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Hey folks!

So, I'm going to try something a bit risky - I'm going to reopen the patreon in January. I feel mostly back to normal, and I've managed to write a few things, so I'm hopeful throwing myself back into things will work out (Plus I really can't afford to miss another month). If it doesn't, and I fall behind again, I'll put it on pause again in February to catch up, and then I guess I'll be going back and forth until I recover fully. That way at least you guys get some writing again.

So, I'll see you next month for your requests! In the meantime, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and have a fantastic New Year!


Life was quiet on Melemele island – or at least it usually was. A laid back place where troubles rarely came along, where man and Pokémon spent their days living, learning, and laughing together, protected from the occasional storm or weird event by their diligent guardians.

But something had been different lately. A strange vibe in the air, an odd energy taking root inside the city of Hau’oli. It was hard for anyone to properly put a name to or anything, but there was certainly something odd happening. There were a lot more ladies wearing pink wandering around than there used to be…

Most people put that down to some new fashion craze and paid it no mind. They didn’t seem to be doing any harm, after all, and they were certainly adding something nice to look at to the scenery! But Lana wasn’t most people. She tended to do things her own way, and at her own pace.

Actually, truth be told, doing things her own way was why she didn’t notice anything weird was going on for so long. She was spending quite a lot of time off on her own, out fishing on the back of her ever loyal Lapras. What could she say? She liked being out on the water – it just suited her, and it meant she could let her Pokemon splash around as she went.

Normally, it would be up to her friends to drag her back to shore to help her socialise a bit. It wasn’t that she didn’t like hanging out with people, even if she was a bit shy – but she did tend to forget to do it if she wasn’t prompted.

Except, now the person who would normally be making sure she kept at least one foot on dry land… Wasn’t. It was weird. Mallow had been her best friend since the two of them were children, but lately she’d been distant… Or, no, distant wasn’t really the word. Forgetful? Acting strange? It was hard to explain.

N-no, Lana wasn’t just sulking! So what if Mallow had forgotten they were going to have a girls night in, huh? It wasn’t like she was holding a grudge over being ghosted or whatever, okay?

Anyways, it had been a while since she’d last heard from her friend, and she was getting a bit antsy over it. Normally, she would have expected Mallow to come barging in through the front door of her house the day after forgetting their plans, bubbling over with excuses and apologies… But that hadn’t happened. And now she was kind of starting to worry that the other woman had maybe forgotten about her…?

A bolder person would have walked right up to the source of the issue and demanded an explanation from her supposed friend, but, as mentioned, Lana was kind of the shy, quiet type. She could handle any physical task, but the instant she needed to deal with an awkward social issue, she clammed up hard.

Thus, spending so many of her days out sailing and fishing, instead of hanging around back home.

But, alas, all the fish in the sea couldn’t keep her occupied forever. Eventually, she had to head home. So, she quietly packed up her gear, stowing her catch, and returned Lapras to her Pokéball, before heading back through the city. She had an apartment not too far from the marina, a nice spot with a good view of the ocean, so she wasn’t expecting the walk to take too long.

As she walked, though, she couldn’t help but notice that strangeness that had crept into her home city. Women wearing pink everywhere, and a strange giggling sound on the breeze. She shrugged it off, of course – it was none of her business what people wore, and she didn’t much care for fashion anyway – but she still couldn’t help but feel a little on edge. It put a bit of quick in her step as she hurried on home.

Fortunately she wasn’t bothered at all as she scooted down the streets, and before she knew it, she was at the front door to her home, key pushing into the lock. It opened easily, and she stepped inside with a breath of relief, casting off her sandals and setting down her fishing line next to the coat rack. The strange tension she’d been feeling melted away…

And then, to her confusion, she noticed a pink pair of heels sitting in the shoe stand.

What the… How had they gotten here? They didn’t belong to her – they certainly weren’t her style. She stuck to her blue theme, thank you. But if they weren’t hers, then who’s were they? The only other person who had a key for her apartment was-

“Lanaaaa~” She didn’t quite manage to finish that thought. Before she could straighten up from examining the mysterious heels, she was practically bowled over by an enthusiastic pink and green blob. “Like, where’ve you been? I’ve totally been looking all over for you!”

Blinking, the blue haired trainer stared up at the intruder in her home. Pink clothes. Tanned skin (wow, so much tanned skin). Green hair. A bright, if kind of vapid, smile. This was…


The woman certainly sounded like Mallow. And she had the same bouncy energy. W-well, if anything, maybe she had a bit too much bounce, in fact. Wh-Where the hell had those beachballs come from?!

The last time Lana had seen her best friend, she’d been… Not flat, no, but kind of on the lower end of respectable, at least in the bust department (though Lana would never have said so to Mallow’s face). That definitely wasn’t the case here. Even wrapped in a tight pink top, those marshmallows were bigger than Lana’s head.

“Hey Lana~” The blunette could swear she could hear the heart shaped emoji at the end of that sentence. “It’s been aaages. Where’d you go, we haven’t hung out in, like, forever!”

Wha- R-really? Mallow was the one to bring that up? She’d always been the more direct one between the two of them, but still… Ah. Suddenly, none of the issues she’d been sulking over seemed like such a big deal anymore, or at least, she couldn’t think of a way to explain them like they were.

“W-well… I mean… Weren’t we supposed to meet up a few nights ago…?”

“We were?” Mallow blinked, putting a finger to her plush pink lips, and sucking on it for a moment as she thought. Then her eyes lit up. “… Oh my gosh, we totally were! I’m, like, so super sorry! I completely forgot after I got invited to Team Pink.”

Team… Pink? That was a new one. Was that new fad catching on over the island? And was that why Mallow was dressed like… Like… Well, y’know, like that. Hoo, the green haired woman had never been a conservative dresser, but wow she was showing a lot of skin now! And what little she was wearing – a top and shorts, both incredibly pink – looked really, uh, tight. Very little being left to the imagination here.

Was it some kind of dress code or something? And that was why her friend had skipped out on her, because she’d been invited to some new club?

Suddenly, all those feelings of inadequacy came roaring back – not helped by a simmering sensation that absolutely wasn’t jealousy over her friend’s sudden growth spurt. The blunette’s eyes narrowed, her lips thinning.

“Oh, so that’s why you ghosted me? Because you got an invitation to some new group and you didn’t want to bring me with yo-Mmph?!”

Her rising anger, earnest and heartfelt, was abruptly smothered as Mallow wrapped her arms around her friend and pulled her into a hug – or, to put it another way, shoved her bestie’s face straight into her tits.

“Like, no way.” The Alolan was firm about this point, her voice warm and calming. “I totally wanna get you into Team Pink too! I’m just, y’know, kind of a ditz – I completely forgot. It was stupid of me and really, really sucky. I shoulda come straight round to, like, initiate you too. I’m super sorry Lana. Like, can you ever forgive me?”

Oof, that was unexpected. The blue haired trainer couldn’t help but feel conflicted. On the one hand, she could tell this was a completely honest apology. Mallow meant every word, for sure. On the other… Her words were definitely strange ones, compared to how her friend normally spoke. And what did she mean she was a ditz? Mallow was one of the most responsible people on the island! No way anyone could call her a ditz and mean it!

Finally, Lana pulled back, freeing her face from her friend’s chest (and again, she felt a pang of jealousy as she looked at them), before studying Mallow’s face. “You mean it?”

The green haired… ditz?... Nodded furiously, her chest bouncing with each bobble. “I’ll totally make it up to you,” she said, taking her friend’s hand in her own and squeezing it tight. “I’ll get you into Team Pink, like, lickety-split! Don’t worry, we’ll both be fucking and sucking together in no time!”

Well that was a relief to- Wait, what?

She squirmed out from under her thoroughly pink-ified friend and ran that sentence through her head a few more times. That… She couldn’t have heard that right…

“Um. Mallow…” Lana tried to pick her words carefully. “What exactly is Team Pink, anyway? What does it do?”

“Oh!” The chef’s eyes lit up as she clapped her hands. “Duh, I didn’t say, did I? Geeze, I really am such a total ditz~”

There was that word again…

But Mallow was talking again before Lana could poke at it, explaining quickly and with a girlish glee that her friend hadn’t seen from her in years. “So Team Pink is, like, the best team ever? They’re like, super super super great. It’s the bestest fun. Oh, oh, and they already gave me a free gift to give to you!”

A gift? Lana had no idea what to think of that – and even less as she watched her best friend shove her hand into her own cleavage and pull out a pink-shaded Pokéball. But she still quickly reached out to take the new creature as Mallow summoned it in front of her in a beam of red light.

“Here, meet your new Luvdisc! Careful – she’s a squirter~”

“Oh!” Lana stared down at the heart shaped fish Pokemon in her arms with wide eyes. Obviously, getting someone a new Pokemon out of the blue was considered a bit gauche – Pokéchow didn’t come cheap, and not everyone was cut out to be a trainer… But Lana herself had always had a bit of a weakness to water Pokémon, and this was a species she’d never managed to get her hands on. The lil’ gal was so cute, the way she was staring up at her! “W-well, maybe I… Abwub!”

That was, of course, not what she’d intended to say – but as she’d opened her mouth, Luvdisc had decided that this was the perfect moment to prove what Mallow had said about her correct, and sprayed her new owner in the face with a miniature water gun. The fisher/marine scientist was left dripping all over the floor, an oddly sweet taste in her mouth.

Mallow, of course, giggled her ass off. “Eee, I totally knew she’d get you wet~ You like her, right?”

The blue haired woman took another look at the Pokemon, shaking a few droplets of sweet liquid out of her hair. Obviously, she was no stranger to taking the odd dunk in the water, so that wasn’t a bother – but more than that, for some reason she was suddenly feeling rather… happy. Yes. A smile was spreading over her face already. “Yeah, she’s cute~ But I still don’t get what this Team Pink thing is supposed to be?”

Her friend nodded. “I’ll, like, tell you everything. Trust me, it’s super great~”

Hm. Despite saying that, she still wasn’t explaining anything, was she? Honestly, this was all getting to be a bit too weird. The Luvdisc was nice and all, but Mallow’s strange behaviour, her weird way of talking… It was kind of like she was a completely different person! And if this Team Pink was responsible for that, then she didn’t want anything to do with them.

It was getting pretty late, anyway. She’d just tell her friend she was tired, and that they could talk about it another time or something – and she could look into these weirdos on her own in the meantime.

Yeah, that was a decent plan. Lana opened her mouth to do just that – only to get another blast of water to the face. “Blub-ub!”

Oooh… She was dripping even more now. Wow, her clothes were, um… totally soaked. But it felt kinda nice, bein’ all wet like this…

The sudden interruption left the blunette a little stunned, her train of thought blasted out of her head – so she was startled again when her best friend slid up next to her.

“She keeps doin’ that, huh? I bet it’s cuz, like, you’re super stressed or something! Pokemon can always tell, y’know? Relax~” Mallow pet Luvdisc gently with a smile. “C’mon, let’s go sit down. We’ll get you into Team Pink once we get you on the couch~”

Relax… Was she stressed? She’d been kinda gloomy these past few days, hadn’t she? Maybe that was all this was about.

Yeah, it was late, but she had missed Mallow. And though her friend was acting really super weird right now, um… As odd as it sounded… For some reason, she found she didn’t mind? Her friend was just relaxing, like she should! She definitely seemed, y’know, way happier than normal, anyway. Who cared if she was kind of a ditz now, right? Maybe this Team Pink stuff worth talking about after all.

The small smile on Lana’s lips grew wider as her worries seemed to melt away, washed out of her mind by her new Pokémon’s torrent. Yeah, you know what? She was thinking too hard about all of this. Why not just listen to her friend, relax, and let her explain all of this… like… complicated stuff?

Mallow squealed as the blunette nodded and embraced her friend in another eager hug, their chests squishing together (another weird sensation – why did it feel like she had more chest to squish?) before leading her into the lounge. Obviously, the chef had visited her best friend’s place so often that it was practically a second home to her, though something definitely felt different about this visit.

It was only when they were half way there that Lana realised Mallow’s hand was on her ass. Oh, that might explain it. But once again, she found herself not really minding…

They sat down, the blue haired trainer still cradling her new Pokemon in her arms, still absolutely soaked. Mallow plomped herself down right next to her, leaning up against her shoulder like they’d done back when they were kids – though the gesture felt much more intimate now.

(Her massive boobs rubbing against Lana’s arm definitely didn’t lessen that feeling any, either. Instead it just added more confused jealousy to the mix.)

“So, um…” The blue haired trainer was finding it really hard to focus all of a sudden. Mallow felt so warm up against her, and that warmth was building in her chest for some reason. What was she doing again? Oh right, that Team Pink stuff or whatever. “So yeah, why did you join Team Puphbubulbpuh?”

Of course no sooner had she begun to ask than Luvdisc had hit her head on with another water gun, drowning out her question – quite literally – in a deluge of sweet tasting water. But Mallow seemed to understand her anyway.

“Well at first I was toootally against it,” she said with a giggle and a shake of her head – somehow completely dry despite being right next to the spray. “I was like all, ‘get out of my store you slut’ and ‘This is a restaurant, not like a whore… placey… thing!’. Gawd, I was so dumb.” She shook her head at her silliness as she slid her arm around her friend’s shoulders.

Lana blinked slowly. That sounded much more like the Mallow she knew. So what had changed? Why was she all in on Pink now?

It was weird. That felt like it should be a pretty urgent question, but instead… It just didn’t seem like a big deal. This was just idle conversation. All of her worries and concerns about it were eroding away with every word, drip, drip, dripping out of her ears…

Plus, she was getting distracted. Her top was actually starting to feel pretty tight for some reason…

“Anyways,” Mallow kept talking, her words filtering into Lana’s head with nothing to get in their way. “After that I realised, like, how super wrong I was! I mean, I’m a total slut, y’know? A spread legged whore~ I’m never happier than when I have a cock between my lips, upstairs or down~ And, like, you get that, right? You’re just the same! That’s why we’re BFFs!”

Really? No… No, that still didn’t sound right. Mallow wasn’t… She wasn’t…

But her friend’s words were so convincing! They just echoed in her head, growing louder and louder with every repetition. Normally, she would have been able to block them out, but her willpower was feeling all... soggy, right now. The inside of her head was all damp, and it made her brain feel so soft and pliable.

Still, though, Lana was a girl with a firm sense of self, and a firmer sense of how things should be. As relaxed and happy go lucky as she could be, she was still a dependable person when the chips were down, and right now it felt like Mallow really needed her. She mustered up as much energy as she could to respond.

“Blurble blub?”

It was starting to feel like she was getting splashed in the face every time she opened her mouth, heehee~! Nn, it was okay tho, it helped her cool down – she was starting to feel so hot, y’know? Hot an’ squishy inside. What had she been worrying about? All that was left of her thoughts were bubbly sudds, popping away into nothingness…

But fortunately, Mallow was once again on her wavelength! Or, uh, she probably was. To be honest, Lana couldn’t quite remember what she was going to ask! “So yeah, being in Team Pink cums with all kindsa benefits,” the bimbo giggled. “Like, now I get to dress all sexy, like, allll of the time, an’ whore myself out as much as I like! An’ I get to help out all the stupid prudes out there usin’ their brains instead’a their pussies, it’s great! It’s, like, super amazing watching those smarties go all dumb an’ stuff. They get the cutest expression on their faces… Oh, kinda like that one, yeah!”

Huh? … Oh, she’d started drooling. Just a ‘lil. But that was fine, it was just because she was smiling so much at all the fun her best friend was talking about…

Oooh! And at how good she felt now that Mallow was groping her boobs like that, heehee~

“So, like…” Now the green haired bimbo was practically licking her bestie’s ear as she purred. “I’ve been having a total blast, like, cummin’ my brains out every day,” she whispered, her dull green eyes meeting Lana’s glazed blue. “But it’s just not the same without my best friend cummin’ with me…”

Her free hand slid lower, sliding the blunette’s pants down and giving her plumping ass a squeeze as well. “So how ‘bout it? Wanna join Team Pink and, like, totally get your brains blown out with me?!”

She pulled herself into her friend’s lap, gazing up at her with pleading eyes as she made her case. It was adorable. It was sweet. It was hot as hell, causing all sorts of tingles and thoughts that Lana, like, totally had no idea what to do with! Ohhhh, she felt so funny. Why was she so focused on her bestie’s lips, and why did she wanna, y’know, smooch them so much? They looked so soft and sweet…

Ah… Shaking her head, the blunette tried to focus. Her friend was pouring her heart out! She needed to pay attention, not get distracted by how sexy she was.

And after such a passionate request, what else could she say? Lana knew she should have, like, problems or whatever with all of this, but they’d all been totally sloshed out of her head, so they couldn’t have been that big a deal. She smiled, slow, slick, and stupid, and opened her mouth to answer. “Bwubluble!”

Yep, once again, instead of words pouring out of her mouth, a blast of water poured in instead. Really, she was getting used to it now. It felt good! She’d always, y’know, loved the water, and Luvdisc’s spray was, like, totally refreshing! She could feel it washing through her head an’ carryin’ out all that stupid stress and gloom she’d been under. Giving her mind a nice and through scrub~

“Huh?” Meanwhile, Mallow was having a little trouble translating her gargled speech. But then her eyes lit up. “Ohmigawd, you’re totally right! We’re going, like, way too quick!”


“Yeah, deffo too quick~” The green haired bimbo nodded confidently in the face of Lana’s (ever growing) confusion, and promptly slid her friend’s blue pants right down to her ankles – along with her panties. “We gotta enjoy your inshiashiun, right?”

That was a surprisingly long word for the girl, and Lana had the faintest feeling it hadn’t been entirely correct, but with her own brain currently circling the drain, she couldn’t quite put her finger on what the problem was. Besides, she was far more captivated by the sight of a bouncy tanned bimbo dropping down to kneel between her thoroughly soaked legs.

“You’re, like, so smart, Lana~” Mallow’s eyes sparkled with thick witted glee as she leaned closer, gently prising her friend’s knees apart. “But not for much longer~”

Huh? What was that supposed to-OH! Ooohhh, mn! Oooh, where had Mallow learned to use her tongue like that?

Each question popped into her head in an instant, and then popped right back out again like bubbles in the bath as Mallow lick lick licked them away.

“Like, Boss gets first dibs on new members,” the bimbo giggled, in a brief break from her slippery snack. “And gawd, you’re gunna love his dick, it’s amazing – but you’re totally not a member yet! So, like, I can lick your brains out now and it super doesn’t count~”

And to prove her point, she dove straight back in.

Lana wasn’t following that logic at all – but then, Lana and logic were swiftly becoming long parted acquaintances. With every kiss, suck, taste, and nibble, her fingers dug deeper into the cushions of her couch, her ass plumping up beneath her. Her top was starting to snap at the seams now, her boobs seeming to grow bigger and bigger with each burst of pleasure – like she’d been hooked up to the hose and was being pumped up bit by bit.

Pressure was building. All this water, all her smarts and interests and grudges and cares and wonders and thoughts and anything that wasn’t centred around fucking as long and hard as possible was all gathering, all stuck, trapped against the sides of a buckling dam in the bottom of her brain. All of it getting sucked down, packed tight, circling the drain. It would only take a little more, just one more push, and…

“So, like…” Mallow leaned back one last time, her chin dripping wet, her tone outright flirtatious. “Wanna cum join Team Pink an’ be a dumb bimbo slut with me to, like, fuck and suck forever an’ stuff?”

Lana didn’t even think about her answer. She didn’t really think about anything, couldn’t really think about anything anymore. She just said the word that her wet, horny cunt demanded she say so that her best friends would finish fucking her brains out.


Or she tried to, anyway. Once again, she had trouble getting a coherent sentence out – but this time that was because Mallow had shot straight back in between her legs at the first syllable, and pushed her over the edge with a corkscrew twirl, and now she was too busy cumming her brains away to finish.

The dam burst, the drain unplugged, and everything Lana that wasn’t a dumb, horny, busty slut was sucked straight out of her head in a whirlpool of pleasure. Her boobs finally burst through her top, jiggling for a moment before coming to a rest on Mallow’s empty head, showing that they were both far larger, her flat chested woes forgotten forever.

“Luvdisc isn’t the only squirter around,” Mallow giggled, smacking her lips as she finally slid out from Lana’s nethers and say back on her well padded behind. “Hee, you’re super tasty. So, like, wanna-”

This time it was the green haired babe’s turn to get cut off, as a very eager, very slutty, very horny busty blue haired bimbo suddenly dove on top of her, silencing her with a desperate kiss that drove them both to the ground. Massive, water slick chests squished against one another, hips thrusting as their legs tangled, wanton moans quickly filling the apartment.

“So, like, Boss gets first dibs on me,” the newest recruit gasped when they finally came up for air. “But I can still totally fuck you, right?”

Mallow thought this over. It took a few moments, her lips pursing in deep thought. Then, her eyes widened in awe. “Lana,” she breathed, staring deep into her bestie’s love heart pink eyes, “you’re, like, a super genius!” Then she paused, face scrunching up. “I think that means I gotta fuck your brains out again. Bimbos are supposed to be dumb, y’know.”

“Oh, sure!” Lana’s grin was wide, stupid, but most of all, horny. “Gotta make sure I’mma proper member now, right?”

The two giggled and moaned, kissing again as their hands began stroking and groping one another’s increasingly heated bodies. Slowly, they started to position themselves for a long, loving night. They hadn’t seen each other in a while after all – they had a lot to catch up on~

And in the morning, the new titan titty twosome would show the world just how amazing Team Pink really was. Alola had no idea what was about to hit it.


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