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Hi folks!

Hope June is treating everyone decently. It's definitely gotten pretty hot - good luck to everyone in areas that have gotten rather dangerous lately. Hope everyone's staying safe out there.

For me, writing is rolling along pretty smoothly - I'm on track to have everything done well on time, which is a great feeling after how this year started. Who knew getting sick could throw such a wrench in the works, huh?

As I've mentioned, I'll be taking July off to rest and recover my writing energies - something I'm infamously bad at in my circle of friends, but it's worth a try. I'll see about how to keep things entertaining around here while I'm out! But in the meantime, please enjoy this Naruto request, set in a world where... Well, I think that'll become clear pretty quick. Enjoy!


It was another glorious day in Konoha, the village of hidden sluts in the leaves. The sun was shining, the breeze was fresh, and the people were docile. Everything was just as it should be, with Masters and Mistresses leading their slaves too and fro about the town, conducting their business and issuing orders as they pleased.  What more could anyone ask for?

Certainly, to a pair of proud slaves like Sakura and Ino, it seemed like another day in paradise. Their Master – oh, how the thought of him made their hearts flutter~ - had a few errands to run outside of his palace today, and had opted to bring them out with him. Why? Oh, simple slavegirls like themselves would never think to wonder something like that. He’d ordered it, and they obeyed, like any good slave should. The reward of rich, warm tingles stoked between their legs told them what good girls they were for thinking that way – if it could really be called ‘thinking’ at all.

Thus, the pair stepped out into the light of day, following in their Master’s wake. They walked with a careful, deliberate strut – shaking their asses with every step, showing off their long, smooth legs with each stride. They were, after all, their Master’s property. It was their duty to look as good as possible, to draw as many enchanted stares and horny whistles as they were able. That was why they were dressed as they were – in flowing silks, pink for Sakura, green for Ino, that trailed around their bodies just enough to hide the important stuff, and flaunt everything else. The only thing on their bodies not made of such fine materials were the silver collars locked solid around their necks – and the leather leashes leading from them to their Master’s hand.

But when it came to struts, of course, Sakura had an unbeatable advantage. Her ass was three times the size of her blonde partner/rival’s – a beloved and cherished gift from the man who now led her around town by the leash. Her cheeks bulged around the pink veils that clung around and between her legs, only just barely allowing themselves to be contained. And Ino was all too aware of the difference, judging by her irritated look at the pinkette’s smug grin.

“Reign it in, fat ass, you’re going to make everyone think you’re some common whore.”

“Excuse me? There’s nothing common about me, pig-tits. I’m the most exclusive whore in the village. Everyone can look, but no one can touch without Master’s say so~”

“Hmph!” The blonde stuck her nose up in the air. “Exclusive means showing some restraint, horse-hips. They can hear the clap of those cheeks all the way in Iwagakure.”

“Well that just means even they can be jealous of Master’s pride and joy!” Sakura just stuck her tongue up at her.

Grrrrrr… Bah. Whatever! It wasn’t as if the booty bitch was getting all the looks. Ino had her own secret weapons as well – though, really, calling them ‘secret’ was a complete lie. Naturally, her gift was the opposite of Sakura’s. Her chest bounced and jiggled with every step, mere straps of strained green fabric the only things preventing her massive tits from being proudly displayed to the world. Not that she’d ever allow them to be shown like that without Master’s permission – they belonged to him, just like the rest of her.

But even this fraction of her true power was enough to attract the common masses. Oh yes, she could absolutely see the hungering looks from people passing on the street – and nothing beat the warm glow she got from the jealous glares of other, lesser slaves when their Masters paid her more attention than them. Heh heh, drink it up, girls – this was what a real slave girl looked like.

“Just be careful not to smack Master upside the head with those bowling balls you stuffed into your chest again, boob brains. He doesn’t need another concussion~” Now Sakura was on the offensive, slinging another insult in sing-song. Maybe she’d seen the looks too.”

“It was only the one time!” Ino huffed. “And that’s nothing compared to the amount of times you’ve nearly suffocated him sitting on his face with that murder weapon you call an ass!”



The two locked foreheads, lightning crackling between them, even while they never missed a step or paused the sway in their hips. Even while they were arguing, they were their Master’s slaves, after all. In fact, if he’d ever said to stop fighting, both would have in an instant, and never again would they have said so much as an unkind word about each other. But the man clearly enjoyed the passion his slaves brought to their service, and hadn’t discouraged them – and thus, to this day, their rivalry continued.

Eventually, they broke their joint glare – both turning away from each other and folding their arms with equally loud “Harumph!”s. If one thought that was the end of their argument, though, then they hadn’t seen these two in action before.

“Anyway, I know what this is really about, melon head,” Sakura grinned, her smug aura returning as she lightly hip-checked the girl walking beside her (which almost knocked Ino over).

“O-oh do you, you dumptruck dolt?” The blonde tried to style out her stumble, turning slightly to face her rival and smacking her back with the side of her tits. “What’s that then?”

“Hmph.” The pinkette was ready, but it was still a heavy hit to endure. “Well, it’s obvious! You’re jealous.”

“Wha- Jealous? Of you? You mean you think I’m jealous of a big bummed freak like you? Of those hefty hips you’re carrying around everywhere? Of the way you get stuck in every door you try to walk through? Get real, whore butt. If anyone here is jealous, it’s you?”

“Oh?” Sakura giggled, a finger resting against her mouth coquettishly. “Me, jealous of you? Who’d be jealous of those saggy sandbags you’ve got there? There’s no mystique to a pair of knockers with no polish. Your fun-bags are fun, sure, but that’s all, while my cheeks can delight for days~” She grinned – and then her flirty expression turned into a quick glare. “And you get stuck in doorways too, slut sow!”

Ino snorted with amusement. “No, I get squished in doorways.” She lifted her arms and squeezed her chest between them generating a perilous amount of under and overboob for a moment. “You get stuck. Big difference.”

“Oh yeah?” The seductive haughtiness dropped as Sakura poked her rival right in the boob. “Wanna test it then, balloon girl?”

Ino’s answer was, of course, a smack to Sakura’s ass. “Any time, concrete butt!”



The game was on.

The rules were simple enough – they kind of had to be to fit inside these two heads. It was just a contest of who could get the most jealous stares from the other slaves by drawing attention from their Masters and Mistresses. A noble contest they had indulged in plenty of times before, since it was basically just them showing off their Master’s property. So far they’d yet to declare an actual winner, but that had never stopped them from competing before!

At first, both contestants were completely confident. They both believed in their own gifts – after all, they’d been given to them by Master! There was no way their rival’s boobs/butt would defeat their butt/boobs! It was unthinkable! And not just because they were kind of dumb!

So it began. Ino started softly, running a finger down her chest and toying with the veils that hugged her collar, snagging the edge of the fabric on her nail and pulling it gently, as if trying to get air under her clothes. She was promptly rewarded by the growl of a slavegirl near by as the poor thing’s Master craned his neck to get a glimpse of what lay beneath.

Sakura saw no need to be so subtle. Instead she simply lifted her arm, and then delivered a Smack to her behind that echoed down the entire street – and then grinned at the glares she could feel burning into her back from the three or four slaves who’s owners heads had turned. The early lead was hers.

But soon, an unexpected roadblock presented itself. Their Master, still leading them along with no attention to spare for their silly games, guided them into the market square. It was a place bustling with merchants, masters, and slaves alike, dozens of stalls creating narrow passages for flowing traffic.

And as they entered, Sakura dimly realised she had a problem. Squeezing through the crowd was easy enough – their Master was an important man, and the masses parted easily for him. But with this many stalls around, not everyone could see his slaves in their full glory. Which was no problem for Ino – her tits were up high and easy to spot. But for her…

The pinkette frowned down at her behind, its majesty now difficult to spot thanks to being so low down – hidden by all the stalls and wares. Oh no, this was a disaster!

And it was a disaster that Ino was all too happy to take advantage of. The blonde shot her rival a sharp grin, before lifting her arms into a long, languid stretch. An eager moan slipped through her lips as she let her back push forward – and in so doing, shoved her chest up and out, her tits jiggling invitingly for all to see.

The chorus of bitter snarls she got from the slaves around her said more than she ever could about how effective a technique it was. And the smug eyebrow she raised at Sakura said even more clearly that she’d just taken a decisive lead in their contest. If her rival couldn’t do something quickly to close the gap, then she’d finally proven once and for all that boobs were just better~

No… No, this couldn’t happen! Sakura wouldn’t allow it! She’d never allow herself to lose to Ino. Butts were better than boobs – that was her Slavegirl way!

It was time for drastic measures.

“Oops!” She stepped to one side, hip checking a stall and loudly sending its display of melons tumbling to the floor. “Oh, silly me! Here, let me help you pick those up!”

She bent over, keeping her legs raised perfectly straight, and started gathering fallen fruit as her Master patiently paused to let her clean up the mess she’d made… And all the while, she could feel the rising of a feeling that someone who wasn’t a brainwashed slave might have called ‘killing intent’ coming from every slave in the market. And it just got worse as her butt swayed merrily in the air, bouncing left to right with every wiggle. Ha, funny that!

Alas, she didn’t want to actually delay her Master, so she was quick gathering up the spilled produce and returning it to its grateful merchant – before shooting Ino her own brand of victorious grin. She was back in the game.

And so it continued, both girls doing everything they could to increase their lead, as long as it didn’t actually inconvenience Master. Ino would jiggle, and then Sakura would strut. Sakura would giggle, and then Ino would moan. The heavy smack competed with the light bounce. Back and forth, the contest went, infuriating every slave they passed, but delighting all of their owners.

And attempt at an ‘accidental’ nip-slip seemed like a sure fire winner, until Sakura actually got stuck between stalls and needed the help of a couple of very friendly Masters nearby to free her. Their slaves had been less pleased – though, naturally, they showed only smiles to said Masters’ faces…

By the time they left the market, both girls had lost count of how many stares they’d gotten. Which wasn’t too unexpected – neither of them were any good at math. But luckily, they knew just who to ask to work it out for them!

“Who do you think won, Master?” Sakura asked, rubbing up against her owner’s side (with a great deal of care spent to make sure she didn’t accidentally smack him around with her behind).

“It was definitely me, right Master?” Ino cuddled up to his other side, wrapping her tits around his arm and giggling with delight.

“You know, girls,” Master answered with an amused laugh, “I think it was another draw.”

“Awww…” The slavegirls pouted, disappointed that, once again, they had come up completely equal. It was weird how often that happened, honestly. Every time they asked him to judge, that was his answer. But of course, if that was what Master said had happened, then it must have been true – neither of them doubted that.

“It’s about time to stop anyway,” he continued. “We’re here.”

The girls looked up – and saw that the destination they’d always been heading towards was the tall tower in the centre of the village. Once upon a time, it had been… It had been… Uh… Hm. They couldn’t remember. Oh well, though – it didn’t matter what it had once been – because now, it was the slave processing centre, where all the new slaves were bought and sold.

“Oh, are you getting a new slave, Master?”

“Why would you need one when you have us?”

“Now now, girls. No need to get jealous.” He chuckled as he led them inside. “Just because I’m getting another girl doesn’t mean I’ll spend any less time with you. I’ve put way too much time into you two to drop you that easily.”

The pair sighed happily, practically walking on air as they followed. They had such a kind Master. Sure, he could just order them not to mind, but instead he made it clear how much he valued them as his property. How lucky they were~

“But I’ve had my eye on this girl for a while now, and I finally decided it was time to get her brought in. They grabbed her last night, so her head should be nice and empty by now – ready for pickup.” He continued to lead them through the building, through the winding corridors and passageways. “That said, I’m not wasting my money on extra training for her, so you’re going to be in charge of teaching her… pretty much everything you know. Got it?”

“Got it Master!” They both answered cheerfully, his words searing themselves into their brains. So, they had a new girl to train, huh? Great! There were no better slave girls to learn from then them, they were absolutely sure.

“Good. Now…” He pushed open a door that seemed just the same as all the others to them, and stepped inside. “Why don’t you introduce yourselves to your new slave-sister, Ayame.”

Standing in front of them, alone in the small room, was a brown haired woman who looked to be around about the duo’s age, perhaps a little older. She was staring blankly forward, her jaw slack and drooling, and didn’t seem to be aware of anything – the room, the new arrivals, or even her own nudity. It was the classic look of a woman who’d just had her brains scrubbed out from between her ears – Ino and Sakura knew it well.

“Ohhh, she is cute,” Ino decided. “Nice pick, Master!”

Sakura, meanwhile, was tapping her chin. This new girl looked kind of familiar. Hadn’t she met her somewhere once before? A loooong time ago, maybe. For some reason she had the weirdest memory of eating food with her… Or at her restaurant? Or something? There’d been someone else there… Someone with blonde hair. Not pale like Ino’s, but bright and warm. It kind of reminded her of Naru’s, actually…

But that was silly. There was no way that ever happened. She hadn’t been serving her Master! Clearly she’d made that up, so with a giggle, she shook her head and allowed the memory to dissolve away, deleting it from her mind entirely. Obviously, this was her first time meeting Master’s new slave. “I can’t wait to show her the ropes!”

“Glad to hear it,” Master chuckled. “Let’s get her woken up…”

He stepped forward, dropping his hold on their leashes (both pouted at that) and raising his hand in front of the brown haired woman’s face, snapping his fingers loudly as he did so.

Instantly, her entire demeanour changed. The slack blank look on her face vanished, her eyes lighting up as her mouth gasped and then shut. Her gaze followed the hand back to the man’s face with an utterly devoted expression. “Master! I’m yours!”

That got a grin from him. “I should hope so – I paid good money for you.”

Ayame clasped her hands over her chest, looking proud. “I’ll be worth every penny, sir, I swear! Just tell me what you desire and I’ll do it~”

“Excellent. Well then – first, let me do the introductions. These two here are your sister slaves, Ino…”

He gestured to the blonde, who waved happily. “Hi there!”

“…And Sakura.”

His hand swung around to the pink haired slut next to her, who smiled and bowed. “Nice to meet you!”

“I have others,” he continued casually, “but these two are my favourites for the moment. They’ll be the ones teaching you how to best please me.”

Ayame bowed politely to both of them, but she also paused when looking at Sakura – her brow wrinkling for a moment as if she was trying to place a difficult memory… Before she gave it up with a shrug and a shake of her head. “I’ll be in your care.”

The two senior slaves giggled at that, eagerly anticipating having a new student hanging on their every word. Oh, this was going to be fun~

Master seemed pleased with it all as well. “Good good. Now, why don’t you girls get started with the training,” he said as he started walking towards the door. “I have to finish the paperwork on my latest purchase.”

“Of course, Master.”

“You can count on us, Master!”

“I’ll listen to everything they say, Master~!”

The three smiled adoringly as their beloved owner departed, waving until the door swung shut behind him… And then the two seniors turned to study their new sister, considering her.

“Hmmm… Not bad…” Ino said, circling around a nervous looking Ayame, sizing her up like a piece of meat. “A very homely kind of look…”

“I-is that good?” The brunette asked nervously, blushing as she was inspected.

“If it’s what Master wants, then of course it’s good!” Sakura joined in on the circling, reaching out and stroking her hands up and down Ayame’s body, checking her muscles, her sides, and especially her curves. “Oooh, and these have good potential. If you ask nicely, Master might give you some enhancements…”

“En-enhancements?” This time the stutter wasn’t from nerves. The pinkette was being very handsy with her inspection, and it was all Ayame could do not to squirm and moan too loudly.

“Oh yeah.” Ino nodded firmly, lifting up her own chest as an example. “You’ll be wanting some nice big tits, Master loves those~”

Sakura snorted. “Of course, if you really want his attention,” she said, stepping away and giving her new student a good look at her ass, “then what you really need is booty.” She gave herself another smack in demonstration, Ayame’s eyes widening as her cheeks bounced and jiggled.

“You wish, bubblebutt.” Ino, however, was not so impressed. She stretched back, her top straining to almost bursting point before the new slave’s eyes. “We both know Master prefers boobs – he just gave you those so you didn’t feel left out.”

“Uh, excuse me, pumpkin tits? No, he definitely prefers my ass most. Did you not see how hard he was ploughing it last night~?” Her tone was polite and her smile was gentle, but Sakura’s eyes promised eternal suffering for her eternal rival.

This didn’t even remotely phase the blonde staring right back at her. “Only because he was motorboating these babies at the same time~” She giggled, hefting her chest proudly. “Fortunately I was there to help him through such a trying experience. I’m surprised you didn’t notice me sitting on your back.”

“Hmph, of course I’d miss that, no one could possibly notice an ass as flat as yours~”

“Oh, but at least I have an ass – the same can’t be said for you and your tits~”

The sound of growling was growing louder in the room by the second, energy crackling between the two slave girls as neither backed down. With this much tension, something had to give, sooner rather than later…

And unfortunately for one slave in particular, there was a handy lightning rod already present. “Um…”

Both girls suddenly rounded on the brunette as she accidentally drew attention to herself. “You!”

“M-me?” She shrank back, but the boob/butt duo advanced with her, and soon she was pressed against the wall with no escape.

“Yeah! You, Ayame! Tell us, which do you think is better?”

“It’s my tits, right?” Ino’s confidence was flawless, thrusting her chest into Ayame’s face and letting her boobs bounce. “We all know it is. Why don’t you just admit-Wah!”

At least, it was flawless right up until she was thrown aside by an equally eager Sakura. “Ignore that loon – all her brains were shoved into her chest a long time ago. And anyway, it’s obvious that what you’re going to say is my ass is the champ. I mean, just look at it~”

She spun around and bent at the waist, thrusting her behind out and swaying it from side to side. “Amazing, right? I bet you can’t tear your eyes away!”

And indeed, Ayame was finding it very difficult to do just that. “Amazing… Can’t… look away…” The swaying of that magnificent posterior was so captivating… Almost… hypnotic… Her brain was starting to fill with the sight of the perfect ass…

Of course, she had just gotten out of an intense period of brainwashing that had left her head rather soft and scrambled, so that may have had something to do with why this was so devastatingly effective – but that didn’t change the facts. The brunette was already starting to drool.

The fight wasn’t over yet, though. “Oh please.” Suddenly there were boobs shoved back in her face, blocking out everything else. “Just get a look at these babies~”

Bounce bounce bounce~

“Oooohh…” The brunette’s eyes fluttered as she found herself hooked all over again, unable to resist the jiggling perfection that was smothering out her thoughts. Boobs boobs boobs~

“Hey!” And then they were yanked away, leaving her head bouncing emptily in place. Sakura had grabbed her rival and pulled her back. “No fair getting in the way. How’s she supposed to choose if she can’t see both?”

“Pft. Fiiiiine.” Ino rolled her eyes, but nodded. “We’ll both just stand back here, strut our stuff, and then we see which one she stares at the most.”


The pair glared at one another for a moment, both testing to make sure the other wasn’t about to betray their word… Before grudgingly nodding and stepping into place. Sakura bent over and smacked her ass, letting her cheeks shake and clap as she twerked, while Ino reached down and cupped her breasts, generating a lovely view of boob-squish as she bounced in place. It was a bouncy, jiggly, hypnotic display par excellence – and poor Ayame was caught in the middle of it all.

She tried, bless the girl. Her gaze kept flicking back and forth, desperately trying to work out which one of these two curvaceous specimens was the best, but every time she tried to settle, she’d just be pulled back to the other, and start ping-ponging again. And soon, it was all just too much for her freshly wiped brain – leaving her frozen in place, head locked between the two views.

Naturally, both competitors tried to claim that as their victory.

“She’s looking at me”

“No she’s looking at me!”

“Come on, she’s clearly- oh.” Sakura paused. “Her eyes have crossed. Iiii think she’s not looking at anything right now.”

“Duuuuhhhh…” Ayame’s dropped, drooling jaw seemed to confirm the diagnosis.”

Ino had the grace to look embarrassed, at least. “Ah. Oops. We gave her too much.”

And her rival nodded. “Not everyone’s as resilient as Master after all…”

“Hm? What was that about me?” The door behind them opened, and the slaves spun to find their Master returning, completed paperwork in hand – and it wasn’t long before he saw what they’d done with the brunette he’d left in their care. “… Ah. Girls, did you break my new slave just after I’d bought her?”

Both slave girls immediately flushed with embarrassed panic, falling to their knees in apology. “S-sorry Master!”

“We just wanted to see who was better…”

But fortunately he didn’t seem to upset. In fact, he just chuckled. “Oh girls, whatever am I going to do with you two? The answer to that question is simple!”

They blinked, lips pursing in surprise. “It is?”

“Tell us Master!”

They looked up at him, pleading… And he smiled.

“Of course – Code TA1.”

The pair blinked, feeling something click in their brains. “Oh!”

Then everything became clear.


“Oooohh…” Ayame’s head was still swirling as she slowly recovered, her enslaved mind starting to wake again. “What happened…?”

Happily, it was her Master who responded, petting the slave girl on the head. “I’m afraid your instructors got a bit too carried away with your training. It’s okay – you’ll get used to them in time.”

She squealed and hugged his arm tightly, the discomfort she’d been feeling from that strange experience instantly banished. “Of course, Master – if you say so, so it shall be~” Then she paused, looking around. It was just the two of them in an unfamiliar room – it looked like she’d been brought back to the Master’s palace while she’d been entranced. “But, wait - what happened to Ino and Sakura?”

Master chuckled, gesturing off to a door at the far end of the room. From beyond it, Ayame could hear sounds – like something heavy being moved around. Or maybe it was the sound of fighting? She couldn’t tell.

“I gave them some time to learn to appreciate each other,” he explained. “It’ll calm them down for a few days before they start competing again. Sometimes it’s best just to let them blow off some steam…


Entwined around one another in an embrace so deep and tender that it could only be shared by the most intimate of lovers, a blonde slave and a pink-haired slave stroked and kissed, their voices purring as they lost themselves in each other’s pleasure.

“Mmmnh~ Sakura, your cheeks are so soft… So plump… So wonderful…”

“Ino, your tits are heavenly. Please, smother me with these divine blessings, let me taste nirvana…~”

They giggled and moaned, squeezing and fondling, kissing and sucking, each totally focused on making their partner feel better than they’d ever felt. The rest of the world was cast in irrelevant shadows – all that mattered…

“Your ass is the best~”

“Your tits are the best~”

… Was each other.



“Besides,” he grinned. “This way, I have some time to put my newest slave through her paces, and see just what she’s capable of.”

“Ooh~” Her face flushed bright red, heart hammering. She couldn’t think of anything in the world that she wanted more. “By your command, Master. I exist to please you, after all. Where would you like me to start~?”

It was another glorious day in Konoha.


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