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Hey folks!

Fantastic news - at long last everything is working again (by which I mean, my immune system and my brain). After three long months I'm getting things written on schedule once more - which means we're back in full swing come April!

(This also means if you were enjoying the long pause on my subscription, it's time to run, because that'll be coming to an end in the next few days. Your support was totally appreciated!)

I'm looking forward to taking fresh requests in come next month - but for now, I hope you enjoy the last few I'm working through.


(Contains cheaters not prospering)

Hinata had been on some dangerous, death-defying missions before, but this one was already looking like it was going to top them all. Walking the halls of a casino in the company of Tsunade? Trying to keep her from gambling the entire village’s fortunes away in a single bad hand? She’d known shinobi who would rather fight a tailed beast! Shizune was considered a top level ninja by pretty much everyone just for spending so long on this very mission.

But the heir of the Hyuuga wasn’t a quitter. That wasn’t her ninja way. No, despite her soft and gentle exterior, the woman had a will of iron, and she wasn’t about to give up just because she was facing impossible odds. She’d been taught by Tsunade too, after all… Ack, no, maybe don’t think about it like that.

Anyway, she had her eyes – her legendary bloodline technique that granted her practically omniscient sight within her range. Normally she might refrain from outright cheating in an establishment like this – it didn’t exactly reflect well on her as the heir to such a prestigious clan – but right now, she was on an official mission, so nothing was off limits. Besides, to hear the Hokage tell it, the future of all of Konoha rested on their success here…

Although, to tell the truth, she suspected had an ulterior motive here.

“We can’t fail. Hear me, Hinata? Absolutely out of the question. This is victory or death. We hold the line – here and no further. And once we win, they will finally, finally stop calling me the Legendary Sucker!” Tsunade had clenched a fist, the other arm wrapped around a nervous Hyuuga’s shoulders. “I’ll show them all, once and for all!”

You know, just a teeny, tiny one.

Alas, orders were orders. “Y-yes ma’am!” Damnit, why did Ino and Sakura get to go off on their own? It was unfair to expect her to handle this ticking timebomb herself! “H-how would you like to go about this?”

The fifth Hokage rubbed her chin. “Good question. We can’t afford to be too obvious about all this, or they’ll kick us out before we reach the VIP rooms – that’s where the real money is.” Then she grinned. “But what kind of ninja would we be if we couldn’t do subtle, right? So here’s how we’ll do this…”

It was a refreshingly simple plan, at least. Tsunade would be the one taking on the most risk at the tables, moving between the various games on offer, attracting all the attention, while Hinata would situate herself quietly off to the side, subtly using her eyes and signalling the Hokage whenever she saw an opportunity to take advantage of. This place might have protections against card counters, but there was nothing they could do against someone who could see the face of every card the dealer dealt~

Easy enough. All ninja of Konoha were fluent in the various hand and eye signals that they’d be using. The only tricky part would be not getting caught – and really now, how could they call themselves ninja if an ordinary casino caught them out?

Thus the pair split up, carefully navigating the crowds so that it looked like they were completely separate – but, of course, thanks to Hinata’s eyes, the two were never as far apart as they appeared. And as Tsunade began to circle the tables, joining a few games while showing incredible restraint (for her) by spending only a couple of chips, the Hyuuga heiress found a quiet spot where she could remain hidden in plain sight – a row of slot machines.

They were very fancy looking, big booths lined by black polished wood, with faces made of silver and gold sculpted engravings, centred around three spinning ‘slot’ reels. But of course, Hinata could see that they were all rather sophisticated devices – enough so that she couldn’t quite tell how their inner workings functioned completely with just a glance. But that was becoming more and more common as technology advanced with the new era of peace the world had embraced, and everything seemed to be in order, so she wasn’t concerned.

Taking a seat – and making sure to keep at least one eye on Tsunade, lest she fail to spot her commander doing something she shouldn’t – the dark haired ninja casually slid one of the silver chips she’d been handed at the entrance into the slot, and pulled the lever on the side of the machine.

The reels spun, with lights and sound effects going off to create a merry little tune, and then…

Ding ding ding!

“Oh!” Hinata blinked, and then smiled. A win! Three bells in a row! Ha, she hadn’t expected that – maybe she was getting some of the luck that never made it to Tsunade. The coin tray rattled as a handful of tokens dropped into it, and she quickly scooped them up. Hm, they were just like the ones she’d been given at the entrance… Oh, wait. They were a lot like them, but these ones had little faces engraved in the sides, interesting. Each a different face, too. No one she recognised, of course, but…

… Huh. Hey, wait a second, this one was… This one’s face was Tsunade! Definitely, without a doubt! She could compare it with her leader right this second thanks to her eyes, and they were just alike. (Well, okay, Tsunade’s expression was a bit more depressed than the token’s, she’d just lost again.)

That didn’t feel right. Why would they have a token based on Tsunade? She’d been assuming this was just some silly casino custom, but now she was worried that there was something more sinister going on. It wasn’t much, but a ninja’s instincts weren’t something to be ignored, and right now hers were screaming at her. Abort, they said, abort right now!

But as she gripped the Tsunade chip in her hand, turning it over in her fingers, another instinct gripped her. An unfamiliar one, but an irresistible all the same. A desire to gamble. A lust for winning it big. Suddenly, it was practically all that Hinata could think of. She’d just won on her first attempt, hadn’t she? Maybe she was on a streak! She couldn’t let this chance pass her by!

Part of her tried to protest, but it was squelched ruthlessly as Tsunade’s token seemed to glitter in her hand. What harm could one more pull do, after all?

She slid another one of her tokens into the machine – and as she did, she failed to notice all of her suspicions disappearing along with it. Nor did her sharp eyes detect the engraved image of Hinata’s own face appearing on the chip…

What she did notice, though, was the three cherries that lined up in front of her.

Ding Ding Ding!

Victory! Oh wow, that felt good! The rush as another rain of tokens clattered into her tray…! This time Hinata didn’t even inspect the tokens as she snatched them up, hugging her winnings to her chest. How had she never realised how amazing it felt to gamble?! Oh god, as soon as she got home she was going to take everyone for everything they were worth at poker, or whatever game they liked.

Oooh, but why go home when she was in the greatest gambling den in the five nations? Ahh, suddenly the heiress was starting to appreciate what her Hokage had been trying to teach her – gambling was good. It was the best.

Consumed by an uncharacteristic fervour normally reserved for watching Naruto, the dark haired ninja practically slammed her tokens back into the machine, pouring in most- no, no, she was on a hot streak, she had to seize the advantage – pouring all of her supply, her original stash and every single one of her winnings into the slot. This next pull was going to be the jackpot among jackpots, she could feel it. There was no way her instincts would let her down!

A confident grin on her face, Hinata reached up, and pulled the handle, watching the reels spin with hungry, eager glee.


The first reel stopped. The ninja’s white eyes shot straight to it, drinking it in…

And then blinked. Huh?

“L?” Hinata frowned, peering at the symbol – a simple letter written in a thick red design. “I haven’t seen that one before. What does it-?”

“It means loser,” a new voice spoke up from beside her, making the ninja jump in her seat. Struggling a little to pull her eyes away from the still spinning reels, she turned to find a woman with long white hair and a light blue dress standing next to her, leaning over her shoulder to watch the show. “Very bad luck to see that on one of our machines.”


Knocked off balance, Hinata turned back to the reels, only to see a second L slot into place.

“Oh dear dear dear,” the white-haired woman purred. “Two at once is very bad luck indeed! But don’t worry – you’d need to have the worst luck in all of human history to-”



A third red L hovered in front of Hinata’s face, the flashing lights of her slot machine turning red and dim as a buzzer went off. No tokens clattered in her winnings tray this time.

“Oh dear.” The woman said with performative shock. “How unexpected! Why, it’s almost as if you somehow managed to inherit a certain Legendary Sucker’s luck for a moment there – as well as her gambling addiction.” White teeth flashed as her shock turned into a smug grin. “Should have known better than to cheat my casino, girl.”

Something was wrong here. Hinata felt… strange. Weak. All of her energy had deserted her – she couldn’t even muster up enough to worry about what was happening. The only thing she could do was sit in her chair, still staring at her lost gamble, her expression turning increasingly blank as her arms dropped to her sides. She felt… hollow…

“Who… Who are you…?” She managed to ask – the effort alone taking pretty much everything she had left.

“Me?” The woman chuckled. “You don’t need to know my name, Hinata. You won’t be using it. The only thing you’ll be calling me is Owner~”


“Yep.” The woman strutted around the limp ninja, sliding up next to the slot machine. “Because dear, we’re not so cruel around here to just throw people out when they’ve lost everything.” A hand traced around the machine’s casing. “No, we’ve still got a use for you.”

Her finger pressed in, activating a hidden button with a click – and then the reels started spinning again, right before Hinata’s eyes. She couldn’t look away.

The reel on the left was the first to settle – slowing to a halt on another new symbol that she didn’t recognise. It looked like a pair of human hips, but their proportions were massive – and for some reason, coloured in silver? The ninja blinked slowly, trying to work out what it meant…


Only to receive a sudden, pleasure filled lesson as her own hips suddenly widened, her dark pants splitting at the crotch before being shredded entirely by her swelling flesh. The ninja found herself rising up by inches in her seat as her ass plumped up to twice, perhaps even three times her original size, forming a heavy set of curves. And they soon grew heavier, as her skin began to harden, firming up to the density of actual metal from the waist on down. All except for her nethers, where her flesh was turning to soft, warm, pliable rubber of a dark purple shade instead – designed for her client’s comfort.

Hinata blinked slowly. Part of her was screaming that she had to do something, that what was happening was very, very bad… But she just couldn’t bring herself to care. All she could do was stare passively as the next reel began to slow.

This time, the symbol was unmistakable – a silver pair of very, very large breasts.



Her top exploded off of her as her breasts surged outwards, doubling, tripling, quadrupling in size. They bounced and jiggled merrily for a moment, squishing lightly against the front of the machine – before they too hardened, turning to silver as the wave of metal that had consumed her lower half moved all the way up to her neck.

Vapidly, she realised she made for a very top-heavy hourglass now, before her attention was snared by the final reel.


Hinata’s eyes stared blankly at the final symbol – the image of a silver brain with a red cross marked through it – trying to decode it in vain for a few seconds, before-


- it ceased to matter. Her pale eyes crossed, her lips curling up into a surprised pout – and then her face turned utterly vapid, her jaw dropping open and drool pouring down into her metal tits as her mind melted into nothingness. Any information, skills, facts or personality traits left in her head drained out of her ears and into the machine, where each silver token she’d lost glittered as they absorbed everything that made Hinata Hinata. A moment later, and the silver wave claimed everything that was left – her eyes turning to pink glass, and her hair into a nylon wig.

And with that, Hinata Hyuuga was gone – in her place, just another silver bimbot, sitting in the shredded remains of her former life’s clothes. Her expression was vapid, her lips now coated in purple fuck-rubber, the same as her lower holes – all ready to be used however her clients saw fit.

The woman in blue giggled, reaching over and rapping a knuckle against the bot’s head and getting a satisfactory clunk in return. “Welcome to The Silver Fox, dear. I know you’re going to make a lot of our real clients very happy~”

Then she pulled the slot machine open and plucked out a few wrapped up paper cylinders filled with tokens engraved with Hinata’s face – and, of course, the new bimbot’s body. “Here, head up to the VIP lounge – I’m sure they’ll quick to put you to use – and deliver these to the counter while you go. Let’s get your identity back out into circulation as fast as we can, hm?”

The bimbot nodded, rising to her feet and taking the delivery – sliding the tubes between her breasts for safekeeping – before turning obediently and walking away. She strutted through the crowds without getting a second glance, the ordinary patrons oblivious to her presence until she vanished up to the top floors – and out of human memory.

As she went, the white-haired woman turned to the tables, her eyes focusing on the last ninja of the group to fall.

“The Legendary Sucker herself, hm?” Again, that vicious smile flashed. “I think you’re due a proper invitation to our VIP lounge. You’ll be spending a lot of time there from now on~”

A sinister giggle followed in her wake as she walked away. Now this would be a game that she had to see…


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