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Okay, it has been far too long! God, I missed out on both Halloween and Christmas - super sorry, folks, Covid is a complete bitch. But now that I'm back, let's just cut to the chase! You know how this works! (But just to be sure...)

How it works:

I'll write you a small story of about a thousand to two thousand words, based on a prompt you suggest. One prompt per patron, and preferably it should be TF or MC themed, or both. Put your requests in either the comments below, or message them to me here or on discord!

The rules:

  • No gross stuff
  • No underaged stuff
  • In general, nothing that'll get me thrown in jail

Please try to get your requests in by Wednesday the 10th, and I will endeavour to get them all done within the next two weeks (unless life gets in the way). They will be my priority until the full set is done.

Be specific - I want to give you what you want to see, so the more detail you can give me, the better! Plus I have a lot of these to go through, so anything that lets me get past planning to writing faster is a plus!

Try to limit your request to one or two characters to be TF/MCed at a time - 2k words is shorter than it feels sometimes!

If you have any questions, just send me a message however you like, and I'll try to get back to you as quick as I can. Don't worry, it won't be a bother to me.



For the last installment (for now) in the Chihiro's Harem series, he decides that Hiyoko should be his next member. Upon seeing that Hiyoko had grown really close to Mahiru, decides that she'd be the perfect one to join. Thanks to one of Mahiru's photographs, the Ultimate Traditional Dancer becomes the Ultimate Bimbo Poledancer.


The Servant Trap. Medusa (Rider) was so pleased when she found the library in Cockaigne. All of the craziness of GUDAGUDA left her no time for her literature; perhaps now she would be able to take a break, and catch up on her reading. She soon finds herself lost with the pages of a bodice-ripper - quite literally!


During Babylonia, Ishtar is displeased Mash interrupted the kiss to her foot that would have helped seal the contract with her new Master. She decides to show the Shielder the greatest Ass-et of a goddess of fertility and leave the eggplant another worshiper of her beauty!


Fate/Stay Night There’s always things that come in pairs. Ying and Yang, black and white, and Rin Tohsaka and Luvia Edelfelt always arguing about something. Both were in the the Clocktower, arguing about how Luvia was gonna try to prank curse Rin, to dance at any music she hears, a harmless prank, surely…. But Rin didn’t see it that way, and as they were arguing about it, a hip hop music starts to float in the air, making the two mages stop the argument for the moment. They follow the source to find a room that neither of them have seen before, which felt weird to Rin, as she spends quite a lot of time In the tower. Curiosity takes over and they open the door to just find a room with old Knick knacks. Some old times, some crystal balls, a golden boombox, a few other things… wait, a golden boombox? And lo and behold, that was the source of the music. They both reach out to touch it, hoping to find out why a golden boombox was in this random room. But once both touch it, they feel a hard shock sending both of them out of the room. And now, the music is louder, playing through the room and the girls come back to their senses and look at each other, thinking they should both be on the ground but instead, they have both hands on knees and shaking their asses to the music. And the music starts to get louder and Rin turns around, presenting her twerking ass to Luvia and her body doesn’t pass up the moment, slapping Rin’s ass sending pleasure through Rin, and making her ass grow bigger. And then Luvia copy’s Rin’s movement. Soon both girls are lost to the pleasure of the ass slaps with their now giant asses, becoming thick ass twerk slaves for the Golden Boombox

Norman Riggis

Part 4 of Hypnotist Jaune Cardin Winchester, known for bullying Jaune and being an all around jerk, has noticed Jaune’s increased control over Yang, and realizes it clearly came from his hypnosis show, and he wants in on the action. While looking into Yang’s strange behavior, Weiss and Blake are approached by Cardin who lures them to his dorm with promises of information on Jaune’s activities. Once there, the girls are knocked out, tied up, and brute force brainwashed by VR headsets and headphones. Due to his lack of tact, the girls are left in a permanent, but highly obedient trance. Cardin realizes he’ll need to figure out how to make them act normal to keep suspicions down, but first he wants to have fun. We then see the two girls naked in Cardin’s room - Blake believing she is Cardin’s loving pet cat in heat, and Weiss acting as his obedient maid, serving him hand and foot.

Big Neppy

A continuation of the last Neptunia story: The reality altering wave that Nep released in the last reverberate through the basilicom as they wash over the nearest person to Neptune at the time, Nepgear. The effects are slow and subtle at first, as Nepgear questions changes with uncertainty. Didn't she have a big gaming PC instead of that dinky hot pink macbook? And wasn't there a robotics workbench where the vanity littered with makeup and nail polish is? Memories of nights spent tweaking on machines at the bench slowly give way to memories of spending hours on the perfect manicure for pics to post on a cosmetics based social media account she can't even recall. Nepgear fights back against he memories and even gets close to fighting them off despite the changes littering her room and body, only for her sweet, sweet older sister to bust the door down to her room, selfie stick in hand, already streaming. She tries to get the bimbofied Neptune/Purple Heart to snap out of it, but her mind is so modified the only Nepgear she sees is the one she's becoming, having no recollection she was ever any different. A combination of inadvertent gaslighting from her sister and more reality altering shares pouring in from Neptune streaming the two of them solidifies Nepgear's new existence as a technologically illiterate girly girl running a vapid makeup focused instagram-equivalent with her sisters help.