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Hey folks!

Speed is still picking up on the writing front, which is the most positive I've been about my progress in months! I really think I'll be back in full action for April - I'm looking forward to it!

For now, here's another story - I hope you all enjoy!


Request: P3-Mitsuru ended up stranded somewhere out in a trailer park while visiting America and she was less then enthused-especially when it turned out she was going to have to stay at the local honkey tonk bar for a time until she could get this situation resolved. That changed though when she 'accidentally' got some of the local moonshine instead of the water she asked for...

Now Mary-Sue is the dumbest and curviest redneck at the bar. She is also the most popular waitress working there in what is surely a coincidence. She might not have an once of class or edumacation in her head but shes always more then happy to let a paying customer get in a quick grope or a suck while she's working. And any memories of a former or other life are banished away with another swig of shine...

Mitsuru Kirijo was not a woman who liked leaving things to chance. Her life had been defined by tasks where there was simply too much at stake to allow chance any say. As a child with the research into the shadow world. As a teen leading SEES. And now as a full adult in charge of the Kirijo conglomerate where she could afford chance  least of all.

As might be gathered from such a resume, she was a woman who took her responsibilities seriously. And thanks to the legacy of her family, she considered all shadow incidents to be her responsibility. Iwatodai, Inaba, Tokyo… Wherever the world of reality and that of the human subconscious became interlinked, her sharp gaze was never far away.

But there was no limitation saying that such incidents could only ever occur in Japan – and, in fact, they didn’t. Reports of Shadows or Persona related activities came in from all over the world – once you knew what to look for, at least. Naturally, these too had to be investigated. Fortunately, the Kirijo group had eyes and ears everywhere, like any good multi-national company should in this day and age. Mitsuru had made sure of it.

Or at least, she’d tried to. But some places remained frustratingly out of reach despite her best efforts. And much to her frustration, Buckleville, USA, the apparent site of the latest major incident, seemed to be one of them.

It was, in her opinion, a dismal little place. Little more than a few streets, a trailer park, a couple of dusty shops selling products discontinued in the 50s, a single bar that hosted the entire nightlife of the town, and miles upon miles of empty fields. You could practically see the tumbleweeds rolling past on the highway. No wonder they didn’t have any agents out here, they’d be burned at the stake as soon as they pulled out a mobile phone.

Which meant, much to Mitsuru’s displeasure, that any investigation of Buckleville was going to have to be done manually, in person, by a professional investigation team. And since Mitsuru was one of the best shadow sensors on staff, she would be leading this team herself.

(Fuka was busy elsewhere, Kujikawa was out on tour, and no one in their right minds would trust Teddie or ‘Medjed’ on a case like this.)

It wasn’t a pleasant task. Oh, it was charming to see America in its way, but the summer heat was oppressive, the mobile signal out there was abysmal, and no matter how hard the team searched, they still weren’t finding any leads. There as definitely shadow activity happening here, but the source of it confounded their every attempt to pin it down. The most advanced technology in the world, utterly stumped by the American mid-west.

“You may as well start heading back to the hotel,” the redheaded CEO told the others as the sun was starting to go down on the third day. “We’re not finding anything. I’ll take one last sweep around town and then follow.” She sighed. “I swear, if we don’t find something tomorrow, I’ll hire Shirogane and we can all head home.” One of the nice things about being the boss – delegation.

The others all nodded, thankful for her decision, and quickly set about storing their equipment, and driving the hell out of there, leaving Mitsuru alone with her motorbike. None of them were worried – the boss knew how to handle herself.

Generally, Mitsuru would have agreed, until she saw the fuel gage on said bike just as she completed her circuit of the town. She hadn’t actually known that the needle could drop that low. Oops.

Strange, she could have sworn she’d refuelled that morning…

Well, this was unfortunate. And even more unfortunate, her phone completely refused to pick up a signal. She was on her own.

Several French curse words were muttered in Buckleville that day.

… It seemed she didn’t have a choice. By now, the shops were closed, and her own people were only getting further away. The redhead’s eyes fell on the only open building for miles around with lights on in the windows – the Full Moon bar. Just when she’d thought this trip couldn’t get any worse.

Mitsuru sighed. It was time to get a taste of local culture.

She could already hear the rowdy hubbub of the crowd as she approached the bar entrance, locking her bike against a post. But that noise vanished the instant that she pushed the wooden door open and stepped in – replaced by a sudden hush, and an uncomfortable feeling as every eye in the building seemed to focus on her. A hungry gaze swept over her black catsuit clad form, taking in every curve and crevice she casually presented, eyeing her up, assessing her for weakness…

Still, that wasn’t anything she hadn’t seen before. Casually, the redhead walked in, striding up to the bar without missing a beat. In her wake, the din resumed – though slightly quieter, and she could still feel the stare of the crowd watching her. Unsurprising – doubtless they didn’t get many strangers coming through here. Hopefully none of them would be foolish enough to try something on a woman so far from home.

“Excuse me,” she said, smiling politely at the man behind the counter. “Could I trouble you to use your phone? My vehicle’s had a small breakdown outside.”

The man, a broad chested fellow in a blue shirt with short blonde hair, nodded casually, setting down the glass he’d been cleaning and leaning on the bar. “Of course Miss. I think Luanne’s currently using the line, but she shouldn’t be more than a few minutes. Can I get you something to drink in the meantime?”

Mitsuru considered the offer. Normally she’d outright refuse – had a health inspector ever visited a place this far out in the sticks? – but it had been a long day, and a very, very hot day at that. Surely a little refreshment wouldn’t hurt. “A glass of water, please,” she said with a grateful nod. “Nothing stronger – I have a long drive ahead of me tonight.”

“You won’t be staying then?” He chuckled. “Sure thing, darlin’. I’ll just fetch that for you.”

He vanished off to find her drink, and she took a seat on one of the stools at the bar. By now the stares had started to fade, and hopefully she’d be all but forgotten soon enough. If not, well, her team couldn’t be much more than half an hour away by this point. One call, and she’d be out of here before any problems could come up.

A tall glass set down in front of her, crystal clear liquid within sparkling under the neon lights above. “There you go darlin’,” the barman nodded to her. “I’ll let you know when the phone’s clear.”

Merci,” she thanked him with another smile. “Any idea how long I’ll be waiting?”

He grinned. “Shouldn’t be long at all,” he said, before stepping away to deal with another customer at the bar.

The redhead took another long breath, before picking up her water. Right, all she could do now was wait. Hopefully not for too long, at least. She lifted the glass to her lips and took a thirsty gulp.

A much more powerful taste than she was expecting washed through her mouth. It wasn’t a bad taste, mind you, but it was certainly a much stronger sensation than she’d been prepared for. The flavour was sharp, with the searing burn of potent alcohol, and it rolled down her throat like she’d just drunk down an Agidyne blast. It was all she could do not to spit the drink out on the counter instantly, instead swallowing it down with pure force of will, even as her eyes watered.

Wait, but why had she swallowed it? This clearly wasn’t water! She had to- She had to…


Mitsuru put a hand to her head, stroking away a few red locks as she tried to focus her suddenly scattered thoughts. What… What did she have to do again? It had been important, she was sure, and yet suddenly she couldn’t remember. She licked her lips thoughtfully, her brow wrinkling as she tried to recall…

Only to grunt in slightly undignified annoyance as she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Ugh, why- why did her suit feel so tight all of a sudden? It had been custom made for her sizes, so that shouldn’t be an issue. It couldn’t have shrunk in the heat, surely?

But as she looked down, she had to frown. The zipper on her front had peeled down to nearly the middle of her chest, exposing a deep valley she would rather have remained hidden. No wonder no one had been able to take their eyes off of her when she walked in! How embarrassing.

Face flushing as red as her hair, the heiress subtly tried to cover herself up, but the zipper just wouldn’t ride back up. Quickly, she tried to cover herself with her arms, unthinkingly bringing her glass back up to her lips in order to do so and taking another swing.

This time the warm fire of the drink wasn’t as much of a surprise, but it was still strong stuff, and Mitsuru found herself gulping it down quickly, trying to power through the fiery taste. And yet, even as she swallowed hard, she found herself wondering why. Why was she going so fast? This stuff was great! This was good quality moonshine right here, why was she rushing it?

It was an odd thought, and one that she couldn’t quite think of an answer to, one of her fingers twirling through her hair as she tried. In fact, she was finding it quite hard to think at all right now – her normally sharp and incisive mind feeling a little blunted, a little mired down. It had been such a long day after all, and maybe she just wasn’t in the mood to be trying to think so much. Mm, it just felt so much better to let her head go all empty…

An uncharacteristic giggle slipped through Mitsuru’s lips as she lounged in her seat, leaning against the counter. Her embarrassment from a few seconds ago was completely forgotten, carried away on the strong moonshine current, and her attempts to hide her body were abandoned. Which meant everyone in the bar could get a good view as her catsuit grew even tighter in the chest, her breasts swelling massively underneath the tight fabric.

For a second, it even looked like the zipper might burst entirely, but then something stranger happened. Suddenly, the black garment began to change colour – turning into a plaid patterned red around her chest, and a light denim blue around her thighs. A moment later, and both parts began to shrink, separating from each other around her waist to become a booty hugging denim skirt and a very tight tied off flannel shirt.

Even Mitsuru wasn’t oblivious to the changes, and maybe she might have worried about them before – this was certainly a weird series of events, and it definitely smelled like shadow influence. But eh. This time she just decided not to think about it, and easily forgot she’d ever been wearing anything else. Why stress out about it when all that uncomfortable tightness was finally gone, huh? Her girls could breathe, her butt was sitting comfortably, what else mattered, huh? Sounded like time for another drink to her~

This time she was fully ready for the sweet taste and powerful fire as she took another gulp of moonshine – the powerful rush shooting straight down her throat and into her tits, plumping them up another handful of cup sizes and sending a few plaid buttons bouncing off the back of the bar. A moment later and her ass swelled up into a nice thick heart shape just ready to strut and sway for anyone watching. And many patrons were watching. In fact, the only person oblivious to what was happening was Mits… was Mitzi… Was…

Uh, what was her name again?

The redhead blinked, twirling her hair through her fingers again as she realised she was somehow forgetting something, like, super simple! Oh, it was on the tip of her tongue though! Her name was… Her name was…

“Hey, Mary-Sue!” The slap of a palm against her fat ass shattered her train of thought into pieces. “I don’t pay you to sit on your butt all day – go serve some customers, will ya’?”

“Sure thing, Boss!” Mary-Sue jumped to her feet instantly, briefly wondering why she was calling the bartender ‘Boss’, or why he was acting like she worked here… But no time for that! She had a job to do! Quickly, she chugged the rest of her drink-

- pumping up her tatas so much that her tied off shirt was only just barely hangin’ together, and adding a heck a’ lot more junk to her trunk, while erasing any trace of her elegant style by wrapping her hair up in long hanging pigtails… And also pleasantly banishing any leftover thoughts and memories of Mitsuru Kijiro from her happily hollow head –

- before turning to strut over to the nearest group of customers, giggling at the serenade of wolf whistles she got as she passed through. She picked an eager lookin’ guy at one of the tables near the back to serve, pulling her trusty notebook out of her pocket (the one between her boobs) and pulling a pen out from behind her ear. “What can ah get for ya’, Sugar?”

The customer grinned. “Well now I was wonderin’ what a pretty thing like yourself might have for me on the secret menu,” he said.

Mary-Sue’s heavily made-up lips spread into a wide smile. “Well now,” she purred, leaning over his table and giving him a good view of the goods – and giving everyone behind her a nice look at her derriere, too (Not that she spoke enough French to know that word anymore). “That depends, darlin’~ If you wanna quickie, ah can show you why me an’ my girls here are the best darn waitress this side a’ Maine…” She pushed her chest out. “But if yer wantin’ more, we’d have to go out back~” She finished with a wink.

“Well,” the fine gentleman considered for a moment. “Why dun we try somethin’ quick while ah wait fer my drink, how’s that sound?”

“Well darlin,” Mary-Sue giggled, sinking to her knees. “That just dun sound plum delightful~”

Yes, Mary-Sue Kennedy wasn’t a woman who liked leaving things to chance. She was gunna rock this son of a gun’s world, and make sure she got the tip she deserved~

(And when, in the morning, those funny out of towners came around asking if they’d seen some missing friend of theirs, why, Mary Sue just wouldn’t know what to tell ‘em. After all, she’d been busy servin’ customers all night (and servin’ them well, she might add). So sorry she couldn’t help.

But what sorta name was ‘Mi-shuru’ anyway, huh? Mary-Sue just had to giggle about that.)



Love it!