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Hey folks!

April has arrived at last, and with it, a return to the norm around here! Writing is back in full flow, and I'm finally not behind on a bunch of your requests (so it's time to take on a whole bunch of new ones)!

Here's hoping for another long period of woeless writing. And to start us off - here's a little Fairy Tail fun.


Request: It’s been a few days since Erza was sucked into that cursed book and she’s ever so cross about it. First and foremost because she’s evidently taken the place of the protagonist of the book-a princess whose curves are only matched by how much of a spoiled dainty ditz she is-and is being increasingly compelled to act and think like the character. To make matters worse, some of her female friends have ended up in the book as her equally curvy servants-but without the realization that anything is wrong with this situation or they have ever been any different. And she’s starting to forget things too! She needs to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible to save her friends! Perhaps she can ask the court wizard about it? She knows she can trust in him and believe whatever he tells her to do, ever since he showed her that lovely glowing crystal in his staff…

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a peaceful kingdom, ruled by a fair and beautiful Queen. It was a place blessed with good fortune, bolstering trade, and fertile soil. In so many ways, it was an idyllic paradise, and all the kingdom’s citizens thanked their lucky stars to be able to live in such a haven, free from worry or ill will.

But alas, ever does perfection draw the eye of envious admirers. And soon, the picturesque sky was darkened by a black cloud, blowing in from the west. A foul army of bitter steel and cursed beasts marred the horizon, marching like an inevitable tide upon the boarder of the kingdom. And there, the leader of the dark army, the black knight Glandorix, issued his decree.

“Lo and all listen,” his voice rang through the land. “Too long has this kingdom flaunted its wealth, without respect for its borders. Too long has this kingdom extoled of its blessings, without caring to share. Too long has this kingdom enjoyed fields of bounty, while its neighbours lie fallow. No longer! We seek of an alliance, in people and trade, so that we too might share in the bounty of the kingdom’s happiness. And if you refuse, we shall take by force, what you have denied us by open hand.”

Worried whispers and fearful talk spread quickly through the countryside, and before long the matter was considered deeply by the Queen’s council. It was a difficult decision. The knight’s army was vast, and the kingdom hungered not for war. It seemed that the only way to keep peace would be for the Queen to offer an alliance, sealed by the marriage of he, the black knight, to her daughter, the infamously beautiful woman, and possibly the only one in the kingdom who could be called fairer than her mother, Princess Erza.

Left with little choice, her heart heavy with regret, the wise Queen Irene invited the black knight to the high palace, for his introduction and betrothal to the good Princess.

Thus did Glandorix proudly march fourth, accompanied by a contingent of his finest men, to the royal capital, that shining city where the palace awaited. And though the people of the nation watched warily from the streets, he kept his steed steady, for he knew that his prize did await within those vaunted white halls. Boldly, he strode up to the palace gates, and threw them wide, looking to-


The unfortunate dark knight didn’t get even the slightest bit of warning before the underside a high-heeled shoe collided with his helm and, without remorse or hesitation, slammed him to the ground. The owner of said shoe, at the other end of the leg that climbed out of it, stared down over her very fancy white gown at the crushed knight with disdain. “Is this all?” Princess Erza looked disappointed. “I fail to see why anyone was worried about this man.”

Around them, the dark knight’s guards looked on in shock – an expression mirrored by the lords and ladies of the court who were all hiding behind the Princess, or behind the furniture. In fact, the only two who didn’t look shocked, all the way at the other end of the hall in the throne room, were Queen Irene – who had her face pressed into her hands in exasperation – and, a few feet to the left of her throne, her royal Vizir, a dark-haired man in green robes who was currently banging his head against the back wall.

“Uh.” One of the guards was the first to speak, looking around at the others – and, of course, at his crushed leader. “Aren’t we supposed to do something about this?”

The Princess raised an eyebrow. “You are welcome to try.”

A dozen or so very, very sharp looking blades materialised in the air above her, each one pointing at a separate guard. They glinted menacingly in the midday sun, and if you listened carefully, you could just about make out the sound of the air itself being cut on their tips.

“N-no, that’s fine,” the guard squeaked.

“We’ve been meaning to quit anyway,” another added, nodding frantically.

“Me and the boys have been talking - this guy’s a terrible employer. Doesn’t even offer dental.”

“Kept falling off his horse…”

“The pay was awful, actually…”

“He kept calling me Steve…”

One by one, the guards spoke up, and then smartly retreated from the scene, all very eager to put distance between themselves and the tiara wearing psychopath that their boss had, for some ungodly reason, wanted to marry. And Erza was left alone with a stunned Glandorix. She hefted him up by his collar, not slowed in the slightest by his heavy armour.

“What do you know about escaping ridiculous curses?” She demanded, shaking him around to encourage an answer. “Preferably the kind that trap you and your friends in an incredibly irritating book?”

“Wh-what…?” Alas, the poor black knight had no idea what she was talking about – though that may have had more to do with all the blows to the head he’d taken, rather than a lack of knowledge. It was kind of hard to tell while she was shaking him like that.

“Tch.” Either way, the Princess rolled her eyes, before throwing the defeated villain at a group of palace guards. “Throw this one in the dungeons then. He’s no use to me.”

“Y-yes Princess Erza!” Even if, technically, Glandorix had been invited to the palace, none of them wanted to risk the redhead’s wrath either. As one, the gaggle of guards hoisted the man up onto their shoulders, and swiftly carried him away.

Once he was gone, the Princess let the swords vanish with a sigh. “Another waste of time…”

“My Lady!” A voice called out, and the redhead turned to see a familiar blonde woman, dressed in a long blue gown, rushing up to her. Well, mostly familiar… “That was incredible! How did you handle those brutes so easily? Were you not afraid they’d harm you?”

“No. Don’t be ridiculous.” Erza shook her head. “They were all bark and no bite. I’m sure you could have handled them with no problems yourself, Lucy – even if you only used one key to do it.”

Lucy blinked – and then blushed, clasping her hands and scuffing her foot with pleased embarrassment. “Princess is so kind, remembering the name of a mere handmaiden such as myself… Could it be that maybe my dreams of being abducted to be drawn into the court harem are about to come true? A simple serving girl, drawn into the tangled web of intrigue within the depths of the palace-Ow!”

At the blonde’s side, a dark-haired maid was nudging her hard with her elbow. “Lucy, you’ve been the Princess’s handmaid since you were old enough to walk. You know she doesn’t have a harem.” The woman shuddered. “I already have enough cleaning to do cutting into my drinking hours!”

Lucy stuck her nose in the air. “Hmph! As if I’d expect someone like you to understand the dreams of a pure maiden, Cana.”

“If you and your dreams count as pure then I’m a teetotaller.”

“Wha-Hey! Why you- Ah, Princess, where are you going? Wait for me!”

The blonde quickly lifted the hem of her skirt and dashed after her Lady – who’d pretty much stopped listening to her after she’d started talking about her daydreams, and had walked off in the direction of the library. She’d been spending most of her time in there recently for some reason…

It was unusual behaviour – and nowhere was that more of a concern than in a very hushed conversation currently happening in the throne room.

“She’s done it again, Samuel…” The Queen whispered, her eyes glancing around furtively to make sure no one else was in listening range. “I thought you said you’d sorted this out?”

“I have tried, your majesty! Please, you must believe me, I have tried!” The advisor pleaded. ”But it is like my every lecture on propriety and grace goes in through one ear and out the other…”

The red-haired queen sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. “Well you’re going to have to try harder. If she keeps defeating every villain that arrives on our doorstep then no good hero is ever going to show up to try to rescue her!”

“I know, my Lady, I know.” The dark haired man wrang his hands together, gazing over towards the celebrating crowd at the front door. “No hero means no betrothal…”

“And no heroic bloodline to keep the peasants in line.” Queen Irene rose from her throne, straightening her dress. “They’ll turn on the royal family within a generation if they don’t get a reminder of our strength and nobility. Tch, why does my daughter have to make everything so difficult…”

Samuel wisely decided that now was not the time to imply, in any way shape or form, that Princess Erza may have gotten it from her mother. “I wouldn’t hope to know the heart of a young maiden, your majesty…”

“What you should hope to know, Vizir, is the answer to our Princess problem.” The Queen’s gaze was sharp. “Find one. Or I’ll find an advisor who can.”

He swallowed and bowed. “As you command, your Majesty.”

It seemed the time had come to resort to that after all…


Erza Scarlet was used to nonsense. Despite her rather serious reputation, she was a member of Fairy Tail through and through, with all the madness that entailed. While it was certainly her job to reign in any member of the guild who started getting too crazy (Natsu), she liked to think she had a healthy tolerance for the weird and bizarre.

This supposed ‘Fairy Tale Kingdom’ was pushing that tolerance to its absolute limit. It was just plain frustrating. No one listened to her when she spoke to them – just cooed over how pretty their supposed ‘Princess’ was. And even if she managed to get through to them, none of them seemed to have any idea of how she could get back home.

Being trapped here was bad enough. But she had bigger concerns. Namely, the effect that staying here was having on her friends.

They’d all been drawn in together, after all. Yes, they should have taken the book mage more seriously, she knew that now. When she, Lucy, Cana, and Levy had agreed to hunt down a bounty for a bit of spending cash, none of the feats listed on their poster had seemed that extreme. But no sooner had they cornered the man than he uttered an incantation and snapped a book open in their direction. Before they knew what was happening, there’d been a strange wind blowing out of nowhere carrying them all off their feet, and then they’d all been sucked straight into the pages…

And landed here. In a strange storybook kingdom not too dissimilar from Fiore. Except here, the Queen was Irene, Erza was supposedly a Princess, and all of her friends were her servants. And for some reason, Erza seemed to be the only one to remember things ever being different. Lucy was convinced she’d always been a devoted handmaiden, and Cana was absolutely certain she’d never been more than a (slightly tipsy) maid.

Clearly the spell that had drawn them into this book world had used some kind of hypnotic effect. Perhaps her false eye had saved her from the worst of the effects, as it often did in these kinds of situations. But it hadn’t kept her from being trapped here – and now she had to figure out not just how to escape, but how to bring the rest of her friends out with her. And she didn’t have a clue where to start.

Ordinarily, this would be where she’d turn to the guild’s resident book mage for help, but…

“I’m sorry, Princess,” Levy giggled, stroking back her blue locks as she tried to find a diplomatic way to lower the noble’s expectations. “I’m afraid I haven’t found any of the tomes you were after. We just have so many books in the royal library, and actual magical texts are quite rare…”

“No, of course.” Erza’s nodded as she looked around the massive towering shelves of the palace’s archives, all stacked to the brim with books. “I didn’t expect this to be an easy task.”

Yes, Levy McGarden had also fallen prey to this trap’s dark spell. The redhead kept hoping that she might break through, given the woman’s familiarity with book magic, but so far none of her attempts to reach her had gotten more than a polite smile. Still, her affinity had apparently landed her the position of royal librarian, so she was helpful in her own way. Erza was sure that the way to break this curse would be hidden in here somewhere – no trap was perfect. But finding it was going to take time – hence why she found all these foolish ‘evil generals’ so irritating. She had actual work to be doing, thank you.

“Very well,” she said, putting her hands on her hips as she gazed around at the vast wilderlands of texts yet unexplored. “Then let us resume our hunt. I will attempt go through shelves BC through to BF today. If you resume at the last few volumes in the Z stacks…”

Levy nodded, a fist clasped in the air. “Already on it, your Highness!”

Erza couldn’t help but grin. Even if she didn’t have her memories, it was good to see her friend’s enthusiastic personality shine through.

“But Princess, what about your other duties?” Lucy spoke up, making Erza’s smile fall. Damn, if only all of her friends were acting like their normal selves… “Now that the black knight has been defeated, you have a tea party to attend in half an hour, and embroidery at three, and then calligraphy at six…”

More pointless wastes of time. Distractions she couldn’t afford. The ‘Princess’ had spent the past few days since she’d arrived here dodging these pointless exercises as best she could, and she had no intention of stopping now. Alas, as much as she loved Lucy, she knew that her supposed handmaiden wouldn’t stop pestering her about them, so…

“I’m afraid I don’t think I can make it to the rest of my appointments today,” she said, looking to the blonde. “In fact I feel quite ill after dealing with that invader. I’ll have to take the rest of the day to rest.”

And then she brought a hand to her mouth and gave the least convincing cough ever.


“Oh, your highness, I had no idea!” Her handmaiden was instantly at her side, fretting over her. “Shall I prepare your chambers? I can summon the royal doctor at once! Ah, don’t die, your highness, how could we possibly go on without you?!”

… This version of Lucy was pretty gullible. Enough that even Erza felt bad at deceiving her. “N-no, no, that won’t be necessary. I just need to rest. But there is something you could do for me…?”

“Anything, Princess!” The blonde seized her hand, eyes wide and sparkling. “Simply name your desire and I shall see it done!”

“Attend my appointments for me so that I don’t have to.”

“Oh.” The sparkles faded into a pout. Lucy seemed disappointed. “Oh, very well, Princess.” She curtsied. “But tomorrow, you’re doing these meetings yourself, okay?”

The redhead made a non-committal noise as her handmaiden retreated – Levy giggling all the while. “It’s nice to see you have such a good friend, Princess,” the librarian spoke up once Lucy had left. And to that, Erza could only smile and nod.

But a few hours later, after searching through countless books and tomes, there were few smiles to be seen. Just like every day spent searching before, the two hadn’t found anything about the curse, or magical books, or anything that might have been of use. There was a lot of ground to cover still, but the lack of progress was frustrating.

“I’m sorry, your Highness,” Levy sighed over a pile of books. “I know you wanted faster results for this project of yours.”

“It’s fine,” the redhead assured her, surrounded by her own fortress of page and paper. “I knew this would take time. Though I do wish there was a way we could speed it up.”

“Then perhaps I could be of some assistance?”

Erza looked up, frowning. She knew that voice. It was one that had become all too familiar since her arrival here. “What do want, Vizir?”

The green robed advisor stepped around another stack of books, bowing politely to the two women. In his hand, he held a wooden staff that Erza had never seen before, one tall enough to come up to his chest. Was that a symbol of his office? She had to admit, she’d never paid him enough attention to notice. The Vizir had made it his task to explain to her why her ‘rambunctious nature’ was out of place here at the court, and that she needed to settle down and behave herself as the Princess of the nation. She’d been forced to endure his lectures dozens of times already. Thus, he’d swiftly moved to the top of her ‘ignore whenever possible’ list.

But now he came offering help? That was enough to get her attention – even if she found his change of face suspicious.

“My apologies your Highness,” he answered her carefully, running a hand through his slick black hair. “But I had heard you have been turning the library upside down looking for magical tomes or items…”

“What of it?” She shrugged. Then her gaze sharpened and she started to rise. “If you’ve come to tell me to stop, then it won’t just be the library I’m turning upside down-”

“No no,” he back peddled, waving his free hand quickly. “You misunderstand me, Princess. I merely wanted to tell you that I may perhaps already know of what you seek.”

The redhead blinked, and then raised an eyebrow. “You do? And you only think to say so now?”

“Forgive me, your Highness.” He bowed again, still looking nervous as hell. “But you didn’t ask me, and I only just heard of your quest…”

Her eyes narrowed… But it was a fair enough point. “Very well. What do you have?”

He nodded, but then paused, his eyes flicking to the side, to Levy, who sat watching the exchange with curiosity. “Apologies, your Highness, but could we speak of this alone? The item is something of a secret. It was handed down to me by the former Vizir only once I had been sworn to my duty, and he got it from the Vizir before him in the same fashion. It is not something we discuss in the open.”

“Oh, I understand.” The librarian nodded, sliding out of her seat. “I’ll leave you two to-”

But Erza interjected. “That won’t be necessary,” she said, folding her arms. “Anything you wish to say to me, you can say to Levy.”

She would be firm on this point. Levy was a trusted friend, even if she didn’t know it, and had a sharp mind. If the Vizir had something that might be useful, Erza wanted her input. Besides, she really didn’t want to be left alone with the guy. He was a pain in the rear…

“B-but…” He put up a token protest, but quickly wilted in the face of her glare. “V-very well, Princess. If that is your order.”

“It is.” She nodded, smiling to Levy to let her know all was well. Then, once the blunette had sat back down with an amused look on her face, she turned back to the Vizir. “Very well. There’s no one else here. Tell us about your relic.”

“I- Well, I can do better than that, Princess,” he said pushing his staff forward and planting it on the ground in front of him. “I can show it to you. Here – the Staff of Command, entrusted to the office of the Vizir since times long forgotten.”

“The Staff of Command?” Erza blinked. So the staff was a symbol of his office… Of a sort. She gave it a closer look, stepping out from her book fort for a proper examination. It was made of some dark wood, seemingly all one piece, without any joins, carved into a straight pole with a rounded top. On its crown was a pink crystal sphere, smoothed to the point of perfect roundness, and just vaguely transparent enough to see a myriad of twisting patterns beneath its surface. Simple enough – on its surface, it didn’t appear magical at all to her eye, but that meant little here.

“I’ve never heard of such a relic…” Levy stepped closer too, clearly curious. “You say your office has held it for so long? They must have had a reason to keep it secret – what does it do?”

“This.” The pink gem suddenly flared with light.

Normally this would have been a sign for Erza to go on high alert – to slam her real eye shut and let the fake one take the brunt of whatever was happening. But her desperation to find an escape betrayed her – she hesitated. Just for a moment, just for a split second, she wanted to believe that this staff could be the key to getting out of this trap. And a split second was all that was needed.

The pink light filled her vision, the twisting patterns she’d seen inside the gem now dancing through her brain. They spun and wove through all of her thoughts, wrapping around them like web and sealing them up in tight, tingly cocoons, solid and unmoving. In a single flash of light, her mind fell silent, her eyes going dull, her jaw dropping open.

In the corner of her vision, she could just about make out Levy doing the same.

Warmth filled the Princess’s empty head, her lips quirking into a vapid smile as she gazed endlessly into the pretty light, her mind open and willing to listen to new ideas…


Samuel held so still he even forgot to breathe, carefully watching the two ladies while shielding his own eyes from the light he had unleashed. He’d never used the staff before, and had hoped to only have one target, not two, so he had no idea how quickly its magics would work – or even if they would at all, to be truthful. It was an act of desperation that he’d even brought the cursed thing out at all, really. It was supposed to only be used if the monarch on the throne was taking actions that would result in disaster for the kingdom…

… Well, this wasn’t too far off, he’d decided. And now…

… And now Lady Erza and her friend were staring into the gem as though it was the most captivating thing they had ever seen, their eyes having turned a familiar shade of pink. Lady Levy was even drooling. It worked! Oh, what a relief! He wiped the sweat from his brow,

Now, he’d have to tread carefully for this next bit. The instructions he’d received from the old Vizir had been explicit – everything he said to someone under the staff’s influence would resonate through their psyche, and cause changes to the very bedrock of their personalities. He’d even been told that it was possible to cause physical transformations to those caught in the staff’s light. Clearly, he’d have to pick each word with precision to achieve his desired result.

The Vizir cleared his throat. “Listen,” he said, pulling out a pre-prepared speech on a piece of paper, licking his lips nervously as he tried to read. “A-and hear me clearly. A woman in your position must act more ladylike. No more of this wilful rebellion or independent attitude. Forget all about fighting and researching. You’ve no need for such complicated thoughts. All you need concern yourself with is looking pretty.”

“Pretty…” The Princess sighed, her smile widening. It must have been working! Samuel felt his confidence surge, and his resolve to be thorough strengthen. He’d already hypnotised the girl, after all – may as well go all the way.

“Yes,” he continued. “You must be very pretty. In fact, since you don’t need to worry about magic and brains anymore, why don’t you just convert those all into curves? That way you can be even prettier.”

“Prettier…~” That seemed like a wonderful idea to the entranced Princess, and even as the Vizir watched, her could see her white gown starting to grow tight around the chest. The frills and lace that covered her cleavage window were already struggling to ‘cover’ anything. They didn’t grow for long, but by the time they were done, Erza’s breasts had definitely gained a healthy helping of cupsizes and no mistake. This staff really was as powerful as his mentor had said…

But before he could enjoy the view too much, he was distracted by another sound just off to his right.


Huh? He turned and blinked. Oh. Oh shit. In his zest to make sure the Princess learned her place, he’d completely forgotten Lady Levy was here too. And just looking at her now, he could tell that she’d been listening to his every word.

Actually, it looked like she’d been listening even closer than Erza had. It certainly seemed to have had more of an effect on her. Her chest hadn’t merely inflated a few cup sizes, it had outright grown so big her dress had torn open, showing a bra that was barely holding its contents in by the skin of its teeth! Which was impressive in and of itself, given that Lady Levy had always been rather flat chested…

But there was more to it than that. Her expression was… How to put it? Vapid? She’d already been drooling, but now there was practically a river flowing down into her tits. He could almost feel the stupidity radiating off of her. The Princess still looked relatively together, but this girl looked like her brains had been scrubbed completely out of her head. Had the staff hit her harder? Or had the Princess somehow managed to resist its effects on her?

… Well, it didn’t matter. She’d probably be fine. And if she wasn’t… Alas, Lady Levy would simply have to be a casualty sacrificed to the cause – it was far too important that he get Princess Erza back in line than it was she retain her intellect. Besides, her new figure was certainly pleasing to the eye. Doubtless she’d have no problems adjusting now that she had a chest like that! No, this wasn’t a problem.

That said, he’d clearly done what he needed to, and pushing any further would be foolish. For now, he just needed to tie up a few loose ends.

“You will now return to your rooms,” he commanded, “and fall asleep. When you awaken, you won’t remember anything about this staff or what it can do. All you’ll recall is another fruitless day of research.”

He watched as the two nodded, and then, like sleepwalkers shambling in the night, turned and walked off to follow his instructions, their eyes still glowing pink. Fortunately their bedrooms weren’t far – he was sure that no one would spot them on their trek. And hopefully, he thought as he let the staff’s light go dim, that would be the end of all this trouble.

Surely the Princess would settle down now… Right?


Erza awoke with a head full of cotton. As a bunch of pleasant, half remembered dreams faded from her mind, her thoughts just… didn’t rush in to take their place. Instead she just found herself laying in a pleasant empty-headed nirvana, with no worries or frets to concern her. Just a nice, sleepy, candy-coated bliss.

But it wasn’t to last. Eventually, the cogs in her head began to turn, and slowly, like mist burning away in the morning light, the haze in her head melted away.

Well, mostly.

She blinked, rolling over in her luxurious bed, trying to recall where she was. For some reason her memory was all fuzzy…

Oh yes. This fake fairy-tale kingdom… Hm. Wasn’t she supposed to be doing something about that?

She sat up, stretching and yawning – and then pausing again, looking down. Huh, that was weird. Had her chest always been this big? She knew she was rather blessed in that department – she’d exploited the fact plenty of times – but never this much. She couldn’t even wrap her hands around the- Oooohh, that felt good!

Her room filled with giggles as her train of thought was lost in the boob mountains, the noble Princess exploring her new curves with enthusiastic glee. Why not, after all? She certainly couldn’t think of a reason to stop~

It was only when a knock came to the door that she stopped, blinking as she was brought out of her stupor. What was…? Oh right, she should answer that.

Hopping out of bed at long last, Erza skipped over to the door and pulled it open, a bright smile on her face. “Hey there~!”

“Good morning, your Highwhere are your clothes?!?!” Lucy’s polite greeting morphed into a strangled scream half way through as her jaw dropped, before the high-strung handmaiden grabbed her Princess and dragged her back into her room, slamming the door shut behind her.

“Huh?” The redhead looked down, blinking. Then, light dawned. “Oh yeah! I guess I like, didn’t put on my nightdress last night, did I?”

Well that’d explain the draft she’d been feeling since she got up! Nice to have that figured out.

“Buh- Why- What-” The blonde pointed at Erza’s chest. “Why are they huge?!”

“Oh, so they are bigger? I’ve been trying to work that out…” The Princess giggled as she squeezed her boobs again, enjoying the jolt of pleasure with a dim smile on her face. “I dunno, I just, like, woke up this way…”

The handmaiden quickly pulled her Lady over to the wardrobe and began dressing her up, filled with her normal nervously excitable energy. Lace panties, firm corset, a pink flowing dress today… “C-could it be a growth spurt?” She wondered aloud as she tried – with much flailing – to pack her mistress into a dress that was now a good few sizes too small. “But even Queen Irene isn’t this big… And you’re acting so strangely… What happened yesterday while I was off doing your chores?”

Erza put a finger to her lips, brow furrowing as she tried to think. “Uh… Y’know, I totally don’t remember? I went to see Levy, and then… and then…” She trailed off, unsure. “Pink.”

“Pink?” Lucy raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah.” Erza nodded, confident. “Then pink.”

“… Right.” The blonde frowned. Something was clearly wrong here. Not only was her Princess twice as busty as she had been yesterday, but she was acting like she had half the brains. Normally her overly active imagination would be running wild about what this was all about, but her worry for her friend cut through all that-

F-friend? Were they really friends? Surely they were just a servant and her mistress… And yet, no, she felt firmly about this. Erza was her friend, and she was going to help her.

“Let’s go see Lady Levy,” Lucy finally decided. “She’s smart. I’m sure she’ll know what to do.”


Lucy was seriously revising her opinion about Lady Levy.

“Hey girlfriends! Like, it’s so great to see you!” A very busty blue haired librarian waved excitedly as the Princess and her handmaiden entered the royal library. Gone were the traditional robes of her office, replaced by a scandalously short dark skirt that showed everything from her ankles to her knees, and a belly baring light blue top more suited to the kind of girl you’d find in a very different kind of story – one that spent much more time in dens of ill repute and strip clubs. Honestly, she looked like a harem girl from one of Lucy’s private novels…

But what really drew the eye were her breasts – they were even bigger than Erza’s! Her top was only just managing to keep them under wraps, and it bounced and jiggled with the slightest motion. Just what was going on here?

“L-Lady Levy, what happened to you?!” The blonde could only cry, as her Princess cheerfully waved back. But if she was hoping for answers, she was going to be disappointed.

“Huh? Like, what do you mean, Lu-lu?” The blunette asked innocently, her eyes sparkling with vapid confusion. Just from a single glance at that expression, Lucy could see that there was nothing going on behind her eyes. Her head was completely vacant - and only now that Levy was actually looking at her did she realise that her irises had turned pink.

She couldn’t think how to answer – even as Levy and Erza giggled and embraced, their chests squishing almost flat while they kissed one another on the cheek. The difference in both women was incredibly obvious to anyone with eyes, surely, but it seemed impossible to put it into words! They were both acting like, like airheads!

“I mean… That outfit! A-and your chest!” The blonde gestured wildly to the transformed librarian. “And- And everything! Can’t you tell?”

Levy blinked and looked down, leaning around so that she could check her back and front, before shaking her head with a shrug. “Um, nope. All looks super normal to me!”

Lucy’s jaw dropped. Impossible. Absolutely impossible! There was no way anyone could miss what had happened! And yet… apparently these two had? They just looked confused at her confusion…

And then shrugged and turned back to each other, giggling. What the heck? Argh, what was going on?

“So, like…” Erza finally said, twirling a finger through her hair. “We came down here for something… But I totally forgot what it was!”

Her handmaiden slumped. “We wanted to ask if she remembered what happened yesterday.”


“Yeah. You were researching magic in here, remember? Did you find something after I left? Maybe that’d explain it.

“Ew, reading?” Levy clicked her tongue, scoffing like the blonde had just said something preposterous. “Who’s got time for something boring like that?”

Lucy blinked. “Wha? Buh? B-b-but you love reading! It’s your whole thing!” It was her entire thing! “You’re a librarian!”

Said librarian pouted, a finger tapping against her cheek. “I dunno, sounds pretty dull.” Then her eyes lit up. “I’d much rather, like, dress pretty and have fun~!”

And at her side, Erza clapped eagerly. “Oooh, yeah, that sounds way better!”

The handmaiden shook. No. No, this couldn’t be right, it just couldn’t! She refused to accept it.

Rushing forward, she seized the redhead’s hands in her own, looking up at them with pleading eyes. “P-Princess! No! I… Please, Princess Erza, this isn’t you!” She took a breath, her heart hammering, tears gathering in the corners of her eyes. “I don’t know what’s happened, but I know you, and you’d never let yourself become like this. Whatever did this, whatever’s happened, please – Erza, wake up!”

And deep in the depths of a pink, cotton filled mind… Something heard her. Something heard the call of a dear friend, and rose to answer.

A pulse jolted through Erza’s brain, almost knocking the Princess from her feet. Reeling, she staggered, hands clutching her head, grunting as pain spiked through her thoughts. “Ngh…”


“L… Lucy…?”

But it wasn’t Lucy’s words that the Princess heard next. Rather, it was an unexpected shout from the main hall of the castle.

“Alarm! Alarm! There’s a dragon at the front gate smashing the place up!”

Erza’s fake eye snapped open.


“You’re sure this time?” The Queen gave her advisor a flat look. “This will work?”

“Absolutely positive, your Majesty,” the Vizir nodded, standing beside her throne as both watched the flashes of flame that occasionally lit up the outer courtyard. “The Princess has gotten with the program. I’ve already had reports from servants who saw her skipping through the halls this morning. She’ll be no more trouble.”

“Good.” Irene steepled her fingers, listening to the sounds of battle outside calmly. “It wasn’t easy to lure old Krakalian down from the mountains, you know. He’s an old dragon who’s left most of his raiding days behind him. I had to promise a good portion of the treasury to him as well as a princess for his horde to convince him to attack. It would be incredibly upsetting to me if my wayward daughter pulled any of her usual shenanigans, you understand?”

“Of course your magnificence.” Samuel’s nodding redoubled. “But you can rest assured that there is no way that she would ever-”



The sound of an impact so solid it rocked the foundations of the castle echoed through the building, the windows shaking in their frames, and then the courtyard went silent. The blast of flames that had been lighting the walls disappeared.

Then, a few moments later…

“Oh wait. You’re not Natsu.”

There was a whimpering sound, and then a mighty gust of wind and a flash of shadow through the windows as, presumably, a heavily hammered dragon flapped his great wings and fled the castle.

“Hm.” The all too familiar voice carried through the courtyard. “They make dragons much weaker around here…”

Silence fell.

Samuel swallowed. He could already feel the angry gaze of his Queen upon him.

“Fix. It.” She growled.

“A-at once, your Majesty…” He scurried away. She didn’t need to order him twice.


“There’s the Princess I know!” Lucy was beside herself as Erza returned to the castle proper. “You kicked that dragon’s ass! Though I felt kind of sorry for him, he looked pretty old…”

“Yes, sorry. Force of habit.” The Princess was still rubbing her temples, trying to clear out the cobwebs. She could think a lot clearer now, having overcome the strange haze that had disrupted her thoughts, but she could still tell her mind was acting… sluggish. And her body was still this busty parody of itself, unfortunately. Still, all in all this was an improvement from the daze she’d been wandering around in.

“Well I’m just glad you’re back to normal.” Lucy circled around her, practically dancing to see her Lady acting like herself again.

“If this counts as normal…” Erza frowned down at her chest, lifting her expanded breasts for a moment before letting them drop, grunting with annoyance at the resulting jiggle.

There was a long pause. The Princess waited for her friend to say something, but for some reason nothing was coming. “Lucy?”

“Huh?” The handmaiden looked up, finally breaking away from the bouncing boobs she’d been entranced by. “Oh. Uh. Right. D-do you remember what happened now?”

Erza shook her head. “No… It’s still just a flash of pink light in my memory. But it must mean that the book is getting more desperate to put me in my place. Perhaps I’m getting close to an escape…”

“Uh…” Well that, Lucy had no idea about. But that was normal – her Princess often spoke about things she didn’t understand. Still, she wanted to help her Lady as best she could, so… “Hmm. Maybe if we can learn more about what happened, we can figure something out.” The maid stroked her chin deep in thought. “We need to talk to someone who might have seen you… Oh!” Her eyes lit up. “I know exactly who to ask!”


“… So that’s the situation,” the blonde finished explaining everything, gesturing to the Princess at her side for proof if she was doubted. “Something strange happened yesterday to do with pink light – and I remember you asked me where you could find the Princess back then! So I was wondering, did you see anything suspicious when you went to find her?”

“Uh.” The Vizir stared blankly at them both, unsure of how to answer that question. “Suspicious, you say? Let me think…”

Honestly, he’d been drawing a blank on how to react since the blonde had barged into his chambers, her redheaded Lady not far behind. Before he could say anything, she’d immediately begun regaling him with a fanciful tale about a strange curse that had befallen the Princess and the Librarian… Which, of course, he was already well aware of.

But she had revealed a few details about which he’d been ignorant. It sounded to him like his attempt to pacify the good Princess had been working – at least, until her handmaiden had managed to break through to her. Well, that was certainly promising! It just meant he needed to make a few alterations to the plan when he tried again.

“Hm,” he said, reaching for his staff, “there was one thing I noticed. Let me show you. If you could take a look at the crystal here at the end of my staff?”

The two women did just that.


Princess Erza awoke with a head full of cotton, spayed out comfortably in her bed, mind empty and serene. Light was pouring in through the windows, bird song carried on the breeze, and the red headed maiden couldn’t help but smile as her eyes slid open.

For some reason the phrases ‘Busty Bimbo’ and ‘Pampered, Useless Princess’ were bouncing around in her fluffy head, but they crumbled to glitter and giggles as she tried to reach for them, forgotten completely a moment later. Well, they couldn’t have been anything important. A useless Princess like her never thought anything important~

She giggled, and then sighed happily into her sheets, shifting and rolling over…

Her leg smacked into something.

“Nn?” A lump of silk and velvet shuffled for a moment, before a blonde head finally popped out from under the blankets. “Oh. Good morning, Princess~”

“Huh?” Erza blinked, looking down – and then lifting her head so she could see past her chest. “Oh, hey Lucy! Like, what are you doing in my bed?”

The handmaiden blinked, and then considered. One got the impression of a hamster running in a wheel from her expression. “Uh… Dunno! I guess we totally fell asleep together, right?”

“Ooooh right. That makes sense.” The Princess nodded slowly, sucking on a finger as she thought it all through – her thoughts moving about as fast as continents. Yep, that was definitely the only way Lucy’d be waking up in her bed! That was totally- hey, wait a sec!

“Waaaait,” the redhead finally managed, squinting at her friend as she slowly cottoned on to something. “But, like, then why were we in bed together?” Yeah, that was super weird, wasn’t it?

But Lucy didn’t seem to think so. Instead she just crawled out from under the sheets – revealing she wasn’t wearing a single shred of clothing – and gave her Princess a vapid smile. “’Cuz It’s a handmaiden’s duty to please her princess in bed, duh!”

Erza blinked again. Was it? She didn’t remember that. “It is?”

“Yep!” The blonde shimmied her way up the bed. “Here, I’ll totally prove it~”

She was drawing awfully close – and as she did, the Princess got an even better view of her friend’s body. “Wha- Wait, Lucy, when did your boobs get so big?” They were practically as big as her head! And wait, Boobs? Was that the right word? It seemed weird in her mouth, but she couldn’t think of any others…

Lucy’s answer pulled her attention before she could get too distracted pondering such an important question. “Since always, silly! But they’re still nowhere near as big as yours~” And to prove it, the blonde reached out and squeezed-


Suddenly all of Erza’s questions – about her vocabulary, about her friend’s chest, about why her friend was naked in her bed, all of them – where annihilated in a blast of pleasure that shot through the redhead’s brain, and melted all of her empty-headed concerns to slush. All she could do was moan and squirm as her friend proved exactly what she believed her duties now entailed.

“Here,” Lucy giggled, her pink eyes shining. “Lemme give you a proper wake up call~”

And so she did! The Princess’s squeals of delight might have been a problem, but fortunately her loyal handmaiden solved that one too, catching the royal lips with her own, and drawing into a deep and soul searing kiss. Slowly, the two big breasted bimbos embraced, wrapped around one another and drew each other down beneath the covers once again – the concept of leaving this bed any time soon utterly banished.


The Queen looked impatient, leaning with a hand under her chin, elbow resting against her throne, gaze fixed firmly on the Vizir. “Are you going to tell me that you’ve solved the problem properly this time, Samuel? Or do I need to start rearranging your position in this kingdom? I’m told that the dungeons are very comfortable this time of year. And thanks to my daughter and your inability to restrain her, you’ll have plenty of company!”

“Worry not, your Majesty.” Samuel flashed a nervous grin. “The Princess is well in hand now. I’ve left her in the attentive care of her handmaiden, and she’ll make sure the girl sticks to her place from now on.”

“Mmm. Very well.” Irene wore the expression of a woman who had heard this all before, but was going to humour it just one more time. “I’m glad to hear it – for I’ve just received word that the dark sorcerer Evord is on his way here to kidnap my first born and steal her away to his perilous keep in the shadow of Glum Mountain. Just what he intends to do with her there I haven’t the faintest idea, but it makes for the kind of quest that gets real heroes rushing to the kingdom to give aid.” She gave her advisor a tight smile. “So no more interruptions this time, got it?”

“G-got it, my Queen.” He swallowed. Well, at least this time he could be sure nothing would go wrong, right?


“Room service!” The doors to the Princess’s chamber’s were kicked open by an irreverent (and, let’s be honest, drunk) maid. “Come on you crazy kids, get a move on. Some of us have work to do!”

(Very drunk.)

Without heed or care from the moans coming from the pile of blankets on the bed, Cana staggered over and grabbed the edge of the sheets with both hands. Then, with a hearty cry of “Alley-oop!” she pulled, yanking all of the bedding off the mattress – and sending the pair who had been wrapped up in it all crashing to the floor on the other side.

“Oops! Sorry about that,” she giggled, only barely even aware of what she’d done as she started gathering up all of the sheets. “Geeze, you’re normally up way earlier than this! Serves you girls right~”

Lucy didn’t hear her – the poor blonde had landed flat on her back, her eyes still spinning as her dim brain tried to reboot from being almost literally kicked out of bed. Erza, however, had landed on her head…

“Ngh… Wait… Where am I…?”

And in so doing, had once again jostled her old self loose. Her head was clearing with remarkable speed, the pink light receding into the darkness once more as sense returned. This time, though…

“What the hell have they done to Lucy!?”

… Anger came with it.

In a single motion, the furious fighter flipped to her feet, grabbing Lucy and hauling her up as well, slinging her up over her shoulder. Cana blinked, not quite drunk enough to remain completely oblivious to the towering inferno of rage that the redhead had become. “Uh. Everything okay there, Princess?”

“No.” Erza’s answer was barely louder than a growl, the woman already stalking towards the exit. “But now I know who to blame.”

“Oh. Well. Okay then!” The maid gave her friend/employer a thumbs up. “Good luck with that, I’ll-”

Erza’s free hand snapped out and grabbed her by the back of the neck, dragging her along in her wake. “You’re coming too. This magic has already cursed Lucy and Levy -  I’m not letting any of you out of my sight until this threat is dealt with.”

“What? Nooooooo!” Cana wailed, struggling flutily as she was pulled along. “It was almost time for my break. I have a tab waiting for me at the bar! Let me go! Nooooo!”

But her cries went unheeded.


“Fools!” Black flame erupted in the throne room, a tower of fire roaring into being before everyone’s eyes. It soared up to the rafters, before vanishing – and leaving a dark cloaked figure stood in their midst. “Pitiful mortals. For too long you have failed to-”


“Huh?” The cloaked figure turned – only to do a double take as a very busty, very naked Princess strode into the throne room with a handmaiden slung over her shoulder, another maid dragged on the floor behind her, and murder in her eyes. “What the fu-?”

“I knew there was some fiendish magic user behind all this.” The redhead glared, setting the pair of maids she’d hauled along with her (one of which was also naked, though she didn’t seem to mind that fact) down on the floor. “I’ll give you one chance to speak. Tell me - what have you done to Lucy?!”

The shadow sorcerer looked around, looking to see if anyone else could make sense of this. “H-Hey, wait a second, I didn’t have anything to do with-”

Wrong answer. “If you won’t answer me plainly, then I’ll make you to answer by force!”

“Wait wh-Gyah!” WHAM! “Ack!” BAM! “Nonononoaahhhhhh!” SLAM!

The gathered crowd of attendants and servants watched the show with rapt amazement, wincing with every blow the sorcerer took, and cheering every throw the Princess made. Plus, of course, wolf-whistling with every jiggle and bounce, no matter the risk they took with their lives!

The lone exceptions, of course, were situated over at the throne – specifically, the Queen sitting in said throne, and the green robed Vizir begging for mercy in front of it.

“Please, your Majesty, one last chance! I- I swear, I’ll figure this out, just allow me one more attempt before you-”

“Before I what, Samuel?” Irene’s body language was casual, but the tone of her voice gently promised more suffering than any one man could hope to endure. “Before. I. What?”

“I… I…!” Could he run? No, he’d never make it to the door in time…

But then the Queen surprised him. “Because I’m not going to do anything, you know.”

He blinked. “You’re… You’re not?”

And she laughed. “Heavens no! Why would I? Once my darling daughter realises that her current chew toy isn’t the real reason for her woes, I’m sure she’ll waste no time tracking down the real culprit.” She smiled sweetly, leaning down to look him in the eye. “And there’s nothing I could do to you that would be worse than what she’ll do when she catches up with you.”

The Vizir took this in. Then, slowly, he turned to look at the Princess – who was currently swinging the unfortunate sorcerer around by the legs, before hurling him into the far (stone) wall. He swallowed.

“So do as you like, Sammy,” Irene sighed, leaning back in her throne. “Either way, I’m sure that by tomorrow, I’ll be rid of at least one pest.”


“As it turns out, that was not the dark mage that cursed us,” Erza announced as she marched into the library, where her three companions awaited. At some point she’d found time to get dressed, now wearing a red Princess gown – the only kind of clothing this castle seemed to allow for her. “A pity. I could have sworn…”

“Well yeah, hadn’t he just arrived?” Cana shrugged. She was sober and wasn’t enjoying it. That was the downside of having a tolerance like hers – alcohol wore off quickly if she didn’t keep herself topped up. “You guys were cursed yesterday or something, right? Couldn’t have been him.”

“… Fair point,” the redhead allowed, because she really should have noticed that herself, but she’d been a bit too distracted by righteous fury. Well, these things happened. Or they did to members of Fairy Tail, at the very least. “But that means we still don’t know the one behind… That.”

She gestured to the other two ladies in the room – the busty and lusty duo who were currently happily making out between the stacks. Lucy and Levy were paying the conversation no attention whatsoever – having neither the brains nor the inclination to take part. It was concerning to see them both like this, to say the least – though Erza tried not to look. Not all of the strange thoughts in her head had been completely banished, nor had her body been returned to normal. Every time she glanced their way, the temptation to join them was… strong.

But she had much more important things to worry about – obviously. Like breaking this damned curse. She put a hand to her head. “I’m so close,” she muttered. “I can almost remember the face of the one who enchanted us…” Yes, if she just focused around the edge of that pink light that blurred her memories. “It was… It was…”

“It was me.”

Everyone – maids, princesses, and bimbos all - turned to the door, spying the figure standing in it – and, for a flicker of a moment, the pink gem atop the staff that he was holding out in front of him.

Then there was a bright flash, and silence fell over the room.

The Vizir let out a deep breath, wiping the sweat from his brow. Thank the gods – he’d known he’d only get one shot at that. Once he lost the element of surprise, he had no chance. How fortunate that everyone he’d needed to take care of had gathered in one place…

“So that’s the trick…”

“What?” His eyes snapped open – but it was too late.

A sudden red blur smacked the staff from his hands, and suddenly the Vizir found himself on his back, pinned to the ground by a foot on his chest.

“It’s been you the entire time,” Erza sneered down at him, catching the staff out of the air before it could drop. “Armed with a hypnotic staff. Ridiculous.” The redhead sighed, twirling the relic in her hand. “What a ludicrous thing for a court official to possess. I can only imagine that the story we’re trapped in is getting desperate trying to force me into the role it wants me to play. Fortunately it never figured out my fake eye.”

“How!?” The Vizir gasped, trying to roll free but unable to move an inch beneath the Princess’s heel. “How are you still able to act? The staff of command should have rendered you completely mindless!”

“The staff of command? What an original title.” The redhead rolled her eyes. “But you were foolish to think you would be able to use the same technique on me for a third time without issue. I already knew that whatever you were using had to be sight based, or my eye wouldn’t have protected me at all. Thus, the instant I saw you waving this thing around I shut my eyes, and used my other senses to pin you down. Simple.”

He gaped at her. “That… That’s ridiculous!”

“That’s Erza~” Came a dull chorus in response, the thoroughly mindless ladies of Fairy Tail around them still somehow possessing enough of themselves to honour a time-old tradition.

The Princess smiled on hearing it. “Well, as blatantly awkward as this relic is, it should allow me to fix what you’ve done to my friends, and return their true memories to them. Once I have their help, escaping this increasingly contrived story should be no trouble.”

The Vizir groaned. “More of your nonsense. Well good luck to you – if you can even work out how to use the staff in the first place.”

That did make Erza pause. It was true, just having the relic didn’t mean she knew how to use it. Her past experiences with the thing had hardly been instructive, after all. Still, there was an easy solution to that.

She increased the pressure on his chest. “Why don’t you give me a crash course on how it works. If you do a good job, I might even let you go.”

He didn’t need much persuasion. “Gah! Alright, alright!” His chest heaved as she relaxed her foot. “It is a simple enough matter. But first, I must warn you, as my teacher once warned me.”

The ‘Princess’s eyes narrowed. “Go on.”

“You must be careful with the commands that you give,” he explained, his aura one of exasperated defeat. “Those under the staff’s power are more suggestible than you realise. I could give the command ‘Cana, restrain the Princess,’ and they would obey it completely. I could even say ‘Cana, you are stronger than she is,’ and thanks to the staff’s transformational properties, it would become completely true.”

“I see.” Erza’s brow furrowed. That matched with what she’d seen in both her friends and her own experiences, though the warning certainly painted a potent picture. But why would he warn her about something she already knew of? And something about the way her worded it bothered her. It was as if…

Wait, it couldn’t be-!

But before the redhead could react, shockingly powerful arms wrapped around her from behind, pinning her arms to her sides and lifting her into the air. “No! Cana, let me go!”

The brown-haired maid gave no response – simply tightening her grip, and making sure that none of her friend’s struggles bore fruit with a blank expression and pink, glowing eyes.

“I’m afraid she can’t hear you,” the Vizir smirked, getting to his feet and snatching the staff back from her flailing grip. “She can only hear the voice of the one holding this when she was entranced. A useful little safety feature to make sure there weren’t any accidents. I doubt this is quite what the designer had in mind… But I’d say it works quite well, wouldn’t you? Good thing I sign her payslips or I might not have even known her name…”

“You…” Erza kicked out, trying to strike the man down, but he remained just out of reach. “You won’t get away with this! I’ve broken free from your control before, and I-!”


“… Won’t be doing so again, I think, Princess,” Samuel finished for her as the redhead fell quiet, her eyes focused on the pink gem held before her eyes. He could practically see her mind going still, the trance taking hold. But of course, he’d been fooled before. “What was it you said? That your fake eye was protecting you? Well then let’s deal with that first. Both of your eyes are real. Neither are fake. They provide you no protection from the staff.”

He couldn’t help but smirk a little as the redhead’s eye glowed slightly, before settling back to normal. The empty headed Princess felt a slightly tingle that most of her was oblivious to – though the few sparks of resistance she had left certainly noticed as they were suddenly obliterated by the flood of pink light. There was a pink glow in her irises as her mouth slowly dropped open, and the wind began to whistle through her ears.

“That’s better. Now… I’ll take no more chances.” Taking a deep breath, the Vizir reached for the dial hidden in the base of the staff. His teacher had always warned him to use the relic on its lowest setting – but this, he felt was a special occasion. Carefully, he turned the power up, making sure to look away from the crystal as it shone brighter and brighter. But still, he did catch a glimpse of his captive’s face, her smile growing wider and wider by the moment…

For Erza, the sensation was like laying out in a field under the sun on a warm summer’s day – except that she was made of ice. It was sweet, pleasant, oh so incredibly relaxing, and so very, very easy to ignore how her sense of self was just evaporating away. Her thoughts, her memories, her skills and her desires, all of it relaxing, and melting, and floating away into nothingness in a haze of quiet pleasure…

Until there was nothing left in her head at all, and her eyes turned completely pink.


Queen Irene descended into the throne room the next morning with a frown etched deep on her regal features. “Samuel,” her voice cut through the room like diamonds through glass, “what do you think you are doing sitting in my throne?”

“Ah, your majesty!” The Vizir looked up, smiling. “So sorry, but I wanted to be sure to get your attention right away. You see, I believe I’ve solved your problem.”

Her glare didn’t diminish in the least as she approached. “You mean my daughter’s rebellious streak?”

“Oh no.” He shook his head for a second, before thinking about it. “Well, actually yes, but that’s not what I meant. I was referring to the bigger problem you’ve been working so hard on.”

“Oh?” She was drawing in close now. Obviously, as a Queen she was obligated to always act in a regal and dignified manner, but fortunately it was early in the morning and no one else had entered the throne room yet, so no one was going to complain about her ripping this fool’s head off. “And what problem is that?”

“Why, your attempt to call in a good villain, of course. You’ve certainly been scraping the bottom of the barrel lately, my Queen, but not to fear – I have you covered.” He snapped his fingers. “Seize her.”

Suddenly, a pair of women, one with blue hair, one with blonde, both incredibly busty and dressed in harem silks, loomed out of the darkness and grabbed Irene’s arms. Her eyes widened as she recognised her royal Librarian and her daughter’s handmaid.

“What the- Unhand me! What do you think you’re doing?” She struggled, trying to break free, but despite their slender, curvy frames, the pair possessed uncanny levels of strength. No matter what she tried, they just giggled vapidly, eyes glowing pink in the dim light. “What is the meaning of this, Vizir?”

“You know,” said Samuel, leaning back in her throne with a chuckle. “I don’t think that title really fits me anymore. I think ‘Dark Lord’ suits me better now.”

Irene’s eyes narrowed with a fury that would put even her daughter’s to shame. “This is treason!”

He nodded, smiling. “Oh yes, definitely! I’m afraid I’m conquering your Kingdom, my Qu- Well, no, you’re not really a ‘Queen’ anymore either, are you? I suppose it’s just Irene now – though I’m sure we can find you something cuter later. More fitting for your new position.”

“You… You dare?!” She surged forwards, making it almost half a step towards the usurper before her guards restrained her again. “You think I’ll take a new position under you?!”

Something about her wording made the Dark Lord chuckle. “Under, beside, sometimes on top of…” He shrugged. “But yes, I’m giving you the same career as the former Princess. Like mother like daughter, no? Oh, but what am I thinking – you should see the new her! I’m sure you’ll approve.” He snapped his fingers again. “Oh girls? Come out and take your positions.”

The (former) Queen glared – and then her eyes widened as two more women dressed in harem garb emerged from behind the throne. One of them she vaguely recognised as one of the common maids around the castle – though she was sure that normally, the maid in question didn’t have tits bigger than her head, and glowing pink eyes… But it was the other one who drew her attention. The one that was unquestionably her daughter, Erza.

But Erza had never had such a brainless expression on her face, nor tits bigger than everyone else in the castle. As much trouble as it had been for her, Irene had always acknowledged her daughter’s fiery independent streak… And yet now, she saw none of it in those pink, vapid eyes. The giggly girl who sat her fat ass on the arm of the throne and moaned when Samuel reached out to grope her couldn’t have been any further removed from the Erza that Irene knew if she tried.

The normally cold and calculating Queen couldn’t help but feel her stomach drop as she realised, for the first time, just what she had instructed her Vizir to do.

But it was far too late for regrets, as the Dark Lord’s busty bimbos giggled and snuggled up close to him. In fact, she realised as the usurper lifted his staff, the pink gem on its top glittering, she realised it was too late for a lot of things.

“Don’t worry, Irene,” he said, the gem starting to glow. “I’m sure a hero will be along to sort this all out sooner or later. And if not – well, it’s about time you and your daughter had some proper time to bond. You’re about to have a lot in common, after all.”

“Samuel,” she growled, struggling one last time. “You will live to-” Flash “Uuuuuhhhhh…”

Whatever she’d been planning for her final threat fell short as her gaze locked on the crystal, and her mind was gently sucked into oblivion. Already, her chest was starting to swell up, soon to be on a level to compete with her daughter’s, while her brain was doing the inverse.

“- Enjoy you and your daughter’s lovely bimbo bodies? Why yes, I rather think I shall~” The new Dark Lord chuckled again, giving his first red headed slave girl another squeeze as he watched his second grow into her new role. “And I think I’ll be enjoying them for a long, long time.”

Thus it was that a dark shadow was finally fully cast over the peaceful Kingdom, and the reign of Dark Lord Samuel truly began. Many a hero would come to challenge the usurper over the years, only to fall victim to the uncanny strength of his harem, and many a maiden would find herself adding to that harem’s numbers as his reach grew longer over the lands. But no matter how wide his grasp, or how powerful his might became, his throne would always be flanked by a pair of redheaded beauties who served and pleased his desires without thought or complaint – the ruby gems of his great empire. Their smiles, though thoughtless and vapid, would always serve him most loyally until the end of days.

And so it was that they all lived happily ever after~

The end.



This is…. short to say the least.