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Ah, May. The month when the flowers are finally in bloom, the sky is clear, the air fresh... Or so we hope. Even if none of that happens though, we can at least rely on a few shorts, right?

Here are the rules:

I'll write you a small story of a couple of hundred words/a few paragraphs, based on a prompt you suggest. One prompt per patron, and preferably it should be TF or MC themed, or both, and adhering to my general commission rules (basically, no gross stuff, no underaged stuff, and preferably nothing that'll get me thrown in jail)! Stick them in the comments below or send them to me via DM, and I'll try to get to them throughout the next two weeks.

A deadline, to keep things sane - you have until Wednesday the 10th to post your ideas in the comments. This is to give me a bit more time to fit them in (getting multiple stories done in a day is fun but when life throws spanners at me it's hard to keep up), and it gives me the chance to let people know if I'm unfamiliar with the series they're requesting, and lets them change their request if they wish to.

Given how many I may have to do I might not be able to get them all done in two weeks, but they will be my priority until the full set is done.

General list of stuff I'm familiar with:

Zelda, Metroid, Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy, Fate, Haruhi, Konosuba, Neptunia, Sailor Moon, Persona (3/4/5), Ranma 1/2, Slayers, Love Hina, Fairy Tail, Naruto, Bleach, One Piece (I'm very out of date here though) Fire Emblem (some better than others), Ace Attorney, World of Warcraft, RWBY, Danganronpa 1 and 2, Yugioh (early seasons), digimon (same) pokemon (also same), My Hero Academia (First season only), Kingdom Hearts (I played the first game and half of CoM), Shantee, Bloodstained... And a bunch of other stuff. And if none of that takes your fancy, feel free to try something completely original!

Be specific - I want to give you what you want to see, so the more detail you can give me, the better!

 Try to limit your request to one or two characters to be TF/MCed at a time - 2k words is shorter than it feels sometimes!

But above all, have fun! I hope you all enjoy the fics that result from your requests! As always, if you have questions, just message me.

Good luck!


Emmitt Cleveland

Gonna do another roulette this month. DM me with your choice to get the full spiel. This is the final shot. Nanoha, Fate and the Wolkenritter have been turned into bimbos and the evil cult is moments away from turning the whole universe into bimbos with a Lost Logia. Only Hayate can save the day but she has to take down all the villains non-lethally or she might trigger the bimbocalypse early. Luckily she’s been given full clearance to use whatever means necessary to save the day and she’s got plenty of spells she’s been dying to use. A man summons a succubus to be his familiar, all she needs to survive and stay in this world is his ‘male essence’. He just thinks it’s just a euphemism for semen but as time passes and the feedings continue it turns out she’s actually talking about the essence of what makes him male! Our poor man is slowly feminized as he is corrupted into a shemale wife for the succubus. When Naruto suggests a new jutsu he discovered to spice up sex with his girlfriend Hinata how can she refuse? Sex in the dreamscape sounds incredible. But it’s a trap! Kurama has turn Naruto into his slutty kitsune harem slave, and he wants Hinata as one too!


Chihiro's Harem Adventure continues. This time it's a two for the price of one special with Toko: He decides to help her deal with her Genocide Jack once and for all by cloning her and then transferring the alternate personality into said clone's body. Except, something "goes wrong" in the process (except not really, since this was part of his plan), and now Chihiro has two more bimbo slaves.


(Inspired slightly by the latest event on NA). The Servant Trap: Where do all of these ludicrously skimpy outfits come from in Cockaigne? It takes work and creativity figuring out how to best skankify the attire of Servants, and Miss Crane is the best there is at it. She barely needed to be corrupted before agreeing to keep skirtlines nonexistent and tops so skimpy that tits would pop out as a matter of course. And as a thank you for all her good work, Cockaigne has decided to give her a fellow clotheshorse/understudy/sexpet of her own - the Caster of Colchis, Medea!


I'd like a opposite retelling of the Rin assnosis stories, with Luvia being the one being entranced into a brainless slack jawed bimbo who is compelled to shake her hypnotic tits endlessly to a rhythmic tempo. A similar setup is her downfall, Luvia is cursed by her common born rival one night, and must place her hands behind her head and shake her giant tits widly whenever she hears music. She tries to resist this as much as she can, her pride as a magus is on the line here, but eventually she catches a glimpse of her own breasts swaying hypnotically in a mirror, and it isn't long before all her brains and knowledge of complex magic theories, her personality and memories, and even her love for Shero sink down into her chest to make the already well padded orbs into enormous and bursting out of her dress, heavy sacks of fat that hang off of and wobble most gloriously in front of her. Rin comes to check on her rival, expecting her to be reduced to a blithering simpleton she can easily boss around, but then she catches sight of the most compelling thing she's ever seen in her entire life... Luvia's mind devouring tits. The buxom drill-haired blonde shambles closer and closer, her own head devoid of any coherent thought, and Rin decides (after resisting poorly for all of three seconds and donating her own thoughts and memories to fatten the tits even further) she must devote her mind, body, and soul to serving these tits for the rest of her days. She uses a burst of her lingering mana to transform her own body into a pair of red heart shaped pasties to attach to her new owner's incredible breasts, and even more hypnotic power is added to them with Rin's trademark twin tails hanging off of each nipple cover and twirling in her nonstop lewd shuffle. Luvia moans and drools as she wanders out the door of her extravagant mansion, her body compelled to jiggle, sway, and devour as much intelligence and higher thinking as possible from anyone she comes across.


With the arrival of a new peer, Medea ropes Miss Crane into a common interest they can share: making Artoria into the perfect idol doll. Will Seiba survive, or will she end up the pretty plaything of two master mages?


MHA-It is Momos turn for the hypnotists act at a villain magicians show and shes just come out of her trance. The challenge is for her to try and guess what has been changed about her and her friends so they can escape but shes having a hard time of it. After all they all still have their huge curves and Momo is still wearing her skimpy bunny outfit. None of her friends could tell the difference so she's really going to have to try and rack her bimbo brain for this one! (To clarify the other girls don’t have to be bimbo bunny girl assistance or bimbos at all – have fun with what they have become and who is there with her!)


I’ll let you choose whichever one you’d like to do more. Both deal with basically the same premise Persona 5: Makato and Ann are back in the mementos and see a portal that’s a little bit different. It’s gold and pulsing to almost a beat of music. They enter and see nothing but a Gold Boombox, curious, they go up to it, and Ann being less cautious then she should be, turns the knob on it on. As soon as it turns on, music starts blaring out, and it’s about shaking what your mother gave you. A pink shine starts in their eyes and their asses start shaking on their own, startling both but are unable to stop, then they start bumping asses into each other gaining immense pleasure from it, so intoxicating they can’t stop and it starts to melt their mind to make the pleasure more powerful, taking everything they are and giving it to their asses making them grow leaving nothing but two butt bumping horny bimbos under the boomboxes control. RWBY: Ruby and Weiss are once again searching for a lost artifact, The Golden… something, the last bit was lost to time. As they are looking they stumble into a club, with no one inside but casual club music. As they go to investigate where the music is coming from, they walk through the dance floor, entering center stage. The music starts having lyrics come out, about shaking your money maker and grinding on your partner. Ruby laughs at the music wondering who listens to this when they could listen to This Will Be The Day. She is interrupted when she feel’s something touch her. She looks and sees Weiss grinding against her, hands on her knees, twerking her ass against Ruby. Weiss is horrified at what she is doing but her body won’t listen to her, and soon the music starts to infect her mind only wanting grind and twerk her ass. Ruby is startled at what her partner is doing, and goes to push her off, but her arm doesn’t listen and instead slaps Weiss’s ass, then they place themselves on her knees, she turns and starts twerking and grinding against Weiss, as the music commands. The asses take what they need to make the grinding and twerking grandiose above all others so it takes their intelligence, skill, elegance, innocence, all of it, and make the asses grow leaving nothing but two big booty club sluts, grinding and twerking against each other, and the club door closes, with the club name posted on in it. “The Golden Boombox”

Norman Riggis

Fairy Tail for me this time! Erza and Lucy are having a "girls day" out by Lucy's request, but as they walk through Magnolia they find something bizarre. A zoo that neither of them had seen before. As they enter they find themselves very perplexed by the empty cages and traces of enchantment magic looming over the area, and decide to investigate further. However as they enter the animal pens, they begin to feel strange. Erza finds herself slowly acting more and more like a gorilla, as Lucy starts adopting the mentality of a chicken. Once their mental transformations are complete, they are magically requipped with skimpy costumes mirroring their new roles, and they are ready to work as the zoo's newest and first attractions.


I'd like to see another story set in the same universe as my request last month, this time about a conspiracy theorist being brainwashed and transformed by the aliens into a cyborg dedicated to creating and spreading propaganda encouraging rebels to surrender. I'd like to see a fair bit at the end dedicated to seeing the propaganda, if possible.