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Hi folks!

Well, things are going pretty good so far! Blow off any cobwebs you see around the place, we're back in action, and I'm already enjoying some of the fun requests that have been sent in this month. Hopefully, I'll have these shorts written up in time for next week. In the mean time, enjoy a little P5 fun!


It was never truly quiet in Shinjuku, where the markets never slept and the crowds never stopped flowing, but during the hours of mid-morning, it was as close as it ever got. The breakfast rush was over, the students had all gone to school, the adults had gone to work, and all that was left were the merchants, the tourists, the wealthy, and the misbegotten.

And, on this bright and early morning, one Makoto Niijima, dressed in a professional white blouse/black jacket/skirt combo, striding through it all, her steps confident, if a little rushed. The college student was navigating through the meandering crowds easily, a woman on a mission. Heaven help anyone who tried to get in her way.

Not that that was really a risk. Moving through the streets was easy right now, especially since she was starting to get used to the route. That said, she’d somehow been late leaving her sister’s apartment today, and now she was risking running late, so she had no time for nonsense. She’d only been at her new job for less than a week, and she had absolutely no intention of making a bad impression on her boss.

Not until she had what she needed from him, anyway, heh heh~

Turning the corner, she spied her destination. It was a nice looking place, with a clear glass window front, showing a cozy welcoming area that led into the café proper. Beyond that, the interior was shielded from view from the road, naturally, giving its clients privacy as they enjoyed being served, waited on hand and foot, by whatever maid they had been assigned for their visit.

That’s right, it was a maid café. Hardly an uncommon sight in this district, though in fact this one was one of the most popular around. It was hardly the kind of place that she would normally visit, but today she was heading right for it – just as she had done every day of the past week.

The bell over the door tinkled as she pushed it open, and did so again as it shut closed behind her. The woman at the greeter desk – not a maid, they didn’t give those away for free here – looked up and nodded to her, recognising her instantly. She had, after all, been working here all week, and they didn’t suspect a thing!

“Heya!” She greeted her with bubbly cheer, stepping around the desk and over to a door marked ‘Employees Only’. “Like, how are the tables looking today?”

“Breakfast’s just about over,” the receptionist replied with a shrug. “Should be quiet until lunch, but I’m sure we’ll have a few guests looking to enjoy some of our morning service. If you hurry, you should be able to get a couple in before the next rush.”

“Oooh, great.” Makoto licked her lips for a second, before giving the woman a grin and nod, then pushing in through the door to scoot down the corridor beyond. Past here was all the backstage stuff – the kitchens, the manager’s office, the janitor’s closet, the training rooms… and, of course, the locker room, which was the only place that interested her for the moment. She could snoop around after she got changed.

After all, what maid would be seen out of uniform in a maid café, huh?


“So what are these guys doing, exactly?” Makoto asked, just over one week previously. She was sat on the couch at her sister’s place, squinting at one of the many polaroid photos that covered Sae’s coffee table.

“If I knew that, I’d have a case,” the older Niijima answered, brushing her silver hair back out of her face as she lay back in her chair. She looked more than a touch exhausted, which was fairly typical for her profession, but still worried her sister to see. “They’re doing something though. Probably something serious. I just need to work out what.”

Makoto frowned, leafing through the scattered papers. Ugh, her sister could turn into such a pig whenever she wasn’t around to clean up after her. Seriously, she hadn’t been off at college that long, had she? The place looked like it had been hit by a hurricane! “The Melons Maid Café?”

“That’s the place.” Sae sighed, stretching for a moment before sitting up. “Sorry, I meant to tidy all this away before you arrived. I just got caught up in some last minute reading and… Well.”

The younger sister chuckled, shaking her head. “Oh, don’t worry, I find this stuff fascinating.”

“I know.” The elder sister gave her a flat look. “That’s why I wanted to tidy it away.”

That drew a cheeky grin from Makoto. She couldn’t argue with that – thus, she just pushed forward instead. “So what warranted a full Nijima-special style investigation, exactly?”

Sae snorted. “Oh please, this is hardly an investigation. This is…” She looked around the apartment, considering the corkboards posted around the place with papers and notices pinned to them, all linked up with red string… The dozens of photographs taken of the café lying scattered on the floor, taken from all directions and all hours of the day… The hundred page thick files lying on the table, detailing every scrap of information she could find about the place’s finances, history, ownership, and employment record…

“… Okay, it might be a bit of a Niijima special.” She raised two pinched fingers. “A small one.”

“Yeah. Small. Sure.” Makoto giggled, before leaning in. “Now stop changing the subject. What’d they do?”

The silver haired attorney hesitated a few moments longer, before finally giving in. “Fine. Fine. They didn’t do anything, though. Not as far as I can tell. Their records are all pretty clean. Too clean, really.”

Ahh. Someone was tidying up for them? Interesting. “So why look into them at all?”

Sae frowned, weighing up how much to share, before shrugging. “A couple of weeks ago, a woman who worked there called me asking me to ask for some legal advice. She said that there was some sort of criminal activity going on in the café, wanted to know what she could do about it. I agreed to meet her to discuss it, but she never showed up. So I got curious.”

Makoto nodded, rolling her eyes a little. Her sister might not be a prosecutor any more, but she still had a fierce sense of justice. She’d never be able to let something like that go. “Did you find out what happened to her?”

But Sae just shook her head. “No. I couldn’t find a trace of her. No mention of anyone fitting her name or description in the employment record, either. If she ever really worked there, she’s vanished.”

Eep. So either it was some kind of prank call, or something serious was going on here. And it definitely sounded like her sister suspected the second option. In that case…

“Sounds kind of dangerous. Why not just leave it to the police?”

Makoto’s face turned beet red as Sae just looked at her. You know the look. The one any sibling gets when they’ve said something blatantly dumb. Right, right. She’d forgotten why she was a Phantom Thief there for a second. Expecting the police to actually do something about a crime like this was… naïve.

The silver haired attorney sat leaned forward and started tidying up her papers. “I should just leave it alone, honestly. I did my due diligence and nothing came up. It’s just… Something bugs me about it. It’s all too clean – even for a Maid café. They’re up to something, I just can’t work out what. But I’m at my limits. There’s nothing else I can do. So…”

With a shrug, she picked up the files, and slid them away in a folder, tucking them out of sight in a drawer. Then she gave her sister a bright smile. “Anyway, enough about all that. Shall we head out for lunch? My treat – I want to hear all about how you’re handling college life – and how your grades are holding up.”

Yep, same old Sae. Makoto couldn’t help but giggle. “They’re great, thank you. I’m not just going to slack off once I’m out of your line of sight. Now, where would you like to get some food?”

But even as they discussed dinner plans, the brunette’s mind was elsewhere. Over on a certain Café, and the sinister mysteries it contained.

That was the limit of what Sae could do, sure. But not Makoto. After all, Makoto was a Phantom Thief. She could definitely dig into this more than her sister – she just needed a name and a password. Someone involved here had to have a palace of some kind, right? She was home for a few weeks, so…

Maybe it was time to do some investigating of her own~


She stepped into the locker room confidently, kicking the door shut behind her as she made her way over to her own stall. Her uniform was waiting for her, in a locker marked with the name ‘Marie’. She wasn’t sure who ‘Marie’ was supposed to be – perhaps the employee who’d had this spot before her? – but she paid it no mind. By the time they got around to changing the name on this thing, she was sure she’d have all the information she needed.

Though, to be honest, she was struggling to find anything here so far. No one seemed suspicious, everything seemed above board. It was all completely normal, as far as she could tell. Still, she was happy to keep digging – and it wasn’t as though the money was bad, either~

Slipping out of her jacket, she started unbuttoning her blouse, popping the buttons one by one. It was something of a relief, honestly. Her shirt had felt tight from the moment she’d put it on this morning, and by this point the constriction around her chest was becoming unbearable. Pulling the damn thing off and finally allowing her girls to breathe was a welcome reprieve.

(She’d stopped trying to wear a bra two days ago, and she’d stollen this shirt from her sister the day before. Like, why were all her clothes so determined to shrink on her? This was getting ridiculous!)

The same could be said about her skirt, to be truthful. She’d picked this one because she thought it looked modest, but professional, and now she was wondering if she needed her eyesight examined. This stupid thing hugged the curves of her ass like it was made of cellophane, and it was barely long enough to cover her upper thigh when she wore it. Sure, maybe a woman with a less curvaceous figure might be fine with it…

… Though, hm, she’d never thought of herself as excessively blessed in the curves department come to think of it…

… Mn. Well, whatever. She shook her head, banishing whatever silly thing she’d been thinking about, and tossing her skirt aside.

(Panties had also been abandoned – like, how did anyone live with elastic digging into their hips like that all the time?)

Now properly divested of her clothes, she took a moment to study herself in the mirror by her locker – check her makeup and hair, all that. The smiling brunette in her reflection nearly blew her away. She looked drop dead amazing – super sexy~ Gawd, what was someone with boobs like these doing wasting her time in college when she could be-

Ah. But that was, like, super silly. She shook her head, giggling, and pulled her uniform off the shelf, closing the locker door on her outside clothes as she did. Then she took a seat, fat ass sinking onto a bench, and began to get dressed.

On went her stockings, silky and sleek. They were a lovely pale white, and clung easily to her legs, right up to her mid-upper thigh. She flexed her toes for a moment, making sure they were on tight – hey, you didn’t want any give when you were going to be on your feet (mostly) all day, before nodding, and moving to the next piece.

On went her miniskirt, sliding over her stockings with ease. It was pure black, save for the frilly lace lining underneath the skirt hem, and perilously short, to the point where you could easily see the lower half of her ass even when she was simply standing up normally! If she ever bent over, well… Surely the little white apron flap that hung just below her bared belly would protect her. To the next piece!

On went her top, tight and with just the right amount of bounce. Her tits sat in its cups just barely, resting comfortably beneath the thin fabric, allowing a tantalizing glimpse of the shape of her nipples just beneath, never more than a single careless breath away from popping out for everyone to see. There was just barely enough there to cover her shoulders, and to line every edge with lace, but if anything ever dropped into that cleavage canyon, no search party was ever going to find it. And then, finally…

On went her headdress, the white lace tiara settling nicely in her hair. There. A proper Melons maid, through and through. She gave herself another once over in the mirror, before blowing her reflection a kiss. Perfect. She was ready to get to work.

Finally finished, Makoto got to her feet, slipping easily into the pair of black hi-heels waiting for her on the floor. Now, she had a minute or two before her shift actually started, didn’t she? So this was the perfect time to look around and-

“Looking good there, Marie!”

Huh? She turned around, leaving her reflection and finding her manager, Mr. Shiro, standing behind her.

"Oh, hey boss! Thanks!” She giggled and preened, not seeming to care or even notice that the man might have been in here watching her dress the entire time. “Like, my name’s Makoto, though, not Marie, silly~”

“Is it? Oh right.” He glanced at his watch. “Your shift hasn’t started yet. Give it a second…”

Makoto blinked, her cheerful smile shrinking into a confused frown. “What do you-?”

A buzzer went off, echoing from speakers embedded in the locker room roof. Unknown to her, it was a sound that was being played through the entire building. But then, at that moment, there were a lot of things unknown to Makoto.

It was like the sound had shaken open a locker in her mind, the door falling open to reveal something new. Something that she had somehow forgotten. A shimmering maid uniform made of thought and feeling.

A new identity for her, just like her uniform.

Without hesitation, she stripped herself down, folding up ‘Makoto’, name, memories, thoughts and all, to slide her into the locker, closing it up and locking her tight within. It took up much less room than the identity she’d just pulled out of it. Then, the nameless soul lifted up the new ‘uniform’ she’d found and gently slid it on.

On went her skills, sliding onto her feet like boots, shaping the way she moved to make her strut with every step, and flirt with every glance. Empty headed knowledge filled her mind of how to carry a tray, of how to serve a meal, of how to comfortably rest on her knees for hours on end, and for how to use her mouth in the most pleasing way a customer could ever desire…

On went her memories, a lifetime of delightful obedience and servitude, erasing the very concept of rebellion from her mind. Being a maid was all that she had ever known, had ever wanted, could ever be. A simple servitor, willing and eager to fill any and every request, so long as it came from a customer – or, better yet, from her manager.

On went her identity, a simple, empty headed, slutty maid. Just another big titted, fat assed whore who worked as a happy Melons maid. One who was every bit the maid that lustful dreams were made of, as her new self rewired her tongue, settling into her more comfortably than her ‘real’ self.

On went her name –

Marie blinked, awareness returning to her as the sound faded from her ears. A blank, vapid smile spread over her face. “Ooohh… Excuse moi, Master Shiro. What were we just speaking about…?”

Her voice was soft and elegant – almost too refined for the ditzy woman behind it. The French accent to her otherwise almost fluent Japanese was easy to detect, and sounded nothing like the hypothetical intonations of Makoto Niijima.

The manager just chuckled. “Nothing important, babe. Just checking your progress.” He looked her up and down, considering her figure – and naturally, she helpfully struck a sexy pose for him, lifting a hand behind her head and pushing her chest out, fluttering her eyelashes proudly. “Mmm… Very nice. Your body’s coming along nicely. And it sounds like your brain is shrinking on track. I’d say pretty soon, you won’t need to go ‘off shift’ ever again…”

“Oohh, that would be magnifique~” Marie sighed, easily enthralled by the idea of eternal servitude. “Surely we could, mmnn…” She sauntered closer, stroking a hand up his shirt-covered chest. “Speed things up?”

For a moment, he certainly looked tempted, his eyes staring straight down her incredibly low cut top. But he tore himself away, shaking his head. “Not yet. Still a few loose ends to tie up – and besides, you have a little more growing left to do. Don’t worry – you’ll be a proper Melons girl soon enough.”

Marie pouted, disappointed – but, naturally, she was in no position to argue with her master. Sighing, she withdrew, her magnificent chest bouncing as she stomped her foot out of frustration.

“Now now,” he chuckled, slapping her on the ass. “No need to be impatient. Go on, get out there. You have customers to serve.”

The smack drew a surprised but pleased moan from the maid, and she turned to the door, wiggling her rear at him.

“Oh la la~” She purred, sending a wink and a promise of returning the attention later over her shoulder, giving him one last shake of her hips, before slipping out of the door and into the main café proper.

Just as promised, the place was busy, but not too busy. A number of booths were occupied, all of them designed for privacy for either single customers or groups. Marie was handed a table number as soon as she stepped out, and proceeded to strut her way across the floor, arriving before her newest clients with a fresh smile and an eager glint in her eyes.

“’Allo, Masters. I am Marie, and I shall be your server today. May I take your orders, S’il vous plait?”

It didn’t take long to get an answer. She smiled and sank to her knees like a pro. Her temporary ‘Masters’ wanted a roast, but not the kind she needed to call the kitchen for. She’d be all too happy to provide. Mm, she was so lucky to have been given this job~!



A week ago, Makoto had blinked herself awake, her head full of cotton. Where was she? The last thing she remembered was accepting a drink at her job interview for the maid café…

She shifted, uncomfortable, and realised that she was sitting up, like she’d fallen asleep in her chair. And even more strangely, she found she couldn’t move her arms – they seemed to be stuck somehow, trapped in the arm rests of her seat.

It was a bit of a puzzle – maybe a simple one, if her head hadn’t been so fuzzy. But for some reason the Phantom Thief was having a little trouble putting the pieces together, her mind still caught in that ‘just woken up’ daze. Instead, she just looked around, bleary eyes trying to take in more information.

In front of her was a screen, one that covered the far wall, like the sort you’d need for a projector. It was the only source of light in the room, which made it almost blinding at first, as her eyes fluttered open. Slowly, though, she began to adjust to the darkness, and she started to pick out details in what she saw, the shape of it all slowly resolving in front of her.

It was a spiral.

She frowned, trying to figure out why there was a spiral here – and why she was sat down watching it in the dark. It was black and white, its spokes in sharp contrast with one another, gently turning around, over and over, in a clockwise direction. Or was it anti-clockwise? Her eyes kept… slipping, whenever they tried to focus on it, that dizzy feeling in her head growing thicker and thicker…

She shook her head, trying to clear the fog, but it didn’t help. She just found herself staring back into the spiral, confused and hazy. This time, though, as she watched it swirl, she thought she could see something else in the image. Just for a moment, flickering past her gaze lightning quick. Curious, she peered in deeper, leaning closer, trying to work out what it was trying to say.

It was…


… Hard to see, but…

Thinking Is Hard

… It was almost like…

Just Watch

… Words…?

She blinked, her shoulders slumping as she Relaxed, leaning back in her chair. Her head was feeling thicker than ever, her thoughts slowing to an utter crawl, if not fading completely. Thinking was Hard. Too hard. All she could do was sink into her chair and Just Watch

The spiral kept flickering.




Makoto’s eyes fluttered again as she lent back, helplessly absorbing the vision in front of her. It was like it was streaming into her, filling her mind, her very self swirling in the spiral. For some reason, Maids occupied her thoughts, dancing around gracefully in beautiful lace and silken aprons.

So nice. So sweet. So Owned. So Obedient.

The image of herself in a conservative Maid outfit popped into her head, and she couldn’t help but smile…




The image’s maid outfit started to shift, losing fabric and showing skin. Maid-koto blew a kiss to an unseen audience, stroking her fingers along the hem of her oh-so-short skirt, a strange, horny vapidness blossoming in her once sharp eyes…

A damp spot was starting to grow on the real Makoto’s chest, just beneath her chin where drool was streaming down. She was oblivious to it, lost in her Sexy daydreams. Slutty servants paraded around, flashing and flaunting. Ditzy and dazzling. So perfect. So Stupid.

And none were more Sexy, Slutty, and Stupid, than herself…

Big Boobs

Fat Ass

French Maid

Maid-koto’s respectfully modest chest bloomed, her tits swelling up underneath her slutty, lace lined top into nice Big Boobs, jiggling and bouncing with every motion. Her butt inflated, filling in until it was three times its original size, a perfect Fat Ass counterweight. And through it all, she giggled and moaned, putting her finger to her lip with a coquettish wink.

“Mmm, magnifique~”

The real Makoto drooled, utterly lost in visions of cleavage and booty, her ears ringing with foreign accents that made her drip in her seat. Her eyes were locked on the spiral completely, reflecting it in its entirety, her own pupils invisible behind its thick black and white spokes. So lost was she in her trance, in her visions of silly French Maid bimbo perfection, that she didn’t even notice as her own curves started to grow, her shirt getting tight, her hips snug in her seat.

And the spiral kept going.

Forget Your Name

Forget Your Life

Forget Your Self

Drool poured from Ma- from the brunette’s mouth as she Forgot Her Name. A moan escaped her throat as she Forgot Her Life, forgot her sister, her friends, her powers as a Phantom Thief. Juices dripped between her legs and soaked into her seat as she Forgot Her Self, her very essence becoming a blank slate to be rewritten, her soul becoming soft clay to be shaped.

So shape her, the spiral would.

You are Marie

A Stupid


French Maid


And in that darkened training room, her eyes still filled with the spiral’s swirls, Marie, the Stupid, Sexy, French Maid Slut, smiled, and let out a vapid giggle~


Mandatory break time was always a mixed blessing for Marie. Naturally, she wanted to keep serving her customers for as long as she could – Mmm, she’d already satisfied three tables today, and she was only a third of the way though her shift~ - but even she had to admit she needed to rest from time to time. Her hips could only bounce so much non-stop, y’know?

That was just… That… That was…

The maid frowned, feeling dizzy for a moment. Her brow furrowed, her strut growing uncertain as she stepped back into the locker room. What… What had she been doing…?

Oh right.

Makoto sighed, releasing a deep breath as she shook her head to clear it. Yes, she was finally on break, after working so hard all morning to… To… Well, it wasn’t important what she’d done. What was important was that it was finally time to-


“Huh?” The red eyed Thief blinked, head shooting around. Once again, she’d missed that there was someone else in the locker room with her. “Oh. Hey Sis. When did you get here?”

Sae Niijima looked about as approving as she ever did about her younger sister’s life choices as she studied Makoto in her maid outfit. “Just now. My shift is starting in a few minutes. Why are you surprised? Wasn’t it your idea I get a job here, after you recklessly forced your way into my investigation?”

Ah, she was giving her the doom-eyebrow, her arms folded under her own lace-lined chest. It wasn’t as large as Makoto’s, which the younger sibling felt a surge of pride over – though also one of confusion. Sae had always been bigger than her, right? And even if she hadn’t been… She’d never been that big, had she…?

“That said, I’m starting to think this entire thing has been a bust,” Sae’s voice interrupted her sister’s confusion. “I’ve been looking for any sign of criminal activity since I got here, but everything seems completely normal. Have you seen anything different?”

Makoto shook her head, cheeks flushing with embarrassment. “No. I totally haven’t seen a thing. I guess this was just, like-”

She never finished her sentence. The sound of a buzzer rang through the room, and both Niijima sisters froze in place, their eyes losing focus. Gazes grew vapid as important facts switched around behind the scenes.

Marie came back to herself first, and giggled as she watched the other woman standing there stupidly, her own change in identity sliding on much faster. Ah, that Susie, she was such a, how you say, bimbo, no?

The giggling seemed to rouse the other woman, and the silver haired maid pouted, glaring at her sister maid. “Hmph. I see you are still as unprofessional as ever, Marie. Quelle surprise.”

“The customers, they seem to disagree, no?” The brunette shot back in response. Hmph, this tramp thought she was so hot, with her big tits and alluring accent. But Marie would show her who was the best maid around, oh yes she would!

“Now now, girls, no need to fight.” Both women snapped up straight, their feud forgotten as Mr. Shiro entered the room. “We don’t want to spoil those pretty faces of yours for the customers, right?”

“Oh! Master Shiro!” Marie curtsied, face flushing at getting caught squabbling.

“Master~” Susie went one further and slid up to the man, pressing her chest against his side. “How may this humble servant please you today, hm?”

Not one to be left behind, Marie quickly hurried over to do the same, the two maids shooting poisonous glares at each other around his back.

“Hmmm…” He didn’t seem to mind their behaviour, even as unsubtle as they were. Instead, he just looked over the preening pair, his hands roaming to grope their chests and squeeze their behinds. Both woman moaned and melted in his arms. “Very nice! I think you need a little longer to cook, Susie, but Marie’s practically done. She might be to the point where her programming won’t wear off again. Tell you what, let’s test it. Why don’t you come to my office for a one-on-one review, hm?”

Marie’s face lit up, while Susie’s fell into a pout – but neither disagreed. After all, this was their Master! His word was law.

“Do not worry,” the brunette said, leaning back to whisper in Susie’s ear as Master Shiro walked back to his room. “I will tell you all about how good he is during our next break, every detail. Since, of course, you will not get to experience it~”

Then she strutted away before there could be any response, leaving her rival to fume as she entered the manager’s office and swung the door shut with her hips. Oh, there was no doubt – she was going to become a permanent staff member first.



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