as the movie restarted.

“So you’re a bimbo,” a familiar voice filled Sae’s empty head – with a few small changes to its tone. “Like, you might not have known that until just now. Or maybe you’re totally saying you aren’t! Or maybe…”

If the former lawyer noticed the change, she didn’t show it. No, she simply sat there, listening blankly, as her own voice relentlessly instructed her on what a bimbo she was, until the tape reset and began all over again.

She just watched…

… Her eyes turning pinker and pinker…

… Curves growing bigger and bigger…

… Mind growing dimmer and dimmer…

… As the evening wore on.


“Sis?” Makoto knocked on the apartment door with nervous energy. “Sae, are you in there?”

It had been over a day since anyone had heard anything from Sae, and her sister was worried. When the law agency she worked for called the police to get someone to check on her, she’d grabbed the request immediately (Screw ‘conflict of interest’, she had a key to the apartment) and practically shot herself across the city on her motorbike. Something happening to her sister like it had her father had always been one of her greatest fears…

Now here she was, not getting an answer – but when she listened at the door, she could hear... What was that? A weird note, like… music? Or a static hiss? It was strange, hovering between sound and background noise. And was that… singing?

It was certainly all the prompting she needed to investigate. Slotting her key into the lock, she pushed open the door, and-


Saw Niijima was sitting on the couch – but it wasn’t the Sae Niijima that Makoto knew. After all, the Sae that Makoto remembered was a serious, trim woman with an athletic frame and serious eyes. The woman on the couch was none of those things. Instead...

Her heaving chest was at least twice the size of her head…

Her ass was big enough to match, taking up most of the couch on its own…

She was frantically, desperately playing with herself, groping her chest and furiously stroking between her thighs…

And her face was utterly vapid. Drool poured from blankly smiling lips, her one red eyes now completely pink and completely devoid of thought. The sharpness was gone, replaced by the glaze of stupidity.

She was still Sae, unmistakably so – but she was definitely… different… from the last time her sister had seen her.

“Sis!” Makoto was a smart woman, and forced herself not to rush over to Sae’s side. She could tell that whatever had done this was still working on her sister, and she had a damn good idea of what the source of it was. The TV – which was thankfully pointed away from the front door, so she couldn’t see the screen – was on, and the strange sound was definitely coming from it. Maybe…

Carefully making sure not to look, the brunette slid over and pulled the plug. The noise cut out as the show abruptly came to an end.

Well. Most of the noise.

“I'm a bimbo, yes it's true
I'm so much dumber and sluttier than you
My ass is killer, my tits are huge
Oh I'm a bimbo, yes it's true~”

“Sis?” Makoto bit her lip as she heard singing. Some light seemed to have returned to the woman’s eyes… Well, a little. It was better than just blankly drooling, at least.

At her call, though, Sae looked up. The instant she saw her sister standing by the TV, her smile grew brighter, and her hand slid from between her thighs to play with her hair instead. “Oh hey Makky! Like, when did you get here?”

Hoo boy…


An intense investigation had unfolded at lightning speed after Sae had been found. It was quickly discovered that the officer in charge of sending over the CCTV footage had accidentally sent a file from another investigation instead – one from a case involving someone accused of making actual hypnotic tapes that could change people both mentally and physically.

The case had been a slam dunk after what happened to Sae, though that wasn’t much of a comfort. They hadn’t even managed to get how the tapes worked out of the culprit – before trial, he’d managed to watch another tape of his own making that had erased his memory of the entire thing.

It all ran a bit too suspicious for Makoto – especially given the obvious cognitive science roots of the tapes. People who watched the tapes part way (with someone else hitting the off-switch) said they saw themselves on the screen, hypnotising them… There was no way these were normal creations.

That was a problem for the Phantom Thieves, though. The official record had gone down stating that everything that happened to Sae was an accident, and that was that. And ‘officially’ Makoto was happy to leave it there. Never you mind what she and her friends were doing while she was off duty, thank you.

It helped that Sae had been awarded massive damages thanks to the ‘accident’. One didn’t scramble the brains of a well connected lawyer without consequences. Thanks to a little keen investment (and some advice from Haru), Makoto had made sure her sister was set for life. Which was useful, because there was no way Sae would be holding down a job now – at least, not one that Makoto was going to allow her sister to have, nope.

And so, when the ‘former’ Phantom Thief returned home one evening, it was a very busty hug that greeted her at the door.

“Welcome home Makky~ How’d my, like, totally adorbs lil’ sister do today~?”

“Good!” Makoto managed a smile as she gently pulled free of her sister. “I should have that promotion I’ve been after in the bag. Another step on the road to Commissioner.” That was still her goal, after all – not for the money, but for the power to change society… “How was your day?”

Sae giggled and preened in her new dress. “I did so. Much. Shopping~”

Yep, that was definitely a new outfit. It was incredibly revealing, especially with her enhanced figure. She’d probably gotten plenty of discounts on it just winking at the cashier. The old Sae would have been mortified, but at least her new self was happy. Actually, she was happier than Makoto ever remembered seeing her. No more worries about money or her career… No more worries about anything, really.

And she was much, much more affectionate to her little sister now, especially since they lived together again (Makoto had moved back in). “So what’d you get for our, like, sister sleepover night~?”

The brunette chuckled and held up the bag she was carrying. “I brought a movie.”

“Oh yay!” Sae clapped with excitement, hopping over to the (replaced) couch. “Sounds super fun!”

Yes, things were different now. Very, very different. But her sister was still her sister. And it was nice to see her enjoying herself now.

“Don’t worry Sae,” Makoto sighed as she took her seat on the couch too, hitting play on the remote. “I’ll always love you, even if you’re completely different.”

“Huh?” The bimbo put a finger to her cheek, tapping in obvious empty headed confusion. “I dunno what you mean – but I’ll totally always love you too, Makky~”

The two smiled, sharing a hug, and settled back as the movie began to play.



It's nice to see the bad guy getting caught for once