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Hey folks!

Writing has continued. So far I have not been brought down by a stray cold or a  passing flu. I think this might really be happening! I will be back on for April, accepting your requests and sharing all new fics! It's such a relief to be able to say that!

So, without ado, here, the last of the requested shorts from December. And I think it should be pretty obvious that it's very overdue - but I hope you enjoy it all the same ^^'

See you next week everyone.

(I swear I tried to think up a better title)


Rin Tohsaka was not a Christmas person. It just didn’t suit her sensibilities. Being an orphan, she’d never really had the tradition handed down to her by her parents, and being a mage, the whole experience seemed wasteful and pointless to her. Plus, up until relatively recently, the biggest influence Christianity had on her household came in the form of the local priest Kirei Kotomine – so maybe her dismissal of the entire festival was pretty understandable.

Plus, this was Japan – it was really more of a couple’s thing over here, and celebrated by eating chicken. Just not her thing! Though maybe if Shirou or Saber wanted to give it a try she could maybe feign an interest…

Not this year though! She was busy. She had research she wanted to conduct on the second magic before she returned to the Clock Tower for the next semester, and damnit, she was going to get it done! Yep, come Christmas day, it was no distractions, no breaks, no stopping until-

Ding dong!

… Until she answered the front door. Ugh. Mage or no, Rin still had a reputation to maintain as a normal (if brilliant) woman. She hadn’t quite reached the point of total human isolation yet – though it certainly was growing more tempting by the day…

For now, though, that meant answering any visitors to her door with politeness and grace. So, she quickly (and carefully) stored the magically charged gems, dumped her lab coat and gloves in the box at the door, sped up the stairs from her lab in the basement two steps at the time, and paused, briefly, at the front door to check her hair, before opening it up to reveal…

Nothing. No one in sight.

Frowning, the dark haired magus peered out onto the snowy street, looking left and right for any signs of who had rung her bell, only to find nothing at all. Not even footprints leading away. Huh. Had the bell malfunctioned or something?

Oh, but wait. There was something. There, on her doorstep, small enough that she’d almost missed it, was a package wrapped in red paper and sealed with a green ribbon. A present?

Her frown grew deeper. Who would leave something like this for her out here? This didn’t feel right…

In fact, all of her instincts were screaming at her that this was some kind of trap. A trick in some way. It was way too suspicious! As a mage, she absolutely couldn’t take a mysterious present on her doorstep at face value. It was almost certainly something dangerous.

But she couldn’t just leave it at her front door. If it really was a trap, ignoring it was obviously a recipe for disaster. Nope, she was going to have to dispose of this thing carefully – after she worked out what it was and who had sent it.

So, with a grumble and another glare down the street, just in case she could catch whoever had left this here watching, she bent down and snatched the package up, before stepping back and slamming her front door shut. Then she rushed back down to the basement, going three steps at a time.

Inside her lab, where her magical protections were at their strongest, she had a bit more room to breathe. Whatever this was, it couldn’t do much to her down here, she was sure. So, carefully, she placed the box down on a free surface, before beginning her investigation. She was going to pull apart every last secret this thing had – even if it was just a legitimate present! The identity of the person who’d left it for her would be unravelled in no time, heh heh~

Now much more in her comfort zone, Rin quickly snipped through the green ribbon and red wrapping paper, revealing that the box beneath was made of thin white cardboard, with an easy to lift lid. All perfectly ordinary seeming so far – but now here was where she had to be at her most careful. It would be all too easy to let down her guard, seeing something so normal. Thus, she redoubled the strength of her protective spells, before gently pulling the lid away…

Then she blinked at the contents. What? That was it? … Well now she just felt kind of let down.

Within lay a simple red cap, with a fluffy white rim around the bottom and a puffy white bauble hanging from the top. It was a shape she recognised, of course – even someone as divorced from popular culture as Rin Tohsaka could recognise a Santa hat when she saw one. But why would someone sent one to her?

Put it on…

A strange thought suddenly popped into her head. An odd compulsion. It didn’t sound like something she’d think at all. It certainly wasn’t something she wanted to do. And yet it slid through her mind like water through a sieve, slipping around her other thoughts and jumping right to the front of the queue.

Put it on…

Her hands reached into the box without her even being consciously aware of their movements, lifting the hat and unfurling it in front of her eyes. It certainly felt Christmassy, she had to give it that. The stupid thing seemed to glitter, even in the dim light of her lab.

Put it on…

No. Why would she do that? Rin’s brow furrowed as she started to question what she was doing, her arms starting to slow as she lifted the cap over her head. This wasn’t right. Her protective wards – where had they gone? Why were they deactivated all of a sudden? Had she done that? Crap, she had to get rid of this thing right-

Put it on.

The cap slammed down onto her head before she could blink, and flared with red light. The mage had just enough time to wonder what the fuck she was doi-

And then everything went white, the distant sound of Christmas bells ringing in her ears as Christmas Spirt flooded in.

Her thoughts slowed to a crawl as magic flowed through her mind, and then from there through the rest of her body. Her eyelids fluttered, her eyes crossing and turning bright green as her lips formed into a surprised, vapid ‘o’ shape. Her outfit crackled with energy, before her trademark black skirt and red sweater merged together, fabric melting and reshaping into a tight red one-piece dress that hung off the shoulder, lined by white fur around the hem. Coupled with her new cap, she was certainly starting to embody the sexy spirit of Christmas…

But this was just the beginning. After all, the outfit was fine, but she knew that the real meaning of Christmas was being a big booty buttslut bimbo!

W-wait, what did that even-


She moaned as another pulse of Christmas Spirit blasted through her brain, carrying that thought and the rest of her silly doubts away before they could properly form. After all, there was a much better use for useless braincells like these – just turn them into fat for her growing ass! A good booty buttslut bimbo needed every help she could get, after all! In fact, why settle for just her doubts, when her butt could help itself to all of her smarts at once?

And indeed, Rin’s behind was starting to grow with incredible speed, swelling out as magic and stollen intelligence was poured into her cheeks – incidentally shrinking her brain at an almost inverse rate. But that was fine, bimbos didn’t need brains! As long as she could giggle and shake her hips, she’d spread all the Christmas cheer she needed!

Her dress was already starting to stretch, the white fur trim brushing against heated skin as her ass plumped up more and more, her once carefully balanced figure quickly morphing into a very bottom heavy hourglass. Which wasn’t to say that her top was being neglected, no – both of her boobs drank down a good few gulps of Rin’s genius as well, growing out into a fine and proud chest hidden just barely by the lip of her dress… But it was definitely her ass that was the new star of the show.

A final pulse sealed the deal, the magic shooting out from her transformed body through the rest of her lab – transforming it into a classic Christmas workshop in a flash of light. Suddenly the mage’s cold, almost dungeon-like basement was been completely replaced by warm lighting and large machines made of gingerbread and candy canes, already rolling along creating dozens of boxed toys and gifts – including a whole new production line dedicated to making more familiar red caps, sparkling with Christmas joy.

And in the middle of it all, a brown haired Santa babe that no one could confuse for anything but a big booty bimbo buttslut giggled, pulling her lips into a merry smile, and slapped her her hands down on her fattened hips, drawing a clap as her cheeks jiggled and smacked against one another.

“Ho ho ho~” She cheered, her green eyes sparkling with mirth. “I like, totally get it now! Christmas is the best ever! Gawd, I can’t believe I was being such a grinch!” She giggled, before snatching up a sack, already filled with presents. “I’ve got, like, so much to make up for! I’ll have to make sure everyone gets good presents this year…”

She paused. Even a bimbo like her knew how much work that’d be. Could she really get it all done in one day? Maybe she needed a bit of help… And she knew just where to find some.

“Luvia’s, like, almost as much of a bah humbug as I was!” she almost sang, snatching up another red hat present. “I’d better get her gift to her as fast as I can. I bet she’ll love being a big booty buttslut bimbo too~! And then she can help me as my loyal Christmas elf~ Oooh, this is gunna be the best Christmas ever!”

Santa Rin giggled one last time, hoisting her sack over her shoulder, before skipping out of her workshop, bouncing up the stairs five at a time, whistling jingle bells all the way. She ignored the front door though, instead making her way over to the chimney, like any good Santa, and crawling her way up it, sack and all.

She got stuck on the way up, of course, her enormous ass lodging itself quite firmly in the flue – but not to worry. A wink, a giggle, a shake of her hips, and she was off, vanishing in a shower of red and green glitter, off to spread joy and cheer across the world. Especially to one blonde haired Finn in particular~

Ho ho ho~ Maybe Rin was a Christmas person after all!


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