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Hi again folks!

Right, yes, two things today! The first is a fun short you can check the other post for. The second is the return of an old project! Those of you who've been around for a long while might remember the text game I've been making called The Eraser, where you play as a stealth agent out to wipe some troublesome minds clean. It's been on the backburner for a while, since finding time to make more of it is pretty difficult these days, but one of my Hyper Patrons requested a new update to it for their slot! (Incidentally, not opposed to game requests from those top tiers.)

So, here's an update - now the game has a game over system, as well as two bonus endings if you complete the game with either a maximum stealth score, or by collecting (nearly) every drone in the game. It's nearly complete! I just need to work out how to make a satisfying bonus boss fight in this engine, and also fix any bugs you guys find.

Please enjoy, and let me know any issues that come up! ^^

(Patreon did not like me uploading the game as an html file, so I had to zip it - sorry for any inconvinience!)



Oh hell yes, Eraser is one of your best works. Very possibly your best.