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Annnd... We're back!

Ugh, it's been far, far too long, but I've managed to write more in the past week than I was able to do in the past three months, so we're getting back into business! I still don't think I'm quite to 100%, but the rust is shaking off and I couldn't be happier. So, let's get some stories going, shall we?

First up, while I start taking in requests, a sequel to an old Nanoha series. Previous parts can be found here:

Ace of Maids (Nanoha hypno fic) by Director-DZ on DeviantArt

Ace of Maids 2 - Aces High (Nanoha Hypno fic) by Director-DZ on DeviantArt

Mistress of Maids (Nanoha hypno fic) by Director-DZ on DeviantArt

Hope you enjoy!


(Contains Mind Control and Maids)

Hayate Yagami was an interesting woman, who had lived an interesting life. One day, she would likely be the subject of a very controversial historical documentary or five, where people speculated if everything she had ever done had been an elaborate scheme on behalf of the ‘Mistress of the Night Sky’ to seize power within the TSAB, the only force that was able to stand against her… Or if she was simply just that good at playing the political game.

In truth, her exploits were mostly exaggerations – she was an ordinary, kind hearted woman, at least when she could afford to be. She cared deeply for her family, she loved her friends, and she was long committed to the ideals of justice and freedom for all under her protection.

It was just… It was just she was really good at scheming, too. She had a talent. A gift! Her mind naturally worked in devious ways that others had to scramble to keep up with. And that was a useful skill to have, especially in the political environment of the TSAB, where different departments and officers all had their own ideas of what they stood for. It allowed her to accomplish many things others couldn’t, all in the name of a better world.

Couple that with a set of familiars/family that could each level an army if they wanted, add in a pair of best friends who could do the same to entire planets, and then count in her own even more stupidly overpowered set of abilities on top of that, and… Well, then you got Hayate Yagami – scariest woman in the entire dimensional sea.

Cute as a button, too.

So yes, she was an interesting woman. One who was currently alone in her office, sorting out some of the endless stacks of paperwork that a woman in her position had to deal with. It was dull, it was annoying, but it was important, so she’d dedicated some time for it tonight – time that, judging by her current rate, she was going to need every second of to get through it all.

Honestly, if it weren’t for the maid massaging her shoulders it might have been too boring even for her.

Oh – right, the maid. Yes, Hayate was alone in a sense, unless you counted the former Miza L. Thorne as a ‘person’, which the good Commander did not. The woman had once been an up and coming crime lord who had used her connections to acquire an old piece of technology, a Lost Logia, with the ability to brainwash others. It was an ability that she’d used on both Nanoha and Fate, Hayate’s aforementioned best friends.

Hayate had not been merciful in her response, and so now Miza was just a pretty blonde maid, dressed in a fetishy version of the traditional black and white uniform that was far tighter around her rather impressive chest than it needed to be. A victim of her own Logia, the ‘Eraser’, as she had called it, in a supposedly accidental discharge during her arrest.

Because Hayate was a deviant and she could get away with this kind of crap at her rank. But she kind of felt it was only fair, given how difficult it had been to restore Nanoha and Fate to their original selves after what the crime lord had done to them!

Yeah, see, this was a pretty good example of her devious mind. Miza had committed the cardinal sin of hurting people Hayate cared about, and thus she was no longer a person. It was a little immoral, perhaps, but it was practical.

That said, it was fairly understandable that people might have problems with it. Normally, her friends would reign her in better, but since both of them had been under the Eraser’s influence, they now found it quite difficult to argue with its current owner about any of this. And of course the good Commander’s family, being from, shall we say, less civilised times, had no problem with her actions.

But they weren’t the only ones keeping an eye on things.

Half an hour into the task, and still with at least three quarters of it left to do, Hayate groaned and leaned back, yawning as she stretched. “Ugh. Who decided that all the funding allocation needed to be authorised on the same day? Are they trying to slip something past me, or just being annoying?”

Her grumbles didn’t draw a response from her maid, naturally. She was more of a conversation piece than a conversationalist these days. But what did get a reaction was the Commander’s exasperated finger snap. That was a specific trigger that had been programmed into her wiped mind, one that commanded her to stop with her massage and fetch her a fresh glass of wine.

“It wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t all come on the same day that I need to read through all these reports,” the brunette muttered, mostly to herself. Talking to the other woman was like talking to a rock, or to your own reflection. Helpful for putting voice to your thoughts, but foolish if you expected a response. “I can’t just put those off, I don’t want to miss something. But ugh. I hope Shamal keeps the leftovers heated, I’m going to be back late tonight…”

Despite her complaints, though, she was dedicated to her work, with no intention of trying to take any shortcuts. By the time the maid returned, Hayate was already bent back over her desk, carefully scanning through another paper before signing off on it. She didn’t even look up as she held out her hand for the expected glass.

It was only when she didn’t get anything that she looked up. “Hey, where’s-?”

Her eyes almost didn’t have time to register the silver pen-like device held up in front of them before it went off.


“Wha… Whas…?” The Commander flinched back in her chair as a bright white light filled her vision, filled it so much that it leaked through the back of her eyes and into her brain, dazzling her thoughts and scrambling her senses. Her body slumped, arms resting on the arms of her chair as every muscle she had seemed to go limp at once.

The maid simply stood in place, device still held in her hand, and said nothing as her owner reeled.

This was bad. Logically, Hayate knew what had happened, in the firm, collected centre of her mind. While she may have only caught a glimpse before the flash, she recognised the Eraser instantly, though she’d been too slow to close her eyes. Somehow, her own thrall had used it against her. But how?

The Lost Logia worked in two steps. One flash to disorientate your target, incapacitating them mentally and dropping them into a mild hypnotic trance, and then a second flash to take advantage of that state, driving them into a state of complete mindlessness, where you could command and reshape their personalities as you desired.

She’d been hit by step one, and now her mind was scrambling to recover. If she could get some time to do so, she’d be back to normal in a few minutes – just as long as she avoided the second flash. Her devious brain had it all worked out in the time it took to blink.

The problem was getting all of that across to the rest of her mind, which was currently sloshing about the inside of her skull like a shaken snow globe. Everything was strange and confusing – her core could be as solid as it liked, but it didn’t matter much when everything else was still dazzled by the light.

And while she was trying to work that issue out – as well as figuring out who this nice office belonged to, as well as trying to remember her own name – laughter filled her ears.

“Ohhh, tough break Commander~” A familiar voice that she just couldn’t place with her head such a mess spoke up. “Guess you let your guard down a little too much, huh?”

The desk in front of Hayate rippled, and before her cloudy eyes, a hand reached up through it and plucked the Eraser from the maid’s hand. Then, as the brunette watched, unable to move her gaze, a lithe, feminine figure rose out of the wood like a dolphin jumping out of the water, flipping over before landing in front of the dazed woman, legs crossed as she sat on the edge of the desk, blue hair flicking lightly as she grinned down at her.

Now Hayate recognised her. “Sss… Sein?”

“Heya!” The former Number Combat Cyborg gave the Ace a cheerful wave. Once an enemy of the TSAB, now an agent of the Saint Church after the defeat of her ‘father’ Jail Scaglietti, Sein had supposedly reformed like most of her younger sisters once given the choice… But seeing her right now, smirking down at a Commander of the TSAB who was suffering the effects of a Lost Logia attack… Well, it certainly made it seem like that reformation hadn’t stuck. Though she was still wearing her church robes, for some reason… “How y’doing there, Hayate?”

The brunette peered up at the woman with confusion, and only half because her brain was still mostly whited out by the Eraser. “What… What are you…?”

“Wow.” The Cyborg blinked, looking genuinely surprised. “You’re keeping it together way better than anyone else hit by this thing. Congrats!” She spun the Eraser around her finger like a pencil in the hands of a bored student. “Or, at least that’s what the reports I read about it said. You need to work on your secret document storage again, be-tee-be, anyone who can walk through walls can just slide right on in and read whatever they like!”

Right. Deep Dive – Sein’s ability that let her move through physical objects like water. The TSAB’s sensors should have detected her while she was doing it, but apparently she’d improved her skills a little in the years since the Scaglietti incident. No alarms seemed to be going off, at any rate.

None of this really sank in for Hayate, though, her thoughts too busy sloshing about in the white. She fought to focus on the more immediate stuff in front of her, fumbling a question together. “Www-why…?”

Okay, half a question.

Sein seemed to understand though, raising a hand in a half-shrug kind of gesture. “Well, look, Commander, you’re kinda getting out of control here, y’know? I like you and what you do around here just fine, but the Church is getting concerned – that’s why they sent me.” She flicked her blue hair back. “Lady Carim herself wanted me to make sure you weren’t letting your worst instincts take control, so in I sneak, and what do I find?”

She spun the Eraser around her fingers again, right in front of Hayate’s face, while tutting. “You really shouldn’t be playing with mind control, Commander. And you definitely shouldn’t be using mind controlled criminals as your maids. Even if I totally understand the temptation, whoo, she is stacked.” The Cyborg whistled appreciatively as she stared down into the still maid’s cleavage.

Ugh. So many of these words were filtering in one ear and out of the other, but Hayate struggled to retain as much as she could. So Sein hadn’t turned traitor, then, she was just working for the Church? Somehow that was even more aggravating than the alternative.

“Anyways, don’t worry, I won’t mention your little slip here to anyone.” The infiltrator shot her a cheeky smile. “I’m just going to use your little toy here to keep you in line – and to maybe make a bit of a harem for myself~”

… And that was even worse!

“A… Harem…? N-nnno…” She may have been a little out of line with what she’d done to Thorne, but an actual harem? That was way worse than anything she’d done! Sure, she might have thought about it from time to time, but she’d never actually done it!

“Oh, come on, that’s totally what this thing is for.” Sein rolled her eyes. “I won’t be too bad about it! Just some hot babes who don’t mind me groping them whenever I like~”

Well that seemed entirely reasonable- Wait, no, think with your brain, not your… other parts, Hayate!

“That’s… wrong,” she gasped, using her indignation to push through the haze in her head. “Someone- Someone will stop you. Nanoha and… And Fate will… Will never let you… Mmm?”

Sein’s finger pressed against Hayate’s lips, silencing her gently, yet forcefully. “Ooooh girls?”

Despite the haze, there was a sinking feeling in the Ace’s chest – one that was confirmed a moment later when the door to her office opened, and a pair of very familiar women strutted in, dressed in maid uniforms and wearing blank smiles on their faces.

Damnit, Fate and Nanoha could really pull those outfits off…

“Such a hypocrite, Hayate,” Fate giggled, her voice hollow and her eyes glazed. “You can’t say Mistress Sein is wrong for something you’d do yourself, right?”

“It feels sooo good to serve her, Hayate,” Nanoha shivered at her side, looking every bit as entranced. “You’re going to love being her thrall~”

Even half stunned, the Commander’s stare felt very accusatory as it flicked, for a moment, towards the Combat Cyborg.

“Yeah, so, funny thing. You know my Periscope Eye?” Sein raised her hand, waving the camera built into her finger. “It’s not just a camera. It detects all kinds of signals, and allows me to manipulate them. Camera feeds. Magical looks. Certain kinds of Lost Logia…”

She grinned, dropping her hand to pull open the drawer of Hayate’s desk, and pulling out the black ring within it – the other half of the Eraser Logia, the control ring.

“Turns out I can mimic this thing just fine, so anyone under its influence is mine to command~” The Cybrog giggled – and then once again the Eraser spun out, its tip right in front of the Ace’s eyes. “And that includes you!”

The brunette’s eyes widened, ever so slightly, and desperately she tried to close them, to shift her gaze away, to do anything but stare straight into the device. If Nanoha and Fate had already fallen, then she couldn’t let herself drop too! With all three Aces under Sein’s control, she’d truly be unstoppable! She had to look away, she had to do something, she-!


But it did no good. The Eraser’s light consumed her world, just like it had Nanoha’s, Fate’s, and Miza’s. And just like them, she found a world of colour rising up to engulf her, unable to resist it even though she knew what was happening. The shapes and shades swirled towards her, around her, through her, spiralling, swirling, captivating…

Her already dazzled brain couldn’t muster a defence. The sweet greens and reds just slipped between the cracks of her mind, sweet sensations swallowing up each trace of logic or independence, her thoughts all spinning as they were sucked down…

… Down…

… Down…

… Into the depths of mindless nothingness.


Drool poured from Hayate’s slack jaw, her eyes left utterly empty as the Eraser died down. She was utterly limp in her chair, arms hanging at her sides, her chest gently rising and falling with her calm breath. It was obvious to anyone that she was completely entranced.

Sein grinned as she slid the black ring onto her finger, just for completeness’s sake. “Now. Hayate. Listen to me.”

Hayate didn’t move – but there was a real, palpable sense of attention, as all of the Ace’s senses focused themselves completely on the Cyborg, Sein’s words sinking straight into her blank brain.

“From now on, you’re going to be my loyal, trusting, obedient servant,” she continued, her smile growing with each syllable. “All you want is to serve my every wish! You’re happy to flaunt for me, you love it when I grope you, and your big goal in life is joining me in bed – especially with your friends. And you’ll do whatever it takes to keep my harem a secret to everyone outside it, got it?”

Again, there was no answer, but there was no question that her commands had their desired effect. There was a glint in the mindless woman’s eyes now, a heated cadence to her breath. Sein could tell – Hayate Yagami was now her devoted thrall.

Right! That should do it for the business side of things. Now for the pleasure.

“Girls?” She slid off the desk and gestured to Nanoha and Fate with her ring finger. “Get her in her new uniform.”

“Yes Mistress!” Her happy servants skipped around Hayate’s desk and lifted the drooling Commander out of her chair, quickly and skilfully stripping her out of her uniform (almost like they’d done so before) and then just as swiftly redressing her in a maid dress just like theirs. It was a good fit, and the three made for a delightful, if slightly vapid, set.

“I think you know the drill, right Hayate?” Sein giggled, sliding into the Ace’s chair. “What does a good maid do when her Mistress has had a long day enslaving people?”

The brunette blinked slowly, her mind still not completely back on line… But still, she seemed to understand what was being said. Moving a little stiffly, she circled around behind the chair, raised her hands, and began massaging her Mistress’s shoulders.

Sein sighed in contentment. “Perfect. Mmm, I think I’ll take my new cover as your ‘secretary’. That’ll give me plenty of access to you, with no one the wiser~” She leaned back, resting her neck in her new maid’s cleavage. Oh, she was going to enjoy this very, very much.


“This is a disaster!” Desperate hands clenched around a taller man’s prison uniform collar and shook frantically. “A disaster! Help me, Dad, I don’t know what to do!”

Jail Scaglietti was not accustomed to being thrown around so thoroughly. Not since Enforcer Harlaown had arrested him, at least. So it took him a few moments to compose a response!

“Wwwhat ssseeems to be the prrrooblem, Sein?” He managed, before finally breaking free of his sort-of-daughter’s grip.

Quattro, having also been summoned to the prison visitation room, gave her younger sister a curious look. “Yeah, what’s going on? How’d you manage to get both me and the Professor in the same room, too? They normally don’t let that kind of thing happen.” For good reason.

The blue haired Number slumped a little, arms dropping to her sides. “Oh, that was easy. I have a lot of influence in the TSAB now. A loooot of influence.” She seemed unhappy about this fact.

“Is that so?” Naturally, the two unrepentant criminals were confused – both by her explanation, and her apparent despair. “How has that happened?”

“It’s Hayate.”

Whatever answer the pair had been expecting, that wasn’t it. Quattro had to think for a second to even remember who she was talking about. “Oh, the Triple S bitch? She’s causing you trouble now too? Heh…” Her lips quirked into a toxic smile, revealing her sadistic streak clearly. “Well I hate to say I told you so, but this is what happens when you switch sides and join the TSAB, you know? They’re just going to treat you like you’re their slave now.”

But her attempted barb missed the mark. Sein shook her head, seemingly even more depressed. “No, no, not that. Kind of the opposite, actually.”

“Eh?” The older cyborg blinked. “Wha- How’s that even possible?”

The blunette’s voice got quiet and she twiddled her fingers together. “I kinda used a Lost Logia and brainwashed her, Nanoha and F into being my obedient harem slaves? Sort of?”

The two criminals gaped at her. Quattro managed a weak “Wha…?” while the Doctor was rendered completely speechless.

“B-but I just wanted a small harem for funtimes!” Sein protested quickly, as if that helped her case. “I didn’t want this!”

There was a long moment of silence. The Doctor was clearly still trying to puzzle through what he’d just been told. Quattro, ever the pragmatist, pushed forward. “… What’s ‘this’?”

And Sein’s composure broke. “She’s out of control!” The Cyborg practically yelled, running her hands through her hair as she started to pace through the room, absently phasing through anything in her way. “She interpreted my commands in the most excessive way possible, and now she’s brainwashing everyone in my name! And she keeps adding the ones she likes to the harem, too!”

Her older sister just stared. “You’re kidding.”

“No! I’ve lost track of how much of the TSAB is now under my direct control!” Sein gestured frantically towards the door of the visitation room, beyond which a pair of guards stood to make sure no one tried anything funny like escaping. “I can literally tell the wardens to bring you out here and they just do it! Random people on the street are giving me knowing winks and secret handshakes! I think she’s actually out to conquer the entire dimension!”

It was too much for Quattro, just too much. The malicious Cyborg burst out laughing, literally falling to the floor to roll on her back as she howled over the mess her younger sister had gotten herself into.

The blue haired Number stared down at her with the flattest look she could manage. “Yeah, thanks sis, that’s real comforting.”

“Any time, kiddo.” Quattro snorted, adjusting her glasses as she finally got back to her feet. “So you’re just in charge of this place now? Great! This is the stupidest breakout ever, but I’ll take it!”

“What?” Sein shook her head frantically. “I’m not breaking you two out! You’re evil, you deserve to be here!”

“Hey!” The other Cyborg pouted.

“I mean she has a point, Quattro,” the Doctor said, finally speaking up as he came out of his calculating daze, rubbing his chin.

The older sister didn’t protest. She just stuck her nose in the air. “Still rude,” she said.

Sein ignored her. “I just need help! This has gotten completely out of hand and you two were the only ones I could think of who I could turn to! Even Lady Carim’s in the harem now!”

The admission just started Quattro laughing again, imagining one of the Holy Knights dressed in a maid outfit and serving her sister, but the good Doctor just nodded, still considering Sein’s plight. For a moment, the look gave his fifth ‘daughter’ hope, that perhaps this twisted genius might have an idea that would defeat the other twisted genius she’d unwittingly created.

Alas, it was not to be. “Ahh, I’m so proud of you my dear,” he finally said. “You’ve definitely gotten yourself into quite the pickle. I’m afraid I can’t help, though.”

“What?” Now Sein was the one pouting. “Why not?!”

He chuckled. “Because, daughter, you’ve removed Hayate Yagami’s ethical constraints. Her moral compass, if you will. Now, she doesn’t care about right or wrong – she only cares about you. Which means you are now holding the leash on the kinkiest woman in the galaxy, and she’s already slipped free of it.”

“Gaaahhh!” It was true and she couldn’t deny it. All she could do was groan.

“In fact, I suggest you try to relax and enjoy the proceedings,” Jail continued. He almost sounded like a genuine father advising his child. It was kind of creepy. “If not, well, before long she’ll start moving to consolidate her plan, and remove everything that’s gotten in the way of your happiness – including your own free will, if you’re not careful.”

Oof. Now there was a troubling thought. Sein swallowed, looking uneasy. “W… Well she’d better not, or she’ll be coming after you next…”

But the good Doctor just laughed again, shaking his head. “Oh, she’d never do it to me. Then she’d have the same problem as you right now, and she knows better than that. No, I’m sure she’s quite happy to keep me where I am – locked away, out of trouble.”

Quattro grinned, folding her arms smugly. She hadn’t taken being told she wasn’t escaping today well. “Sorry, looks like you’re going to have to clean up your own mess, kiddo!”

“She’ll definitely come for Quattro at some point though.”

“Urk.” Now the older Cyborg was the one who’d gone pale. Somehow, her sister couldn’t muster up much sympathy.

“So yes!” The Doctor clapped his hands together and bowed apologetically. “I’m afraid I can’t help. And realistically, I’m not sure anyone can. Better to just go with the flow instead of resisting it. My, this will be fascinating to see play out…”

“Oh. Great.” Sein slumped again, but nodded, taking his… well intentioned-ish advice as it was meant. If even he couldn’t think of a way to fix this, what chance did anyone have. “… Well, thanks Dad. I guess I’d better get going then.”

He nodded, understanding. “Best of luck, dear. Do let me know how it all turns out. Scientifically speaking, this will be an amazing study of human behaviour!”

“S-sure…” The Number nodded, turning to leave.

“Hey, um, Sein?” Quattro’s call made her pause. “You know, if I promise to be good will you let me out of here, maybe? I, uh, I think I need to get out of here…”

“Are you sure, Sis?” The blue haired woman glanced over her shoulder. “I mean, if you escape, that’s just going to make you a higher priority for Hayate…”

The other Cyborg got even paler. “Urkgle…”

“Thought not.” With a sigh and a wave, Sein left, lost in her own thoughts as she walked away.

There wasn’t a way out. She’d tried to leash a monster, and now she was the one in the collar. And she was going to have to enjoy it… Or else.

Well. There were worse fates out there, right? At least she still got her super hot harem out of the deal. That made it an awful lot easier to accept.

With a nod to herself and a deep breath of resolve, she began to head back. It was time to accept her deal with the devil. It was time to accept the devious mind of Hayate Yagami.


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