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Alright! I think you folks all know the drill by now. As a reminder, I'm doing to be on a break for July, so the next requests I do after this will be in August.

In brief:

I'll write you a small story of a couple of hundred words/a few paragraphs, based on a prompt you suggest. One prompt per patron, and preferably it should be TF or MC themed, or both. Put your requests in either the comments below, or message them to me here or on discord!

The rules:

  • No gross stuff
  • No underaged stuff
  • In general, nothing that'll get me thrown in jail

Please try to get your requests in by Wednesday the 13th, and I will endeavour to get them all done within the next two weeks (unless life gets in the way). They will be my priority until the full set is done.

Be specific - I want to give you what you want to see, so the more detail you can give me, the better! Plus I have a lot of these to go through, so anything that lets me get past planning to writing faster is a plus!

Try to limit your request to one or two characters to be TF/MCed at a time - 2k words is shorter than it feels sometimes!

If you have any questions, just send me a message however you like, and I'll try to get back to you as quick as I can. Don't worry, it won't be a bother to me.

Above all have fun, folks! I look forward to seeing what you send in this month!

Good luck!



The Dark Lord has decided that his recent failures are due to a lack of efficiency in his forces, and decides to take drastic measures. We follow one of his female goblin minions as she and her compatriots are turned into mindless drones.


Fate- Rin and Luvia disliking each other would be an understatement. So them arguing and hurling insults at each other was pretty normal these days, with the only location varying. This time, they were trying on new swimsuits to impress Shirou, and both were next to each other checking out their outfits in the mirror. But the eyes of the mages would wander to each other in the mirror, Rin looking jealous at Luvia’s chest and Luvia in envy of Rin’s ass. A bounce and a jiggle later and the slightest bit of hypnosis sets in for both of them and the insults kept coming. Now both have noticed where the other is staring and the insults start to change them. Luvia calls Rin a, “Stupid wanna be bimbo cow.” And Rin delivers back a, “Ass obsessed, twerkaholic slut.” And the changes started, and more insults came, more of the same from the rivals. And soon, the words became reality as Rin turns into a big boobed bimbo cow girl and Luvia becomes an ass obsessed girl with a huge ass herself and twerking to imaginary music. Curious to what will happen when Shirou comes to check on them