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Hey folks!

My October break has begun, and it has been busy, as predicted, but I think I'm finally getting back to full strength despite it - looking forward to getting back to writing once life settles down.

In the meantime, I don't want to leave you all with nothing, so here, enjoy an extra short - even if it didn't really end up so short...


Request: Chihiro decides that it's time to start growing his harem outside of the school. And what better way to do that than by adding Mahiru and Ibuki. Mahiru becomes his bimbo photographer whose pictures subliminally make any girl who looks at them want to be his slave, while Ibuki becomes his personal bimbo musicion, whose songs drain the intelligence of all girls who hear them.

Okay, fuck it. Chihiro was done hiding it. He had been creeping around, tiptoeing through life, jumping at every shadow and fearing every email, dreading the day that someone learned his secret and came to take it all away – and he was tired of it. Fed up with it! It was time to bring this entire charade to an end.

Oh, no, he didn’t mean the wearing a girl’s uniform thing. That stayed. He looked cute as hell! Why would he give that up?

No no, this was a more… morally dubious crusade. Nothing about personal identity or of a person’s role in society, or even about the gender norms that bind both men and women into specific, entirely manufactured categories.

Nah, he just wanted bimbos. And he was going to make sure everyone else did as well.

He had the ability. He’d honed his hypnotic techniques to perfection over the past few months. He was pretty confident he could use his abilities to entrance and brainwash damn near anyone at this point. How was that for the Ultimate Programmer?

And he had the resources. The infrastructure. Junko had spent a lot of time planning out her horrific attempt at world conquest. She’d dedicated years, and the talents of her pet Ultimate Soldier, to gathering the needed wealth and leverage to put it all into place. And all of that had fallen into Chihiro’s lap the day she’d gotten her brains turned into mush – a place where she herself now spent a great deal of time, too!

So he could definitely do it. He could make the world a more accepting place. A better place. A bimbo place.

He just needed a few more agents he could use in order to spread the new stupid and slutty gospel. People with influence and a following. People who could reach the masses – and maybe make them a touch dumber.

Fortunately, Junko’s files had provided two ladies who perfectly fit the bill. Ibuki Mioda, the Ultimate Musician, and Mahiru Koizumu, the Ultimate Photographer. Oh hell yeah, there were a lot of ways he could make use of a pair of talents like that. Music that entranced the listener, pictures that gave the viewers subliminal commands…

Yep, both of these girls needed adding to the harem asap. And then, his plan to turn the world into a bimbo paradise could really begin!

… It might have been a bad idea to run this idea past his harem. Junko was a bad influence, even with her brains turned into tits…

“Oh, hey Ibuki!” Mahiru waved to her classmate as she caught up with her outside the Hope’s Peak computer labs, smiling brightly. “Did Chihiro call you over here too? Any idea what this is about?”

“Not a clue!” The pointy haired rocker raised her fist as if she’d just said something incredibly profound, before sliding up to her redheaded friend and dropping her voice. “You, uh, you don’t think she’s pissed about me frying the electrical grid last week, right?” She whispered, her voice conspiratorial. “I mean c’mon how was I supposed to know you couldn’t play an electric guitar underwater like that?”

The Ultimate Photographer sighed. “Anyone could have told you that, I swear,” she muttered. “I’m just glad you weren’t in the swimming pool as well when you found out. Why did you even need twenty guitars in there anyway?”

“Well I needed to test the acoustics…”

Ibuki was a dear, dear friend. She was just also an idiot. Sometimes. Apparently being the Ultimate Musician required a certain kind of drive to experiment in ways that no regular person would ever think of. Oh well. It definitely made for some interesting snapshots.

“I’m sure that’s not it,” the redhead assured her. “I mean, why would I be here if it was? I had nothing to do with that nonse- Wait.” Her eyes narrowed. “You didn’t try to pass the blame onto me or anything, did you?”

“No no no no!” Ibuki shook her head quickly, hands raised. Even she, the dynamic rocker who would wade into hell to experience a new sound, had absolutely no desire to rouse her friend’s temper. Hell was one thing, the righteous rage of Mahiru was quite another.

“Good.” The photographer nodded, relieved. “Then I guess all we can do is ask her herself…”

“Ask me what?”

Both Ultimates jumped and spun around. There, standing confident and at ease, was the computer genius himself (though as only distant acquaintances, both girls used a different pronoun in their heads). Chihiro was smiling cheerfully at them both – and was apparently quite oblivious to the towering monster of a woman standing behind him.

“Uhhh…” Neither Ibuki nor Mahiru had the bliss of ignorance, though. The Ultimate Martial Artist was glaring straight at both of them – though, in fairness, that might have been her regular expression.

At the very least, Chihiro seemed to recognise their problem. “Oh, don’t worry about Sakura,” he told them, waving away their concerns. “She’s just keeping an eye on me. She’s not as scary as she looks.”

That was almost true, too. With her talent changed from Ultimate Martial Arts to Ultimate Bimbo Bodyguard, Sakura was much less scary than she used to be – to him, at least.

“Um. Sure.” Mahiru tried to smile past her rising concern as Ibuki shivered at her side. “So what did you want to talk about?”

The Ultimate Programmer grinned. “I’ve been working on some new tech that I thought you two might get the most use out of. Follow me, I’ll show you!”

He headed on into his lab – and after a shared, slightly concerned glance (because Sakura was still glaring at them) the classmates hurried on after him.

“Are you sure we should ask her?” Ibuki whispered as they walked through a maze of computers and tech, spread out across one of the most advanced IT labs in the worlds. “I’m getting baaad vibes.”

“It’s… It’s fine…” Mahiru was always willing to look on the bright side of things, even though she was definitely getting a weird feeling too. At least, she was while Sakura was following after her. “Let’s just check out this new tech… Then maybe slip away.”


Decided, the pair followed the Programmer through the maze, until they reached a side room with a sliding metal door. There, Chihiro punched in a long digit code, and the door opened with a beep, revealing another lab – maybe one even more advanced than the one they were leaving. White floors, black walls, smoothed corners, and a pair of plinths in the middle. It was a strange looking, neat place in the middle of such a cluttered and chaotic lab.

“That’s a lot of security…” Mahiru noted, looking around. Hell, this looked to be one of the most secure places on campus.

“Well, the tech I’ve been working with is pretty valuable,” Chihiro shrugged, walking in and waving for them to follow. They did, cautiously, and breathed a small sigh of relief when Sakura stopped at the entrance. She was supposed to be a pretty nice person, but her presence sure was intimidating…

“Oh really?” As the door closed shut behind them, Ibuki’s curiosity took over. “What kind of tech are we talking about, anyway? Oh, oh, is it aliens? Did you get brought in to work on a secret ufo crash site or something?!”

“Uh.” Now it was Chihiro’s turn to look stunned. “No… No, nothing like that…”

“Ignore her,” the redhead sighed, bonking her excitable friend on the head. “She gets carried away really easily. But I’m curious too! What sort of tech did you want to show us?”

“Take a look for yourselves.” The Programmer flipped a switch on the wall, and the two plinths in the middle of the room slid open to reveal…

“Ohmigod that’s awesome!” Ibuki shot straight to the plinth on the left, snatching up the tech that it had contained – an advanced looking pink electric guitar, covered in various devices and switches that maybe only she and the person who made it understood the purpose of. She was already running her fingers over it, gingerly testing the tension in the strings. “It’s perfect!”

Mahiru, meanwhile, was more taken by the device on the right – a pink digital camera. She hovered around it like a moth around a flame, not quite so forward as her friend to pick it up without asking. “May I?” She definitely asked quickly, though.

“Oh! Right!” Ibuki coughed nervously, half setting her new toy down. “Can I try this out too?”

“Of course!” Chihiro nodded with a grin. “That’s why I brought you here.”

Well. Sort of.

“Great!” The guitar was straight back into her hands. “Ohhh, I can’t wait to hear how it sounds.”

And the Ultimate Photographer was just as taken with her new camera, even if she was trying to act more respectful about it. “There’s no way this can really get that level of definition…” She muttered, looking through its settings.

Of course, for both of them, there was only one way to find out.

“Hey,” Ibuki said, spinning to face her friend. “Listen to this!”

And at the same moment…

“Hey,” Mahiru held up her camera, turning to her friend. “Say cheese!”



A bright pink flash filled the room, just as a strangely captivating note sang through their ears – and suddenly, both women felt strangely fuzzy. Not in a bad way – actually, it felt rather nice, like slipping into a warm bubble bath after a hard day’s work. Yes, bubbles was the right way to put it – it felt like their heads were filling with bubbles…



Without thinking about it, they both used their new toys again, filling the world with lovely pink sound – and as they did, not thinking grew even easier. It was as though their thoughts were being wrapped up in bubbles and floating away, pink spirals filling Mahiru’s eyes as she peered into her camera’s subliminal laden screen, while hypnotic notes filled Ibuki’s sensitive ears to the brim.



Slowly, both girls began to giggle, drool dripping down their chins as their eyes filled with pink spirals and their tops grew tight…

And all the while, neither woman noticed a smirking Chihiro standing near the door, his eyes and ears covered as he waited for his newest bimbos to finish each other off…

Pink spirals pulsed in the sky overhead as the roaring din of the crowd washed over Ibuki, shadowy shapes against a pink background forming the world around her. What was… Oh. A concert? Was she putting on a concert? She couldn’t remember – her head felt so fuzzy for some reason…

But whatever! If they wanted her to play, then she could play! Her sound was going to blow their minds, hell yeah!

… Despite her not starting yet, a pulsing techno beat filled the air as the spirals began to intensify…

Mahiru blinked. Where was she again? A dark room lit by pink swirling spotlights running back and forth, showing off a long platform surrounded by a crowd of shadow covered watchers…

A catwalk? Oh, was she here to take pictures of models? She’d done that a few times – but then, wait – why was she standing in line to walk on the stage…? She was surrounded by curvy bimbos giggling and preening, and her camera was nowhere in sight…

As the woman in front of her began to strut her stuff, practically skipping out in front of the gathered crowd, the redhead thought she heard the distant sound of a strange techno beat begin to play…

“I call this song,” Ibuki announced, strumming her guitar and shivering with delight at the bubbly feeling it gave her, “Oh My God, There's… There’s Blood-”

She cut off, blinking. The fuzz in her head was feeling thicker than ever, and suddenly she was having trouble remembering how one of her more popular songs went. What were the lyrics again? Had she even gotten the title right at all?

Uh oh. Better do something – she didn’t want to leave the crowd restless.

“… Y’know what? Screw that. Let’s just see what happens!” She was feeling in too bright a mood for such a moody song anyway. Sure, going freestyle in the middle of a concert was kinda crazy, but it was a good kinda crazy – or, at the very least, it was her kinda crazy~

Her fingers swept across her guitar strings, and that warm bubbly feeling inside her intensified as she prepared a hard rock tune. Yeah, she had words inside just bursting to get out, and she was going to set them free!

“I don’t wanna
Think think think think!”

She sang, not even parsing the words. Who had time for that? It was time to let that inner voice flow.

“I just wanna
Sink sink sink sink!”

Without thinking about it, the rocker slid down to her knees, guitar pounding against her chest with every note.

“I’m feeling just so
Pink pink pink pink!”

The spiral sky swirled overhead as her heartbeat raced, that bubbly feeling growing stronger and stronger…

“So won’t you fuck me please?”

The riff hit as the crowd went wild, and the black/blue-haired rocker couldn’t help but gasp with pleasure as her legs slowly slid outwards, spreading themselves on stage. She could feel the beat playing in through her ears and, like, jumbling up everything inside her brain…

Oh yeah, that felt so good! Mmn, playing like this always left her feeling so hot and flustered. Right now that was doubly true – especially in her chest. It felt like her top had shrunk or something, but haah, it felt so good! She might need to see if there were any cute groupies in the crowd for after the show, teehee~

Was it hot in here? It felt hot. Hooo, it felt so so hot. Mahiru pulled at her collar, trying to cool down and not look like she was blatantly staring at the bimbos strutting down the cat walk – but it was hard. Gosh, those thick curves bounced and jiggled so much…

N-n-not that she was staring or anything! S-sure, she didn’t like men, but that didn’t mean- Oh wow look at those girls bounce!

Uh, what had she just been thinking about?

Whatever, it couldn’t have been important. She was already distracted – the bimbo model in front of her had just reached the end of the catwalk, and she was striking a pose. There was a bright pink


And then… The model was gone?

Mahiru blinked. No, wait – not gone. There was a rustle of paper, and a single photo, magazine size, was drifting to the floor. She could see it from here – a naked shot of the model, positioned with her boobs out, offering them to the audience with a bright smile…

Her head spun. The model had been… She’d been turned into porn?

The photographer had a million questions, but before she could ask any of them, even inside her own fuzz-filled head, she was pushed out onto the stage, and found herself strutting down the catwalk as well. She couldn’t stop herself. Her hand fell to her hip and her ass wiggled with every step like she’d seen runway models do a thousand times, even though she’d never done so personally. She could feel the hungry stares of the audience around her.

It made her feel even hotter.

B-but this wasn’t right. “W-wait, I’m not a model!” She protested as she reached the end of the stage. “I- I shouldn’t be up here!”

“I’ll say!” Came a strangely familiar voice. Was that Chihiro? “You’re barely a bimbo at all! But we can fix that.”

She wasn’t a bimbo? Well yeah, of course not. Wait, what did that-?


Bright pink light – a camera flash? – filled her vision, making her eyes flutter as her head was filled with pink spirals. Pleasure sparkled through her mind, massaging away her thoughts and turning them into more blissful bubbles. She couldn’t help but moan as she started to feel even hotter, her objections and questions erased by the pink flood.

“Ooohhh… What… What was I…?”


“Oooh~!” She squealed as her top started to grow tight. The pink light washed over her, through her, in an instant – and when it had passed, she felt… different. Emptier. Bubblier. Hotter. Had it always felt this good to be in front of the camera? God, why had she spent so much time behind it?


Mahiru moaned again, starting to pose as her eyes spun with pink spirals. Her top was feeling even tighter – had her boobs, like, grown bigger or something? Mmn, maybe that was what that nummy pink light did. If they got any bigger, they’d totally burst her top – but, like, why should she wait for that to show off?

Smiling brightly, eyes completely pink, the redhead reached up and ripped her shirt open, baring her swelling tits to the world, and drank in the hot horny pleasure that surged through her as the cameras started flashing in earnest. Ahhh, this was totally the best! Why hadn’t she done it before?


Something had changed on stage. The beat, the rhythm. Ibuki had started out with hard rock, but now the bubbly feeling inside her demanded something different. Something with melody. Something with… pop.

Her guitar riff sped up with the tempo, and new, cheerier lyrics spilled from her lips…

“Hey girl, looking fine
Won’t you hear this song of mine?
Play it for you all the time!
Babe just trust me it’s a sign~”

Ibuki winked to the audience. She could see them cheering and clinging to every word. That warm feeling in her chest was growing hotter and hotter by the second! She could feel something coming, something big – and she couldn’t wait.

Her song sped up some more.

“Feeling stressed?
All depressed?
Gotta say your life’s a mess!
But don’t you worry, I confess,
Let me handle all the rest!”

Ah… Haaah… Almost… It was almost here. She could feel it bubbling up inside…

By this point, the musician was a full slave to the song. She didn’t care what it was, she didn’t care what it needed from her – she just needed to sing it out!

“Don’t despair
That ain’t fair
I know what you gotta hear
I’ll say it loud I’ll say it clear:

Just go

The beat hit between her ears just like it struck the crowd, rippling out through the audience. Before her eyes, she could see it – girls eyes going dim, drool leaking from their lips, boobs popping out of their tops. W-wow, this was powerful stuff… M-maybe she should stop…?

But the heat in her chest wouldn’t allow it, and her fingers wouldn’t stop playing. The song kept bursting out of her.

“Just go

Nnghh… Ibuki’s eyes crossed as she felt her mind quiver. She was holding on, she couldn’t give in yet, she wanted to hear the rest of this song… But she could see its power in the crowd. There wasn’t a girl with a brain left, all big titties and fuck sluts as far as the eye could see. This… Wasn’t what she’d wanted, was it…?

Her head was fuzzy and swaying with the beat, but a certainty gripped her from the depths of her soul. If she didn’t stop this now, if she didn’t stop playing then it’d be too late. Not only would this be every crowd at every one of her concerts ever… But she’d also never play rock music again!

“!!” The thought was terrifying enough to rouse her from her horny stupor, and with an incredible surge of will, the pointy haired musician threw her guitar away, hurling it off stage.

But the song didn’t stop.

The music still blasted in from the speakers all around her, and without her guitar, there was nothing to stop her from giving into the heat running through her body. Moaning, unable to resist the beat for long, Ibuki’s hands slid under her skirt, live on stage before an audience of millions.

Her fingers, talented with any instrument, immediately hit her G chord.

“Just go
BIM BO!!!”


The beat struck and pushed her over the edge, popping what was left of her bubbly brain and bursting her tits straight out of her top. Giggling, she began to play with herself in earnest, squeezing her tits and stroking her cunt – and her audience of bimbos ate it up as the entire scene devolved into an orgy of tits, cunts and cocks.

The Ultimate Bimbo Broadcaster had arrived.


Mahiru’d lost count of how many times the cameras had taken her picture. Honestly, she’d lost the ability to count that high anyway. Who needed numbers higher than, like, three, anyway? Not her~


Her clothes had vanished – she thought she might have stripped them off at some point, but those memories had been turned into pink bubbles and floated off to be in her boobs instead. And ohhh, her tits had gotten so big now, they were like, the size of her head! Or bigger! They were amazing~!


The redhead posed and preened before the cameras with brainless delight – her head having long fallen quiet, her thoughts all sucked out and turned into curves. By now she felt like she was definitely the biggest bimbo in the show~

Something someone soon confirmed.

“Ready to be fap-bait?” That familiar voice asked again. This time Mahiru didn’t try to place it – she just eagerly obeyed it.

“Mmmn!” She smiled brightly and took on her best pose, showing off her tits and ass as best she could. “Like, totally!


A full magazine fluttered down to the ground, filled to the brim with pictures of the redheaded bimbo emblazoned on every page. Each shot was a different pose – each one ludicrously pornographic. On one page she was offering up her tits, on another she was laying back with her legs spread, hiding nothing, on another she was down on all fours, facing away from the camera, offering up a very different side of herself…

Nothing but pure pornographic perfection.

The pages crackled and sang with pleasure, the former photographer’s soul locked in unending, unthinking bliss. She was nothing but eye candy now, simple fap bait to be looked at and enjoyed. She didn’t think, she didn’t speak – she just showed off her tits and shook her ass for anyone who wanted to see.

Her head was empty, her body on display, and it was totally, like, the best thing ever.

The Ultimate Photographer was nothing but a bubbled up memory inside a massive pair of tits now – and Mahiru, the Ultimate Pornstar, was proud to show that off at every opportunity.

Chihiro finished counting to 100 before uncovering his eyes. He was, of course, wearing protective gear – specially designed contacts and earplugs made to make sure that his ‘gifts’ didn’t affect him – but he didn’t see the harm in being cautious. And what he saw when his eyes finally adjusted to the light again absolutely made the wait worth it.

His hypno-tech had done its job. In front of him, where two respectable, if maybe a little crazed, Ultimates had been, now he saw a pair of unmistakable bimbos. Ibuki had already shoved the hilt of her guitar between her legs, desperately trying to jill off, while Mahiru had looped an arm around her bimbo bestie’s shoulders and was taking pornographic selfies with her camera. Both had already stripped themselves of every single scrap of clothing they had – he could see Ibuki’s panties hanging from the lights overhead, in fact – and were showing off their enhanced bodies without shame.

Hoo, they must have been smarter than they looked, their tits were huge now! Perfect – everything had gone exactly to plan.

He grinned as he moved into the room. Soon, he’d send these two out to start bimbofying their followers, and shaping the new world to his desires, but for now… Well, Sakura would make sure no one disturbed them. It was time to give the Ultimate Bimbo Broadcaster and the Ultimate Porn Star a proper welcome to the harem…

“Hey girls,” he said, smiling at the pair. “Ready to thank me for my gifts?”

“Master!” Both girls immediately dropped everything to snuggle up to him, speaking in unison. “How can we please you?”

Oh yeah – it was good to be the king~



This came out fantastic. Probably my favorite installment in the series yet.