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Hey folks, how's it going?

Man, the heat's really started setting in over here. Sleep's been a little difficult (Well, to be fair, when is it not?) but overall things have continued without difficulty - and to my great relief, despite getting interrupted by a small cold for a few days, the shorts are done on time.

I hope folks enjoy them! I think I got some really good results this month - but obviously, you guys are the real judge of that.

Good luck out there folks, have a great day.


Request: Hey so for this month how about the collector goes after Tea and Rebecca from yugioh turning them into lewd version of dual monster cards. For Tea dark magician girl and Rebecca silent magician

“I don’t know about this.” Téa Gardner peered into the store window, frowning. “It looks pretty empty in there. Maybe we should try somewhere else – I hear there’s a new card shop in Westview mall? It’s a bit of a walk, but at least it’ll actually have some cards.”

“Well, we’re here anyway.” Rebecca Hawkins, current champion of the 20-25 world league (in card games), shrugged. She pushed at the framed glass door, and stepped forward when it opened to her touch. “We may as well check it out.”

A bell rang over the door as they entered, and the pair looked around. If anything, this strange store seemed even less impressive on the inside. There were a few posters on the wall of characters that neither of them recognised. Some of the aisles had a few figurines on the shelves – the rest were pretty much empty. The glass counters didn’t have anything to show off… Honestly, the place looked like it had just been through a closing down sale, but with none of the profits from it.

Still, the sign over the door had promised cards, and Rebecca was going to check them out, damnit. You never knew what kind of treasures you could find in shops like these. Hell, even her beloved Yugi’s family store could get a bit… you know… abandoned looking from time to time, and she’d found some of the rarest cards in her deck there! Granted, being the home of the King of Games had probably helped a lot there, but even so! You had to be willing to go digging when you made your living as a serious duellist.

Téa’s reason for being there was much simpler. She was just being a chaperone – and making sure Rebecca didn’t pull off any tricks to get some ‘alone time’ with Yugi. The girl had matured a lot over the years, but there was still a clear competitive streak in her that had her eyes firmly set on the spiky haired legend – and Téa wasn’t going to ignore it. Hell, the two girls had basically become friends over their shared interest – when they weren’t directly competing over him, anyway.

But yes, she certainly didn’t have her hopes anywhere near as high as the blonde did when the shopkeeper finally emerged from the back of the shop – and his appearance certainly didn’t do anything to change that. He was a tall man, and apparently he wore a dark purple, face concealing robe to work. If it wasn’t for the spiky shock of black hair she could see poking out from under his hood, she might have wondered if he was some leftover from the rare hunters who’d give her and her friends so much trouble all those years ago.

This guy didn’t quite have that vibe though – and besides, Marik had long since given up his evil ways. She heard he was running a successful tour guide/card games business in Egypt now. So she bit back on her first instinct – slap the guy and run – to instead let Rebecca, who hadn’t been forced to watch her closest friends nearly kill each other by guys who looked like this, take the lead.

The champion was direct and to the point. “Hey there! What cards do you have?”

“Cards?” The man seemed to blink at her, though the hood made it hard to tell. “What kind of cards?”

Rebecca frowned. “Uh. Duel Monsters? You know, the most popular card game on the planet?” She peered at him suspiciously. “Your sign said you had cards.”

He seemed to blink again. “Duel… M… Oh! Ooohhh! Haha, oh, wow, sorry!” He slapped his head, somehow keeping the shadows on his face expertly placed to block any view of his features. “Forgot where I was for a moment there! God, that’s embarrassing. Duel Monster cards, huh? Sure, I’ve got some of those. Let me get them out for you.”

The two women exchanged a look as the shopkeeper bent down to rummage under the counter. His strange comments aside… Forgot Duel Monsters? Really? That seemed pretty impossible, but… Well, maybe some people out there didn’t have their lives defined by a card game like they did? As silly as it sounded, perhaps this was just what normal people were like…?

The confused glance ended when the man stood back up, placing a glass case on the counter top. Inside, the pair could see the familiar shape and design of Duel Monster cards. So, he did actually have some, at least.

Rebecca leaned in, peering through the glass to inspect the haul. Hm, that one was… Hey, wait a moment… And that was… And then this one… Wait, really?

“Oh. Huh. Wow, these are… actually rare cards.” She spoke with wide eyes, scanning card after card with an increasingly impressed tone of voice. “Incredibly rare! How the hell did you get any of these?”

The shopkeeper chuckled, puffing his chest out. “Well, I know a few places. And I’ve got a few connections…”

“What, are you Pegasus’s brother or something? They only printed five of this one…!”

Téa winced. Woaaaah. Calm down Rebecca. If you wanted to buy these cards at anything less than a completely extortionate price, maybe don’t let on to the guy how big a deal they are…

“Are they really that impressive?” The brunette asked, hoping that her friend would get the message and calm down – but she was disappointed.

“I’ve never seen cards like these ones,” the blonde admitted. “I’d think they’re forgeries, but this is the official mark, right here.” She tapped her finger against the glass, just over a familiar mark on the corner of one of the cards.

The shopkeeper chuckled. “Oh yeah, those are one of a kind. See, this shop stuff is kind of a side business. I’m actually one of the artists who makes new Duel Monster cards – my art studio’s out back. Those ones are prototypes that haven’t even hit the market yet.”

Rebecca’s eyes lit up – completely taken with the man’s story. “Wow! Got any really new ones?”

Téa wasn’t as convinced, frowning suspiciously at the man – but at the same time, he seemed to have all the evidence he needed to back up his claims. Maybe he was telling the truth?

He was thinking in response to the blonde’s question “Actually, I have a couple of cards I need to make today, but I’ve been lacking for inspiration…” He trailed off, looking between the two women. “Actually… Say, how would you two like to be Duel Monster cards? I think you might just be the models I’ve been looking for!”

The girls blinked, sharing another glance before looking back at him.

“Really?” Téa was the most sceptical. “I don’t know, that seems kind of…”

“Sure!” But Rebecca interrupted. “Sounds cool! Heheh, will you make me a powerful card?”

The shopkeeper grinned. “Well, I can certainly try. That sort of thing depends a lot on the model, though.”

The blonde grinned. “Oh, so no problems there, then~”

He chuckled. “Well, in that case, follow me. We can get set up in my studio right away – it shouldn’t take long.” He pushed open the door he’d come in through and beckoned them to follow as he went back inside.

“Rebecca!” Téa grabbed her friend’s arm before she could hop over the counter. “What are you doing? We have no idea who this guy is. He could be all sorts of trouble!”

But the genius just grinned. “Oh please, what’s he going to do against both of us? This isn’t some Orichalcos stooge, he’s just a guy. If he tries anything, I’ll kick his ass – in a duel, or otherwise.”

She did a few phantom punches, showing off her martial arts skills – because of course she was a black belt – before flashing the brunette a thumbs up and hoisting herself over the till. “Come on, Téa, live a little. It’ll be fun!”

“But-” Too late, the blonde was gone, charging on ahead. Tch. Alright, fine. With a sigh, the brunette circled the counter, because she wasn’t an animal, and followed after them.

But she was pleasantly surprised to find that there really was an artist’s studio behind the shop – one that was much better stocked than the shop itself. She could see stacks of paintings arranged on shelves at the back, plastic moulds, rows upon rows of different spray-paints… And the entire area was covered in white tarp, which bore the stains of spilled paint that any artist would quickly generate. Huh, perhaps this guy was legit after all?

“So…” Rebecca was talking, standing up ahead, clearly impressed by the artistic talent on display. “Which one of us would you like to paint first?”

But to her surprise, the shopkeeper shook his head. “No need for that,” he said as he pulled out a pair of easels and set them up with nice blank squares of canvas. “While I’m sure you two would just love nothing more than to spend all day standing around in my shop, I’ve always found inspiration should be seized as quickly as you can find it.” He grinned and held up two paintbrushes, one in either hand. “I’ll just paint you both at the same time!”

“R… Really?” Téa raised an eyebrow as she finally caught up with her friend. “Wouldn’t that ruin both pictures?”

The man just chuckled. “You’ll be surprised what a true artist can do.”

Rebecca, for her part, seemed a little wary – at last – but nowhere near as much as Téa. “I guess I’ve heard stranger things. You should hear about this one duellist I’ve heard of who can tell what cards she’s drawn by the scent of their perfume…”

Well, okay, yes, that was an impressive trick, but it didn’t seem all that relevant to-

“Exactly!” The shopkeeper nodded, and then waved for the pair to get up on the small modelling stage at the back of the room. “So, let’s get started! Just take a pose you like – don’t worry, we can adjust it later if it doesn’t appeal – and let’s make some cards.”

The two women shared one last glance – Téa’s wary confusion meeting Rebecca’s amused eagerness – before the pair nodded, and climbed up onto the stage. The blonde, of course, struck a proud, dynamic pose, hands on her hips, fierce grin on her face. The brunette chose something a bit more subdued, folding her arms over her chest and staring at the artist with a small frown – really not getting into the spirit of all of this at all. But if the supposed artist seemed to mind, he didn’t say so. Instead, he just dipped his brushes, both at once, into his paint, and got started.

As she stood up on the stage, trying not to look too awkward, Téa felt something strange. An odd tingling sensation started at her feet, and then steadily made its way up her body, rising through her legs, her hips, her chest, and even cresting over her head. She tried not to look too uncomfortable, not wanting to spoil the picture, but it was rather distracting. Had she stood up too fast or something?

The feeling wasn’t going away, either. Actually, it seemed to be getting stronger, these odd, fuzzy tingles running right through her with every stroke of the shopkeeper’s brush. It was making her feel quite dizzy. And from the corner of her eye, she thought she could see Rebecca shifting uncomfortably, like she was feeling the same thing…

But just as she was about to speak up, the cloaked man set his brushes down again. “There,” he said, to their open surprise. “That should do it.”

“It will?” Téa blinked slowly. Hadn’t they just gotten up here? How could he be done so fast? And why was this dizzy feeling stronger than ever? It was actually starting to feel like more than that – like something was trying to pull her forwards…

“That was, uh… kinda fast…” Rebecca rubbed her head, swaying a little. “Are you sure you did it right?”

“Definitely.” He turned the easels around, showing off the new portraits. “Take a look and see.”

The two women blinked. The images were… not what they’d expected to see. Instead of painted versions of themselves, hastily done or no, what was on the canvas were paintings of empty outfits. In one portrait, they could see a blue and pink frilly outfit with a tall, pointed hat…

“Dark Magician Girl?” Téa of course recognised one of Yugi’s most frequently used cards.

… And in the other, there was a similar-ish looking dress, this one in silver and dark blue, with likewise, a tall white hat…

“Silent Magician…?” Rebecca squinted, recognising the outfit. But then, where was the mage who was supposed to fill it?

In fact, both portraits seemed to be missing was a person, with nothing more than an empty white space where the card monsters faces should have been…

And as their eyes focused on those voids, the canvases seemed to glow, and they suddenly felt a strong tug forwards, a phantom force dragging them towards the pictures. The pair didn’t have any time to react, stumbling forward a step – and then both bursting into clouds of smoke that rushed through the air, slamming into the empty paintings.

A moment later, and the shopkeeper was the only person in the studio. He looked down at his two new portraits with a grin - one of a shy looking, brown haired Dark Magician Girl, the other of a blonde, angry looking Silent Magician…

“Not bad,” he said, tucking them both under his arm as he started walking deeper into his studio. “Some adjustments needed, but you have potential. But let’s scale you down into proper cards first…”

Téa blinked, looking around. Where-?

Huh, this was weird. She was stood on a strange glass surface, like some kind of stage. Where had that come from? It looked like she was still in the art studio… Except… Wait a second. Why was everything so big? Now that she was looking, everything seemed to be like ten times taller than it had been before. What the hell?!

“What the… What’s going on here? How- How did everything get so big? And… Wait, what happened to my clothes?!?”

It was only when she moved that she noticed how drafty it had gotten in here, and looking down she saw that her normal, casual clothing had been replaced by the skimpy looking Dark Magician Girl outfit she remembered seeing in the portrait. She gaped, lost for how this was even possible…

And then she heard a familiar voice at her side.

“Hey, yeah! I’m the blonde here – shouldn’t I be the Dark Magician Girl?”

“Is this really the time for that Rebecca?!” She snapped, spinning around to find her friend and kinda-love rival, dressed in a skimpy version of the Silent Magician.

Said blonde just kind of shrugged. “I mean it’s one of Yugi’s favourite cards,” she muttered…

And then, before Téa could address that, another familiar voice spoke up – but this one was louder, practically booming through the air as it washed over them.

“Ah, still trying to resist?” The pair looked up – sighting a gigantic version of the shopkeeper towering over them. “You girls have impressive willpower. Although, calling you girls at this point is a little misleading…”

The brunette glared. “What’s that supposed to mean, creep?”

He just chuckled. “Why, because you’re not girls anymore! You’re just trading cards now.”

“…What?” She stared up at him, incredulous. What on earth was that supposed to mean?

At her side, Rebecca clearly shared her feelings. “Uh, okay, weirdo, I don’t know what kind of prank you’re trying to pull…”

But he shook his head. “Don’t believe me? Here, take a look.”

And he reached down, lifting up two massive poster-sized slabs of card – though in his hands, they looked like normal trading cards. Printed on their faces, clear as day, was…

“Wha- That… That’s… me?”

“And me? But… Wait… That can’t be…”

The pair stared with wide eyes at what felt like their own reflections. On the right, they could see a card that was supposed to be the Dark Magician Girl. But instead of the normal duel monster, the girl in the costume was unmistakably Téa, wearing the skimpy version of the costume – though it was hard to tell, given how shy and withdrawn she looked, wrapping her arms around her body. It was a similar story on the left, where a card that claimed to be the Silent Magician bore the image of Rebecca, glaring at the viewer and trying to cover herself up.

Something about these cards resonated with them. They could both feel a strange connection to them, some kind of invisible bond – a gentle force trying to draw them together again. Both girls resisted, of course, but as much as they wanted to dismiss this all as some kind of joke, that connection they felt denied it. And Téa couldn’t help but be reminded of all the times she’d seen people turned into cards before…

The shopkeeper seemed to find their shock amusing though. “Yes, here you are! Right now, I ‘m just projecting you through holograms – Kaiba Corp tech is top notch, as always. These are your real selves.” He patted the cards lightly.

The brunette stared at herself with an open mouth, her mind reeling. “N… No, I’m… I’m a person, not a… a trading card…”

“You say that, but you both know the truth, don’t you?” The shopkeepers words cut through them both, their paper selves staring right back at them.

Rebecca looked down at her hands, frowning. Every now and then, they flickered and stuttered a little… like a projection? So it was true. Then…

She swallowed, but her fiery spirit refused to break. The blonde glared up at the man, trying to think of a way out. “H-hey, people are going to come looking for us, you know! Turn us back right now, or else…!”

The shopkeeper smirked. “Oh, don’t worry – by the time anyone comes looking for you, we’ll be several universes away. Besides, are you sure you want to be turned back? Your friend looks like she’s starting to enjoy herself.”

Rebecca blinked, and turned. Téa was still standing there, staring at her card. But something seemed to be off about her. She was muttering something quietly – but with increasing speed… The blonde stepped closer to listen.

“I’m a person, not a trading card… I’m a… person… not a… trading card…” She repeated, over and over. But as the blonde watched, her eyes seemed to glaze, and her words stumbled. “I’m… not… I’m not a… person… I’m… a trading card… Ah!”

Suddenly she bucked, back straightening, her jaw dropping as though some kind of energy was pulsing through her. For a second, Rebecca panicked, reaching out to her…

And then the brunette relaxed, slumping a little, a small smile slowly slipping over her face.

“I’m a trading card~” She said, her voice full of conviction and cheer – utterly certain, embracing her new destiny.

The blonde genius couldn’t believe it. “Tea, snap out of it!”

But her cry went unanswered. No, worse – it went un-understood.

“Snap out of what~?” Téa giggled. “Everything is fine, Rebecca. I’m just a normal, sexy, powerful card…” She was practically purring, striking a pose to show off as much of her body as she could. Her chest pushed out, her hips twerked to the side, her expression a smoky, come hither pout. “Haaah… I hope my owner plays me a lot~”

She seemed to freeze in place – and then burst into smoke once again, rushing back into her card. Before Rebecca’s horrified eyes, the blonde unable to do anything, she saw the image on said card change. The shy, withdrawn Dark Magician Girl shimmered and shifted, slowly moving into the pose that Téa had struck – hiding nothing, offering everything. All signs of hesitance or distress were gone. Now she was just a happy, ordinary trading card – if a sexy one.

The shopkeeper picked her up and examined her with approval. “There we go. It’s always nice to see the merchandise accept their place in the world.”

“You… monster…” Rebecca snarled up at him. “Let her go! Why are you doing this?!”

He shrugged. “Well, my collection got stolen, so I have to replace it. Besides, why would I let her go? She’s clearly happy where she is.” He placed the Téa card in front of her, having them stare face to face. “And she’s good at being a card, too. Much better than you are, at any rate.”

It was strange. She shouldn’t have cared about what he was saying, but for some reason his words sent a pang of concern through her. A better card than her? How dare he! … Wait. “Wh… What? What are you saying…?”

The shopkeeper just gestured to Téa. “I mean, look at her! Her design is great. She’s happy to show off for her owner. And I bet they’ll be just as happy to play her whenever they pull her from their deck.” He chuckled, giving the blonde in silver a smug grin. “There’s even a chance she’ll end up in the deck of that man she crushes on – I’m sure he’ll be delighted with her.”

“That… I…” Rebecca was starting to feel dizzy, her heart uncertain. Téa did look happy. And… Y-Yugi? What did he have to do with this?

The shopkeeper pressed the advantage. “Unlike you,” he said, his words cutting straight to her core. “Who would want to play such a card who tries to hide herself and glare at them like that? There’s no way he’d ever want a card like you.”

No! That couldn’t be true! She was a good ca-nnnno, wait… Wait a sec…

“I… but…” The blonde swayed, looking between Téa and her own card. It was hard to deny that the brunette was much more appealing. Who would ever want to play such an angry looking Silent Magician? “But I…”

“It’s certain.” He hammered the point home. “She’s a much better card than you.”

“No!” She yelled, wide eyed. “I’m a better card! I’m a way better – oh!”

And just like Téa, Rebecca went stiff, her back straightening, hands at her sides. A rush of joy flooded through her heart, an ecstatic, blissful pleasure at finally admitting what she was. Her eyes glazed, a serene smile spreading over her face as her identity as Rebecca Hawkins, as a duellist, as a person, evaporated out of her ears.

“I’m a better card…” She sighed, striking a pose. Her arms slid behind her head as she pushed out her chest, a leg kicking up in the air behind her. “A better, sexier, more powerful card~” She giggled in delight. “Yugi’s going to love me~”

And with that, she too vanished into a cloud of silver mist, flowing back into her card. And just as before, her image shifted, turning from angry and covering, to proud and exposed. She had a very sexy card to beat, after all.

“And that’s that!” The shopkeeper grinned, plucking both cards up and giving them a final look over. “You two turned out great. I knew you’d make good cards.”

The painted girls seemed to preen at his praise. Yes – they were very good cards indeed~

Soon, the two former women were on display under the counter, propped up to show themselves off beneath the glass. A rare brunette Dark Magician Girl and blonde Silent Magician. Every time a customer even so much as glanced their way, a thrill ran through their empty minds.

‘Play me! Use me! Trade me! Own me!’ They silently begged, as any trading card might. But such rare cards came with quite the hefty cost, so for now, under the counter they would be staying. In the end, it was true. Until they were bought, they'd love nothing more than to spend all day standing around in their owner's shop...


Request: The latest addition to the Persona Cognition Series, this time it’s Futaba’s turn! Her cognition is changed to a bitchy and slutty egirl. The oldest of the main girls, she’s a popular streamer who likes to put on a cute uwu persona for her streams, but is kind of a bitch off-camera. She likes to pretend that she’s a nerdy girl, but it’s all an act, not that it really matters since most people only watch her to look at her massive tits and ass that she has no problem showing on camera often and during her various “premium streams” and to watch her do her famous ahegao face.

For every force, there’s an equal and opposite counter-balance. One did not try to move the world without expecting the world to push back. The world was quite happy where it was, after all, and resented being given a shove in the first place, no matter how well intentioned such a shove may have been. There was a reason that god did not play dice with the universe, and it was because the universe threw a tantrum like no one else when things didn’t go the way it wanted them to.

Alas, right now, it was the Phantom Thieves who had made that mistake. If they thought that Sae’s shadow had been a sore loser, well they hadn’t seen anything yet.

And of all of them, there could be no question that the one most likely to push their luck was Oracle – Futaba Sakura. The incredible hacker whose fantastic skills on a keyboard were only matched by her complete lack of skills pretty much anywhere else – especially when it came to being social. An infamous recluse, even after the Thieves had helped her open up some, she was never the kind of girl who’d walk away from the table before she’d won.

Up until now, that attitude had served her well. But now, that was about to change.

Mementos rumbled, the collective unconscious of humanity stirring once again. It had already generated agents for its cause – now all that mattered was granting them the strength to take form. Thus, one after the other, the Indisputable Detectives had emerged from the chaos – law given form. And now it was time for the latest to step for – her long blue hair framing her face as she emerged onto the streets of Tokyo.

It was time to bring a criminal to justice.


“Got it!” Futaba raised the graphics card over her head – nearly unbalancing herself in the process and risking falling into the row of boxes she’d just snatched her prize from. “The M9800987 Super three thousand! Oh, you’re mine at last, baby~”

“Hey, brat, what the hell are you doing?!”

“Oh, shit, the fuzz!”

It was not ‘the fuzz’ – it was a store employee who was staring up at her, incredulous that anyone would sneak into the back of the store through the rafters, which is what she was currently dangling from.

“Come down from there!”

“No way! Oh, but don’t worry, I’m not stealing this! Uh. Here!” Futaba had originally planned to just take her purchase to the counter to pay for it like a normal person. But when they hadn’t had any of her desired parts out on display… Things had gotten out of hand. Which is why she’d just thrown a stack of a few thousand yen in the employee’s face, before scooting away and running for it.

Well, as distractions went, a ton of money apparently worked great! It was like she’d learned the move from Joker himself. But still, she didn’t want to hang around, struggling her way through the crowds as she hurried her way out of Shinjuku, even crashing into someone on her way.

“Oof – Oh, hey, sorry about that!” The orange haired gremlin stumbled, but kept going. “Kind of in a hurry! Don’t worry, I’ll look where I’m going next time!”

Lying in the street, the blue haired woman that she’d crashed into – the one who looked shocking like Futaba Sakura, if the hacker had paused to look - stared after her prey with a raised eyebrow.

“You know,” she muttered, pulling out her phone and looking at the blue eye icon that was lighting up on its screen. “I think this one may actually be an outright criminal…”

The Detective stepped into the white jail, her casual clothes shifting into a scruffy shirt and tie look – and was immediately confronted by a furious shadow.

“Who are you and what do you think you are doing?” The orange haired woman, dressed like an Egyptian Pharaoh, glared at her from within the laser blue bars of her cell. “This mind is forbidden ground to those like you.”

Despite herself, the blue haired detective found herself stepping back, cowed by the forcefulness of the prisoner. This one had a strongly developed mind, despite her outward appearance, and her defences were high. Dealing with her might prove… difficult. But it had to be done – and what was the worst she could do, anyway? She was already in her cell!

Mustering up her courage, the detective walked forward, trying not to tremble beneath her double’s regal gaze, clearing her throat. “Cri… Criminal! I am detective Abatuf! And I… Oh shoot, I was supposed to give this little speech thing… Um, I am the white hat that will, uh, that’ll bring you to- Oh, no, that’s not right. Where’s my notes…?”

She scrambled through her pockets, but whatever she hoped to find didn’t come to hand. Shadow Futaba was not impressed. “I do not care who you are or what speech you want to give. Remove yourself or face the consequences.”

“B-but you asked who I was an what I was doing!” The detective protested – to little effect.

The entire jail trembled as the pharaoh raised an eyebrow in displeasure. “Get. Out.”

Abatuf swallowed, despite the fact that her opponent had no way of actually threatening her. “Um. W-well, I’m here to…”

“Don’t care. Leave.”

“B-but justice! And, um, crimes!”

“Out!” The shadow folded her arms, dominating the conversation without a shred of actual power.

The blue haired woman shrank in on herself, pulling her phone back out of her pocket and pulling up some spreadsheets. “I-If you’ll just look here, you can see the amount of money Medjed is skimming would be enough to buy a country…”

Unsurprisingly, this did not work. “Be gone!”

“A nice one, even, see?” The detective pointed – and despite herself, the shadow rolled her eyes and glanced at the screen…


This would have been a very cunning trap – had it been intentional. As it was, though, Abatuf nearly dropped her phone in surprise, just barely managing to catch it and keep it eye level with her target. “Oops! W-wait, I didn’t mean to-!”

“Are you… Trying to hypnotise me?” The shadow snarled, the jail rocking as though caught in an earthquake. “Of all the… pathetic…”

“W-well, um, it was an accident?” The detective shifted uneasily. She’d had this whole bit planned where she was going to confront the criminal with her crimes before rehabilitating her… But now apparently she was skipping straight to the end? Oops.

“I… I will… I will not…!”

Plus there was the fact that Futaba’s shadow was very clearly resisting the spiral as best she could. Say what you like about the woman, she had a strong mind. But there was no fighting justice.

“Yes, you will.” Abatuf straightened up, and tried not to look like she was hiding behind her phone (though she absolutely was). “It’s time, criminal – to face your punishment!”

“Nuh… Nooo…”

“Yes! You- You know what this means!” She pushed the spiral forward, holding it right in front of the shadow’s eyes, making it all she could see. “It means its time for you to drop into a Mindless Trance!”

“Muh… Mindless…?”

“That’s right!” The Detective grinned. She was looking more like her original every second. “Let me count you down. Three!

The word – or what it represented, the start of a countdown – sent the shadow reeling. She knew exactly what it meant. “N-noo… sssto…”

But Abatuf had seized the lead now, and she wouldn’t be letting go. “Head’s starting to Empty out. Two!”

The screen shone bright, twisting, swirling blue light beaming straight into the pharaoh’s brain. “E-empty… B-buh… But…”

The Detective shook her head. “Getting so Hard to Think. One!”

“H-hard… to…” The shadow was starting to drool.

“Empty. Mindless. Trance.” Abatuf raised her free hand and snapped her fingers. “Zero. Drop.”

The shadow dropped, her chin sinking to rest against her chest, eyes sliding closed. The regal atmosphere she’d created deflated like an untied balloon, her arms sinking to her sides, shoulders slumping. She was entranced.

“Phew.” The blue haired woman wiped her brow. “God, that was scary. But I won! Haha, justice prevails, criminal scum! Now, how to make sure you won’t be bothering anyone else…? Well, you can say goodbye to your hacking days. From now on, you barely even know how to use a computer! But don’t worry, you’ll still be using yours for community service…”

She smiled, stepping through the bars of the cell like they weren’t even there, looping an arm around the sleeping shadow. Yes, now that her opponent was defeated, she was the very image of confidence! Just as long as she didn’t wake back up…

“So listen up, Futaba. You’ve had a lot of fun pretending to be this incredible hacker, this childish genius, but none of that’s real, is it? Heck, you’re actually the oldest one in your little group of friends, with a lovely mature body to go with it. I don’t know who you think you’re fooling!”

The Detective leaned in close, resting her head against her prey’s, her mouth right next to Futaba’s ear. “The truth is, you’re just a bitchy, slutty egirl~ You get off on showing off your body to complete strangers. Nothing turns you on like slutting it up for cash. You pretend to be shy and nerdy to bring in the clicks, but really you’re nothing more than a hot bitch who doesn’t what RAM is unless it’s putting a cock in her pussy~”

The thought made her giggle, and made the (soon to be former) hacker in her grasp moan in her sleep. The Phantom Thief was starting to shiver, lust and heat building up within. Abatuf chuckled. Her slut was already simmering – now to set her to boil.

“So while you don’t know the first thing about how computers work, you sure do know how to hook up your webcam! Mmm, you never miss your chance to stream and show off. It doesn’t matter what content you’re putting on – games, chats, whatever – you know everyone’s only tuning in to see those big boobs of yours – or that massive ass you’ve got under you whenever you get out of your chair… And my, you do find yourself dropping things behind you and bending over to pick them up a lot, don’t you?”

“Haaah…” The shadow twitched, a quiet moan squeaking through her lips. “Yuh… Yeeesss…”

“I thought so~” The Detective smiled, releasing her captive from her grip and raising her hand again. “Showtime, bitch!”


Futaba shut her bedroom door tightly, clicking several of the locks back into place. She didn’t want anyone coming in while she was in the middle of slotting this new upgrade into her PC. Hee, she’d been looking for one of these cards for months, and she wasn’t going to let anyone interrupt her special hardware time. With this thing, her rig was finally going to be capable of playing CyberSecurity 12 – it was gunna be a blast!

Grinning like a fiend, she placed the box down on her desk, and cleared some space. Now, she was going to be opening up her PC’s case, so she’d have to make sure there was no chance of static or dust getting into her systems and screwing things up. She was going to make sure this place absolutely spotless, or else- o-or else… ah… ahh….


The orange haired thief sneezed as the cloud of dust she’d just stirred up condensed around her head – and as she did, she shot upwards, gaining about half a foot in height. Her body seemed to mature a good five or so years, instantly rendering herself the oldest Phantom Thief as her room changed to reflect a new her – the posters on the walls switching from anime to boybands, her nerdy figurine collection vanishing, replaced with makeup boxes.

“Hooo…” Oblivious, the orange haired menace rubbed at her nose. “Wow, good thing I got that out of my system before I opened up my case, huh?” Oh yeah, that would have been bad. But fortunately- Oh no, wait, she felt another one coming on!


The sneeze sent a shock straight through her body, forcing the hacker to close her eyes – and thus she missed as her long orange hair turned bright pink, or as her boobs suddenly burst out of her top, tearing her t-shirt to shreds as they expanded to three times their original size before the fabric quickly restitched itself. Her glasses even bounced off her face from the force of it all, clattering to the floor before vanishing in a cloud of blue mist…

“Oof, feeling kinda dizzy,” the new pinkette muttered, shaking her head. “Hope that was the last one, I want to install this… this…”

Blinking, she peered down at the box she’d spent her morning scrambling through the outside world to find, squinting at it. “What was this thing again…?”

It was as if she’d just sneezed everything she knew about her ‘purchase’ right out of her head. Weird. She reached up to adjust her glasses, only to find her fingers meeting thin air. Oh right, she didn’t wear glasses. Duh. Why had she been thinking she did?

“Well, I guess I can… c… caah-aaaahhh…”

And before she could dwell on any of the questions for any length of time, Futaba sneezed once more.


Black cat ears popped out of her pink hair – though, not real ones. These were just the neko headphones she wore as part of her brand! Just like the slutty pink tank top and scandalously short pink skirt she wore – both tight as hell, especially around the fat ass that had just inflated underneath her! Oh yes, god, this was why she pulled the best numbers in town~

“Oooh…” Futaba swayed slightly, before shaking her head once more. “Wow, that was intense. What was I doing again?”

Her eyes fell on the box she’d placed on her desk not a minute ago, and lit up. “Oh right! Unboxing time! Heh, wait until these horny dolts get a load of this~”

Tittering and eager, she grabbed the box up and scooted over to her PC, sliding into her gamer chair. With a practiced expertise, she flipped on her webcam and got her new stream started up, flashing the world a bright smile and shaking the twintails her hair had styled itself into.

“Hey hey, everyone! It’s your favourite Princess, Fufu~” She fluttered her eyes for the camera, leaning forward to make sure it got a good look down her top, too. “Today, I’ve got, uh…”

She paused, looking down at the box in her hands, squinting at the name again. “An… M… nine eight… eight… double zero card!” She abandoned any attempt at saying the full name, instead showing off the box to her cameras proudly. “This is a super rare steal that I got donated to me by a wonderful fan…” Total lie, but it sounded cute, so whatever. “And I just had to share it with you guys right away! That’s right, Surprise Unboxing Steam is go!”

On her second monitor, the one she’d had installed by someone who actually knew how to tech, messages from chat were already flashing in, along with a ton of donations.

SuperShipperM: Oh, wow – so hot!

WickAnn: When is your next incense recommendation stream?

OmkumuraFarms: *Drooly face*

Perfect! She had them eating out of the palm of her hand already~

The pinkette giggled and preened for the camera, making sure to show off juuust enough to whet her fans appetites for more. The numbers on her ‘premium’ streams went through the roof when she did that, and god did she enjoy those. All those horny boys and girls watching her… Ahn, she wondered how quickly she’d be requested for her world famous ahegao face today~

Oooh, but she couldn’t let herself get too caught up in thinking like that. She was still on probation after getting kicked off her last stream host for ‘accidentally’ leaving her camera on while she tended to her needs downstairs. Oh god, it had been so hot – and her premium numbers had really liked it! But she needed to be careful, she still needed the regular stream stuff for now. One day though…~

As for the graphics card, eh, she’d probably sell it. Get a good auction going if she kissed it or something. God, like, what would she do with some stupid old computer thingy? She didn’t know the first thing about that junk. Computers were for real nerds, not stream sluts like her~

And across the city, a certain blue haired Detective closed the stream, sliding her phone away. Justice had been served – and now Futaba Sakura would be serving the lusts of her community to repay all the damage she’d done. Given the extent of her crimes, well, maybe she’d be up for parole in a few centuries…

Hah! Who was she kidding? There was no parole for these criminals. The Phantom Thieves had committed their crimes, knowingly and willingly, to defy the order of reality. And now, reality was simply balancing the scales.

Such was the way of things for those who tried to fight the law of fate! That was simply…



Request: We continue the saga of the Fair Massage Parlor in the world of Sailor Moon. Today we follow Mamoru getting a massage at the insistence of his bombshell girlfriend Usagi. But by the time they leave SHE’LL be the bombshell girlfriend. A veritable fertility goddess eager to see a certain Chibi born into this world.

Mamouru Chiba wasn’t a man who went for luxury very often. It just wasn’t in his nature. Despite the wealth that was left to him after the deaths of his parents when he was younger, he’d always maintained a frugal existence – a simple apartment, filled with simple things that fit his simple tastes. He just wasn’t an extravagant man.

That had changed – slightly – when he’d met the love of his life (and indeed, of every other life), Usagi Tsukino. Well, perhaps it was fairer to say it had developed an exception. His tastes had remained the same, naturally – but he was willing to spend the world and more on anything that would make his moon-rabbit smile.

And for the past few days, that anything had been him getting a massage at the Faire Massage Parlour. Usagi had been insisting it would help with the stress he was under as a hard working medical student – no matter how much he protested that he was doing just fine, thank you. But then, she did know him better than he knew himself sometimes…

He chuckled as he undressed, slipping into one of the provided robes. He still remembered the day he’d met her – well, the day that she’d thrown that test she’d flunked at his head. He’d tried to return it to the girl he’d mistaken for a woman in her 20s just based on her figure alone, only to learn that she hadn’t yet exited her teens. Calling her a cow in response had been far, far from his proudest moment, and it had all been one hell of a first impression – one that neither of them knew would eventually lead into a legendary romance…

After a bit of a wait to reach university first, of course. It had felt like an eternity, but in many ways it had passed like the blink of an eye. Maybe all their death defying battles as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen had sped things up a bit there…

Of course, he had to admit, those incredible battles had been nothing compared to a night with Usagi in bed. The woman was insatiable. Normally it took all of her friends to meet her needs – orgies between the five inner senshi had become quite common since they’d reached adulthood – but when she was with him, she didn’t like to share (except with Rei, on special occasions).

Heh, honestly, his beloved was intense in everything she did – especially last night, if the soreness in his behind was any indication. As he lay himself down on the massage table, resting on his front, he couldn’t help but reach back to try to soothe his ass. As much as he loved every part of Usagi, he had to admit, he got nervous whenever she wanted anal with him on the receiving end. It was always a memorable experience that left him walking funny, and last night had felt almost as passionate as their first time…

Before he could reflect too much on all that, though, he heard the door to the massage parlour open, and his masseuse step in. “Sorry for the wait, sir. Shall we begin?”

“Go ahead.” He nodded, letting himself lay flat and letting his robe drop to the floor. “Let’s see what all the fuss was about.”

The woman chuckled politely, and moved around to his side. “I’m sure we won’t disappoint~”

Her fingers pressed into his back – and instantly, he was convinced. A wave of relaxation unlike anything he had ever known washed over him, spreading out from her touch like ripples on a lake. The tension he’d been carrying – maybe for years, at this point – without ever noticing seemed to desert him in a moment, and he sank into the table. Haaah, was this what Usagi had been talking about…?

Her fingertips travelled in gentle circles around his shoulder blades, massaging and relaxing the muscles beneath, before reaching up to begin working on his shoulders, her thumbs digging into the toughest nots and releasing them with expert precision. He couldn’t help but groan, doing his best not to squirm as relaxation and cool, crisp refreshment rushed through him. Hoo, he’d been feeling a twinge on that side since Galaxia…

Naturally, for such a surge of delight, he was all too willing to let her do as she liked. Any thought he’d had about maybe cutting this session off early after indulging Usagi’s demands for a bit was completely dispelled. No, Mamoru was happy to sink into the relaxing abyss, and let the masseuse do as she pleased.

And that was exactly what she planned, of course. Already, the prince of earth’s shoulders were starting to lose their manly bulk, slimming down into a much more feminine build. A fitting one for the Queen he was to be. But the masseuse didn’t stop there – her squeezing, searching hand slid down his arms and legs, gently stroking and pinching his muscles away, leaving his limbs dainty, and a little shorter than they had been before. The Queen to be would be statuesque, but not a giant.

With such pleasant sensations flowing from all parts of his body, there were few things that could have roused the sinking Prince from his growing stupor. But as the woman finished with his limbs, gently but firmly rubbing his hands down from a manly warrior’s mitts to dainty tools of precision, he stiffened. Now, he could feel her palms sliding up his arms and down his back, her fingertips sliding like skaters on ice towards his still very sensitive behind. W-wait, that was still too sore-

But his worries were unfounded. Rather than a sudden spark of pain disrupting his relaxation session and ruining all the work the masseuse had done so far, instead he felt… nothing. Not a twitch, not a twinge. Even the dull ache he’d been feeling since last night evaporated completely beneath the skilled woman’s fingers, removing the last obstruction he had towards truly letting himself enjoy this experience.

With a contented sigh, the dark haired hero let his eyes slide closed, and the last of his defences drop with a quiet moan. He was at peace.

The masseuse smirked as she felt the last fight go out of him. Mmn, that had taken a little bit – but now the real fun could begin. “Mm, there we go. Didn’t I say we wouldn’t disappoint? And there’s plenty more to come. I have a lot of work to do if I’m going to match the excellent work my sister masseuse did with your bride, if I take how well fucked your cute little butt here is as any indication~ But don’t worry.” She giggled and leaned in, her hands taking a firm grip on Mamoru’s behind. “I’m not going to hold back. By the time I’m done, you’ll have gone all the way from Earth Prince to Mother Earth~”

Even if he’d been in the right kind of mental space to process her words, he wouldn’t have had the time, because the woman immediately went to work massaging his ass, kneading and squeezing his cheeks like dough. The manly tuxedo wearing hero practically squealed into the table as an explosion of pleasure rocked his world, his dainty fingers gripping the table-edge by instinct alone. And as his world trembled and his eyes rolled up in his head, his behind began to grow bigger, and bigger…

By the time she was done, his wide hips were only just slightly shy of Usagi’s incredible curves. On a woman, they would have looked like they were designed for breeding – hell, they looked that way on a man, too, but people had priors getting in the way. Though with Mamoru’s rather feminine figure, it wouldn’t take much for someone to make an easy mistake…

Indeed, the masseuse was so proud of her work that she took another trip down her client’s legs, slapping and firming up his thicc, smooth muscles to make sure he would be able to carry all the weight he was now carrying on his rear. No, more than just carry – strut.

But she was starting to reach her limits for how much she could work while just dealing with the man’s back. “It’s time to turn over,” she whispered into his ear, helping him to do just that with another gentle touch. And as he settled onto his back, eyes still closed, his cock firmly erect, her smile grew wider. Now the real magic could get started.

First things first, she set her hands on his chest, and started to massage, occasionally reaching up to touch or tweak Mamoru’s face. His body was practically clay underneath her fingers now, and each brush of her finger tips changed him more and more. His chest, once flat and muscular, began to swell and plump, twin breasts steadily emerging, and then growing out beneath his nipples, happily mounting higher and higher with every squeeze.

His face, too, began to change – his masculine features, his hard mouth, sharp nose, and firm eyes, all of it softened, replaced with a feminine edge. One with plumper lips and a piercing stare. A brush of his head sent his hair growing off the edge of the table, transformed from a short boyish style to lush waterfall of raven locks that would reach down to his mid-back. Not too dissimilar, actually, from Rei’s.

It was becoming clear that Usagi had a type.

By this point, Mamoru’s breasts were just as incredible as his ass – and, just like his ass, they were slightly smaller than Usagi’s. But the masseuse wasn’t quite done. She had a special bonus in mind for her ‘Mother Earth’ – one that she finally imparted with a quick tingly tweak to the man’s nipples, which quickly started to stiffen into large teats...

Shuddering with pleasure, he moaned as a strange, sloshing, fullfeeling filled his breasts – and as little rivulets of white began to trickle their way down his mammary mountains. His breasts swelled up a few inches bigger, now eternally full of milk, ready for any thirsty party to take a drink. Just the thing a good mother needed.

Now, there was just one more physical matter to attend to – and the masseuse didn’t shy away from it, one of her hands gliding down from Mamoru’s chest, across his belly, and straight to his crotch. There, her fingers wrapped around an already stiff member, and began to stroke. Up and down, slowly stoking the flames of lust, drawing them out higher, stronger, longer, thicker… And as she did, that member began to grow, shaft, balls and all. By the time she was done, he’d have one of the largest cocks on the planet, at around 14 inches – second only, of course, to his eternal Queen’s.

At the same time, her other hand dipped lower, plunging behind his balls and deep, deep inside him, massaging into existence a cavern that shouldn’t even exist – a deep, fertile cavern, with ovaries and a working womb. With a twist of her fingers and a caress of her fingertips, she sculpted a pussy that would put any woman to shame, tickling the lips as she left to send a shock of pleasure straight into the entranced man’s brain.

And that was what would set the foundation of the final changes she had to make – the ones to his mind. After all, she couldn’t just let him wake up with this wonderful new body without any idea of how to use it, could she? He might leave a bad review!

So, one hand trailing up the magnificent body she’d so painstakingly sculpted, she lowered herself down to whisper by his ear. “Now, Mamori, let’s have a talk…~”

She giggled as she saw a slight frown cross his delightfully feminine lips at the name. “Oh, what’s that? Were you having that silly dream again, where you were a big manly man who went by Mamoru? Don’t be silly, Mamori, you’re as girly as they come. After all…”

Her hands slid up to that wonderfully bountiful chest, giving both breasts a squeeze and enjoying the moans that resulted. “What kind of man would have such big milky breasts?” She giggled. “Mamori’s mammaries are the talk of the town. You know any man or woman who sees these babies dreams about snuggling their face between them~”

She continued, her fingers tracing around her client’s hips and giving her ass a good grope. “And what kind of a man has hips like these? Come on, Mamori – you know you were born to be bred~”

The heated gasps coming from the hero’s lips told her she was making her case. Just one more little push was needed.

“And of course…” She stretched, her hand carefully circling around the soon-to-be-Mamori’s cock to slip in between her legs. “What kind of man has such a needy pussy like this, hmm?”

Her fingers spiked in – and the high pitched squeal of delight she got in return told her that her message had been received loud and clear. Mamoru? Who was Mamoru? There was only sweet, curvy Mamori here~

And now that the Earth Prince had realised she was actually the Earth Princess, it was time to really hammer the nail home. “Mamoru was just a silly dream you were having. In real life, you’re one of the girls. That’s why you’re the Queen of Usagi’s harem – second only to the Moon Princess herself! How could you have it otherwise? Don’t you love those girls as much as you love Usagi? You’d never leave any of them out, would you?”

Mamori’s face was flushed red, her eyelids fluttering even as they remained closed. In her head, dreams were playing out in rapid succession, flashing past without cease. Locked in a kiss with Ami. Makoto suckling on her teats. Minako licking away at her slit. Rei – oh Rei~ - spreading her legs for the Earth Princess’s cock… No… No, of course she’d never abandon any of them!

“Of course, Usagi’s your true Queen, and you can’t wait to give her a child. You’ve already met the daughter you’re going to give birth to, after all. You’re so fertile that everyone you meet wants to have babies with you! You’re practically the perfect MILF already! The only thing holding you back is you’re not pregnant yet. Your womb is reserved for Usagi alone – and the time hasn’t come yet.”

“Ahh, but you just know the instant Usagi fucks you, really fucks you, rams her cock into your deliciously fertile womb, you’re going to be knocked up in a heart beat. Can’t you just imagine it? Can’t you dream about that moment? When she finally tells you it’s time, pins you to the bed, and makes a mother out of you at last?”

Oh, Mamori could. She could absolutely imagine it. Her lips were slipping into a wide smile, her hips squirming as her dreams coalesced into a single, passionate night. Into her lover sweeping her up, her silver hair shining in the moonlight as she ripped her clothes off and laid her down, and then lined up her incredible cock with her waiting pussy, and slamming into her so hard that the building shook!

Ah! Y-yes! She could imagine it. She could feel it! Haah! Ngh! Yes! Usagi p-pounding her like there was no tomorrow, filling her so completely! Each thrust feeling so good, making her feel so complete! Huah! She- She was gunna- She was gunna-!!!!

“Ah… N… Aah! Huaaahhh!!!” It was too much. The dream was utterly overwhelming, and as she felt Usagi’s seed fill her, she came harder than she ever had in her life before. And just as she came in the dream, she came in the waking world, her cock and pussy both spurting, proudly spraying out every last memory and trace of Mamoru Chiba.

Then at last, she settled, slumping on the table as her cock finally softened, her tits still trickling. Quietly, the masseuse took a step back, giving her handiwork a lookover with a proud smile. Oh yes – she’d done a fine job here. Maybe even a match for the massage that had been given to Usagi! The future of this world was in good hands.

With that, she withdrew, leaving the new Mother Earth to rest and recover on the table from her lifechanging experience. Soon, she would wake, and begin her new life as Earth’s Queen – even if she never knew there was anything ‘new’ about it.

The woman who stepped out of the Faire Salon would never have been confused with the man who stepped into it an hour before. While he had been a bold, masculine man, she was the height of femininity. Dressed in tight suit and skirt – perfectly cut to emphasise her ample curves – with visible tenting around her nipples as they poked through the nursing pads in her bra, she drew lustful looks from every corner of the street as she strutted away from the store. Her black hair, styled into a off-centre bun and held in place with a rose, flicked behind her as she gave her surroundings a quick glance. But there was no need for her to pay the people around her any mind. No one would ever dare to approach her – she had ‘look, don’t touch’ written over every inch of her spectacular body.

As she walked, she reached into her professional purse, and pulled out her phone, casually hitting speed dial and holding it up to her ear. After a moment, a dazzling smile crossed her face as the call connected.

“Darling! Yes, it’s me. I just got out. I have to say, I feel ten pounds lighter from all the destressing – yes, I know, you were right.” She giggled, her expression turning utterly lovestruck. “I should listen to you more. Ah, but you know, I’ve been thinking… I have a shift in the maternity ward tonight, but once I’m home, do you maybe want to… I mean, I know we said we’d wait until I graduated, but darling it’s so hard…”

Her suit top was starting to develop some dark splotches over her nipples.

“I mean, it’ll be a few months until I start showing either way… Heh heh, okay – we can talk about it when I get home. And yes, I’ll pick up some snacks. Love you dear~”

She hung up and walked away, a real spring in her step. Oh, today was a good day. That massage had been wonderful. Maybe she should get reservations for the other girls, as a treat. It’d give them something to do while Usagi was nailing her to the bed~

It had worked wonders for her, after all. Heck, it made her feel like a whole new woman!


Request: While battling Those Who Slither In The Dark in the futuristic city of Shambhala, Hilda and Lysithea are disarmed and captured, and placed on a mysterious automated conveyor belt. The duo are on guard as they can do nothing while being transported, when a reprogramming helmet is placed on top of their shocked faces. The girls try and fight the brain smoothing spirals, but they are powerless from being erased and replaced with simple robotic minds that follow their programming mindlessly. The brainless girls stand at attention now, not a thought in their empty minds as large presses clamp down on and change their bodies one by one down the line, first their features being enhanced to curvy, ridiculous bimbo proportions, then their bodies being coated in a dark substance that makes them into a standardized same height, weight, and impressively muscular physic, until finally they both come out at the end of the ride, transformed into identical rubber mook drone golems from the neck down, programmed to defend the city and subdue more raw materials to be transformed into more drones.

The underground city of Shambhala – a technological marvel left over from an all but forgotten age, filled by an aura of dark malice that choked the air, and turned back all but the most determined fighter. This was the lair of Those Who Slither In The Dark, an ancient evil faction that had been manipulating the fate of Fódlan for longer than most written histories could record – seeking the extermination of all life that was not their own, and the elimination of the line of Sothis, who had annihilated their foul civilization so many millennia ago. From this place, dark schemes had reached across the continent, deceit and corruption had spread like a plague, and countless lives had been ruined.

It was a place that had to go, Hilda had firmly decided. She just wasn’t a fan! Not only did it stink to high heaven of evil and rot, but it was ugly as sin, too! Ugh, all these metal buildings and glowing walkways… Hey, sure, the special effects were kind of flashy, but once you got past the dazzle, so little substance! All glitter, no gumption, as they said. Well, maybe someone said it, somewhere. And would it kill these people to install some lights around here? There was no way they actually needed it to be thisdark, it was just silly.

“How are you holding up, Lysithea?” She called, smashing her axe through another Agarthan Soldier’s armour and cleaving him in twain. “These guys aren’t giving you any trouble, right?”

“Of course not.” The white haired mage threw out another bolt of dark magic, reducing a charging lancer to dust. “Don’t treat me like a child, I’m more than capable of handling myself!”

“Yeah yeah,” the pink haired axe maiden giggled. “I know, I know. But I’m still going to look out for my little sister!”

“A-ah, um…” Lysithea blushed. “Right…”

The ground rumbled, and both women turned to face the end of the street, where a gigantic metal monstrosity had appeared, lumbering towards them. A Titanus. Clearly one of the dark city’s automated defences, activated to repel the army that had invaded its decrepit halls.

Hilda smirked, readying her axe. “Looks like they’re really rolling out the welcome party for us! Can’t let that thing reach the main force. What do you say – shall we take it out together?”

Her pale haired companion snapped open her tome, dark sigils already floating in the air around her. “Sure. In fact, I’ll race you to the kill!”

“Ha!” Hilda grinned. “You’re on!”

And as one, the pair charged, crests glowing as they surged into the fight.

“Nnnngh…” The pink haired woman’s eyes fluttered as she slowly returned to consciousness. “Nnn… What… What happened? Where…?”

She blinked, looking around. This place was dark – so obviously, still in Shambhala – but there was just enough light around that she could see her surroundings. She was standing – or rather, she was being held up by her arms, which were locked into some weird big metal clamp things that dangled from above her. Her feet barely reached the floor, which felt oddly smooth under her soles – kind of rubbery, maybe?

Oh, and that was another point – where the hell were her clothes?! She was completely naked! Oh god, her girls were completely on display for everyone to see – well, not that anyone could actually see in here. But not cool. Who was responsible for this? She was going to axe them into paste!

“Hhh… Huh? What the…?” Suddenly, a familiar voice spoke up from the shadows up ahead. Hilda squinted, peering into the darkness. Sure enough, there was Lysithea’s back – the mage just as naked, and just as firmly restrained by a weird metal contraption hanging from above her. “Where the hell are my clothes?!”

“I know, right?” Hilda tried to play it casual, despite her own fears. She was pretty good at that kind of thing. She really didn’t want her friend to panic, even if this situation looked bleak. “So rude.”

“H-Hilda?” She could see the white haired woman look around frantically, trying to peer into the dark, though her eyes hadn’t adjusted as quickly as hers.

“It’s okay, I’m here. Hold on, I’m trying to figure a way out of here.” The pink haired noble reassured her. She strained her arms, trying to pull free of her restraints, but they didn’t budge. “Ugh, these things are strong…”

“What happened…” The mage shook her head, trying to clear it. “The last thing I remember is attacking that metal giant…”

“Yeaaah.” Hilda winced. “In retrospect, that thing might have been a bit stronger than it looked.”

“We were captured?”

“I guess so.” Ugh, embarrassing – better than being killed though. “But don’t worry, I-”

Suddenly, a strange, mechanical voice rang out. <Subjects 12C and 13A are awake. Commencing standardisation process.>

“Huh?” Before they could work out what that was supposed to mean, the floor started to move, their restraints rumbling along a rail in the ceiling in time with it. They were being carried off elsewhere, into the darkness.

“What’s happening?” Lysithea was squirming, trying to break free herself, but without her tomes there was no magic she could fall back on. “Hilda?!”

“I’m here!” The warrior called out, still trying to break free. “It’s okay, just keep looking for a way out!”

<Engaging Mental Purge> The strange voice spoke again, his(?) words echoing with a metallic edge.

“The heck is that supposed to- huh?” Hilda tried to squint upwards towards where she thought she heard the strange voice coming from – only to find something coming down to meet her from above. Some kind of dome, made of a black material she didn’t recognise. She tried to move out of its way, but of course, she didn’t have anywhere to go with her arms bound.

The last thing she saw before it slid over her head and everything went black was a similar helmet dropping onto her companion up ahead, directed by a strange metal tentacle that stretched off into the darkness.

“Lysithea?” She called out, a note of panic starting to creep into her voice. “Lysithea, are you okay?”

“I… I think so! But- Oh!” That was all she could hear, and it was difficult to make out over the sound of rushing wind as the two were carried away. “W-wait, something’s happening…”

Hilda blinked, a frown creasing her brow. “Something? Wait, what’s going on? L-ah!”

She didn’t have time to worry for her friend. Before she could even finish asking what was wrong, the visor that had covered her eyes lit up, the images flashing in front of her so bright they made her wince.

“Gah! Hey, knock that off!” She yelled into the void, bare feet kicking as she adjusted to the discomfort. What the hell was this? Why was her vision filled with stupid black and white spiral patterns? Ugh, they made her head hurt just to look at them!

But it wasn’t like there was anywhere else to look…

Ooohh, she was starting to feel dizzy. The weird spirals were just turning endlessly, over and over, never stopping, never slowing. Or… were they? Because sometimes it felt like they were getting faster, or slowing down, but it was so hard to tell. Every time she tried to check, tried to focus her eyes on one part of the pattern, her gaze would just slip, falling down into the swirling centre. Deeper and… deeper… every time she tried.

What was more, she was starting to get the sense of something else. Another pattern, just beneath the spiral. Something she could almost recognise. Something that became clearer the deeper she fell. If she just tried a little harder… If she just sank a little deeper… Maybe… Maybe she’d be able to see…


Ngh! Oh, what was that feeling? For a moment there she’d thought she’d seen a word, but whenever she tried to think about it, her thoughts just went all Blank on her, and… And…

… What had she just been thinking about? Uhhh… Damn, she couldn’t remember. Probably not important. She had to work out these weird spirals.

Her feet were still against the floor, all signs of squirming gone. Her arms were relaxed in their restraints. Her struggling had stopped, her mind preoccupied with trying to untangle the lightshow in front of her eyes.

But her ears still managed to catch a faint voice.

“H-Hilda… I feel… funny…”

L… Lysithea?


Oooohh… W-wow, she was feeling so spacey all of a sudden. Like her head had gotten all hollow and Empty. What had she just…

Oh wait! Lysithea!

“Lysithea?” She croaked, her mouth oddly dry. “Lysithea, can you hear me?”

“Hilda… I can’t… Can’t think…”

What? What did that… mean? Ngh… Why was it so hard for her to get her brain moving…

“I-It’s okay, Lysithea!” She defaulted to reassurance. “Just focus on-!”


“… On… On… O-on… Uuuhhh…” Her words stammered and stopped, the train of thought she’d been following evaporating on the rails.

What… What had… Where… Where was she? She felt so… Thoughtless… Something was… happening, but… She couldn’t… She couldn’t think…

Desperately, the pink haired warrior tried to rally, to gather her focus and her thoughts, to fight off against the encroaching blankness that was flooding her brain, but-


“Ngh!” The spiral flashed before her eyes again, and her mind stumbled – but this time, the spiral didn’t let up.


She shuddered, eyes fluttering as the visor bore into her very sense of self, everything starting to turn white. Hilda was hovering the precipice…

And then came one last push.


“H-Hilda…? Hilda!”

Hilda didn’t reply. She didn’t register her friend’s voice. She didn’t even remember who her friend was. Her eyes stared into the spiral, unblinking, as it unspooled her thoughts and untangled her memories. Her jaw had dropped open, drool pouring down her chin, and her body hung completely limp in her shackles.

She was well and truly Mindless. She was Obedient. She was a Drone.

“Hilda! Please!” And still Lysithea cried out, unaware that her companion was an empty, drooling shell. “I… can’t… I can’t do this… without you! I… I can’t hold on…! P-please… Say something!”

But silence was her only answer – and soon, she was silent too. Her legs limp, her jaw slack, empty, another mindless and drooling drone. The pairs brains had been washed completely smooth and utterly clean by the merciless spirals.

<Mental Purge Complete. Beginning Physical Modifications.>

Neither woman reacted to the voice, which now simply rang in through one ear and bounced out the other. Nor did they react to the sudden metal mould presses that slammed down around them from both sides, magical symbols and crackling energy running through them. The presses squeezed in, their pressure and magics working on the limp bodies trapped within to morph them into something in line with the moulds they had been squished into.

With a hiss of steam and a cloud of acrid smoke, the presses came apart – revealing a pair of bodies that were very different than the two which had gone into them. Both women now carried breasts as big as their heads, jiggling merrily as they continued to be carried down the conveyer. So, too, had their asses been expanded, giving them both fine, thick, bimbofied hourglass figures that any slattern would have been proud of.

Neither woman seemed to notice the difference as they drooled into their new tits.

More metal plates slammed in, with different designs inscribed on them. This time, when they broke apart, the two former nobles now bore a more muscular physique, their arms and legs clearly belonging to women suited to hard labour, even though their busty, booty heavy figures remained unchanged.

And yet still, there was no time to rest. A final set of plates crashed together around them – but this time, they weren’t imbued with magic. Instead they rested, sealed together, less than a centimetre away from the mindless girls’ flesh. Then, from above, a hose descended, connecting to the top of the mould, just beside the girls necks, and began to pump a pitch black fluid in.

The liquid quickly flooded the mould, coating every inch of their bodies below the neck, removing any last identifying marks, scars, or imperfections. Soon, it had cooled, and then set – perfectly sculpted bodysuits now serving as the only uniforms that the two would ever wear for the rest of their lives.

Then, at last, the ride ended. The conveyer belt slid to a stop, and the restraints released, allowing the pairs arms to drop limp to their sides.

Now that they were free and stood next to each other., the changes were even more obvious. Lysithea, who had been shorter than Hilda, now stood as her equal in height. Hilda, who had been wider than Lysithea, now was just as trim as her younger companion. In fact, with all the changes their bodies had been through, both women were now completely identical below the neck, their black rubber ‘bodysuits’ hiding absolutely nothing. The only differences were in their faces - which remained empty and vapid - and their hair, left in the same length and style as before, serving as little more than a mockery of the people they had once been.

<Installing Control Unit>

One last time, tendrils dropped from above – this time to place new, thick glass visors on their heads, over their empty eyes. Spirals flashed, and suddenly the two mindless maidens snapped to attention.


They Obeyed. As one, both units Marchedforwards, their visors leading them out of the door, and back out into the streets of Shambhala – ready to follow whatever orders entered their empty heads.

<Process complete.>

“Be careful, Leonie!” Marianne called, throwing out a touch of healing magic as her archer companion blasted another Agarthan axe-weilder to pieces.

“It’s okay,” the orange haired archer panted. “I think that was the last of them.”

But Marianne wasn’t so sure. “No,” she muttered, shaking her head and pointing down a side street. “I sense more coming from over there.”

“Ugh, do these monsters ever end?” The archer rolled her eyes. “Who would have thought exterminating these bastards would take so long.” Then she paused, staring into the gloom. “Wait a moment…”

Slowly, from the shadows, a pair of figures stepped forth – both familiar, and very, very not. The archer and her healer friend hesitated.

“Hilda? Lysithea?” Leonie called out. “What are you doing?”

But their former friends stayed silent, still advancing, Agarthan weapons in their hands.

“S-Stand down!” She pulled up her bow, as Marianne flipped through her tome nervously. “Don’t come any closer!” Even as she spoke, her aim wavered. There was no way she’d actually be able to shoot them.

But her opponents were under no such restraints. It wasn’t like either woman actually recognised these two intruders. And the visors had determined that they had found new raw materials, demanding their capture. Neither drone possessed the capability, nor indeed even the comprehension, to disobey.

Soon, the foul city would have plenty of drones to replace the forces they’d lost in this unfortunate assault…


Request: This short is the start to a multi part series where a corrupted Aigis & Labrys turns the P3 girls into their Lovers / servants. First up, Fuuka, from Persona 3, is transformed by Aigis into her Bimbo servant / Lover.

There was a lot more to the world than people realised. Shadows, personas, entire alternate realms sleeping just under the surface of reality… Sometimes, it was a wonder that humanity had managed to make as much progress as it had. And the realisation of how easily it could all slip away if some god got a little too big for his britches, or if too many people got depressed and summoned an eldritch murder monster from the depths of the collective unconscious…

Well, that was what inspired the creation of the Shadow Operatives – a group of people who had encountered those strange otherworlds, who had battled shadows, and who had drawn from within themselves the power of their personas, enabling them to fight back against the tides of darkness that sometimes threatened to engulf their world. They, backed by certain groups who knew all too well the dangers these phantom realms posed, stood as the first and last line of defence against shadow related activity.

And Fuuka Yamagishi was a proud member – well, an honorary member, at least - and their prime tech support. What had started as a hobby of tinkering with machines had blossomed into an advanced career working with, repairing, maintaining, and even inventing shadow tech. Honestly, it was pretty exciting. While it was a little dangerous, working on such an unknown and unexplored frontier was an incredible feeling. Every day came with new discoveries and new mysteries.

Really, the only downside was that she enjoyed her work so much that it wasn’t uncommon to see her staying at Shadow Ops HQ late into the night, long after most everyone else had gone home. Indeed, that was exactly what she was doing even now, fiddling with a communicator idea she’d had that she hoped – hoped – would one day result in a device that would let them communicate between the strange realm shadows occupied, and reality easily. It’d help quite a lot if they could properly request support like that… Though she’d made little to no progress so far. This idea was going to take some time and effort.

Which was why she was surprised when her communicator – the real one, not the gadget she was working on - went off. Huh, was someone still around at this hour? Maybe Mitsuru, or Yukari? She’d seen them talking together earlier… Hm.

“Yes?” She picked up and answered. “This is Yamagishi – what’s the problem?”

“Good evening, Fuuka,” a familiar voice, a female one with a slightly odd cadence, replied.

“Aegis! I didn’t know you’d be back so soon.” The green haired techie’s surprise faded into concern. “Is everything okay?”

Her gynoid friend had been sent out on a mission with her sister Labrys to investigate some low-key shadow activity that morning. She’d been expecting their mission to take a few days, so hearing from her so soon was… worrying.

Fortunately, the response was reassuring “Everything is fine. We dealt with the shadows easily, but we took some damage in the process. If you have the time, could you please come down to the lab to supervise our repairs?”

“Oh, of course!” Ha, just like Aegis. So efficient. “I’ll be right down.”

She slid out of her seat in the briefing room – it was usually a quiet spot, so she’d taken to using it as a place to tinker with stuff in private – and headed on down to the lab. She took the stairs - it was just a few floors down, and she didn’t want to wait for the elevator. In fact, she felt she was pretty quick, getting to her destination in record time. But even so, when she got there…

“Oh – just you, Aegis?” She stepped into the room with a raised eyebrow, looking around for her friend’s blue-haired sister. Labrys was a fairly cheerful girl, and hard to miss when she was present, but strangely there was no sign of her in the lab. Hadn’t Aegis said that they both needed repairs?

Aegis herself was certainly there, though, smiling as her long time comrade entered the lab. “Just me, yes. Apologies – Mitsuru wanted to see Labrys quickly. Her injuries were non-severe, so she decided to meet with her first before prioritising repairs.”

Fuuka sighed, rolling her eyes a little as she moved over to inspect her friend. “I know you anti-shadow suppression weapon girls are tough, but you should be more careful. Even you guys aren’t invincible. Medical attention should always come first – now let me take a look at you.”

The blonde robot nodded. “Of course,” she said, straightening up and allowing the technical advisor to perform her examination. This was a familiar process, and they both knew the drill. Fuuka circled her friend slowly, noting every scuff, scratch, and dent in the blonde’s chassis – of which, it turned out, there weren’t many. In fact, she was in remarkably good condition!

“Must be internal damage,” she muttered, turning to walk over to one of the lab’s many benches, where her tools lay. “I’ll have to open you up and take a proper-Mmmph?!”

Before she could even finish the sentence, the green haired woman found herself spun around, a firm, robotic grip seizing her shoulders, and then a pair of soft lips pressing against her own. It was such a surprise that she couldn’t even react – not even managing to squeal properly as she felt an unfamiliar tongue slide inside her mouth for a moment.

She still hadn’t recovered as Aegis stepped back, curiously reaching up to touch her lips gingerly. “So that is what it’s like…” The robot muttered, before smiling at Fuuka. “Do you like my new upgrade?”

What? An upgrade? Was that why her lips had felt so… soft? In fact, now that she looked, they did seem a little different. Aegis had always been able to mimic being a human well enough to fool the uninformed, but the tells were there if you knew what to look for. But right now… Those lips looked real.

Fuuka tried to frown – tried to question what had happened, what was going on – but, as Aegis suddenly stepped away, walking to the lab door and locking it shut, she realised… She couldn’t move. In fact, she was completely frozen in place, eyes slightly widened, arms pinned at her sides. Her body just wouldn’t move to her brain’s commands!

What… What was going on?!

“Please, Fuuka, do not be afraid,” Aegis said, returning to her side. “I have no intention of harming you. I simply needed to make sure that you would not reject the gift I’ve brought to share with you.”

Her words had pretty much the opposite effect of what she’d been intending – Fuuka was feeling very afraid right now. Gift? What gift? Something was very, very wrong here. Just what had happened on Aegis’s mission?

But fortunately, it was as if the gynoid could read her friend’s – her captive’s? – mind. She started to explain. “While my sister and I were investigating the latest shadow incursion, we encountered something new. A new kind of being we had not previously discovered in any of our excursions.” She paused, and then sighed dreamily. “A god.”

A… god? Fuuka swallowed. Was it possible? She’d heard strange things from some of the Shadow Operative reports of beings that had called themselves by that title. Izanami, or Yaldabaoth, or… Well, honestly, she didn’t know much about them. Only rumours, really. But supposedly they were really powerful. Was that what Aegis had encountered?

“I know what you’re thinking,” the robot nodded. “At first, Labrys and I were concerned, of course. In fact, as silly as it seems now, we even tried to fight her.” She shook her head, as if lamenting some naïve mistake she’d made years ago. “But the instant that she cast her first spell, we realised what fools we were being. After all, she had come to us so she could help us achieve our fondest dream!”

Their… dream? Aegis and Labrys had a dream? Oh, this didn’t sound right, not at all. Fuuka tried again to regain control of her body, to move, to twitch a finger, anything – but still, nothing happened. She couldn’t break whatever strange effect had taken hold of her. All she could do was move her eyes, and listen as Aegis spoke.

“I can see you’re surprised,” the blonde giggled, sidling in closer, raising a hand to cup the paralyzed woman’s cheek fondly. “Yes, our dream. Our dream to become fully human, at last…”

She leaned in, kissing Fuuka on the lips once again – this time taking the time to draw the experience out, to let their tongues mingle, and let their soft, soft lips press against each other. It could almost have been called passionate, if one side of the equation hadn’t been unable to respond.

“Mmn…” The robot finally drew back, her cheeks tinged with red blush marks. “Yes, to become fully human at last… And, of course, to be surrounded by beautiful women at all times, too. That’s a very important part of our wish.”

Oh no. While it was possible to believe that Aegis did indeed harbour some secret desire to be human, ‘surrounded by beautiful woman at all times’ couldn’t have come from her. Not a chance. She was being influenced somehow, controlled by another party into thinking this way – well, as if her actions so far hadn’t already been proof enough of that. But this was bad. Aegis was one of their most powerful agents, and to have her be subverted like this…

Fuuka had to break free. She had to find a way out of this, to warn the others, before things got even worse! How long would this paralysis last? It couldn’t be much longer, surely?!

Oblivious to her friends distress, Aegis kept talking, explaining what had happened as though Fuuka was nodding along. “When we realised that she could help us, we struck a deal. The goddess hasn’t been worshiped in a long time, and requires energy so she can grant our wish. So she’s agreed to do so, if we can supply her with the power she needs. Luckily for us, that’s very simple. All she needs… is love!”

The robot smiled brightly, even raising her hands and giving them a cute little wiggle. If the situation had been different, Fuuka would have found it adorable. She seemed so innocent, even as she was being anything but.

“Of course, you can’t just make someone love you,” Aegis admitted, before shrugging. “Well, not directly. But you can make it easier for them to love you. Which is where your gift comes in, Fuuka. You see, the goddess had just enough power left to give my sister and I blessings. That’s why…” She reached up and stroked her lips again, a slight smile growing on them as she felt how real they were. “I have this upgrade now. Human lips – so soft and sweet. A taste of my wish to be.”

She was silent for a moment, looking lost in a daydream about what the rest of her supposed wish would entail… Before looking over at the green haired techie. “Oh, and also I can use them to inflict paralysis on people I kiss, if I so choose. That is what you are currently experiencing right now.”

Yeah. Yeah, she’d kind of figured it was something like that.

“I’m afraid I didn’t want to risk you trying to reject your gift,” the robot explained helpfully. “You see, I am going to turn you into a bimbo.” What? “Then, my research indicates that once I provide you enough pleasure, you will be happy to love me in return. Everybody wins.”

What? What?!? A bimbo? If Fuuka could have moved, her jaw would be on the floor – and non-combat persona or no, she would have slapped Aegis there and then for even suggesting such a thing. Instead, she could only feel a growing sense of dread as her corrupted friend grew close again. She… She couldn’t really do what she was saying, right? She’d never heard of any shadow magic about to do something like that…

“Don’t worry. The goddess provided me with the tools I’ll need,” the blonde nodded. She reached into one of the sample cases on the lab table and pulled out a wooden box. It was a beautifully carved item, and bore the heavy weight of age well – but then, it was likely something acquired in the shadow realm, and thus might only be a few hours old, given how that place worked. “Here, take a look.”

She opened the box, and from within it pulled a lengthy golden chain – a necklace, with a heart shaped pendent hanging from it, containing a large pink gem. It glittered in the air as it dangled from Aegis’s hand, shimmering with an otherworldly light that was all too common with shadow-world equipment.

Fuuka kept her eyes on it, watching the pendant carefully as it swung gently from her friend’s fist. Damnit, if she could just move-!

But she couldn’t, and there was nothing she could do as the chain slipped over her head and settled around her neck. And as it slid into place, all of her clothing – her casual long sleeved white dress and black pants – shone with eerie light, and she felt movement against her skin, like she was caught in the middle of a very tight, localised whirlwind.

A moment later, and Fuuka could feel a draft. She still couldn’t move, but there were enough mirrored surfaces in the lab that she could see what she looked like – and it was enough to make her blush instantly. Her dress had shrunken down to a white tube top that presented a clear outline of her chest, while her pants hand unwoven down to a tight black mini-skirt wrapped around her hips. Even her heavy duty brown boots had turned into a dark pair of heels. It was the kind of outfit you could imagine someone bold wearing out clubbing – not the kind of clothing suited to a quiet nerd like herself.

“Yes! Perfect!” Aegis seemed to think it suited her, though, and gave her an excited smile. “That’s just what a bimbo would wear! Slutalicious, as I believe the term is.”

Just what kind of things had Aegis been reading?! If she got out of this, Fuuka was going to give the data processing department such a talking to…!

“And it makes this next step easier…” The robot continued, looking at the green haired tech’s now exposed waist. Still moving with visible excitement, she stepped back over to the box and pulled out another piece of jewellery. This one was similar to the necklace – gold, pink heart gem pendant… But there was no long chain this time, just a few small links.

Fuuka didn’t have to wonder what it was for long, as Aegis confidently carried it over and pressed it in against the green haired girl’s belly. She felt a slight tingle as her new navel piercing slid into place, somehow holding firm despite never having a piercing down there… And then the strangest sensation in her hips. A warm, wonderful feeling blossoming inside them. She could feel her cheeks swelling, feel her thighs stretching… Until the delightful moment ended, and she was left feeling an awful lot bigger down there than she was used to.

A glance at a mirror confirmed it – her ass was now far bigger than it had been before, perhaps almost to double its original size. If she could have moved, her jaw would have dropped. How was this possible?! Her clothes had stretched with her, thankfully, though her miniskirt now looked tighter than ever, just barely covering her inflated behind… But still!

“How lovely!” Again, Aegis didn’t seem to notice her distress, instead treating the change as a perfectly good thing. "I believe these are generally considered to be childbearing hips, if my scans of the internet are anything to go by. You are already making a fine bimbo, Fuuka."

Okay, this girl was having her internet privileges revoked for the next decade if she could get out of this. Aegis! Stop! Stop this now!

But alas, the bot did not. Instead, she just grabbed something new from the box. Another piece of jewellery. In fact, this time it was two. Again, that familiar pink heart, gold engraved design, dangling from two thin studs. Fuuka must have gone pale as she recognised what they were, because Aegis’s eyes sparkled. “Yes, I think you will enjoy these~”

Brainwashed or not, this girl was going to get such a-Ooohhh!

The gynoid hadn’t hesitated, sliding her hands underneath Fuuka’s white tube top, giving the tech’s breasts a quick grope. “You will be getting used to this soon, I think!”

Then Fuuka felt a pair of sharp – though not unpleasant – pinches in her nipples – and then just like before, a swelling rush of pleasure erupted within her. She had to gasp as her mind spun, warm, liquid ecstasy pumping into her chest, zapping in through her nipples and stuffing her to the brim. There was so much, she could feel herself swelling to try to hold it all in…

Until finally, the feeling died down once again, and she came back to herself – her own reflection waiting in front of her eyes to greet her.

One look should have dropped her jaw to the floor. Her top had grown, just like her skirt – because the contents it was supposed to hold within it had grown massively as well. Her breasts were huge, bigger than her head, standing proudly on her chest, jiggling slightly as Aegis’s hands retreated. The top hid almost nothing, you could even clearly see the heart shaped piercings outlined beneath it.

She looked like a slut. Like… Like a total bimbo…

Aegis agreed. “Good. Those are proper ‘mommy milkers’, I believe.” She would be banned from going online for the next century. “My analysis of all the literature the boys used to hide in the SEES dorm indicates these are necessary for any proper bimbo."

… Oh god damnit, this was all Junpei’s fault, wasn’t it?

The robot seemed very proud of her progress, and utterly ignorant of the anger, humiliation, and actual fear that the woman she was ‘helping’ actually felt. Even so, her words were an attempt at being calming. “Do not worry. You are nearly done. There is just one last piece to give you.”

What now? Fuuka watched her corrupted friend move with wary eyes. Her body had already been completely transformed. She looked every bit the bimbo Aegis had promised to turn her into. What more was left?

Her question was answered a moment later, as two glittering pink hearts dangled before her eyes. Earrings, she realised.

“Do not worry, Fuuka,” the robot assured her as her hands moved to the side of the technician’s head. “Everything will be fine momentarily. Just enjoy this gift from Aphrodite – our new goddess~”

Then she felt a tingle in her ears – first on the left, then the right. A moment later, that energy crackled inwards towards the centre of her skull from both sides, colliding in the middle, and Fuuka saw rainbows flash behind her eyes. A funny, bubbling feeling brewed inside her mind, her thoughts tangling and twisting as they were drawn into a maelstrom of pleasure, sucking up everything in her head. Her awareness of what was happening, her panic over what was happening to her, her concern for her friend, all of it was sucked away, drained out of her mind like water flowing down the plughole. And more followed – her sense, her intelligence, her restraint, her will itself, all of it swallowed down into the hungry vortex, scouring her mind of every thought and worry she had in a storm of electric pleasure

Soon, her head was just so pleasantly empty, utterly hollow. Everything she had once been had been scooped up and gathered in a single point – a bubble of thought and emotion, hovering at the center of what had once been her mind. A bubble that was slowly turning pink – the same shade as her jewellery.

Then, finally, there was a love heart shaped flash behind her eyes, and then the pinking bubble burst – with thoughts and feelings flooding back out into her brain. But these thoughts were different from the ones that had been swallowed up – they were all pink to the core. Simple, sweet, sexy thoughts, one and all. Thoughts about fucking, sucking, giggling, and jiggling – nothing more, and nothing less.

All of that info about technology? Replaced by ways to flirt and fuck. All of her desires for a future as an engineer? Now the only maintenance she cared about was people’s pleasure. All of her panic and fear of what was happening to her? Gawd, like, what was she even worried about? Aegis couldn’t turn her into a bimbo, silly – she was totally a bimbo already! Teehee~

The sizzling current between her earrings slowly faded, and her thoroughly pinked brain started to function again. Visibly, not much happened. Her eyes crossed. Her lips plumped into a confused pout. Her hair unbound itself from its braid, flowing down her back like a green waterfall instead. But overall, not much seemed to shift – certainly, nothing as dramatic as her clothes or butt or boobs. Yet clearly, Aegis felt something new, because, with a bright smile, she leaned in and…

Fuuka became aware of lips pressing against her own, of a sweet tasting, soft tongue exploring her mouth. Instantly, she kissed back, her lips pressing in, her tongue swirling and tangling and twisting with its partner, losing herself in the delightful tryst. No, more than that – she went all in. Her arms wrapped around her partner’s back, hands sliding down to grope her metallic rear, as the techie’s hips ground against the other woman’s leg…

The fact that she could suddenly move again never occurred to her.

“What do you say, Fuuka?” Aegis asked as the kiss finally broke. “Will you join me in offering our love to the goddess?”

“Huh?” The bimbofied babe blinked at her bestie. “Like, what are you talking abo-OH! Ooh! Oh, yeah! Totally! I’ll do whatever you say! Ah, just keep, like-Mmmn~ OH!!!”

“I thought you might,” Aegis giggled, slowly withdrawing her hand from Fuuka’s shorts. Oh, there was simply no beating a gynoid’s digits when it came to pleasuring someone. “But now we must go. Labrys should be done with Yukari by now, and we’ll want all four of us to be ready before we take on Mitsuru.”

“’Kay~” Fuuka agreed easily, her face still flushed from Aegis’s touch. “Then can we, like, fuck some more?”

“Oh, definitely.” Aegis nodded – a pink heart flashing in her eyes momentarily. She took the new bimbo’s hand, and firmly led her out of the lab, enjoying the way her friend’s new figure jiggled and wiggled as she walked. “Fucking you and our friends is my fondest wish, Fuuka~”


Request: With Mash having trouble with using her Servant abilities, (likely pre-part two) BB takes it upon herself to “help” her fellow Kouhai with some “upgrades” to her Spirit Core…making her an obedient, semi-twinned copy who is glad to share or even give BB priority with their shared Senpai.

Chaldea was a funny place. It had to be in order to survive the trials it was put through. Some might see the seeming sprawling chaos that enveloped the organization on a regular basis as some kind of flaw, some kind of indication that it wasn’t up to the great task of protecting the world that it had taken on its shoulders, but that would be entirely incorrect. Chaldea was only chaotic if you didn’t understand it – and to understand it, you’d have to do something very, very difficult for any real mage: You’d have to understand humanity’s last Master.

There shouldn’t have been anything special about them. They were a random pick taken in to shore up the numbers on a slightly under-staffed expedition team. They should have been nothing more than canon fodder. A faceless staffer who was cut down by the opposition without thought as it tried to make its way towards the real stars of the show, the ones that Chaldea itself had designated ‘Team A’. But thanks to chance, circumstance, and enemy action, things had worked out differently, and the last Master had proven to be… something of an anomaly. They shouldn’t have been anything special. They weren’t anything special. In fact, no one would point that out louder than they themselves. They were completely ordinary in almost every way.


Except they really got on with Heroic Spirits. Like, really, really got on with them. They somehow made unbreakable bonds with the heroes of humanity as easily as someone else might tie their shoelace. It didn’t matter who the hero was, or what they’d done. It didn’t matter if they were noble knight, feared pirate, or even a cheerful space probe from the future. The last Master would make friends with them – and would give their all to protect and honour that bond, whatever it took. Not even the Beasts were safe. Primate Murder slept in their bed. Kiara Sessyoin conducted religious sessions in the local chapel.

Even BB kind of liked them. BB.


It was absurd. It was unbelievable! Anyone who looked at the situation from afar would surely think the fix was in. But the truth was… That was just how the last Master rolled. And that was the true reason for Chaldea’s chaos – for the freedom and joy that they allowed their friends to indulge in.

Such a person was rare. Such a person was precious. Such a person needed to be protected – this was something that all Chaldean Servants agreed upon.

And there was no one more dedicated to that mission than Mash Kyrielight – Servant Shielder. She was her Master’s first Servant, their most loyal companion, and their most devoted friend.

… Which was why it was driving her crazy that she’s become so useless in a fight. After the conclusion of the Grand Order and the defeat of Solomon, she’d awoken to find her Heroic Spirit half silent – Galahad had no more to say to her, and only remained within the Demi-Servant in an inert state. And with him gone, so many of the abilities she’d relied on to protect her Master had vanished like smoke…

Obviously, her Senpai had said it was fine, that they were just happy she was safe – but like this, she couldn’t keep them safe. It was, quite frankly, unacceptable to the girl.

Thus, she’d thrown herself into her training, trying to reawaken her Servant half. The Ortinax gear that would supposedly help augment her back into fighting form was still a good number of months away – maybe even a year, if she was unlucky. And with the strange events that still happened around Chaldea – and especially around her Senpai – she couldn’t afford to wait for it to be ready. She had to find a way to power herself up as soon as possible.

It had become common to find her in the training simulator every day, with numerous Servants trying to offer what assistance they could. They liked Mash too, after all. But no matter what they tried, nothing seemed to be working…

“Well, none of them were me!”

Ah. Uh oh. Now there was a bad sign.

“Huh?” Looking up from her training, a small horde of bronze hands evaporating into shimmering sparks behind her, Mash blinked. Who…?

“Why, you need to ask?” Standing behind her, hands proudly resting on her hips, was the Digital Devil, the AI of Authority, the Corrupter of Code… “It’s BB, of course! Who else do you think would come to offer you help when everyone else has failed, hm?”

It was indeed BB, dressed in her normal outfit – a dark cloak wrapped around a white shirt and black skirt combo, all tied up with a fluttery red ribbon. There was really no mistaking her. Whatever else you wanted to say about BB – and oh my, there were many things that could be said – it could never be doubted that she was one of the more unique individuals in Chaldea.

Mash, for her part, didn’t know the AI that well. She was one of the newer arrivals, a Servant who’d just shown up one day for seemingly no reason. Her Senpai had recognised her, but they hadn’t gone into where they’d met. She was something of an unknown.

But none the less, she was already developing something of a reputation as a troublemaker. The purple haired menace seemed to enjoy nothing more than finding people’s weak points and jabbing at them. She’d already caused a fight between the Knights of the Round Table, and she’d run rings around poor Benki. Even Mash’s Senpai would be hard pressed to say they likedher…

“Tch – see, now this is exactly the kind of malicious slander I’m here to put a stop to. If you keep going on like that, I’m going to have to take some direct actions that no one’s going to like, understand~?” BB smiled sweetly, her eyes flashing red.

“Huh?” Mash blinked. “But I didn’t say anything!”

“Not you,” the AI waved a hand dismissively, before shooting a pointed look at the narration. “Don’t worry about it.”

“Anyway!” Smiling, the purple haired fien-f-frrriend bounced up to Mash, smiling brightly. “You’re having issues tapping into your Servant powers, right? Well, just let me handle it – we’ll have you right as rain in no time!”

Shielder blinked again. She felt like she was doing a lot of that in this conversation. “Help me? You can do that?”

“Well of course!” BB flicked her hair back and posed proudly. “I’m the mighty mistress of the Moon Cell, after all! Or I was. Sort of.” She made a wavy motion with her hand. “Anyway, I’m OP as hell, and completely unable to resist the call of a maiden in peril. Especiallysomeone who’s in competition for being Senpais number one Kohai!”

“Um.” For a second there, Mash thought she’d seen BBs eyes flash red again. That seemed… worrying? No, more than that, she was getting bad vibes off this entire conversation. And what she’d heard about this Servant… Was this some kind of prank? “I… I don’t know if-“

But BB got ahead of her, interrupting with a frown. “Are you turning down my help?”

Always a polite girl, Mash shook her head frantically. “No! No, no, but I-“

The AI smirked, again interrupting – though really, it felt more like she just didn’t particularly care what the other girl had to say at all. “Aha! Then I’ll take that as an ‘I accept’! Alright, my so called fellow Kohai – let me work some of my old classic BB magic on you!”

Uh oh. “Wait a second, I- Ahh!”

BB had raised her hand and snapped her fingers – and the instant she did, chains had appeared out of thin air, wrapping themselves around Mash and hoisting the helpless heroine up into the air, arms and legs held out like she was doing a star jump.

“No time for waiting around, Mashy! Don’t worry, this won’t take long~” The AI was smiling as she strutted up to her bound captive. Then, with a single gloved hand, she reached up, and plunged her fingers straight into the other Servant’s chest, glowing light surrounding her as her palm sank into Shielder’s essence…

The Chaldean Servant gasped, trying to struggle, but unable to free herself. “W-what are you doing?!?” She could feel BB rummaging around inside her, hunting for something. Surprisingly, it wasn’t painful – but it still wasn’t pleasant. “Stop this!”

“Relax~ This is just a simple operation,” BB giggled, squinting as she felt around. “You’re a Demi-Servant with a non-functioning Servant half! So, I’m just plucking this defective Spirit Core out…” Her eyes lit up, and she latched on to something, fishing it out with a sudden yank.

“Gaah!” Mash couldn’t help but yelp as a dark crystal was suddenly pulled out of her, laying dull and lifeless in BB’s hand. It reminded her of a mana prism, but without the inner light. Suddenly, she could feel an absence – a void inside her that had never been there before. Blinking, she stared down at the crystal in growing horror. “G-Galahad?”

But naturally, the AI wasn’t paying her any mind, throwing said crystal off over her shoulder, forgetting about it instantly. “Yep, total dud. But lucky for you, I have the perfect replacement!” She reached into a pocket and pulled out a very similar looking crystal – except this one was glowing vibrant, bright purple. “A much better Spirit Core – a copy of mine~!”

Oh no. “Wuh-Wait! Don’t-!”

“Too late!” BB giggled, shoving her ‘new and improved’ Core straight into Mash’s chest. “Welcome to team BB~!”

The Demi-Servant gasped again as she felt a new presence slide home inside her – and then things went hazy. Strange thoughts and feelings began to seep into her, a tingly sensation running across her skin. Behind her eyes, she thought she could see flickering 1s and 0s.

“Ooohhh…” She bit her lip. Something felt funny, and it might have been her. A strange kind of energy was building up inside her, spreading through her body bit by bit. It crackled down her legs, it zipped through her arms, and it thundered through her head. She could feel herself changing – her legs growing shorter, her arms growing thinner, her face tweaking just ever so slightly as her hair began to grow. It felt funny – but not bad

A lot of that energy was gathering in her chest, which was starting to swell out. Not by much – Mash was a busty girl under all that armour – but BB was bustier, and she was reaping those benefits now. Her armour would have objected, but it too was changing – practically melting, in fact, its hard metal softening into flexible cloth. Her chest plate turned white, forming into a long-sleeved blouse, as her neck guard extended around her shoulders to become a long, dark cloak. Even her metal skirt converted itself into cloth.

Soon, the woman hanging in BB’s change was an almost complete doppleganger of the AI herself, with only some small differences between them. Mash had been about 2cm taller before being converted, after all, so now she was 2cm shorter. The ribbons that now tied themselves in her hair and across her chest were purple, too, instead of red.

Annnnd… Yep, that was it! In every other regard physically, she looked just like BB! It was like the AI was standing next to a chained up mirror.

But what about mentally? Well, changes were happening there too. Information was pouring into Mash’s mind – unfathomable amounts of data, far too much for any human to handle. It washed over her as a flood, bending and reshaping her as she was caught, helpless in the torrent. But…

… But she wasn’t a human, was she? She was a Demi-AI, more than capable of handling such an influx! Heehee, that was right! It would take more than this to get one over on her!

Giggling, a new woman emerged from the sea of data – one who looked just the same on the inside as she did on the out. Completely reprogrammed, she was… She was…

… She was BB-Mash, the real BB’s cute little sister! Oh, she couldn’t wait to show herself off to all those silly humans she just loved to play with. Hopefully they wouldn’t break too easily!

Out in the real world, the real BB was growing impatient. “Well? How do you feel?” She asked, tapping her foot. Really now, how long did it take to reprogram one little Servant?

“I… I feel… I feel…” Hourglasses spun over in Mash’s irises, before snapping upright. “I feel great! Oh wow, thank you BB! I can’t believe you gave me such an amazing upgrade!”

“No problem at all~” The AI giggled, releasing her new Demi-AI from her chains with another snap of her fingers. “I’m always glad to help a fellow Kohai~ Though speaking of, I hope it’s clear just who’s number one around here.”

“Oh of course!” BB-Mash giggled, nodding eagerly. “You’re the best Kohai for Senpai, BB! It isn’t even close!”

“I’m so glad to hear you say that~” Yep, this was why it's an issue when BB kind of likes you. She's still BB. “Now, let’s go make sure everyone else is clear on the matter too.”

“Sure thing, Boss!” The pair giggled together, their eyes flashing red. A new day was indeed dawning on the chaos of Chaldea, and more madness was certain to ensue. Oh well. The last Master could probably handle it. It was their fault this kind of thing happened in the first place.

That was just the way Chaldea worked.


Request: Chihiro's quest to bimbify the girls in his Class is almost done. He has one target left, though: Sayaka. However, in the process of turning her into his personal pop star, he gets inadvertently discovered by Makoto. Chihiro, knowing that Makoto's luck would overpower anything else he tried, placates his classmate by giving him the newly bimbofied singer as his personal servant.

Okay, one last time – Chihiro was having a strange time of it, and that was a fact. A coincidental discovery had opened an entirely now chapter of the young hacker’s life, and he’d soon found himself slowly ended up enslaving his classmates, starting with the most evil members, then rolling on through the female ranks until practically everyone lady in his year was a devoted bimbo in his harem. It hadn’t been something he’d planned on doing at first – but by this point, even he had to admit that he’d fully committed to being a mind controller at this point.

And honestly? He was loving every minute. Waking up to a Mukuro beneath his bedsheets, rising to take a shower and get scrubbed/licked clean by Celestia, enjoying a perfect breakfast prepared by Junko, relaxing with Kyoko and the Tokos, and then heading to class flanked by Hina and Sakura… Yeah, life was good. It was great, in fact. Having a harem of brain drained eager sex slaves was absolutely the best thing that had ever happened to him.

And he knew, deep in his soul, that he should stop while the going was good. That he should take his good fortune and run. He had, after all, been incredibly lucky to get this far without getting in too much trouble. Brainwashing the rest of the school to ignore the weirdness around him and his class had certainly done a lot to cover his tracks, but that didn’t mean he was completely safe. Every extra bimbo he added to his harem was another risk of getting found out.


But one thing rankled at him. One little detail, just one. It was a small thing, and it shouldn’t have bugged him as much as it did, he knew that… And yet, he couldn’t seem to stop dwelling on it. That last catch, taunting him just out of reach. The final piece in his collection.

Sayaka Maizono. The Ultimate Pop Sensation. The shining light of Hope’s Peak Accademy. She was right there in class – usually hanging out with Makoto. Would it really be so wrong to snare her as well, and turn her into his personal bimbo pop star? To have her sing him to sleep every night, after using that same mouth to suck him off? Really, the idol industry could be so harmful to the women caught in its grip – it would be doing her a favour to take her away from all of that, right?

Yeah. Yeah, definitely. The Ultimate Programmer nodded to himself as he decided, surrounded by his harem of adoring airheads while he put the finishing touches on his latest bimbofying program. “Prepare yourself, Sayaka,” he chuckled to himself. “The real Ultimate Pop Sensation is going to be the one between your ears!”

His bimbos giggled along at his joke, though he was pretty sure none of them actually understood it. But that was the joy of his harem – they were just happy to be around him. And soon, Sayaka would be just as happy – and just as vapid – as the rest of them.

“Wow, is this the place?” Sayaka peered through the door, eyes wide with wonder. “It looks like a professional studio – no, better than! Holy crap, Chihiro, did you make this all yourself?”

“Well, kind of,” the Ultimate Programmer shrugged, walking in behind her, carefully making sure his eyes never wandered anywhere near any of the screens in the room. “A lot of the parts were made elsewhere, and Hope’s Peak acquired most of the systems themselves, but I’m the one who stitched it all together, so to speak.”

“It’s amazing…” The blue haired idol sounded almost as impressed as she looked, wandering around the place and inspecting every little thing. “I could record an entire album in here. Oh, I could do an entire reunion song with my group in a studio like this! Are you really sure I can use it?”

“Of course!” Chihiro grinned. “I mean, what use would the Hope’s Peak Sound Lab be if the Ultimate Pop Sensation can’t do what she likes with it?”

“Heehee, yeah!” The idol giggled, cheering – and then paused, looking at him. “Wait – hold on, are you sure you don’t have any ulterior motives for this?”

The programmer was taken aback. “E-eh? What? N-no, that’s not what…”

“You can’t fool my psychic senses,” Sayaka said, drawing in close, frowning. “You do want something! Something costly. You want…” She looked him dead in the eye. “You want… A personal performance from yours truly!”

In an instant, her frown vanished, and she was all smiles again. The tense atmosphere evaporated just as suddenly as it had arrived – popped in an instant by a cheery grin from the Ultimate Pop Sensation.

“And I’d be delighted to give you one~” She finished, doing a little twirl that, despite the fact that she was still in her school uniform, somehow conveyed an incredible amount of star power in just one motion. She was an Ultimate for a reason.

Chihiro swallowed. Phew. Holy crap, he’d thought he was caught for a moment there. Who would have thought that the pop star would be the scariest woman in their class? “Aheh, well, I mean that’d be kinda…” He stammered nervously, trying not to look too shifty. “I wouldn’t mind one…?”

Sayaka giggled again and bopped him on the nose. ”I’m just kidding, silly. I’m not really psychic,” she explained. “But it wouldn’t be right for me to accept such a wonderful gift without paying you back, right? That’s not the Maizono way. I do owe you for this, so if there’s anything I can do…”

“Actually…” The Ultimate Hacker smiled. This was going even better than he’d hoped. “There was one song I’d hoped you’d be willing to perform?”

“Oh perfect!” The idol clapped her hands excitedly. “I’d be delighted! What would you like? Negaigoto Ensemble? Sky Blue Canvas? If you want something by another artist, I’ll have to ask you not record me, I could get in real trouble with licensing if anyone found out…”

“No no,” he shook his head. “This isn’t by anyone else. In fact, I wrote this little song myself, and I was kind of hoping…” He trailed off nervously. Damn, this felt bold, even after all he’d been through…

“Awwwh~!” Sayaka seemed delighted by the idea though. “You wrote a song for me? Then of course I’ll sing it! Do you have it written down? I’ll learn it for you real quick.”

“W-well, not written down, exactly. But! Um! I already programmed it along with the music for the studio today! I can get in the control room and start it up if you like? The words should scroll by on the center screen for you as it plays.” He pointed – while carefully avoiding looking, just in case – at the screen at the back.

The Ultimate Pop Sensation grinned, raising an eyebrow. “Ah, we’re doing this Karaoke style, eh? Heh heh, well don’t go thinking that’s a challenge for me! Start her up, Chihiro – I’m going to knock this one out of the park, just for you.”

Yes, she truly was an Ultimate, and she knew it. That kind of confidence could only come from a complete mastery of a craft – something she was all too happy to show off. Sayaka Maizono was the Ultimate Pop Sensation for a reason, after all!

Chihiro snapped off a smart salute – before dashing into the control room and carefully shutting the door behind him. Phew. Okay, now he felt better. The glass in this booth had been specially treated to prevent any of the specially designed hypnotic screens in the actual studio from having any effect on anyone in here. Which was good, because this new studio was absolutely loaded with all of the hypnotic technology he’d developed. Maybe he’d gone a bit overboard, but for his last classmate, he’d wanted to put some effort in, you know?

At any rate, Sayaka was ready, taking her position in the centre of the studio, just in front of one of the microphones. The program was set, installed and prepped to run at the push of a button. And everything was in place. No one would be expecting either of them anywhere for the rest of the day – he had all the time in the world to brainwash this girl to his exact specifications. It was time to begin.

With a grin, he leaned forward, and pressed the big red button in the centre of his control deck. The studio lit up – every screen flashing with pink spirals, every speaker playing out loud tracks filled with subliminals. Anyone standing in the middle of all that didn’t stand a chance. Fortunately, the studio was soundproofed, so all Chihiro had to do was sit back and watch.

Then, just as he was doing exactly that, there was a knock at the door behind him. Startled, he spun around in his chair, only to find said door opening. Had he forgotten to lock it? Oh shit-

“Hey!” Makoto Naegi stepped in, one hand raised in greeting. “Sorry, the door was unlocked. Sayaka sent me a text to meet her here?”

Ah. Well. Crap.

“Oh, there she is,” the Ultimate Lucky Student continued, looking over Chihiro’s shoulder. “Hey, wait a sec. What’s going on in there?”


Meanwhile, Sayaka was oblivious to any commotion in the control box, since the studio was, as just pointed out, soundproofed. Instead, she was far more preoccupied with the screens shining in front of her. She’d been expecting just a standard screen with rolling text, but instead Chihiro had programmed in some weird kind of animation – a pink and black spiral curling through the screen, colours scything together in a sharp, yet strangely soothing kind of way.

She wanted to ask if this was supposed to be here, and if so, if the programmer could remove it. As cool as it was to look at, it was super distracting. But instead of doing that, she found her eyes rooted to the spiral, unable to look away. It was just… really interesting, you know? The way the colours swirled together? It felt like an optical illusion, like maybe nothing was moving on the screen at all, and it was just a trick of her eyes… But maybe not? It was so hard to tell. Every time she tried to focus her eyes, she’d just slip further down… down… down…

… Into the heart of the spiral…

A spiral that was starting to swirl in her eyes as she slid deeper and deeper, relaxing, calm feelings folding over her like a blanket as she shoulders relaxed. A slow, vapid smile spread over her lips, drool dribbling down her chin, as the world around her began to fade, and a heavy techno beat began to play through the speakers next to her ears…

And then, suddenly, she was on stage.

Huh? What the…? How had she gotten here? Looking around, the place looked familiar – hadn’t she performed here before? But why was it all lit by these weird pink and black lights? And where was that heavy beat coming from?

Before she could think to come up with an answer to any of that, though, she was distracted – by the roar of the crowd. There were dozens, no, hundreds, no, thousands of pink and black silhouettes in the audience pit, stretching as far as the eye could see – all of them chanting her name. They were… her fans?

Everything seemed to click into place.

Of course! Her performance! How could she forget? Ah, but wait, what was she supposed to sing? It was a new song, wasn’t it? But she couldn’t remember how it went… Oh! There, floating up above the audience in giant pink letters – the words she needed to sing! Thank god someone had installed a good prompter.

Thinking no further on that strange dream-like logic, Sayaka swayed on stage, dancing by pure instinct to the screams and cheers of her fans, before raising her microphone to her lips.

“Beauty~” She whispered, her voice carrying across the entire arena in a hush.
“Imagine~” A wink and her audience were under her spell.
“Magic~” A flick of her hand, and glitter rained down from the rafters.
“Babe~” A kiss, and the fans went wild.
“Oh~!” Her sigh turned into a kick, and she found herself dancing, spinning around and raising her arms to the sky as the fans screamed their hearts out, with pink, swirling pyrotechnics going off around her. Yeah! This was her dream, this was what she lived for! She didn’t understand this song at all, but wow, she could feel it flowing through her, and she was happy to follow where it led. Her mic was back at her lips as she began to sing again.

“B – I – M – B – O!
It's what I am now let it show!
B – I – M – B – O!
Oh my god I'm such a ho~!”

She made a show of giggling, shimmying her hips for the audience, before catching herself for a moment. W-wait. What was she doing? What was she saying? This… This wasn’t her normal kind of music…

But the beat led on, and demanded she follow.

“I'm losing control!”
Just stop thinkin'
“This heat's in my soul!”
Just start sinkin'
“I’ve given my all!”
Fire’s risin’
“Now it’s time to fall!”
It’s so surprisin’!

The words spun out of her mouth with no input from her brain, which was good because her brain was starting to feel a little foggy. It was just, like, so hard to focus, you know? She was totally starting to zone out, it was super weird! But, like, who could blame her with how hot it was in here? Ugh, she could feel it inside her, feel herself starting to sweat. Mmn, it still felt so good tho…

“Oh my god that scratched an itch!” She giggled again, spinning around as her costume started to grow skimpier. Her normal idol gear was frilly and fancy, but right now she was just too hot. She was so hot that even her clothes were starting to melt, wow! They were melting down into a cute pink outfit that’d let her kick and strut as much as she liked, and it’d totally show off her smoking hot bod, too! Teehee~!

“B – I – M – B – O!
On my knees and set to suck!
B – I – M – B – O!
I’m the star you want to fuck!”

No… S-stop… She… She had to stop. Something was wrong here. Something was, like, really super ultra mega wrong here! She could barely think, and she felt so hot, and god, she just wanted to show off and spread her legs and suck and fuck and Mmmnnn~

Her hand reached out and grabbed a stripper pole to spin her body around (When did that get there? Had it always been…?) letting herself swirl and kick with abandon. Everything was spinning, everything was spiralling, the music was pounding, and she just couldn’t think.

She wasn’t sure when she landed on her knees, her chest heaving, her heart pounding… But she could feel the eyes of her audience. She could feel what they wanted. And she knew she wanted to give it to them. Slowly, she reached behind her back to the clasp of her top.

N… No… What am I…?

"You've seen the rest~"
Strip! Strip!
"Now here's my chest!"
Flip! Flip!

Her hands tore her top away, bearing her breasts to the world – as part of her watched in horror, and the rest of her basked in joy. Before her eyes, her brea- Her boo- Her ti- Her jugs seemed to grow, swelling up on the crowds wild cheers, until they were both bouncy, jiggly melons that sat bigger than her head. And the song wasn’t done yet, as she found herself flipping over to wiggle her hips.

"I'm such a slut!”
Suck! Suck!
“So here's my butt!”
Fuck! Fuck!

This time she didn’t even get to rip tear her skirt off – her butt did that for her, expanding just like her jugs had and bursting through the seams, leaving her completely exposed on stage. It should have been one of her worst nightmares, but instead… It just felt good. It felt so good.

It felt so good to strip…

N… Noo…

It felt so good just to stop thinking…

I… That’s not…

It felt so good to be an obedient slut…

But… I… Ooohhh…

It felt so good to be a Bimbo!

Sayaka giggled as she felt that quiet, nagging voice in the back of her head go pop, and fall silent – the last bit of thought she’d had left. Ahhh, that was so much better~ Now she could be the slutty dumb bimbo she was born to be!

She turned over again, getting back on her knees, her arms folded behind her head and her legs spread to show off her perfect bimbo body to the world. The next lyrics danced before her eyes and sang from her mouth without the slightest hesitation.

“B – I – M – B – O!
“This dumb slut can’t wait to blow~”
B – I – M – B – O!
“Time for me to serve-”

And then suddenly, she froze. The world seemed to slow to a complete stop, the bimbos eyes fluttering as the world around her flickered…

“I-I can explain!” Chihiro shrank back in his chair. Damnit, why had he decided to leave Sakura and Hina at home today?

Makoto wasn’t entirely listening, staring at Sayaka through the glass. He could see something was happening to her – she was slumped over, drooling, and there were weird lights in her eyes. Plus, her top… It looked like her chest was starting to grow underneath it…?

“What the hell are you doing to her?” He spun around, finally locking eyes on the Ultimate Programmer with a dark glare.

“I… I just… It’s a bimbofication program that’ll-!”


Oops. Chihiro tried not to wince. He had not meant to say that out loud, but his nerves had taken control, and now Makoto looked ready to punch him. Damnit, was he really going to lose everything like this?!

“Stop this. Get her out of there. Now!” Makoto loomed over him, concern for his friend driving him to uncharacteristic anger. Was there really nothing that the Ultimate Programmer could do?

No. He had to retake control of this situation. But there was no way he could win against Makoto’s luck – the guy was like the Ultimate ultimate. Whatever happened here, it would somehow work out in his favour. Things just went that way for him, even if it didn’t look like it at times. Things like this door being randomly unlocked…

Okay. Then he had to make it so that the best result of this situation was the best result for both of them. He had an idea.

Chihiro shook his head. “I’m afraid it’s too late,” he said, straightening up. He had to commit to this. “It can’t be undone. Her brains are already melting. She’s a bimbo, she just doesn’t know it yet.”

Makoto paled, his anger faltering. “But-!”

The programmer cut him off, unwilling to let go of his momentum. “But! But, there is something I have time to change.” He locked eyes with the man, trying not to shiver. “How about this, Makoto. I’ve seen the way you look at Sayaka.”

And the Ultimate Lucky Student blushed. “I… Well, I mean…”

Phew. Direct hit. Okay, keep going. “Look, I’ll offer you a deal,” Chihiro spoke quickly, knowing he was working with a limited timeframe. “Sayaka’s going to be a bimbo – but if you agree to keep this quiet, then she can be your bimbo, okay?”

“M-mine?” Oh yeah, that got Makoto’s attention.

Chihiro nodded. “Yes, yours. Your happy airheaded harem girl. She’ll be delighted to do anything you ask, no matter how… crude.” Okay, careful here. He needed to make this sound romantic, not perverted. “She can be the perfect girlfriend to your perfect boyfriend. It wouldn’t be much different from dating her normally.”

That blush was getting deeper. The brunette’s eyes were shifting nervously. “I… I don’t know…”

So far, so good. The programmer kept pushing. “And this way, you can protect her. If you tell people what happened here, people are going to come and take her away – probably people who want to exploit her for her Talent. They’ll use her up and throw her away when they’re done.”

That hit a sore spot. Makoto’s fist clenched. He knew all too well what kind of people there were out there looking to exploit any Ultimate they could. Every student here was warned about them, after all.

“If you take her, though…” Chihiro gently brought it home. “Then you can keep her happy and safe – and you can enjoy her whenever you like. Both of you will want it that way.”

“…” Makoto was clearly torn, looking back and forth between the programmer and Sayaka – who’s top had just torn open, exposing her now very much boosted breasts to the rest of the studio. “I… Is there no other way?”

“No,” the Ultimate Programmer shook his head. “And if you don’t let me alter the program in the next ten seconds, there’ll be no way to give her to you, either.”

The time limit wasn’t quite accurate, but it was a good way to put the pressure on. He could see the thoughts racing back and fourth through Makoto’s mind as the brunette bit his lip, trying to decide. Until, finally…

“… Fine. Do it. Before I change my mind.”

Yes! Chihiro spun back to his control terminal, hands already typing. “You won’t regret this, Makoto!”

“Mn…” The Ultimate Lucky Student just sighed, looking back over at Sayaka. “I hope you’re right about that…”

The pink and black spiral world snapped back into motion. Sayaka blinked. What had she been doing again?

Oh right. Duh. Singing her absolute devotion to her Master! Ugh, how, like, totally dumb of her to forget. What kind of Ultimate Bimbo Pop Star was she to forget a thing like that? Shaking her head and jiggling her jugs, she launched back into the song.

“B – I – M – B – O!
“This dumb slut can’t wait to blow~”
B – I – M – B – O!
“Time for me to serve Makoto~!”

Makoto? Makoto was her Master? Sayaka blinked. The meter of those lines didn’t quite scan – but it was what the lyrics said, so it must be true!

And instantly… it was. The pop bimbo’s eyes rolled up in her head as her mind was suddenly filled with dreamy images of her old crush, imprinting his new role in her life onto her soul. He was her love, her lord and master. He was her everything, the centre of her world, her king, her god. She’d do anything he asked of her – anything at all. And oh sweet, sweet Makoto in heaven – she couldn’t wait to fuck his brains out!

One last verse sprang from her lips, the words singing straight from her soul.

“Makoto’s my Master, I love him true,
There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do!
I’ll strut my stuff, I’ll learn the lingo,
So I’ll always be his devoted bimbo~”

The world slowly faded back in as the spiral shut off, and Sayaka found herself standing back in the studio. For a moment, she thought the place had developed a draft somehow – but then she realised that was just because her uniform was lying on the floor around her, torn into shreds somehow. Confused, she put a finger to her lip, her new, curvy body jiggling with the motion.

“Huh,” she pouted, her brow wrinkling. “Like, what happened here?”

“Sayaka?” A hesitant voice called from behind her. A gentle voice. A familiar voice. She spun around instantly, her face brightening as she laid eyes on the light of her life.

“Ohmygod, Makoto! When did you get here!” She bounced straight over to him, her bust squishing against her beloved’s side as she enveloped him in a hug. “Mmm, ohhh, Master. Heee~” Her hand started sliding under his belt. “Want me to, like, suck your cock?”

“S-Sayaka!” Eee, her master was so cute when his face went all red like that. “Stop that!”

“Awh…” She pouted. “But I, like, totally wanna suck you off, Master!”

The puppy eyes proved to be devastatingly effective – not that Makoto stood much chance of resting her charms anyway.

“W-well, um, not here. Come on, let’s get back to the dorm, and then, uh.. maybe we can work something out…” He stammered, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around the blunette’s very nude body. Hee, her Master was such a, like, total gentleman~

She leaned up and planted a wet kiss against his cheek, before snuggling into his jacket and letting a very red faced Makoto lead her away from the studio, back towards his room – a place where she had every intention of staying for a long, long time~

And behind them, in the control booth, the Ultimate Programmer watched them go with a sigh. Well, damn. There went his complete collection. He’d pushed his luck too far, and had been handed a swift reminder that his luck was nowhere near the top of the food chain. Damn.

Still, at least it wasn’t a complete disaster. Sayaka had made a wonderful bimbo – and hey, maybe Makoto would be up for a temporary trade somewhere down the line. It didn’t seem like the Ultimate Lucky student would be turning him in, either. Of course, they’d both go down if either of them went to the authorities now…

God, that had been a close call, though, he reflected as he shut down the studio and locked the door. Maybe it was time to retire from this mind controlling business. Didn’t he already have a wonderful harem that’d keep him satisfied for the rest of his life? Surely he could be happy with that. The next time someone caught him, they might not be so lenient.


… He really did have his heart set on having his own pop bimbo to sing for him. It’d be a shame to leave that gap in his collection. Maybe he couldn’t get Sayaka, but… What had she been saying about the rest of her idol group?

Hm. Maybe he could gather one or two more members of his harem. Just to cover all of his bases. He’d be careful about it! What was the worst that could happen, right?


Request: Hinata and Sakura while catching up one day talk about how they both have had the strangest feeling that something is off lately. They cant for the life of them put their finger on it though! The both had to struggle to get their schoolgirl uniforms to fit today but considering their incredibly curvy bodies that is understandable. And now they are reporting for their daily brainwashing and body modification class. Nothing unusual there! They will have to try to figure it out after their appointment if they can still remember and recognize each other afterwards. Spoilers-they fail at both when they meet up the next morning.

“Oh hey Hinata!” Sakura stepped up alongside her friend, falling into sync with her as they walked forwards down the corridor. “It’s been a while! How have you been?”

“Sakura!” The dark haired heiress smiled warmly, easily settling into pace with her. “It has been some time, hasn’t it? I’m sorry, I’ve just been so busy with my classes lately…”

The pink haired ninja nodded with understanding. “Oh yeah, I know what you mean. They’ve been really running us ragged lately, haven’t they?” She giggled a little, clasping her hands behind her back. “But that’s not going to stop me from being the number one student anyway~!”

“Ha! We’ll see about that.” Hinata flashed her friend an uncharacteristically confident grin – but then, why shouldn’t she? Her grades were top of her class, just like Sakura’s were. She could definitely win this little contest if she kept going like she was!

Both of them shared a cocky stare-down for a few moments, before bursting into giggles. “May the best woman win,” Sakura chuckled, giving her friend a bright smile – before her expression flickered, a slight frown marking her brow. “Uh. Say, Hinata…?”

The heiress blinked. That was strange. It wasn’t like Sakura to be so dour. “Yes? Is something wrong?”

Her companion shook her head. “No, no, I… At least, I don’t think so. But… Doesn’t something feel kind of off to you? Like… You know, something strange?”

Well that was an unexpected question. Hinata considered for a moment. “Something… off?”

“Mmm.” The pinkette shifted uneasily, giving half-shrug. “Yeah.”

The heiress bit her lip, looking around. There weren’t many people in the corridor, but for some reason she was struck by the sense that she didn’t want this conversation to be overheard. “Well now that you mention it, something does seem a bit strange. But I can’t quite put my finger on what, exactly…”

But her hesitance didn’t seem to matter to Sakura, who’s face lit up as she heard her friend confirm what she was feeling. “Right? Yeah, it’s the same for me. Something’s definitely not right, but I can’t figure out what it is.”

“Well, let’s think…” The pair’s voices descended into a hush as their stride slowed, keeping their talk between themselves. “If we’re confused, then something might really be wrong here. Let’s start with the basics, and see if anything jumps out.”

Pink and black haired heads nodded at each other, agreeing on their course. Hinata was the one to start them off.

“First,” she said, glancing around, her white eyes scanning their surroundings carefully. “Where are we?”

“St. Mezmer’s Advanced Academy For Girls,” Sakura replied without hesitation, getting a nod from her friend. Yep, that was correct. The finest school for young ladies in all of the elemental nations, attending St. Mezmer’s was every young woman’s dream! … Wasn’t it? For some reason she had trouble remembering ever wanting to come here when she was growing up, but… No, she must just be forgetting. How silly.

Anyway, now it was the pink haired nin’s turn to ask a question back. “Second, why are we here?”

Hinata thought for a second. They were here on a mission, obviously. They were supposed to… Supposed to… Assassinate…? What, no, it couldn’t be that. No good girl would go about killing anyone – especially without their teacher’s say so. Definitely not. No, their mission here was… Ah, yes, she remembered now.

“We’re here to graduate from the Academy with distinction,” she answered confidently, banishing the last of her doubts. Yeah, that was it. Definitely.

But Sakura frowned, looking unsure. “Are… Are we? I thought it was something to do with the headmaster…”

Hinata just smiled. “Yes, exactly. We need to impress him in order to earn our distinction.”

“Oooh.” Now the pinkette was nodding to, everything sliding into place for her. That made sense!

Which was good, because now they could move on to the next question. “Third,” the Heiress said. “What do we do if we think something’s gone wrong?”

This one, Sakura answered easily. “Report to the nurse’s office, obviously!”

Both of them nodded to one another. Everything added up.

“So… Should we then?” Sakura asked, shifting uncomfortably again, her hand playing with the undone top button of her blouse.

Hinata just blinked. “Should we what?”

“W-well, I mean…” Now the pinkette was even more uncertain. “Report to the nurse’s office?”

“Oh. Hm.” The Heiress shook her head. “No, I don’t think so. Everything seems to be okay, right?”

Sakura nodded slowly. “Yeah… I still feel like something’s off though…”

Yeah, so did Hinata, to be honest. “True. Hm. How about…” She thought for a moment. Then her eyes lit up. She had the perfect idea. “How about we think about this for now, and attend our classes like normal, see if we can catch anything unusual. Then we’ll meet here tomorrow and go over it all again. Maybe we’ll figure out what it is that’s bothering us!”

That seemed to satisfy her friend. “Okay… Okay, yeah, that’ll work!” Sakura sighed with relief, before tugging at the neckline of her blouse again. “I just hope we can figure it out soon. Maybe it has something to do with these uniforms? I feel like they’re getting tighter every day.”

“Oh, you too?” Hinata looked down at her chest. She’d had something of a growth spurt recently. She’d only been at the Academy for a few weeks, but it felt like her boobs had tripled in size during that time. In fact, just that morning a third button had popped off her top as she tried to pull it on. It was getting ridiculous. “Yeah, I think I’m going to need to ask for a replacement soon myself~”

“They do those?” The pinkette blinked. Her own proportions weren’t quite as big as Hinata’s – the Heiress had had a pretty big head start – but she was getting up there herself, and her buttons were definitely starting to strain. They were nothing compared to her skirt, though, which just wouldn’t stretch to cover her gigantic ass at all anymore…

“Oh sure!” The raven haired ninja nodded. “Just ask your teacher after class – I’m sure they’ll be happy to help you. Mine always is~”

“Late again, Miss Hyuuga?” The stern gaze of Mr. Sands was waiting for the Heiress as she tried to sneak into class. She blushed instantly, twiddling her fingers together and searching for an excuse.

“Sorry Teacher! I, um…” She bit her lip. “I got lost?”

He sighed, rolling his eyes. “I suppose that’s to be expected, given the course you’re on. Alright, take your seat,” he said, waving her in. “And remember to swallow all of your pills this time.”

“Yes Teacher~” Relieved, Hinata skipped to her seat at the back of the classroom, behind all the other girls who were already seated at their wooden desks, pink pill box empty in front of them. Quickly, she sat down, and then without a second thought she scooped up her own pill box. By instinct alone, she popped it open, shaking the contents – three equally pink round pills – into her mouth, and then swallowed, enjoying the pleasant fizzy feeling in her stomach for a moment, before it spread to her tits and her ass. Heehee, she could already feel herself growing some more…

But she couldn’t dwell on that, because Mr. Sands was talking again – and like any good student, she had to listen close.

“Now, today,” he was saying, “we’re going to be fucking out the last bits of resistance left in your lovely emptying heads. So if everyone will just look into the crystal at the front…” As he spoke he opened a box on top of his desk at the front of the classroom, revealing a large pink orb just about the size of a man’s head.

Oooh, they had the pink crystal today! Hinata loved this one. All of the crystals made her feel funny when she looked at them, but the pink ones made her feel all warm and drippy inside. It was totally her favourite~

“And while you do that, stand up and bend over your desks – yes, butts in the air, good girls, I can see you’ve all been taking your lessons to heart. Now, you just lose yourselves in the crystal, and I and my teaching assistants will be around to all of you in time to give you some one on one tutoring… Two on one if you position your mouths right.”

Hinata, top student that she was, had already jumped into action before her teacher had even finished speaking. Her ass wiggled excitedly in the air, her big boobs squished against the surface of her desk, and she desperately tried to lower her head so that her mouth was at just the right height to be used. It was her mission to graduate with distinction, so she had to put the extra effort in, right?

Mm, she could feel her hunky teachers growing closer – could feel it almost as intensely as she could feel her brains leaking out of her ears! Hinata smiled as her eyes lost focus staring into the orb, and drool began to drip from the corner of her mouth. Heehee, she was totally going to ace this bimbo course~

The disapproving stare of Miss Maker was waiting for Sakura as she stepped into her classroom. For a moment, the pinkette felt a pit of dread open up in her stomach – had she been late? But fortunately, her teacher simply snapped her fingers at her.

“Just in time, Miss Haruno. Take your seat.”

“Yes Ma’am!” The ninja saluted automatically, before marching to her desk in the middle of the room. As she did so, the clock struck the hour, and the door locked itself behind her…

“Alright, drones,” Miss Maker began, her crisp voice washing over the class of hopelessly attentive women. “Today we’ll be helping you settle into your properly mindless states. So, as usual, take up the visors in front of you, put them on over your eyes, and then sit there, thinking nothing for the next five hours until the end of class. All clear?”

“Yes Ma’am!” A chorus of completely synchronized voices answered her, Sakura’s included.

The teacher nodded. “Good girls. Go to it then.”

As one, each student reached for the black visors on their desks, lifting them and placing them over their faces with experienced hands. They’d been doing exactly this for weeks, after all. Sakura slid hers on easily, untucking her hair from the band around her head to make sure nothing could get in its way. Then she sat back, and let it teach her.

She didn’t have to wait long. As soon as every student’s visors were on, they all activated, flooding their wearer’s senses with hypnotic stimuli. Each girl was well programmed by this point, and all of them slid easily into a mindless trance, granting the devices full write access to their brains.

Sakura was no exception. Just like the rest, she sat there, gazing into the mind melting spirals. Lights flashed before her eyes and a tingly static hissed in her ears as her jaw went slack. Soon, her lips began to move, mindlessly reciting the same mantra that everyone in class was chanting – the mantra that was being burned into her soul.

“I am a drone. I obey. I am a drone. I obey. I am a drone. I obey…”

Distantly, she thought she could feel her body shifting again, her chest swelling and her ass plumping in response to the flashing programming that was streaming into her head… But soon enough even that thought had dissolved away. All that was left was the mantra.

“I am a drone. I obey. I am a drone. I obey. I am a drone. I obey…”

She continued to repeat, until her mind went completely blank.

Hinata strutted down the corridor, an eager spring in her step. She’d gotten an A+ on her extra credit assignment of, like, sucking off all of her teachers after class, and now she was on top of the world. She was definitely going to be, like, the bestest bimbo graduating this year. Maybe of all time! Teehee, she was such a lucky girl~

Oh, but… Wait a sec. The ditzy student paused, putting a finger to her pouty lips. She felt like she was forgetting something. Wasn’t she supposed to be, like, meeting someone? She had the weirdest feeling…

Hmm. Nope! Heh, she was just being a silly ditz – just like she always was! Yep, everything was completely normal around here~

And as the Heiress banished her last feelings of uncertainty, happily sinking into busty bimbo bliss, a strange woman marched past her, with pink hair and an empty gaze. She looked almost as curvy as Hinata was – well, no duh, all the girls around here had, like mega fantastic titties, and their asses were amazing. But there was something about this babe…

For a moment, their eyes met, and something seemed to pass between them. Something almost… familiar?

But then she just kept walking, and the strange connection vanished. Huh, weird. Oh well, it was probably nothing. The Heiress shrugged, and continued on – both women immediately forgetting each other. Who’d bother to remember a complete stranger, y’know?

The pinkette marched away, her stride completely uniform, never seeming to notice anything or anyone around her. And the raven haired bimbo skipped in the other direction, only pausing to giggle as another button popped off her blouse. She’d have to get a replacement top soon – but later. She didn’t want to be late for class, after all~


Request: The Servant Trap: Mata Hari, famed seductress and stripper, has been working at one of Cockaigne's casino/brothels for weeks now without succumbing to the city's charms, and nobody has been none the wiser. Playing the brainless bimbo or bit of fluff was her career in life, after all. But now the jig is up. One careless remark, a little quip that showed off her lack of a lack of a brain - and management knows. It isn't that they mind her having a mind, they tell her. Really, they're quite impressed. And she obviously cares for her transformed former companions - so how about a wager, with their (and her) wits and bodies the stakes? (Suggestion: Let Mata Hari win one or two rounds of whatever casino game it is, and partially debimbofy let's say... Marie Antoinette? This way, it'll be all the sweeter as she loses?)

The city of eternal pleasures was a wide, sprawling place – and just like you’d expect of such a fantastical place, it hid many secrets. Some were barely secrets at all – like the true purpose of the eponymous Servant Trap, something that became clear if you spent any amount of time here… Or at least, it did as long as your brains didn’t get turned to mush first. But some were well kept. Some were held tightly, as if lives depended on them. As if a slip of the tongue might be all that was needed to doom the one that kept them.

“I thought it was the big bad wolf that blew people down~”

A belief that was about to be validated. The dark robed casino owner turned from the TV screen displaying the moment the unfortunate line had been uttered, and caught on dozens of security cameras, and looked to face the other occupant of this small, dark room.

“It’s not that we’re upset about this,” he said, calmly bringing his fingers together as he leaned back in his chair. “Actually, we’re very impressed. Most Servants succumb to the power of Cockaigne in a matter of days, if not hours. But you’ve been masquerading here as a normal bimbo for months, all the while retaining complete control of your faculties. It’s never been done before.”

The other occupant smiled brainlessly at him from over the table. “Like, what are you talking about, Master? Is this some kind of sex game?”

He chuckled. “Mata, please. The jig is very much up. We know you aren’t the bimbo you’ve pretended to be. No bimbo remembers how any non-sexy fairy tale goes.”

Mata Hari sighed, her shoulders slumping. Nope, there was no point in trying to continue the act. Ugh, you know, people said you could only hide your true self from people for three months at most, but she’d been going for six before she’d slipped up. Working her way through the brothels and strip clubs had come naturally to her – in life, she’d done much the same kind of work, and the techniques hadn’t changed much. In fact, her enchanting presence and sensational skills had already gathered her a loyal collection of followers who would have happily hidden her away, safe from the ever-searching tendrils of the dark city…

But she couldn’t do that. In the end, she’d had to push further – she’d had to start working at the casino.

This casino had something to do with the heart of Cockaigne – with the source of this entire singularity. She’d learned that much just by sleeping with the right people and keeping her ears open. Now, she needed to investigate it, to learn its secrets, to figure out if there was a way to erase this horrific city from existence. It wasn’t like she could just sit around doing nothing, after all. Slippery and shrewd she may have been, but Mata had a heart – she couldn’t stand watching what was happening to the other Servants who couldn’t blend in.

And that, ultimately, had been what had gotten her caught. Damnit, if she’d just kept her mouth shut – but Marie had been so proud of her busty red riding hood costume, and the kind hearted Assassin couldn’t help but keep an eye on her fellow Servants, even after they’d been transformed by this city. She’d gotten used to chatting with the bimbos here – a little too used to it, apparently. One slip of the tongue, and now she was caught.

“At any rate,” the Casino master continued, “there’s no reason to look so concerned. We have no reason to do anything about this… anomaly.” He shrugged. “You’re free to leave or stay as you desire – though I hope you consider staying, obviously. You’re one of the casino’s most popular stage performances.”

What? That made no sense. Free to leave? There was absolutely no way that was true. Servants weren’t allowed to roam the city freely – all of them were bimbofied sooner or later. Nope, nope, it was absolutely impossible that they planned to let her out of here – especially when she was so close to the heart of their operation. Heh, her bimbo act must have still been working if they thought she was that stupid.


Theeere it was. Tch. Alright. Time to see what kind trap they had in store for her. “Or?”

He grinned. “Or, perhaps you’d be interested in playing a little game with us? This is a casino, after all.”

“And why…” She asked, her face all smiles, even as she desperately wished she was an actually combat capable Servant, “… would I do something like that?”

It was not as though she had any interest in money. As a Servant she was blessedly free from needing the basics, like food or shelter.

“Well, we thought you might be interested in the prizes we offer.” He gestured to the woman kneeling at his side, her head just visible to Mata over the table. She was unmistakably Marie Antoinette, even if she was now too stupid to be able to spell that name. Cockaigne had clearly worked its magic on her – enhancing her curves, and flattening her wits without remorse. The vapid glaze in her eyes was all that one needed to see to understand just how little was going on in her royal head these days. She was even still wearing her red riding hood – and, well, nothing else.

The silk-robbed Assassin sighed. “You mean your bimbos? Please. I could have any of them eating out of my hand – or anywhere else – with a wave of my hand. I don’t need to win them from you.”

“True enough. Though, if you win them from us,” the Casino owner said, reaching out to pet Marie on the head, earning a happy giggle. “… Then there’s no need for them to remain bimbos, is there?”

That caught Mata Hari’s attention. “Wait, what? You mean… If I won, then I could…?”

“You could restore them to their former selves, yes. Regain their intelligence, their independence, and even their original forms. It seems like a waste to my eyes, but then, such decisions would be up to you.”

She swallowed. That… That was actually a tempting offer. She hadn’t found any way to reverse what had been done to the Servants in this city – hell, she hadn’t thought it could be done. But if there was a chance of it… Didn’t she have to try? It was obviously a trap, very, very obviously, but…

Mata wasn’t a fool. Quite the opposite, in fact. She knew that, as Servants went, she was one of the worst summons out there. Her Saint Graph just wasn’t very powerful, and her abilities were… niche. Servants were supposed to fight it out over the Holy Grail, but she was so weak she couldn’t even throw a punch. The only techniques she had to her name were her dances, and while they were seductive, they were hardly an Excalibur. She had to use her wits and wiles to get by, and she knew all too well that eventually those wouldn’t be enough.

So… If she could free some of the other Servants, restore them to themselves, wouldn’t it be worth it? Even if she was doomed in the attempt, wasn’t that a worthy sacrifice to get a more powerful person back onto the field who could maybe win against this accursed city? She wasn’t worth very much – but someone like Marie, the Queen of France? Or perhaps even Jeanne, the holy maiden of Orleans?

Yeah. Actually, that was a trade she was willing to make.

“Okay,” she finally answered, her smile just as sweet and sunny as always. “What game would you like to play?”

The casino was abuzz, crowds flocking in to watch as Mata took her seat across the card table from the Casino Master, with Marie Antoinette still leaning up against his side. Around them a small horde of hooded figures and their busty, brainless slaves was starting to form.

Watching a Servant go down was always a popular activity in Cockaigne.

The stakes were clear. For every round she won, a Servant would be restored. For every round she lost, her brains would plummet and her tits would plump. It wasn’t subtle, or elegant, it was simply practical.

The game kept that theme – Poker. Couldn’t get simpler or more practical than that. Mata had spent more hours than she could count snuggling up to patrons at the card tables and encouraging them to spend, spend, spend – she knew how this one worked. And she knew that the house never played fair. They had no intention of letting her win even once, so she was going to have to be on her game here…

For a moment, she considered asking to shuffle the cards herself, but decided against it. They’d be prepared for something like that. No, she knew what she had to do here – she had to play their game until her moment came. She had to be patient, and hope they continued to underestimate her.

Two cards were dealt out to her and to her opponent, with five cards being laid face up on the table. This was a one on one fight, after all, and the bets had already been made. Now everything came down to just the luck of the draw. In theory, anyway.

Mata checked her cards carefully. Hm, a Queen and a Five. On the table there was another Queen, an Eight, a Seven, and two Threes. So she could make a two pairs here, Queen high. Not a bad hand. Far from unbeatable – but…

“I call,” she said, seeing no reason to mess around. “Two Queens and Two Threes. Can you beat that?”

For a heart stopping second, she thought she might have misplayed – that the casino might go straight in for the kill instead of playing with their food. She had no illusions here – as soon as she lost a round, her brains would pop and any hope of winning again would go out the window.

But fortunately…

“Ah, no, I only had a pair of Ones against those Queens. How unfortunate,” he sighed with theatrical disappointment. “The round is yours. Which bimbo would you like?”

Okay. It would make sense to go for some powerful Servant, but she wanted to see if they would keep their word for herself. And that meant… “I’ll take Marie.”

The Casino Master chuckled. “Very well. Here – now you can see for yourself that I keep my word.”

He snapped his fingers – and next to him, the red hood wearing Servant suddenly stiffened. Before Mata’s eyes, Marie’s bust seemed to shrink, as her ass slimmed down, until all of her curves were back to the level that, well, the Assassin assumed she had started with. The biggest change was definitely in her eyes though. They said the eyes were the window to the soul, and previously Marie’s had been dark and dim. Now, though, they lit up – a sharp, empathetic mind whirring back to life behind them.

“Oooh… I… W-where am I?” The silver haired queen looked around the casino in confusion. “Wasn’t I just in the glassblower’s shop? … But, wait, no, I remember… I remember a lot of pink…”

Mata winced. “Sorry, your Majesty – I don’t really have time to explain right now. But take a seat, please. I’ll try to catch you up when I can.”

Frowning, Marie nodded, doing just as she’d been asked and taking a seat next to the Assassin – wrapping her red cloak tightly around herself as she realised how exposed she was. Sadly, there was no time to comfort her. Another hand was being dealt.

This time she had two Fives. Not bad when there was another Five on the table, along with a One, an Eight, a Queen and a King. It was possible her opposition had something better, but it wasn’t super likely. So, if she was right… This was a safe hand to push.

“Three fives,” she said, setting her hand down openly. “You?”

“Nothing,” her admitted, revealing a Two and a Three. “You win again, my Lady. Who will your prize be this time?”

Okay. Now that she knew this worked… “Jeanne D’Arc.”

“Ah, a powerful holy maiden… Very well.” He snapped his fingers again. “Done.”

There was no visible effect this time. She had to take it on faith that now there was a fully aware saint out in the city somewhere. It could easily be a trick – but that wasn’t the important part. She needed to sell this next bit carefully, letting a confident grin take shape on her lips. Let them think she was buying it…

The cards hit the table again, but this time, before Mata could pick hers up, the Casino Master raised a hand. She watched him suspiciously.

“Honestly,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “You’re luckier than I expected. This is getting rather embarrassing for me. Tell you what – shall we settle this in one go? All or nothing. You get ownership of every Servant currently owned by the Casino if you win – or if you lose, you become the biggest bimbo of the bunch. Either way, I’d like to stop making so much of a spectacle of myself.”

Huh. All or nothing… Hm. Tempting. She had been having a really good run so far. If it held up just a little longer… Was what she was supposed to think.

“May I take a look at my cards before I decide?” She asked, giving him her most charming smile.

“Of course.” He waved her on. Good, good.

Peeking under her cards, she saw two Aces. Which matched nicely with the two that had been dealt on the table. Four of a kind, huh? Yeah, that was a crazy good hand. You’d have to be mad to walk away from cards like this.

“Hm. No thanks,” she said, letting said cards slap back against the table as she rose gracefully to her feet. “No bet. I think I’m done with this anyway. Come on, Marie – let’s get out of here.”

Her hand had been good – but she couldn’t help but notice that along with the Ace of Hearts on the table there, there was also a Jack and a Ten of the same suit. The only bet she was willing to make at this table right now was that her opponent had a Queen and a King in his hand – a Royal Flush in the making, one of the few hands that’d crush hers completely. It was the classic hustle – reel the victim in, then crush them when they overcommitted. Not this time, jerks.

Except… Uh oh. She’d been expecting protests. She’d been expecting anger. She’d been expecting this situation to turn very ugly indeed. Escape wasn’t really on the cards for her, she’d known that from the start – she just wanted to show these fools up for being the cheats that they were.

What she’d not expected was silence. Stillness. Everything froze around her, the light seeming to dim. At her side, Marie was paused in the middle of looking confused. Across from her, the cloaked Casino Master was tilting his head, as if he hadn’t processed what she’d done yet. The crowd gathered around the table were posed like statues, locked in place. Everything was quiet.

Then, slowly, the clapping began. A single pair of hands clapping together, the sound rolling through the frozen tableau.

Mata turned around – and found herself face to face with… A woman? Or… A man? She couldn’t tell, actually, and normally she was very good at that. Their figure could be male or female, wrapped up in a bright purple suit. Their face was split by a wild smile, glowing purple eyes framed by long, messy white hair. And their aura crackled with power, a low heat tickling the brunette’s skin just being close to him/her…

Despite herself, the Assassin found herself taking a step back from that aura, her rear bumping against the card table. “Who… Who are you?”

“I?” The… woman? … Yeah, she was going to go with Woman. The woman chuckled, bowing. “Why, I think it should be obvious, no? I am Asmodeus. I am the ruler of Cockaigne. And I am impressed, Mata Hari.”

Mata swallowed. Asmodeus? The Demon Pillar that had created this singularity in the first place? Oh hell. This was so much worse than what she’d been expecting. “You… You are?”

“Oh yes. You’ve lasted longer here than any other Heroic Spirit. And you’ve even managed to foil my minions when they thought they had you trapped. Bravo, bravo indeed.”

The Assassin gritted her teeth. She couldn’t get a read on this woman – outside of knowing she was dangerous as hell. “Well… Thanks. I guess. Can I leave now?”

The demon woman laughed, shaking her head. “I’m afraid there’s no escaping the Servant Trap, dear. Every Heroic Spirit that winds up here falls in the end. That’s the rules of this place, and even I can’t change something like that – not that I have any desire to. I do like all these bimbos, after all…”

Yeah. Yeah, that figured. The Servant’s heart sank, but she was used to this kind of thing. A weak Servant like her didn’t get a happy ending. Hell, her own life had taught her that much.

“I thought you might say something like that,” she sighed, arms folding over her chest. “Well fine. What are you going to do to me? I assume you’ve thought up some creative way of turning my brains into boobs?”

“Tempting…” Asmodeus leaned over, very clearly ogling the maiden’s fine form. “It would only take a snap of my fingers, it’s true. But… No. No, actually, I’ve come with an offer for you.”

The Assassin blinked. “An offer? Not a game?”

Purple eyes flashed .”Would you like a game?”

Ha. What a question. “… No. I'm not interested in more games. You lie, you cheat, and you betray. I know this is rich coming from a Servant like me, but this place you’ve built is just plain vile.”

She was worried the woman would take offence, but no – she just laughed again. “Bold~! Ah, so very bold now that you’ve been pulled out into the open. Very well then, yes, an offer.”

The two stared at each other, both trying to read the other’s mind. “You can leave here if you want. The casino, at least. My foolish creations will decry it, but I will hold them to their deal. It keeps things interesting. But you know that when you leave, the hunters will be after you. You will not escape from them a second time.”

For as much as she was trying to present an unafraid front, Mata couldn’t help but swallow at that. Yes, the slut hunters, heroes bent to serve the city and hunt their own kind… They’d be out in force once they heard about what she’d done.

“Medb will see you as competition. Boudica will see you as a challenge. Tamamo will see you as a part of her collection. Nightingale will see you as a patient needing to be cured. One of them will catch you - and if not them, one of countless others.” Asmodeus grinned. “It would be a lot of fun – I really should arrange a proper contest for them all some time. But it would be a sad ending for a woman who’s come so far.”

The Assassin glanced away. “Maybe I can take a few out with me, at least. But what's your point?”

Suddenly, the demon woman was leaning right over her, moving into her personal space like it belonged to her. She was a tall creature, and Mata found herself trapped in her amused gaze. “My point, dear, is that I’ve grown a little bored of things lately. Things have gotten a bit too easy. And I’m running out of Servants to corrupt. So I’ve been looking for the right element to spice things up – an element that might just be you~”

Uh. What? What the- What on earth was that supposed to mean?

“Element? What element? You know there’s nothing I can do, right?” Honestly, she was starting to get insulted. She was perfectly aware of how pathetic she was as a Servant, she didn’t need people rubbing it in.

“True enough,” the demon shrugged. “At the moment, you’re really quite helpless. I mean, I just need to look at you and…”


Mata paled as she felt a sudden weight on her chest. Looking down – yep. Her breasts (which had never been small, come on, who did you think she was?) had just grown out by at least two cup sizes each. “Hey!” Face flushing red, she immediately tried to cover herself with her arms. “Knock that off!”

“Heh~” Asmodeus flashed her a flirtatious smile – which, even despite her anger, made her heart pound. “Sorry, I just can’t help myself sometimes. I’m the demon of lust, after all.”

The Servant snorted. “I knew it. You’re just going to turn me into a bimbo, aren’t you?”

“Oh, yes. Absolutely.” The demon nodded with a frankness that surprised her – even as her heart plummeted. Damnit, for a moment there, she’d almost hoped…

“Servants who are summoned to Cockaigne end up as airheaded sex toys. Those are the rules of the Servant Trap,” Asmodeus continued, without any seeming care for the other woman’s disappointment. “If you take my deal, then yes – I will turn you into a bimbo personally. An empty headed slut with more interest in what she’s got between her legs than saving the world. That’s how it works. But… You’ll have something extra.”

That got Mata’s attention, even as the rest of the demon’s words made her want to dig through the floor to escape. “Extra?”

The white haired woman nodded. “Extra. Your lips, specifically. When you kiss one of your fellow servants… You will have the power to cure them, and return them to normal. They’ll revert to the noble spirits they once were, and will have a second chance to escape the trap they’ve found themselves within.”

The Servant stared. “Wh… what? Why… Why would you offer me that? Wouldn’t that undermine the entire point of this place?”

“Well, obviously, it’s because I think they’ll still loose,” Asmodeus giggled. “This way, I get to watch them get bimboed all over again~ Ah, it’ll be so much fun!” Her grin was all sharp edges. “But you, my dear Mata Hari… What do you think? It’s a chance that maybe, just maybe… I might actually lose.”

The two stared at each other for a long moment – the human pale but considerate, the demon smug, but curious.

“The cure will never work on you, obviously. You’ll be stuck busty and brainless for good. But you might be able to help someone else. Tell me, Mata Hari – just what kind of hero are you?”

What kind of hero… Heh. Well, to tell the truth – she’d never really thought of herself as a hero at all. Just an unfortunate woman who’s name had managed to get recorded on the throne through no reason of her own.

This… wasn't a great deal. It wasn't even a good deal. But it was something. The ability to give others a second chance... It'd cost her herself, yes, but it might just start the chain of dominos that'd destroy this city. Could she do it?

Yeah. Actually, that was a trade she was willing to make.

“All in,” she said, letting said cards slap back against the table. There were gasps from the audience as her confidence washed over the table. “What was it you said? All of your Servants? I guess I’ll be taking those now, with my…” She paused, and then looked at her cards again. “What did I have… Oh right – with my four Aces!”

The gasps grew louder as she revealed her hand. And yet, for some reason, the Casino Master didn’t look too bothered.

“Ah, congratulations, Miss Hari. Truly a powerful hand. But I think you’ll find…” He flipped over his own cards. “That a Royal Flush beats-”

“Yep, yep, whatever,” the Assassin cut him off, urging him to hurry. “Let’s get on with this.”

“…” He looked annoyed, but raised his hand anyway. “Very well. First, we must take back your winnings…”

He snapped his fingers, and next to her Marie squeaked in surprise as her curves suddenly expanded back to bimborific proportions, nearly knocking her out of her seat. Her confusion didn’t last, of course – or rather, her confusion deepened into a thick fog of incomprehension inside her head, as her intelligence dropped sharply down back to proper bimbo levels. One moment, she looked stunned, and the next she looked simply stupid, her vapid eyes glazed, her thick lips pouty, and her hands wandering down back between her legs, beneath her red riding hood cloak.

Mata did her best to hide her wince at that. ‘Sorry, Marie,’ she thought to herself. ‘I don’t have a choice this time.’

Was the same thing happening to Jeanne, somewhere else in the city? There was still no way for her to know.

“And now that you’ve had a little preview…” The Casino Master continued, “it’s time that the fate you’ve been avoiding for so long finally catches up with you. Any last words as an intelligent woman, Mata Hari?”

She sighed, getting to her feet. “You are nowhere near as stylish as you think you are.” Maybe not a line for the history books, but it’d do.

Certainly, her words seemed to have found their mark, given how the man was now glaring at her. His motions growing much sharper and more forceful, he went to snap his fingers…

Only to stop as the lights went dim all across the casino. “What the…?”

There was a flash, a chorus of gasps as the room fell silent, and then…

A figure made of pink light descended over the card table like an angel – but the feeling of intense lust that swept over the audience could only be demonic. Several cloaked masters fell to their knees at the sight, while their busty servants moaned and giggled at the intense feelings pounding through them.

Caught at ground zero, the bimbofied Marie could only gaze up at the sight in wonder, her fingers pumping between her legs or groping her chest. Even the Casino Master gasped and stumbled back at the sight of the strange apparition.

The only one who remained exactly where she was, staring up into the pink light with a smile on her face, was Mata Hari. She didn’t try to bow or flee – not even as the figure’s glowing fingers cupped her cheek and raised her face. Not even as she felt an ungodly heat ignite inside her, dripping between her legs just from the being’s touch. Not even as the light’s face descended, and met her lips with her own…

Instantly, warmth filled her. Not the unbearable heat of lust – although that was certainly there. No, this was something else. Something pleasant and seductive. An airy lightness, like the sun on a pleasant summer’s day, promising to take all of her worries and fears away.

Ah. So this was how it felt…

She felt a giggle rise up from inside her as her chest began to grow, felt the urge to shake her hips as her ass began to thicken. Ahhh, she could feel it. It all felt so distant, in a weird way – but so nice, too. It was like her thoughts were turning into cotton wool inside her head as the kiss finally ended, her lips taking on a perfect pink shade as the figure vanished into the air.


N-Now, quickly. She had to do this quickly, or it’d all, like, totally slip out of her head! Ohhh, it was already happening! Hah, she could feel her brains melting – it felt, like, so super nice…

But she pushed past all that, even has her tits grew larger than her head, holding on to one thought, one idea as everything else floated away. Heehee, it was such a fun idea – why would she forget it? Mmmn, she was gunna do it right now!

And so, bust swelling, ass plumping, brains melting, Mata grabbed Marie by the cloak, and pulled her into a soul searing kiss. One that went on for a long while, and drew many moans as the brunette’s body finally finished changing.

“H-huh?” As they finally separated, the silver haired Queen reached up to brush her lips, her eyes wide and confused.

And the brunette dancer just giggled, smiling at her. “You’re, like, a total cutie – did you know that?”

Then a cloaked arm wrapped around the dancer’s shoulders, and pulled her away. “Yes, she very much is,” the Casino Master chuckled, apparently having recovered from the shock of that strange visitation. “But come, Mata – it’s time for your first show as a true citizen of Cockaigne. I have a stage prepared just for you.”

“Ohmigod, really?” The bimbo cheered, snuggling up against the man and making a happy approving sound as his hand landed on her ass. “Ohhh, I can’t wait! I’ll put on, like, the bestest biggest bimbo show ever!”

“I have no doubt, Mata,” he said. “No doubt at all.”

And as the crowd departed, flowing like a river to follow after the new star attraction, no one noticed the figure still sitting at the card table, fingers pressed gingerly against her lips…

The night was wild. Mata Hari had been a skilled performer in life, and becoming a Servant had only enhanced that ability. Now, becoming a true bimbo had boosted her up like never before. A wink from her vapid eyes was enough to make the weak faint. A flash of her chest dropped men to their knees. A wiggle of her hips had women worshiping her as a goddess.

Yet this was a strip show, and not one for the frail of heart. All of that was just the first five minutes. Once the wheat had been sorted from the chaff, that was when the top came off, and the skirt hit the floor, inviting all eyes to enjoy the newly enhanced curves of her body. Soon, the other dancers would arrive, and the show would heat up in earnest…

It wouldn’t truly begin, though, until the star finally descended from the stage, and began to make her way through the audience. Somehow, even as vapid as she’d become, she never forgot a face, and always made time to get to know the ones who stayed for her performance…

After all, the show wouldn’t end until she’d fucked every single one of them. Her mouth, her ass, her tits, her cunt, all of them were open and free. Every night, the theatre would descend into an incredible orgy, with her at the heart and centre of it all, delighting in pleasuring anyone who took a seat at her venue.

Soon enough, she’d move on from the Casino, drifting into the burlesque clubs and whore houses across the eternal city. She’d become a living legend, a treasured experience no one could forget – one of the most famous bimbos in the city. The weakest Servant had found joy at last, living a happy, brainless life, where she could fuck and suck to her heart’s content.

But on that first night, unnoticed, just as the Cockaigne’s most popular show of all time began…

A figure stumbled out of the Casino’s front doors, dressed in a red cloak. Blinking, unsure for a moment – but then slowly firming with resolve, Marie Antoinette walked out into the city.

She wasn’t sure where she was going yet – but she was certain of one thing, if nothing else. Whatever it was she did next, it would play a part in the destruction of this evil city. She would make sure of it.

And perhaps – just perhaps – as Asmodeus watched on from afar…

… The first domino began to topple to the ground.


Request: It's time for the Beacon Academy Talent show, and Jaune is excited to try out his talent - hypnosis! However, he knew he'd need an assistant and managed to rope Yang in. She doesn't exactly believe in hypnosis, but she'd never turn down an opportunity to mess with Jaune. Unfortunately for her, she does end up hypnotized while they do a practice run in Jaune's dorm...

“Hey, thanks for helping me out short notice like this.” Jaune pulled open the door to JNPR’s dorm room, allowing Yang to step inside. The other members of his team were all out – giving him a little space to practice for the talent show tomorrow, they’d said. It was time he was going make good use of! “Are you sure you’re really up for this, though?”

The blonde bruiser grinned at him. “Listen, vomit boy…”

“Aheh, pleasedon’tcallmethat,” he muttered as he closed the door.

“This show is going to be hilarious.” She planted her hands on her hips, her smile not budging one iota. “Of course I want a front row seat!”

The blond boy coughed. “I’m, uh. I’m not actually doing a comedy routine, you know…”

“Oh, I know!” Yang nodded smartly. “What was it you said – hypnosis? C’mon, Jaune, everyone knows that stuff’s fake!”

“What? No, no way. It totally works! You know. Sometimes. Occasionally. … I… I mean, I think I hypnotised my sister once? Although she might have been messing with me…” He trailed off, considering. Uh. Hm. Maybe this had been a mistake. But he was booked in now, and an Arc never backed down! At least, they didn’t when it meant Miss Goodrich would be glaring at them…

Yang snorted, clearly unconvinced. “Yeah. Sure. Anyway…” She looked around the room. “What are you going to want from me here?”

“Well, I was thinking we could get you fitted for a proper Magician’s assistant costume…”

The blonde held up a hand, shaking her head. “Yeah, not happening. No one’s getting to see my girls like that unless they buy me a drink first.” She patted her chest proudly.

“Oh. Um.” Jaune’s shoulders slumped. “Well, we can practice, at least?”

“Sure, that sounds easy enough.” She nodded, rubbing her chin as she thought about the coming show. Sure, she was here to get some laughs, but she wasn’t out to outright sabotage the guy. She’d take her job seriously. Ish. “So, what do you want me to do? Are you going to wave your hands at me, or do you have a spiral you want me to stare at for a bit or something…?”

Finally, the hapless leader of JNPR seemed to find some confidence. He smirked, digging into one of his pockets. “Oh, actually, I have that prepared. Feast your eyes… on this!”

As he spoke, he pulled out a purple gem, carved into the shape of a diamond. It was hung on a dark string – one that was practically invisible unless you were looking for it – hooked through a small gold engraved hole near the top. It glittered in the afternoon light as he drew it out and held it up.

Yang… was not impressed. “Wha- Ha! Oh my god, you actually have a crystal on a string? Seriously?”

“Seriously! Hey, don’t knock it, I inherited this from my grandpa. He said it was his good luck charm – got him everything he wanted!” Jaune buffed the gem with his sleeve, and then leaned over to his friend conspiratorially. “The string was my addition to the legacy.”

“Wow. Just wow.” She shook her head. Agreeing to help was already paying for itself, at least in sheer amusement. “Okay then, so… I just stand here? I don’t have to do anything special? You don’t want me to hold my arms up like a zombie or anything?”

He nodded, holding his ‘lucky charm’ up and letting it dangle at the end of the string. “Yep! Just focus on the crystal. We’ll handle the rest once you’re under.”

“Pft.” Try as she might, she couldn’t stop herself from laughing at that. “Sure. Sure. I’ll try.”

He patted her shoulder as he stepped around behind her, holding the crystal up so it rested just in front of her face at eye level. “It’s easy. Just keep your eyes fixed on it.”

She had to stop herself from rolling them instead, struggling mightily to do as she was asked. Slowly, the crystal began to swing, still glittering in the light. It was nice to look at, she could admit that much at least. And Jaune’s control of its movement wasn’t too bad. Slow and steady, easy to keep track of.

“… As it swings from side to side…”

Yang sighed, her eyes following even as she quickly started to get bored. This was less funny, more dull. “Are you sure you don’t want to try dancing or anything? Probably less humiliating.”

“… Just gently drifts from left to right…”

She found herself yawning, her eyes struggling not to slip off the crystal for a moment. “Mmmn, sorry. Maybe I didn’t sleep right last night. Anyway, look, I…”

“… Left to right…”

“L-l-lleft to riiigh… Uh…” One eyelid drifted closed for a moment, only to snap open as she shook her head. “Oh, zoned out for a second there. Say, Jaune-“

“… Back and forth…”

“Baaaaccckkk and foorrrrth…” She found herself repeating him again, swaying on her feet. Mmn, she was getting tired. “Uh… H-hey, I… I’m feeling weird…”

“Now I’m going to count down from three…”

Was he… ignoring her? Mmn, her head was so fuzzy all of a sudden. What’d he just say? “Cooount dooown… Hmmn?”

“… And when I get to zero…”

“Z-zero…” She giggled, a goofy smile on her lips. Zero was a funny word. And when he counted down to it, she was gunna… Gunna…

“… You’re going to drop into a nice, mindless trance for me. Alright?”

“M-m-mindless…?” She nodded empty headedly, eyes still fixed on the swinging crystal. Left to right. Right to left. Wait, what did he mean mindless?


“W-wai-waaaait a sec…” She slurred, her jaw slowly going slack.


“I… I can’t… look away…” Her eyelids felt so heavy. So heavy…


She yawned again, this time long and hard. Her eyes were barely open – just narrow slits that swung in time with the crystal. “What’s… happenin’…?”


Yang’s head dropped, eyes sliding shut. Her chin rested heavily on her chest, her arms limp at her sides. As Jaune watched, she even started to snore quietly – completely asleep while standing up.

Slowly, the crystal stopped swinging, the blond boy pulling it back as he studied his assistant. Holy crap, had it actually worked? She looked pretty entranced… And a good thing too, his arm had been starting to get pretty tired.

“Hey, Yang – can you hear me?”

“Yes Master. I can hear you.” Her answer was a dull monotone, and she continued to snore against her chest.

Oh. Oh wow. He hadn’t even told her to call him that. Was this just because it was what she thought she should do when she was hypnotised? Or was it because she was hypnotised? He’d… He’d never actually hypnotised anyone before, so he didn’t know. He definitely wasn’t complaining though!

“Okay… Let’s see how far this goes. Open your eyes, Yang, but remain in this trance.”

“Yes Master.” She did just as instructed – opening her eyes and raising her head, allowing him to see, for the first time, how dull and empty her eyes had become. She looked well and truly mindless.

Well then! First things first… “Right. For your first test… Yang – Act like a chicken!”

A jolt seemed to run down the blonde’s spine as she registered the command. Then, without a moment’s hesitation, she folded her hands up into her armpits and began strutting around the room on bow legs.

“Bwak! Bwak! Buk buk. Bwak!”

Jaune watched, a smile slowly growing on his face as he watched his hypnotised assistant slowly wander around the room, occasionally ‘pecking’ at the ground by bending down and nodding her head at the carpet. There was absolutely no way that Yang Xiao Long would ever do this kind of thing if she wasn’t hypnotised. She wasn’t faking - it had actually worked!

“Okay, okay, stop!” He commanded, allowing Yang to straighten up and settle back into her mindless stare. “Test two time. Uh. Yang, I command you – dance for me!”

“Yes Master.” There was something amazing about the way she replied so mindlessly, her tone so empty of emotion – and then she began to dance. Her moves were provocative and confident, just like her usual self, and he could tell she was an experienced club dancer. Her strut was on point, her shimmy had just the right bounce, and there was definite flow in her movements as she hooked her arms behind her head and shook her chest in his face.

Not bad. Though… Hm, honestly, her moves could use some work. The routines he was working on with team JNPR were way better… But she had potential. Yeah, not bad, Xiao Long. That confidence was well earned.

“Alright, enough,” he said, and watched again as Yang immediately went still, and slid back into standing at attention. “Good work. Now, test three – Yang, act like you’re a cheerleader!”

Instantly, a smile broke out on the blonde’s face – even if it never reached her eyes. Her stance adjusted, her legs sliding out, and she immediately started bouncing and shaking her arms, as if she was holding pom-poms. But what came next that surprised him, as she launched into a full volume cheer with seemingly no preparation.

“Ready! Okay!
One Two Three Four
Who’s the hunk we all adore?
Five Six Seven Eight
Jaune’s my Master, ain’t he great!
Gooooooo Juuuuaaannnneeee!!!

Holy crap. Where had all of that come from? She just jumped straight into a routine without even the slightest complaint! Was hypnosis really that powerful?!

… Actually, come to think of it… They’d been trying this out for a while now. And so far, Yang hadn’t objected to any of his tests. She hadn’t resisted even once. Was it possible that she was just that susceptible to hypnosis?

He needed to test this. And he could only think of one way to do it.

“Alright, stop,” he muttered, swallowing as he gathered up his courage. “Fourth and, um, final test. Yang? Uh… Strip.”

He wasn’t sure what he expected. Hesitation? Resistance, at long last? Something like that, he’d expected something. What he had not expected was Yang immediately pulling her top off over her head while she kicked off her shoes, and then steadily stripped off every piece of clothing she was wearing to dump them all on the floor. His jaw quickly joined them.

“Holy crap…” He whispered, his eyes roaming Yang’s proudly naked body – and good gods in heaven, she had a lot to be proud of. But the real telling thing was her eyes. They were just as empty, just as mindless, as they had been from the moment she’d gone under. Not even this was enough to make her resist.

As it turned out, she’d been the perfect candidate to help him all along. And there was no way he was going to look this gift horse in the mouth.

“Well, I never bought you a drink,” he muttered, staring at her bared tits. “But we’re definitely going to get you in a proper uniform for the show.”

He coughed, shaking his head. This was no time to be getting distracted. This was amazing – and now, he knew exactly how to handle what came next.

“Alright Yang – I’ve decided. You’re going to be the perfect assistant for tomorrow’s talent show. Now listen closely. Here’s what I want you to do…”

He started to list his instructions – and Yang mindlessly absorbed every single one, staring blankly at the wall the entire time.

There was one thing now that Jaune was absolutely confident about – his show at the talent contest tomorrow was going to be the performance of a lifetime!


Request: The Dark Lord has decided that his recent failures are due to a lack of efficiency in his forces, and decides to take drastic measures. We follow one of his female goblin minions as she and her compatriots are turned into mindless drones.

“Hey boss!”

“Hey boss!”

“Yo bossman!”

The Dark Lord, Harbinger of the end of the Golden Age, Bane of the Seven Legions of Light, Conqueror of the Forbidden Continent, and Ruler of the Ashlands… sighed, turning to face his right hand woman, a stoic elf named Folin. “Why are they here?” He asked, his tired voice echoing with the power infernal.

“They have a report to make,” the elf replied, not budging from her usual spot at his side, her hands clasped behind her back. The only time the dark haired elf ever moved was when she detected a threat to his life – that was when the blades came out. The fact that she remained still meant she saw no danger here.

But she was wrong. These three goblins were absolutely a danger – to his mental health, at least. Did his sanity count for nothing?

Apparently not. He grumbled, sitting back in his dark iron throne, the screams of the souls sacrificed to create it buzzing down his spine, and turned to face the gang of green-skinned women who had just burst into his throne room.

“What,” he spoke, throwing every ounce of dread power he had into his voice, making it shake the very foundations of his castle, “do you want.”

Not a single goblin seemed to notice the effect. In fact, they only seemed encouraged by the fact that he was paying direct attention to them. The redhead, the tallest among them, was outright preening, shoving out her impressive chest (for a creature her size) and winking flirtatiously. The black haired one was at least slightly shy, hiding behind her companions and ducking back with a giggle every time she saw he was looking at her. And the blonde… Well, at least she looked ready to give an actual report. Or, she had a notepad in her hands, anyway. Dark forces knew what was actually written in that thing.

“We are here, your darkiest foulness…” He heard a snort from his right that definitely couldn’t have come from Folin, so help her god. “… To deliver a report!”

“Yeah!” The redhead chimed in. “We totally finished all those missions you sent us out on!”

The black haired one poked her head out. “Reward, please!”

“It doesn’t have to be money! We’d be plenty happy with a promotion to your bedroom, boss!” That was red.

“Oohh, we could be the official harem!” Annnd that was blonde.

Dark forces, what did it take to scare these little shortstacks off? Even the ogres had a healthy fear of him, and the shortest of those things was ten damn feet tall. Why were these creatures that barely measured up to two so completely unafraid of him? It wasn’t as if he objected to a goblin in his bedchambers from time to time, but there was a definite lack of respect here that as really quite necessary to the whole operation. What kind of Dark Lord couldn’t rule through fear?

Well, whatever. He resisted the urge to wrap his face-covering helm in his hands, and instead focused on getting this over with. It was just a report, he could put up with this much.

“Okay,” he said, gathering his strength. “Then report. Where is the crystal that I tasked you to steal?”

The crystal of Melerr would make an excellent focus for the enchantment magic he intended to cast over the forest guardians of Koldir, paving the way for him to invade the enchanted woods without any resistance. He was eager to have it in his possession.

The blonde nodded, consulting her notes, before turning back to him and smiling .”Okay, so, good news – we stole it! Grabbed it right from under the priestess’s nose!”

Alright, now they were talki- Wait.

“Good news?” He asked, heart growing heavy with dread. “Then what’s the bad news?”

The blonde jabbed a thumb over her shoulder, pointing at the redheaded one. “Lonnie hocked it for ale money.”

Said redhead was grumbling, her arms folded. “The prices they charge in the taverns are daylight robbery, boss! You gotta invade ‘em quick so they go down again.”

Folin was shaking. The Dark Lord decided, because she was too useful to get rid of for the moment, that she was doing so in fear of him, and certainly not because she was trying to hold in her laughter.

“Right,” he sighed. His own fault for entrusting such an important task to the gob squad, really. He’d thought that surely they could manage that much. “Then I take it that the crops I told you to ruin are dealt with, at least?”

There was a hesitance to the goblin’s response that he really didn’t like.

“Well, we were gunna…” Said the blonde.

“Yeah, we totally headed right out there to get on that…” Agreed the redhead – Lonnie, was it? Tch, why would he bother to remember their names.

“But…” Blonde looked at red.

“But…” Red looked back at blonde.

Finally, it was the black haired one who answered. “They put up this really spooky guy to watch the place for them at night!”

Lonnie (Damnit!) nodded hastily. “Super spooky. He had, like, a pumpkin for a head and branches for arms!”

The blonde shivered, wrapping her arms around herself. “Brrr. Don’t wanna mess with that.”

The Dark Lord stared at them. “… You were driven off by a scarecrow?”

Lonnie blinked. “Is that what those fearsome beasts are called?”

And the blonde rubbed her chin. “Scare crows. Did they have wings underneath their ragged shawl? Fitting names for such awful creatures. I’m surprised the forces of light would use them!”

Oh for the love of- It was almost enough to make him repent and join a monastery. Almost. “What about the roads I commanded you to guard?”

The three goblins exchanged an uneasy look.

“Yeeeah, so…” Eventually, Red answered. “We tried that…”

“Yeah, we did great!” Black chimed in. “Beat up a bunch of merchants and stole all their booze!”

Red and Blonde both nodded proudly. “Yeah that was super fun!”

“But then…” All three goblins pouted as Lonnie explained. “… They went and whined to the Adventurer’s Guild…”

Black raised her arms over her head. “Next thing we know we’re being chased all over the kingdom by a stupid paladin and her magic friend!”

And Blonde was sulking. “The things that bitch called me, I never!”

“… I see.” Chased off by two Adventurers. Well this was a new low. But, he had a hunch here, they could probably get lower. “Finally, then… The caves I wanted you to explore?”

“Are super dark, wow.” The black haired one was the first to answer, and really probably shouldn’t have bothered.

Lonnie nodded, pointing at the Blonde. “Yeah, Bridgit tripped as soon as we went in there and smacked into both of us.”

The Blonde – Bridgit? – was quick to protest. “That wasn’t me, that was you!”

“How do you know?” The redhead smirked at her like only a goblin with a completely unassailable position can. “It was too dark to see who it was!”

“Enough!” He raised a hand to silence them – because he’d long learned that just screaming at them didn’t work. “So what you are telling me is that you have failed to do as I’ve commanded in… literally every way?”

The gob squad had the decency to look at least mildly ashamed of themselves. “I mean, I dunno about literally…”

“I see.” Dark forces, any proper minion worth their salt would have fled from him in terror rather than delivering a report like this. There were camps of exiles in the frozen north that were made entirely of failures who had run and hidden themselves away rather than admit their mistakes to him (and one day, when his conquests were complete, he was going to enjoy paying those camps a visit). But these girls were so completely unaware…

What to do, what to do. Obviously, he could have them all executed – a snap of his fingers or a command to his Right would have all three heads flying in a second. But even that seemed like more effort than these three were worth. There had to be some use for them, surely? Come now, every crisis was an opportunity in disguise…

Hm. He turned to his right. “Folin, the Xerik ambassador who came to swear fealty the other day. Did he not say that his people had a method of turning any soldier in our ranks into an elite?”

The pale skinned elf raised an eyebrow at him. “They certainly did, sir.”

“Well then.” He looked down upon the three curious goblins in front of him. “It seems to me that these three have earned the right to be our first test of that process.”

The gob squad blinked, sharing a look between themselves. What did this mean? Was he talking about them? What kind of process was this? How should they react? In the end, there could be only one answer…

Red’s arms shot up into the air. “Wohoo! Promotion!”

Bianca followed her best friends/biggest rivals/total bitches into the room, glaring at the silver architecture. Ugh, precious metals. So gauche. Sure, it was impressive how it was all woven together in pretty patterns or whatever, but where was the iron? Where were the oil stains? How was anyone supposed to feel at home in a squeaky clean mess like this? Ugh, it was almost positively elven, ew ew ew.

This was, someone had explained to her once while she’d half been listening (and half staring at Lonnie’s ass, because damn that girl), the part of the Dark Lord’s keep that he allowed his tentative allies to make use of. She had no idea what a Tentative was, but their sense of style sucked. They could really use a gobbie makeover, that was for sure.

Actually, one of those sounded like a great idea for her, too. She’d just caught sight of her reflection in one of the stupid silver walls, and her black hair looked so boring compared to her friends. Maybe it was time to bite the bullet and start dying. Purple was a cool colour, that’d look better. Or maybe red? No, wait, then people’d start thinking she was Lonnie again.

“Ugh, why are we here?” Speaking of Lonnie, apparently the redhead hadn’t been listening to their orders! Which was a problem, because Bianca hadn’t been either.

“To become Elite Soldiers!” Bridgit had them covered though – blonde little nerd. “Or something. That Xerik guy told us to come in here and… um… Something.”

Oh yeah, that guy had said something, hadn’t he? Brrr. Xerik were creepy. Those big dark robes and those weird metal faces. She’d been too busy pulling faces behind his back to actually hear a word he’d said. It couldn’t have been that important.

“Okay,” she said, deciding to be dynamic and take charge. “Then I guess we-”

“Oh what’re these!?” Annnd there went Lonnie. What a dumbass. Her redheaded gobbo friend had scampered over to the table in the middle of the room, and was peering up at the three silver masks propped up on its surface. “They look shiny!”

“Hey, knock it off, idiot!” Bianca stomped her foot. “We’re on a mission or something! We’re supposed to be Elites and stuff!”

“Yeah yeah, gimme a sec,” the redhead giggled, waving her off as she reached up to snag a mask in her greedy gobbie paws. “No one’ll notice if I just take one~”

“Uh, I dunno, they might…” There went Brigit again, being a stupid worrywart like always. Bianca immediately switched sides.

“Course they won’t, dummy!” She snorted. “There’s silver all over the place. They totally won’t miss one little piece.”

“Exactly!” Lonnie nodded, dropping back down and waving her prize over her face. “Ooohhh, lookit me, I’m a big scaaary Xer-Kk!”

The goblin cut off as her mask suddenly jumped out of her hands and onto her head, settling completely over her face. She struggled for a moment, fingers wrapping around its edges to try to yank it off – but then she went still. Slowly, her arms dropped to her sides, and she straightened up, standing at attention. If you watched carefully, you might even notice as her bust and butt started to swell a little, her already impressive curves growing a few extra notches of amazement.

The other two goblins watched the show with unimpressed glares. “Lonnie! Quit messing around! That Xerik creep might hear you!” That was Brigit’s complaint.

Bianca’s was much more important. “Lonnie you bitch, how’d you make your tits do that? You share that trick right now!”

Lonnie didn’t react to either of them though, which was just, y’know, rude. Instead she just saluted, her movements all stiff and janky and weird. Hmph, show-off.

“Unit G-1 reporting for duty,” she said with a dull monotone voice. “Proceeding with acquisition of further Units.”

Oh ladedah! Someone’d been reading the dictionary on the way over here! Well fancy words weren’t going to make you any less of a ho, Lonnie! Wow, and she’d thought Brigit was a nerd.

Speaking of Brigit, the blonde was stomping up to her friend, waggling a finger in her blank silver face. “Hey, dumbass, you can’t just-Mmmhmnhm?!”

Whatever she was going to say was, alas, lost to the wind – both because no one was listening to her being a bitch, and because Lonnie had just grabbed a second mask from the table and slapped it over her face.

Ugh. Bianca rolled her eyes. Dark forces, they were definitely going to get in trouble for this. Oh great, and now Brigit was doing the stupid ‘Stand at attention while my tits get all huge’ act as well. Stupid nerds.

“Unit G-2 reporting for duty. Proceeding with acquisition of further Units.” Well yeah, everyone already knew the blonde one was a nerd. Even if she was really a total dummy. It wasn’t like she actually knew what any of those words meant anyways.

And now the two of them were stalking towards her? Hmph, idiots. Okay, she didn’t want anything to do with this mess, so she was gunna get out of her right-Huh?

Lonnie moved with surprising speed – way faster than she’d ever moved before, grabbing the dark haired goblin before she could even take one step towards the exit. And what the hell, when had she gotten so strong? It was like being caught in an ogre’s grip!

“Hey, lemme go you busty bitch!” She squirmed, trying to wiggle free. “Put me down right now, or I’m gunna mhmhmb mh mhwhmhm!”

Honestly, she was so caught up in yelling at her friend that she didn’t even notice Brigit striding up and slapping a mask over her face for a good five seconds.

It settled on her quickly, muffling her voice and tingling against her skin. Before she’d even realised what was happening, bright lights were flashing before her eyes, quickly dazzling her with their brilliance. It was this weird spiral pattern, just flickering and spinning in front of her, twirling and twisting and… and… it was… so stupid… so annoying… so… pretty… so… nice…

Hypnotic spirals swallowed her attention as brain blanking magics went to work erasing her personality. The mask had been designed to subdue even the strongest of wills – which this goblin certainly wasn’t. Her resistance was akin to a spider facing down a hurricane – swiftly erased, along with the rest of her thoughts.

Her arms went limp, dropping to her sides. Beneath her mask, her jaw did the same, hanging open as her mind steadily went blank, filled only by the commands now echoing through her head.


She saluted, her hand stiffly moving to rest near her head.

[You are Unit G-3. Report for Duty. Then Stand By for Further Orders]

“Unit G-3 reporting for duty,” she repeated mindlessly. Her voice was just as hollow as her sisters. “Standing by for orders.”

The Dark Lord tapped his gauntlet wrapped fingers on the arm of his throne. “Report.”

The silver masked goblin in front of him – the one with red hair, flanked by her blonde and black haired sisters, saluted. “G Squad Alpha reports complete success at the given mission.”

There was a tense pause. “That’s all you have to say? No rambling about pointless details or useless excuses?”

“Affirmitive, Master.”

“… Give me the details.”

“Yes Master. Units G-1, G-2, and G-3, otherwise known as G Squad Alpha, were instructed to capture the Priestess known as Saint Almaya, who was reported to be travelling through the Ashlands, offering unauthorized blessings and healing to the subjects of the Dark Lord. Mission was a success – G Squad Alpha tracked the target to a village on the outskirts of the Burning Wastes, and subdued her with minimal difficulty. G Squad Alpha then proceeded to return back to Shadow Keep, where the target was secured in the dungeon. Mission complete.”

Hm. The Dark Lord shared a look with his right hand. “It seems that the upgrade was well worth it after all.”

Folin nodded. “Indeed, my Lord. Shall I begin plans to make use of the Xerik’s offer on more of our soldiers?”

“Do so. Though make sure not to make too many of these ‘Elite’ units. We can’t take the risk that the Xerik aren’t fully loyal to us yet. Still, this has been a pleasant surprise…” He chuckled, grinning beneath his fearsome helm. “Let’s see if they have any more in store for us. Units – report to my bedchambers. We shall test just how far your upgrades have gone.”

G-1, G-2, and G-3 all saluted, and as one turned to march towards their new destination as Folin rolled her eyes.

Well, those three had been pretty desperate to spend a night as their Dark Master’s sex toys. This way, didn’t everyone get what they wanted? A happy ending for everyone involved!

And possibly the beginning of a new dark age for everyone else…


Request: Rin and Luvia disliking each other would be an understatement. So them arguing and hurling insults at each other was pretty normal these days, with the only location varying. This time, they were trying on new swimsuits to impress Shirou, and both were next to each other checking out their outfits in the mirror. But the eyes of the mages would wander to each other in the mirror, Rin looking jealous at Luvia’s chest and Luvia in envy of Rin’s ass. A bounce and a jiggle later and the slightest bit of hypnosis sets in for both of them and the insults kept coming. Now both have noticed where the other is staring and the insults start to change them. Luvia calls Rin a, “Stupid wanna be bimbo cow.” And Rin delivers back a, “Ass obsessed, twerkaholic slut.” And the changes started, and more insults came, more of the same from the rivals. And soon, the words became reality as Rin turns into a big boobed bimbo cow girl and Luvia becomes an ass obsessed girl with a huge ass herself and twerking to imaginary music. Curious to what will happen when Shirou comes to check on them…

"Tohsaka and Edelfelt must not attend classes together.” This was the simple, unspoken rule of the Clocktower, the home of the Mage Association, and centre of the modern magical world. For two mages – young, by the standards of their contemporaries, only just entering their 20s – to have gained enough attention to warrant such a rule was impressive in its own right.

More impressive, though, was that it was absolutely deserved. Rin Tohsaka and Luviagelita Edelfelt could not, under any circumstances, be left in the same room as each other. Fights between them started quickly. Collateral damage followed swiftly thereafter. Both women were utter geniuses in their field, which just made it all worse because they were in the same damn field, and both of them were all too eager to squabble over every little detail of the theories they devised.

If they could have worked together, magical study might have well moved into a new, enlightened age. As they could not, however, magical study was instead descending into hell. Fights were breaking out – actual fights, with punches and suplexes and spells shot like machineguns – every time they met, and the facility was desperately trying to keep them apart as much as possible. They couldn’t just kick them out after all – geniuses like them needed to be kept around. But still, if they could tone down the destruction just a little…

Honestly, both women were quite content with how this was working out for them. Happy, even. They were the kind of people who thrived when placed against adversity, and had found in each other a rival they could respect – and hate with every fibre of their beings. Look, mages are just weird people in general, you couldn’t expect them to behave by normal standards.

Thus, while the facility, their teachers, their classmates, and even their friends tried frantically to keep them apart, both Rin and Luvia tended to find themselves coincidentally walking the same halls, researching the same books, visiting the same shops… And inevitably, disaster would always follow.

Honestly, the only one who seemed to be oblivious to any problems was Shirou Emiya, Rin’s apprentice – who was also the only one that both girls had the teensiest tiniest bit of a crush on, and was also probably the only one who would ever survive the theoretical threesome that most of the Clock Tower assumed would one day come to pass.

But, yes. All of the above was the reason why, when the black haired red devil bumped into the blonde haired lady forklift in the clothing store, neither was surprised. In fact, a charge of glee ran through both women as they locked eyes, the chance to defeat their rival presenting itself.

“What’s that you’ve got there, bumpkin? I didn’t know this store sold rags to clothe poor unfortunates like yourself.” Luvia delivered the declaration of war with the charming grace of an elegant princess.

“Oh, just a swimsuit for my vacation with Shirou,” Rin fired her counterattack artillery with the dignified air of the ultimate class president. “I’m not surprised you don’t recognise one – hags catch fire when you throw them in water, don’t they?”

Lightning crackled. The temperature cooled. Even the non-magically inclined people around them found themselves backing away and looking for cover without knowing why.

“Is that so?” The blonde was all smiles, just like a shark. “How funny! I was just planning a little swimming trip myself. Of course, I’m sure the resort I’m going to will be far too glamourous for you with your simpletastes.”

“Of all the coincidences!” Rin giggled, not about to be lured into telling her rival where she and her apprentice were heading that easily. Her eyes quickly scanned Luvia’s shopping. “Well, good luck finding a swimsuits that suits that thick figure of yours. I see you haven’t found one yet, but I’m sure there’s something out there if you spend the next week looking.”

“Actually, I was just about to pick the perfect swimsuit up,” the blonde lied with a dismissive flick of her hair. “But you needn’t fear. I’m sure that when I appear wearing it, I won’t show you up that much more than I usually do~”

Thunder rolled. Both girls smirked at one another. Without a single direct word, the gauntlet had been thrown down, and the terms understood. Rin turned on her heel, marching towards the changing rooms, while Luvia dashed towards the swimsuit section, frantically hunting for something that suited her.

Five minutes later, both women were stood in the changing rooms next to one another, both doing their best to look unimpressed and entirely casual as they inspected their reflections. Rin had, of course, chosen a cute red two-piece number, while Luvia had gone for a blue one piece. Both looked spectacular, of course, but no one else was around to see them – all of the other customers had fled long ago. Now it was just them, and they could be completely honest with each other.

“Did you stuff melons in your top or do you always jiggle in such an unsightly way?” Rin growled, her eyes creeping from her mirror to Luvia’s, and locking straight on to her tits.

“I could ask the same – who do you think you’re fooling with that ass?” Luvia was doing just the same, though her gaze was focused somewhat lower.

There was a reason that everyone thought that threesome was inevitable, even if both women were completely oblivious to it.

Instead they just smirked and casually moved to pose themselves, with Luvia folding her arms behind her head to push out her chest, while Rin made a show of turning around to get a better look at her rear. And naturally, since neither woman could stand the thought of losing to the other, both of them quickly applied minor glamours to themselves to make their assets look just that little extra attractive…

Bounce. Jiggle.

Shake. Wiggle.

For a moment, the two found themselves staring, finding it strangely hard to look away from their rival’s reflections. The bouncy jiggle from Luvia’s chest sent a strange, pleasant shiver down Rin’s spine, and each shake of the red devil’s hips made the lady forklift’s pupils dance from side to side. Peace and quiet descended over the shop as they stared, lost in their reflections…

Then both mages remembered why they were here.

“Where are you looking, Tohsaka? Are you so disappointed by your lacking chest that you can’t tear your eyes away from mine? Heh, I should have known you were just a stupid wanna be bimbo cow~”

Rin snorted – though her eyes didn’t actually move away from Luvia’s tits. “You wish, you ass obsessed, twerkaholic slut. Think I can’t see where you’re staring?”

They smirked at each other – or, at least, at their reflections…

And then began to feel strange.

Bounce. Jiggle.

Shake. Wiggle.

Rin found her eyes fluttering as she watched Luvia’s chest bounceand jiggle in front of her. Wh-what was it the blonde had called her… a stupidbimbo cow…? Ha… haha… How ridiculous. Was that really the best… her rival could do…? She could look away from those nice big tits any time she wanted… obviously… She just didn’t want to right now…

Ngh. Maybe she had picked the wrong swimsuit though… It was starting to feel really uncomfortable around her chest…

At the same time, Luvia was feeling much the same way – a thick haze falling over her thoughts as she watched Rin’s enchanted rear shake and wiggle. Mmm, she felt strange, but… in a good way. Heheh, yeah, this was nice… Not… Not that she was really a… an ass obsessed… twerkaholic slut. Like Rin had said. She was just sort of… enjoying the view. Nothing wrong with that… right?

Giggling, her knees began to bounce, the blonde’s body rocking up and down as her swimsuit began to feel a little tight around her hips…

Of course, neither of them could leave it there. Snapping out of their strange empty headed fugues, both women tried to force the bouncing boobs and hopping hips out of their minds to focus on insulting their rivals. It was oddly difficult.

“Hmph. Enjoying the show, you… you moronic… moo-brained heifer…?” Luvia sneered, smirking.

“I… haa… I should ask you the same, you s-slutty fat assed whore!” Rin giggled, her smile growing rather dazed. And then…

Ooohhh. Both women’s eyes crossed as their words slammed home into their soft, soft brains. Rin’s lips puckered into a confused pout, while Luvia’s jaw dropped, drool starting to drizzle down her chin.

Bounce. Jiggle.

Shake. Wiggle.

Rin’s swimsuit top was starting to strain, having been designed for a woman several cup sizes smaller than she was. It was actually starting to become a pain, but not enough of one to distract her from Luvia’s tits – which were actually a little smaller than hers now, though she wasn’t really aware of it.

Moronic moo-brained heifer… She giggled again. Imagine her being some silly cow brained idiot with boobs bigger than her head… Just groping her tits and mooing all the time… Heh heh, Moooooooo~

Meanwhile, Luvia’s one-piece was starting to turn into a thong, her ass cheeks plumping up massively, slapping up and down as she continued to bounce. It was a little difficult to keep her balance as her centre of mass started to shift – but even without thinking about it, she wouldn’t let anything break her concentration on Rin’s fine ass.

Slutty fat assed whore? Haa, she was one to talk! Just look at that amazing booty! Ah, just imagining it shake and bounce like a proper fat assed whore’s should! Dancing to the rhythm of… Huh… Where was that catching music coming from?

Things were starting to get dire for these two as their curves continued to inflate and their heads continued to empty… But they still had enough in them for one last round of insults.

“Stupid... S-stupid... dumb... bovine... hussy!” Luvia gasped as her ass slammed up and down.

“Buh... big... booty... dancing... dunce!” Rin moaned as her brains drained into her tits.

Bounce. Jiggle.

Shake. Wiggle.

Snap! Rin’s top ripped apart at the exact same moment that Luvia’s thong did, both garments utterly ripper asunder by the force of their swelling bodies, boobs and butts finally growing too great to contain. Neither of them seemed to mind, their thoroughly glazed eyes still fixed on the mirrors, even as their minds completely popped.

Rin sank to her knees, desperately massaging and squeezing her tits – both of which had grown larger than her head – and Luvia started to twerk without heed, dancing to a beat only she could hear. Their brains had been thoroughly melted out of their heads, all of their genius funnelled into their curves where it would be much more useful.

That was where they would remain, no longer even capable of firing off snipping insults at one another… And perhaps that was for the best. It was hard to imagine how much worse they could make this one for themselves, but if they kept going there was no doubt they’d manage something.

Eventually, the Clock Tower’s cleanup crew was sent in to work out how to fix the situation - which proved quite difficult, after it turned out that now the two rivals possessed incredibly hypnotic curves. How had they managed this? No one had any idea, least of all the two new bimbos.

In the end, there was really only one thing they could do – leave it to Shirou and see if he could sort them out. They were basically his responsibility anyway. And hey, this meant that all the people betting on when the threesome would finally happen would get their money! It was win win.

Certainly, Rin and Luvia seemed pretty happy with the arrangement. Or at least, they did, until they started brainlessly arguing over who got to spend more time with their favourite redhead, anyway. Then the fighting started… And soon, once again the collateral damage began to mount up…

This was why there was an unspoken rule, after all.



Mine came out wonderfully. Thank you so much!