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Hey folks! I hope all is going well out there.

April went pretty well on the writing front, so let's see if I can keep it up for May! Though May is my birthday month, so I might get pulled away for a bit of it. Hopefully nothing that affects my work here, anyway!

This week's story is a RWBY tale that, I admit, some of my feelings about the latest season may have seeped into things - just a touch. Hopefully it's still enjoyable!

(I actually got the request for it before the last big arcs of the season kicked off, but wrote it afterwards, which made things feel a bit awkward, but I think it worked out.)


This was not the worst day of Neo’s life. Violently shoving and cutting her way through a bizarre magical jungle, having just been betrayed (again) by an awful witch of a woman, having just failed to kill (again) the girl she had dedicated her life to ending, and having been thrown to her supposed death (again!), only to end up in a stupid nonsensical fantasy realm where everything was at least low-key annoying (Okay that one was new)… Yeah, no, none of it came close to that day in Vale.

But it was definitely on the top ten list. And that was pretty darn impressive, honestly. What good luck that she had so much foliage to vent her frustrations on. Screaming wouldn’t do much for her, after all.

And if those fools thought she was done, they hadn’t seen anything yet. She’d survived the plunge, so she had every reason to believe that the woman she’d fallen with had as well. They’d gotten separated on the way down, but she was around here somewhere, and Neopolitan wasn’t going to rest until she’d had her revenge. It was practically all she had left now – her hatred of the reaper bitch and the fire witch. Both were going to pay for what they’d done, no matter what it took.

The fire in her heart demanded no less. After what had happened to land her down here in this strange world, it was burning brighter than ever before. Having been so close to revenge, only to have it snatched away…

Aura was something no one understood as well as they pretended they did. The source of semblances, and how they created what could sometimes be world changing powers, was a mystery even to modern science, despite all the advances over the years. But one thing that was known was that sometimes, when a person found themselves experiencing incredible spikes of emotion, their semblance might evolve – change into something new, and often into something more powerful. An emotional spike could be anything – pure joy at finding a loved one after a disaster, inner peace when you realise the answer to a question that’s been tearing you up inside…

Or, of course, anger at having your prize ripped away from you at the last moment.

When a second bladed umbrella cut through the vine that she was just about to slice, Neo turned, shocked, to find another her standing at her side, a complete mirror image from the top of her bowler hat to her dainty high-heeled boots. The two stared at each other silently, perfect reflections in their stillness.

Then her double winked at her, before vanishing into a cloud of pink glass shards. And looking back to the path ahead, she saw three more of herself already hacking away, clearing a path for her. Cutting through the foliage and trees like they were cutting through Ruby’s neck.

Neo stared, slack jawed… And then, slowly, her expression morphed into a grin. With a thought, she summoned up another clone, and commanded it to move with no more than an exertion of her will. It was as easy as breathing. Another thought, and her clone shimmered, her appearance shifting into that of Ruby, and then Cinder. Not even the slightest strain.

A little testing even revealed each clone could use a distorted version of someone else’s semblance…

Oh yes. She could definitely work with this.


“Ruby? C’mon Ruby, open your eyes, please be okay…!”

“Yang, she needs to rest. She’s not going to get any better with you fussing over her like this.”

“I… I know…” The blonde huntress bowed her head, finally backing away from where Blake and Weiss were tending to her unconscious sister. “I just…”

“We get it.” Weiss’s hand rose up to catch Yang’s arm, patting her gently. “We do, really. These past few days have been…” She took a deep breath. “A lot. But we need to keep our heads.”

“She’s okay, don’t worry.” Blake had been the one to catch the team leader when she’d passed out, so she was currently the one kneeling down and letting Ruby rest in her lap. “She’s not hurt. I think everything just caught up with her at once. She’ll be fine after some sleep.”

“Well…” Weiss glanced away. “As fine as any of us are…”

Silence spread over the clearing as all three Huntresses shifted uneasily. The past few days had indeed been ‘A lot’. The invasion of Atlas, their desperate attempt at evacuation, Cinder, Penny, the fall… None of them had had time to process it all yet. They’d barely reunited before Ruby had passed out – and after everything, none of them were feeling too far away from following in her example.

But this place wasn’t safe. They didn’t even know where they were – some strange magical jungle full of talking animals and weird plants. It didn’t sound like anywhere on Remnant, and given how they’d arrived, maybe it really wasn’t. So until they’d found somewhere to rest, to get their feet back under them properly, they couldn’t afford to let their guards down.

“Honestly…” Weiss finally interrupted the quiet, snapping them out of their funk. “What she really needs is some water. She’s going to be thirsty when she wakes up.”

Yang jumped on it, clapping a fist into her palm. “Oh, I can get that! I think I saw a stream a ways back…!” But then she glanced at Ruby again, hesitating. “O-oh, but I shouldn’t leave with her like that…”

“Yang.” Blake’s voice called the blonde’s eyes up to look at her, meeting them with a gentle smile. “It’s okay. I’ll look after her. You can trust me.”

Her words did the trick. Yang nodded. “… Yeah. Yeah, I can. Thanks, Blake.”

They smiled at one another – until Weiss coughed loudly. “Water?”

“R-Right!” Face flushing bright red, Yang snapped to attention and spun around, marching off towards the forest. “Water! Yep! I’ll be right back!”

She did her best to ignore the giggling behind her as she stepped out into the foliage, the clearing vanishing behind her. Now, she’d definitely seen a stream in this direction, and if she listened carefully…

“I swear – have you two even kissed yet?”

“W-we’re working up to it…!”

N-not to that! The water, she could hear water over this way…!

The blonde sighed and started walking, trying to slowly cool the blush from off her face. Come on, girl, this wasn’t the time for thoughts like that. Her and B-Blake was, like, a whole ass thing that they just didn’t have time to be working out right now!

… Not that they ever seemed to have time to work it out…

B-but, yeah, right now she needed to focus on Ruby. Her baby sister was struggling, and that wasn’t going to stand! It was time for her to make everything better. After all the girl had been through, it was clear they were going to need to have a long, long talk once she woke up. Maybe all four of them did. They couldn’t just keep charging on ahead and letting this kind of pressure build.

By the time she found the stream, Yang had it all worked out. Once she got back, they’d find a good place to rest, maybe a cave or a big tree top or something, and then they were going to talk. All of them. Weiss was clearly still struggling with what had happened to her home town, and Blake was playing it cool, but Yang could see plain as day how hard she was trying to hold everything in. All four of them needed each other right now, and she was going to make sure they got that.

Then, as she knelt down at the stream to fill up a flask, something moved in the corner of her eye.

She was on guard in an instant, snapping straight into a ready stance, fists held up in front of her. Her violet eyes flickered with red as they scanned her surroundings, flicking from tree to tree at lightning fast pace. Yang was an experienced Huntress by this point, with years of field experience in some of the worst places on Remnant. She didn’t surprise easily. “Who’s there?!”

For a moment, all was still – save for the bubbling brook still streaming past her feet. But then… There! Movement again. A person-shaped head poking out from behind a tree. Someone was watching her. They looked… scared? Hm.

“Come out already,” Yang called. “I won’t hurt you if you don’t mean any harm!”

There was a pause. The figure seemed to be considering her offer. Then, finally, they stepped out, revealing a rather curvy female figure, and- Wait a sec.

The Huntress blinked, peering into the foliage as her brow furrowed. Was that girl… green?

She was, as it turned out. The figure stepped cautiously out from behind her cover, slowly approaching – and now in the light, Yang could see her clearly. She was green from head to toe, save for brown, almost bark-like hair that flowed down to the middle of her back, and a pair of pink glowing eyes. Clothing-wise, she was dressed in leafy vines, wrapped around her chest and hips – and otherwise pretty much bare.

“Oh wow.” Now, Yang was a sensible woman. An experienced Huntress. And a capable survivor who’d been through the wringer more times than she cared to count. But…

A shrill whistle pierced the air as Yang leaned forward, putting on a flirtatious smile. “Well hey there cutie. What are you looking all green to the gills for? You don’t need to be scared of little old me~”

… But she was also kind of a free spirit, and definitely wanted to appreciate a hot looking girl when they appeared in front of her. Sure, she was no Blake, but hey, she was still allowed to window shop sometimes!

The woman giggled, pressing her hands over her mouth to dampen the already soft sound. It certainly seemed like she was friendly.

“Now just what are you…” Yang muttered as she took in the view. “Green skin… bark hair… Some kind of dryad, maybe? I think that’s what the old stories called you. You’re, like, tree spirits, right?”

The dryad’s nods were encouraging. Huh! Well there were all sorts of strange and fantastical creatures down here – Yang had run into a talking racoon when she’d just landed that almost ran off with her prosthetic arm, so at this point she was pretty open minded about what sort of things they might encounter. A hot nearly naked leaf lady had not been what she expected, but then, she really hadn’t known what to expect at all.

“You certainly seem friendly enough.” The blonde considered the woman. Being a little flirty was one thing, but she wasn’t about to blindly trust any strangers she met down here. Still, though, it would be useful to have some kind of guide – apparently Ruby had left the mouse friend she’d made back with their village, so they could do with a replacement. “I don’t suppose you could help me and my friends? We’re a little… lost.”

Another giggle, and a considerate look as the leaf-clad lady pressed a finger to her cheek, looking Yang up and down. For her part, the blonde did her best to look charming and not at all scary, giving her another sunny smile and a proud pose. “What do you say?”

Aha! A nod! That was the old Xiao Long charm at work, right there! In fact, it might have been working a little too well - the dryad skipped over and wrapped herself around the blonde’s arm, smiling happily.

“O-oh, uh, g-getting a little close there…” Yang stammered, her face turning red all over again. Wow, what was with her today? This wasn’t like her at all. She could handle a cute girl getting flirty normally – and besides, there was only one girl she was actually interested in right now…

There was a sweet scent in the air – a mix of honey and spice that Yang couldn’t quite place. It had been subtle at first, and she barely noticed it, but it had gotten quite strong now, filling the air as the dryad drew close. It was actually kind of distracting, the cloying sensation seeping into her head and stickying up her thoughts. Not in a bad way, just… distracting, yeah?

Distracting enough that it took her a moment to stop staring at the cute green girl on her arm and shake her head. “I… Right, what was I…” She rubbed the bridge of her nose with her non-metal arm. “Focus, Yang… Right. So, if you’re going to be our guide, do you-mmh?”

She turned her head to look at her new friend – only to find said friend pushing a sweet smelling finger against, and then through, her lips. A sudden rich flavour filled her mouth, twirling around on her tongue as the dryad’s rogue finger stroked over it. The sudden rush of sensation shot through her, sweeping through her brain and making her thoughts even stickier. So sticky, in fact, that it took her a moment to respond, and she found herself helplessly sucking on the digit instead of spitting it out, hoping for a little more of that sweet honey…

Until she finally managed to come back to her senses. “Mwuah-! H-hey, what…Oooohhhh…”

But just as her head was starting to clear, it got all fuzzy again. Only it was worse this time. While before it had just been a little tingling distraction, a slight pause between her thoughts, now the tingling had become a small fireworks display fizzing through her head in a shower of pleasant sparks, and the pauses had turned into real gaps and stumbles of nothingness.

Everything in her head felt heavy – weighed down by the sticky sweetness that was seeping in, slathering her mind in soft jelly. But despite that weight, her heart felt really free and light, warmth spreading through her chest as the honey seemed to drizzle down there, too. It was a thoroughly pleasant sensation, one that she wouldn’t mind more of. In fact, that was a thought she found she wasn’t struggling with at all – this stuff tasted good, and she wanted more~

“Th-tha’s… That’s really nice…” Yang managed, her eyes fluttering as she slurred her words. “We… We should get bahck to the others, but… Um…” She licked her lips, savouring the small burst of flavour. “D-do y’got any more…?”

The dryad giggled again, raising her hand up in front of the blonde’s face, a single solitary finger extended, absolutely dripping with clear, sticky fluid. She twirled it in the air, letting it drift through big, swirly circles, delighting as she watched Yang’s glazed eyes follow it around and around… Until even that light stimulation was too much for her honey soaked mind, her gaze going dull, her jaw slowly dropping slack.

That was when the dryad pounced, her finger shooting in and giving her prey the treat she wanted. The Huntress’s mouth snapped shut, lips wrapped tight around the digit, sucking for all she was worth. And as she did, her already sluggish mind stumbled to a crawl. Fireworks became eruptions of pleasure, shooting through her mind and obscuring everything that wasn’t sweet and delicious. Gaps became chasms, thoughts and worries plummeting into the abyss without a trace. She didn’t even notice as her new friend pressed on her shoulder and guided her down to her knees – all that mattered right now was suck suck suck~

Until, tragically, she’d once again swallowed it all down.

A panicked gasp burst from her lips as the finger retreated, a thoroughly dim blonde looking up at a far too smug dryad desperately. The expression on the creature’s face should have reminded her of someone – but that kind of thought process was already well beyond her, smothered in honey at the back of her head. Instead, all she cared about was…

“Muh-More! P-please, you, you gotta have more! I- I need…!”

The green girl gently stroked the blonde’s head with something almost akin to reassurance – if you couldn’t see her face, anyway. And then, ever so kindly, she pulled away the leaves hiding the cleft between her legs – and let Yang see where the ‘honey’ was coming from.

The sweet smell had never been stronger. It filled Yang’s lungs, it made what parts of her head that weren’t coated in honey impenetrably cloudy instead. Her eyes, firmly gazed, were locked on to the snatch in front of her, tracking every drop and drizzle of clear honey she could see. Nothing else mattered.

Without a moment’s hesitation, she plunged in, licking her way up the dryad’s legs before getting herself in tongue deep, hungrily gulping down every squirt of juice she got in reward. The strangeness of what was happening, the fact that she was doing something she’d sworn she’d only do for her partner, didn’t even register. She didn’t care – she just wanted more.

Green legs wrapped themselves around her neck, weight perching on her shoulders, and steadily, Yang sank to the floor, back pressed firmly into the ground. Her mind sank even faster, swallowed up by a tide of honey, until even the smallest traces of thought and independence had been extinguished. Her eyes, half lidded, glazed completely, and her body went limp.

And sitting on top of her, riding her face with smug delight, the pink eyed dryad enjoyed every moment of her fall.


“Do you think she’s okay out there?”

Weiss gave her friend the kind of flat look she normally reserved for Ruby. “Blake, she’s been gone for five minutes.”

The faunus blushed. “I know! But, you know, anything could be lurking out there…”

“Yang’s a big girl,” the heiress said with a chuckle. “She can handle anything she finds out there. But…” She grinned and knelt down, offering her hand. “If you’re really worried, I can take Ruby and let you go look.”

“You will?” Blake tried – and failed – to not sound too happy with the idea, which just made Weiss’s chuckle grow louder.

“Yes. She’s my partner after all – I should be the one cleaning up after her. Now hand her over.” Naturally, the Schnee was going to be bossy about the whole thing, quickly moving Ruby’s head into her lap and freeing Blake’s legs. “Trust her to pass out in the wilderness where we don’t even have any pillows…”

“And trust you to think of pillows at a time like this~” The catgirl got up with a wry smile of her own, enjoying Weiss’s surprised scoff. “Alright, thank you. I won’t be- Yang?”

The two Huntresses blinked as the blonde suddenly stumbled out of the treeline, waving. Well, speak of the devil.

“See? I told you you were worrying over nothing.” Weiss snorted – missing the curious look on Blake’s face. She was studying her partner intently, trying to work out why she felt there was something wrong. She partner looked pretty normal – save for slightly dilated eyes…

“Here. I got the water,” Yang said, walking over and offering Weiss two filled flasks. “Blake, can we talk for a moment in private?”

The faunus was conflicted. “In private? But…” Oh, she was blushing again.

And whatever she was going to object with was swiftly put down by outside intervention. “If you two don’t go and talk about your feelings now, while we have the chance, I swear I’m going to tie you to the next tree we see until you do, got it?” Weiss was giving them both the patented Schnee scowl. “You’ve wasted more than enough time. Also, two flasks?” She raised an eyebrow as she took the offering. “I wasn’t planning on drowning your sister or anything…”

“Hey, you need a drink too, you know.” Yang flashed her a wink, before snagging Blake’s hand and pulling her away, back towards the forest. “Won’t be long!”

“Woah, w-wait, I didn’t say-!” But despite her protests, Blake wasn’t struggling too hard to pull away. “W-well okay, maybe a quick chat…”

Weiss waved as she watched them go. “Have fun girls! Try not to leave a hicky where everyone can see it!” And then she sighed contentedly at Blake’s glare, before the catgirl was yanked off into the trees. “About time… Hm.” She squinted down at Ruby. “You know, you’d better wake up soon, or you’re going to miss all the fun stuff. I can’t do all the teasing on my own.”

The sleeping reaper groaned and rolled over.


“Alright, Yang, what did you want to-Mmphm?!?” Blake’s eyes widened as she found herself suddenly pinned to a tree, her partner’s lips pressed tightly against her own. “Mhm! Mmhm? Mnm… Mmmmm…”

She struggled for a moment, trying to push Yang away more out of surprise than anything, before gently settling, her arms coming to rest around the blonde’s shoulders, kissing back just as hard as she’d been given. God, she’d waited so long for something like this. It was just like a scene from one of her romance books…~

It was easy to lose herself in the moment. She felt like time was standing still, like everything was fading away around them. All that she was aware of in this second of bliss was Yang. Her warm body. Her powerful arms. Her sweet, so sweet lips…

A warm feeling bubbled up in Blake’s chest, paired with her hammering heart to give a dream like haze to the world. Like her mind was being wrapped in a thick woollen blanket.

When the kiss finally broke, there was a sticky trail linking their lips, thin strands of clear fluid hanging between them. Though, of course, naturally Blake didn’t notice them. She only had eyes for her partner. “Yang… I… Is this really…?”

It was hard to work out what to say. It was hard to work out what to think! Her heart was racing at a mile a minute, and her mind had slowed to a crawl. Stumbling, she looked into the blonde’s eyes, wanting to see something that’d anchor her, that’d let her know that this was all really happening after all this time.

But Yang wasn’t looking at her. Actually, Yang didn’t seem to be looking at anything. Her eyes were unfocused and glassy, staring blankly into the middle distance as though she wasn’t even seeing the world around her. She looked vapid… Empty.

It took Blake’s sluggish head a few moments to process the strangeness, but when she did her brow furrowed. “Yang? Yang, what’s wrong?”

There was a strange scent in the air. Sweet. Familiar. There were hands on her shoulders, turning her around, making the scent stronger. And in front of her, someone new. A green girl, in a dress made of leaves…?

The faunus blinked slowly. Her mind refused to function at any pace faster than a slow shuffle. “Who… Who are-Mmhm?”

Just like before, she found herself pinned, a passionate kiss pressed against her lips. But this time, Yang was behind her, standing firm and unmoving, while her mouth was being claimed by this stranger. She opened her mouth to protest without thinking – but that just let the creature’s tongue in, and with it, a flood of sweet, sweet honey.

Blake moaned as her thoughts scattered, carried off by the honey flood. There was the barest trace of resistance – of trying to force this woman off her. But Yang’s arms wrapped around her, pinned her limbs to her sides, her fingers stroking and soothing her panicking partner until her mind was too sticky to struggle any more.

‘Yang’s here…’ She managed, going limp in her sorta-girlfriend’s arms. ‘Can… trust…~’

With that empty headed logic her last coherent thought, she gave in, kissing, sucking, drinking and gulping down the dryad’s delicious nectar, letting it smother her mind and extinguish her will. Such a sweet surrender. And by the time the kiss ended, her eyes were just as vapid as Yang’s.


“Nnn… Weiss…?”

“Ruby!” The instant the dark haired Huntress opened her eyes, she found herself being wrapped up in a tight hug. “Are you okay? We were so worried…!”

“Ghk. Can’t breathe. Help!”

“Oh. Right. Sorry.” The heiress released her grip, allowing her partner to scoot away. “How are you feeling?”

Ruby’s downcast face told the whole story, even if her lips tried to tell a different one. “I’m… I’m fine, I-”

A pale hand clapped down on her shoulder, and the reaper found herself looking up into the sight that had haunted her nightmares for many a year now – the face of an angry Weiss Schnee. “Try again,” her partner said, looming over her. “ This time be honest.”

“Urk.” Ruby swallowed, silver eyes dashing about, looking for a way to escape – but finding none. And eventually, Weiss’s stare was too much to refuse. “I… Mantle… Atlas… Salem… Penny…” Her voice choked and hitched. “It’s… It’s all my fault! Everyone was depending on me, on my stupid plan, and- and… I-Urk!”

Again, she couldn’t breathe – and again, it was because Weiss was hugging her. “Stop it!” The heiress’s voice was hot and emotional. “Stop that right now, Ruby Rose! It wasn’t your fault, none of it.” She pulled back, looking her partner square in the eye – and allowing Ruby to see the tears in her eyes. “You did the absolute best you could, okay? Don’t you dare blame yourself like this.”

“But… But I…!”

Weiss squeezed her shoulder. “Look… Sometimes the good guys loose, okay? Life isn’t a fairy tale. We just do the best we can, and hope that that’s enough. If it hadn’t been for you, no one would have gotten out of there alive at all. It didn’t go like we wanted – but that just means we’ll have to do better next time.”

Ruby took a breath, sitting with her partner’s words. She wasn’t sure she believed all of them – but there was parts that resonated, for sure. Maybe… She gave her partner a sad smile. “… I probably could have handled the Ironwood thing better.”

Weiss rolled her eyes and snorted. “Yeah well so could he, and he’s supposed to be a General.” Though despite her words, her shoulders did droop. “… Maybe we could have, yeah. But I don’t think any of us could have foreseen how far he was going to go.”

“No… No, that was a shock…” Shooting down ships and threatening to bomb civilians… “If we’d stayed with him, then…”

“Then everyone in Mantle would be dead.” The heiress didn’t mince words. “Are you okay with that?”

The team leader mutely shook her head.

“You saved lives, Ruby. There are people alive now who wouldn’t be if you hadn’t acted.” Weiss scowled up at the alien sky. “I don’t know if that includes us, admittedly – but we’re Huntresses. That’s the job. We risk our lives for other people’s. All four of us took that oath. And I don’t regret it for a moment. How about you?”

“Not a single one.” Some strength was returning to the little reaper. “I… I just wish we could have saved more, you know?”

Weiss nodded. “Yeah, I get it. And… That’s what next time is for. We’ll be better. We’ll be stronger. And we’ll save everyone. Right?”

“Right.” The pair smiled at each other. The tension slowly drifted away, the sky above clearing. While they may not have solved all of their problems, the two had at least made a start dealing with what they’d been through.

Then Weiss tossed a flask into Ruby’s hands. “There. Now drink up – I bet you haven’t had anything since we left the mansion,” she muttered, unscrewing her own and taking a sip.

“Oh, uh, yeah… Kinda.” The reaper chuckled, embarrassed, and hurriedly went to do the same.

“Knew it.” The heiress sighed… Before smacking her lips. “Huh, this stuff is pretty good.”

“Mmmm!” Ruby took a big gulp before lowering the bottle from her lips. “Tastes sweet. Where’d you get it?”

“Uh…” Weiss paused, squinting a little as she tried to think. For some reason her brain was feeling awfully sluggish all of a sudden. “Yang got it… I think?” Hm, she needed to clear her head. Shaking it, she took another gulp from her flask.

“Oh, right.” Ruby nodded, taking another drink of her own. So tasty… “Heeeey… So, where is Yang, anyway…?”

Gulp. Gulp. Gulp. Weiss didn’t answer, her head tilted back as she drank more and more, sweet smelling fluid dripping down her cheeks.

The reaper stared at her blankly for a long moment, not really registering that no response was coming, before taking another drink herself. Funny, she’d just woken up, but already it felt like her brain was falling asleep again… Glug. Glug. Glug.

It was only when both flasks were empty that both of them sat back with contented sighs.

“That was sooo gooood…” Ruby giggled. It was funny, but she was feeling a lot better now – like, a lot better. She couldn’t even remember what she’d been upset about before! Or much of anything, really. Her brain was feeling all sticky for some reason.

“Yeah…” Weiss had a dopey smile on her face. “Yang really…. Really… Oh!” She brightened, sitting up and waving. Hey, there’s Yang!”

Ruby turned – and yes, indeed, there was her sister, along with Blake! And it looked like they’d made another friend too, a strange green girl… But… Hm. Ruby frowned. Something seemed wrong here. Something about her two friends was off. Maybe it was their expressions? They looked so blank and empty, their eyes staring straight ahead at nothing, empty smiles permanently etched on their faces. Or maybe… Maybe it was their robotic movements? Their arms so stiff at their sides, their legs moving in a strange, uniform march… That was definitely weird. But no… no, it was something else, she was sure. Something nagging at her, trying to get the gummed up cogs in her head to start spinning again…

It wasn’t until the girls actually drew near that she finally put her finger on it. She snapped her fingers.

“Hey, Yang, where did your clothes g-mmph?”

Alas, any questions about exactly why her sister and her partner were completely naked would have to wait – because by the time Ruby’s stickied up mind had worked its way up to that point, the dryad had worked its way up to Ruby, and promptly yanked her open mouth onto an exposed nipple. The grimm reaper spent a second confused, finding her face full of bountiful boob – before a drop of pure, unfiltered honey hit her tongue, and any leftover questions went out the window. She latched on instantly, sucking for all she was worth – and was rewarded with an immediate burst of mind melting sweetness flooding into her mouth, damning any capacity she had left for rational thought to a permanent slumber.

Weiss, for her part, just stared slack jawed at the proceedings, unable to quite work out just what was happening – before the dryad reached out, grabbing her by her silver haired head, and she swiftly joined her partner sucking on the dryad’s other tit.

All the while, Blake and Yang just stood there, smiling blankly, small trails of drool running down their chins, as the thinking power behind team RWBY was snuffed out for good.


For the first time in years, Neo wished she could speak, just so that she could hear her own manic laughter bouncing off the trees around her. Before her stood her greatest enemy, the bane of her existence, the foe she’d cursed to hell and back… Standing naked and at attention, her eyes completely free of all thought, alongside the rest of her similarly situated team.

She’d won! She’d won even more completely than she’d ever dared dream! Ruby wasn’t just defeated – she was enslaved. And Neo was going to make sure she remained that way forever. This was so much better than just killing her – now she could take her revenge on the woman every day!

Who’dve thought that weird honey semblance she’d run into all those years ago could be so useful~?

And this wouldn’t be the end of it. With these girls under her thumb, she’d find a way back to Remnant eventually, somehow – and when she did… Cinder… Emerald… Even Salem herself… None of them would be safe from her.

The thought made her positively giddy – but she didn’t want to get ahead of herself. First… She wanted to feel for herself just how much power she had over her real target. Really feel it.

The mute criminal beckoned Ruby forward, and the mindless Huntress obeyed, stepping up with blank eyes and a brainless smile. She even sank down to her knees at a snap of Neo’s fingers. And then down to all fours when that was still a little too tall. Look, Neo was short, okay? She wasn’t ashamed of it! It worked for her.

Just like RWBY now did~

There was a rustle as Neo’s pants fell, her slit now exposed before the reaper’s blank gaze. And gently, the criminal reached down, stroking her hand through Ruby’s hair… Then the gentleness vanished, her hand seizing the back of her prey’s head with all the force she could muster, and pulling her face first into her snatch, commanding her to start licking with a thought.

Mindlessly, Ruby obeyed.

Neo closed her eyes, a smile creeping over her face as she enjoyed her new toy’s roving tongue. Each lick, each stroke, each caress left a tingling wake, the slight shine of honey glistening on her skin. But it only seemed to make the mistress of illusion more demanding, growing rougher with her plaything, spreading her legs wider, pulling her in deeper, demanding more and more pleasure while giving nothing back.

And as she did, basking in every moment of bliss, she couldn’t help but look at the mindless drones standing behind Ruby – her former teammates. Their eyes blank. Their lips dripping with honey. Oh yes, each of them would get a turn pleasuring her, repaying their debts for getting in her way a thousand times over… Then, she’d use all of them to capture and convert their closest friends, while she was out conquering all of Remnant. She was going to be a very petty bitch about it~

This was not the best day of Neo’s life. It was close, yes – as she came and let her juices squirt all over her toy’s oblivious face, it definitely felt pretty up there. But looking down into Ruby’s mindless eyes, the delighted villain knew for sure – the best was yet to come.


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