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Ahoy folks!

Man, it's been a while since I last did one of these. My break has begun, so there won't be any story posts this month - not here on patreon, anyway. I might post some stuff on the discord! So far I am 5 days into not writing things, and I've written about 4 stories. Not writing is hard. But I'll try my best to improve.

I'm sad to say that rent and bills are going up, and so in turn I'm planning on raising my prices over the next couple of months - not immediately, probably in September. It's something I've thought over for a while now, and I don't think I can leave it off for much longer. It shouldn't be a massive hike, but more details on that in the future.

I'm also considering making some changes to how requests work around here - I need to speak with some people before I make any declarations, but keep an eye out for that!

I think that's all my news. As always, I hope things are going well for you all out there - and thank you, everyone, for your support over the years. You've all helped me become a much better writer, and I'm really grateful.

Have fun out there folks! I'll be resuming business as normal in August.


Emmitt Cleveland

I think maybe you could double update on Deviant Art for a bit. I noticed that we’re still getting stories published at the end of 2022 there. I know that your sickness hiatus at the start of the year means there was a three month gap we can quickly close if we speed up stories a bit.