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Hey there folks!

Writing on shorts is rolling along nicely - it's so nice to be writing so much so quickly again, god you've no idea. Unless something goes wrong, I should have those ready for you next week!

In the meantime, I'd actually like to hear your thoughts on something. I'm considering making a private discord for this patreon, specifically. I already run a TFMC based server with a few friends (you might have seen me link to it with like every story I've posted up on DeviantArt for the past couple of years!) and I have no plans to stop doing so - but it's occurred to me that a private server would let you guys have a bit more of a community, and maybe allow you to combine your requests or ask me for edits a bit easier. 

Plus maybe I could post some content there that would be tricky to post to other sites (mind control stories get kind of iffy once you get into outright non-con stuff, and I try to abide by the rules of the sites I'm posting to).

Anyways, I thought I'd ask and see if there was any interest in that here before I went to all the effort of setting one up. Let me know what you think! If no one's interested, I won't bother =D

For now, please enjoy this 10k Naruto commission, and judge me for how wordy I am.

Have fun all, and see you next week!


Peace was a mysterious thing. A virtual stranger in the land the elemental nations – a continent that had been enveloped in war for so long that records didn’t go back far enough to say it had ever been another way. But the alliance against Akatsuki, and then specifically Madera, had changed all that. Bonds of brotherhood forged in battle were not easily shattered. While it hadn’t been easy, and there were more than a few upsets along the way, the united shinobi army had ultimately led, at long last, to a truce, and then friendship, between the hidden villages – the ninja guardians of the world.

This led to a few knock-on effects. For one, weapon sales dropped like a stone after being a reliable market for centuries. (Tenten would find this a rather mixed blessing.) For another, advancements in technology shot forward at a shocking pace, now that information could be (carefully) shared, and development was no longer tied solely to ‘Does this help me kill the other guy before he kills me’ questions. Infrastructure, internet, intercontinental highways, all of it surged into existence in this new, peaceful era.

But not all of these side effects were good ones. For as alluring as peace is, for as much as it is ever the goal of any army… Once you have it, it can look an awful lot like weakness. And that’s when those who rejected peace, who kept their knives sharp and their reach long, tended to strike.


“This one might be pretty dangerous,” Kakashi – the Sixth Hokage, even if he maybe wished otherwise – told the pair as he tossed a scroll over the mission desk. “A lot of experienced ninja have vanished here. I’d hate for that to happen to you guys.”

“Not a chance, sensei.” Smirking, the infamous blonde ninja of Konoha, Naruto Uzumaki himself, plucked the scroll out of the air and tossed it around in his hand for a second, before passing it off to his partner. “Don’t worry about us – I’m not going anywhere until you make me your successor! Besides, we learned from the best.”

Kakashi’s annoyed eyeroll turned into a pleased smile. “Well thank-“

“And from you.”

“…” The leader of one of the most powerful villages in the world sighed. “Yeah, you know what, go knock yourself out, brat.” He turned to Naruto’s partner. “Look after him, but, y’know, if he falls down a well or something, feel free to leave him down there.”

Hinata Hyuuga giggled at their antics. “I couldn’t possibly do that, sir.”

The Hokage leaned back in his chair, adjusting his hat. “That’s a real shame.” Then he grinned back at her. “I suppose it’d be a bad idea to abandon your boyfriend like that though. Anyway seriously, be careful you two. I don’t know what Konoha would do if we lost our number one power couple, right?”

“Of course, Hokage.” Hinata bowed, smiling sweetly.

Naruto, who had never gotten the hang of politeness or respect, just rolled his eyes.

Which, by Naruto standards, was good enough. Kakashi nodded. “Right, let me go over the specifics. Lately we’ve received word from some of the other villages about disappearances happening in the north eastern region of the Land of Waterfalls. It wasn’t anything major, nothing that couldn’t have been handled by their own ninja village – until ninja started going missing too. So far, at least three chunin squads from different villages have vanished up there. People are getting concerned. Word is starting to spread. That’s why I’m sending the best our village has to offer to look into the problem-”

“Ha, damn straight!” The blonde crowed.

“- And you to be her bodyguard,” the Hokage finished, giving Naruto a happy grin. He really could be very expressive, even if he never took off his mask.

The blonde pouted. Damn, he’d walked right into that one.

“We won’t let you down Sir.” Hinata patted her boyfriend on the back, still trying to hide her giggles. “Are there any details you’d like us to keep in mind?”

Kakashi shook his head. “Nothing major – it’s all in the scroll. We’re trying to do this quietly, so this is a stealth mission. The two of you will be going in as ordinary civilians, visiting a spa in the area. We’ve already handled the bookings – once you arrive there, just keep your eyes sharp for anything unusual, and investigate the area. Once you find out what’s going on, fall back and let us know. We’ll work out what to do about the problem from there. All clear?”

“As crystal.”

“Yeah, sounds real boring.” Naruto groaned, folding his arms behind his head. “C’mon, sensei, can’t you give us something interesting to do?”

The Hokage raised an eyebrow at him. “Naruto, I’m essentially sending you on paid vacation to a spa with your girlfriend.”

The blonde paused. Opened his mouth. Failed to think of a response. Closed it again.

Fortunately, salvation was close at hand. “And I’ll make sure he spends every moment with his mind firmly on that mission, sir.” Hinata smiled, wrapping an arm around his waist.

Kakashi just nodded merrily. “See that you do.”


The trip was a smooth one. Both ninja were well acquainted with travelling through the treetops, the Konoha-nin’s highway, and even with them keeping a relatively sedate pace, they’d arrived in the Land of Waterfalls within a week. Here, they slowed down, dropping down to the normal roads and travelling with caravans on foot, acting the part of the civilians they were supposed to be.

This led to a very pleasant journey, where the two got to fawn over each other as much as they pleased while visiting all the sights on their trip through the mysterious country – though, to be honest, by day three Naruto was definitely starting to get bored of waterfalls. He hoped for some action as they travelled deeper into the north east region of the country, but alas, he was disappointed. No bandits leaped out of the bushes, and no fiendish kidnappers tried to spring any ambushes. Everything seemed perfectly peaceful.

Twelve days after they left Konoha, Hinata and Naruto arrived at their destination – the Foggy Days Spa.

It was easy to see why it was named that. Situated on an island between no less than three waterfalls, in the morning a warm mist would flow over the entire area, shrouding everything in clouds of white. Even when that haze cleared, the spray of the waterfalls would still generate plenty of clouds drifting over the area – and plenty of rainbows to go with it. The area was beautiful, a small paradise in tranquil waters.

Naruto stepped off the boat onto the dock first, offering Hinata his hand to disembark after him, which she took with a blush and a smile. The girl was much, much more confident now than she had been back in her genin days, but there were still elements of sweet shyness to her that her boyfriend couldn’t help but find adorable.

“Welcome, welcome!” A guide waiting by the shore walked over, all smiles and cheer. She had long red hair with joyful blue eyes, and a tightly wrapped pink kimono tied around a rather curvy frame. “You must be our latest guests! Did you have a good trip?”

“It was lovely, thank you.” The heiress of the Hyuuga – not that you’d be able to tell with those brown contact lenses in her eyes hiding her most distinctive trait – was going to be the one to handle the talking on this trip. That might have surprised someone who knew her when she was younger, but she’d grown up into a refined young lady – and besides, the alternative was letting Naruto handle that kind of thing. Subtlety had never really been his strong suit, you know?

“Wonderful! But I’m sure you’re eager to get settled in. Come with me, I’ll show you to your suite.” The redhead bowed, and then spun on her heel, beckoning the two (undercover) ninja to follow – and with a loving glance at one another, they did. The trail she led wove through the complex, and gave them a small taste of how large it was – nearly as big as the Hyuuga compound back home! Impressive, for a place all the way out here. Mostly it was made up of a scattered series of buildings and facilities, all linked up with paved pathways and helpful signposts. Definitely a resort getaway.

Even with the sprawling size of the place, it wasn’t long before they found themselves walking through the accommodation village – a few streets worth of independent houses in a scenic part of the island. “Fully catered, of course,” their guide proudly boasted. “Service is never more than a bell away! Of course, the real fun is in the various spa treatments we run every day – and you’ll be happy to know that since you arrived so early, there’s still plenty of time to sign up for jumping right in on some this afternoon. I super recommend the sauna treatment for first timers, ohh, you’ll feel so relaxed afterwards~”

“Maybe we’ll take your advice~” Hinata agreed, nodding along politely. “But for now, I think we just want to get settled in.”

“Oh, of course!” The guide nodded, leading them up to the front door of their cottage. “Then what perfect timing. Welcome to your home away from home. Here are your keys…” She handed the couple the keyring for the front door with a wink. “So go on in and make yourselves comfortable! If you need anything, just ring for me!”

“Will do!” Naruto gave her a firm thumbs up as she walked away. Then he opened the front door, and the pair stepped inside for their little holiday paradise.

They went to work the instant the door shut behind them. “Byakugan!” Hinata slapped her hands together and focused, the veins around her eyes immediately pulsing as chakra poured into them. Immediately her vision increased one hundred-fold, allowing her to look through walls and sense even the tiniest hint of energy out of place across a great chunk of the island. “No bugs,” she said, scanning around. “Not seeing any traps of genjutsu either. Looks like we’re in the clear.”

“Not finding anything with a physical search either.” A Naruto reported. One of many Narutos, out of the good two dozen who had suddenly appeared in the cottage around them and begun inspecting every item and surface around, pulling up cushions and shoving their heads into cupboards. Shadow clones – because brute force was the answer to all of life’s problems!

The real Naruto, who was still stood next to Hinata (she could tell which one was real via any number of small ways, but her eyes certainly helped) shrugged. “I guess this place wasn’t so suspicious after all?”

But she shook her head. “I’m not so sure. All of the missing ninja vanished in this area, and there’s nothing else in the region. They have to know something about what’s going on…”

He nodded. “So I guess we’d better investigate, huh? Any ideas?”

Hinata sank into the sofa, her boyfriend’s clones hurriedly shoving the cushions back in under her as she sat down. “There’s a lot of ground to cover.” Then she gave him a grin. “How about you work your charms on the locals, see if you can get them talking? You’re always so good at that.”

Naruto couldn’t help but blush a little. “W-well, I don’t know about that…”

“I think I saw a ramen bar near the docks.”

“Sold!” The about-face was instant. “Are you coming with?”

But she shook her head again. “No, no, we should try to get this done as quickly as possible. It’d be best if we split up to cover more ground.”

His shoulders slumped with disappointment, and for a second she wanted to take it all back. But fortunately he was soon nodding with understanding. “Fair. What will you be doing then?”

At that, her considerate frown grew deeper. “I’m going to take a look at how things work around here.” Then she smiled. “You know, I might just take our guide up on her offer…”


The saunas were in a different part of the island to the housing district and the docks, so Hinata and Naruto had to part ways well before they would have liked, exchanging a lengthy kiss of parting at the crossroads before separating. Hey, if their cover story said that they were a lovey-dovey couple, then that was a role they were only too happy to play!

But soon, Hinata’s mind was back on her mission, her senses sharp as she found her way. The signposts soon led her to a building by one of the many small rivers flowing through the area – an artificial one built to ‘harness the healing power of the land’s waterfalls’, according to the brochures. Of course, she’d definitely heard of weirder things.

She’d gotten changed before stepping out, exchanging her travelling clothes for a modest swimsuit and a fluffy dressing gown provided by the resort, and entering the wooden structure she could see why that had been the advice in the brochure. The place was misty already, steam drifting through the air in small clouds while it slowly dissipated against the ceiling, giving the whole structure a warm, if damp, feel. Murder on regular clothes.

It wasn’t a big place, going for a cosier vibe, but there were still quite a few rooms, with people wandering between them. An attendant was already stepping up to greet her.

“Welcome, Miss. Are you feeling social, or would you like a personal experience? The communal sauna is right through here, while the private saunas are down that hallway.”

“I’ll take a private room, thank you.” Hinata smiled politely, bowing to the attendant as she was guided through. Yes, a little privacy would be perfect for her investigation. It was much closer to the main resort than their accommodation, and a little steam wasn’t going to cause a trained ninja like her any difficulty, so she could use the place to scan the rest of the facility at her leisure. All while playing the role of a normal guest. Plus a little sauna time wouldn’t go amiss either. It was win win!

She slipped out of her robe at the door, hanging it on the provided hook on the wall, and then stepped inside, closing the door behind her. Immediately she was swallowed by a sweltering veil of rolling white steam, swirling around her like trailers in a stream. Perhaps it would have been a disorientating sensation for a normal person, or even a trained ninja, but she was a Hyuuga, and the mists were nothing to her eyes.

Her simple one-piece swimsuit soaked in the steam as she confidently crossed the room, and took a seat on the bench by the stove and splashed a ladle of water over the heated rocks within to get another wave of white washing over everything. That would do nicely to make sure she was completely obscured.

Then she sat back, took a breath of hot, humid air, and gently removed the contacts from her eyes. They’d only get in the way for this part. Gathering her chakra, she formed a handseal, and activated her eyes. Her normally perfect vision enhanced itself to even greater levels, allowing her to see through not just the steam, but through everything. A top tier ability for information gathering in every respect, it was really no wonder the Byakugan were so highly prized. Even in peace times, other villages would probably sacrifice dozens of their own men to have a pair of their own…

And oh my, what was this she’d found? Now that she was in position to see this side of the island, things were immediately jumping out at her. There were tunnels and hidden rooms built all over the place – there was practically a second complex hidden underneath the resort. It was far, far more extensive than any ‘spa’ could need. This was hidden village levels of subterfuge! In fact, now that she was looking, a lot of the ‘staff’ here had fully developed chakra systems that they’d been hiding – ninja?

These revelations should have worried her – she and her beloved were in the middle of an enemy base! But instead, she just found herself breathing deep and giggling. It was just… hard, suddenly, to connect what she’d just learned with a plan of action. So much easier to just sit here and relax…

Oh… Oh no…

Still giggling, Hinata tried to rise and hold her breath, but failed at both, taking another deep breath as she felt herself slump in her seat, limpness taking her limbs and her head lolling against her shoulder. She couldn’t seem to move, and worse, couldn’t even seem to mind that she couldn’t move. It was like she was sweating out all her worries and concerns, steaming them out of her with every lungful of drizzly mist.

Some kind of drug…? But she hadn’t detected anything…

There was a tingling feeling in her lungs spreading right up into her head, and it was making it really hard to focus. Plus the steam was making pretty patterns, dancing in front of her eyes, and that was like, really distracting! Heehee~ So much so that when the door opened and someone walked in, the poor Konoha nin could barely pay attention to them at all!

“Hinata Hyuuga,” a low, female voice said, and a distant, quiet part of Hinata’s brain knew she was in very, very deep trouble, because that definitely wasn’t the name she’d booked in under. “Konoha Jounin, heiress to the Hyuuga clan, and partner to Konoha’s Jinchuuriki. What a delight to have you drop yourself into my lap…”

She – whoever she was – wasn’t speaking metaphorically, as the dark-haired ninja found herself being lifted out of her chair and then dropped into the other woman’s seat. Not that she really noticed, her head so full of fluffy clouds.

“So sorry about the steam,” the dark voice chuckled in her ear. “Normally we just treat it with a few chemicals to help our guests relax, but we knew you’d need something a little thicker.” Strong hands lifted her arms, playing with them like one might a doll’s, before letting them flop back to her sides. “That’s how a ninja who relies on their sight is best taken care of, after all. You use something they can’t see – or something they expect to see, not realising the danger until it’s too late.”

“Nn…” Eyes fluttering, Hinata groaned, a part of her trying desperately to think through the haze her mind had descended into. “Wh… Why…?”

Her efforts got her a delighted laugh from the woman toying with her, and dark skinned arms wrapped around her middle possessively. “Still struggling? Relax, girl. The fight is over. Now the fun can begin.”

And to prove her point, the woman’s hands traced around the edge of Hinata’s swimsuit, before pulling the front down completely and exposing her chest to the sweltering air. That drew a gasp, and then, as those same hands, talented and achingly fast, cupped around her breasts to squeeze, the Hyuuga heiress couldn’t help but moan, her feeble attempts at thinking blown to pieces.

“The Village hidden in the Spiral welcomes you.” The voice kept talking, her whispers sliding straight into the ninja’s brain as pleasure wracked her body. “Or it will do. This is just one of our hidden facilities – we have dozens, hidden all across the nations you thought were safe. The real Village is elsewhere. And now that you fools have finally let down your guard, the Spiral is going to swallow you whole.”

The words meant nothing to the drooling ninja being toyed with so expertly, but they slid into her head all the same, imprinting themselves in the softer parts of her brain. Pleasure associated with the Spiral was forming a firm foundation for what was to come.

But then…

“You’re a particular delight, I must say. Not just a lovely figure before we’ve even worked on you, but that bloodline of yours is worth your weight in gold a hundred times over. Once we get you back home, you’re going to have lots of fun adding your lineage to our village’s proud history.”

A spike of fear slammed through Hinata as the delightfulvoice began talking about her worst fear – ever since she’d nearly been kidnapped as a child. Adrenaline began to pump, and her dazed mind tried to work out what the threat was…

Only to be banished with a sharp cry of pleasure as fingers slid inside her snatch and began to play, her swimsuit pulled easily aside. Warm arms wrapped around her, held her steady, comforted her in their gently embrace.

“Don’t worry. You’ll enjoy it. Besides, we’re not going to take you the full way yet. Your partner’s passenger makes him a bit too complicated to get all in one go. But we can go slow. And you’re going to help us do it – keep him nice and distracted as the Spiral wraps in tight around him…”

Hinata’s eyes rolled up in her head as the fingers began to pump faster and faster, lining every word with delight. Whatever she’d been worried about was forgotten now. All she had was pleasure and the words that, even now, were reshaping her soft, soft brain.

“Then you and her both enjoy your new lives serving the village. Trust me. You’ll love it.”

Mmm, she couldn’t wait…

“Now let’s get you started.”

There was another splash from the stove, and then thick, pink steam began to flood the room. Even if Hinata had been in full control of herself, there would have been nothing she could do. It flowed into her lungs through her mouth and nose, and from there it followed the path of tingles right up to her brain. And as her mind turned completely pink, even the slow, shambling thoughts that Hinata was barely managing to form fell apart completely – and her head was left empty.

Empty, aside from the whispered words pouring in through her ears…

“Listen close, you silly little bimbo…”


The ramen bar was a bust for information, but a slam dunk for taste. Naruto was patting his stomach happily as he walked back towards the house. He’d become something of a connoisseur of these things back during his journey with Jiraiya, and while he certainly preferred to have a more balanced diet these days, he’d still give that place five stars.

But yeah, no information gained at all. The staff and guests there hadn’t seemed to know anything about the disappearances in the region that anyone else didn’t. It was a bit of a buzz in the news, and of course anyone else travelling around was worried about it, but no one had seen or heard anything unusual. Pretty much a waste of time, except he got to eat ramen while he was doing it, so all in all, a good investment!

He could only hope Hinata had found something more usable, or this mission was going to be a real grind.

But when he got back to their condo, at first the blonde thought he must have beaten her back. The place was dark, and everything seemed quiet. Too quiet.

His instincts fired up immediately, and his senses went into overdrive. Naruto Uzumaki was one of the most powerful ninja of his generation, and it didn’t take much for him to show it. A potential threat to his beloved? Oh, that was going to get him going like nothing else.

There! He could sense her in the bedroom, and like a shot he was off, blurring through the house in an instant and bursting in through the door with a crack of thunder. “Hinata!”

“Oh, like, hey baby~”

All that power winked out, his jaw dropping as he took in the sight of his perfect woman posing on their shared bed, completely nude from head to toe, lust smouldering in her eyes. There was a bottle of wine cooling in an ice bucket on the bedside table, and there may have been rose petals scattered about the place, but to be honest, he was having time taking his eyes off the beautiful centerpiece.

“I thought we could use this lil’ vaycay to, y’know, reconnect a little~” Hinata giggled, twirling a finger in her hair innocently, even as she pushed out her chest and beckoned with the other hand.

You know, maybe this mission wouldn’t be so bad after all.


“Hoo…” The hot spring water bubbled around him as the blonde sank into the pool, letting the aches and strains of what had turned out to be a very strenuous (and very fun) evening dissolve. It had been a while since he’d used an actual hot spring – travelling around with Jiraiya had given him a healthy fear of them after the old pervert had gotten them chased out of so many – but he had to admit, they were a fantastic way to destress. He’d have to thank Hinata for suggesting it over breakfast.

And now that he had some actual peace and quiet, his thoughts turned back to the mission.

This was a tough one, no mistake. They had been certain they’d be able to find something, some clue or trace or trail, once they started investigating the spa fully. Everything had been pointing to it. And yet, now that they’d gotten here, neither of them had found anything. Naruto knew his own skills were more optimized towards battle than covert investigation – he was a loud guy, it was just how he was. But Hinata was an ace at these things, and if she was saying there was nothing here, then he believed her.

But where did that leave them? Was he missing something? Missing the underneath the underneath? Ugh, there had to be something. Maybe if he started scouting out all the locations where people were known to have vanished. Surely he could pick up some kind of clue…

“Heehee, you’re so cute when you’re thinking~”

A gentle hand slipped into his swimming shorts, and Naruto’s eyes shot open to find a perky pair of Byakugans looking back at him. “H-H-Hinata?!”

His girlfriend winked back at him. “Hey there stud.” She was sitting on top of him in the pool – and unlike him, she had neglected to bring her bathing suit. Holy crap, how had he missed her coming?

If he hadn’t been so distracted by a busty, nude, and very very horny version of his girlfriend, Naruto might have paid that question a little more attention. His senses were, after all, very sharp. Hinata was a good ninja, but able to sneak up on him? Come on now. That wasn’t her speciality.

Although right now, her speciality seemed to be ‘seducing the fuck out of Naruto Uzumaki’, so maybe he just didn’t know as much about her as he thought! “Wh-where did you-Oh, he-hey, careful with that…!”

Her smirk widened as her hand stroked. “Oh, don’t worry. I’d, like, never do anything to my favourite little guy. Did I hurt him? Lemme kiss it better~”

And then her head disappeared under the water.

“Gah! H-Hinata, what are you- Woah!”

Hinata was very, very good at distracting Naruto. It turned out that a little breezy confidence and an airheaded laser focus turned her into a real distraction machine for the guy. And it was a credit to how good she was at it that he didn’t really notice her new very forward attitude, or her rather ditzy way of talking. She was just giving him far too much else to focus on. A lot of things were currently slipping past him.

Like, for instance, how odd his skin felt – or that he couldn’t quite get in touch with his chakra in the way that he was used to. That one sailed right on by.

The truth was in the water. The stuff was specially treated with salts and oils – they said so in the brochure. What they did not say was that this had a suppressive effect on the chakra of anyone who bathed in it. Naruto’s senses, normally enhanced by a combination of techniques, were, right now, no better than an ordinary person’s. Worse, even, because of his lifelong dependency on those techniques – he barely remembered not using them in some form or other. A ninja losing access to their chakra was devastating, make no mistake. And that wasn’t even the most potent thing that the water was doing to him.

And alas, he hadn’t noticed any of it. But to be fair, when you had a naked Hinata in your lap, it was hard to notice anything else. Kurama may have been able to point it out to him, but quite frankly the old fox had better things to do than watch a pair of humans rutting all over the place, and had decided to take a nap until next year or so. Though who knew how that would turn out, with the hot spring water sealing him away too…

That would be a problem for later. Right now, his incredibly sexy girlfriend was demanding all of Naruto’s attention, and leaving none for spare. She was insatiable, and knew exactly how to slam all of his buttons.

“What’s gotten into you?” He couldn’t help but ask as she surfaced again, wrapping her arms around him.

“Aside from you?” She giggled, snuggling against his chest. “Nothing, baby, I’m just, like, really enjoying my vacation.”

“T-technically this is a mission-”

“Shhhh.” Her finger suddenly pressed against his lips. “Silly. We’re not supposed to say that. Now stop fretting. We’re here to relax! Oh, I know what you need – a good massage!”

“A massage?” He blinked, a little thrown by how fast the topic was changing. “I dunno…”

“I insist!” Hinata stood, surging out of the pool, spring water coursing off of her in dozens of alluring waterfalls. Instantly, Naruto was entranced all over again. “It’ll totally help you relax properly.”

“B-but what about…?” Again, he tried to question – and again, her teasing finger silenced him.

“We can think about all of that after, babe. And if you behave yourself…” She winked, smiling seductively. “I’ll totally make sure you get a proper happy ending~”

Well who could refuse an offer like that?


Hinata led him to the massage parlour with a spring in her step. Apparently she’d checked the place out a little last night while plotting this trip. Naruto would have asked when she had time for that, but he was having a little trouble keeping up – not knowing that his inhuman strength had all been drained away by the hot spring water.

Still, she was more than capable of pulling him along – excitement taking the place of her own drained strength – and before the blonde knew it, he was lying face down on a white table in the middle of a wood-panel lined room, with soothing music playing through his ears.

He wasn’t quite sure where Hinata had gotten to in the blur – he just remembered a giggly request for him to wait right here. There may have been some kissing involved. Alright, a lot of kissing.

But now he was alone, and quickly getting bored. Naruto had never been one content to sit still for any real length of time. How long was he supposed to lay around here, again? And, tch, what had happened to the mission he’d been trying to focus on? Damn, he was really slipping today. It was almost as if something was trying to distract-

The door slid open, and a dark skinned woman with black hair wrapped in a flicking ponytail stepped in, smiling. “Well hello there, sir! You ordered a full body massage, yes?”

“Uh.” He blinked up at her. Oh, was she the attendant? For some reason he’d been expecting Hinata. “I… think so?”

The woman smiled, stepping in and removing her robe to reveal the sleek swimsuit underneath. “Let me guess – your girlfriend got you your reservation? Not to worry sir, you’re in safe hands. I’m Kaya, and I’ll be your masseuse today. Now!” She stepped up to the table, laying out a few bowls and bottles on a side counter and warming up the oil. “Where would you like me to start?”

Naruto swallowed. His only real knowledge of massages like this came from Jiraiya’s stupid pervert books, and he really didn’t want to use them as a guide here. Hinata had promised him a happy ending, but the only girl he was interested in getting one with was her! “Ah… m-maybe my shoulders…?”

There was nothing pervy about someone’s shoulders, right?

Kaya didn’t seem to think so, since she nodded understandingly, before bidding him to lay back down on the table. “Excellent choice, sir. Now, if you’ll just relax, I can get started…”

That was a bit easier said than done – a trained ninja let his guard down for no-Ohholycrapthatfeltgood!

The trained ninja, strongest in his generation, melted under Kaya’s firm fingers. His breath hitched in delight as she dug into his shoulder muscles, undoing tense knots that must have been there since the Academy, and he slumped against the table, letting her do as she wished. For a sensation like that, she could do whatever she wanted…

And the masseuse was only too happy to keep them coming. Her hands, gentle but experienced, softly stroked a sweetly scented oil into his skin, loosening him up even further as she spread her touch wider and wider over the flat of his back, sending waves of relaxation washing through him. Although there was a strange feeling mixed in there too – a sort of tight impression, like his shoulders were getting pressed together in some way. But it felt far too good to pay any attention to that.

So when her hands finally slid away from his shoulders, flowing down his arms and quickly working all the tension out of those muscles too, the fact that his once broad frame was now slim and lithe went entirely unnoticed. And a similar process was soon to repeat, with those firm arm muscles shrinking away with every squeeze and stroke. Even his hands grew smaller, daintier, after a few precise oil-slicked brushes of her palms.

But Naruto was oblivious to it all, and so soon the process was sliding down his torso, rubbing small, tension relieving circles into his back and trimming down his sides, making so much of that masculine muscle structure simply melt away. His thick frame was really starting to slip away – save for at the hips, where Kaya’s magical hands drew pleased moans as her pinches and squeezes fattened his ass up, even through the slowly tightening shorts he’d worn to the table. By the time she moved down to his legs – smoothing away any blemishes, and wiping away any follicles as she went – those shorts were practically bursting at the seams.

And by now, the blonde ninja was well and truly under the masseuse’s relaxing spell. He didn’t so much as try to lift his head as she shortened his leg, made them smooth and thin and wonderfully girly. That was how she knew it was time to get on to the real work.

“Feeling good, honey?” Kaya grinned at his non-verbal, but very approving response. Her hands glided up his sculpted body back to the neck, where she gently massaged away his Adams apple. “Good. But the best is yet to come. Now why don’t you flip over, and I’ll handle the rest?”

Another offer the ninja was helpless to refuse. He turned over groggily, laughing quietly as her soft fingertips stroked over his face (gently tweaking his facial features into a more feminine form) and her hand stroked around his scalp (encouraging a sudden burst of growth in his hair, turning a short style into long healthy locks). It all just felt so good – so relaxing…

And, as Kaya’s hands slowly drifted down to his still very manly chest, it was about to feel even better. She went in firm, seizing large handfuls of flesh and working it with tender vigour, massaging away the stress and letting him feel like he could breathe for the first time in years. And slowly, steadily, that flesh began to reshape itself, gathering together over his pectorals, merging into two growing mountains…

A high pitched squeal of delight echoed from Naruto’s feminine lips as experienced hands groped and slick, flexible fingers pinched, plumping and preparing the surging breasts growing on his chest with devious devotion. Every touch, every stroke, every second felt better and better, pleasure replacing tension and filling every inch of his body.

By the time she moved on, Naruto had a chest comparable to his sexy technique, or possibly even his girlfriend! And as Kaya’s hands drifted down his stomach and made sure he had a firm, flat belly, there was really only one difference between them left. One that became very clear as the masseuse sliced his shorts apart with a flick of her fingernail, leaving him totally exposed.

“You were promised a happy ending, right?” The dark-skinned masseuse grinned, knowing he was far too deep under to really hear her. But he’d certainly feel it as she wrapped her fingers around his staggeringly erect member and began to stroke, each pump up and down coating it in more and more oil. “I’d hate to disappoint such a cute customer.”

He certainly wasn’t disappointed. More high pitched gasps and moans echoed through the room as the blonde’s eyes fluttered, pleasure surging through his body like never before. He could feel a climax building, a pressure desperately rising inside him…

But also, at the same time, a strange, softer feeling, running through his shaft. It wasn’t a bad feeling, no, not at all. Just a bit… melty. It was weird, it almost felt like his cock was starting to shrink in her hand, tower growing smaller and smaller, even as the pleasure built higher and higher, until… until…

“Oh!” A female gasp shot through the room, as his member seemed to vanish entirely, and she felt those wonderful fingers slip inside her instead. “Ahmn~!”

The sensation was delightfully alien, and she couldn’t help but squirm on the table, enjoying every second more than she thought possible. But even as she did, something was bothering her.

How was this happening? It raised a few questions that even someone as relaxed as her couldn’t ignore, but a moment later those same fingers found a simply heavenly position, stroking right up against the most sensitive spot she’d ever felt, and Naruto’s first female orgasm blasted all of those questions clean out of her head.

“Theeere we go…” Kaya chuckled, finally stepping back and taking in the view as she inspected her work. In front of her, a cute, curvy woman now rested, a blissed out smile on her face, where a master ninja man had once laid. The hair was a bit messy, but other than that, her body was definitely S tier. And that little flaw would be sorted out soon enough. “Isn’t that better?”

There was a throaty purr from the woman on the table, but that didn’t necessarily mean her words had been heard. Honestly, after the experience she’d just had, the poor thing would probably be out of it for a while. Which gave her attendant plenty of time to take care of the next step.

“Come here,” Kaya said, sliding her arms under the new woman and lifting her into the air, scooping up her now much lighter form with ease. “One more treatment left. Let’s reunite you with your girlfriend. I’m sure she’ll love the new you~”

Naruto’s only reply was a dazed giggle as she was carried out of the parlour, and deeper into the facility – towards her new destiny.


The blonde came back to herself in a dark chamber, her foggy head slowly starting to clear. The last thing she remembered was laying down on that massage table, and then… Well, then things got blurry. And now she was… sitting in a chair?

“Nnuuhh… Where… Where am I?” She grunted, trying to move – only to find her arms and legs were firmly shackled to the chair she was sat in. Frowning, she tried to channel chakra into her limbs to break them free – but nothing happened. None of the power she was used to feeling coursing through her came. And her body was feeling very different from normal right now for some reason…


“Hinata?!” The blonde’s struggles renewed as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, and she saw her partner sat just across from her, naked and shackled into her own seat. From this angle, Naruto could see they were more than just chairs though – they were strange looking devices, with a lot of mechanical parts and electrical panels that did who knew what. It all looked pretty worrying - especially the visor that hung over Hinata’s head. And looking up, Naruto could see one over hers as well.

The Hyuuga looked pretty dazed, which felt very understandable right now, but they could sort all of that once they got out of here. “Are you okay? What happened?”

“Ooohh…” Hinata moaned as she tried to clear her head. “I, like, don’t remember. I found your massage lady, and then… Oh!” She yelped in surprise as the visor over her head suddenly slid down over her eyes. “What’s going on?”

“Hinata? Hinata!” Naruto didn’t have time to wonder why her voice sounded so shrill as she watched her girlfriend’s face scrunch up in confusion, her lips curling into a curious pout. Then, as the blonde saw light start to shine out from under that strange mask, her expression seemed to change. The tension relaxed out of her, and her confusion evaporated into a slightly slack-jawed look…

“Oh, that’s… like… super pretty… pretty colours…” The dark-haired ninja giggled as her lips quirked into a small smile. Her voice was growing light and airy. “Pretty… Mmm… Feels good to watch the pretty colours…”

Naruto didn’t like the look of that, not one bit. “Hinata, listen to me!”

“I’m afraid she can’t hear you any more, blondie.” A voice spoke up, and from behind her, out of the shadows, stepped a familiar dark skinned figure. Of course, the last time Naruto had seen Kaya, she’d been a simple masseuse in a swimsuit. Now, she was dressed in the standard black bodysuit of a ninja, her headband proclaiming her a proud member of a village that the blonde didn’t recognise (though the symbol looked pretty similar to the symbol of the old village hidden in the waterfall, with the spiral reversed.) “She’s a bit busy learning her new role, and unlearning everything else.”

“What did you do to her?” Naruto snarled, glaring at the woman.

Kaya shrugged. “Oh, we softened up her brain with some chemicals in the sauna steam, and then gave her a little brainwashing to bait our trap here. Now we’ve caught you, though, we don’t need to leave her half-baked – so we’re finishing the job.” She stepped forward and stroked Hinata’s hair fondly, drawing a moan from the bound ninja – before she turned her attention back to the blonde. “I’m surprised you didn’t ask about what we’ve done to you, too. Or are you really so oblivious that you didn’t notice?”

Naruto blinked. “What do you-?”

And it was only then that she heard her own voice. Her distinctly high-pitched voice. She looked down.

“What the hell?!”

It wasn’t like she was unfamiliar with this body. She’d used jutsu to turn herself into the illusion of a sexy babe plenty of times. It was a shockingly effective technique, quite frankly. But this… This wasn’t an illusion. She could feel the difference, she could feel how solid the changes felt, feel the weights on her chest, could feel the absence between her legs. This was real. Somehow, she’d been fully transformed into a physical copy of her own gender-bent form…

“Wow.” A finger caught the underside of her chin, and dragged her gaze up to meet Kaya’s smug face. “You really didn’t notice. I’m kind of impressed. But no matter how dense you are, I’m still going to give you the full treatment. She,” the woman nodded her head towards Hinata, who’s smile was growing wider by the second, “was already half way there, so she just gets a quick remedial to get her up to speed. But you, babe – you’re getting the full treatment.”

Naruto wasn’t the kind of person to balk in the face of intimidation. She’d faced far more evil things than this. No matter how dire the situation, she wasn’t going to cower here. “Full treatment? What, you’re going to make us go through more of your crappy spa’s nonsense?”

It was a pretty weak taunt, though, and Kaya could clearly see through it. “I think you quite enjoyed our ‘nonsense’, actually. And you’ll enjoy this one too. But don’t just take my word for it. Why not ask your girlfriend?”

The ninja guided Naruto’s head around so they could both stare at Hinata, who was starting to pant heavily, her bare chest rising and falling. Her eyes were still hidden, but the blonde could easily see the wide smile on her face as she mouthed along to something. And lip reading was a skill that hadn’t been stripped away from her by sealing her chakra.

But… The things she was saying didn’t make any sense…

“Mmm… Hah~! D-dumb slut… Horny whore… Clueless cunt… F-fucky… sucky… slutty… slave!”

Each word was whispered with an eager reverence, the Hyuuga’s hips starting to shift and squirm in her seat. Her hands were twitching in her shackles, a thin sheen of drool developing at the edge of her mouth. What… What was happening to her?

Kaya must have seen Naruto’s expression, because her grip firmed. “Don’t look away now~ You wouldn’t want to miss the big finish!”

The blonde girl swallowed. “Hinata, fight it! Remember your ninja way!”

But her words fell on deaf ears. Her girlfriend’s chant was already starting to grow louder, rising from a whisper to a desperate cry. “Wanna fuck…! Wanna suck…! S-such a dumb… H-horny… Spiral Whore…” Her chest was heaving as she started to yell. “I’m… I’mma… a Stupid… Sexy… Slutty… Bimbo!”

The final word seemed to send a massive jolt through the dark-haired ninja’s body, coupled with a scream of utter delight as the woman came, juices soaking into her seat. There was a ‘ding!’ sound from her chair, and the visor over her face lifted – revealing a totally blissed out expression and glazed, utterly vapid eyes.

“There we go!” Kaya finally let her prey go, strutting over to Hinata and petting her fondly on the head. “One mind melted bimbo, ready to spend the rest of her days as a happy fucktoy for her new village. Right on schedule.”

Once again, Naruto found herself straining against her restraints, trying desperately to break free. “Let her go! I swear, if you touch one more hair on her head, I’ll-!”

But her snarl was cut off by a firm finger pressed against her lips. Kaya smirked at her. “Hm? Oh, I’m so sorry, babe! I didn’t mean to let you feel left out. Don’t worry – you’ll be fucking and sucking right along side her.” She winked. “I just wanted you to get a small preview of what’s in store. Now…” Suddenly, the visor on Naruto’s chair slid down over her head, locking over her eyes despite her shocked struggles. “Relax, watch the show, and surrender to the Spiral~” A giggle filled the blonde’s ears as everything else started to fade away. “That’s a good girl.”

She tried to struggle. She tried to shut her eyes. She tried to break free. Nothing worked. Helpless, all Naruto could do was stare forward, as the visor in front of her lit up.

A bright spinning spiral, a rainbow of colours, filled her vision. Lines of red and green and blue and yellow twirled around each other, sliding together and sinking around one another at a speed that her eyes couldn’t quite track. In seconds she was already starting to feel dizzy. Despite herself, her gaze kept trying to focus on one part of the image, only to slip and fall as the spiral turned. Or… Or was it turning at all? It… It was…

It was making her head start to feel funny. But that was expected, Naruto had experienced mind-bending illusions before. Her resistance to genjutsu was pretty poor, but she’d had training against this kind of attack! This attack may not feel like any genjutsu she’d ever experienced, but as long as she maintained a firm grip on who she-


- was, it shouldn’t affect her.

Huh? Wait, had she just heard something? For a moment there she thought she’d… heard… or, or seen, or… thought something weird?

Uncertainty gripped her, and she tried to shake her head to clear it, but she was held too firmly. Still, the experience recentred her, and she found herself squinting into the spiral, trying to see… She’d seen something in there, hadn’t she? Like an optical illusion, flashing past her eye almost too fast to see. A word…


It was… It was… Uh…

Almost as soon as she’d regained her footing, she lost it again. The thought she’d been following dissolved out from under her, and Naruto blinked with uncertainty, unsure of what she’d just been doing. Her head was feeling dizzier and dizzier, with her thoughts struggling to come together in the whirl. She needed to focus, she needed to think-

Don’t think

She- She needed to… She, uh… She was… Um…

The blonde licked her lips nervously. She could feel something was wrong on an instinctual level, but she couldn’t work out what, she couldn’t think through this haze. There was… She’d been doing something important, but now she’d forgotten all about it. And despite knowing this was a big problem, she just couldn’t help but relax despite herself…

She… She had to fight. She had to…


A sigh bubbled up from her lungs as the blonde felt herself sink back into her chair. That was it. Yeah. She just had to watch. Just stare real deep into the pretty colours, watch real close. She didn’t want to miss anything…

Feels good

… Because it felt so good~ A tingle of pleasure danced between her legs as she let her gaze sink deeper and deeper.

W-wait… Wait, hadn’t there been something else? Something importa-


Forget… Ooohh, it was so hard to-

Don’t think

Mmm… She… She had to-


She had to relax~


She had to watch~


She had to obey!

A smile slowly grew over the blonde’s lips as she slumped completely in her chair, her mind utterly entranced. And watching nearby, Kaya had her own, far more sinister smile, as she waited for the next phase of Naruko’s treatment to begin.

The colours intensified, the light pulsing and pounding through the blonde’s empty mind. More images started to flash before her eyes, flickering just fast enough for her brain to perceive them, but too quick for her mind to register. But they sunk in all the same.

Images of her on her knees, looking up lustfully at the circle of shadowy men who surrounded her. Images of her with her lips wrapped around cocks, her hands stroking two more as she worked. Images of her rubbing her fat tits around members, images of her on all fours and shoving out her ass for use, images of her covered in-

This is Naruko.

The blonde moaned as a tingly heat began to build up inside her, even though her mind was too scrambled to work out why. A tingly eager pleasure growing with each image.

Images of her sucking on tits, images of her tongue deep on one woman’s snatch as her fingers worked another, images of her being rammed from behind by the biggest sex toy she’d ever-

Naruko is a slut

Yes! Yes, Naruko was a slut. That was obvious. The blonde nodded eagerly, the knowledge sinking down into her soul, reinforced by countless pictures of her being just that.

Then the pictures changed. Now Naruto saw Naruko’s face scrunched up in confusion, or gazing vapidly, a finger pressed against her lips. It was such a stupid expression. Dozens, hundreds of shots like these flashed past her eye.

Naruko is dumb

Naruto snorted, agreeing. The girl was obviously a moron, a total idiot.

Naruko in fishnets, cash shoved into her garterbelt as she sucked someone off. Naruko on stage, shaking her tits to a wild crowd as coins rained down around her. Naruko with money in hand laying on a bed, legs spread, beckoning a client in.

Naruko is a whore

Definitely. Naruko was definitely a whore. Couldn’t be anything else. A hot, horny, stupid whore.

The images flashed past with even more intensity now, the colourful spiral flickering constantly behind them as they sank straight into Naruto’s consciousness.

Naruko wants to fuck

Naruko wants to suck

Naruko wants to obey

The pictures confirmed it all. The simple truths, that the blonde couldn’t hope to doubt. It was obvious, it was clear. Naruko was… Naruko was…

Naruko is a bimbo

Yes! That was it! Naruko was a bimbo – the truth of it rang out clearly through Naruto’s soul, and imprinted itself deeply at the core of his very being. And then…

You are Naruko

What? The blonde blinked, her head swirling. N-no. She was Naru-

You are Naruko

She was Na-

You are Naruko

She… She was…

Forget everything else

White noise was crackling in through her ears, scattering her thoughts, her resistance to these new ideas. It flooded into her memories, and replaced them all with static. Confused and unsure, she scrambled for an anchor, something to hold herself steady, something to center the core of her being as she recovered…

And the spiral gave it to her.

You are Naruko

She… She was Naruko?

You are Naruko

She was… Naruko…

You are Naruko

She was Naruko!

Her static corrupted memories were purged away, replaced by the firm, secure ones streaming in through her eyes now – the many, many memories she had of fucking, of sucking, of whoring herself out, of being a dumbass bitch, of being a stupid, horny, slutty ho. A fuck toy, a nympho, a ditz…

She wasn’t even aware that she was mouthing the words as it all built up to a final crescendo

Who are you?

Her smile widened into a stupid grin. She knew that! It was soooo easy! She was, like, Naruko!

Who is Naruko?

She giggled. Naruko was… “I… I’mma… I’mma dumb, horny, sexy, stupid, slutty bimbo!

The last word turned into a scream of delight as the building heat in her finally burst, pleasure exploding through her as she came – and sealed everything in good and tight. The visor over her face lifted, exposing a stupid smile and a vapid gaze.

Naruto had left the building – and Naruko was here to stay.

“Good girl.” Kaya’s words made her shiver in delight as she was released from her chair and made to stand with the cute looking bimbo with black hair and weird eyes. “You turned out magnificently. I know they’ll enjoy you back home. Your bloodlines will grant our Village much strength – and your slutty holes will make fine rewards for our agents.”

The two bimbos giggled and preened, proud to be receiving such compliments.

“But before I send you there…” The dark-skinned ninja grinned, sliding between the pair and slipping her arms around them, her hands cupping their rears as they cooed. “I should give you a test run or five. Wouldn’t want to send any defective products to my bosses, right?” She laughed, and began walking them out of the chamber – off towards her personal quarters. “Besides, I want to enjoy my hard work.”

Naruko and Hinata didn’t really understand her – there were a few too many big words in all that. But they definitely understood her tone, eagerly pressing against her and strutting as they walked. Hot, horny, and eager to please – they certainly couldn’t wait to be put through their paces.


“So like… Y’know, I was so busy fucking you, I totally never got your name!”

The blonde bimbo blinked, looking up as her daydreams of being bent over and railed against the nearest wall suddenly popped, pierced by a nearby voice. Where was she again? Oh yeah…

The boat rocked steadily underneath their feet, gently gliding across the waters that surrounded the Foggy Days Spa. If she looked through the window at the back of the ship, she could still see, like, the most amazingest spa ever vanishing slowly into the mist. Mmm, she’d had such a fun stay there – all the staff had been really good to her – and she’d super enjoyed thanking them the way only a real bimbo could. She hadn’t really wanted to leave, but her super hot Mistress had said there were even more people to ‘thank’ in their home Village, and like, how could she ever say no to that?

But right now, her tiny attention was being grabbed by the hotty sat next to her – and gawd, what a babe! The black haired slut had boobs almost as big as her own, and she was dressed in the skimpiest kimono around – just like the blonde was~ And now that she looked, she definitely remembered sharing more than a few threesomes with her. Oh wow, had she just found her new BFF?!

“Hey yeah!” She smiled brightly. “I remember you! Mmm, your cunt was, like, the nummiest. I’m Naruko, who are you?”

“I’m Hina~ I’m, like, a total whore.”

“Ohmigod, me too!” The pair stared at one another wide eyed, and then burst into giggles. “I’m gunna be, like, an official Village sex toy~”

“Oh no way, me too!” Hina gasped at her. “I’m gunna be the biggest slut in the Village!”

Now it was Naruko’s turn to gasp. “Nuh-uh, that’s totally gunna be me!”

“No, me!”

“No, me!”

This continued for a few minutes, until both bimbos trailed off, having long forgotten what they were actually arguing about. The pair broke off, fingertips twirling their hair or tapping their cheeks as they tried to recall… Before Naruko gave up.

“Hey, wanna make out?”

“Oooh, yeah!”

And that was it for conversation during the trip. Both sluts were all over each other, kissing passionately as they all but fell out of their skimpy kimonos, tongues swirling together as they began to explore one another’s bodies. They’d soon be very familiar – even in heads as empty as theirs, some form of their old relationship still endured, even if it now took on a very different form.

Behind them, the island, and the last traces of the ninja they had been, disappeared completely into the mist.


The mission had certainly been a disaster, but at the very least, Naruto and Hinata had enjoyed a very relaxing time at the spa. Soon, they would enjoy their time as the newest members of the Village Hidden in the Spiral even more.

In the coming days, two more disappearances would be marked in the ninja world’s books, as worry began to spread. A powerful pair had vanished, just like all the rest. Would this be the warning the ninja villages needed of a dangerous threat lurking in their midst – or would more be sent, to fall to the Spiral?

Only time would tell…



Excellent stuff! And I'd say that a Patreon only discord would work, and shouldn;t be too much of a pain to run.