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Hey folks!

Still busy over here preparing for my trip, sorting out life stuff, etc etc etc, you know how this kind of stuff goes. But even though the subscriptions have all been paused for this month, I still don't want to leave you all with nothing, so here, have another short.

I hope all is going well out there - see you next week!


“Hey there, Nep heads! How’s it going out there?” Everyone’s favourite purple haired heroine grinned at the camera, controller in hand. “Ready to kick some butt? Because I’m about to try out the latest Planeptune masterpiece RPG, and I’ve got a hankering for some boss flattening!”

Some might consider streaming to be beneath the dignity of a goddess. That it was too common an activity, too low brow and crass. Goddesses were supposed to be divine examples of how to act – having even one of them stoop to doing gaming streams devalued them all!

… Whoever these people were, one certainly hopes that they get the help they need – and that they never meet any of the goddesses that they were supposedly defending. One rage fit from Blanc or a three day gaming marathon from Vert and their image of what a goddess was ‘supposed’ to be might never recover.

Neptune was obviously not one of these people. In fact, when the concept of ‘streaming’ had first made its way into the lands of Gameindustri, she’d been one of the first curious viewers to tune in and watch. Though it hadn’t interested her all that much, to be honest – why watch other people play video games instead of just playing them herself? So she’d kind of just tuned it out and gone back to her consoles, her true love (aside from pudding).

Then, to Histoire’s eternal despair, someone – probably Nepgear, she was always far too supportive of her elder sister’s bad habits – had suggested that Neptune give being an actual streamer a try. Of course she’d just meant it as a hobby – but Neptune had quickly realised that she could use this as a way to gather shares. Playing video games and getting paid for it? The only way it could be better is if they paid her to eat pudding at the same time!

Unfortunately, by then she was a little late on the scene. By now everyone already had their own favourite streamer to watch – the market was kind of saturated. How was a girl like her to make a dent?

It didn’t help that the other CPUs had beaten her to the punch. Noire had, of course, developed the most advanced streaming tech known to goddess kind over in Lastation, and had carved out a dedicated niche for herself in strategy games. Vert was naturally infamous for her 48 hour world-first streams in various MMOS – she’d even taken to doing multiple games at once to satisfy her grinding itch. And Blanc had gotten her name out there running a lot of platformers and younger audience games – though the real thing her audience was always waiting to see was the swearing fits that came whenever she got a game over…

Yeah, they kind of had a lot of the streaming audience covered. What was left for poor little Nep? How could she elbow her way into this industry? It seemed completely out of her reach!

But a good Nep never gave up! And she had ideas. Awful, awful ideas that someone absolutely should have said no to, but since Histoire had washed her hands of this entire project, no one was going to. Ah well. It probably wouldn’t be too bad. What could be the harm in getting a little flirty with the audience? Fanservice was what people wanted, right?

So, she’d started putting on a little makeup…

“You like? I figured I’d put on my best face for when I beat this mother-nepping final boss today…”

And maybe dressing in lower cut tops…

“Coming to you live from the Planeptune basilicom, where it is a scorching 85 degrees because some little sister who will not be named decided that our air conditioner was ‘inefficient’, so today I’m dressing down a little…”

Come on, Vert did it all the time! And Nep had way less to share there, to her eternal lament. Where was the problem?

And, slightly depressingly, it was working. Her viewer count was climbing, and her market share was increasing. This was even starting to feel like a good idea!

So naturally, Neptune decided to go in on viewer engagement even harder.

“Okay, tonight, every time I lose a life I’ll do ten jumping jacks! Don’t worry, I get achievements for stuff like this in every game…”

“Oooh, thank you for the super chat, Iheartypurplebabes~” She winked at the audience. “I promise I’ll try extra hard just for you…”

“Mmmn…” She slowly licked her spoon clean, never breaking eye contact with the camera. “I do love me some good pudding…”

The results were incredible. Views and shares skyrocketed. Complaints flooded in from other nations, especially from Lastation (because Noire didn’t know that Neptune could easily see her fellow CPU was a loyal subscriber who never missed a stream, the silly tsundere).

But, unfortunately for Neptune, incredible results came with incredible consequences. Ones that she really should have caught before it was too late. For you see, these new shares that the CPU was taking in, they were all born from one source – the arousal of her followers. Thus, they were all constructed of one thing – pure, unadulterated lust.

And shares like that could have quite the effect on an unsuspecting goddess…

“Mmn… Is it warm in here?“ The protagonist of protagonists looked around, just after she’d started today’s stream. “I feel hot today. Strange, I thought Nep Junior fixed the air con. Oh well!” She shrugged and grinned at the camera. “I’m sure my fans won’t mind if I get a little sweaty today, right?”

The surge of comments shooting through her chat screen told her she was absolutely correct about that fact. Hee, she was going to be raking in the shares today!

But something was different about this show. There was a certain magic in the air – a lusty kind. And it soon made itself apparent.

“Huh.” Neptune looked down as she was about to start up the game. There was something in the way between her head and her controller…

“Hey Chat, did my boobs get bigger?” She giggled, leaning forward so that they could get a good view to judge, and sticking her tongue out when she saw her viewership explode.

That was ridiculous, of course. As a CPU she didn’t really age or change. She was eternal goddess. Even if she maybe wanted to edit a few details, her character model was set in stone. Nope, no matter how much bigger they maybe looked – and wow, it definitely looked like she’d gone from cherries to oranges – there was no way she’d actually grown. Her top must’ve just shrunk or something. Yep!

So she sat back and didn’t think too hard about it, focusing on her game, and ignoring the way her chest seemed to grow heavier and heavier the more people logged on to watch…

Also, was it just her, or was it awfully drafty in here? Not that she was complaining, duh, she was still super-hot for some reason – but it was weird…

It couldn’t possibly be because her clothes really were shrinking, though. No, despite her remembering putting on a classic Planeptune this morning (the one with the zip so she could tease her audience), the fact that she was now wearing a tight white t-shirt instead made perfect sense! And huh, when had her purple nep skirt turned into purple nep shorts? These things were hugging her curves pretty firmly! … Oh well, probably no big deal…

In fairness to Nep, though, her obliviousness to what was happening was only half due to her regular combination of laziness and ditziness.

The other half…

“Hey, guys, like, help me out here,” the goddess/streamer cried, biting her lip and leaning in closer to the game screen, currently displaying her character’s equipment. “These numbers are totally big and confusing! Like, what am I supposed to do with these?”

… Was because shares built on lust weren’t interested in a particularly smart idol. Brains were absolutely not required here – and so Neptune’s rather unused, but still impressively bright thought thinkers were draining out of her ears. Her INT parameter was suddenly listed as CHA on her stat screen, as it were.

In other words, she was bimbofying at a rapid pace, her eyes dulling, her top shrinking and her tits swelling live before everyone’s eyes. And every extra bimbo % that patched in was drawing more and more views. She was well on route to being the biggest livestream in all of Gameindustri right now!

But things couldn’t continue like this. Neptune was really struggling now. Sure, she was flirting and posing for the audience, and the unending sea of super chats was sending constant sparks of heat and pleasure up between her legs… But, like, this game was way way harder than she remembered! How had she been playing this so easily before? Ugh, it was like, super lame!

Wait tho. She could always try that. Yeah, that’d definitely help!

“This one’s getting a bit tough for me,” she stage whispered to her camera, making sure to give them a big flash of her booba as she did. “I think it’s time for my secret weapon~”

She held up her hand, power swirling around her, stepping back so that the audience could get a full view. “CPU – Transform!”

Pink light flashed.

Now, normally, using her CPU form would have been a terrible idea. Goddess Purple Heart was a very different woman from her normal self. Where Neptune was a wily goof, Purple Heart was a straight forward badass. Nep would happily laze around all day eating pudding – Purple Heart would get kind of bored without something to be heroic at. They were an interesting dichotomy, two parts of the greater whole that was Nep.

So naturally, her ‘big’ self would have had absolutely no interest in showing off for an audience. She’d be a hit, of course – Purple Heart was a knockout whatever game she appeared in – but the lack of willing spirit would show.

That was during normal times. Right now, though… Well, it was still a terrible idea – in fact, it was worse than ever – but now it was terrible for very different reasons. As a full CPU, she was more affected by share energy than anyone else, and the lustful share energy that had been building inside her was already primed to go off with just the slightest spark. Activating her other form was like throwing a bunch of lit fireworks into a gunpowder factory.

No, worse. There were now so many lust shares that they couldn’t be contained within one single CPU. As her transformation began, the power exploded out of her, a shining bright pink enveloping everything. Amplified by the basilica, waves of lust washed over the entirety of Planeptune, reshaping the nation into a much lewder bent. Game stores stock filled with porographic titles, quest boards flooded with requests for escorts and strippers, and a lot of wandering NPCs found themselves busty and brainless, no matter what (legally distinct) characters they had been before!

And at the centre of it all, a new goddess was taking form.

Smooth legs kicked, covered by only the flimsiest of black armour, ready to break at the slightest hit. A fat booty swished, crammed into black armoured shorts that looked fit to burst any second. Plump boobs jiggled, each far bigger than their owner’s head and barely contained by the barest threads of black armour. And wide, innocent, vapid eyes opened, a stupid, sexy smile lazily stretching across a mature face…

“Ooohhhhh…” The CPU purred, leaning back in the hot-tub that had just materialised around her. Then she seemed to notice the camera. “Oh hey guys! Like, when did you get here?”

Yep. Despite the bigger frame and deeper voice, there was no mistaking it – this woman had been bimboed down to her very core.

Purple Heart – no, Purple Bimbo – giggled, splashing closer to the camera. “Like what you see~?” She reached up and squeezed her tits together, water streaming down the valley her cleavage made. Good lord, she was bigger than Green Heart. “I was just setting up my next adult stream when I just got soooo hot I needed to cool down~”

She splashed the water a little. “It’ll be fun! The more you donate, the more I get to take off~” She hooked a tempting finger under her top. “I’d love to give you a preview, buuut it’s 18+ o n l e y~” She whispered to the camera, completely oblivious to how she’d just misspelled ‘only’. “So I’ll have to, like, see you there! ‘Til then, I’ll see you in your wet dreams~ Mwah~!”

Her plump lips kissed the camera, and then the stream itself went dark. Her adult stream would go live in thirty minutes time – it was going to do record numbers. Good enough that it was absolutely going to become a regular thing – and good enough to guarantee that Purple Bimbo had only just begun embodying the lust of her followers.

… And, of course, good enough that certain other goddesses were starting to get ideas…

“Well of course Neptune turned her brains into tits, but I’m far smarter, so I’m sure I’ll be fine. Lastation won’t fall behind Planeptune that easily!”

“Huh. So I could get bigger boobs just like that? Fuck yeah, sign me the hell up!”

“How dare she steal my throne! I won’t rest until my tits are three times her size!”

It was going to be a very interesting new era for Gameindustri…


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