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Annnnd we're back!

How's it going folks? I hope everyone had a good July - and that good fortune continues as we head into August. I'll post more about where I'm at in a status post in a moment, so why don't we just get right into it with some classical bimbofication? At long last I'm posting up the third part of the Nanoha Dumbers series, after far too many delays. I hope folks enjoy!

Previous parts can be found here:

Part 1: Get Dumber (Nanoha Bimbofication) | Patreon

Part 2: Get Dumb(er) Part 2 (Nanoha bimbofication) | Patreon


Nanoha descended into the depths of Quattro’s lair without a moment’s hesitation, her magic on full flare, scanning constantly for any traps or snares. She knew better than most just how twisted the villain’s mind could get – there was a sadistic edge to her that few people had gotten to see in person. She’d hidden it from even her fellow Numbers until she’d thought she was free to unleash. Now she had no reason to hide, and so if anything she was likely to be worse than ever…

But then, that was exactly why she and her fellow agents were here. To stop her in tracks, and bring this incident to an end before it could even get started. She had absolute confidence in Fate and Signum to fulfil their roles in all this – now she just had to fulfil hers. And hey, if she could do it quickly, the other two might never have to put themselves in danger at all!

Yes, that was just how the mind of the Ace of Aces worked – and it was something that had gotten her into trouble before. There was such a thing as working too hard, after all. But then, this was a serious situation. It really shouldn’t be surprising that she was going to go all out.

“Quattro!” The mage swooped to a stop at the bottom of the elevator shaft and blasted the doors waiting for her open. “Where are you? If you surrender right now, I’m prepared to offer leniency! We can forget this whole thing ever happened. If not…” Raising Heart thrummed at her side, pink energy gathering around it. “Then I’ll bring this entire place down on your head!”

“Well someone hasn’t changed.” A holographic screen flickered to life next to Nanoha, the escaped criminal’s smug face displayed proudly upon it. “Fortunately, that’s just what I was counting on!”

Behind the Ace, a blast door slammed shut, cutting her off from the elevator she’d descended down, and her only route of escape. And as it did, once again the walls and floor of the room around her retracted, revealing row upon row of blasters and robots aiming cannons straight at her. And at the back, a very eager looking Quattro, hands poised over the controls for all of it.

“Thanks so much for coming down here on your own,” she giggled, a crazed smile on her face. “Now let’s see how you like being hit dead on with pure destruction! Fire!”

She slammed her fist down on the console, and every device around the room opened up, blasting at Nanoha with everything they had. Beams of light combined with explosive shells and waves of fire, all crashing down on the mage without cease. The onslaught must have lasted for at least a full minute, Quattro having put everything she had into this ambush.

Then, after the final shot was fired, there was silence. Smoke drifted as bits of rubble crumbled from the ceiling, clattering off the floor. And then…

“My turn.”

The smoke exploded outwards, clearing to reveal the Ace of Aces without so much as a scratch on her, and with her counter attack fully charged. A good dozen or so orbs of light were swirling around her, each growing in strength and intensity with every second, all in sync with the blast forming on the tip of Raising Heart. Her eyes were like those of a demon as they coldly fell upon their target, the terrified Number at the back of the room.

“Thank you for scattering so much mana around,” the mage said, her voice as cold as her gaze. “Here, have it back. STARLIGHT BREAKER!”

Light filled the lab, a line of pure destruction slicing clean through every shield, every reinforced wall, every single piece of protective armour that the villainess had been able to cobble together, smashing into the panicked Number at full speed before cleaving straight through the back wall, off into the distance as it carved a tunnel down into the earth.

Silence returned, save for some distant rumbling as walls and ceilings crashed down, their supports atomised. It was fortunate that magical damage could be specifically limited to refrain from directly killing living beings, or else

And yet, of Quattro, there was no sign. Not as the light died down, or the smoke cleared. There was not so much as a trace of her blue Number bodysuit, a strand of her long brown hair, or even a discarded pair of those tacky glasses she wore to make herself look more harmless. Where a defeated villain should have lain, there was nothing.

Nanoha should have been curious about that, or perhaps even alarmed, and jumped straight to investigating what had happened – but she didn’t move. Instead, she just stood there, her arm still raised to hold up Raising Heart, barely even blinking as the after-effects of her attack died down. She seemed to be almost frozen in place, either unwilling or unable to act.

Even she wasn’t sure what was going on – and yet, she couldn’t quite motivate herself to puzzle it out. She knew, vaguely, that she should be doing something. Locating Quattro and securing her, most likely. But that knowledge was distant, as though it only applied to some character she was watching on TV – it didn’t feel relevant to her in the here and now. Nothing did. There was this strange void of motivation in her chest that swallowed up every impulse to do… anything.

She was helpless.

That didn’t change, even when she heard the sound of an invisibility field being deactivated next to her, or when she felt an overly familiar arm slide around her shoulders, and a hated voice speak up from right beside her ear.

“You can put that down now,” Quattro said, giggling as her hand slid down Nanoha’s arm and patted her wrist, just over where she held her device. “Just drop it.”

It was a ridiculous idea – but the Ace of Aces couldn’t find it in herself to resist her command. Where refusal should have bubbled up, there was just empty space. Without a moment’s hesitation, her hand opened, and her staff, her treasured partner, fell to the floor with a clatter.

“Raising Heart, was it?” The brown haired number giggled, kicking the weapon away. “Heh, a cute little device, but my my, it’s very out of date. How long have you had it?”

She left a gap for Nanoha to answer, as if it was a legitimate question. But why on earth would she ever-?

“Nearly 14 years.” The words just tumbled from her lips, monotone. They sounded as emotionless as her heart felt right now.

The answer drew an outright laugh from the Number. “14 years? Are you crazy? Using the same device for well over a decade? And they say I’m insane.” She shook her head, gently lowering Nanoha’s arm to her side like she was some kind of doll. The brunette didn’t resist. “I’m sure it’s had plenty of upgrades, but some security flaws can’t just be programmed out. It only took me a few minutes to hack my way into its systems once I had you trapped in my little lair here. And once I was in, I made a few changes to some of your spells~”

Grinning, the villainess lowered her arm to around Nanoha’s waist, and began to walk, encouraging her strangely stunned captive to keep in step. Without motivation not to, the mage did exactly that, being led off into a non-destroyed portion of the lab without fuss.

“I bet that you liked all that mana I left scattered around in here, didn’t you?” Quattro continued to talk as they went. “That was deliberate, sweetie – I needed to use that stupid starlight attack of yours, or I would have been in big trouble! But luckily, the TSAB’s big bad Ace is shockingly predictable~ Heh heh, I’ve been studying you ever since our last encounter. Working out exactly how to have my revenge. And luckily for me, you’re a dumbass! You’re always such a direct thinker! Got a problem? Just full power blast through it! So predictable, Nana, so easy to exploit!”

She giggled, patting her oddly compliant captive on the cheek as she led her into another room. This one appeared to be some sort of command centre – clearly the room Quattro had actually been operating from this entire time.

“I made a teeny tiny tweak to your spell – I made it so that instead of ambient magic, it used your own willpower as fuel. You, ah, clearly had quite a lot…” The Number glanced behind her nervously at the gigantic crater that had once been her backup lab, before the doors slid shut on it. “But now it’s all gone – blasted away at a simple decoy projection of yours truly. And without your will, you’re pretty much just a very powerful puppet for me to play with~”

It was the truth – Nanoha could sense it clearly, if she cared to. But she didn’t even have the energy to do that much. The hollowness that resonated through her prevented her from even being able to react to Quattro’s underhanded methods. All she could do was stare blankly forward, and walk where she was led. Her best hope was that the villain would talk so long that she’d be able to recover – but even hoping for that was beyond her as she was now.

Luckily, Quattro seemed quite happy to play into that hope, even without her input. The brown haired combat cyborg was happily chattering away. “F was the one I was really worried about. She was always the smart one between you two, right? That’s why I made sure to take care of her first.” Her grin widened. “Wanna see what I did?”

She didn’t, of course – she didn’t want anything right now. Had she been capable, though, her heart would have beat faster with dread. Indeed, even through her will-less state, the thought of her beloved Fate was almost enough to make her worry. Almost.

But instead, she just watched with no expression on her face as Quattro turned her towards a large screen that took up one whole wall of the room. It lit up, showing a bizarre a scene of a blonde woman in a pink body suit – a woman with ludicrous curves, locked in a strange mechanical machine. Her tongue was hanging out, drooling into her massive tits as the machine… did something to her, her silver helmet crackling with pink energy.

“I think I’m giving her more pleasure than you ever did,” the Number whispered cruelly in her ear. “You never fucked her brains out, after all~”

Then she leaned back. “As for your boring pink haired friend, she’s… Actually I’ve no idea where she is, but she might be one of these girls.” She snapped her fingers, and the picture of the strange woman was replaced by a split screen image of a half-dozen or so pink body suit wearing busty blondes, all tottering around the facility in their silver helmets, maintaining the machines, mindlessly making out, or masturbating. “Maybe. Probably not. But you get the idea.”

Nanoha didn’t understand – naturally. She couldn’t make the connection in her head. She couldn’t understand why Quattro was showing her these images. Where was Fate? Where was Signum? Who… Who were these people…?

Perhaps that confusion showed, somehow, because Quattro laughed. “Oh wow, you really can’t recognise them, can you? Ah, that’s wonderful~ I thought I’d make you despair, just a little, showing you their fates, but it’s even better knowing that you’re incapable of recognising the most important people in your life~!”

The Ace should have been offended, she was sure. Should have been upset or angry or… something. She knew that. But she just couldn’t find the energy. But… Maybe this was a good sign? Knowing something was wrong was better than nothing. Maybe whatever Quattro had done to her was starting to wear off…?

If so, it had better speed up, because now the Number was walking and talking again. “Now, I bet you’re wondering – what am I going to do with you, hm?”

She wasn’t – but she was starting to. Just keep talking…

Quattro, naturally, did just that. She giggled as they walked through another door, into a white chamber much smaller than the command centre. There were no computers or screens in here – just a large metal chair surrounded by devices and thick restraints. Nanoha didn’t get much of a chance to study it before she was being sat down in it, the restraints locking hard around her arms and legs.

“Mmmn, now this…” The villain leaned over her, studying her eyes and running a hand along the front of her barrier jacket. “I went pretty fast with F, didn’t want her figuring a way out. And the other one, eh, I just wanted to do a little science experiment with her. But you? You, I want to take my time with. I want to enjoy this~”

“So!” She lent back, hitting a button on one of her many consoles. “First, let’s do something about that outfit. You’ve got a new uniform to put on~”

As she spoke, the mage could feel her barrier jacket begin to fray and flicker. The white clothing that had served as her armour for years was being unravelled by precision targeted anti-magic fields. Normally she could have done something about that, but her will to resist still hadn’t returned to her. All she could do was lay back as her clothing dissolved – replaced by her ordinary clothing as a military officer.

That brown uniform wasn’t to last long either. As her magic failed, the chair switched from generating AMFs to actual cutting lasers, which sliced the fabric to ribbons, and then sucked it all away, leaving her naked in the cold grip of solid metal.

There was a twinge. A spark of… embarrassment? Discomfort? Of something. It was distant and failed to ignite her heart, but it was there. The will drain was wearing off…

Would it be fast enough, though? She could feel something seeping down her body, sprayed out from the chair and soon covering her from the neck down. It settled quickly. Firmly. Wrapping her in a tight, slick second skin. Nanoha couldn’t turn her head to look, but a grinning Quattro quickly provided a holographic mirror. And in its reflection, the helpless mage could see she was now wearing a pink body suit – just like all the women she’d been shown earlier…

“Don’t you look nice? Ah, but that’s just the outfit. We really ought to get started on your body, too…”

She pressed another button, and pink crackling energy flowed through the Ace’s body, making her gasp as her cells were primed and her body set for what was to come.

“Now, I’ve been lecturing all day,” Quattro continued, “so I’ll save on the specifics – let’s just say that the better you feel, the better your body will get, and the smaller your brain will be! And since I’m going to be keeping you as my personal Dumber, to use and abuse as I see fit… Well, let’s make sure you have the tits to match, right?”

Another press of a button – and the machine sprang to life. Plastic cups snaked out on long metal tentacles, sealing themselves over Nanoha’s breasts and starting to massage them, as thick, tingly feeling shafts began to thrust into her lower holes – starting slow and steady, but slowly gaining in momentum and force. Soon, pleasure was starting to pour through the mage’s body – and as it did, that body was starting to change. Her breasts were beginning to grow, as her hips started to thicken… And even in her unmotivated head, she could feel her thoughts starting to slow, like they were caught in syrup…

“Let me tell you a little secret…” Quattro leaned in close, practically laying over Nanoha’s expanding chest to ‘whisper’ in her ear. “I’ve got a special, secret weapon I’ve been saving to deal with those mean ol’ soldiers you left outside my front door. It’s just needed one last component to make it work – a Dumber with exceptionally fine magic potential. And wouldn’t you know it – you’re an exceptionally fine mage~”

She giggled and winked. “So once we’ve got you nice and Dumbed down… Well, I won’t spoil it. But don’t worry. Your friends won’t be far behind you.”

Her words slid through the mage’s shrinking brain – and sent a shiver down her spine. N- no… No… No! No, she couldn’t allow this! She- She had to stop her. She had to do something!

Suddenly, the sparks finally caught, and the flame of will began to stoke in Nanoha’s chest once more. Her head buzzed as her mind started to tick over properly once more – not helped by the slick, syrupy feeling of her thoughts, slowly trying to move. But she didn’t need to think about this – she just had to resist. Resist the pleasure building up in her body – resist the urge to give in and let her mind melt out of her. She just had to resist!

Oblivious to the struggle happening in front of her, Quattro clapped her hands eagerly as she watched her scans of the mage climb towards a climax. “Looks like you’re nearly ready! Ready to cum those silly brains of yours out? Here, I’ll count you down. Five… Four… Three…!”

Nnn…! This was it. She could feel it. The machines were ramping up – the massaging, groping of her tits, the furious pounding of her ass, the delightful fucking of her pussy – ahhh, ah, it was all so much! It was building, trying to push her over the edge! But- but she couldn’t… She couldn’t let herself cum…!

“Two… One… And…!”

Pleasure pulsed. Her body shook. Everything was primed.

But Nanoha held on. She refused. She resisted. She wouldn’t let this happen.

“Oh!” The Number looked genuinely surprised as nothing happened, her eyes going wide as she realised her count had ended in a literal anti-climax. “Is that… disobedience I see? Inner strength? Will power?” She peered in closer, marvelling at the sight of Nanoha glaring at her. “Amazing! I never imagined you could recover so fast! Is this the will of a hero?”

The mage glared at her with all of her might, red in the face as the machine continued to pleasure her. “You…” She managed to gasp. “You’ll never… get away with this…!”

“Wow. It really is the will of a hero.” Quattro stared, stunned. Then she smirked. “Oh well. Let’s get that taken care of, shall we?”

Reaching up, she yanked a silver helmet away from the ceiling, and slammed it over her captive’s head.

Nanoha grit her teeth. This was it. This was what she had to hold out against. Whatever brainwashing Quattro was about to attempt, she had to resist it with all she had. The longer she held out, the better her chances. If she could just recover a little more willpower, she could break out of here, defeat the mad cyborg, and get her and her friends cured of this whole ‘Dumber’ thing, she was sure. It’d be hard, yes, but she was the Ace of Aces! There was nothing she couldn’t-

The visor over her eyes lit up, pink spirals swirling in front of her.

Her jaw dropped open, drool pouring out to pool in her tits as her mind winked out, her resistance snuffed in an instant. It was like trying to fight the sun with a snowflake.

Quattro snickered. “Sorry, bitch. A little regained willpower isn’t going to cut it~ You’re mine, and you’re staying that way. Forever.”

She lifted the helmet back up to reveal Nanoha’s eyes, now filled with pink spirals, and her stupid, vapid smile. “Now, are you ready to be my good little dumb bimbo slut?”

“Yes Mistress!” If she could have, the enslaved, brain drained Ace would have saluted, her smile growing wider. Her shrinking mind had been thoroughly reprogrammed in a single instant.

The Number grinned. “Good girl. Then cum!”

And at her command, Nanoha came – her brain emptying out, every last thought and memory vanishing as they squirted out of her cunt, pounded out of her by Quattro’s machine, or plumped up her tits even more. There was no resistance this time – no stalling or pause. Just a mesmerised heroine cumming her brains out.

Hair lightening to blonde, there was no sign of the Ace of Aces, the hero of the TSAB, left. Just the Dumber with the biggest tits, and the smallest brain, in the entire building.

And as everything came to a stop – the machine slowing to a halt, steam wafting off of the new Dumber as her transformed body cooled – the villainous Number whistled. “Wow. They really are big. Okay, bitch – ready to help me deal with all your annoying friends?”

The shackles around the Dumber’s hands released, allowing her to salute, just as she’d been programmed to do.

“Yes Mistress!”

"Atta girl." Quattro smiled, enjoying the sight of the woman who'd defeated her before now reduced to a mindless moron - a simple blonde Dumber with tits bigger than her head, and brains smaller than a pea. She'd definitely be keeping this one. But first...

She pressed a button, and the chair began to glow, hot pink lines running through it as it, and the bimbo sitting in it, were integrated into her final weapon. A new filter, a new template, to show her device exactly what she wanted it to do. Now, she just needed to fire it - and show the world exactly what she'd been working on for all these years...


Hayate frowned as she watched another squad of TSAB mages try to wear down the barrier keeping them out of Quattro’s hideout. They’d been making progress for a while, but suddenly the shield seemed stronger than ever. Nothing they did seemed to be having any effect.

“Has there been any word?”

The Commander turned to see Shamal, one of her loyal knights, step up by her side. The blonde healer was eyeing the shield with concern – obviously worried about the party they’d sent in earlier.

“Not yet,” Hayate said, shaking her head. “But you know those three. I wouldn’t be surprised if any second now-”

Everything turned pink.

There was no warning. One moment, the assault on the shield had been proceeding as normal, and then the next a bright pink column of light shot out of the dome and into the sky, washing over everything in the surrounding area. Just a single powerful pink flash, lasting for only a few seconds, before everything returned to normal.

Or… Normal ish, anyway. But for the mages caught in the blast, normal was starting to change…

The two women, caught completely unprepared, found themselves staring into the light blankly, their conversation forgotten. In fact, in that instant they forgot a lot of things. It was as if the plugs had been pulled out of their brains, and now their minds were draining out of them like water.

Fortunately, that water had to flow somewhere – and neither mage reacted as their tops tightened, and then split, their boobs swelling up at least three times their former size, fattened on a diet of thought. Hayate’s hair even began to turn blonde, as Shamal’s lightened to a platinum shade. In a matter of moments, the two highly respected military officers, and powerful mages in their own rights, had been utterly bimbofied.

And so naturally, as the magic ended, and their now pitifully slow minds rebooted, the pair did just what any bimbos would do – indeed, what many new bimbos amongst the mage squads that had been attacking Quattro’s lair were doing right now! They fell upon one another with abandon, tongues licking, hands squeezing, boobs squishing and pussies dripping as they surrendered to mindless lust.

The names Hayate and Shamal were long forgotten – as were many, many other things. All these two needed to care about now was pleasure…

Soon, drones and Dumbers would find them, get them dressed, and give them new helmets to handle all the thinking they could no longer do – just like they would be doing for every other mage in the general area.

A new threat was about to emerge in the dimensional sea – an army of incredibly efficient combat cyborgs, known for their incredible abilities… and their incredible endowments. Led by the renegade Number Quattro, worlds across the TSAB would soon learn to fear the sightings of women dressed in pink, wearing silver helmets…

But what had happened to their heroes, the three Aces, and their friends… Well, perhaps it was for the best they’d never find that out.

At the very least, all of them thoroughly enjoyed their new lives as Quattro’s bimbo slaves~


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