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Hey folks!

Happy Wednesday - I hope all is going well out there.

My sleep schedule has managed to go right to hell, because, you know, when you're on a roll it's hard to stop! This hopefully won't affect my speed at writing the shorts (which are going well so far!) but I thought I should mention the potential hiccup juuuust in case.

Otherwise, all seems to be going good! I'll try to keep it up =D

In the meantime, enjoy a little playtime with Momo from MHA.


Momo Yaoyorozu – otherwise known as the superheroine Creati – dropped down to the warehouse floor and landed with a well-practiced three-point stance. The dust kicked up in a small wave around her, but everything else was still and silent – rows upon rows of towering shelves filled with wooden block crates stretching off into this distance.

She straightened up, peering around suspiciously as she prepared, once again, to find nothing more than another dead end. She’d been investigating this case for weeks now, along with a bunch of other heroes, and no one had found anything yet. This lead was only a tenuous connection at best – but with nothing else having turned up, she’d decided to come investigate it herself.

“Where are you, Fantastic…?” She muttered, stalking quietly into the warehouse, her cape swirling lightly behind her as she went. “You can’t hide forever…”

But they’d been doing an annoyingly good job of hiding so far. The Villain in question went by the name of Fantastic Plastic, due to their quirk, which seemed to be the ability to control plastic with their mind. With an ability like that, they certainly could have been a powerful hero – maybe even a top ranker, if they had enough style. But instead, they’d put their powers to more nefarious purposes.

Robbery… Theft… Blackmail… Kidnapping… The list of sins grew greater by the day.

None of it was conducted in person, however. No, that would have been too easy. Instead, each crime was committed by their plastic automatons – mannequin like figures that possessed inhuman strength and shocking speed, seemingly made entirely out of plastic materials. They were easy enough to defeat for any professional hero, but against normal citizens they were a very real danger.

Momo herself had defeated countless such drones over the past few weeks – but even when she and her allies won outright, the creatures merely melted away into nothingness, leaving whatever they were trying to steal and nothing more. Hell, the only reason they even knew the villain’s name was because they left calling cards. It was a frustrating fight against a rising tide, and unless something changed soon, she was worried that soon they’d be overwhelmed.

Which was all the more reason to find this creep now and put an end to this little crime spree.

If only that wasn’t easier said than done… Hence, the heroine’s desperate pursuit of even the most tenuous of leads. But as long as she kept looking, she had to find something eventually, right? As long as she kept her eyes and ears open…


Momo paused, her eyes narrowing. Something was wrong. Carefully, she stepped over towards one of the towering metal shelves, scanning it over with suspicion. The sheen wasn’t quite right. Reaching out, she tapped a finger against one of the metal struts.


There was no ting, nor the cold touch of metal. Her eyes widened. “Plastic.”

Suddenly, a tremor ran through the building, the shelves shaking around her – everything bending and swaying in a completely unnatural fashion. The heroine stepped back, reaching for a communicator as she realised how dangerous this situation had become-

- only to find herself plummeting backwards instead, no floor behind her to meet her feet. She had the barest fraction of a moment to gasp, grasping for her quirk to create something to get her out of this…

And then the plastic rushed back in over her, swallowing her whole as everything went dark.


Waking up was an odd sensation. It didn’t feel much like she was ‘waking up’ at all. In fact, it felt like she’d been awake for some time, but only just now, all of a sudden, did she become aware of that fact.

Momo was standing upright, her hands at her sides, staring at a white wall that was right in front of her. Slowly, she blinked, lifting her hand to rub her head and help her remember what had happened – only to pause mid-motion. Why did she feel so… stiff?

She looked down, and gasped. “What the hell?!”

Her body looked almost nothing like what she remembered. Or at least, that was how it seemed to her – but then, that might have just been because she couldn’t see most of it. Instead, her view was blocked by a pair of breasts large enough to knock down bowling pins, just barely wrapped up in an incredibly revealing version of her red costume. Sure, she’d always been pretty blessed in that department, but not this blessed!

Her hands instantly shot to her chest, trying to dispel the illusion or knock away whatever was clinging on to her front – but not only did they find only firm and bouncy boobs waiting for them, but that also meant she finally got a good look at her hands. Her strangely smooth, shiny hands, with very soft looking fingernails, very stiff fingers, and deep lines over the joints where her knuckles should have been…

Stunned, she absently noted that her breasts were looking just as shiny and soft as her hands… All of them covered in a strange plastic sheen…

But before she could process that, someone chuckled right beside her.

“How do you like them? I couldn’t well have a doll as fine as you without giving you proper doll proportions~”

She jumped and turned – again, finding her body so stiff and rigid, refusing to bend anywhere but her joints at all – to find herself face to face with an all too familiar figure. “Fantastic Plastic!”

The costume was hard to mistake. The pink mask, the pink catsuit, the long blonde hair. Colour aside, it practically screamed villain. Personally, Momo felt it was a ridiculous look, but then her costume was designed to show as much skin as she could so that she could use her quirk, so she tried not to point stuff like that out. Glass houses and stones and all that.

“Hey, got it in one!” The blonde smirked at her. “How about that? Brains and boobs in one complete package! I’m not surprised you’re such a highly rated hero.”

“I got my rating by taking down villains, thanks – villains like you,” she snarled, throwing a punch – only to find her arm freezing in place, pulled back behind her head, but refusing to swing forward. It wouldn’t move an inch.

“Oho, that’s an adorable expression,” the villain laughed at her confusion. “Remember that one, I think I’ll make it your default.”

“What are you talking about. What have you done to me?!” All she could do was glare as her arm remained stuck, locked in place mid-punch. Surprisingly she wasn’t feeling any strain in the muscles from holding the awkward pose…

Fantastic just snickered. “Well, I guess I was wrong about those brains. Probably for the best. No one expects anything but air in a doll’s head anyway.”

“You…!” Ugh, she was just taunting her, and enjoying every moment of her reactions. She wouldn’t give her the satisfaction. Instead, she started thinking as her arm finally released itself from its pose. She’d always been the kind of hero to think her way out of problems, and this one would be no different. Now come on, she had all the clues.

Her warped figure… The strange tint to her skin… The stiffness in her limbs… Her inability to attack…

Momo’s eyes widened. No, it couldn’t be…

“Oh, nice! Remember that one too, for when I want a reminder of this moment~”

She paid her no mind, instead frantically returning her attention back to her body, running her smooth, smooth hands over her smooth, smooth body, hunting for something, anything that would tell her the situation wasn’t what she thought it was. A gap, a seam, a break in the plastic, anything…!

But all she found was that her hips were now just as enhanced as her chest, while her waist had cinched in to almost comical proportions. The soft, rubbery feel of plastic greeted her fingers wherever they roamed, from the tips of her toes to the top of her head. Even her hair seemed to have been converted, having traded her well maintained locks for black coloured strands of nylon.

There was no denying it. She was made of plastic, through and through. She had been turned from a human being into, into a model. A mannequin. A…

“A doll.” Fantastic supplied helpfully. “The word you’re looking for is doll.”

She rounded on her instantly. “How? How did you…?”

Her evil grin was plenty answer enough, but fortunately she didn’t just insult her intelligence again. Though what she did instead was almost worse – she monologued. “You heroes, always thinking you’re so superior, so smart, so talented. You spend your days showing off and trying to look good for the crowds so that the common people will worship you like gods! But it’s simplicity itself to fool you. I didn’t have to try hard at all to hide the true potency of my quirk from you.”

Honestly, Momo had to struggle to pay attention to her ramblings. She’d heard this kind of speech at least three times a week for years. Villains loved to hear themselves talk, and they loved to mock heroes, so most of these speeches ended up pretty samey. Fortunately, she managed to hold on for long enough that she caught the important part at the end. “You hid your quirk? Wait, you mean…?”

“That’s right!” She grinned. “Not only do I have the power to control plastic, but I also have the means to turn anything I touch with my right hand…” She raised said hand with a flourish, and the hero noted that unlike her left, it was ungloved. “…Into plastic as well! Muahahahaha!”

Oh fantastic – she’d fallen into the clutches of a traditionalist. She’d probably been practicing that laugh in the bathroom mirror for hours. But sarcasm aside, this was bad. How could she undo this, let alone escape? There had to be a way…

The villain wasn’t going to give her time to think it all over, though. “Ah, but here, let me show you how my gift has improved you…” She snapped her fingers, and the wall beside her rippled before opening up, revealing a mirror behind it. It must have been something she had hidden back there for this sort of occasion, because there was no way that that thing was plastic – it showed Momo’s whole reflection.

And her reflection put all of her hopes and doubts to rest. Staring back at her from the glass was a doll – one with a blank smile fixed on her face, and lined joints on all of her limbs. Her skin had that unmistakable plastic sheen, and her figure the curves of an hourglass that only a doll could support. Even her costume had been turned to plastic, and remodelled into something that barely fit her new self, keeping just enough of the fabric to be recognisable.

But the part that really caught her eye was the flash of white she caught behind her. Frowning, she turned slightly, twisting her back so that she could see over her shoulder – and to her horror, she saw a white plastic ring, about half as wide as her back, sticking out from between her shoulder blades.

“Ah, I see you’ve found your pull cord! Here, let me show you how it works.”

“W-wait-!” But the villain ignored her, reaching out and yanking the ring, drawing out the long string it was attached to…

Momo’s eyes rolled up in her head as she felt a sudden burst of incredible pleasure shooting through her, exploding through her body and sending happy jolts straight up into her brain. It was so distracting that she almost didn’t catch her own voice echoing around her.

“Stop right there, fiend! Magical Momo will put an end to your mean little games!”

But… Wait… She hadn’t said that…

The heroine shook her head, trying to focus, regathering her thoughts. “Wha… What…?”

Fantastic chuckled. “Did you enjoy that? A doll usually loves it when they get their string pulled. So much that they can’t help but spout a nice little catch phrase. Magical Momo, eh? Ah, what a fun doll you’re going to be…”

“You… You won’t…” She was gasping, still unsteady, even as she realised that she wasn’t actually drawing breath. “You won’t get away with this!”

“Oh my, did I pull your string again by accident? It’s just that’s such a cliché line that I thought it had to come from your voice box! Well, maybe it’ll help to get you out of such a ‘heroic’ outfit and into something a little more suitable for your current place.”

“Eh?” Her eyes widened – but before she could do anything, she found herself frozen again, stiffly forced to look forward at her reflection as the masked fiend stepped in and slid the straps of her costume off of her shoulders, letting it all drop to the floor and rendering her completely nude, save for her shoes. But even those were soon taken away, popped off her feet while she could do nothing to stop her from lifting her legs, one by one.

And that just left her staring at her own naked image in the mirror. An image which, she noted with a sinking feeling in her plastic chest, did little to help her deny her new condition. There was no sign of any nipples on the figure in front of her. Nor were there any marks, scars, hairs, or blemishes at all. Her skin was smooth and uniform. Just like a doll’s.

Just a doll…

No! She shoved that thought down firmly. She was not just a doll. She was a hero, and she’d find a way to escape this somehow. Either on her own, or someone would rescue her. She was certain of it! She would never- She would never… Ah…

Her thoughts trailed off, growing cloudy and meandering as new shoes were slid on to her feet – black high-heels with a well-polished sheen. It was a feeling that only grew worse as a new outfit was slid on over her head, her arms lifted and pointed upwards to slide through the armholes. A new black dress that clung tightly to her expanded curves, and a white apron wrapping around her middle…

Her mind almost solidified completely as a white lace tiara was dropped onto her head, the heroine having to struggle mightily to push past the sudden wash of feelings, subservient and docile, that crashed over her. The power was almost overwhelming, and unprepared she was almost swept from her feet, carried off to some unknown but unendingly obedient doom. But no – she couldn’t- she wouldn’t- give… in!

She was gasping for breath again when she came back to herself, to her mistress’ great amusement. (Wait. No. Not my mistress.) It took a moment for her to stop, and to gaze at her reflection once more – or, more specifically, to gaze at the beautiful (no) and oh so fitting (no!) maid uniform that she had been dressed in. Low cut cleavage, high cut skirt, heels so high she would have no problem dusting the high corners… Oh, it was magnifique~

“Zous… Vhat have vous done to moi…?”

She blinked slowly. Something about what she’d just said felt… wrong, but she couldn’t put her finger on what.

“I gave you a proper uniform, doll. After all…” Fantastic had gathered up her old outfit (my costume!) and as she spoke, she tossed it carelessly over her shoulder, into the trash. “You won’t be needing your old one anymore. Dolls are fun to dress up, but some outfits just don’t suit them~”

“Zous… I…” She wanted to yell, but a good maid never raises her voice. She wanted to punch her, but a good maid never harms their mistress. She wanted her old costume back, but it would be unacceptable to remove her uniform without mistress’ permission

Ngh… What were these thoughts?

Before she could sort her head out, her mist-her captor spoke up once again. “But enough standing around!” She clapped her hands sharply, and Momo found herself straightening up despite herself. “My lair hasn’t had a proper clean in a long, long time, and it really needs someone to sort out the cobwebs. Here you go.” She offered the heroine a duster, the new doll’s hand taking it without any input from her brain. “Why don’t you get to work?”

“L-like hell,” the hero-turned-maid managed, almost growling with the effort it took to defy the woman. “I… I vill never…”

“Oh, oops! Silly me!” Fantastic grinned and reached behind Momo’s back, grabbing her pull ring. “Forgot to wind you up!”

“Non, wait-!” Too late. This time Momo couldn’t stop herself from moaning as her string was pulled, pleasure blasting through her mind.

“Zis zilly little maid juzt can’t vait to duzt and clean~”

By the time her head cleared again, she was in another room entirely, bent over at the waist to dust a bookcase. It appeared to be some kind of vault – the walls made of pink plastic (of course), and shelves lining every surface. All around her, she could see the spoils of countless crimes – some of which she’d been hunting for herself, and others she hadn’t even known were stolen yet. This place was a literal treasure trove, a monument to crime – and all the evidence the police would ever need to jail Fantastic Plastic for multiple life sentences, if they got hold of it.

All she needed to do was lead them here… Ah, but that statue, it was pozitively filthy with ze duzt!

Tutting, the maid strutted over, her legs moving stiffly beneath her, refusing the bend at the knee at all, forcing her to bend at the waist as she moved in to dust. The pose, of course, forced her already scandalously short skirt to ride up her hips, exposing her enormous ass proudly to the world – though she didn’t really notice that, too busy making sure that this statue was clean and shined!

There. All done. Momo smiled proudly at her work, before straightening up and looking around again. There was no sign of Fantastic Plastic around. This was her chance to escape and- Oh, mon dieu, zat painting waz off centre! Non non non, zat vould never do!

It was a sequence that would repeat frequently – with Momo helplessly strutting about the vault, dusting, cleaning, and polishing, unable to really help herself as she steadily straightened out all of her captor’s ill-gotten loot. She barely even noticed it was happening, struggling to resist the strange and weirdly accented thoughts that kept shoving their way into her head.

Eventually, though, everything was done. Cleaned, polished, shined, the place was absolutely spotless! Which meant it was finally time to-

“Oh, good job, doll! My vault is looking cleaner than ever! What a good maid you make~”


“If… If vous turn yourself in now…” Momo spoke up weakly, a tired look on her face as she turned to see her mistress entering the room. “Zey may be lenien-Ah!”

Yoink! The blonde villainess yanked her doll’s pull string as she walked past.

“How may I zerve vous today, Miztress?”

Fantastic turned to face her with a smile, enjoying Momo’s own blissed out look. “So nice of you to ask - I think I know just the way~” She said, stepping over to her toy and lifting up her arms. “It’s time for you to try out another new costume, doll~”


“Stop right there, thief!”

‘H-huh?’ The sudden yell jolted the plasticised heroine out of her dizzy stupor. Wait, where was she? How long had she been out? What was going on?

“Put the jewels down and we can talk about this. It doesn’t have to get violent.”

Jewels? Momo blinked and looked down. Clapsed tightly in her hands, she saw a necklace made of entiwned platinum and gold, sporting more sparkling gems than there were stars in the night sky. It must have been worth at least half of the stipend she got from her family every month!

‘Wh-where did this come from?’ There was more, too. She was carrying bags on both of her arms, both full to the brim with glittering treasures. She was carrying a small – no, no, a large fortune here!

Her eyes flicked up, taking in her surroundings. She was stood in the middle of a dark, luxurious penthouse apartment, illuminated by a single torch beam shining down on her. Said beam was being directed by… a hero? A familiar hero!

‘Battle Fist? Wait, Kendo? H-hold on, I can explain!’

Or… She wanted to explain. But despite her desperate thoughts, Momo’s mouth stayed firmly closed. She couldn’t speak, no matter how hard she tried! After all…

… Good dollies only speak when someone pulls their string~

Ugh… More intrusive thoughts. They still made her head spin. But at least this time they’d told her something helpful. If she wanted to speak, then first she had to…!

She reached behind herself and grabbed the ring on her back, giving it a powerful yank – and only wondering, for the briefest millisecond as a delight bomb went off inside her brain, if maaaybe this might be a bad idea…

“You’ll never take me alive, copper!” Were the words that actually came out of Momo’s mouth – though she barely heard them, her mind spinning from the happy sensations she’d just bombarded herself with. And then the rest of her was spinning too – the result of Battle Fist’s battle fist smashing into her and sending her crashing across the room.

It didn’t hurt, she realised as her mind snapped back to its senses. In fact, nothing hurt her in her new body. Normally a hit like that should have done some damage, but she was right as rain. Plastic was hardy stuff, apparently. Now why had she said…?

The heroine’s eyes fell on a nearby cabinet – one with a mirrored front. And there, at last, she got an answer for all of her questions. Her maid uniform was gone, replaced with a black and white striped top, a black mask tied over her eyes and around the back of her head, and a dark flat cap. In other words, an incredibly cliché burglar outfit.

It made a depressing amount of sense.

… Which was why she had’ta get those jewels!

Before she knew it, she’d flipped herself back to her feet, rushing at Battle Fist with her own fists raised. Momo only had a moment to realise what was happening before her fellow UA graduate launched another attack, fists swelling up to massive size to swat the doll down.

Unfortunately for both of them, she wasn’t prepared for said doll to know her fighting style nearly as well as Momo did.

The instant before the attack connected, the doll swivelled entirely on instinct, leaning back far further than a normal human ever could to limbo her way beneath the mighty swing. And before the red-headed heroine could recover, Momo had already gotten behind her, grabbing her in a hold.

“You- Let go of me!” Obviously, a heroine as strong and well trained as Kendo wasn’t going to be held for long. Momo had to think of a way to tell her what was happening before then, or this situation would only get worse. She still wasn’t in full control of her body – the persona her costume was pushing on her refusing to let go – but if she gathered up all of her will, then surely she could break through…!

But alas, she wouldn’t get the chance.

“Let go, or else I’ll-Mmph!?!” Battle Fist started to snarl – only to suddenly find the doll’s hand in front of her face. Then, a second later, she might have recognised the familiar workings of a quirk she knew, as a cloth suddenly popped into existence out of the doll’s palm. But if she did, she didn’t get the chance to say so, with the chloroform soaked rag quickly shoving itself into her heroine’s face.

‘No! She can use my quirk?! Kendo, look out! I’ll try to stop it!’ But the increasingly plasticised side of her brain refused to let her, giggling madly as her former friendly rival started going limp in her arms. ‘Serves you right, copper! Have sum of that then!’

Momo tried, she really did. She wouldn’t let this transformation, this plastic curse, hurt one of her friends! And for a moment, it looked like she was going to succeed. Her grip on the other heroine’s face loosened. The cloth began to pull back.

But as Battle Fist began to slip free, the red-headed hero’s struggling hand slid around the doll’s plastic flesh, hunting for a grip to steady herself – and latched on to the pull ring on her back.

‘Wait, don’t-!’

Too late. Battle Fist fell to the floor, dragging the ring with her, pulling the string tauter than it had ever been before. And with it, she blasted Momo’s scrambling thoughts to euphoric smitherines, utterly demolishing her attempts to resist. If she’d been able, she would have screamed out in orgasmic delight – but since she wasn’t, all she could do was let her eyes roll up in her head as her mind melted from the pleasure.

She didn’t even hear the corny line the string summoned from her voice box. “Just m’luck, I’d better scarper!”


She stared at herself – her reflection in the mirror. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been here, or how long she’d been staring. She wasn’t sure where she was, or what she was doing. She… She wasn’t even sure what her name was. M… Momo…. Something… Wasn’t it?

She wasn’t sure of a lot of stuff right now.

The doll in the mirror was naked, displaying her busty, curvy doll body without shame. There was a glassy look in her eyes that said no one was home. All she could see in her was just a doll.

… She was just a doll… A busty, airheaded doll…

Feebly, the heroine tried to shake off the haze again, but it had gotten so hard. So much of her brain felt like plastic now – soft and hollow, solid and unmoving. It was so difficult to think…

And even if she could, what should she think? She wasn’t wearing an outfit now… She was just a naked doll.

… She was just a doll… Just a brainless, obedient doll…

What had happened? Who was she? Why was she here? She remembered being a hero – strong and smart and brave… But she also remembered being a maid – quick and graceful and obedient… And she remembered being a criminal, too – rude and brutal and greedy…

Who… Who was she?

… She was just a doll… Just a-


Momo rallied, refusing to let these thoughts dominate her mind. She was more than just a doll! More than just some stupid puppet! She knew that. She could feel that! Some part of her still refused to give up – her heart remained strong, despite everything! She just… She just needed to…

“It’s so delicious, watching you struggle~” A voice spoke up beside her. M-Mistress? Momo felt like she’d had another name once, but she couldn’t remember… “Seeing that fire in your eyes start to flicker…”

The blonde Mistress stepped into the reflection, wrapping her arms around the mirror doll’s shoulders – just as Momo felt arms wrap around hers. She couldn’t look to see who it was though – a doll couldn’t move without her Mistress’ permission…

“But as delightful as it is…” The voice purred, as the mirror-mistress started playing with her doll’s hair. “I’m not so much of a sadist as to leave you like this all night. Who knows, you might even manage to break free, and then I really will be in trouble…”

Break… free? That sounded… right… Yes. Yes, it did. That was what she had to do. She had to break free!

Mistress giggled, her reflection stroking the doll’s cheek. “Oh, I can see that helped. Stoked the fires of hope a bit, did I? I’m impressed you can still understand any of what I’m saying. Most dolls end up much too empty headed after a few hours. You must have been quite something. But now, you’re just a slightly special doll~ And I’m afraid I’ll have to get rid of even that. Though, don’t worry – you’ll always have a special place in my collection.”

Momo’s heart hammered – metaphorically, at least. Special? She was a special doll? The empty headed thought filled her with warm tingles. Maybe she was special because she was going to break free…

“So, no costume this time.” Mistress slid back, rapping a knuckle against Momo’s head, getting a hollow tap tap sound. “Just you, as you are – a simple, mindless doll.”

… Just a simple, mindless doll…

In the mirror, the Mirror-Mistress was reaching behind her doll’s back. Momo wondered what for.

“Goodbye, Creati. Thanks so much for adding yourself to my dollhouse~”

Creati? That name sounded familiar. Wasn’t that… her? Yes, that was right. It was her. She was Creati… She was Momo! She was Creati… She was…

Mistress’s fingers wrapped around Momo’s ring and tugged.

Ngh! S-she was…


S-she… was… M…


She… was Mom…


She was Momo…


She was a momo…


She was a molo…


She was a dolo…


She was a doll.

The doll’s face set into a permanent empty smile, her eyes thick and glazed. Her hollow head contained nothing but air, just like always – and she’d never want it any other way. Everything else – everything that had ever been part of Momo Yaoyorozu, the great heroine Creati – was gone, drawn out by her pull string and reduced to nothingness.

And Fantastic Plastic, gazing into her doll’s glassy eyes, smiled as she saw those last traces of independence and free thought wink out, releasing the pull string one last time in triumph. And in return, the doll’s giggly voice rang out crystal clear.

“I’m your dolly! Play with me!”

“Yes you are,” the villain laughed, cuddling up against her newest toy, stroking her plastic thighs and squeezing her utterly fake tits. “And I’ll certainly be playing with you – whenever I don’t have you on display in my toy box, at least.”

The doll didn’t move, didn’t speak, didn’t think – but her heart sang with delight, hearing that her owner had such plans for her.

“But for now, there’s just one more thing I want to do with you, before I put you back in your box for the night,” the villainess purred, pressing up against the busty brainless doll and shoving a tongue between her lips, enjoying the plastic taste of her mouth. “It’s going to involve a whole new outfit for you to wear~”

The doll smiled, mindless and blank. It couldn’t wait.

And though her head was empty and hollow, there was one other thing she hoped for, as she and her owner began to walk away, towards a room that the doll had never been into before. Just faintly, in small, unthinking feelings that hadn’t quite been purged along with everything else…

She hoped her Mistress had other dolls for her to play with too. And if she didn’t, that she’d be able to get some soon~



Absolutely wonderful work on this, once again! And try to get some rest if you can.