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Ahoy folks! How's things going out there?

Unfortunately, I have to start this week with bad news - that 'bug' I mentioned picking up last week (very briefly) turned out to be the flu. I'm recovering well and feeling much better already, but I sadly couldn't avoid losing a week and change's worth of writing to it, so I am now behind. I've started back up again and I'm making progress catching back up, but I couldn't get all the short requests done in time for this week - I'm hoping that I'll be able to post them up next week.

As an apology, this week I'll be uploading two stories for you, and I hope you enjoy them. First up, Raven and Starfire find themselves in a very unusual dimension, and must escape before it starts to affect them. But where was the exit, again...?

And I suppose that's all my news for the moment! Good luck out there, all, and have a good September - I'll see you next week.


Last time, on Love Warrior Airheart…!

“Preparations are nearly complete. Soon, both the realms of fiction and reality shall bow before me, and I will rule all of existence! Then they’ll have to take my fanfiction as canon!”

“Not so fast, Control Freak!”


“We have to stop the reality engine before the entire world is turned into Control Freak’s playhouse!”

“There’s no time – get back!”


Did our brave warriors escape the explosion? Was the evil villain brought to justice? Just how bad was Control Freak’s fanfic anyway? Stay tuned for the next exiting episode of Love Warrior Airheart!”


“Nggh…” The strange voice finally went quiet, leaving little more than a distant ringing in Raven’s ears as she slowly sat up, rubbing her head. “What was that…?”

“Friend Raven?” A reassuringly familiar voice called to her, and looking up, the gothic heroine could see Starfire sweeping down to hover in the air over her. “Thank goodness you are here! Are you alright?”

“Fine, Star…” She groaned, pulling herself to her feet and looking around. The two of them were standing – or floating, in Starfire’s case – in the middle of a street in what looked like a normal city. Not the city that Raven was used to protecting as a Titan, though, all of the landmarks were wrong. But it didn’t look too different – office buildings towering in the distance, general sprawl of shops and streets. Perfectly normal Except…

There was something definitely off about it. Something hard for her to put her finger on. It looked too squeaky clean. And sort of… less detailed, in general? Just lacking in the normal chaos and clutter of a typical city. Like going from high def to low def or something. It was hard to put into words.

But it definitely didn’t look natural.

“Where are we?” Raven pulled up her hood, eyeing the few wandering pedestrians suspiciously. There was something weird about them, too. All of them were women – in fact, there were no men in sight – and all of them looked really similar to one another. Same figure, same features, just with different outfits and hairstyles. And, uh… They were all really busty as well, actually, though Raven pretended she didn't spot that…

Starfire didn’t seem to notice at all, just shaking her head at Raven’s question. “I am unsure. I woke up not long ago, and the first thing I did was search for you and the others. I haven’t had time to look for the maps yet.”

“Hm.” The mystic frowned, drifting up into the air next to her friend. “No sign of the boys?”

“None at all,” Starfire sighed. “And their communicators aren’t responding. Aside from you, I can find no sign of anyone else from the fight.”

Raven nodded slowly, thinking back to what had happened. Control Freak had been at it again, creating a machine that he’d bragged would let him rewrite reality as he saw fit – and judging by his monologues, the main thing he’d see fit to do was rewrite the endings of his favourite shows. Naturally, such evil could not go unopposed, and the Teen Titans had immediately set off to send his copyright violating behind back to jail.

That part had gone fine. Some tense moments, but honestly, beating up villains was something the Teen Titans were very good at. It was their main job, after all, and they had plenty of experience at it.

What had gone less well was the ‘Reality Engine’ he’d been using going into overdrive as he tried to use it to fight them off. Red lights had started flashing, alerts had been going off on every screen in his base, consoles exploding everywhere… Even though they’d taken the villain down, the place had still looked like it was about to self-destruct. Naturally, the heroes had tried to disarm the device, but everything had gone white…

… And now here they were. Wherever ‘here’ was. Hm.

Well, there was no point in just standing around. Time to try to sort this mess out. “Alright. Let’s just ask someone where we are, and what the fastest way back to Jump City is. Once we’re back at the Tower, we can use its resources to find the others.”

“Right.” Star nodded, and immediately flew off to put the plan into action. It was, after all, no secret which one of them was the more social one.

The person she chose to greet was a nearby pedestrian, who – Raven observed now that her attention was drawn to her – seemed to be wearing a school uniform, despite clearly being at least college age, just judging by her bust alone. It struck the gothic heroine as odd, but naturally Starfire didn’t notice it as weird in the slightest.

“Excuse me!” Instead, she greeted the woman with a smile and a wave as she zipped in front of her. “Salutations! Might I trouble you to ask what city this is?”

“Oh hey there!” The woman didn’t seem thrown in the least at the sudden appearance of a flying hero. She just smiled brightly, nodding. “Sure thing, Miss! This is Hentai City, the bestest district in the whole world!”

“Hmm.” The alien put a finger to her cheek, tapping it thoughtfully. “Hentai City… Hentai City… I do not believe I have been there before! Indeed, it’s my first time hearing of such a- F-friend Raven? Are you alright? You have gone pale, and I did not know that was physically possible for you!”

“I’m… I’m fine, Star,” Raven choked, even though truly she was feeling anything but. All of the pieces had slotted into place in an instant of horrifying realisation. No city would be called ‘Hentai’ – though some websites might be. For a moment, she’d thought the woman was just playing a joke or something, but then everything started making sense

The strange lack of detail.

The lack of any men.

The clothes the women were wearing.

The figures the women were sporting.

It was only a suspicion, but the more she thought about it, the more certain she felt. And it made a worrying amount of sense. Control Freak’s device had been manipulating reality – it exploding definitely could have sent them both her and Starfire into some kind of alternate dimension - a fantasy world. One based on perverted scenarios and outright porn. One they were now trapped in, with no idea how to escape.

That wasn’t the worst part though.

The worst part was going to be explaining to Star what Hentai meant…


“I am still not sure I understand…”

“Trust me,” Raven muttered as she pushed open the door to their motel room. “You don’t want to. Just believe me when I say we want to get out of here as fast as possible.”

“Of course.” Star nodded. “But… That will not be easy. No matter how far I flew, or in which direction, I always ended up back here somehow.”

It was a few hours later, and the two heroines still hadn’t made much progress. There was no sign of any tears in reality or dimensional distortions – whatever route they’d taken to get here had clearly vanished behind them. Nor was there any sign of their teammates, or anyone who wasn’t a busty hentai maiden. They seemed to be alone – and stuck. Getting back home was going to take a while – so they’d found a place to settle down for the night.

“That’s probably the limit of this… Whatever. Reality bubble thing.” The goth waved a hand in annoyance. Why did she have to explain this stuff? She wasn’t the technobabble Titan – she did magibabble, totally different! “Just this city, and not much else.”

“It is a big city, at least…” Star sighed. “It has its own beaches, national parks, and mountain resorts!”

“Yeah, makes sense. This city was probably made to contain as many hentai settings as possible…” Raven groaned. She didn’t want to be thinking about how much sense a porn dimension made. Though at least nothing too perverted had happened while they were searching for clues…

“Eek! Tentacle beast!”

Right. Spoke too soon. Rushing to the window, the two heroines peered out, leaning over the balcony to get a view of the street below. Not far away, women were screaming and fleeing from the entrance of an alleyway, where several nefarious looking purple tendrils were already waving in the air. Yep, that made perfect sense.

“I’ll deal with this,” Raven sighed, gesturing and sending a wave of black magic down the street, blasting the creature hard enough to send it twinkling into the sky. Not the most involved approach, but screw it, she was tired – and also she didn’t want to go near anything with tentacles in a dimension like this. Could you really blame her?

She turned back to the room. Surprisingly, it seemed relatively normal. “Come on, let’s get some rest.”

“Thank you Love Warrior Airheart!” Someone yelled from outside. Blinking, Starfire looked out again, brow furrowing.

“Strange. I think they may have been referring to-”


“Ah.” The space princess turned to see her companion already asleep. Indeed, it looked like she’d fallen unconscious the moment she had fallen into bed – perhaps quite literally, given her pose. For some reason, Raven was sleeping on her front, with her ass shoved up high in the air, blanket not quite managing to cover it.

It looked quite uncomfortable, but Starfire was by no means an expert on human sleeping practices, so she let it be. After all, her friend clearly needed rest – she was so tired she’d barely gotten her cloak off!

Shaking her head, the alien retreated to her own bed across the room, and got changed into the provided nightwear. It was rather lacy, and didn’t seem entirely appropriate for bedtime clothing, but… Well, who was she to judge?

All these strange earth customs just seemed stranger to her by the minute…


The situation wasn’t looking much better in the morning. In fact, it felt just a little worse. Raven had woken in a bit of a haze – the result of poor sleep, she was sure – and had somehow managed to stumble into the shower without realising that it was occupied by a certain orange skinned companion of hers. A rather busty one – and Raven was now keenly aware of the fact, because she’d fallen face first into Starfire’s sud-covered boobs. The whole affair had left her positively dripping…

Y’know. From the shower.

And now that the two of them were sat at the breakfast bar, trying to work out their next move, she couldn’t help but keep getting distracted. Not just by her teammates boobs – no, wait, not by those at all! But rather by her outfit.

Her clothes felt a bit… No, a lot tighter than they had before. Especially around the chest. Her cloak wasn’t even buckling around her anymore, the clasp refusing the close around her nape in any kind of comfortable fashion, so she was left in just her dark purple leotard. A leotard which now had a pretty respectable cleavage window that she didn’t remember having before…

Starfire, by contrast, was looking… Well, outright bustier. Raven could swear her friend had gone up a cup size overnight. Which was the only reason she was staring at them. Totally. Fortunately for the space girl, her outfit looked to be rather more… elastic than the spellcaster’s, and it was adjusting to her ‘improved’ figure without difficulty. Still, definitely cause for control.

“Okay,” the goth finally managed after she’d gulped down an entire mug of coffee. “We need to get out of here. This place is starting to affect us.”

“Indeed,” Starfire agreed, taking another swig of her mustard. “I too have been noticing things. My shoes have gained an extra inch of heel each since we first arrived.”

Raven blinked. “That’s what you noticed?”

“Yes?” Starfire looked at her, confused. “Should I have noticed something else?”

“… No, nothing.” The gothic hero shook her head. Not worth it. “Any ideas on how to get home?”

Star looked thoughtful as she chewed her breakfast. “I suppose our best course of action is to inspect the area where we first arrived,” she said finally, swallowing. “If we can locate the portal that we came here through, then we should be able to use it to get home… Hopefully…”

“Yeah, that’s about what I was thinking.” Raven nodded. It was their best chance, all things considered.

“Well then why don’t we get started!” Suddenly, Star stood up, leaving her breakfast half finished, already half turned to head out.

Raven blinked. Leaving a meal only half eaten? That didn’t seem right. “Are you okay? You’re acting a lot more energetic today… And that’s saying something…” She muttered that last part.

“I’m just fine, Raven,” Star gave her a grin. “I just feel… What is the term… Like getting things done today, yes? Now, let’s get going!” And like that, she was gone, shooting away with little more than a trail of green light left in her wake.

The mage frowned. Something about that had felt wrong, too – but she couldn’t quite put her finger on- Ack!

“Hey, wait up!” She grabbed up the last of her breakfast and rushed off as she realised she was being left behind – a piece of toast clenched firmly between her teeth…


“Alright. So, I landed around here…”

“And I appeared over there. Ideally, the portal should be between these two spots, but I do not see it.”

The two heroines hovered over the city, scanning it for any sign of a dimensional disturbance. Alas, if there was such a thing, it wasn’t making itself obvious.

“Well, the heart of the anomaly might be hidden in one of these buildings…” Raven muttered, looking about. This part of the city was pretty densely populated. “I guess we’d better start searching.”

“Agreed. It’d be best if we split up, then – we can cover more ground separately.”

There was something oddly authoritative about Star’s tone again, but Raven ignored it, simply nodding. “Okay. I’ll start by checking that bookstore over there…” She might as well begin somewhere she felt comfortable, right?

“And I will search the park!” The Alien princess pointed to her choice, a zone of green surrounded by a sea of suburbia. “Call immediately if you find anything.”


“Right!” The pair nodded at one another, and then split up, bolts of black and green flying in separate directions – the hunt for their way home now on.


Raven regretted her choice nearly immediately. In her haste to start the hunt for home, she’d forgotten what kind of place she was dealing with. The bookstore that she’d hoped would be full of familiar musty tomes was, in fact, filled with…


“Of course!” The busty lady at the counter nodded proudly. “We carry the best porn in all of Hentai City! What can I get for you? You seem like a sparkly vampires kind of girl…”

“No! No, thanks, no.” The Goth grimaced and glanced around behind her, terrified that someone she knew might have somehow found their way into this reality and teleported in silently to overhear that (entirely accurate but she would never admit it) assessment. “Um. Do you have any… non-porn books in here?”

The shopkeeper raised an eyebrow, but shrugged. “Sure, I guess. We’ve got some old tomes in the back – I’ll take a look for you.”

“Thanks…” Raven sighed in relief as the woman retreated into the stock room, leaving her alone in the shop front. Though she couldn’t relax too much – just glancing around filled her gaze with enough lewd art to blow Beast Boy’s brain, and she really didn’t want to imagine what he’d say if he ever found out about this whole adventure.

Nope, nope, best to stop thinking about that, and take this time to look around for any signs of the portal. Nothing jumped out at her immediately in here, but perhaps a closer examination would-


Suddenly, a scream from the back of the shop! Without thinking, Raven vaulted over the counter and shoulder slammed her way past the door, years of heroine experience driving her into action. Inside, she found… Well, what she should have expected to find, honestly. The shopkeeper held up in the air by a stream of tentacles that were emerging from a glowing, floating book – already half way through tearing her clothes off.

She was really starting to hate this dimension. Well, she’d nip this in the bud, at least.

“Hold it right there!” The gothic hero blinked. Wait, why was she talking instead of blasting? Why was she just standing here pointing dramatically instead of saving this woman? “Evil books like you can never understand the virtues of gentle and consensual love! I won’t allow you to wreck your wicked ways! In the name of- Eep!”

She dodged to the side just in time, avoiding the lashing tendril that tried to snatch her up and pull her into its sordid embrace. “Azarathmetrionzinthos!”

This time she managed to resist the compulsion to give a speech, blasting the book to ashes, the tentacles vanishing into puffs of shadow. The woman fell to the floor, free – and looking quite surprised herself.

Raven naturally hurried over to help her back up. “Are you okay?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah, like, I’m totally fine.” The shopkeeper pouted on the floor for a moment, before taking the offered hand. “Just kind of a shame it was over so soon, y’know?”

“… What?”

“Oh, nothing.” Suddenly, the woman was up close, her hands clasped and her face bright. “That magic, that speech – there’s no doubt about it. You’re a hero, aren’t you?!”

Another surprised blink. “Uh. I guess?” Wasn’t that obvious, given her costume? Sure, she’d left her cloak at home, but even in this city she didn’t see many people walking around dressed like her.

But to the shopkeeper, it seemed like an incredible revelation. “Oh, I knew it! I’ve always wanted to meet a magical girl!”

… Okay, that wasn’t technically wrong, but it felt like she was making a mistake anyway…

“Don’t worry, your secret identity is safe with me!”

What secret identity?

“And if you ever need someone to cover for you, just give the word!”

This was getting out of hand.

“But I shouldn’t hog you. After all…” The woman winked. “I bet you have plenty of people out there to go and save, right?”

“Uh. S-sure…?” Screw it, she was being handed a way out of this creepy conversation, and she was going to take it. Turning to leave, the heroine took a step away, and-


“Gah!” Raven spun back around, clutching her rear, staring. What the hell?!

The woman gave her a proud thumbs up. She didn’t seem embarrassed or anything. In fact, she was acting like what she’d done was entirely natural. Which, for this city… It might be. Ugh.

Shaking her head, the goth hurried out of the store, oblivious to the extra padding her ass had developed, or the extra jiggle that had grown in her chest during her brief time in the book shop…


Starfire landed in the park to a crescendo of cries. It seemed people were already in danger here! Naturally, she went straight in to help, zipping through the trees until she found the source of the screams. A trio of women – all dressed for a day at the beach, for some reason – were surrounded by a gaggle of green skinned creatures. Goblins, if she was any judge (although she was mostly guessing from things she’d seen in some of Beast Boy’s games).

Right, she’d put a stop to this!

“Halt!” Her command roared through the clearing as her boots touched the ground, the alien princess planting her hands on her hips. “Who gave you permission to harass these bimbos? I don’t recall allowing anything of the sort today!”

Huh. That hadn’t been what she’d meant to say. Still, it felt right, didn’t it? That should resolve the situation adequately.

Things… did not go as she expected.

The goblins, for their part, instantly saluted her in a panic, before bolting off into the woods. Excuses drifted back in their wake like foam following an ocean liner.

“Sorry your highness!” “We didn’t know!” “It was Shrixles fault!”

That was a surprise, but a welcome one. Sadly, the other surprise was much less helpful.

“Ah! The Alien Queen!” One of the women screamed at the sight of her – the other two freezing, and then trying to hide behind her in terror. “We’re being invaded!”

“I’m sorry?” Star tilted her head in confusion. “I think you have become mistaken – I am here to rescue you…?

“Alien Invaders, Alien Invaders! Someone save us from the Aliens!”

Okay, now this was getting outright rude. “I understand you have had a stressful day,” she said, trying to sound calm even as her eye twitched. “But whatever your experiences have been with other aliens, I assure you that we are not all-”


Not only were they not listening – they were interrupting. Something inside Star snapped, and she growled.

“Well I wasn’t going to invade,” she snarled, looming over the women as she seemed to grow taller then and there. “But if you worms keep annoying me like this then-!”

She caught herself. No, no, she wasn’t going to talk like this. Deep, calming breaths. Keep that temper under control. They were just pitiful, puny earthlings, after all. They didn’t know any better.

As she worked to soothe her emotions, two horn-like little nubs rose up out of her forehead, slowly and steadily growing longer and longer. By the time she opened her eyes, a wavy pair of antenna were dancing gently over her eyebrows, drifting in the spring breeze…

And the women she was supposedly rescuing had vanished. That was probably for the best.

“Ugh. Earthlings.” She shook her head, stalking back into the forest – completely unaware of how she’d grown an extra foot during her ‘rescue’ operation, or of the other changes her body had gone through while she explored this dimension. “The sooner I find a way back to my homeworld, the better…”


At the end of the day, both heroines returned to their motel room with nothing to show for their efforts but awkward stories of weird almost-sex shenanigans.

“This city is annoying,” Raven muttered, slumping into the room.

“This city is worthless,” Starfire agreed, following her in, still fuming from a day of insults and suspicion.

Naturally, neither noticed the changes that the other had been through, any more than they registered their own. Bouncy busts and bopping butts were perfectly normal for these two heroes, right? Just like Star had always been over 7 feet tall, and Raven had always had an incredible hourglass figure. What could be strange about any of that?

Just like there was nothing strange about their room only having one bed.

Well, that one might have set off a few alarms, if they hadn’t both been so tired. As it was, they both just quickly got changed into their night clothes and retired for the evening.

Two busty beauties, clad in transparent negligee, unconsciously snuggling up against one another as they slept, slowly descending into lewd and lecherous dreams. They were adjusting to their new dimension nicely.


A dense fog seemed to have settled into Raven’s head by the time she awoke, gazing blearily at the rays of sunlight pouring in through the motel room’s window. A thick and cloudy haze smothering her normally sharp wits and keen insight – so much so that it took her a good five minutes to recognise that the pair of orange curtains she was peering between were, in fact, Starfire’s legs.

Sleepily, she pushed herself up a little, looking around. Somehow, she and her friend had gotten entangled overnight, and now she was laying atop the other woman. Upside down. And the other way up. It was like they were in the middle of a sixty-

“Hey there sweet cheeks~”

“Gah!” Surprised, the heroine jumped and rolled to the side – over the edge of the bed. Thud. “Ooowww…”

“Awh…” Starfire purred, looking down at her over a fluffy pillow. “Why’d you stop? Don’t you know us Sexlians need a nice big dose of stimulation in the morning to properly wake up?”

Raven frowned as she tried to process what her friend meant, but the fog in her head made it so hard. One thing did stand out though.

“Like… Don’t you mean Tamaranean, or something?”

“Yes. Why, what did I say?”

“Uh…” Huh. What had she said? Couldn’t have been important. “Dunno.”

The alien queen chuckled, sitting up in bed, her antennae flicking eagerly. There was no sign of the clothes she’d worn the night before – she was completely naked from top to toe – and once again, she seemed to have grown even bustier as she slept. “No matter then. The important thing is we finish our mission today.”

“Our… Our mission?” Raven rubbed her head. Thinking was, like, hard today. What was it they were supposed to be doing again…?

Her deep thinking came to a halt as a firm finger hooked itself under her chin, and the confused witch found herself straight into the gaze of a confident alien queen.

“Our mission to find a way back to homeworld,” Starfire purred, tickling Raven like she might a pet. “So that we might finally escape this place. Remember?”

“Uuummm…” That did sound familiar – but those burning green eyes were so captivating… It was hard to get them out of her head…

The queen giggled again. “I know you have trouble remembering, with that cute little airhead of yours, so just follow my orders, and all will be well. You can do that much, right?”

“R-right!” Follow Star’s orders. That sounded simple enough – just like her!

“Good…” The alien finally released her, sliding out of bed, and summoning her clothes – an outfit that now contained an impressive amount of black leather. “Then get dressed – and let’s get to work.”

“Y-yes your Majesty,” Raven nodded, hurrying to do as she’d been bidden. It was hard to think – but it was easy to do what she was told. Especially when her orders came from the queen of sex personified. Just being in her presence left her positively dripping…

No showers in sight this time.


Today, the first place Raven was going to search was the college. She skipped onto campus proudly, her chest bouncing merrily beneath her tight white sailor top, her purple sailor skirt fluttering with every rise and fall. She wasn’t sure where these clothes had come from, they were just all she had been able to find in the morning – but they fit her curves perfectly, so she didn’t mind. She was just here to look for the shiny thing, so they could all go home, yay!

Of course, no sooner had she arrived than she heard a cry for help. Those just seemed to follow her around these days. And while a lot may have changed about her – though she was blissfully unaware of it – the fact that she was a hero hadn’t shifted one bit.

Though it had taken a slightly different form…

Reacting on instinct alone, the ditzy goth reached into her cleavage – her new top’s buttons had outright refused to do up all the way – and pulled out a magical wand, tipped by a purple heart with raven wings. What it was and where she’d gotten it were complete mysteries to her, but then, a lot of things were these days. What she did know was to hold it up over her head whenever there was trouble, and to call out:

“Love Warrior – Henshin!”

There was a flash of bright pink light, and she felt the strangest sensation. It was as if she was spinning in place as her clothes burst apart into little love heart shaped scraps, leaving her completely naked – and then new clothes began to materialise around her out of light. Purple-lined high heels, white stockings, a purple mini-skirt, a white sailor top with a purple ribbon, and a pink tiara sliding over her forehead, inlaid with a ruby gem. And of course, each new item of clothing was paired with a fun provocative pose – a kick of her legs, a shimmy of her ass, a jiggle of her tits, before finishing with her blowing a cheeky kiss to the camera…

… Then the ‘sensation’ that couldn’t possibly have happened and definitely wasn’t made up of tons of reusable footage ended, and she opened her eyes to find herself clad in her uniform as the heroine and protector of Hentai City:

“Love Warrior Airheart is here!”

There was a polite round of applause from the crowd (that she had not even thought to move away from before transforming) and some cheers as she waved and bowed, giving everyone a flash of cleavage up top and a panty shot down below. Then there was another scream, and she remembered what she was supposed to be doing.

Dashing after the sound, she quickly stumbled upon quite the scene – a class of maidens being harassed in their classroom by that most dangerous of foes – sex ninja! Busty women dressed in black, who knew all sorts of pressure point and acupuncture techniques. One touch and they could make you orgasm your brains out – which seemed to have happened to a few students already, judging by the drooling and the juices!

“Hold it right there, villains!” Airheart jumped in, landing on a desk and striking a pose. “This is, like, a place of learning and stuff! Take your sordid orgies somewhere else already!”

“Ah, come on, Airheart,” one of the ninja spoke up confidently, obviously very familiar with the city’s magical protector. “We’re just giving them a little sex education~”

“Oh, okay then, I’ll just-Waaaaaaait a second.” The ditzy guardian paused just as she was about to leave. “You guys aren’t teachers. None of you look stuffy enough!”

Everyone knew that teachers in Hentai College had to look frumpy until they took their tops off – that was just the rules!

“Damn, she saw through it.” The ninja, obviously the group’s leader, shrugged. “Oh well. Get her girls!”

The ninjas charged – but their opponent was ready for them. Raising her wand, Love Warrior Airheart let out a fierce cry. “Love Bliss Beam!”

Pink light exploded out, crashing over everyone – the ninjas, the students, even the teacher. The entire room was bathed in blissful pink warmth. And before anyone could react, everyone caught under that shine began to change…

Busts swelled. Hips cracked. As one, the academic and ninja population of this one classroom suffered a severed drop in collective IQ as their brains drained down into their tits. Skirts shortened. Tops tightened. Eyes glazed. Brains shrank.

And by the time the light died down, every woman in the room had been thoroughly and completely transformed into a school-girl style bimbo. Well, every woman save on – the one at the heart of it all.

“There!” Love Warrior Airheart lowered her wand with a sigh of relief. “Another day saved, and another group of people made, like, super happy – all thanks to me~” The magical girl posed proudly, her job done.

“Thanks, Love Warrior Airheart!” Came the chorus of cheers as the bimbos that had, until moments ago, been smart students or nefarious ninja, applauded her victory. Certainly, none of them were going to say she maybe should have handled things a different way – they were far too busy making out!

Thus, the heroine skipped away once again. Time to go looking for… Whatever it was she had been looking for! Or whatever. If she’d forgotten, it couldn’t have been that important…


Starfire set down in the middle of the street she was to search, dressed in her favourite outfit – a flowing dark ballgown that would have looked more at home on a wealthy woman attending the most high class function imaginable. The black fabric flowed around her, parted in the middle to give a good view of her bare orange legs and black heels, tight around her middle and tight again in the chest, where her boobs were practically bursting out of the cleavage line. It was a choice of wardrobe that spoke of class and grace. It was a choice that boasted about how much better she was than the people around her. And it was a choice that did nothing to stop the people around her from panicking and hurling insults as they recognised one of the biggest invader threats to the city.

But that just made her grin. She had chosen a very populated neighbourhood for this very reaction.

This time, the screams didn’t irritate her. No, not at all. After all – why would the fear of such insignificant creatures bring her anything but joy? It was good for these pathetic worms to understand their place – to understand that a superior life form walked among them.

Of course, it would be better for them to fall to their knees to serve her, but she had ways of dealing with that too.

One of the women – a tomboy, by the look of her, dressed in a punk jacket and a denim skirt – threw a rock at her. How kind of her to volunteer.

The rock bounced off of the Queen’s personal forcefield. No threat to her at all. And in response, Starfire raised a single finger, pointing at her attacker. A beam of shining green light shot forward, and consumed the woman in an instant, before she even had the chance to scream.

A moment later, and the light cleared to reveal a very different figure. Blue latex covered her from head to toe, skintight to present her curves to the world. Her bust even seemed to have grown a few sizes from the process, and had her muscles, giving her arms and legs a firm, powerful build. Her face was completely blank, all of her features smoothed away, and her pose was stiff and robotic. The woman’s entire identity had been erased, removed in an instant.

Where before had stood a human woman, now stood a busty, buff, blank faced drone, locked in salute to her Mistress.

“Welcome to the Sexlian Empire,” Star purred, stroking her new minion’s enhanced chest fondly. Then, with a flick of her fingers, she zapped the rest of the former tomboy’s group of friends as well, creating a good half dozen more multi-coloured latex minions.

That was when the crowds really started to panic.

The Queen smiled, commanding her new minions to follow after her with a snap of her fingers, which the drones did with a robotic pace. The Alien Queen continued on, casually walking through the city, turning anyone who tried to resist her – or who she particularly liked the look of – into more identical blank faced drones, each a new colour of the rainbow.

Ah, it was so nice to let loose and collect some new foot soldiers for her schemes of galactic conquest… But, of course, all of this was simply a warm up for the main event. Her true target hadn’t shown herself yet. But as long as she kept this up, then surely, sooner or later…

The woman who was supposed to be the guardian of this pathetic city would arrive…


“Stop right there!” The cry rang out across the city, and as one eyes everywhere turned upwards. There, atop one of the tallest buildings in the district, stood the unmistakable silhouette of a true warrior of Justic and Love! “Your sexy minion making march ends now!”

‘Finally’ the Queen thought, looking up with an eager smile. Her real mission had begun.

“Ahahahaha!” She raised her arms to the sky, flashing a truly savage grin. “At last! You finally show up! Have you finally decided to join my army, Airhead?”

Atop the building, the purple haired magical girl gasped. “I should have known you were behind this, Space Queen Sta’fier! Let those people go!”

“What people?” The alien snorted. “They’re just minions now – just like you will be if you keep getting in my way!”

Neither woman recognised each other, save as their despised arch enemy. They certainly didn’t recall that they had woken up in each other’s arms (or legs) this morning. Why would they? Such things couldn’t possibly have happened – they’d been fighting over the fate of Hentai City for years!

Their original goals, their original lives, all of that had been forgotten as they sank deeper into their new reality, everything that didn’t fit the roles they had been given erased.

There was no trace of Starfire, the gentle, loving, heroic Tamaranean here – just Space Queen Sta’fier of the Sexlian Empire, towering over the human population in her noblewoman’s dress, flanked by an army of faceless, busty drones. And against her…. Well, Raven wouldn’t have even been able to spell her old name if asked. The mystical master of the Titans had become a total ditz – the innocent (if a little perverted) student Rae by day, the airheaded, busty heroine Love Warrior Airheart by night, dressed as skimpily as possible to spread the power of love wherever she went!

Nope, no Titans here – just an Alien Queen and a Magical Girl, poised for their final battle.

“Enough talk, foolish warrior Airhead!” Sta’fier raised both hands, green minionizing light gathering between her palms. “Let’s settle this, once and for all!”

“Fine!” The Love Warrior raised her wand, glowing pink with power. “I’ll totally stop you for good this time!”

Final words spoken, a hush descended over the city. All waited with baited breath to see what would happen. Would their magical protector win the fight? Or were they all destined to become latex drones under the Alien Empire?

As one, they moved, charging at one another, yelling their attacks for all to hear.

“Love Bliss Beam!”

“Minion Be Mine!”

Green light shot upwards as pink light blasted down. The two beams collided, the two colours crashing, melding, struggling with one another, both desperately trying to achieve superiority, before becoming an explosion of white light that rocked the city.

All fell silent. A haze of smoke obscured the fighters, hiding the result of their clash from awed eyes, dragging out the runtime just a bit longer to fill the episode. And then, when it cleared…

“Ooooh, like… What was I doing again?” A very busty red headed bimbo stumbled out of the smoke, her tits – at least twice as big as her head, without a hint of sag or fakeness – jiggling in her black micro-bikini. “I feel like I was doing something, like, super important…”

She thought for a moment, and then gave up, giggling. There wasn’t a single shred of intelligence in her emerald green eyes, nor any capacity for in-depth thought. Just another beach babe ready to work on her tan – though she might not need to do too much. Her skin was already kind of orange. Though she might have wanted to get those little nubs on her forehead checked out – they almost looked like antennae…

As she wandered off down the street, she left behind a mindless standing army of drones, all standing at attention in the street, waiting for their next order. Red drones, green drones, blue drones…

And, standing a little apart from the rest, a strange, purple drone – one that hadn’t been there before (though of course, the bimbo didn’t notice that). She was a little different from the others – her bust was bigger, her muscles more powerful…

But ultimately, she was just as mindless a minion as the rest, waiting for a powerful Alien Queen to give her an order that would fill her empty head. And here she would remain, thinking a blissful nothingness, until someone did just that.

Raven? Starfire? Nope, no one like that here. Just another pair of hentai girls - a mindless, blank faced drone, and a brainless, busty bimbo.

They’d settled into their new dimension very nicely indeed~


Next time, on Love Warrior Airheart…!

“The Love Wand always chooses the purest heart – and now that means you, Princess Saffire!”

“Emergency Code 6969 – Promoting the minion with the most potential to replace the fallen Queen…!”

“I will protect Hentai city as, like, the new Love Warrior Airheart!”

“Ahahaha, foolish girl! Hentai City will soon belong to me – Demon Space Queen Rav’hen!”

All that, and more… Next time, on Love Warrior Airheart!


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