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Hey folks, hope everyone's okay out there!

Well, we made it - it's the end of June, the half way point through the year, and the start of my month long break! I'll be back in August and rolling back on as per usual, but just like any other muscle, the brain needs to rest every now and then or else it melts. Ask any of the ladies in my stories, they know it all too well.

I'll still be around, of course, and if anyone wants to message me they can here or on discord. I'll try to post some small stuff over the break if I have time, but we'll see what comes along.

In the meantime, please enjoy this continuation of Team Pink's shenanigans in the Pokemon world! Have fun all, and I'll see you in a month!


Food is serious business – especially in a world where your customers could vary from fire breathing dragons to sentient lines of computer code. Oh, sure, most Pokémon were content – or at least grudgingly satisfied – by your basic brands of Pokéchow, but that wasn’t the kind of dining experience any good restaurant should settle for providing - at least not as far as Mallow was concerned.

Pokémon, both trained and free roaming, were an important part of the world, one that should not be ignored. A place could provide the finest human cuisine known to man, but if it didn’t provide anything to cater to an electric mouse or a haunted sarcophagus, then what good were they? Not worth the foundation they were built on, quite frankly.

Aina’s Kitchen provided food for both humans and Pokémon, a fact it was deservedly proud of. It was a tradition that Mallow herself had started long ago, and insisted on keeping ever since. The family restaurant had grown over the years, but that core tenet had remained strong. It was even famous for it, well known as a delicious place to eat for humans and Pokémon alike.

Which meant that it was pretty much always crazy busy. It was one of the most popular hangouts in Hau'oli City, and the place was refreshingly packed every breakfast, lunch and dinner time! Sure, it was a little exhausting, but the happy smiles and cheerful atmosphere was well worth it. The green haired Alolan gal wouldn’t have it any other way.

Over the years she’d ended up taking on more official responsibilities around the restaurant. To be honest, most of it wasn’t anything she wasn’t doing already… But now she got paid more to do it, so she counted that as a win! Still, she never let herself move away from the basics, and today she was out waiting tables and taking orders with a smile on her face.

She’d even kept her work uniform basically the same – a pair of blue dungarees and a flower in her hair – but that was mostly because she found these clothes comfortable. Hey, not everything had to be about making Aina’s Kitchen the best restaurant in the world, y’know!

But yes, today had been just as busy as usual, with their ever popular speciality Pinap juice selling like hot cakes, and fluffy radish burgers practically flying off the stove! Mallow had been hard at work taking orders, delivering food, and keeping everyone satisfied. Honestly, she was looking forward to her next break.

But just as things were starting to cool, the crowds thinning after the lunch time rush, someone new walked in through the front door. A customer that she hadn’t seen before. Not an unusual event, true, but this one caught her eye. There was something unusual about her – something captivating. It was like watching a movie star step out of the pictures and into real life.

The woman moved with innate grace on a level that the Alolan had never seen before. Her every step felt like it was set to a beat, each foot sweeping forward with the smoothness of a dancer. Her clothes were light, as one would expect in the tropical climate, and yet this went even further than usual. A pink cloth top that wrapped around a truly spectacular chest, held together by a clasp with the letter ‘P’ emblazoned on it, and a flowing white skirt that hugged her impressive hips. Long dark hair flowed behind her unbound and shining like silk, stretching all the way down to the small of her back, and her bright blue eyes sparkled with inner joy as she scanned the restaurant seating area.

Mallow wasn’t self-conscious about her looks – hell, some people even called her ‘The Treasure of Aina’ (especially when they were after a discount). But a beauty like this took her breath away. She found herself standing in place, too dazzled by the sudden appearance to even think of walking over to greet her. It was only when the new customer started to move on her own that she snapped out of her stupor.

The woman strutted through the restaurant, drawing the eye of every customer she passed, and slid herself into a chair at a table near the counter. There was an excited hush, people pausing their meals to whisper between themselves about who this exotic stranger might be. But, naturally, it was Mallow’s job to actually talk to her.

“Welcome to Aina’s Kitchen!” She went for the cheerful approach, walking up with a bright smile on her face. “I’m Mallow, I’ll be your server today. Is this your first time here? I can get you the menu if you like!”

And then, for some reason, she found herself shivering as a hungry gaze focused itself on her.

“Oooh, well aren’t you a cutie~?” The woman’s eyes lit up as she spotted Mallow standing at her table. “Are you the one in charge around here, sexy thing?”

“Uh.” The green haired waitress/trainer swallowed. That had not been the response she’d been expecting. “S-sorry, what?”

The woman giggled. It was an action that caused many interesting reactions across her incredibly curvy body, and Mallow was at ground zero to see all of them. “I was asking if this is your café, y’know?”

Right… “Oh. I mean, I guess so? It might as well be, anyway.” Sure, Aina’s was a family business, but her father was getting older and leaving more of the duties of actually running the place to her, while her brother was still more focused on becoming the ultimate culinarian than actually helping out with running the place. It was basically hers in all but name.

“That’s great!” The woman bounced in her seat with excitement. “Then you’re exactly the person the Boss wanted me to meet! I’m Selene~” She offered her hand with a dazzling smile.

“Oh, uh, okay…” She shook the offered hand uncertainly. “I’m Mallow? It’s nice to meet you?”

“You already said that part, silly!” Selene giggled again, delighted. “Oh, I can already tell you’re going to be a great recruit!”

She blinked. “Recruit? Recruit to what?”

“Why, to Team Pink, of course!” The woman spread her arms wide, the ‘P’ on her chest bouncing proudly. “The bestest most awesomest Team ever!”

Mallow paused. Hundreds of encounters, ranging from annoying to downright unpleasant, flashed past her mind’s eye. It had been over a decade since her last real encounter with those three idiots, but they left an impression.

“I’ve not had the best experience with groups calling themselves ‘Team’ anything,” she said, her attitude immediately cooling. This was starting to feel like she was being asked to join a pyramid scheme. “Besides, I’ve never heard of Team Pink. Are you guys new or something?”

The raven haired beauty smiled, lifting a hand to her mouth to keep her words between her and Mallow. “It’s like, super exclusive at the moment. I was totally lucky to get an invite! Just like you!”

“Uuuh-huh.” Okay, this lady was a beauty, but by Tapu Koko she was an airhead. That graceful aura of hers shattered the moment she opened her mouth. She definitely seemed like the kind of person who’d fall for a weird scam. “So what does Team Pink do? Wander around wearing pink stuff?”

“Hey, yeah! That’s right!” Selene clapped her hands. Again, there was much jiggling. “I knew you were, like, the perfect recruit. You already totally get us!” Then she paused, putting her finger to her lips. “Oh, but there’s other stuff too. The really fun stuff~”

“Of course there is,” Mallow sighed. “Well, I’m not interested. What would you like to-”

“Stuff like giggling, and not thinking, and being sexy…” Selene was not listening. Great. “And all fucking! Oh, that’s totally the best part!”

The green haired Alolan, who had been in the process of turning around and walking away, froze. “I’m sorry, what?”

“Yeah, we get to have sex, like, all the time.” Selene nodded proudly. “And you will too! So yeah, join up and you’ll get, like, way more fucking and waaay less thinking. And we can totally use your cute restaurant as a Team base and stuff! We’ll eat out the food, and each other!”

Mallow twitched. Holy crap, this woman wasn’t just an airhead, she was a total bimbo! And she was recruiting for- what, a whorehouse? A bordello? She wanted to turn her family’s restaurant into a red light district?!?

“Get out,” she growled, practically snarling at the woman. “Get out right now before I throw you out!”

Selene pouted at her in confusion. “Is that a no?”

Mallow’s response was loud enough to wake the volcano one island over. “Of course it’s a no!!!”

“Huh.” The dark haired bimbo seemed unphased. Then she jumped to her feet with a giggle. “Oh well! I asked nicely~”

“That was what you call nicely?!” The waitress called after her as she strutted her way out of the restaurant. Not that she wanted her to stay any longer, of course, but this woman was just ridiculous!

“Oh yeah~” Selene smiled back at her from the door. “That was definitely the nice way. But don’t worry – the other way’s, like, way more fun~”

Then she slipped out, and was gone.

Mallow stared after her for a good few seconds, before shaking her head. “Weirdo. Whatever. Who was next?”

One of her regulars, an elderly local gentleman, waved her over – and the waitress put the whole encounter out of her mind. Whoever that bimbo was, she could be someone else’s problem now.


Closing time came as a relief when the sun finally began to set, and the customers slowly filtered out. The crowds had been more hectic than usual today, riled up by a bright summer day and a glorious clear sky. Tiring, yes – but hey, at least there had been plenty of tips to make it all worthwhile.

Mallow stretched as she locked the door and flipped the sign to ‘Closed’. Phew, what a day. At least it had been pretty ordinary after that weird pink woman left. She hadn’t seen anyone else trying to recruit for whatever ‘Team’ was now starting to gather in the area. Actually, now that she thought about it, maybe this was something she should bring up with a few of her former classmates around the area. Just to let them know that there might be a weirdo or two around to keep their eyes peeled for.

She checked her watch. Hm, yeah, she was headed around to Lana’s place in an hour or so to catch up with her – that’d be as good a time as any to bring it up. Hopefully it’d be nothing and they could just laugh about the kind of crazy things customers said, but just in case…

But in the meantime, she still had to sort out the till and the day’s earnings! And she’d have to work quick if she wanted to make her meetup with Lana – a busy day meant a lot of accounting to sort through. Thus, with the front door now locked, and the sun turning orange in the sky, Mallow retreated behind the counter, pulled up a stool, set herself down and got to work, diligently ticking through the kitchen’s stocked supplies and profits to see what needed her attention.

… And thus, with her attention so preoccupied, she was safely prevented from noticing as one of the windows at the back of the restaurant, just out of her view around a corner, soundlessly rolled up. Nor did she detect the faint, giggly whisper that carried in on the breeze, and the soft ‘thud’ of something mildly heavy gently land inside. She did glance up at the quiet squeak as the window slid shut again. However…

“Huh.” She tilted her head, but didn’t hear anything more. “Must have been the wind.”

The Alolan returned to her bookkeeping, sighing at how jumpy she was getting today…

… And as she did, she blinked, catching a faint, almost familiar scent on the air. Huh, what was that? Had some customer’s perfume hung around after closing? Hm, did she need to open a window? … Nah, it wasn’t a bad smell. Actually, it almost reminded her of something.

Curious, she sniffed the air again, and as she did the scent seemed to grow stronger. It was nice – sweet, with a hint of spice. Flowers, fruit, and… something else. Something she couldn’t put her finger on. Yeah, yeah, she definitely recognised this, but from where?

She took another, deeper breath, inviting the fragrance into her lungs, letting it sink into her as she tried to work it out. It was stronger than ever, lingering sweetness dancing through her senses, and she found herself smiling as she spaced out a little, letting herself bask in something so strangely familiar, yet not. And it made her feel so delightfully warm inside, especially in her chest, like she’d just taken a swig of some strong alcohol on a cold winter’s night.

It was… nice…

Hm? Oh. Well whatever. She shouldn’t let herself get distracted. Like, didn’t she still have work to do?

Shaking her head, Mallow giggled as she returned to her book keeping, shifting a little uncomfortably in her seat. For some reason her overalls were feeling rather tight all of a sudden – especially around her chest and hips. Had they shrunk somehow? She’d have to check them when she went to bed tonight. Or maybe before – she could get changed before she went to Lana’s if she got this accounting done quickly.

Only… For some reason she found she was going really slowly tonight. The normally simply task was… y’know, really difficult all of a sudden? Her focus kept slipping, thinking back to some of the cute customers she’d seen over the day – hey, that Selene babe might have been weird, but at least she was hot, right? And even when she did manage to power through to keep doing her work, the numbers were so hard that she found herself counting on her fingers for the trickier sums. Wow, like, what was with that? Were these things really super harder than usual tonight?

Ugh, it was just no good. This stuff was totally boring! Who could blame her for being distracted? Whatever – maybe she needed to stretch her legs or something. That’d, like, totally clear her head. Yeah.

Mallow nodded to herself, slipping out of her seat and stretching – and straining her top again as she did so. Huh. She looked down at herself, frowning, hands coming up to pat her chest. Had her clothes really gotten that much smaller? These felt even tighter than they had a few minutes ago! Totally weird.

Oh well. Shrugging, she stepped out from around the counter, aiming to walk around the restaurant, and found herself walking face first into a cloud of that wonderful scent again. It stopped her dead in her tracks, the green haired girl pausing to take wonderful, deep breaths, and really fill her lungs with that delicious perfume. She wasn’t sure what it was about the stuff that made her enjoy it so, but, y’know, it felt really good to suck it in, so like, why wouldn’t she?

The scent sent her heart pounding, tingling in her mouth and nose. That warmth in her chest began to bubble and boil, transforming into a sweet, delightful heat that was already starting to make her sweat. Mallow found herself giggling and biting her lip as it all rushed through her, stroking at her cheek and squirming in place as her outfit grew tighter and tighter. Looking down, she could see her boobies bulging around her dungaree straps, and she could feel more tears starting to spread through the fabric around her ass. Gawd, like, it was as if her boobs and butt were getting bigger somehow, heehee~

She shook her head at the silliness, unable to keep a ditzy smile off her lips, before reaching up to squeeze her titties back into her-Oooohhhh! Haaah, oh, that felt good. That felt really, really, really good~ Mmmn, why didn’t she play with these more often, heehee~?

Still giggling, the tanned girl pulled down her top, yanking the straps down off her shoulders with fervent and slick fingers, popping her boobs out properly to marvel at them before giving another squeeze. Wow, when she held them up like this, they really did look bigger! They were filling her palms nicely, and god it felt so good to grope them like this~ Heehee, she could do this all night!

Or, that was what she’d like. But even as her top fell down, her overalls now only held up by her hips, helped by the pressure of an ass they were too small to contain, she couldn’t help but feel she was, y’know, totally forgetting something. And eventually, as the scent cloud began to thin, she realised that she was basically just playing with herself in the middle of her restaurant.

“Oohhh, I- Mmnn… I should stop…” She moaned, biting her lip again. “This is, like, totally a violation of food an’ safety stuffff…”

But oohhh, she didn’t wanna. That bubbly, boiling heat inside her was only growing hotter, and playing with herself felt like the only way to appease it. Pleasure and lust flowed through her, while her inhibitions just seemed to steam out of her. It was soooo hard to stop… Yet stop she did, whining all the while.

“I can, like, finish myself off later,” she muttered, shaking her head again. “I gotta, like, finish the books first, or something…”

Though she had a little trouble trying to pull her overalls back up. Try as she may, the straps just would not fit over her boobs anymore, despite considerable effort being put in. Ugh, what was with this thing? She musta left it in the wash too long or something. Stupid clothes.

She was totally going to have to go change – no way she could put it off now. Her room wasn’t far, the restaurant was, like, attached to the house, so she’d just have to skip outside for a bit. Uh… But she would have to do that with, y’know, her tits out and stuff? Maybe that wasn’t a great idea? Even though it sounded, like, super hot and stuff…

Grumbling, she turned, and- Blinked.


“… weet?”

An unexpected sight caught Mallow’s attention before she could work out this complicated dilemma. While she’d been thinking, trying to get the weirdly gummed up cogs to spin in her head, she’d taken a few steps forward – and now, when she turned, she spotted something that had been out of her field of vision before. A Pokémon, huddled beneath one of the windows – round and pink and with four leaf-like stalks dangling over its head.

Immediately, she forgot all about being half naked to coo over the adorable little thing.

“Oh, a Bounsweet!” She clapped her hands, delighted. “Hey there little guy! How did you get in here?”

“Bounsweet!” That was, of course, its uninformative reply. Still, it seemed to calm some of its nerves when she didn’t get angry at it.

Naturally, this was a Pokémon she had a lot of affinity with – her very first Pokémon partner had been a Bounsweet! The two of them had been practically inseparable since she was a kid, though right now said partner was off assisting her brother with some recipes. So needless to say, despite the odd colouring, Mallow felt completely at ease around this surprise guest in her restaurant.

“Are you, like, lost or something?” She asked as she approached it. “Did your silly ol’ owner leave you behind by accident?”


Come to think of it, this explained where that lovely aroma was coming from! Of course it was a Bounsweet’s scent! Ha, she’d gotten so used to that one over the years that it had actually forgotten that’s where it came from. Of course it had made her nostalgic – her partner hadn’t smelled like that since her first evolution. Though, to be fair, this smell wasn’t quite the same. There was still that strange exotic spiciness to it that hers had never possessed…

Mallow smiled, crouching down in front of the little creature – oblivious to the way her boobs bounced and jiggled in front of it. “Well, we can sort you out. C’mere, and maybe we’ll- Huh? Ack!”

She’d reached out to pick the Pokémon up, but the instant she did, it unleashed a thick pink cloud of sweet smelling air right in her face. The girl yelped and fell backwards, landing on her firmly padded ass, as the Bounsweet scampered away. And then…

And then things got hazy. It wasn’t even because of the pink mist that had enveloped everything – the inside of her head was suddenly just as foggy. The ability to think at all was deserting her, the Alolan’s eyes fluttering as she started to pant. The only thing that she could think about, the only need that she could understand in her rapidly hollowing head…

Was satisfying this burning heat inside her!

Moaning, her hands began to roam her body, one groping her tits, which were growing even bigger with every breath, and one frantically stroking between her legs, grinding against the denim overalls that were holding her back. The fabric was already splitting, more tears appearing as her ass swelled even larger, and soon her desperation saw her fingers grabbing hold and tearing the stupid dumb stupid thing apart, before throwing the shredded garment aside. Her panties followed swiftly after.

Then whatever sense was left in her head was completely snuffed out, her entire existence descending into a hot, horny cacophony of pleasure. Every breath seemed to enhance her body, make her tits bigger, make her ass thicker, make her head happier, make her lust hotter. It was heaven – it was overwhelming. The only thing that mattered to her as she smiled and drooled on the floor was driving herself to feel even better.

Caught in such a state, she was completely blind to the world around her – especially to the cute little Bounsweet as it bounced over to the front door and undid the lock, pulling it open. For a moment, it peered outside, looking around as if it expected something… And then, from the darkness, a familiar figure emerged.

“Oh, you got her! Awesome work little guy!” Selene giggled as she stepped into the restaurant, her eyes instantly falling on the tanned beauty currently jilling her brains out in the middle of the floor. “I knew you could do it! Don’t worry, you can leave the rest to me~”

“Bounsweet!” The Pokémon saluted with a proud grin, before vanishing into red light as she returned it to its Pokéball. Now, it was just the two humans left in the restaurant. Slowly, the one with dark hair advanced on the one with green.

“See?” She smirked as she strutted, her hips giving a proud wiggle with every step. “I told you this way was more fun~ You’re going to be, like, amazing as a proper member of Team Pink, babe~”

The bimbo knelt down, helping the moaning Mallow sit back up and taking her into her arms.

“You’re going to fuck and suck, like, soooo many cocks~” Selene purred, cupping the green haired gal’s chest, while her other hand slid down to help out below. Her words were soft, but they pounded into Mallow’s empty mind like they were made of diamond.

“Fuh… Fuck… An’ suck…?” She gasped, her thighs rubbing together as she melted into the other woman’s grip.

“That’s right sweetie~” The dark haired bimbo gave her captive’s nipple a pinch, drawing a delighted yelp. “You’ll be three wet and willing holes for anyone to use…”

A smile, wide and brainless, was spreading over Mallow’s lips. “Wuh… Wet… and willing~”

“Yeah, now you’re getting it~” Selene giggled with pride at being such a good bimbo mentor. “All you need to do… Is join Team Pink!”

The Alolan was putty in her fingers – wet and drippy putty, but putty none the less. “Team… Pink?”

There was none of the horror or disgust in her voice from earlier now – just needy, horny curiosity. Selene went for the kill.

“It’s easy,” she whispered, letting her words fill the scent addled woman’s mind. “You can already feel it, right? Your dumb little brain is turning pink as we speak! All you’ve gotta do is, like, let it in – and then you can cum whatever smarts you’ve got left right out, and be a happy, horny dumb slut forever and ever!”

“Ah… Haaah…” Mallow’s breath was getting hot and heavy now, Selene’s fingers upping the tempo, drawing her closer to climax. She was so nearly there. She could feel it, she could really feel it…!

“What do you say, slut?” The dark haired bimbo licked her tongue against the Alolan’s ear, sending sparks straight down her spine. “Want to join Team Pink?”

“YES!!!” Mallow screamed it out, her cry echoing through the restaurant – and the dam burst all at once. Instantly, she came harder than she ever had in her life, her eyes flashing love heart pink as the pleasure imprinted itself on her soul. Everything that had been building up since the moment she’d first caught a trace of that sweet, sweet scent flushed through her system, carrying the last traces of her old self away forever.

Finally, she relaxed, her arms dropping to lie at her sides, a big, stupid smile on her face. Selene looked down at her proudly, delighted with her new recruit.

“That’s a good girl,” she said, before pulling something pink out of her bag. “Here – I brought you a new uniform, since recruitment usually, like, totally ruins your old clothes.”

On saying that, she paused to look around – and then snorted when she saw the torn up remains of Mallow’s old overalls. “Oh yeah, wow. You’re not wearing those again~ Here you go, sweetie – time to show the world who you belong to!”

Despite her exhaustion, the green haired Alolan nodded, eagerly taking the gift and sliding it on. She was a member of a Team now, after all – she had to make sure everyone could see that~

Her new ‘uniform’, as it turned out, was a pink spaghetti strap top – though the actual ‘top’ part was quite low cut, and most of her now melon sized boobs were ‘covered’ by the straps – and a tight pair of shorts, along with a pink flower in her hair with a ‘P’ in the middle of it. It fit perfectly, and she felt a new sense of slutty pride bubble up within her as she saluted to her new teammate.

“Team Pink Mallow totally reporting for duty!” She giggled, matching her mentor note for brainless note. “Now, like, when do we get to fucking~?”

“Oooh, soon,” Selene nodded quickly, her eyes firmly rooted to Mallow’s tits. “I’ll, like, totally take you around myself! But first we’ve gotta introduce you to the boss. He gets first dibs~”

The pair of ditzes sighed dreamily. Even if they’d never met, the new recruit knew instinctively that the Boss was the absolute bestest fuck in the entire whole wide world.

“And then!” The dark haired bimbo recovered and continued. “Then, we can, like, see about getting this place set up! It’s, like, totally cute and all, but there’s barely any slutty waitresses or anything!”

“Oohhh, wow, you’re totally right,” Mallow realised. “Gawd, how could I be so super dumb? We need to fix this, like, yesterday!”

“We totally will,” Selene nodded firmly. “But first…” She slid an arm around her new recruit’s waist, smacking her hand against that tightly pink wrapped rear. “Let’s go get you your proper welcome to Team Pink, yeah?”

“Yeah!” The green haired bimbo’s eyes sparkled, and together, the pair skipped out of the restaurant – forgetting to lock the front door on the way out, just like they’d forgotten the bookkeeping, Mallow’s plans for her evening, or really anything that wasn’t about getting these two sluts properly fucked pronto.

But it was fine. In a few days, Aina’s Kitchen would have a whole new menu, a whole new vibe, and maybe even a whole new name! They were going to knock everyone’s socks off…

Mallow couldn’t wait~


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