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I guess I won't see you until after Christmas, so have a good time out there folks! I'mma focus on recovering and getting back to my writing machine self.


The wilds are a dangerous place. Threats had always lurked just beyond the defended borders of cities and towns – things that villages and settlements could always fall prey to, if they proved unable to protect themselves. Caravans hired guards, travellers begged for the protection of the gods, and even armies patrolled their own nations roads with caution and care.

Such was the price for living in such a magical world, where a demon could be lurking under any cornerstone, and dragons descending from the mountains seeking gold for their hordes was a yearly event. Setting foot beyond the bounds of civilisation was a dangerous job, and it belonged, primarily, to the Adventurers.

Oh, sure, that wasn’t a hard and fast rule – it was barely even a guideline – because there was always a scholar who wanted to research ancient ruins, or a botanist looking to harvest a rare plant, or a financier planning on opening a new mine… But no other career involved forging out into the wilds as much as the Adventurer’s did. If there was something that needed doing outside the walls that humanity (and elfity… and dwarfity… and, actually, quite a long list of itys), then the best bet was someone making a quest for it, and posting it in the local adventurer’s guild – coin available upon completion.

The rates were expensive, sure – people didn’t risk their lives, their bodies, or their souls for nothing – but if you needed a job done, this was the way to do it. And there should be no doubt, this was skilled labour. High ranking adventurers were often akin to forces of nature – incredibly skilled in the ways of war, and laden with magical items and protections. If you hired such a person, you expected to have the job done – and you’d better have the money waiting for them when they returned.

Granted, high ranking adventurers like that were rare and scattered. Most adventurers only achieved a middling rank in their careers before they either retired, or the risks they spent their days confronting caught up with them. Because while yes, they were certainly skilled to get that far, even the strongest warriors could find themselves having a bad day.

You just kind of had to hope it wouldn’t happen when you were up against one of the more embarrassing kinds of dark forces to lose to…


“Ngh…” Tanya was not having a good morning, and she’d only been awake for three seconds. Blinking your way out of a chaotic series of confusing dreams to find yourself laying face down on a stone floor, a headache already thundering behind your eyes, could do that to a girl.

‘What happened? Where am I?’

The blonde groaned, rubbing at her face as she pushed herself to her feet. Her surroundings were every bit as comforting as the floor she’d woken up on – rough, jagged, and solid. The only exception was the wall to her right – that was made completely of thick iron bars, with just enough gaps between them to see into the corridor beyond. The firmly sealed metal door at one end confirmed her fears – this was a cell.

Well honed instincts went into action. She quickly checked her equipment, hoping that whoever had captured her mistakenly left her with something she could use to quickly escape. No such luck, though. Her armor was gone, as were her weapons. She’d been left clad in just her undershirt and shorts. The grey cloth gave her some dignity, at least, but it wouldn’t protect her against any sword strikes or magic blasts.

“Is that you, Tay?”

Instantly, the Paladin’s headache was forgotten. She stumbled over to the bars, peering out. There, across the hall, she could see another cell just like hers – except, unlike hers, that cell contained a familiar elf. Yep, red hair, annoyingly perfect figure (oh, so she’d been allowed to keep her red sorcerer’s robe? Tch), and an expression like a fireball about to explode… There was no mistaking Elora.

“Damnit. They got you too?” Well there went Tanya’s main hope of rescue. She knew that if she went missing, El would move heaven and earth to find her, even if she complained all the way as she did it. With both of them captured, though… Well, they’d just have to rescue each other.

“Looks like.” The Sorceress rubbed her temples. “Though I can’t remember who ‘got’ us. What was the quest we were on?”

“Clearing the old keep in the mountains.” The blonde took a breath, the memories coming back to her slowly, hazy around the edges. “Lord Gelmidra was looking to rebuild the site as a trading post. Wanted someone to go kick out any monsters that had moved in since the place fell last century.”

“Right, right. Ugh, why don’t you ever take me to nice places?” The redhead folded her arms as she looked around. “Well someone’s definitely moved in alright. They’re even using the old cells.” She rapped her knuckles against one of the iron bars, then pulled her hand back with a grimace. “And these ones seem pretty solid. Think there’s any chance you can brute force your way out? I’ve seen you smash through worse.”

Tanya shook her head, though she wasn’t entirely certain. “If I had my goddess’s blessing flowing through me, and I had my sword to channel the power, then maybe, but…”

Still, these bars were old. And these cells didn’t look like they’d been maintained over the years. There had to be some kind of weak point in them.

“Okay, second question then.” El was already moving on. “Who captured us? I mean, it obviously wasn’t a monster, because happily neither you nor I have gotten ourselves eaten, but that means we’re dealing with something intelligent, at least.”

“I’m not sure…” Her memories grew hazier and hazier the closer they came to their arrival at the keep. “I… I remember a flash, just after we entered through the front gate…”

The Sorceress winced. “Must have been a trap. By the forces, Tay, this is why I keep telling you we need to hire a Scout…”

Tanya’s eyes narrowed. “No, I keep telling you we need to hire a Scout. You always say they’re too expensive.”

“Well they are!” The elf didn’t try to deny it, immediately switching arguments. “Besides, we already have a Scout, you just won’t accept it.”

Oh for the love of… “We are not bringing Leyan out on quests.”

“Why not?” El sniffed. “She’s perfectly qualified.”

“Because,” the Paladin explained through gritted teeth, “whenever we bring her on a mission, the two of you can’t keep your hands off one another, and instead of having an extra Scout, I have to do the entire quest minus a Sorceress.”

“That only happened one time-!”

“Dark gods knackers, dun you sluts ever shut up?!” A new voice yelled at them, a figure strutting into view from down the corridor. A very green, very short figure. One with long, braided black hair, yellow eyes, and sharp looking teeth. One with a very curvy figure, which was quite obvious, because the rags she was wearing barely covered anything. One carrying a pair of serving trays on one hand each over her head. One that answered their questions about who had captured them in the worst way possible.

“Oh forces,” Tanya heard her friend groan. “Not goblins.”

Alas, a goblin’s long, sharp ears weren’t just for show. “What, you got a problem with gobbos, bitch?”

“Oh I don’t know,” El snapped straight back. “Maybe the fact that you evil worshiping dumbasses keep invading our towns and resurrecting the dark five!” The whole ‘captured and thrown in a cell’ thing was annoying too, of course.

“Tch, no duh we do. You bitches keep tryin’ to keep all the good cock to yerselves!” The goblin snorted. “Yer lucky we’re feedin’ ya at all!”

“Oh no, we’d get to miss out on the finest goblin cuisine of sludge and blork. However will we cope.” This was the problem with being held captive with Elora. The elf seemed to have some intrinsic inability to play nice when she was at someone’s mercy. Or at any other time, come to think of it.

“Shows what you dum dums know,” the goblin woman sniffed, shoving the trays through feeding hatches in the old gaol’s cell doors. “Goblin cookin’s da best in the world! We ain’t wastin’ dat on ya… Much. So ya get da basics. Dat’s it.”

True to her word, their food seemed to be a basic meal of bread and water. Not exactly the kind of food that’d give them the strength to break out, but it’d keep them going, at least.

Tanya decided to speak up before El could get them into an even worse situation.

“Thank you,” she said, bowing her head in a show of respect (and ignoring her elven friends choked laughter). “Listen, perhaps this has been a misunderstanding. We were sent here on behalf of Lord Gelmid-”

Alas, she didn’t get far.

“Yeah yeah blah blah, I dun care girlie,” the goblin silenced her with a shrug of her shoulders and a wave of her hand as she started walking back the way she’d come. “Ya shoved yer faces inta gobbo turf, so now yer in a cell. ‘S all dere is to it.”

Damnit. “At least tell us what you plan to do with us?”

“Oh, dat?” The goblin peered back over her shoulder, smirking. “Dun worry. We’ll let’cha go once you learn ya place, dumbass.” Her yellow eyes sparkled. “So you jus’ enjoy yerselves in dere ‘til den!”

And with that, she sauntered off, not paying any mind to Tanya’s further questions, or Elora’s descriptive insults. Soon, the pair were alone again.

El folded her arms, glaring after their captor. “I take back what I said about something intelligent being behind this.”

Tanya sighed. In fairness, goblins weren’t the worst things that could have caught them. At least, there were definitely worse options, like cultists to creatures from beyond the void, or man eating spiders looking for a midnight snack supply…

But goblins were definitely the most embarrassing. Short, crude, lewd, with wits duller than a rusted spoon and just about enough strength to arm wrestle a toddler, the stereotypical goblin was not a respected opponent. Their only real advantage was numbers – two goblins turned into fifty really quickly once they set up a nest – but that hardly helped their reputation. Honestly, it just made it worse – the common, crude, idea of a goblin was that they were good for breeding and little else.

Sure, stereotypes weren’t always true – in fact, they were almost never true, in Tanya’s experience as an adventurer – but none the less, if word got out about this, their careers were as good as over. Who would hire a pair of women who got captured by goblins?

So, with that in mind, it was time to start seriously plotting their escape.

“I take it your spells aren’t working?”

“Well no duh. If they were do you think we’d still be here?” El sighed and pointed to a series of runes carved into the ceiling of the corridor outside their cells. “Anti-spellcasting seal. I bet its been here since this keep was first constructed. As long as it’s active, I can’t summon any magic.”

“Hm.” Tanya studied the old design. “Right, old runes. Remind me – if we manage to edit one of those marks up there…”

“The whole effect fails.” The elf nodded. “The spell stops working if it’s not being told exactly what it’s supposed to do.”

“So we just need to reach them and chip them a bit…” The blonde nodded. “Alright then. Sounds like a plan.”

Elora was less enthused. “Tay. Tay, dear, dearest, you do know that if we could reach the runes, we would already be outside our cells, yes? The problem would be solved! Oh, don’t tell me you’re getting senile already. I know you humans don’t last long but I was just getting fond of you…”

Tanya twitched. “Yes, thank you for the reminder that you’re going to outlive me by roughly an eternity,” she hissed, giving her companion a glare. “It does make it really tempting to leave you here. But no – take a look at these bars. They’re old. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’re right – these cells were built with the keep, and haven’t been updated – or maintained – since.”

She reached out and grasped one of the metal bars, shaking it. It rocked in its socket, rust and dust peeling off. Perfect.

“It won’t take much to break one of these bars,” the Paladin explained. “Maybe a couple of days chipping away with some rocks. Then, once I’ve got a proper hole, I should be able to reach up to the ceiling and smash rocks into those runes until something breaks.”

“… Well just as long as it’s not your head,” El muttered. Then she sighed. “You can’t think of anything faster than a few days?”

“Afraid not.” Tay shook her head. “These cells are solid, even if they’re not amazing. We’re just lucky the goblins don’t seem to be keeping too close an eye on us.”

The elf pouted. Then she picked up a rock, examining her own cell bars. “I see. Then I’d best start trying the same over here. Maybe I’ll get lucky any beat you to it!”

It was unlikely – she was nowhere near as strong as Tanya, obviously. But for all her complaining, El had never been the type to actually shy away from getting the work done.

“Just make sure you eat at some point,” the Paladin told her, sitting down against the wall, grabbing her ‘meal’ and making a start on scarfing it down. “We’re going to need all the strength we can muster for this, so let’s use what we have. It’s not like the goblins are going to poison us. If they wanted us dead, they could have easily killed us by now.”

The elf was already examining her selection of rocks for anything that looked strong and pointy enough. “Or, maybe we’ll be out of here in five minutes, and we won’t need to lower ourselves to such desperate measures!”

“… Shure,” Tay mumbled around her bread. “Fife minush. Totully.”


They were not out of their cells in five minutes. Nor were they out in five hours, which was when Elora finally gave in and ate her ‘dinner’ (she complained that the water was ‘tangy’). They were making progress, though. Slow, steady progress.

By the time they fell asleep that night, exhausted, they’d managed to chip away at the stonework keeping the bars in place nicely – El had even gotten one of hers to slant to the side, almost enough to squeeze her hand through. She had, naturally, been unbearably smug about this.

But eventually the need for rest had overtaken them both, and despite the discomfort of their cells (some hole torn rags for a bed and a hole in the ground for a bathroom did not a classy hotel make) Tanya had managed to sleep shockingly soundly. All of those nights spent out camping under the stars paying off, perhaps.

Still, it was a groggy morning for the Paladin. She rose slowly from a dizzying series of complicated dreams, taking a long moment to remember where she was. And who she was, for that matter.

“Ugh…” Her stomach rumbled, and her arms ached. A day of hard labour on one meal did not make for a pleasant morning. Still, she was used to this kind of thing – Adventuring was rarely light work, and sometimes your food supplies didn’t last as long as you expected. Not a problem.

But a problem soon presented itself as she got back to her feet and reached up to assess her progress and plan how to best chip a hole in this cage.

Her fingers came up short.

Tanya blinked. That… was odd. Yesterday she hadn’t had to even stretch to feel around the roof of her cell. But now, even on tiptoes, her hands were still nowhere near the ceiling. Even when she jumped she could barely brush the stone…

Her clothing hung weirdly on her too. Obviously, it wasn’t comfortable to wear and sleep in the same clothes for multiple days straight – normally she relied on El to supply a cleaning spell for them (if there was anything Elora could be counted on for, it was clothing magic) – but this was different. Her top felt too big, it was hanging off around her waist by a good foot or so, and her sleeves had slid past her hands, while her shorts felt too small – tight around her hips to the point where she could swear she felt the seams starting to pop whenever she moved too quickly.

“El?” She called out, her voice carrying an uncertain tremor. “You there?”

“Five mor min’is…” Came the half-mumbled reply.

The blonde rolled her eyes. “El! Wake up!” She hissed. “This is important!”

There was another grunt, and then a stream of elfish curses. Soon enough, the redhead she knew so well appeared at the bars, glaring at life, the universe, and everything. “Nn. Still stuck in this place. Haven’t you broken us out already?”

“Not yet. And now we’ve got bigger problems. Or, uh… smaller problems, actually.”

The elf groaned, rubbing at her face. “Tay, it is way too early in the morning for riddles.”

“Just try to reach the ceiling for me, real quick.”

“… What?”

“Just do it!”

Elora squinted at her for a moment, before shaking her head and shrugging. “Fine. But I don’t know what this is supposed to… Huh.”

As she spoke, she’d lifted her arm – and, just like Tanya, she found herself far too short to reach the roof. Yesterday, she’d had an easier time than her partner, being a few inches taller, but now she was just as small. The elf paused for a moment, and then wiggled her hand in the air, bouncing up and down to try to bridge the difference. No luck. Finally, she turned back to her partner.

“What the hell?”

“Yeah…” The blonde grimaced, her fears confirmed. “I think we might-”

“I dunno what ya dumb sluts are complaining ‘bout now!” A familiar, sneering voice interrupted her before she could put her thoughts into words. The goblin who’d delivered their food had arrived, carrying another pair of trays. “Ya look ‘xactly da same as ya did yesterday ta me.”

“What?” The pair blinked at their captor, taken off guard by her sudden appearance. Neither of them had heard her approach. But… There was something more to it, too. Her words felt like they were ringing louder in their heads.

Ugh. Tanya rubbed her temples. She must have slept worse than she thought.

“Yeah, ya’ve always been a pair of short arses. Fer talls, anyway.” The goblin snorted as she shoved their food trays into their cells. “Guess ya ain’t actually talls after all!”

“That… I…” The Paladin took a deep breath, trying to steady her swirling mind. “But I thought we were taller than this…?”

“’Course ya thought dat. Ya two dummies are always bein’ stupid like dat.” The goblin was completely confident, unlike her captives. “Everythin’s totally normal, don’t ya worry.”

“Oh…” Even Elora sounded out of it. “Okay then… Guess I was misremembering…”

“Yeah…” Tay frowned, uncertain. But she couldn’t find a way to argue with what the smaller woman was saying. “Everything’s… normal…”

The goblin looked between the two of them for a long moment, yellow eyes considering them carefully… Before she shrugged. “Guess that’ll do for now. I’ll let ya stew a liddle longer,” she muttered, walking away. “But we’ll talk proper tomorrow. Eat up, sluts! Ya gunna wanna keep ya strength up~”

The Adventurers barely noticed her leave, still feeling weirdly spacy. It took a few minutes for them both to settle back down to earth again – and when they did, the unimportant conversation from their jailer was mostly forgotten. They had bigger concerns, after all.

“Damnit, this seemed so much easier yesterday.” Even Tanya had to complain, having to try to climb up the bars to hack away at the spot she’d selected to break through the stonework. “Why didn’t I start closer to the ground?”

“’Cus you’re an idiot,” El helpfully supplied, having started work on hacking her bars loose on the ground level. “All stubborn and… and stuff.” The elf shook her head, giving up on finding a suitably clever insult.

“You were doing it too!”

“Nuh-uh. I can’t even reach up there, y’know?” She glanced up, not even noticing all the progress she’d made the day before. “Why would I waste my energy?”

The Paladin didn’t have an answer to that. Her friend was right, after all. They’d never been able to reach up there, so why would she have tried? Something seemed strange about that idea, but… It was just facts, right?

Progress was slow that day. This time neither of them made much progress, though their determination remained unwavering. They ate their food in silence, both pondering why they felt so off today.

Tanya had to admit, Elora was right – the water did taste tangy. Nothing to be done about that though – they needed to keep their strength up.


“Nnnnn…” She woke up the next day with a head still full of a delightful series of jiggly dreams, needing a few minutes to pull herself back to reality. Her head was just so foggy… Not unpleasantly so, really – in fact, she felt pretty good. Her thoughts felt all light and slow and relaxin’…

But eventually, reality washed back in, and she pushed herself back up. Or attempted to. Unfortunately, as she was rising…


… There was a telling noise from her shorts as they finally gave up the ghost and split completely at the seams.

“What the…” Tanya frowned down at herself. Her clothes were a mess. Her shorts were literally bursting – had they shrunk or something? There was no way a piddling garment like this could contain an ass like hers. And her top was literally falling down her – her collar was wide enough to slide around her shoulders – and the only reason it hadn’t fallen the full way was it getting caught on her tits! Ugh, the fuck was going on h-?

“Oop, dat sounded uncomfortable. Lemme take a look dere…”

“Gah!” The Pala- The Pally… the Holy Knight jumped and nearly fell over onto her side, tangled up in the awkward mess her clothing had become and staring up at the dark haired goblin who had entered her cell to smirk down at her. “Wha- What the fuck are you doing in here?!”

“Tch, calm ya tits,” the goblin told her – and instantly, she felt her panic cool. “Why shoudn’ I be here? Ya won’t get anything you want attacking lil’ old me. ’M todally safe. So ya jus’ play nice and let me help ya out, alright ya dumb liddle slut?”

Huh. Well when she put it like that… Tanya had been about to jump up and grab her, but suddenly she couldn’t think of any reason why she should. She wouldn’t get anything out of doing something like that, would she? She really should just play nice and accept her help like a good little dumb slut…


“Dat’s better.” The goblin took her uncertain hesitation as a yes, and immediately got to work stripping her blonde captive of every scrap of clothing she had left. “Dere we go. Dun see why ya’d want to wear any of dis crap in da first place.”

“But…” Tay’s brow grew wrinkled as she tried to argue, even though the woman was making so much sense. “But I…. need to…”

The goblin just chuckled. “Not quite done yet den. Thought not. Na worries, ya’re nearly dere. Anyways, dun fret ‘bout da clothes – just us gurls in here, right? So ya dun need ‘em.”

The blonde nodded slowly, understanding dawning in her mildly glazed eyes. “Oh right… Yeah, I don’t need ‘em for girls…”

“Or guys, soon ‘nough,” the goblin chuckled, her words sailing over the dazed Tanya’s head, along with her top, letting her bouncy boobies free.

Huh… “Were they always this big?” She mumbled, reaching up to cup her chest. They definitely seemed bigger…

But the goblin was quick to correct her. “Yep. Always. Could see ya had big tiddies from the moment I first met ya – though dey’re still nothing compared to dat big booty ya got dere!”

Oh, right. ‘Course, they’d always been like that. And they were definitely nowhere near as big as her butt, light above. That thing was big enough that she was starting to wonder how they’d managed to throw her into this cell without her getting stuck in the door…

And that… That had always been the case, right? Everything was normal…

But, wait. Wait a sec. What was this? She was looking down at her chest, but it was her hands that caught her eye. Specifically, it was her fingertips. Had they always been… green? And had her nails always been this lo-

“I can see what ya thinkin’ already,” the goblin said, rolling her eyes. “Yeah, dey was always like dat. In fact, ya supposed to be green all over! Ya just kinda pale at the moment because ya’ve not been fucking enough or somethin’.”

Oh. Oh, oh… kay… That made sense… kinda?

“Dun worry if ya having trouble working it out,” the other woman giggled, ruffling the blonde’s hair and messing it up. “Ya should be used to that, since ya so dumb and all.”

Oh, right. Yeah, she was such a dummy… No wonder this was all so cunfusin’…

“Good! I think ya just about done – we can finish ya up tomorrow. So ya jus’ stay right dere while I go play with dat friend ya brought. Ya don’t wanna leave anyways, right?”

Uhhh… Weird. She’d thought she did, but now that she thought about it… “Nope.”

“Dat’s the way! Ya jus’ spend ya time playing with dat drippy hole o’ yers like the horny slut ya are, and tomorrow we’ll get ya some proper cock~”

That got a moan out of the diminutive holy warrior. It had been ages since she last got laid – no wonder she was turning green! Or, uh… Not green. Nnmh, it was way too hard to focus on small details like that when she was such a horny slut!

Obediently, Tay sat her fat ass down against the stone wall, spread her legs, and plunged her fingers in as deep as they’d go, gasping in delight as she immediately lost herself in self-pleasure. The other goblin was already gone, and soon enough she could hear sounds coming from the other cell.

“Hey! Copperhead! Wake up, I wanna play da drums on dat dumb ass of yours!”



Any plans to escape were forgotten for the day as her eyes rolled up in her head, her ears lengthened into points, and a healthy green colouration spread through her skin in patches all over her naked body…


A torrid series of lust filled dreams finally broke, and Tanya rose from her fitful slumber with a grumble, rubbing at her dull yellow eyes with sticky fingers. Where was she again? Her head felt so slow and gloopy…

“Up ya get, bitches! Let’s take a look at ya!” A yell and the clatter of metal on metal banished even her clumsy attempt at thought as someone dragged a iron pipe along the bars of her cell. The words barely penetrated the fog in her head, but she got the general gist, and stumbled out of her cell with bleary, sleep filled eyes…

Only to run tit first into another woman coming the other way, bouncing both of them onto their incredibly well padded rears. “Oof!”

Stunned, the blonde rose and processed the new figure. A few details jumped straight out at her. Short. Green skin. Red hair. Long, pointy ears. Sharp looking teeth. She looked kind of familiar in a really unfamiliar way. The two stared at each other for a long moment, the rusted cogs of their brains struggling to turn over, and then…

“Watch where you’s goin’, fat butt!”

“I wus here furst, slut bucket!”

The two growled at one another like two dogs trying to scare off a rival – until someone looped an arm around both of their necks and yanked them away from each other.

“Hoi, didn’t ya turn out great?” The goblin giggled, holding both of them in a half-hug, half-head lock. “’Nuther pair of dumb slutty gobbos for da horde~”

Tanya blinked. What? It was hard to say, with her head feeling so thick, but it felt like this woman had just called her a… goblin? But that couldn’t be true. She was… She was a hewmon, or something, wasn’t she?

“Huh…?” She managed, her brow crinkling. “But ah’m not a gobbo…?”

“Me neither!” Came a protest from under the goblin’s other arm.

But the goblin didn’t seem to believe them. “Well sure ya are! Dumb, slutty, big bootied gobbos!” She released the armlock around their necks to slap them both on their behinds, drawing lusty moans from the pair. “Ya always were. Anythin’ else ya think ya remember was jus’ ya havin’ a dumb daydream or someit.”

Eh? That couldn’t be right… Could it? Ngh, she sure sounded convincing though…

Tanya thought hard, the wrinkles on her forehead growing into deep, green crevices. Could she be a goblin? She… She definitely looked like one. Everyone knew goblins were short, crude, lewd, and stupid… And she definitely felt all of those things, fuck yeh…

But… But she also remembered being Tanya, Paladin of the light, an Adventurer who quested over the world fighting evil and helping people. Could that really have been a daydream? The memories felt so real. The smiles of those who she’d saved, the cheers at the local tavern, the warmth of her goddess’s embrace, the knowing smirk of… of her best friend, El-


Another slap of her ass sent her big green cheeks jiggling like jello, and sent a jolt of pleasure shooting up her spine, blasting all of those thoughts to bits in a spectacular firework show. The dumb goblin’s eyes crossed as her lips curled into a dopey smile – and when they blinked clear again, there wasn’t a single glimmer of intelligence left within them.

“Oh. Kay den~” She giggled, banishing all those silly ideas of not being a dumb, slutty gobbo with a shake of her head.

“Oh yeah! I ‘member now,” came the confident voice of the redhead on the other side.

The dark haired goblin grinned. “Good girls~ So, what’cha names?”

“Uh.” She thought hard – or hard for her. What was her name again? Something proper gobbo sounding… “Taya…?”

And from the redhead, “Elly…?”

“Dat’ll do! Now come on!” She released them, letting them stumble back as she started striding for the exit. ‘S almost time to raid the human village! Dun wanna miss that!”

The blonde and red headed gobbos looked at each other, before hurrying after her, their fat booties bouncing with every quick step. “Raid? Wut’s dat?”

She chuckled. “We’s gunna sneak inta’ dere homes an’ steal dere treasures! An’ if we see any good cock while we’re dere, we’ll have that too!” She winked over her shoulder, her grin growing wider as she saw the pair starting to drool.

Then, just at the door, she stopped and turned back to look at them. “Oh, an’ if you see any cute human girls, grab ‘em,” she said. “We’ll bring ‘em back here and feed ‘em some Gulligob!”

The other two gobbos blinked stupidly. “Gulligob? Wut’s dat?”

“‘S like this magic potion the shaman makes that turns girls inta’ gobbos.” The dark haired goblin had a sinister grin on her face as she explained for some reason. “an’ it makes ‘em believe everythin’ dey’s told. ‘S funny as fuck~”

“Oooohhhh!” The pair burst into smug chortles. Turning snooty humans into stupid gobbos like them? Fuck yeah that sounded funny! “We’re in!”

“Yeh. I t’ought ya might be~” She grinned, opening the door to freedom, and leading the pair away. Taya and Elly, another pair of happy whores added to the tribe – and another pair of pesky Adventurers, erased and forgotten~

Dat’s why ya’ dun mess wit’ gobbos, yeah!



I love some goblin TF, and it’s great to see more of this duo!