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At last, April requests time!

It may take me a bit to get warmed up, but I'll try to go as fast as possible. And remember, for your own satisfaction, Please do give me as much detail as you can about what you want to see.

Here are the rules:

I'll write you a small story of a couple of hundred words/a few paragraphs, based on a prompt you suggest. One prompt per patron, and preferably it should be TF or MC themed, or both, and adhering to my general commission rules (basically, no gross stuff, no underaged stuff, and preferably nothing that'll get me thrown in jail)! Stick them in the comments below, and I'll try to get to them throughout the next two weeks.

A deadline, to keep things sane - you have until Wednesday the 12th to post your ideas in the comments. This is to give me a bit more time to fit them in (getting multiple stories done in a day is fun but when life throws spanners at me it's hard to keep up), and it gives me the chance to let people know if I'm unfamiliar with the series they're requesting, and lets them change their request if they wish to.

Given how many I may have to do I might not be able to get them all done in two weeks, but they will be my priority until the full set is done.

General list of stuff I'm familiar with:

Zelda, Metroid, Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy, Fate, Haruhi, Konosuba, Neptunia, Sailor Moon, Persona (3/4/5), Ranma 1/2, Slayers, Love Hina, Fairy Tail, Naruto, Bleach, One Piece (I'm very out of date here though) Fire Emblem (some better than others), Ace Attorney, World of Warcraft, RWBY, Danganronpa 1 and 2, Yugioh (early seasons), digimon (same) pokemon (also same), My Hero Academia (First season only), Kingdom Hearts (I played the first game and half of CoM), Shantee, Bloodstained... And a bunch of other stuff. And if none of that takes your fancy, feel free to try something completely original!

My final piece of advice is to be specific with what you want to see - I try to aim for what I think you want, but alas, my mind reading skills are poor, and I have a lot of these to get done as quickly as I can, so things don't always work out as we like. Bear in mind that these are supposed to be short fics - I'll likely only have time to TF or mind control one character at a time, unless I go very light on the details...

But above all, have fun! I hope you all enjoy the fics that result from your requests! As always, if you have questions, just message me.

Good luck!



I’d like a follow up to the Nami Marine one but this time it’s Robin being caught by cp9 again and joining them, to fit in with their animal theming they make her wear cat ears and a tail while acting as their pet. She’s also given an incredibly ill fitting two piece formal suit. (I plan on drawing her with more of a gut in the After image but don’t feel like you need to include that)


Chaotic Evil, anti heroes, and just straight up no good Servants have become a huge problem in Chaldea, what with the abundance of dastardly villains summoned with each new singularity and lostbelt cleared, and Caster Xuanzang Sanzang, the carefree monk with the power of Buddhism on her side, decides to take matters into her own hands to fix this dire problem! She demands Da Vinci allow her to enroll extra bad servants into her care for rehabilitation via mind emptying yoga and deep meditation, and the director of Chaldea sees no harm in it, hoping it can at least help some of the worst troublemakers to mellow out. Her first students are signed up, against their wills of course, and BB and Kama become her unwilling pupils. At first neither want to commit to her teachings, laughing at the notion of emptying their minds or whatever nonsense she's spouting, but as they watch the meaty monk's curves move gracefully, her hypnotic breasts and irresistible hips swaying in the gentle motions of yoga, they find themselves joining her, their minds, sense of self, and also their evil intentions beginning to sweat out of their pores and leaving them completely empty and obedient to their new teacher. The duo try as hard as they can to resist and retain their former selves, but eventually they fall, becoming drooling sweeties obsessed with the jiggling and swaying ass and breasts bouncing in front of them. After many sessions, they become devoted followers of Xuanzang Sanzang, and empty headed sweet girls, happy to follow any orders given to them by anyone that asks. This overwrites their data stored in the throne of heroes, ensuring that any versions of them summoned in the future are just as sweet, dumb, and obedient as their currently rewritten selves. They're also *very* eager to get more evil Servants to join up, hoping to spread their teacher's teachings far and wide.