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Hey folks! Hope all is well out there.

Everything's much the same around here. I'm writing away on requests, and for the moment things seem to be going well. I'll be taking next month (July) off to recharge my batteries - I really wish there was a way I could do that without taking a month off but oh well. Plenty left to do until then!

For the moment, please enjoy this commission - a continuation of this piece: The Ultimate Hypnosis Tape (Dangan Bimbofication) by Director-DZ on DeviantArt

And I'll see you next week!


Makoto Naegi woke slowly, dragging his feet all the way. He has no interest in returning to reality right now – not when he was having the most wonderful dream. An insatiable pair of bimbo sisters who hung on his every word, and took any excuse to get on their knees to worship him in ways that only real bimbo sluts could… Who would want to wake up from that? It was a dream that beat reality hands down! Screw being the Ultimate Hope, the only thing he ultimately hoped for was that he got to experience this amazing dream for five more minutes!

But alas, everyone has to wake up and face the music eventually. And so it was too for Makoto, his eyes slowly blinking open, his chest steadily rising with a sigh, his hands gently exploring the bouncy curves of the girls lying beside him…

Wait. Hold up a sec.

He looked to the left. Blonde. Boobs. A sleeping bimbo was right next to him, one that could only have been Junko Enoshima, except with curves far greater than the ones that even Ultimate Fashionista possessed. Could it be…?

He looked to the right. Blonde. Boobs. A sleeping bimbo was left next to him, one that could only be… Wait… freckles. So this was Mukuro! She had definitely gone through more changes than her sister, but there was no doubt that the Ultimate Soldier was now snuggled up next to him. Although it seemed unlikely that she still held that particular title…

Had… Had it not been a dream? Was this reality? No way! Even the Ultimate Lucky Student wasn’t that lucky! … Right?

Okay, actually, when he put it that way…

“Oh hey, you’re awake!” A fluffy bright voice interrupted his shocked introspection, and a moment later a busty blonde was giggling up against him and kissing his cheek. “Mmm, g’morning, Hubby~ Ohh, where are my manners? Like, A proper devoted wife should help their lover greet the day by totally taking care of their of their morning wood, right?”

“Mmmn… Nn?” There was a stirring from the other side of the bed, and then a sleepy grumble. “Hey hey, slow down there sis – Lemme give that cock a kiss~”

The bimbo cheerleader had awoken, and was eager to stake her claim. Uh oh. It had been very enjoyable to have the two try to settle their newly found sisterly rivalry by seeing who could grant him the most pleasure, but Makoto wasn’t sure he could survive another outbreak of it right now.

“G-girls, girls! Please.” He pulled them both back down, and the sisters melted under his touch. “Honestly, I’m still kind of worn out from last night. Let me rest a bit longer, okay?”

“Whatever you say, darling~”

“Your wish is my command, Master~”

Two throaty purrs answered, and then a delighted pair of nuzzling babes wrapped themselves up in his arms, content to simply bask in his presence and await his next orders. Obedient bimbos to the core. To think, just a day before, and the two had been mega maniacal fiends bordering on supervillains… Well, one of them had been. The other had been more of a semi-maniacal fiend. Still pretty bad, but not quite to the level of- You know what? That didn’t matter. Now they were both as dumb as a post and as sexy as a porno, and that was all there we to it.

Makoto couldn’t help but dwell on that as he enjoyed the pair giggling against him. Such a drastic change. Would that tape, that ‘Ultimate Hypnosis’ tape, affect anyone else like it had affected these two?

Because if so, there were a lot of really hot babes with terrible attitudes in his school that he wouldn’t mind showing it off to…

That was the problem with something like the Ultimate Hypnosis Tape, really. Its power was just too tempting. Like a certain ring from a famous trilogy of books that had been turned into an even more famous trilogy of movies, once you had it in your grasp, no matter how noble your soul, the idea of what you could do with that power, of who you could become, it was quite intoxicating.

And yes, Makoto Naegi, the Ultimate Hope, could certainly have resisted. He was a better man than that, and had learned far too much about how fallible man could be to be swayed by such temptation. He was a hero, a noble, kind, and above all, true person, who you could rely on whenever the chips were down, even if he was kind of a dope too sometimes.

But this Makoto Naegi was not yet the Ultimate Hope. He hadn’t been tempered by the fires of the killing game, he hadn’t learned of love, loss, despair, and, yes, hope. Indeed, with the obliteration of the Ultimate Despair, the world had no need of such a hero. He was quite free to do whatever he pleased, free of destiny or fate.

And right now he really felt like doing some bimbos.

So yes, Makoto, merely the Ultimate Lucky student, was definitely considering this. Hey, it wasn’t like he was planning on conquering the world or anything! Just maybe giving some jerks an attitude adjustment. So even if he was a bit evil, this was still a better result than what would have happened if Junko had done her thing. This? Still a step up, baby.

How to go about it, though? He couldn’t just set up a projector in his room and lure girls back to it. Not only would that be suspicious as heck, it’d also be pretty dangerous – what if the projector got accidentally turned on? He wasn’t crazy, y’know.

A certain bimbo housewife sneezed suddenly at his side.

No, no, if he wanted to go about doing this, he’d have to use it in a more controlled way. Something smaller. Portable. Usable. Maybe he could upload it to his phone? Hm, yeah, that sounded like a good idea. And then, once he’d tested it out a few times (he was sure his girls would be very happy to assist), he knew just who he could try his new hypno-phone out on…


Hiyoko Saionji was a difficult woman to get to know. The daughter of a very formal upbringing as the inheritor and heir of a prestigious family, she had exacting tastes and a cruel streak longer than Japan… But also a kind heart, once you actually got to know her. Ish. Okay she could still be kind of a jerk even then, but she meant well.

None of this had changed after her latest growth spurt, either. Hiyoko had joined Hope’s Peak as a late bloomer, and had only shot up to be as tall as her classmates relatively late in the year. But now, she was a fully grown young woman - and she used it to her full advantage. Such gifts were to be used, not squandered, after all.

In short, she was a knockout, and she damn well knew it.

It annoyed her no end that most people still thought of her more childish image, since that was what most of her publicity as the Ultimate Traditional Dancer advertised her as, but hoo – once she left Hope’s Peak and got started showing off her new curves? She was going to knock the world dead.

“Psh. Sure thing Hiyoko. You keep dreaming, alright?”

“Heeey. C’mon, big sis, you know I’m right!” The blonde pouted, her long haired ponytail flicking behind her head. “I spent way too long waiting for this body to grow in to let it go to waste, so don’t mock it.”

“Oh, I’d never!” The redheaded Ultimate Photographer, Mahiru Koizumi, gave her friend a devilish grin as they walked down one of Hope’s Peak’s many corridors. “Just don’t go showing off too much of it to any boys that come asking, alright?”

Hiyoko rolled her eyes. “Oh as if. Excuse me, I am a traditional dancer,” she said, placing a hand against her chest, patting her kimono. “Not one of those strip-club bimbos you hear of out there.”

“Good.” The photographer smiled, patting the blonde on the head proudly. “I’m glad to hear it.”

“Ah! Hey, big siiisss, knock it oooffff!” If there was anything that was going to pierce that haughty noble exterior, it was a Mahiru brand headpat. Hiyoko squirmed and danced away from her friend’s reach, sticking her tongue out.

Her antics drew a delighted giggle, and then a surprised observation from the redhead. “You know, you’re actually a bit bigger than me now…”

“Oh yeah.” Hiyoko pondered this, before shrugging. “Well, you’re still my big sister anyway.” It didn’t really matter. Mahiru was still the big sister here – she simply had too much big sis energy to be anything else. It had been that way since practically the day they met! “So, how about we try out that new arcade after school? I bet I can break all their dance machines before closing time~”

The redhead considered. “As long as I get first rights to any pictures I… Oh, hey Naegi.” She cut herself off as she and her friend ran into the Ultimate Lucky student coming down the corridor. “Need something?”

Makoto was a nice enough guy, but he was in a different class than them, and to be honest Mahiru didn’t much like guys in general. They were so unreliable! Well, not all of them (good lord, no one could ever accuse someone like Ishimaru of being untrue to his word) but most. And Makoto was definitely no exception. He was just… kind of hapless, you know?

Still, he was polite enough, smiling and giving the pair a wave. “Oh hey guys. You know, I was hoping I’d run into you…”

“Reallllly now?” Hiyoko, by contrast, liked Makoto just fine. But in the same way as she liked darn near everyone who wasn’t a close friend – she liked to bully him. You could already see the devil’s grin growing on her face. “The Happy-go-lucky fool of class 78 wants to throw himself at a pair of captivating beauties like us, hm? Just what I’d expect of a filthy minded clown. And just what kind of perverted schemes do you have in mind today?”

“H-hey, easy there Hiyoko…” Mahiru had to laugh at her friend’s sharp-tongued side. She was getting better about this kind of thing, she really was! But, you know, she was still kind of a handful if you weren’t a friend of hers.

Fortunately, Makoto didn’t seem to take offense. In fact, the blonde’s words only seemed to encourage him. “Actually, Hiyoko, I have something I want to show you. Can we talk privately for a minute?”

The two girls exchanged a look, before the blonde burst into laughter, hiding her mouth with her hand. “Bwhahaha, what? Really? Really? That’s your big chat up line, luck boy? God, I thought Teruteru was bad at this, but you…!”

“Whoa, hey, I don’t mean it like that…” The man rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling a little nervously. “Trust me, this has nothing to do with asking you out on a date or anything. Promise!”

Another exchanged glance. Then Hiyoko sighed and rolled her eyes. “Fine, sure, why not? But this better be impressive, Makoto, or I’m going to make up awful stories about what you tried to do to me when we were alone and I’ll tell all your friends.”

Never let the cute, refined image fool you – this woman was savage.

The lighter half of the best friends duo wasn’t exactly keen on where this was all going either. “Are you sure about this?”

“What, about the stories? Oh don’t worry, I’ll keep ‘em light. Maybe I’ll just say he was trying to cheat his way to second base…”

“No!” Mahiru shook her head. “I mean, don’t do that either, but I mean… Y’know. Are you sure you want to go off on your own with a guy?”

“Psh.” Hiyoko snickered as she stepped forward. “It’s only Makoto, sis, what’s he gunna do? Trip over? Don’t worry, if he tries something dumb, I’ll show him how powerful traditional dance makes your kicking muscles~”


“Don’t worry about it!” No, at this point Hiyoko was well and truly on board, delighting in the idea of getting to bully one of the school’s chew toys even more. “C’mon, Makoto, lead the way. Don’t worry big sis, I won’t be long!”

The redhead didn’t look quite ready to leave it at that, but all she could do as the pair walked off was frown. “I have a bad feeling about this…”


Makoto held on to his sigh of relief until they were well and truly out of sight of Mahiru, slipping into an unoccupied classroom. He’d been worried that she’d follow after them. The Ultimate Photographer was legendarily stubborn when she set her mind to it, but ultimately a kind woman, and not really someone he wanted to mess with if he could help it.

Her friend, though…

“So what is it you wanted to show me, doofus?” Hiyoko Saionji smirked at him, folding her hands behind her back and watching him eagerly. As far as she was concerned, either she got something interesting out of this little meeting, or she got to make his life a living hell. Maybe both, if she felt like it! Depended on her mood.

But yes, there’s a reason he’d sought her out specifically.

“Here,” he said, pulling out his phone and carefully not looking at it as he activated the program within. “Take a look at this.”

“Your phone? This is what you were being so secretive about?” She snorted. “I swear, Makoto, if this is a dick pic, I’m gunna… g-gunna…”

She trailed off, her train of thought stuttering for a moment, before being rerouted to oblivion as her eyes finally focused on the flashing purple spiral in front of her. The effect was instantaneous. The blonde had no idea what she was looking at, didn’t even know she should try to resist, before she found herself plunging into a mindless abyss. Her brain flooded with the image instantly, the twisting spokes scooping up her thoughts and pulling them down into nothingness.

Her body went limp, only just barely remaining upright, her jaw dropping open mid-sentence, drool already starting to drip from her lips. Her arms unfolded from behind her, swinging loose at her sides for a moment, before settling down at a gentle dangle. Her eyes spun with their own twisting purple spirals.

Hiyoko had completely checked out.

“Well, I told the truth. This has nothing to do with asking you out on a date.” Makoto grinned, watching the transformation from bitchy student to empty drone with a breathless kind of excitement. “And it works better than I thought. I definitely picked the right person to test this out on. Now…”

He moved closer, keeping his phone level with her face so that her trance remained steady. This experiment was only half done, after all. She’d been tranced – but now he needed to tell her what her new existence was going to be about. And he’d picked something suitable for her, even if it probably wasn’t what she would have chosen.

“Hiyoko,” he said, speaking clearly into her ear. “You are my loyal, obedient, busty, geisha.”

The words pulsed through her, echoing in through her ears and buzzing through her brain like an electric current, sinking deep into her subconscious as they redefined everything about her.


Hiyoko Saionji wasn’t the first person people thought of when it came to loyalty, but in truth she was heartbreakingly devoted to those who had actually earned her trust. This command was the easiest one to fulfil by miles – it simply took rerouting every synapse that linked her to Mahiru or Ibuki or even to Mikan, and yanking them all to point in the direction of Makoto Naegi instead. Her chest swelled with joy and her heart skipped a beat as she realised she was suddenly in the presence of the man who meant the world to her, the man that she’d do anything to protect…


But that alone wasn’t enough. She couldn’t just protect him, she had to obey him. This was much harder to take root than the previous command, possibly the most difficult of all of them. Hiyoko was a woman who valued her independence, who hated taking orders from anyone. Even those closest to her couldn’t simply command her to do their bidding… Or, at least, they couldn’t until now. Because no matter how fiery the blonde’s personality, she was now at the mercy of the Ultimate Hypnosis Tape, and she could no more resist her transformation than she could turn back time.

A moaning breath escaped her lungs as her will was pleasantly tamed. The wildfire of her independence reduced to a gentle lightbulb, turned on an off at the press of a button. The harsh, rough edges of her personality were sanded down into soft, smooth submissiveness. And the inner strength that had made her an Ultimate despite all opposition from her family, was simply overinflated, and then popped like a balloon.

In her mind, she fell to her knees, stripped of all will to fight back, smiling up at the image of her beloved Master, whom she would always slavishly obey…


Another moan. This command she would have been all too happy to fulfil, even if she hadn’t been turned into a slave. Bigger was better in Hiyoko’s mind. Her last growth spurt had been a dream come true, and she would have been delighted to get a second! Even now, mindless and oblivious to the world around her, she couldn’t help but smile slightly as her kimono began to stretch, pushed out by the growing bust beneath. She’d already been stacked, but before long she was outright rigged, with her obi pulled completely open by the strain.

By the time she was done growing, she was the proud owner of a new pair of massive melons, even if she really shouldn’t have been proud at all. Some things never change, even with hypnosis.


And then, finally, the last command hit – and if anything, it was the most transformative of them all. Hiyoko was a traditional dancer, the Ultimate Traditional Dancer, in fact, but that meant she followed a proud, noble lineage descended from olden times, conducting aesthetically pleasing, but conservative and reserved performances to great effect. Not too different from the geisha of eld, to be honest.

But that wasn’t what Makoto was asking for here – and even entranced, she knew it well. His other commands had left her no doubt. Her Master didn’t want a traditional performer – he wanted a slut. A pleasure slave. A soft spoken concubine in fine robes, willing to drop them at a snap of his fingers and service his every whim.

The old Hiyoko would have gone on an angry rant at the idea, but the new, loyal and slavishly obedient Hiyoko couldn’t dream of a better fate. There wasn’t so much as a drop of resistance as purple energy crackled around her, erasing most of her knowledge of dance from her brain and replacing it with sexual technique. As it reformed her ill-fitting robes into a dark purple kimono, patterned with small dark spirals, with a neckline cut so low her breasts might pop out if she so much as took a deep breath. As white makeup spread over her face, and lipstick expertly applied itself to her lips.

As the essence of a slutty geisha took hold, and remoulded her from head to toe.

And then, with a final sigh, it was done. And where Hiyoko Saionji, the Ultimate Traditional Dancer, had once stood, now there was only a curvy geisha.

Makoto couldn’t help but whistle as he looked over his handiwork. “Wow – you turned out better than I expected. But let’s see what you’re like without the spiral…”

Carefully, he switched off the tape, and slid his phone away, though he kept it in reach just in case. Then he watched as the woman in front of him slowly blinked the spirals out of her eyes… Before she fell straight to her knees.

“Master!” She bowed her head, practically grovelling in front of him. “Forgive my rudeness! I don’t know what came over me. Tell me, please, what is your command?”

Oh yeah, that was one hell of a switch.

Makoto grinned. “Ah, don’t worry about it. I’m just glad we could sort things out. Are you feeling okay now?”

“I feel wonderful, Master.” She looked up at him, eyes flashing with desire. “Please, allow me to make you feel wonderful too~”

Hoo. Yep, he could definitely chalk this one up to the 100% success column. Now he just had to get her out of here and back to his room before anyone saw her. “I’d love to, Hiyoko, but first, how about we get back to my place…?” He reached back and opened the door.

“Oh here’s where you guys- Hey what the hell?!?” Only to find a very surprised – and then very angry redhead on the other side of it. Shit.

Mahiru was not an idiot. One look at one of her best friends transformed so completely and she knew something was very wrong. Maybe someone else would have assured themselves that there was no way this could be Hiyoko, but Mahiru was the Ultimate Photographer, and she had an unmatched eye for detail. Despite all the changes the blonde had been through, she could see exactly who she was – and see the drastic transformation that had overtaken her, plain as day.

That said, the woman was not without her flaws. When she saw something she could tell was wrong, it was her instinct to confront it. She didn’t shy away or back up to consider her options – she got in the problem’s face.

“Naegi, what the hell did you do to her?!” Mahiru’s eyes were blazing as she shoved forward, trying to reach her friend who she knew would never dress or act like this, grabbing her camera as she went to make sure she got this all on record. “Hiyoko, what happened? Is this blackmail or something? Here, take my hand, let’s get you out of here right now!”

Makoto… sighed. Damn. He’d wanted to avoid this. “Slave, grab her.”

“At once, Master.”

The redhead blinked at Hiyoko’s voice – so mature and sensual, so different from the one she knew. It was such a surprise that she barely registered what the woman was saying until it was too late. “Wait, wha-gah! H-hey, lemme go!”

Before she knew it, her extended hand had been used to drag her into a reverse bear hug, with the blonde geisha locking her arms tightly from behind. And Hiyoko was a surprisingly strong woman…

Unable to break free, the photographer turned her attention onto the one responsible for all this. “Naegi, I swear to god, if you don’t stop this nonsense you’re gunna regret it for the rest of your-!”

“Yeah yeah…” The lucky student rolled his eyes, pulling out his phone. “Whatever. Here, have a look at this.”

Unwittingly, her green eyes focused on the screen.

“Wha-huh… Wa… h… huuuuuhhhh….”

And then she fell silent, her voice stumbling to a slow, confused stop as green was replaced with swirling purple, and her mind went still.

“I was going to leave you be, you know,” Makoto said with a shrug. “You’re not really as bad as some of the others. But you just had to stick your nose into things, huh? Well in that case… Thanks for volunteering to join the harem, Mahiru.”

She had no reply – save the drool pouring from her slack jaw, maybe.

“Let’s get you started. I did have something in mind, juuuust in case you butted your way in.” He smiled, and moved closer, making sure she could hear every word properly. And then…

“Mahiru. You are my obedient bimbo pornstar.”

Even mindless, she couldn’t help but gasp as the words shot straight to her core – and then her eyes were rolling up in her head, her body shivering as they got to work reshaping her from the inside out.


Like with Hiyoko, this one was a hard sell. Mahiru was not, by her nature, a rule breaker – but she knew right from wrong, and was fully willing to stand up to anyone who tried to tell her otherwise. Her willpower was incredible, to the point where, even when cornered by someone out to murder them, she’d never back down from berating them for their choices.

But this inner passion could be put to better uses in her new position, and none of them included defiance, so that all had to go. Her will melted like ice-cream left out in the sun, drawing a sigh from the entranced redhead as she felt herself soften inside. It was an incredible feeling, and she owed it all to her wonderful Master…


Yes… Master. Her relaxed sigh shifted into a smile as she realised that the one who’d granted her such pleasant sensations owned her, right down to her core. He was her Master, her owner, her god. His whims were her commands, she existed to obey him. And with all of her defiance now melted away, there was nothing to stop such ideas from reshaping her soul.

Makoto Naegi was her Master, and nothing could make her happier.


The smile on her entranced face widened as knowledge began to leak from her brain. Unimportant things, like math, or history, and all boring junk like that. And my, there was a lot of it to get rid of! The sensation drew a quiet giggle from her throat. Mahiru may not have been the brightest cookie in her class, but she wasn’t stupid – or she hadn’t been, until now. But now, oh no, she was dumb as a doorstop – or she was about to be. She was a bimbo, after all – she knew that imply- implicity- … She knew that real well!

And being as thick as a brick wasn’t the only quality a bimbo needed! No no, she couldn’t just be a dumbass – she had to be a sizzling hot dumbass! Thus, her body rose to the challenge. Her ordinary team mom appearance would never do – she needed curves, and she needed them now! Her chest swelled and her hips plumped, making her writhe in Hiyoko’s grip, another gasp erupting from her throat as a lusty heat rushed within her. Heat that burned so hot that it was starting to darken her skin from within.

More. More! The bimbo she was becoming demanded it. She could feel the geisha’s massive melons pressing into her back, and she needed tits at least as big as those~ Yeah, that was the stuff…

A final touch was her hair, which grew down her back to just above her fat behind, developing into a thick, luscious mane to really emphasise what a party girl she’d become. It was just a bit of a preview, because even a dumbass bimbo like her knew that the next word was-


The bubbling lust within her surged, and she moaned as her tits swelled up another cupsize. A good camwhore needed good boobs, after all. And her ass enjoyed another shot of the good stuff as well, bulging out to become a nice pair of hearty hips, because damn, a good pornstar covered all the bases! And she was absolutely going to be the best pornstar she could be. Forget Ultimate Photographer – Ultimate Pornographer, here she came!

Her outfit reshaped itself to its new calling – her uniform melting away to become little more than a string bikini, showing off every inch of her perfectly tanned bimbo bod, save for her nipples and her slit, which were only barely covered by the wispiest of tassels.

The only thing to stay from her old self was her camera, still hanging around her neck. But even that had been modified. No longer was it just a simple branded snapshot shooter – it was a full on professional tier movie camera. After all, a star like the new Mahiru needed more than just snapshots. She needed a full filming suite to record her next shoot!

And with that, there she was. Hot, happy, heavy hooters, heart-shaped hips, hollow headed, and above all horny as fuck! Heat seemed to sizzle off the long haired beauty as she cooled down from her transformation, her eyes still swirling with the purple spirals that were emptying her mind.

At least, they were, until Makoto turned the Ultimate Hypnosis Tape off and slid the phone away once again. Then her eyes fluttered, her brain booting back up – and quickly finding it had suffered a major downgrade in processing power while she was out. But that didn’t matter, because as soon as she could see clearly…

“Mmm, like, hi Dreamboat~” The redhead giggled, licking her lips at Makoto. “What are we doing? Ohh, are we doing a naughty schoolgirls shoot? Because I am, like, totally down for that – lemme get a skimpy uniform and I’ll… Huh? Oh, is this some kinda bondage scene?” She wiggled in Hiyoko’s grip, and then winked. “Kinky~”

“I think you can let her go now, Hiyoko,” Makoto laughed – and then gasped as he was almost bowled over by a very eager bimbo, who clung to his side and started stroking a hand down his chest.

“Mmm, Maky, Master, baby, if you wanted to have some fun, y’know you only had to say the word…”

“Maaaybe in a little bit.” Oh wow, he could feel the jealousy radiating off Hiyoko, even as she remained composed in her role. “But not here. How about we head back to my room now?”

“At once, Master.”

“I’d totally love to, Maky~!”


Sneaking through the school back to the dorms had proven to be a rather difficult task – probably one that he should have thought about before brainwashing these two in the middle of the building. But thanks to some incredible luck, soon he had his new girls back home, and in a set with the others.

What happened next was inevitable.

“Two! Four! Six! Eight! I need that cock, I cannot wait!
Master, fuck me, I beg you, please! I’m on my hands, I’m on my knees!”

Mukuro did a somersault, landing in a split on the ground, her pompoms bouncing almost as much as her chest – all of it captured by the night constant flash of Mahiru’s camera.

“Oooh, perfect, that was amazing! You’re so, like, hot on camera, Mukie, we’ve gotta do a shoot together sometime!”

“If Master wants it, then I’ll do – Anything that you ask me to!”

“Awesome! Oh babe, we are gunna break the viewer counter in half!”

Meanwhile, Hiyoko was giving a very different kind of performance, gracefully shedding her kimono and showing that not all of her dance skills had been lost – though her new moves were considerably more seductive than the old ones. Certainly Junko, who had decided to attend their little impromptu ‘talent contest’ in nothing but an apron seemed to appreciate the moves she was making on her. By now, the two were outright wrapped around one another, lips and busts mashed together, both eagerly shaking their bodies off for anyone watching.

And someone was watching. How could he miss a show like this? Four slutty, eager bimbos, all presenting themselves hoping that he’d choose them, all desperate for his touch, his approval. Makoto Naegi sat back in the middle of it all, smiling. This was heaven. He still found it hard to believe he wasn’t dreaming. He really must be the luckiest student around to end up in a situation like this.

Yes, life was good. But, he thought, his eyes drifting over the shut-off phone in his hand, it could be better. Oh, it could definitely be better~


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