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Hey folks!

Hoo, this month has really been kicking my ass, but while they're a bit late, here are your short requests! Apologies for all the hassle, and hopefully November will be a bit easier on all of us. As a reminder - I will be on break in October due to life issues, but I'll be resuming the month after.

(For those who requested their shorts late, I'm still working on them - I'll try to have them ready for you by next week!)

I'm rather exhausted at the moment, so I'll keep it short and sweet. I hope you enjoy the fics, and I hope you have a good October, folks. I will probably be around on the patreon discord server, so keep an eye on that if you're interested in updates or flashfics.

And in the meanwhile - enjoy the stories! And I'll see you all, I hope, in November.


Request: How about hinata and Sakura walk into the shop looking for gifts for Naruto and Sasuke, and they talk to the owner, and he said he knows the perfect gifts he brings them to the back then he shows them a new ninja tool which are the drawing wooden posing toys. The girls loom confused, and then they feel themselves being drawn into the dolls, then the dolls shift into them trapping them inside the dolls, and then the collector start to work on changing the girls' bodies into the puppets. Put lacker onto their skins, which start to change it into wood.

“My, I’d forgotten how exhausting gift shopping can get.” Hinata Hyuuga ne Uzumaki sighed as she exited yet another shop, wandering down the market street with Sakura.

“Ugh. I’ll say. And you’ve got it easy.” The pink haired medic’s shoulders slumped. “Naruto would be happy with a… with a rock as long as it was from you. Sasuke is so much tougher…”

Hinata giggled. “Well, maybe he would. If it was frog shaped, anyway. But I still want to find something he’ll really like…”


“Something a little more permanent,” the heiress grinned. “Though you’re not exactly wrong.”

“He was my teammate long before he became Hokage. I know what he likes inside and out – he couldn’t keep a secret for the life of him.” Sakura chuckled fondly at the memory, before sighing. “My fiance, on the other hand…”

“Well, you’re the one who picked him,” her dark haired friend teased. “If you’re having trouble finding presents, you only have yourself to blame~”

“Nngh.” She was right, and Sakura didn’t like it. “You’re sounding like Ino.”

“Oh I am not. Ino’s in exactly the same boat as you, even if she doesn’t want to admit it.” Hinata smiled as only the woman who had had this exact same conversation with the woman in question could. “Maybe worse, come to think of it.

“Psh, she just needs to buy some art supplies.” The medic shrugged. “Sai’s easy.”

The heiress’s eyes lit up. “Ah, that’s an idea! Maybe Sasuke might like something artistic?”

“Mn.” Sakura was less optimistic, but she didn’t rule it out. “Maybe. He’s never really been one for hobbies. You should have heard him on our first day under Kakashi-sensei…”

But Hinata would not be dissuaded. There was definitely something to this, she felt. “Art, then. Something pretty - maybe to remind him of you while he’s out on missions?”

Caught off guard, the pinkette’s surprised blush had her cheeks matching her hair. “W-well, that might…”

“And look, over there!” The heiress pressed her advantage. She could see her friend was coming around to the idea. Best to strike now, while the kunai was hot, before Sakura could second guess herself. “That shop looks like it might have what we need. Look at the displays in the windows – you don’t see craftsmanship like that very often.”

“Hm…” The medic turned to look. Sure enough, there was a shop with some colourful displays in the front windows – wall scrolls of various brightly coloured characters, and small models on glass stands. Actually, she didn’t recognise the place – was it new? “Okay, why not? Let’s give it a try…”

The pair walked over, drifting the crowds with casual ease that came naturally to two of the most powerful ninja of the modern age. And naturally, having a destination didn’t stop them from gossiping. “You know who I’m really sorry for, though?” Hinata grinned. “When it comes to buying presents, I mean.”


“Temari. Can you imagine?”

The thought made Sakura go pale. “Oh god, he’d know what you got before you’d even bought it…”


The pair entered the shop, a bell over the door tinkling. The interior was just as impressive as the store front had looked from outside – full of interesting looking sculptures and gadgets – toys, perhaps? – that lined the shelves, though it looked like the place wasn’t fully stocked. Maybe it was still new? It would explain why neither of them had seen it before.

There was a lack of something else though – people. There weren’t any other customers present, and the space behind the counter was empty when they entered. Or, it was – until a man in a long purple robe hurried from the back of the shop, summoned by the ring of the bell.

“Customers? Oh!” He brushed down his robe as he saw his new guests. “Welcome ladies! What can I do for you on this fine day?”

Sakura raised an eyebrow – very clearly not impressed by such unprofessional standards – but Hinata just smiled, far more graceful than her companion. “Hello sir – we’re looking for some gifts for our fiancés, and we were hoping you might have something suitable…”

“Fiancés?” The shopkeeper chuckled, rubbing his shadowed chin. “Congratulations to the lucky men! Hmm, let me think… Ah! You know, I might have just the thing.”

“Oh?” Hinata clapped her hands. “Wonderful! What do you have in mind?”

The man grinned. “Well, it just so happens that I recently received a shipment of puppets and dolls…”

He got no further. Sakura, hanging in the background until now, immediately raised her hands. “No!  No puppets, thank you. Absolute no on puppets.”

“Ah.” He wavered a little. “Not a fan?”

The black haired heiress patted her companion on the back – though she didn’t stop smiling. “I’m afraid that she had some… bad experiences with puppets, some time ago. I, however, am fine with them!” She turned back to the shopkeeper, curiosity clear on her face. “What did you have in mind?”

Her enthusiasm helped revitalise the man. “Oh, well, in that case… You see, I thought you might like to gift your beloveds with something that would remind them of you. Romantic, no?”

Hinata glanced to Sakura, checking her reaction. The medic half-shrugged. “I mean… Well, yeah, of course…”

The shopkeeper pressed on. “Well, with a little modification, which I’m certainly happy to do for you, I could provide you with a pair of puppets…” He paused, considering Sakura. “Or dolls – or even both, in your likeness. A nice gift for your partners to carry with them, no matter how far they go, no?”

The two ninjas exchanged another look.

Grudgingly, Sakura had to admit it wasn’t a bad plan. “That might work…”

Hinata was much more on board. “I know Naruto would love it!”

“I don’t know about Sasuke…” The medic sighed. “But it’s the best idea I’ve heard of so far.” She shrugged. “Sure, then. Would you make us some dolls?”

The shopkeeper grinned. “I’d be delighted. Please, come this way…”

The back of the store was both more and less barebones than the front. There was plenty there, but the rooms themselves seemed so big that their contents barely filled a third of them. They were big artist studios with towering ceilings, with art supplies and tools, easels and lathes and odd looking machines dotted all over the place. It was interesting, especially to the two ninja – the technology in some of these devices looked completely unfamiliar, despite how quickly society had been advancing after the end of the last great ninja war…

Unfamiliar enough to be suspicious, at that.

“Hey, Hinata?” Sakura messaged her friend without speaking, not even sending her a glance. The benefits of a ninja education. “I think something’s off here…”

“Maybe,” the heiress agreed with a casual move that looked like she was straightening her hair. “But I’ve been checking this man’s chakra since we came in. He doesn’t have any circuits – probably a normal civilian. This might be nothing.”

“You sure?”

“No. Keep your guard up.”

Perhaps they were being paranoid. They were ninja, after all – paranoia was practically their job. But then again, there was a reason for that. Either way, surely they’d be able to handle whatever came up.

“And here we are!” Oblivious to their chat, the shopkeeper had led them to a room with a craftsman’s desk, laden with thread and needles of various sizes, along with a few chisels and blocks of wood. “Just give me a moment and we can get started.”

Sakura looked about curiously. This wasn’t what she’d expected from a doll-maker’s workshop. She’d had images in her head of wooden limbs hanging from the ceiling, bound up in string, dangling marionettes and staring blank eyes… But maybe she’d just been letting her experiences in Suna colour her expectations. Everything looked perfectly normal here, not really creepy at all. It was almost disappointing.

“Sooo…” She said, trying to move on from that strange thought. “Do you need us to model, or something?”

“Or something.” The shopkeeper nodded, pulling open a drawer in the desk and pulling something out. “Here, I’ll be using these.”

He placed two wooden sculptures on the top of the desk, gesturing to them. Sakura peered at them with a raised eyebrow. They looked like smaller versions of those things you’d occasionally see in clothing shops to model the clothes – mannequins, that was it.

“What are those?” She asked, tilting her head.

Hinata stepped over, taking a look for herself. “Oh, I think I’ve seen them before. They’re wooden posing tools, right? Some artists use them to model positions for their pictures.”

“Almost – these ones are a bit special,” the shopkeeper nodded. “Take a closer look and you’ll see what I mean.”

Hm? Really, was there something special about them? The two ninja leaned over, peering at them suspiciously. They just seemed to be normal wooden dolls, though – they didn’t even have features or details or anything like that. Nothing out of the ordinary here – they were completely normal, even to Hinata’s eyes.

Although, the longer they looked, the more they had the feeling that something was strange. Or, rather, the longer they looked, the stranger they started to feel. It started slowly, but without them noticing, a tingling sensation was starting to spread through them, sparkling behind their eyes and creeping down their spines.

“Oohh…” Hinata was the first to speak, raising her hand to her brow as the tingling grew into outright fuzziness. “I… I may have been walking around for too long…”

Sakura blinked, her friend’s words suddenly drawing attention to the strangeness she was feeling too. Her suspicions shot up, but for some reason she was slow to react. Despite how alarmed she knew she should feel, it was like there was a delay between her heart and her body – she just wasn’t able to act as she knew she should.

“Um…” She took a breath, slowly swaying in place. “Something… Something’s not…”

“Shhh.” The shopkeeper hushed her, placing a hand on both of their backs and urging them towards the models. “Just look closer. Do you see the resemblance?”

Res… resemblance? Actually, now that she looked, the model on the left did look kind of familiar. That was strange – she could have sworn it was just a blank wooden doll, but suddenly she was noticing all sorts of details – like the trim musculature hidden in its arms… Or the diamond marking on its brow… Or the short pink hair on its head… Had… Had that been there… before?

If she’d been able to look, she’dve seen that the other model had also changed, developing long dark hair and white, glassy eyes, along with an unmistakably busty figure… But she couldn’t. Sakura simply couldn’t tear her gaze away from the doll that looked suspiciously like herself.

That was fine though. Hinata was staring at it more than enough for both of them.

“I… I… When did… This…?” Sakura managed to mumble, her shoulders slumped, arms dangling at her sides, her jaw hanging slack. Beside her, Hinata was posed just the same, starting to drool a little as her mind clouded further. “I… Don’t… Under…”

That was as far as the medic managed to get, before the sleepy, tingly feeling overwhelmed her completely, and she cut herself off to yawn. A long, tired yawn, air rushing out from her lungs so fast and heavy – it almost felt like it was carrying her away with it. Like she was gently, pleasantly seeping out of her body, flowing through the air, draining away piece by piece into the doll that looked more and more like her with every… passing… second…

Sakura slumped, her eyes glassy and dim, her body standing slack in place like a puppet with its strings cut. In front of her, the wooden model had become her exact duplicate, carved so completely that there could be no mistake. This was a wooden doll of Sakura Haruno, down to the last detail. It even copied the scuff marks on her gloves, and the fierce twinkle in her green eyes, and set itself in her favourite stance, tightening the glove on a raised hand, ready to beat any opponent into the ground.

Hinata lasted a little longer, perhaps able to resist better due to her bloodline. But soon enough, she yawned too – and just like her friend, her body went slack, devoid of mind and will, as the wooden sculpture in front of her became an exact match for Hinata Hyuuga. Its pose was milder than the other doll’s, with a blush in her cheeks and the tips of her fingers pressed together nervously.

“There we go.” The shopkeeper grinned, leaning past the two empty shells to study the new dolls. “Perfect! That’s exactly the poses I wanted. Wonderful work, ladies!”

His voice reached the dazed minds of Sakura and Hinata, which struggled to pull themselves out of the slow haze in response.

‘Wha… What happened?’

‘Where… am I?’

The two ninja looked out, only to find themselves looking up at a massive version of the shopkeeper – flanked, to their shock, on either side by gigantic copies of themselves. Alarmed, both women tried to jump back and take a stance – and as one, both women discovered that they couldn’t move. Not so much as a finger twitch or a muscle spasm. Motion had completely abandoned them. They couldn’t even blink – they were forced to simply stare forward as the shopkeeper examined them.

“My my…” His voice seemed to boom all around them. “You really did turn out nicely, didn’t you? It’s like you were born to be dolls.”

‘What did you do to us?!’

‘Turn us back!’

Their voices boomed inside their frozen heads, but either he couldn’t hear them, or he was ignoring them. He simply turned around, his cloaked back to the dolls, and began studying the empty bodies they’d left behind. “Now, what to do with these…” He said, reaching out to cup and lift the chin of an unresisting pink haired ninja, while using his other hand to grope the dark haired ninja’s chest.

‘H-hey! Knock that off! SHANNARO!’

‘A-ah, no, s-stop that! I…

Both of them felt his touch, like phantom hands caressing their wooden flesh, despite their separation. But the sensation was strange. Muddled. It felt different. It felt right. Both women found themselves having to fight the urge to hope he continued… And they couldn’t help but feel disappointed when he released them.

“Well, waste not want not,” he chuckled. “I said dolls and puppets, didn’t I? The dolls are done, so let’s get to work on the puppet side of things…”

He stepped aside, out of their range of vision, leaving the pair with nothing to do but stare at their former selves. Desperately, they tried to will themselves back to their old bodies, to somehow cross back the way they’d come – but whatever the source of the grip their new forms had on their minds and souls, it refused to budge. By the time the shopkeeper returned, they’d gotten exactly nowhere.

So they had no choice but to observe and notice the paint can he was carrying in one hand, and the large, soft bristled brush he was carrying in the other. Nor was there much of anything they could do except silently protest as he set both items down, and began to strip the two ninja’s bodies of their clothing.

‘Hey! Hands off, jerk!’

‘Aah! No, stop!’

But again, he ignored them, quickly stripping Hinata of her prim and proper kimono, and Sakura of her more casual red qipao dress. He didn’t even seem to pay that much attention to their now naked bodies, simply removing their clothes like a professional plumber might remove an unneeded valve. It was easy to feel kind of conflicted about that.

But the conflict ended once all of their clothes were gone, and the two empty bodies were left standing, staring blankly forward with empty eyes, hands flat at their sides. That was when the shopkeeper retrieved the brush, and popped the lid of the paint can, revealing what was now practically a small pool’s worth of lacquer to the two women.

‘What… What are you doing with that?’ Sakura would have frowned at him suspiciously if she could. Instead, she just stood there with a small, smug smirk on her lips as he winked at her, before dipping the brush into the tin, and then painting a thick line of lacquer across both women’s thighs.

‘OOOH!!!’ Instantly, both of their minds were rocked by an explosion of pleasure, shockwaves of ecstasy rebounding through their wooden heads. Neither woman was prepared for it, the sensation swallowing them both whole and sending them deep into a blissed out daze. It took more time than either ninja would have admitted to pull themselves back from it, and it was only when they did that they realised the strange varnish had done more than just feel good.

Before their eyes, their thighs were transforming. Hardening, thickening, gaining grain and polish. It only took a few seconds, but by the time they’d recovered from the sudden pleasure, they could see that their bodies, where the lacquer had touched, had been turned into wood. In fact, more than that, they could feel their thighs had changed, as if the transformation has resonated with their minds and souls, too. Their painted limbs felt heavier, blockier – different, more solid than before.

And before they could dwell on that, the shopkeeper stroked his brush down and gave them another coat, sending their minds reeling once again.

‘Ngh… S-stop… I… I’m not a…!’

‘Ooohh… Haaah… That… That feels… gooooood…’

It wasn’t long before they were wood from the legs on down – their knees turning into dowl jointed hinges and their feet into foot shaped blocks, all in front of the helpless – and helplessly moaning – dolls.

The feeling of the varnish spreading over their nethers, turning everything into nothing but flat varnished wood, was indescribable – eyerolling, toe-curling indulgence on a level neither of them had ever felt before. But it came with more than just a feeling of pleasure and stiffness.

With every stroke and brush, new thoughts were starting to leak into the pair’s heads. Simple, heavy, blocky thoughts, easy to resist at first, but slowly growing more and more overwhelming.

‘I’m a pretty puppet.’

‘I can’t wait for my owner to play with me.’

‘I’m just a toy. A simple wooden toy.’

Naturally, both tried to resist – but with the growing pleasure constantly trying to melt their minds, and their humanity being erased stroke by stroke, it was a struggle.

‘Ooohhh… No… I… I’m Sakura… Not a toy… Sakura… Not a toy…’

‘Pretty…? Pretty puppet… No, I’m… I’m a pretty puppet…’

Their attempts to resist grew simpler and simpler as the lacquer rose higher and higher. Soon, their chests were shiny, wet wooden half spheres, the need to breathe entirely forgotten, and their mantras were struggling. It was getting hard to remember what they were even trying to resist.

‘Sakura… Not a… Sakura… Not a… Sakura…’

‘Pretty puppet… Pretty puppet… Pretty puppet~’

And by the time the varnish had coated their heads, setting their faces into permanent blank puppet expressions, their hair into nylon wigs, their eyes into simple coloured glass, the transformation was complete twice over. Not only were their bodies turned to wood – so to were their minds, converted into little more than solid wooden blocks. And within those wooden blocks, their mantras were carved in deep, confident and without doubt.

‘I’m pretty puppet Hinata~ Use me! Play with me!’

‘I’m a toy… I’m a toy… I’m a toy~ I’m your Sakura toy!’

“Perfect!” The shopkeeper finally stood back, setting his tools and paint aside to look over his work. “Some of my finest work. See? You make much better toys than people.”

And deep inside the solid blocks that they called their heads, the new toys happily agreed.

Soon enough, the new merchandise was out on the shop floor. In the window, two new life-sized puppets were stood. One was dressed in a nurse’s uniform, a little low cut, and posed blowing a kiss to the crowds outside. The other was clothed in a much more regal dress, with a tiara on her head, the perfect puppet princess with her hand cupped over her mouth to hide her girlish giggles.

And over on a shelf near the counter, two new wooden dolls stood, perched comfortably on firm stands – carved into the image of a smug Sakura Haruno, and an embarrassed Hinata Hyuuga. Inside, though, they were neither smug nor embarrassed – they were simply eager. Between all four toys, the transformed remnants of Sakura and Hinata, only one thought resonated – and it repeated with out end, waiting for the day their destiny would arrive.

‘Teehee, I can’t wait until someone buys me!’


Request: This month, it’s Chihaya’s turn. The timid fortune teller is changed to an extreme rebellious punk. She’s loud, loves to swear, but still has a knack for fortune telling

For her appearance she dresses a lot louder, skimpier clothes with lots of tearing and spikes. Some piercings, pale skin with dark makeup, and dark dyed hair with part of it being a buzz cut.

For every force, there’s an equal and opposite counter-balance, no matter how minor the force may be. The slightest push, the gentlest nudge, can have just as much power as the movements of the stars above. And thus even the faintest breeze must be confronted with its opposite, and brought to proper equilibrium.

The seething sea of human consciousness crashed and thundered against the walls of reality, and from that collision stepped forth another agent of balance. An officer of the irrefutable laws of the cosmos. The hand of destiny, arrived to make sure all took the correct course.

Chihaya Mifune had once known that fate was absolute, but now she believed that its will could be defied. Her brush with the Phantom Thieves had driven her into folly – and now she, too, who had once walked the path as guided by fortune, would find herself corrected.

“That’ll be 5000 yen, thank you!” Chihaya smiled as another satisfied customer left her stall. Yep, as long as she followed her advice, that woman was sure to defy her fate. And if she didn’t… Well, it wouldn’t be that bad. Just a broken leg. And a wasted 5000 yen. Alas, there was only so much a fortune teller could do if someone didn’t want to follow her advice.

But all in all, it had been a pretty good day. She’d done good business, none of the fortunes she’d told had been too miserable, it hadn’t rained, and she hadn’t been hassled by anyone who thought she was a fraud! In her books, that was a big win. And she was just about ready to call it for the evening and head back home, when one last customer walked up.

“Got time for one last card read?”

“Of course! I always…” Chihaya looked up, smiling, only to trail off as she got a good look at her new client. There was something familiar about them, but she couldn’t work out what. They had long, dark hair, bound lightly by a white band wrapped around their head, and blue, piercing eyes. Their face… Has she seen them somewhere before? No, but… maybe yes?

The fortune teller hesitated. Something felt off about this woman, in that weird, ineffable way that she could never fully explain to anyone else. That strange sense that had always guided her hand while she was reading the fortunes of those around her, and that helped her achieve her incredible accuracy. It was a feeling that she’d long learned to trust. Maybe it’d be a good idea to skip this one.

“I, ah…” She swallowed, before her smile turned polite. “I always like to help people, but I’m afraid I’m running a bit late tonight, so I can’t really stay…”

“Here.” The brunette grinned, tossing a rolled stack of cash down on the table. “Will this make up for the late fee?”

“Oh! Well, yes, that’d do it!” Feelings were one thing, money was quite another! Hell, that much moolah would cover her rent for a year! Chihaya sank back into her seat and pulled out her cards. “I think we can squeeze one more fortune in for you. Take a seat! What’s your name, Miss?”

“Ayahihc. Ayahihc Enufim.” The woman sank into the customer chair, and there was that strange, troubling feeling again! Ugh. What was going on here? Did this woman have a dark fate? Well in that case, she’d have to push even harder than normal to help her avert it!

“Aya, hm?” Now that was a mouthful of a name. Was this woman from Europe or something? Welp, not her place to judge. Granted, if it was a fake name, that’d skew her reading… But that was her choice, in the end. “That’s certainly… a lucky name?” Well it was probably lucky somehow. “And given how much you’ve paid already, I bet you’re looking for the full package…”

“Right.” Aya nodded. Her smile was still… unsettling. Chihaya tried to push past it.

“Aright! Well in that case…” The blonde set out her cards on the table, face down, shuffling them around as fate seemed to command. Then, she reached for the first one to call out to her. “Oh divine power… Bring forth this woman’s fortune!”

The process was so familiar she could do it in her sleep. Cards shuffled, folded and flipped, until she had what felt like the correct set to guide this woman’s future. “Okay, let me just… and the next card… hm…”

Chihaya looked down at the three cards she’d drawn, trying not to frown. It wasn’t a very positive set. The Hierophant – the messenger of fate? Followed by Justice – the consequences of one’s actions finding them. And finally, the Tower – destruction.

Of course, all of those cards had multiple meanings and interpretations – but those were the vibes she was getting off the table today. Eep. She wasn’t sure she’d ever seen such a bleak set.

“W-well,” she said, trying not to wince. “It seems dire consequences may be coming your way…”

And then, to her surprise, Aya laughed. “Are they indeed? Have I misbehaved?”

“Possibly…?” The fortune teller was getting a really bad feeling about this woman now. “It… seems like a messenger will be coming for you soon, and destruction will follow.”

The brunette just smiled. “Heh. Fully deserved, I’d say.”

Chihaya stared for a moment, and then shook her head. “I’m sorry, here, let me try again…”

But before she could reach for her cards, her client stopped her.

“Oh, don’t worry.” Aya smiled and leaned forward, laying her hand on the back of Chihaya’s. Her touch tingled. “It wasn’t my fortune. It was yours.”

The fortune teller blinked. “What?”

But the woman had already stood up and started walking away. “Be seeing you, Miss Mifune.”

Then she vanished into the crowds, leaving nothing more than a strange tingle in the back of Chihaya’s hand.

“… Okkaaaay?” There wasn’t much you could do with someone like that. The blonde tried to do her best for her customers, she really did – but even she had to admit, sometimes you just got outright weirdos at your stall. Something about reading fortunes tended to attract them, for some reason.

Welp. Whatever! It wasn’t a total loss. She did get a fat stack of cash, after all! But yeah, it was probably time to pack up for the night. No need to risk her coming back…

Chihaya sighed, stretching her back as she stood up, before smoothing down her dress and circling her table, starting to gather her belongings. If she hurried, then she’d probably be in time to catch the train, and she could maybe do some shopping before it got late and- Woaaah, felt dizzy there for a sec. Had she stood up too fast? Heh, well, as long as she hadn’t dropped any- Oh shoot.

With a wince, the blonde looked down as her cards scattered on the pavement. Oof, one little dizzy spell, and they just went everywhere, didn’t they? Annoying.

She shook her head, kneeling down to start gathering them back up. It wouldn’t take long.

“It won’t take long at all~” Constable Ayahihc grinned, her arm hanging loose around her shadow captive’s shoulders. “Just keep looking deep into the spiral, and let me tell you what fate has in store, mm?”

“Uuuuuhhhh…” The shadow of Chihaya Mifune groaned, her eyes glowing, shining with bright blue spirals, reflections of the phone held in front of her face. It was hard to tell if she was agreeing to anything with her jaw slack and drooling like that, but Aya didn’t seem to mind.

The white realm in which the two found themselves, the one summoned up by the Indisputable Detective’s powers to contain and corrupt her target, echoed with her words as she spoke.

“You’re done being nice, my little summer flower. I think it’s time you got a stronger attitude…” She leaned down, her lips pressing right up against the entranced woman’s ear. “Isn’t that right, Punk?

“Ngh.” Chihaya put a hand to her head as she knelt by her stall. There was that dizzy spell again. Had she forgotten to eat or something? Ugh. Hopefully that’d pass quickly.

She glanced at the card in her hand, interpreting it automatically. The Devil. Powerlessness. Trapped by forces beyond your control. Hm.

As her eyes flicked over the artwork, she was too distracted to notice the change in the hand holding the card. Her nails, normally neatly trimmed, were suddenly coated with a thick, black as pitch nail paint, gaining almost an inch in length. They were almost as out of character as the black leather spiked wrist band that appeared around her arm a moment later.

Or, at least, they should have been out of character. But as Chihaya stared at the card, it seemed less and less strange. Maybe it was the black leather jacket that suddenly donned itself around her shoulders covering her dress – or perhaps the way said dress suddenly shrank down into a black crop top, splitting in half at the waist so that the rest could become an even tighter set of blue denim jeans, both sides with fashionable rips and tears through the fabric.

Yeah, for some reason, black nails seemed to fit right in with her image. But the fortune teller didn’t notice any of that, simply folding the Devil into her deck, and reaching for another card.

“Attitude. Attitude! You’re done helping people find their way. They were never grateful anyway. From now on, you’re taking them for all their worth, and you’re not going to be polite about it. A hot bitchlike you doesn’t have time to hang around. You can’t fight fate, after all~

Death. Chihaya couldn’t help but chuckle as her long hair darkened to black, with only the faintest traces of blonde near her roots to show the colour was dyed. Now Death was a fun card. So morose. So misunderstood. In a situation like this, it just meant change – the death of the old way, the birth of the new.

A dark grin crossed her lips as they darkened to match her hair. It was always fun to draw this card and watch the idiots paying her freak out. Fuckin’ morons. No, it didn’t mean the grim reaper was literally after you. But then, that was why they paid her the big bucks to sit there and reassure them about their miserable lives~

The fortune teller’s makeup continued to darken, her skin growing pale in contrast. Dark lips, dark eyeshadow, just like her dark nails. And as a spiked collar clasped itself around her neck, even her hairstyle was changing – half of her long black hair vanishing as an invisible clipper rolled over half of her scalp, giving her a half-buzzcut that the rest of her hair curled itself over. There was no mistaking her punk energy now.

“The fuck are you looking at?” She snarled at a passerby, who whimpered and scampered away.

Yep, no mistaking it at all.

Heh. The night was still young. She glanced back at her card before folding it into her deck. Honestly, with the mood she was in, Chihaya could go for some change right about now…

“There’s only one kind of bitch that makes her money standing around on street corners, you know. Fortune telling? Yeah right. That’s just what you tell the fuckers from the precinct when they show up – right before you offer them a freebie. Face it, honey, you’re a whore. A slut. An eager fuck looking to suck her clients – and their wallets – dry.”

‘Haya stretched again, popping her spine back after sitting for so long – and as she did, she failed to notice her top filling out, swelling up a good handful of cupsizes for extra jiggle. It was understandable – after all, she’d also missed her ass fattening up inside her shorts, so clearly she was just having a bit of an oblivious moment.

She didn’t feel like it, though. No, this woman was feeling more awake than she had in ages. Her body was crackling with energy, and her nethers were dripping, ready to be filled. This bitch was ready to hit the streets and she who got lucky~

Grinning, she shoved her cards into her back pocket and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it and taking a long drag as the image of the grim reaper materialised on the front of her top. Ahh, that was the stuff. Now, where was she? Time to head down the alley way and see what johns came calling? That sounded good, but there was something she had to do first.

“Who the fuck left this shit here?” She kicked over the table she’d spent the day working behind. “Ugly trash’s in my way!” Better.

Another drag calmed her, soothed her volatile temper. And then…

“Hm?” Just before she walked away, something caught her eye. One last card lying on the floor – she must have missed it. She snorted, smoke pouring out of her nostrils, before crouching down to snatch it up.

Fortune. Huh, how about that? The arcana she’d always liked the most. But she’d managed to draw it upside down. Inverted. Heh, even better~

“Now…” There was a smacking sound as Aya slapped her captive’s ass. “Go get them, my little Punk Whore~

“With pleasure~” ‘Haya found herself purring, without even knowing why. She was already strutting down the alley, looking for another valued customer. The night was still young, after all, and you’d never believe how many people like the pull of a punk.

For a moment, she thought she caught a glimpse of a woman watching her – someone with black hair and a white headband. But maybe it was just a trick of the light. She blinked, and the woman was gone.

Eh, she hadn’t looked like a good client anyway. Serious bad vibes off that one. But over there… Now there was a man on the look for a good time…

“Want me to tell your fortune?” She grinned to a likely looking customer. “I can predict anything you like by how you splatter on my tits~”

She actually could, of course. Punk bitch or no, she was still an amazing fortune teller. But then, she didn’t need to be able to read the stars to know how this guy’s future was going to go. He was about to suffer a grave loss in his finances as she milked him for all he was worth.

And who was she to argue with that? No one could fight fate – least of all her~


Request: We continue our saga of the Faire Massage Parlor and the Sailor Senshi. Today we follow the remaining Inner Senshi as they have a group appointment on the order of their leader/lover Usagi. But which one will we witness on the table first? And what kind of impossibly sexy babe will she become?

“Do you think this is the place?” Rei looked up at the building, her piercing dark eyes scanning the glass doors and the interior beyond carefully. It didn’t look that impressive…

“Looks like it.” Just behind her, Makoto put her hands on her hips, giving the salon a quick glance of her own. “Huh, I thought I was just blanking on the name, but I really haven’t ever seen this place before. How long’s it been here?”

“And why wasn’t I informed?!” Beside them, Minako was fuming. Seriously, the blonde had her fists clenched and shaking tight in front of her chest.

Makoto gave her friend a concerned look. “Woooaah, Mina, chill. It’s just a new salon-”

“No!” Oh dear, she really was wound up. “As the goddess of love and beauty around here, I need to be told about any and all salons in a five district radius! Don’t you know what they say? The princess who sleeps on beauty only eats worms!”

All three of her friends paused as they tried to work out what that was supposed to mean.

Rei was the first one to give up. “Okay, first off, the only goddess around here is Usagi, and second off no one says that. No one ever. Right Ami?”

“I… I think she was going for ‘the early bird gets the worm’, but I’ve no idea where the rest of it came from.” When even the blue haired genius couldn’t work you out, you were in trouble.

(And of course, none of them disputed that Usagi was their goddess.)

Bickering like this was common between these girls. They’d been friends for nearly a decade, since they were teenagers, and comrades since millennia before they’d actually been born. The four of them were destined to be together, serving, protecting, and loving their Princess and some-day Queen. (A duty that absolutely took all four of them – Usagi had enough love for an entire planet, and enough stamina to exhaust a solar system.)

But even so, some of them were compelled to keep the peace when difficulties arose. In this instance, the duty fell to Makoto. “Okay, okay, enough. C’mon girls, Usagi was kind enough to buy us all sessions here, let’s not spoil the day by arguing before we even start.”

Minako grumbled a little, but nodded easily enough. “Fiiiine.” She looked back up at the salon. “I wonder where she got the money though. This place looks expensive…”

Rei snorted. “Oh, she probably just fluttered her eyelashes at them and they gave her whatever she wanted…”

Mistake. The eyes of the blonde she’d just been arguing with flashed, a weakness detected. “Like you wouldn’t do the same if she fluttered them at you?”

Instantly, the shrine maiden turned as red as her sailor skirt. “Th-That’s-!”

But before she and Minako could get back into it, they were forcibly separated by a towering amazon with an irritated smile on her face.

“What did I just say?” Makoto asked, twitching.

A truce was quickly agreed upon. “I’m just teasing,” the blonde said with a giggle. “Come on, you know it’s true for all of us~”

Well none of them could argue with that.

“A-ahem.” Ami certainly couldn’t, given how hard she was blushing. “L-let’s not talk about that out here on the street, maybe? A-anyway, it’s almost time for our appointments. It looks like we were all scheduled together… Shall we go in?”

The other three shared a look, and then shrugged as one.


“Of course.”


And so the four women, Rei Hino, Ami Mizuno, Makoto Kino, and Minako Aino – otherwise known as Sailors Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus – entered Salon Faire, the glass doors sliding shut behind them. They’d be very different people by the time they left.

Rein Hino was a stubborn woman. A fierce woman. She had standards, she had self-respect. She knew how she wanted to be treated, and woe betide anyone who failed to clear that bar. Her element was fire, and it suited her well. Those who tried to cross her would always end up burned to a crisp.

Also, at this moment in time, Rei Hino was a drooling mess, her eyes rolled up in her head, a blissed out smile stretched wide across her face. “Ooooh… Yeahhh… Just… Just like that…. Ohhhh… Where have you been all my life…?”

“Oh, around,” her masseuse said, smiling as the dark haired maiden accepted her non-answer without a second thought. It was always nice to have someone melt under her hands like this. A simple squeeze of her client’s shoulders had been more than enough to render the woman completely docile. In fact, as she massaged her way down Rei’s back, simply and smoothly erasing the many, many stress knots she found in her muscles, she could sense the woman turning malleable in record time…

The reason for this was simple - Rei had let her guard down today. After all, this massage had been a gift from her beloved princess. Perhaps, in a timeline that hadn’t been given a few well-meaning rewrites under the pen of the fae, the soldier of Mars’s attitude towards Usagi had been a bit more argumentative (some might have even called her a massive tsundere for her), but in the here and now, Rei was a devoted member of her someday-queen’s harem. Any attitude she might have had was now strictly reserved for her fellow harem members, an expression of her jealousy that she had to share with them. (Save for Mamori, of course. But that was different.)

So yes. Maybe more than anyone else, she took her beloved blonde’s word as law, and would treasure any gift the woman deigned to give her like a winning lottery ticket. There was no way she’d ever find anything suspicious about being given a massage at a mysterious salon that she’d never seen before – at least, not as long as it was Usagi who was giving it to her.

And so she sank, deep, heavy, and quick, into a state of relaxation beyond any she’d ever known, completely at the mercy of her masseuse’s tender hands. By the time her massage had reached her thighs, she was practically asleep, her eyes fully lidded, a dopey grin on her face.

“There,” the masseuse chuckled, giving her calves one last squeeze. “That’s a nice start. Now why don’t you turn over, and we can begin the real massage?”

Rei did so without resistance, rolling and splaying her naked body out on the massage table, her naked bust standing proud, her stiff nipples demonstrating her arousal just as much as the evident wetness between her legs.

“Ohh, you’re enjoying this~” The fae grinned, working her magic – figuratively and literally. Yep, this girl was ready. She gave her hands another coating of oil, and leaned in. “So tell me, Rei, what do you do all day to generate so much stress?”

“Hmmm?” The dark haired beauty was almost too relaxed to answer, but a delightful squish as her masseuse’s hands found her chest gave her the energy to focus. “Oh. ‘M a shrine maiden… at Hikawa Shrine…”

Well, there was more to it than that, both of them knew. And Rei was absolutely relaxed enough to spill the beans about her secret identity and her fight against evil – but before she could, the masseuse spoke on, latching on to this detail instead.

“Ahh, that explains it,” she said. “You must have lots of duties to attend to…”

“Mmmhmm~” Oh there was no disputing that.

“Putting out charms. Banishing evil…”

“Y’ve no idea…” Rei giggled.

“Giving out tit-jobs… Offering motorboat blessings for good luck… Letting people suck your nipples for divine blessings…” The fae nodded to herself, hiding a smile. “Yeah, I bet it’s rough.”

“H… Huh…?” That hadn’t sounded right. “Ooohhh…” But that grope had felt good…

“Well of course. You said Hikawa Shrine, right?” The masseuse’s voice was calm and confident, her words ringing with certainty. “That’s the shrine that worships Chichigami, the Goddess of Breasts, definitely.”

“Nooooo…” Rei’s brow furrowed, though her eyes still remained closed. Her protest was one of confusion, not rejection. And it was easily silenced by another squeeze of her breasts. “Oooh!!”

“Yes~” The masseuse purred. “Come now, I’m sure you remember. I bet you’re very popular there. All those sapphic rituals you’ve conducted… All those pretty jiggly dances you do on holidays… All those bare chested ceremonies your mother leads…”

“My…?” Her mother? Her mother had died when she was- Wait. No. What was she thinking? Her mother was fine. She was back home right now, in fact, preparing to conduct more breast blessings that evening…

Rei sighed contentedly, banishing any memory of her mother’s absence in her life as some sort of twisted nightmare. No, that had never been the case. Her mother had always been there for her, teaching her all the ways of a follower of Chichigami. Yes, it was all coming back to her now. She was a devoted follower of the Goddess of Breasts, just like her mother, the head shrine maiden. Why had she thought otherwise?

Honestly, she was still a little jealous of the woman’s chest. Her boobs were even bigger than Usagi’s at four times the size of her head (though Usagi always protested that she’ll be even bigger as the Queen of Crystal Tokyo one day). Rei’s were nothing to sneeze at – in fact, they were growing in her memory (and on her chest) with every pinch of the masseuse’s fingers – but still, she only had tits that were smaller than- Ooohhh… - that were the same size as – Ahhhhhn~ - that were just a little bigger than her head…

The fae working on her giggled as she kept her bust growing. A proper worshiper of divine breasts should have a chest to match, no? And she continued to talk althroughout, her words now soaking completely into Rei’s soul. “I bet those services leave you randy as anything…”

“Heehee~” There was a slight blush to the shrine maiden’s cheeks now.

“How lucky for you you’ve got such devoted lovers!”

“Yeahhhh…” She really was lucky, wasn’t she?

“I’m almost envious.” The masseuse kept pushing. “You don’t just have your Queens, do you? You’ve got an entire harem of girls you love!”

“L… Love…?” She loved Usagi and Mamori, sure, but… but…

“Well of course!” The fae didn’t give her a chance to object. “Ami, Makoto, Minako… You love them all, don’t you? I bet it’s never a problem when your Queens are having a private night together, is it? Because you four can just fuck each other instead~”

Sh-She did love all of them, that was true, but… but not like… Ah…

Images flashed through her head. Kissing her way across Ami’s ass as the blunette’s fingers played her snatch like a harp. Drowning in Mako’s tits as the amazon gropes and squeezed her ass. Worshiping Minako’s everything, shoving her face between her legs and drinking deep of the blonde’s nectar while her fellow harem member lovingly stroked her hair. All of that and more, as her best friends, her lovers, surrounded her with bliss and pleasured her just as she pleasured them, an unending orgy of ecstasy and love…


The fae grinned as she heard Rei moan, and saw from the flutter of her eyelids that she’d accepted her words. “Good girl. You just let yourself dream about that, and I’ll get to work on your real charm point…”

She gave Rei one last grope, inflating her tits up to a full and proud head-and-a-half size, perfect for a younger tit worshiping shrine maiden, and then moved downwards. This one was a special project, after all, and while her chest was going to be important, the real focus for her was going to be her legs.

She was Sailor Mars, after all. Even the fae had heard of her infamous red heels.

Her ass had already received some care, but some tender ministrations now soon had it up to the same size as her tits, creating a lovely hourglass (and some wonderful moans from Rei herself). But it was the legs where the masseuse was focused now, patting them down, oiling them up, working out every ounce of stress, tension, and cramp. Then, when they were full and brimming with fae magic, she reached out, took a firm grip on her client’s heels, and pulled.

“Haaaah…” To Rei, it felt like the most wonderful stretch in the world, finally extending her legs as far as they could go…

And in truth, they were actually going further. Her legs lengthened, thickened, growing inch by inch as they were professionally stretched by a licenses fae masseuse. And not just a masseuse. A sculptor. An artiste. By the time she was done, the most famous legs in the solar system would be works of art beyond compare.

And just to make sure of the fact, she gave the girl’s ass another squeeze, squishing it up a little higher to get more leg room. Her masterpiece here was going to be 5’8 tall, and two thirds of that was going to be in her legs – with a little pinch of fairydust added to make sure no one ever found the proportions strange.

Then, with her canvas prepared, the fae went to work. Stroking, groping, squeezing, stretching – Rei was going to be a work of art. Her thighs thickened, her muscles strengthened, her skin smoothed.

By the time she was done, the black haired woman was in possession of perfection. The greatest artists from across history would look at her and weep, knowing they could not capture such beauty in paint. Her legs would be legendary. Trying to trace them with your eyes would just send your gaze twisting into infinity. The soft suppleness of her skin would make people pray to have just a touch. And the thickness of her thighs would start a whole new world wide religion of worship.

Heaven help humanity if she ever found a pair of stockings that fit.

And all the while, the soldier of Mars giggled, moaned, and gasped, her head filled with torrid fantasies, as her blissful massage finally came to an end.

Rei emerged from the massage parlour feeling like she’d lost practically half of her weight in stress. It was hard to believe that she’d only been in there for an hour.

For a moment, something felt strange. Unfamiliar. As if there had been some subtle change to the world while she was out. But it passed quickly. All was as it was meant to be.

She looked down. She was dressed, of course, in her shrine maiden outfit, like normal. As a devoted follower of Chichigami she was always made sure to display her faith as proudly as possible. Which, in this case, meant showing off her tits to as many people as she could. Her top was white, hanging over her shoulders and covering her arms, while almost completely open at the front, showing off her bouncy bust for all to see. The only covering her breasts had was a pair of nipple tassles that were, of course, shaped like breasts – the divine symbol of Chichigami.

Her red skirt was more modest – just barely. It ran all the way down to her upper high, you see. She was a boob worshiper, after all, which meant her incredible ass didn’t get as much of a highlight. Still, she struck an impressive hourglass figure, perched atop the most amazing pair of legs anyone had ever laid their eyes on. These thicc thighs caused car crashes when she strutted down the street, and she damn well knew it.

All of which was balanced atop her custom built 6-ich heeled geta sandals. They’d been difficult to get, and added a whole half a foot to her height on their own (wearing them brought her up to about even with Mako!) but they showed off her legs like nothing else. Balance wasn’t an issue, of course – she’d been wearing heels for as long as she could remember. She’d been up to four inch heels by the time she’d first met Usagi, and she was hoping to switch up to 8 inch soon – though she needed a bit more training for that. She’d mastered walking around, but fighting got pretty difficult with that kind of setup…

Yep. Everything was normal here. Rei shrugged and moved on.

She hadn’t gone far before she spotted a familiar face. “Ami!”

The blue haired genius must have just gotten out from her own massage – she was practically glowing, and looking better than she had in months, maybe years. “Rei! Did you enjoy your massage?”

“Of course~” The two drew up even, exchanging a quick, tongue filled kiss, before resuming their hunt for the others. Their stride quickly fell into sync, Ami’s gigantic ass swaying in lineup with Rei’s flashy struts, both women doing the most to maximise their dual appeal. “And I can tell you did too.”

“Mhmm!” The blunette nodded. “And I’ll bet the others did as well~”

Rei grinned. She couldn’t wait to hear how her friends had enjoyed their time in the salon. But even more than that, she was already looking forward to how all four of them were going to thank their Queen for such a wonderful gift tonight~


Request: How about Eirin and Kaguya being transformed into mindless, robotic drones that are compelled to obey? Perhaps an experiment in Erin's lab gone wrong or perhaps the two of them are subject to one of Tewi's pranks and the two of them end up transformed into obedient, immortal latex drones. To add to this, Tewi is the one to find and start ordering them around, flipping the power dynamics in the Eientei manor entirely. Reisen isn't sure how to feel about all of this…

Immortality is a trial.

Immortality is a burden.

Immortality is a sin.

But, you know, immortality isn’t really all that bad. It took some effort to keep entertained from time to time, sure, but hey, it wasn’t like you didn’t have time to think on the problem. And you had a lot more options when you couldn’t die. Skydiving without a parachute was no longer completely insane, it was merely stupid. Fist fighting youkai was no longer a ‘sometimes necessity’, it was now a hilarious diversion. And self-immolation was no longer a suicidal last resort – it was now a legitimate battle tactic!

Though honestly, Kaguya thought Mokou relied on that last one a bit too much. It was very flashy, but it took a massive chunk out of her stamina, and that meant that their fights to the death would always end sooner rather than later every time she used it. Kind of inconsiderate really – had she picked that technique just to be annoying? It sounded silly, but if there was anyone who would do such a thing…

Well, no matter. Mokou wasn’t here right now, so it wasn’t worth dwelling on. The two of them had blasted each other to bits only a week or so ago, and Eirin wasn’t going to let them do it again for at least another month. It was silly – Kaguya was an immortal who’d taken the Hourai elixir, and a princess who possessed the power of eternity. Getting a little murdered wasn’t going to do anything to her – and the great brain of the moon certainly knew that. And yet, none the less, the woman could be awfully strict about such things.

Perhaps it was a sign of their growing impurity. Once upon a time, Eirin would have been more mechanical than a machine about her duties, and would have seen no practical reason to worry about an immortal getting killed. These days, though, she did start to fret. And a fretting super genius nurse was a dangerous thing all of its own…

Such was the price of living on earth for a Lunarian. The impurity that saturated this world, the power of death, the power of change, it seeped into them, infected them. On the moon, they’d lived close-to eternal lives of rigid static existence – their every need handled, their every desire quashed… What few desires they’d had, at least. It had been safe up there. Secure. Peaceful.


Now that they’d truly begun their exile on earth, and Kaguya’s eternity was no longer protecting them, both of them were starting to change as people. Starting to grow. They were even starting to consider Earthlings, Youkai and Human alike, equals. Such a thing would have been utterly unthinkable on the moon, but now it was as natural as breathing. Truly, their impurity had consumed them.

“Do you think it’s strange?” The (former) Princess asked one day, laying on her back in one of the many rooms of Eientei, her dark hair pooling around her. She didn’t explain what was supposed to be strange. The woman she was talking to was the smarted person in the solar system. She could figure it out.

And naturally, she did, without even a moment’s pause. “Not particularly. It’s well within my calculations.” The white haired woman shrugged as she sipped her tea at the table, because of course it was. “We are Earthlings now, even if we’re also aliens. We’ve made our choice.”

True. And Kaguya still believed that choice had been correct. Earth was so much more entertaining than the moon. Even during the thousand years they had hidden away in Eientei that had been obvious. And now that they weren’t quite hiding as much, she was having more fun than ever.

“Still…” The princess sat up, stretching. “I didn’t think it would affect me this much. You know?” She paused, struggling to put her feelings into words, even though, doubtless, Eirin was already anticipating what she’d say. “I mean… I’m really looking forward to the next festival, and it’s not even honouring me.”

Yes, this was truly peculiar to her eyes. As a (former) Princess of the moon, she was used to more luxury than most. She was used to being loved. She was used to being worshipped. It wasn’t even something she encouraged (that much), it just seemed to happen. So the idea of a festival where she, at least, was not the guest of honour was… Alien was not the correct word in these circumstances. Human. The idea was very human.

And yet, it didn’t seem to trouble her anymore that that was the case.

“If you’d like us to put together another festival based around you, Princess, I’m sure we could manage something.”

“No, that’s not what I meant – although that would be fun.” She could tell by her attendant’s smirk that she was being teased. “I just… I no longer feel so above them all as I used to.”

Eirin nodded, her expression turning gentle. “Yes. I know what you mean. It seems we have, at long last, truly become a part of Gensokyo. No longer above, but within. Mere humans, living simple human lives.”

Calling their lives ‘simple’ might be a bit much, but still, Kaguya understood. In fact, the statement gave her an amusing idea.

“Well, if we are now humans, living as part of Gensokyo... Then maybe next time there’s an incident, we could go out and play at resolving it!”

Kaguya was proud of herself. Over all her many, many years of living, she could only count on one hand the amount of times she had made Eirin spit out her tea like that.

“That… That probably would not be wise,” the nurse muttered once she’d recovered, enduring her Princess’s giggles. “Not for another few centuries, at least.”

“Well, maybe one day then,” the dark haired immortal shrugged. It had been a joke, but there was something attractive about the thought. It’d be entertaining, at the very least. “For now, I guess we can just try not to cause one ourselves.”

“I promise nothing.” That drew another giggle from Kaguya. She knew her friend still had her pride. “But I don’t anticipate anything like that. There’s no reason for us to cause trouble as long as we’re left alone, and I keep an eye on the medicines I make so that nothing too dangerous gets out.”

How responsible. It wasn’t very exciting, but none the less, it was certainly the right thing to do. Though, her wording did make the Princess curious. “Did you ever make anything like that? Something so dangerous that it could cause an incident?”

Eirin chuckled over her tea, her smile aloof. “Oh, one or two things, perhaps, but I’ve long since… Ah.”

Ah? The princess looked to her aide. That was not a sound she was used to hearing from Eirin.

“Yes, I should probably do something about that safeguard, now that I think about it.” The white haired nurse put a hand to her chin, deep in thought.

Kaguya gave the woman a curious look – one that compelled her to explain herself without a word.

Eirin sighed. “Some time ago, after we had settled here and made our deal with the owner of the Bamboo Forest…”

That would be Tewi, the leader of the rabbit youkai, and technically the landlord of Eientei. She’d allowed the two of them – three later, when Reisen had joined them – to remain in her lands as long as Eirin offered her knowledge to the rabbits. It was a deal that they had accepted, and though the rabbit youkai tended to be rather simple minded, and their leader a chaotic prankster at the best of times, it had held up over the centuries.

So when Eirin said ‘some time ago’, she meant on that kind of scale.

“I calculated that there was a distinct risk that she or someone like her might try to threaten to reveal us to the Lunar Capital,” the nurse continued. “Thus, I set up a precaution – something that, if we were so bound, would deal with the problem, and would make sure we could remain here undiscovered.”

Ooooh. Yes, that sounded like the kind of thing she’d do. But then, this was talking about the old Eirin, who would view all of Gensokyo – no, perhaps all of the Earth itself – as an acceptable loss in such a situation.

“Just a teeny… tiny precaution…”

Oh dear.

“… Eirin, what did you do?”

Lunarian technology was so advanced that it could capture the aesthetic of a Japanese mansion without losing any of its effectiveness. Thus, to the untrained eye – which was pretty much any eye at all – Eirin’s lab looked just like an old storage room, complete with dust. She hadn’t used this one in a while, having moved on to a more modern facility (the one that looked like a kitchen, down on the ground floor), so it had been a while since anyone last set foot here.

“It’s a simple compound,” the nurse was explaining as she entered, flipping the light on. “Environmentally friendly. Easy to clean up. Doesn’t leave stains – well, not on anything it isn’t supposed to.”

“Riiiight?” Kaguya followed, her arms folded behind her head. She appreciated that Eirin was being honest, but she hoped she’d get to avoid a detailed lecture. Her old teacher still lapsed into old habits sometimes, no matter how many centuries it had been. “So what does it do then?”

“Simple!” The white haired Lunarian repeated herself as she started searching through the many boxes on the shelves. “It simply converts ‘lesser life-forms’, as I put it at the time, into much more reliable drones!” She said the words calmly, but her Princess could still see the traces of embarrassment warming her cheeks, like she’d just been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. It was so rare to see something like that from Eirin – she truly had become impure.

“Drones?” Kaguya followed still – but naturally, she didn’t actually help her teacher search. She was a Princess, even in exile, and manual labour was just not what she did.

“Mm. Strong, obedient, and resistant to injury – I may have added a few leftover drops of the Hourai Elixir for extra kick – essentially, an eternal workforce!” That blush was getting worse. “You know, just in case the rabbits ever betrayed us.”

“You had a backup plan to turn them into mindless robots?” Even the immortal Princess had to quirk an eyebrow up at that. “Kind of extreme…”

“I’m glad you think so. I agree.” Eirin nodded. “Though I didn’t at the time.”

Ah. With such a simple exchange, Kaguya realised that she, too, had truly become impure.

“Still,” the nurse continued. “I’m glad I never had cause to activate it. Once released, the contagion could have spread across all of Gensokyo.”

“Ah.” It all clicked. “Yes, now that you put it like that, that probably would have resulted in some kind of incident.” The two aliens paused, considering for a moment what the cast of Gensokyo might look like if such a thing happened. Drone rabbit girls. Drone magicians. Drone maids. Drone gap youkai. Drone shrine maidens…

It was a long, thoughtful pause… Finally finished by both of them shaking their heads.

“No.” Kaguya said.

“Not worth it.” Eirin agreed. “So, I’d best dispose of this stuff safely now, before- Ah.”

She’d reached up, apparently finding the box she’d been looking for, but then as she opened it she once again made that unusual sound. Kaguya was about to ask why, but before she could a cloud of dark, glittering smoke burst out of the box, filling the room almost instantly.

“Ohoho~” A familiar voice echoed around the two Lunarians. “When I found this mean little prank of yours, ‘Master’, I was sure you’d never actually use it… But if you’ve come back for it, that must surely mean I’ve been wrong all along! So I hope you don’t mind – I decided to hijack your prank with one of my own~”

“Tewi?!” Another first – Kaguya wasn’t sure she’d ever heard Eirin sound so alarmed – not even when she’d first made her request for immortality. “Wh-What have you done?!”

“Oh, by the way, I just left my voice here so you’d know I was the one who did this to you,” the lucky rabbit’s speech continued. Her tone somehow managed to convey perfectly the image of a white rabbit youkai with her eyelid pulled down and her tongue stuck out. “I’m not actually here. This just became a really dangerous room to stand in, after all! But don’t worry – I’m sure you’ll see me soon~”

The recording stopped. Silence filled the lab, broken only by the hiss of gas. Then, Eirin started yelling.

“Princess! Run, get out of here! Don’t breathe it in!”

“Oh.” Kaguya rubbed the back of her neck. “Was I not supposed to…?”

No response came. All was quiet.

“It’s fine though.” The Princess shrugged. “We’re both immortal, right? It isn’t like this stuff can actually do anything to us.”

Millennia of being unable to be truly harmed may have dulled her danger sense just a touch…

Still, there was no reply. Kaguya frowned. “Eirin?”

Her skin was starting to tingle…

She couldn’t see anything around her. The smoke was dark, and refused to part, lit only by the occasional glittery trail running through it. Concerned, she reached out – only to pause, drawing her hand back in surprise. Her fingers had developed a strange silver sheen, as though they’d been coated in a metallic plastic, from the tip down to just above the second knuckle. And as she watched, the silver seemed to drizzle down further, enveloping the knuckle completely.

How curious. She tried flexing her index finger, the one with the most silver contamination. It bent and straightened with ease. If anything, it moved even better than before.

“Hmmm.” She took a deep breath – forgetting, of course, that she should do no such thing – and immediately, she found her head growing fuzzy as well. It was that tingling feeling in her skin. Somehow, it must have crept in through her ears, because it was now filling her thoughts, making it rather difficult to think at all. Her sense of danger, of concern at her situation, diminished though it was, vanished completely as she suddenly just… forgot what was happening, and found herself swaying thoughtlessly in place.

Meanwhile, unnoticed in her growing daze, her hands had turned completely silver, and now the plastic sheen was flowing up her arms. It was appearing in other places to – the tips of her toes, though they couldn’t be seen under her kimono – and the ends of her hair, which grew a little heavier as it turned from black to metallic.

Still, that failed to grab her attention. Her mind was struggling to keep even one train of thought in her head, let alone the series of connections required to realise what was happening. Right now, she was preoccupied with where she was. This looked like… Somewhere. Where had it been? One of Eirin’s labs, perhaps? That would make sense, but…

… Wait… Who was Eirin?

Blinking, she found herself drawing a blank on the question. A face, familiar and trusted, appeared in her head for a moment, before the tingles intensified, and it just melted away, along with the question. Strange. Why did she feel like she was forgetting something important…?

By now, the silver was spreading fast. It was up to her shoulders, up to her thighs, nearly down to her scalp. And as she swayed in place, she found the cool touch of it slipping over her chest. Her kimono was dissolving away by this point too, swallowed in by the silver, clothing deemed unnecessary. So soon, she was standing there naked, save for the silver plastic that had grown to cover her from the neck on down.

The new colouration wouldn’t be the only change, either. Her arms and legs were stronger, having developed traces of muscle, no longer the frame of a mere idle Princess. Her bust was bigger, and as the silver began to climb her neck, it grew bigger still. Her hips widened as well, giving her a curvy hourglass-like figure. Were she capable, she might have wondered why Eirin would program in such a thing…

But she was not. No, even as that was happening, her increasingly empty mind was struggling to find something, anything to grasp on to at all, and came up with nothing. People. Places. Things. Concepts. All of it dissolved in her mental grip. Every time she reached out for something she thought she knew, her mind would just tingle again, and it would be gone. Soon, she was struggling to hold on to basic concepts. Her home. Her title. Her powers. Her- Her name…

Ka… Ka-gu…

It did no good. Even the name she’d gone by on the moon, the one no human tongue could pronounce, drifted out of her head completely as her mind became a silver-white void. She stared ahead blankly as the plastic sheen rose up over her neck, and then over her face. Its tide erased her features completely – her lips, her mouth, her nose, her eyes – covering them and replacing them with a faceless blank mask. After a moment, her lips returned, emerging from the mask a little plumper than before – but that was all.

And then the change was complete. By the time the smoke cleared a few moments later, Kaguya Houraisan, the immortal princess of the moon, was gone. And standing in her place was a simple busty, curvy, silver latex covered drone – albeit, one with Kaguya’s trademark hime-cut, cast in silver. A single, simple drone, just as designed.

The drone was not, however, alone. There was someone else in the lab.

Eirin was clearly struggling. A keen observer might have deduced that, while she was taken by surprise by Tewi’s trap, she’d managed to conjure some quick defence – a spell, perhaps, or simple Lunarian resistance – and had stalled the compound’s progress in turning her into a drone. She had not managed to do so cleanly, however. Her left leg, her right arm, and the lower part of her face (including her mouth), all were silver, with the contamination clearly looking to resume its march as quickly as possible.

The drone that had been Kaguya was no keen observer, though. She was simply a drone, with simple drone programming. Specifically, drone programming that told her to assist in the creation of further drones.

Moving forward with stiff, robotic motions, the drone took her former teacher up in her arms – ignoring the way the nurse’s eyes widened with horrified shock – and then kissed her full on her silver lips.

Eirin tried to resist. She really, desperately did. Unlike Kaguya, she knew there was every chance that this transformation may be permanent. But the drone’s kiss brought a tide of silver reinforcements to a battle that she was already slowly losing… And worse, her brilliant but snared mind couldn’t help but realise…

… Her Princess was ordering her to fall.

It was a foolish decision, unforgivable for one so smart, drawn out of her by the purest of impure thought – but the nurse couldn’t help it. She’d dedicated her eternal life to serving Kaguya. Her order, even in the form of an unthinking drone, could not be so easily disobeyed. For just a moment, for just a heartbeat, the Lunarian Sage faltered, allowing her defences to drop…

And in that instant, the silver tide swept over her like a river bursting from its banks. Her body, only slightly contaminated for the moment, was ignored, with the corruption focusing on the obvious threat – Eirin’s mind. In a surge of incomprehensible pleasure, the nurse found her knowledge flowing out of her, like pages being torn from their books and thrown out the window.

The loss was great. The loss was incredible. With a single kiss and a wash of silver, the collective knowledge of the entire solar system dropped like a stone. Ideas and theories and calculations so complex that only one woman could perform them were deleted as that single woman was erased. The contamination took no chances, it did not dare go gently. A tide of silver blasted through the mind of the smarted woman in existence, and swallowed up everything she had ever been and known.

The entity known as Eirin Yagokoro vanished forever, vanished utterly from existence as her brain was swept clean. Silver settled over her head, erasing her face and identity both, leaving nothing but a thick pair of silver lips, and a small, silver nurse’s cap on her brow. Soon, she had proportions to match her sister drone’s, and a mind just as empty. And then there were just two drones in the lab, standing idle, awaiting orders.

They did not have to wait for long.

“Eh? Oh wowie!” A white rabbit youkai that either drone would have recognised only minutes ago danced into the room, awestruck by their blank, eyeless stares. “That old trick of mine really worked? Gosh, I’d completely forgotten all about it!”

Neither drone responded, of course. There was nothing for them to respond to.

“Geeze, and here I thought you two were doing better about respecting others. Guess I got it wrong!” Tewi shook her head in disappointment. “Oh well. If you were going to try to turn me into a drone, it’s only fair I turn you into drones right back, right?” She flashed a bright grin. “So now you two belong to me, got it?”

This time, her words ran through the drones heads like lightning. Programming unfurled and jumped into action. Understanding, simple and pure, was recognised.

“Understood,” both drones spoke as one in monotone voices. “New Owner Registered.”

“Great!” The rabbit clapped excitedly. “So… That means you’ll do anything I tell you to do, right?”

Once again, the answer was unanimous. “Correct, Mistress.”

“Perfect! Then c’mon – I’ve gotta show the others our new toys…” And merrily, the new, undisputed owner of Eientei skipped out of the lab – soon followed by the robotic strides of two new busty drones. Oh, the prank possibilities of all this were truly endless…

Thus, two things had now become certain.

One: Reisen was going to have a headache by the end of the day.

And two: The brewings of an incident had definitely begun…


Request: Part 3 of Jaune’s Hypnosis Show

“Guys, is it just me, or is Yang acting… Weird.” Weiss frowned. “Like, weird even for her.”

Across the library table, Nora, who had been trying to balance a stack of books on her nose, seized the opportunity to further distract herself from her studies. “You mean like how she keeps doing those weird things whenever Jaune asks her to?”

“Or how she’ll drop into a trance at a snap of his fingers?” Pyrrha was looking annoyed about something. “Other students have even started giving him requests for things to make her do…”

“Yes!” The heiress nodded, before frowning. “Well, no, wait, I mean… No, not that. That is weird, but that’s not what I mean.”

“Then what do you mean?” Ruby, her ever innocent partner, blinked up at her over the comic she had hidden inside her text book.

Weiss sighed, glancing around. The library was pretty quiet at the moment, and no one else was nearby. Still, she leaned forward, keeping her voice low, so that only the collective table of RWBY/JNPR – minus J and Y, who were off getting lunch – could hear her. She didn’t want anyone outside of their little group getting involved.

“Just…” She took a moment to work out how to word this, before shrugging and going full blunt. It was where she was strongest. “Okay, Jaune is trancing her all the time. All the time.”

“Yeah, for pretty much any excuse.” Blake nodded, looking a little uncomfortable. None of them had to think hard to remember a few examples.

“Oops. Forgot my lunch. Yang, can you run home and grab it for me?”

“Oops. Forgot my homework. Yang, can you give me yours?”

“Oops. This lecture is boring. Yang, how about you get up front and dance for us?”

Weiss winced. “Yeah, exactly. And that’d be one thing, but…” She paused again. This part was the real problem. “…She doesn’t seem to mind?”

Pyrrha blinked. “How do you mean?”

“Well, I mean normally I would have thought she’d object to being tranced like that in the middle of her day, you know?” The heiress shrugged, a little uncertain. Maybe common folk were just different like that? “But every time he wakes her back up, she’s… fine with it? No matter what he makes her do, she just doesn’t seem to care.”

“I did ask her,” Blake chimed in, biting her lip. “She said it was fine by her – made a joke about Jaune actually having talent with something for once…”

“Oh, that’s not… entirely… fair…” The redheaded champion tried to give a defence of her partner, but didn’t quite make it all the way.

“And then she just brushed it all off!” Weiss nodded. “That’s weird, right? Tell me that’s weird.”

The group at the table seemed to agree – Blake looking concerned, Pyrrha looking pensive, Ren looking thoughtful… Though Nora had gone back to balancing her books, and Ruby was as bright eyed as ever.

“Well, I think you’re all just worried over nothing,” the hammer wielding huntress said with a shrug. “They’re just having fun, that’s all! And it is pretty funny.”

“Yeah!” And Ruby was right there with her, nodding eagerly. “Trust me, I know my sister. If she had a problem with Jaune, we’d hear about it. Or see it. The last guy who really upset her went flying straight over a building!” She mimed a few punches and a person sailing into the distance. “It was amazing.”

“Hm. I hope you’re right.

As long as they don’t do something ridiculous and get us all into trouble…

It’ll be fine.” Ruby was the picture of confidence. “Don’t worry, I’m sure both of them are perfectly in control of themselves. There’s no way they’ll do anything stupid like that!

“I can’t believe the two of you would be so stupid! In the cafeteria? Really?” Glynda Goodwitch was a woman that, if you could at all help it, you never wanted to see angry. Unfortunately for the two students that she’d just dragged into her office, right now she furious. “Explain yourselves, immediately!”

Jaune was already sweating, his hands raised to try to calm or deflect at least some of the rage coming his way. “H-hey, Professor, it wasn’t what it looked like!”

Yang folded her arms, clearly not seeing the problem she’d been dragged up here for. “Yeah, it was just joke!”

“She- She was just giving me a foot massage under the table, that was all…!” The Hunter-in-training stammered. “This was just a giant misunderstanding…”

The Professor glared at the pair over her glasses. “That’s definitely not what the other students reported.”

“Well then they must have been mistaken.” Yang shrugged, entirely dismissive. Obviously anything she might have done while entranced was entirely banal. Duh!

But Glynda wasn’t having any of it. “Enough! I have had it up to here with this nonsense. It has to end.” She turned to pin Jaune with the fiercest stare he’d ever seen – Grimm eyes were more merciful than those! “Release her from your control, young man, or I will be giving you both a lifetimeof detention.”

“Oh come on Professor!” And naturally, the woman she was trying to get released immediately protested. “It’s just harmless fun, that’s all. No need to get your corset in a twist about it.”

The temperature of the room dropped by about ten degrees.

“I see.” The teacher adjusted her glasses, suddenly eerily calm. “Well then, detention it is-”

“W-Wait wait wait wait. Hold on!” Jaune rushed in, trying to stand between Glynda and his overly antagonistic thrall. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry Professor. Of course we’ll do as you say. I’ll even remove her triggers. Here, I’ll do it right now – you can even watch to make sure I get them all.”

Hm. She almost seemed disappointed – just what had she been planning for ‘detention’? “Very well,” she sighed, taking a seat behind her desk. “Go ahead, Mr. Arc.”

“Okay…” Ignoring Yang’s disappointed pout – wow, he’d really done a good job with her programming – Jaune reached into his pocket and pulled out his lucky charm, the crystal his grandfather had given him. Carefully, he positioned himself, making sure that Glynda would have a full view of what he was doing so that she would be satisfied. Then, taking a deep breath, he started the pendant swinging, and began.

“Okay,” he said, making sure to keep his voice level and clear. “Nice and easy. Just watch the crystal. Focus on the crystal. That’s important.”

The crystal swung easy and even. He’d had a lot of practice with this part, hypnotising Yang every evening to make sure he had the technique down pat.

“Just watch it swing from left to right…”

A calm, firm voice was key, he’d found. Stay steady, and let the crystal do the work.

“Back and forth…”

The words weren’t for Yang, of course. No, her eyes had glazed the moment she’d seen the crystal flash in front of her. She was pretty well trained by now, and her trance had been instant. Hell, she was already starting to drool, her jaw slack and her mind empty.

No, he was talking to the other blonde in the room…

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see her. He didn’t dare turn to look fully, just in case she got suspicious, but he was pretty sure she was watching the show intently. Her head seemed to be swaying in rhythm with his crystal. Yes, Glynda was a little more resistant than Yang, but he could tell she was starting to sink. She’d just need a bit more of a push. And he thought he had an idea for what might work.

“It’s been a long, tiring day…”

He fought the urge to grin. He could see her nodding along. Being the disciplinarian for a school full of Hunters was tiring work, wasn’t it?

“So tiring…”

Her nodding was starting to slow.

“So tired…”

The sound of a barely restrained yawn echoed through the office. Right on time~

“You just want to relax and take the weight off your shoulders.”

“Mnnn…” Glynda’s dazed grunt of agreement was a good sign – though for a moment it startled him, and he almost lost his place.

“Just relax…”

Carefully, he peeked back over his shoulder, trying to see for sure if his words were having the desired effect.


And to his delight, he could see that they were. Glynda was slumped in her chair, her head swaying from side to side, just barely following the crystal’s swing. Her glasses had nearly slid down to the end of her nose, and he could see the faint traces of a line of drool starting to make its way down from the side of her mouth.

Time to go for the kill.

“In a moment,” he said, now addressing the teacher directly, “when I could down from three, you’re going to relax completely. Just let your mind go nice and blank. A nice, relaxing trance. Three…”

“N-nice and…?” She blinked slowly as his words sank in.


“Ooohh…” A pleasant sigh escaped her as she slipped deeper and deeper, the crystal glittering in her eyes.


A small smile grew on her lips as she felt all the stress she was carrying melt away, her mind spiralling into nothingness. And then, at last…


Glynda’s head dipped, her chin sinking to rest against her chest as her eyes finally slid completely closed. A moment later, and Jaune heard a quiet snore coming from behind her desk. She was under.

He released the breath he’d been holding. “Hoo. Wow, I can’t believe that worked.”

Well, he didn’t want to start counting his chickens before they hatched. Best to make sure she was really in a trance…

He quietly crept around her desk, leaning down to whisper so that he didn’t wake her up.

“Miss Goodwitch? Can you hear me?”

Her next words confirmed his hopes. “Yes Master. I can hear you.”

There it was. She was his.

Jaune smirked. “Then I guess I can start calling you Miss Goodbitch to your face now, can’t I?”

“Yes Master,” she mindlessly replied. “You can call me whatever you wish.”

“Great! Then get up and go stand next to Yang.” His grin grew wider. “Time for you to learn how things are going to work around here from now on.”

“Yes Master.” She didn’t even hesitate, rising to her feet and robotically walking around to the other side of her office, until she was standing next to the other, equally entranced blonde. There, she turned back to face her Master, her expression just as blank, her gaze just as empty. A fine pair of mindless thralls.

Perfect. Jaune walked around the desk and took the now vacant seat – practically the throne of Beacon, given how much attention the actual headmaster paid to the school. Then he snapped his fingers. Time for his first command. “Slaves – strip!”

He knew what he was doing now. The Professor yanking him out of the cafeteria had been a shock, and for a moment he’d realised how overconfident he’d become – but now, with the school administrator under his sway, he was practically untouchable! Oh, he was going to have fun with this…

But first, he was going to have fun with his new thrall.

“Yang,” he said, commanding his first slave as she threw off her clothes. Then he slid his chair back, and gestured under the desk. “Let’s resume that ‘foot massage’ from earlier.”

“Yes Master!”

She practically sprinted over, sliding under the desk with a hungry look, and quickly setting about removing any clothing of Jaune’s that would get in her way. Oh yeah – she would definitely always be a favourite.

And as for Glynda…

His newest thrall had a fine body, he was pleased to see. It was immediately obvious as she tossed away her blouse and skirt that Yang had been wrong about why she wore the corset. Her breasts didn’t need any help avoiding sag. Her bust was big, firm, and proud – and all his.

“Come here, Goodbitch,” he said, beckoning her over. She obeyed immediately, striding up to the desk and leaning over it. The hypnotist leaned up and whispered some words in her ear, giving her her new orders – and a little extra on top. “Repeat that while you go.”

“Yes Master!”

Just as eagerly as Yang, the professor jumped into action – quite literally, hopping up on top of her desk on all fours in all of her naked glory. With a thought, she levitated her wand into her hand, then lifted it up and used it to smack her own behind, sending a jolt and a jiggle through her body – especially her chest.

And as she began to debase herself for her new Master’s amusement, a mantra began to spill from her lips, mindless and monotone.

“I am hypnotised. I am mindless. I am a slave. I am hypnotised. I am mindless. I am a slave. I am hypnotised. I am mindless. I am a slave…”

Ahhh. Jaune leaned back in his new throne, enjoying the sight of his newest slave up on his desk, and the feel of his oldest slave underneath it. Yes, he was going to have a lot of fun with this…

His grandpa’s lucky charm had really come through for him!


Request: Ruby is going to one of her favorite places. The arcade! With everyone being busy doing important things like studying or training, she decides to just relax for the day. She enters and immediately begins to start looking at all her favorite arcade games to play. Then she sees a room in the back, a room she’s never seen before. Curiosity gets the better of her and she goes to explore and finds a slot machine. Now, why is a slot machine in an arcade? Good question. But Ruby doesn’t think of that, she instead goes up to it and investigates it. She grabs the handle to pull it and feels a force pull her hand down along with the handle and the slot machine whirls to life, spinning. The screen lights up and a picture of Weiss appears on the screen, before the first spinner stops, with the word BITCHY on it, then before Ruby can even understand it, the next one stops on BIMBO, then the third, SLUT, finally the fourth, SUBMISSIVE. The the screen does a roulette of its own and has people’s faces spin by. Yang, Blake, Jaune, Nora, more and more people she knows before it lands on Ruby herself. And the picture of Weiss changes, showing her completely different, big lips, some hints of cleavage can even be seen from her now enormous tits. All while the pins are going on, Weiss is studying, but as the words appear she starts to change into a bitchy, bimbo slut that wants to please her mistress, Ruby. Ruby, now kinda freaked out, goes to leave but the doors gone, and she feel’s her hand move on it’s own, ready to spin the slot machine again, about to completely change another of her friends life.

Weiss was studying. Yang was training. Blake was reading. Jaune was getting the snot beaten out of him by his personal trainer. Pyrrha was beating the snot out of her latest student. And Ren was making pancakes for Nora almost as fast as she was eating them.

All of which is to say, Ruby was bored. Everyone was busy, and she had nothing to do. Her homework was done, her weapons were cleaned, sharpened, and gleaming with the latest upgrades… She was free and clear of every responsibility for the weekend, and there was absolutely no one to hang out with. Uuuuuugh…


Wait, run that one back again. She had no work to do and no one she needed to keep an eye on… Which meant she was free to do whatever she wanted! Yes! Hahaha, free time! God, becoming the leader of a team like Team RWBY (and also accepting responsibility for Team JNPR) had almost made her forget that such a thing even existed! But at last, finally, she was free to do what she wanted. Eheheheheheee~

There was only one place she could think of to start her free weekend. A place she hadn’t seen in a long, long time… The Vales and Visions Boulevard Arcade! She hadn’t been there in years, since practically before she’d ever started at Beacon!

And when she arrived, appearing in the lobby with a scattered crowd of petals, she was delighted to see that the place hadn’t changed. All of her old favourites were here – Throughfare Thug II, Tonkin 7, Temporal Emergency 3… Oh! Oh wow, they even still had Home of the Recently Living 5 here, she thought that one had gotten banned! Ohh, she couldn’t wait to get playing again. Would they still have her old high scores here?

But… Wait. Hole on. Look again. One thing might have changed. Had that door at the back always been there?

The Huntress blinked, pulled out of her plot to defeat her old self by a sudden surge of curiosity. Had the arcade expanded? Had they added new attractions? Had no one told her?!

This required investigating.

Cautiously, as though she was afraid of getting caught, she poked her head around the door, peering into the darkness. A small room awaited beyond. She almost thought this must be an employees only area, but nothing on the door implied such. And she couldn’t think of a use for such a small, empty room for staff – they weren’t using it for storage or anything. There was only one thing in here. A slot machine.

It was an interesting looking device. Taller than she was, with a golden frame that gave it a pretty classy look. And though its screen was dark, she could see plenty of coloured bulbs and speakers dotted around its big screen – it would clearly be quite a flashy machine once it was put into action. It cast an imposing silhouette in the middle of the otherwise empty room.

Perhaps she should have wondered what such a machine was doing, hidden away in the back of the arcade – or even what a slot machine was doing in the arcade in the first place – but she didn’t. Instead, her mind was preoccupied with one, and only one, thought.

‘I wonder if it’s any fun to play…’

The idea seized her, and drew her in close, first by a single, tentative step, and then by steadily more confident strides, until the dark haired Huntress now stood firmly before the mystery device. She could feel the thrum of energy in the air, the buzz of electronics running just beneath the surface. Could it be… This thing was active?

There was only one way to find out.

As she reached for the lever, she failed to notice the door silently sliding shut behind her.

She didn’t mean to pull it, honestly. Just to touch it a little. Give it a bit of a poke. She wasn’t even sure that the machine was switched on.

But as her hand settled on the end of the slot machine’s arm, she felt a sudden compulsion, an impossible to resist urge, like an actual physical force was pulling her hand down, and dragging the handle down with it. It practically yanked her off her feet – and it was more than enough to pull the handle all the way down.

Instantly, the slot machine lit up, a chorus of bells and musical notes playing as the screens flashed on. It was a pretty display, paired with delightful cheery music, and for a moment, Ruby was delighted! This was exactly what she’d been hoping for. A pretty, sparkly, flashy game to play with? Sign her the hell up.

But then she noticed just what was on the screen in front of her. Her brow wrinkled with confusion. Her eyes squinted, as if trying dispel an illusion that clearly couldn’t be there. She even poked at the screen, tried to wipe away the dust on it, as if that would change what it was showing her.

Because what it was showing her was her friend and partner, Weiss Schnee.

It was a strange image to see, at random in the middle of the arcade, and for a moment she was stuck trying to puzzle out why it was here. Was this some kind of Schnee Dust Corp device? But no, their logo was nowhere to be seen. It was a recent picture, too – Weiss was wearing her new white and blue dress. Actually, that was the one she was wearing today, wasn’t it…?

The puzzlement ended – or rather, got worse – when she noticed what was below Weiss on the screen. Four spinning reels – were those supposed to be the slots in this slot machine? But she wasn’t seeing any pictures or colours on them. It looked like they just had text written on them, though they were moving too fast for her to work out what they said.

She got her chance soon, though, as the first one slid to a stop, revealing a single word written in big, blocky letters.


Eh? Ruby blinked. What- What was that supposed to mean? Was this hunk of junk calling her partner a bitch?! Only her friends were allowed to do that!

But something odd was happening. Before her eyes, the picture of Weiss was starting to shift. Her expression was changing, shifting from a gentle smile to a smug smirk. Her hands moved from being held casually, to one covering her mouth with the back of her palm, as if to hide haughty laughter.

Back at the RWBY dorm room, the real Weiss was just finishing up an essay when she started to feel strange. Just for a moment. It was a peculiar feeling – a kind of hot chill running down her spine. She took a second to pause, pressing her hand against her forehead to make sure she wasn’t coming down with something.

No. All fine here. She shrugged.

“Probably just a reaction to something that brat of a partner of mine brought in,” she sneered, rolling her eyes. “Or maybe I’m starting to develop an allergy to cat fur. I really should insist that they move that blonde bimbo’s pet out to a kennel or something… Ohohoho~”

Yep. Everything perfectly normal here…

Huh? Ruby blinked. What kind of game was this? It was kind of weird, and she wasn’t sure she liked it. But there was no stopping it now. The second reel was slowing to a stop already…


Oh dear.

The Weiss in the picture’s expression changed again – her eyes crossing and glazing as her mouth curled into a surprised looking ‘o’ shape, her lips growing plump around it. Her nails developed a sudden coating of pink nail polish, as her dress tightened around her chest, her bust suddenly tripling in size – matched by her ass, making the skirt ride up.

This machine was definitely going to be trouble.

By now, Weiss had moved on to her next essay. She’d been preparing for this one all week. Her research was carefully prepared, her sources were thoroughly catalogued, and she knew exactly the point she intended to make, and how to demonstrate it. All that was left was to write the thing.

But just as her pen touched paper, another hot shiver ran through her, and sent her eyes fluttering. It felt like someone had just stuck the nozzle of a compressed air cannister into her ear, and suddenly inflated her brain like a balloon, scattering her thoughts to the wind. All of her carefully planned research vanished, obliterated by the blast, along with her intellect, her dignity, and most of her skills. All of her most complicated thoughts just melted away…

And as they did so, her body was inflating too. Her breasts, always ruefully petite, suddenly swelled, growing up to twice, no, to three times their original size, straining her dress to near breaking point. Her ass got in on the game too, plumping out underneath her and nearly breaking the arms off her chair.

The whole process took a handful of seconds, and by the time her eyes returned from their fluttery distraction, it was already over – leaving Weiss none the wiser. In fact, it had left her quite much the dumber…

“Huh.” She looked down, confused. “Like, was my top always this tight?”

Hooo. Okay. Whoever had made this thing was super dead. That wasn’t even a threat. Sure, if Ruby found him she’d beat the crap out of him, but Weiss was rich enough to actually hire assassins. If she found out about this…

Well, whatever. The third reel was starting to slow, but surely it couldn’t make things worse, right?


She stood corrected.

Once more, the image changed. This time, the shift in expression was minimal – Weiss’s dull eyes developing a sultry shine. No, the differences were mostly in her choice of dress. Her blue dress split around her middle, the lower half shrinking into a tight blue latex mini-skirt, while the top rolled up into a strapless blue crop top.

Weiss shuddered as her spine tingled again, and her thighs rubbed together as a heat ignited between her legs. Ugggh, why was she doing these, like, super boring essays when she could be out getting fucked? It totally didn’t make any sense! There was no cock or pussy here, so what the hell? She was horny! At this rate she’d even go down on that mangy faunus bitch if she, like, showed up and spread her legs…

Mmmn, oohh that was a super hot idea…

And while she was distracted by her bitchy – or even downright racist – fantasy, her dress melted away into a tight, revealing top and skirt combo, while slutty makeup slathered itself across her face – blue lipstick across her thick lips, and eyeshadow around her sultry eyes.

She didn’t notice the change, of course, but whether that was some kind of magical obliviousness, or if it was because she was too dumb to get a clue if it jumped up and slapped her in the face was left unanswered.


As the final word flashed up, the Weiss on the screen sank to her sassy, stupid, slutty knees – and then vanished, replaced by a sudden fifth reel. This one, unlike the others, was marked with images – and to Ruby’s growing concern, she realised they were the faces of people she knew. Blake flashed past, lightning fast, cat ears and all. Then caught a glimpse of Nora… Jaune… Yang… Ren… Glynda… Hell, she thought she saw Velvet for a moment.

But ultimately, when the reel slid to a stop and displayed its result, the only face she could see was her own.

By now, the white haired heiress was completely used to the hot chills that had been buzzing through her soul all afternoon – she didn’t even notice the latest one. The silly slutty bimbo had been far too distracted doodling on the pad she was supposed to be using for her essay, while one of her hands had been steadily creeping down between her legs. But one thought did worm its way through her slippery, slow mind.

She looked up, glancing towards the clock, and pouting when she remembered she had no idea how to read it. “I like, wonder when Mistress Ruby will get back…?”

Her owner had told her to stay here and do her homework (or at least, that was how she remembered it) but gawd, it was like, totally boring – she just hoped her beloved red reaper would get home soon so she could fuck her white haired pet’s brains out…~

That horny little thought was enough to get her to give up all pretence of doing her homework, and shove her hand between her legs, the other reaching up for her tits. The slutty bimbo moaned as pleasure crashed through her, her fat lips mouthing the only word that she cared about anymore.

“Mmmn… Ruby~”

The slot machine flashed, bells and whistles chiming as if congratulating Ruby on some kind of win, but she wasn’t impressed. Someone had made a really insulting machine here, and she was going to go talk to the Arcade manager to find out who. Ugh, and this thing was totally inappropriate for a fun arcade too – she was definitely going to yell at them about that too.


Problem. When she turned to start walking towards the door, she found there was no door there to walk to. It wasn’t just closed – there was simply no door at all. The spot where she’d entered this room was nothing but blank wall. And so were all the other walls in here. There was no way out. What the hell?

Frowning, the Huntress looked around, eyes sharp as she realised that there was something really wrong going on here. Something to do with that slot machine, if she had to guess. But she didn’t know what – in fact, she knew precious little about what was happening. There was only one thing that she knew for sure.

Ruby was starting to feel a compulsion, an impossible to resist urge, to pull the slot machine’s handle again…


Request: Nero has created the ultimate Golden Spa and Salon at Chaldea, thanks to her approving Master, to see to her pampering and beauty treatments. Boudica makes the mistake of accepting Nero’s olive-branch extending, trial of the GSS…and ends up a semi-twinned simp of the Emperor for her efforts!

“Romans of Chaldea! Celebrate, for you have all faced great adversity! Cheer, because you have all overcome great odds! Revel, because you stand here today, in the presence of the Emperor, bidding that you do so!”

Cheers and roaring applause filled the hall. No one in Chaldea was entirely sure where the screaming, frothing crowds of fans that so often appeared whenever Nero made a speech within their walls came from, but they were as reliable as a buster loop. If the Emperor so much as coughed loudly, they’d be there, banners held high, glow sticks waving.

When questioned about it, Nero didn’t seem able to understand that this didn’t just happen for everyone, which ultimately made a distressing amount of sense.

“I stand here today,” “To congratulate Chaldea – nay! To offer Chaldea a well deserved reward, for its staff, for its Servants, and most especially, for its Master, to enjoy as much as they desire!”

Yes, Chaldea had certainly been through a lot. They had saved humanity at least a few dozen times by now, even if most people only counted the really big ones, and in the process they had endured much hardship. They’d faced impossible foes. They’d lost beloved comrades. They’d organised the cafeteria into a well oiled machine that could feed even the chaotic army of Servants that now lent them their services.

Thus, Nero had determined, they needed a reward. Something to revitalise them. Something that would help soothe away their aches and pains. Something that would strengthen them for the challenges yet ahead.

And when put like that, her decision had been obvious. After all, was Rome not famous for their Roman Baths?

“And so I present to you, Romans of all shapes and sizes, of all types and nations, the great Golden Spa and Salon!”

She drew back the sheet that someone had used to cover the door to the new salon, and sliced the opening ribbon in two with her sword. More cheers and praise erupted from the audience, an enthusiastic chant of “Nero! Nero! Nero!” breaking out spontaneously, to the Emperor’s great delight.

Not everyone in the crowd was happy, though. There were, after all, several heroes out there who were… Less than delighted, shall we say, to be called ‘Romans’. They may have even made a point of telling people not to ever ever EVER do that, in fact. But this was Nero. They understood, really. Expecting the blonde empress to remember such a detail like that was like expecting the earth to turn backwards. It just wasn’t possible, and it was folly to try.

Unless you were like, Karna or something. Then maybe- Well, you see, this was why making metaphors and similes was hard in Chaldea. The sheer variety of Servants around made it really hard to turn a phrase without shooting yourself in the foot…


Boudica did not want to be here. She hadn’t wanted to come.

… But Nero had insisted.

“Boudica,” she had said, in an impassioned plea that had still, also, somehow, been a speech (and thus drawn a crowd), “I know that there exists a gulf between us. A chasm that I fear that no effort I make could ever truly bridge…”

‘Because if you tried I would push you in,’ Boudica did not say out loud, but one could definitely hear it loud and clear just by looking at her expression – or at least you could if your name wasn’t Nero Claudius. Instead, she said, “I understand. Why don’t we just leave it be?”

“But I cannot!” The blonde had surged forward, grabbing up her one-time foe’s hands (and obliviously preventing her from using said hands from strangling her for startling the ancient queen like that). “The guilt, it weighs on me. I must do all I can to alleviate it!”

‘Good!’ The Queen of Vengeance snarled in the privacy of her own head. ‘Suffer for eternity! It’s not my problem if it makes you feel bad. I wish you felt worse!’

Even Boudica had to roll her eyes at her own firmly restrained thoughts. They just weren’t useful right now. “Look, Nero…”

But the Emperor refused to be brushed off, much to her frustration. “Boudica. I am gifting a salon to Chaldea. A place of peace and relaxation. And while I know that it will never undo the harm that has come between us - that nothing can ever truly undo what has been done – it would honour me, and all of my people, if you were the first to make use of its services.”

The redhead blinked. That had been… shockingly humble, for Nero. For a moment it felt like she was letting a side of herself show that was normally only reserved for her Master.

In fact, the sight of it was so shocking that Boudica found herself nodding without thinking about it. She only realised what she’d done when the Emperor immediately perked back up again.

“Splendid!” The blonde flashed a winning smile (that made Boudica’s blood boil). “Then I shall see you there! And I shall make sure that the first spot in line is reserved for you and you alone! No need to thank me, I’m legendarily magnanimous.”

She’d turned to walk away by that point, so she didn’t see the ancient queen just barely managing to hold back from throwing a sword at her head…

And thus, now here she was. Exactly where she didn’t want to be. She’d considered calling in sick, or just not showing up – but she knew Nero far, far too well. The little pest would surely be at her door in an instant when she realised that she hadn’t shown up, hunting her down with extreme prejudice. Just going through with the stupid spa trip was honestly the least annoying way of dealing with her now.

Honestly, the best thing to do was go in quietly, get a quick haircut or something, and then-Hurk!

“And to demonstrate how wonderful the facilities here are, my good friend Boudica will be the first to partake in their pleasures!” Nero announced, yanking the redhead out in front of the crowd and wrapping a egotistical arm around her neck, pulling her into an unwilling hug. “I’ve already booked her in for a full treatment! Be sure to ask her what she thinks after she’s done~!”

Okay, you know what? The best thing to do had absolutely been to kill the blonde little moron the second she’d shown her face – but now there were too many witnesses. Crap. She was stuck with this now.

“Yay.” The Britannian’s deadpan cheer failed to dispel even a drop of the festive attitude. There would be no escape.

Fine then. How bad could a ‘full treatment’ be?

“Ooohhh… Maybe really not so bad…” Boudica couldn’t help but sigh as she lay face down on the marble table, a pair of expert massage therapists working their way down her oil slathered back. This felt simply heavenly – like all the stress she’d been carrying as a Servant, a loyal shield for her Master, a senior chef in the cafeteria, and as someone who had to spend so much time around Nero all damn day-

“Mmn!” She squeaked as a pair of soft, practiced hands firmly gripped her shoulders and squeezed, untangling the angry knot that had just begun to develop in her muscles before it could even take proper hold. Heh, she couldn’t even remember what she’d been getting mad about.

Okay, maybe she could put up with a place like this being a part of Chaldea. As long as it wasn’t too Roman themed…

… Although, right at this second, it was a little hard to care if it was Roman at all…


Cucumber slices slid into place over the ancient queen’s eyes, the final part of a facemask therapy that she hadn’t asked for, but saw no reason to object to. Honestly, she was finding it hard to think of a reason to object to anything right now. That wonderful massage had left her so relaxed that she’d practically had to be carried over to the salon chair she now sat on.

Rollers had been carefully threaded into her hair, and strange smelling chemicals had been massaged into her scalp, all of which were a mystery to her. Probably part of this ‘full package’ Nero had mentioned.

None of it seemed particularly Roman to her, to be honest, but she was simply too relaxed to care. Once the time the attendants were done fussing, she simply sat back, a dreamy smile on her face, and lost herself in peaceful daydreams as the chemicals soaked in…

“Aaahhhhhh…” Boudica sighed once more as she lay back in the bath, lounging in the bubbling spa waters. The marble pool was the perfect temperature, warm and restful. Apparently, she’d been told, it had been blessed by Nero herself, in her capacity as an incarnation of Venus, to bring out anyone’s inner beauty.

Mm, now this was a more Roman design, she thought without so much as a hint of anger. That wasn’t that she was feeling relaxed this time, either. It was just like… All of her leftover anger at Rome, at Nero, at everyone, it was leaching out of her. Washing away in this wonderful water.

Maybe that should have worried her, but she barely noticed. Really, she was enjoying herself far too much to sweat such small details. Someone would handle them all for her, she was sure. Someone as bright and shining as herself couldn’t be held back by little things like that~

She giggled, splashing some water about, and as she did she caught a glance at her own reflection in the waves. For a moment, she thought someone else was in the bath with her! It took her a second to recognise herself.

That was understandable though. After all, the short blonde hair that framed her face was certainly new, as was the style, mostly bound up at the back of her head in a braided bun, with a little left over for her bangs and a cute little ahoge. Plus, she’d always thought her eyes had been blue, not light green – the same shade as those cucumber slices…

But even the shock of her change diffused out into the water, and she found herself relaxing again. It didn’t matter. She looked cute! Beautiful, in fact. She’d have to thank Nero for this treatment when she was done – ahhh, the adorable Empress had really done her a favour. She’d been too harsh on the poor girl, now that she thought about it. After all, she was kind of great. No, amazing! Truly the greatest Empress that had ever lived!

Haaaah… The British queen sank back into the water, letting it soak into her hair and lap into her ears. Confidence was pouring into her, and she let it. Why would she resist? Everything here was a generous gift from the glorious Empress of Rome, after all…

It never occurred to her that Nero’s idea of ‘beauty’ might be a bit different from everyone else’s.

Mmmmn… Umu~

The door to the spa/salon burst open before an eager Nero’s eyes. The crowd she’d drawn before was mostly gone – they were only interested in her words, naturally, so there was no point in them waiting around – but there were still a few curious Servants hanging around – as well as her Master, whom she was eager to impress.

Now the only thing left to see was whether Boudica had enjoyed her tour. The Empress couldn’t deny she was nervous – at least, not to herself. The grudge of the Britannian queen ran deep – thus she’d seemed like the perfect person to show how grand her gift was to everyone. But now her plan was in motion, the blonde was starting to doubt. Would she give it a good review? Or would she take this chance to undermine her one time foe? Ah, it was enough to give a woman a migrane…

But she needn’t have worried. Even before she saw the revitalised Rider, she knew her plan had been a success. The shower of rose petals that exploded out into the hall were more than enough to tell her that – and the enthusiastic cry that followed them confirmed it.

“Perfection!” A blonde British queen declared, striding out of the spa in a new dress provided by the salon. It was red, of course, and looked very similar to the dress Nero herself wore, though both of them just put that down to good fashion sense. “Empress Nero, you have most certainly outdone yourself. Even at the height of Rome itself, you would struggle to find a better place to relax, umu~!”

“Umu!” Nero smiled brightly – apparently noticing absolutely nothing strange about her fellow Servant’s new appearance or manner. “It does my heart glad to hear you say that, Boudica! But I should not be surprised. After all, nothing is beyond the glory of Rome~”

“And you are the personification of that glory yourself, your highness~”

“Umu, you’re making me blush, as true as you are. Come, let us advance to the cafeteria, where you can sing the praises of myself and my spa to even more people!”

“I’d be delighted, your majesty~”

The two blondes linked arms and proudly marched away, chests proudly thrust forward, identical smug grins on their faces.

Behind them, another Servant stared – a certain Archer in red, with white hair and dread in his eyes.

“Oh god,” he muttered. “Now there’s two of them…”

Chaldea was about to go through yet another interesting event. Well, at least they’d have a nice spa to relax in once it was all done this time~


Request: The Servant Trap: Back to School Edition! Mordred is a bratty delinquent who doesn't play by the rules - time for detention with her father, Maid-Principal Saber Alter!

...Wait. This isn't right! None of this is right!

Until it is, of course. Mordred won't ever be a "Good Girl" but sometimes naughty is even better than nice.

“Zzzz… Nnnn?” Mordred awoke slowly – which was strange, because as a Servant, she was pretty sure she wasn’t supposed to need sleep at all. Maybe to help her Master save mana on occasion, but if so, it’d be a fairly deliberate choice on her part – and she remembered deciding no such thing.

Where was she? When had she been summoned? It was strange. The last thing she could recall was accepting a summon invitation from the holy grail, but the details in her head were hazy. It might have been a call to materialize in London… Or in some desert place… Or had it been China? Or… For some reason the word Atlantis kept popping into her mind…

Ugh. No matter. The important thing was-

- What the hell was she wearing?

She stared down at herself, eyes wide. All other details about her surroundings flew out of her head. What kind of way to dress was this?! Her armour was nowhere in sight. Nor was she wearing the skimpy clothes that she normally had on underneath it, or the red jacket and shorts combo she’d picked up a fondness for from… somewhere. None of these clothes were things she recognised at all.

No, instead, she was wearing a white button-up blouse and a black skirt, along with dark stockings and black heels on her feet. There was… a distinctly girly feeling about it all. Or, at the very least, a weirdly slutty vibe.

Welp, that was that then. Where was she and who could she kill?

She started to rise, only to stumble to a halt a few inches up. Her wrists and ankles were bound, firmly restrained by thick clamps that secured her in her seat. Naturally, she tried to break them open, but for some reason her normal strength wouldn’t respond to her call. Instead, she found herself slumping back into her seat, unable to do otherwise.

That finally got her to tear her eyes away from her outfit, she looked around, her surroundings starting to sink in. She was sat at – or rather, she was bound behind - a wooden desk, one among a good few dozen, all arranged in rows inside what appeared to be a classroom. Aside from a teacher’s podium and a big screen at the front of the room, there wasn’t anything of note here – unless you thought ‘pink wallpaper’ was particularly noteworthy. There didn’t seem to be anyone else around…

Until the door at the front of the room opened, anyway.

“Hey!” Mordred yelled instantly, shaking her chair and banging against the desk. “Whoever’s there, you’d better let me out of here, or I’m going to f-fffffather?”

Her furious thread screeched to a halt, her jaw dropping as her father, Artoria Pendragon, King of Knights and Lord of Camelot, strutted into the room.

Some problems were immediately apparent.

For one, her father’s skin was much too pale, far more than she’d ever seen her when she was alive. Even her hair, long and free flowing instead of in its normal bun, seemed like a grimmer shade of gold. Not to mention that she was pretty sure the King of Knight’s eyes were not supposed to be yellow.

A whisp of knowledge tickled her mind. Something from the grail summoning, maybe? An awareness that she wasn’t sure she’d had before that told her this was the King of Tyrants – her father’s Alternate form when summoned. The culmination of the people’s wish for a more human ruler, that had somehow created a being who ruled by brutal force, instead of by just law.

Ordinarily, Mordred might have found that quite an interesting thing to learn about, but at the moment it sailed completely under her radar – because there were far bigger problems for her to focus on right now.

Specifically, two of them – jiggling proudly on her father’s chest.

W-W-When had father gotten that big?!

“So!” Saber Alter giggled, preening for her perplexed audience of one in her tight black pinstripe suit. She looked scandalously unprofessional – her blouse clearly unbuttoned beneath her jacket, her golden tie loose and ready to pop off at a moment’s notice. “You’ve been a baaad girl, Momo~ You just got here, and already you got detention?”

“M-M-Momo…?!?” The knight’s jaw dropped, her cheeks burning as red as Clarent. What was this?!

“But don’t worry!” The bimbo continued, ignoring her son’s stammering. “Principle Arty is here to, like, straighten you out!”

Mordred could do little more than stare. What was this? What was this?! This couldn’t be her father – her father was the King of Knights, the epitome of grace and poise. Not this… Not this jiggly slut parading around like she was looking for the nearest street corner to hang out on! There was no way. She couldn’t believe it. She was incapable of believing it. Despite all of her instincts screaming at her that this was, indeed, an incarnation of the King she admired so much that she’d rebelled against them, she would not believe it!

The mere sight of this farce had her gritting her teeth, her hands coiled into fists. If she had the strength to break free from these bindings, she would have struck this, this pretender down where she stood! But instead all she could do was snarl.

“Whoever you are,” she growled, her voice promising murder with every syllable, “I want you to know that I will make you suffer. When I get free of this, I am going to force you to endure torments that would have made my mother back away in fear. You will ascend to the pinnacle of pain, the absolute zenith of misery, before plunging all the way into the deepest pits of hell. Understand?”

Hey, she’d spent years hanging out with Tristain and Merlin. She knew how to spin a line.

Or, so she’d thought. But her threats just seemed to bounce off this woman’s empty head – or maybe they went in one ear and straight out the other.

“See, this is like, just what I mean!” The pretender smiled brightly. “That was a toooon of big words! What does ‘pimmical’ even mean? Silly~” She giggled, shaking her head. “A proper bimbo would never say any of that stupid stuff!”

Ugh. It wasn’t even worth getting mad at this idiot. Mordred sat back, rolling her eyes. “Well obviously I’m not a bimbo, bitch.”

Arty grinned and reached into her top, pulling a simple remote with one button on it out from between her tits. “Let’s fix that~”


The screen at the front of the room flared to life, and instinctively the knight of treachery found herself turning to look at it. This was a critical mistake, and one for which she would pay dearly.

A pink spiral was waiting for her, big, bright, and beguiling. It’s fast swirl captured her gaze in an instant and refused to let it go, pulling her deeper no matter how hard she tried to struggle. Its twists and turns spun around her, seemed to fill her entire world as her eyes tripped and slid down each spoke, always sinking further and further down…

Then a word flashed in the middle of it all.


It was so fast she wasn’t sure it had happened at all. Wh-What had she just seen? It was such a shock that she was too stunned to register the second flash.


“Uuhhnn…” Her eyelids fluttered, her mind stumbling. Already the spiral was tangling her thoughts, and now these words were pounding in through the gaps they made.



“Mn!” She squirmed in her seat, legs rubbing together as an unbearable heat began to burn…





Her top was starting to feel tight as a hesitant giggle slipped through her lips…





Mordred was not a smart girl. She wasn’t as dumb as most people thought, but she was hardly a genius of any persuasion. Her mind, sharp though it might have been, had no defence against mesmeric techniques, no resistance to pure bimbofication being beamed straight into her skull. Her eyes were already spinning with pink spirals of their own, and drool was starting to drip from her chin.

A hand reached out and stroked her hair, a happy giggle drifting through the air. “That’s a good girl Momo,” her father’s voice filled her ears. “Just give in and, like, cum those brains right out!”

What choice did she have?

Her chest was starting to swell, pushing up tight against her blouse, and her ass was filling out and straining against her chair. Pleasure was building up inside her, wetness dripping between her thighs. Her lips had quirked into a smile, and it was turning truly stupid. There wasn’t much further to go.

And then the spiral intensified.





“Muuuh…” Drool was pouring in earnest now, dripping like a waterfall into the canyon of cleavage pushing out under the blonde Servant’s blouse. Her mind had fallen completely silent, filled with nothing more than the words plunging into her softened brain by the spiral. It had been less than two minutes, and she was already on the precipice of total bimbodom.

One last flash sealed the deal.



And as her top finally burst open, buttons shooting off everywhere as her now titanic tits bounced free, a wide, stupid smile spread over Momo’s dazed face as her brains squirted out onto the seat underneath her…

“Good girl!”

“Mmmnn… Huh…?” Mordred blinked awake slowly, her head feeling like it had been stuffed with cotton. Where… where was she?

Blearily, she looked around. It came back to her quickly. She was in that weird pink classroom. There had been… something strange, up on the screen. She’d looked at it, and then… And then all of her memories melted into a goopy pink mess.

What had happened?

“Momooo…” A familiar voice caught her sluggish attention, and she looked up to see her busty father – n-no, the… the fake father… Had to be a fake… Looked up to see her at the front of the room, arms folded under her boobs, looking disappointed. “Back in detention already? You’re, like, such a trouble maker!”

“Huh?” Mordred tried to rub at her eyes, only to find her hands were still bound. Oh yeah… “Like, what did I do…?” It was so hard to think…

The King of Bimbos shook her head. “You totally started to, like, count over ten. Without even using your fingers! Master was super shocked. We had to rush you back here, like, real quick before you started thinking even more! That’s totally wrong!”

Ngh. That… sounded kind of familiar. She remembered it, vaguely. But everything else was just a hot pink mess. What had she been doing?

Mordred looked down at herself. She was still in her schoolgirl skirt and blouse. They seemed to be a bit of a tighter fit now, but… Hadn’t her boobs been bigger? She thought she remembered that. They must have shrunk back down. Weird.

Arty was still talking. “It’s like, the third time you’ve been in detention now, y’know. Y’gotta, like, dumb it down, bimbo!”

Right… Yeah, she was starting to remember. She’d been here a couple of times now. Every time they showed her the screen, and things got hazy…

Then what her father had said sank in. She protested without thinking. “‘M not a bimbo…!”

“Duh!” The bimbo giggled. “But don’t worry, we’ll totally fix that! Here.”

“Huh?” The knight blinked as she felt something slide over her ears – a pair of headphones. She tried to shake them off, but they were on tight.

Her father’s voice filtered through them just fine, though. “Just the spiral didn’t work, so let’s step it up! Like, the sublimybals will totally mush your brain in super record time!”

What? Mordred’s eyes widened. Her brain was already feeling like mush, and now they wanted to make it worse? “W-wait. I…”

Too late. The principle giggled again, kissing her on the nose, and then hit her remote again. The screen flared to life in front of her again, immediately snaring her in the spiral again – but this time, it had musical accompaniment, a hissing buzz of static in her ears.

Even if she’d known was ‘sublimybals’ were, she wouldn’t have been able to do anything about them. As it was, the hidden words from her headphones poured into her brain without restraint, filling her mind to the brim as it started to shrink.


“Duuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh…” Drool poured like a faucet once more as Momo’s tits inflated back to proper bimbo proportions, drinking down the unthinking mush that had been her mind. She was already cumming, she was already dumbing, and she was on an express trip straight back to bimbotown with no delays or stops on the way.

“Better!” The principle swatted her fattening ass as it grew in her chair. “Now don’t do it again!”


The bubblegum burst between her lips, and Momo blinked, awareness fizzling up inside her like air from an unshaken bottle of soda. Where… Oh, was she, like, in detention again?

She snorted. They always threw her in here. Like, she’d broken out of their dumb brainwashing over and over, but they always did the same thing. Dummies. Maybe they were the real bimbos~

The blonde giggled at her own joke, then looked around. Huh, something felt different this time. Normally she was a bit smarter by the time they threw her in this room, but right now her brain still kinda felt like porridge. Thinking was like trying to drive a tractor through realllly sticky mud. Which was nice, y’know – super relaxin’ and stuff… But it was still kinda weird she was still so stupid.

Oh, and also, she was bent over her desk instead of being sat behind it this time. That was new too! Hee, she could feel her boobs pressing into the wood through her shirt~ It was, like, really hot…

Steadily, more intelligence leaked back into her head as she chest, sadly, shrank. More questions started to percolate. Why was she here so soon? And why was she being posed like this instead of seated in her usual chair? She could feel the headphones on her ears, were they going to blast her with mind melting static again?

She pondered these strange things for some time, slowly turning them over in her brain as it steadily grew bigger and bigger. But before she could think of any answers, a familiar figure walked in through the door.

“Oh hey Daddy~” Momo – Mordred – looked up. That had felt wrong to say, somehow – but also really really right.

“Hey Momo.” The principle didn’t seem to mind. “Back again already?”

“I guess?” The knight shrugged – or tried to. Her arms were rather firmly secured to her desk this time, so instead she just ended up shaking her ass. “Wanna play the pink movie again or somethin’? It’s not gunna work, but it’s fun to watch~”

It kinda was, in a weird way. If her head was clearer she wouldn’t have admitted it, but she was still, like, 50% bimbo (though the fact that she could think ‘50%’ meant that wasn’t going to last much longer) so it was easier to say now. What could she say? There was something she really enjoyed about detention – even if she was too dumb to work out what it was, exactly.

But her father surprised her. “Not yet, babe,” she said, skipping up and smiling down at her. “I’ve got a surprise for you~”

“Huh?” Mordred blinked up at her. Then her eyes grew wide as they dropped back down, focusing on what the other woman had just revealed by drawing closer – a large black strap-on, fastened around her hips. Ooooh, that was biiiig

“See, Master’s worked out why you keep breaking free,” the principle was saying, though Mordred only half heard her. “You’ve done it, like, so many times. At least… maybe…” She started to count on her fingers, slowing down the higher she got. She was struggling by four, but, in an impressive display of determination, kept going all the way up to seven before giving up. “Like, a lot! A super lot! It’s, like, totally ridic, y’know?”

“Uuhhh…” Mordred was still staring at the dildo waving around before her face, her eyes locked to the tip as it bounced left and right. She found herself wetting her lips, a little drool starting to leak out from the corner of her mouth.

“But Master says you keep doing it because you wanna spend time with me!” Arty gigged, stroking her son’s hair gently. “Such a silly bimbo. If you wanted private lessons, you only had to ask, y’know?”

“P-P-Private lessons?” The Servant’s eyes grew wider still.

“Mmhm~” The King of Bimbos stepped around the desk – and thus out of Mordred’s sight – running her hand down her unruly student’s back. A moment later, and the knight felt her skirt flip up, and a breeze on her now bare nethers. “Gunna make sure you never get detention again~”

Mordred shivered. She could feel herself starting to drip. “What- What are y’gunna do…?”

There was a giggle as firm hands seized her hips – and the answer she was dreading/hoping for came. “I’m gunna fuck your brains out!”

Then before Mordred could work out if she wanted to fight this or not, she heard one last Click, and-

The spiral flashed on, and her ears filled with subliminal-ridden static – but Mordred didn’t notice any of it, because at the same moment, she felt her idol, the King of Knights, thrust into her-


And just like that, the last part of her resistance burst, along with her brains. Her tits swelled and her ass plumped, both growing up another size by drinking down the final drops of her willpower. She didn’t have a chance to even realise what was happening as her mind emptied of every last scrap of knowledge, as her chest burst out to the same size as her father’s, as her hips rocked and smacked in Saber Alter’s firm grip.

But she didn’t care about any of that anyway. She just moaned like the whore she was and thrust back, pleasure overwhelming her as her eyes spun with pink spirals, helping her teacher fuck the last of her old self out of her for good.

Blonde, busty, and utterly brainless, Momo would always be a bad student. She was always skipping classes to go suck people off behind the school gym. She was deffo, like, one of the dumbest bimbos around! But after the principle started giving her ‘private lessons’, she never got detention again – not even once! Her brains were well and truly popped – just like the bubble-gum she was always chewing (as long as she didn’t have anything tastier in her mouth, anyway).

Of course her Daddy, the King of Bimbos herself, wasn’t going to be the principle forever. She was just out at the school on, like, rent or something. A lot of people in the city liked to use her! So eventually, she’d be leaving – and when she went, Momo was deffo going to follow after her. She was her King’s loyal knight, after all.

The Knight of Thottery – the sluttiest ho ever to sit under the round table. And she couldn’t wait to show off her skills to the rest of Cockaigne, the eternal city of pleasure…


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