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Hey folks!

After months of complaining, I might finally be picking up speed. I've been getting stuff done at long last. Here's hoping it continues, but if I can keep this up, I'll really be ready to take new stuff on come April.

It's great to finally be writing again ^^

And in the meantime, to tide you fine folks over, how about another tale, from the Servant Trap. I hope you enjoy!


Request: Servant Trap Follow-Up: This week's winner of the auction has Jalter and Jeanne put on an incestuous show, while a needy Salter entertains the Master directly.

A hush settled over the theatre. The establishment wasn’t one of especially high class – in fact, in many ways, quite the opposite – but it was exclusive to residents of the great city of Cockaigne, and all the more valued because of it. Here, each night, visitors were permitted the right to enter a privileged lottery, and through doing so, perhaps the right of ownership of the theatre’s grand prize would be theirs – for a limited time, at least. And tonight’s winner had requested what promised to be a very fine show indeed.

After all, here in Cockaigne one thing was valued more than any other – the bimbofied forms of those who had once been the best of humanity! Heroic Spirits, rendered busty, lusty, and brainless for the citizen’s pleasure. For Cockaigne, the eternal city of pleasure, was the Servant Trap, a place constructed purely and solely to draw these spirits in and corrupt them so that they wouldn’t interfere with the plans of the city’s creator. A job it performed exceedingly well. Many of the heroes and villains of human history had fallen victim to its whims – none more so than tonight’s stars.

Up in the highest box, with the grandest view of the stage, the winner of tonight’s lottery sat in a plush chair, eagerly awaiting the start of the festivities. Dressed in the typical dark robes so very common among the people of the eternal city, their features were a mystery, save for the smug grin on their face. And at their side…

“Are you, like, sure you don’t wanna play with my titties?” A ditzy, pale skinned blonde with golden eyes asked, offering her very impressive chest up to the seated figure. “They’re, like, super big, and totally fun to squish!”

Saber Alter – otherwise known as Altria Pendragon – was a name that sent chills of fear down the spines of any knowledgeable grail war participant. The normally restrained dark side of the King of Knights, the vicious Servant was well known for crushing all opposition beneath her dark armoured boot. Powerful, ruthlessly efficient, and utterly without mercy for her foes, her presence spelled naught but doom and death for anyone unfortunate enough to cross her path…

Or, at least, all of that had been true until she’d been captured by Cockaigne. Now the tyrant king had far more tits than brains, and was far too busy spreading her legs to crush anything under her dainty high heels. In fact, tonight saw her trade in her black armour for a tight red bellhop, complete with a velvet skirt that barely covered her inflated behind, a top that only just kept her breasts contained beneath straining golden buttons, and, of course, a round red cap.

She was a bimbo, from top to bottom – another of Cockaigne’s proudest achievements. And while normally she was paired with her fellow alter bimbo, Jeanne Alter, tonight she was serving the lottery winner personally, while her sister slut had been called elsewhere. Which meant jackpot! All the more Master for her~

In theory, at least…

“Not yet,” her Master told her instead, not looking away from the stage. “I don’t want to fill up early.”

The bimbo pouted, not understanding at all. Not that there was anything new about that. “But Masteerrr!” She whined. “I wanna fuuuuck~”

“Shhhh.” Still grinning, the figure placed a finger against their lips as the lights went dim. “The show’s about to start.”

The alter fell silent – even if she was still pouting. After all, a good bimbo did what they were told. Still, though – she really hoped they’d be riding her raw by the intermission…


“Ladies and gentlemen,” a voice rang out through the room as the curtain began to rise. “Presenting, for your evening’s entertainment, a tale about the battle between good and evil – and the souls caught in between…”

A good-natured chuckle rippled through the room – the denizens of Cockaigne knew full well which side of the conflict they were on, after all. And then, a hushed silence, as up on the stage, the ‘actors’ came into view.

To many who frequented this establishment, two of them were very familiar – the d’Arc sisters, who were really two separate versions of the same servant (long story) Jeanne d’Arc. Once, they had been opposites, a holy maiden and a dragon witch… But after their introduction to the city of eternal pleasures, their similarities had begun to outnumber their differences. Brain drained bimbos didn’t care much for the duality of good and evil, after all.

Or, at least, so you would think. And yet today, both stood on stage dressed in regalia that would very much say otherwise! On the left, the holy Jeanne, dressed in angelic wings, a glowing halo hovering over her head, and a white robe to hide her modesty (though it did a bad job of that, since it was practically transparent under the stage lights, and more than showed off her busty body). Then, on the right, the fiendish Jeanne Alter, with devil horns poking up through her pale hair, red bat-like wings glues to her back, a long spaded tail swishing around her plump behind… And pretty much nothing else. No, she was just full-on nude, and judging by the smug expression she was aiming at her ‘sister’, she was proud of the fact.

It was the third participant who the audience hadn’t seen before. Or, perhaps they had? Because as the curtain rose higher, revealing her suspended above the stage, bound tightly by thick rope that hung from above, observers couldn’t help but note that she seemed familiar. Oh, the white military shirt and pants she was wearing were new, as was her pure white hair and dark skin… But her face was certainly Jeanne d’Arc’s. One only had to compare it to the two other d’Arc sisters on stage to see it was identical!

“Release me at once!” Snarled Lakshmi Bai, the Rani of Jhansi and infamous rebel, the so called ‘Jeanne d’Arc of India’, still struggling against her bonds. “Let me down from here, or I swear you will all suffer the consequences!”

There was another collection of chuckles, and a smattering of applause from the audience, with a couple of wolf whistles thrown in. Alas, if the Servant hoped that she’d receive any aid from them, she was out of luck.

Not an entirely new feeling for her.

But enough about that. The play was set to begin! And like clockwork, the blonde bimbo who had once been one of the holiest of maidens stepped forward, a giggle on her lips, prepared to give the grandest of speeches.

“Like, hi guys!” She waved enthusiastically to the crowd. “So like, welcome to the show! We’re supposed to, like, y’know, argue over this totally hot babe and let you decide which side gets to keep her – isn’t that cool? So you can give her to me and let me turn her into a super awesome angel lady, or…”

She looked to Jeanne Alter. The devilish bimbo grinned, opened her mouth, and…

“… Uh, what was my line again?” She looked over at her angelic partner uncertainly.

Angel Jeanne pouted, folding her arms – and pushing up her chest, straining her already transparent dress to near breaking point. “Huh? How should I know? You were totally supposed to learn them!”

Devil Jeanne just shrugged. “Well I dunno, I was too busy sucking off the guy who gave me the script…”

“Hey, no fair, I wanted to do that!” Angel Jeanne stomped on the stage, before turning back to the audience. “So, like, uh… I think she was supposed to say she wants the new girl for herself? Which is, like, totally selfish, y’know?”

“Oooh, I could totally make a cute little devil bimbo out of her!” Devil Jeanne clapped her hands together in realization, as if the stage manager hadn’t spent five hours of rehearsals trying to drill that point into her head. She spun to face the audience. “Hey, wouldn’t that be hot? So vote to give her to me~”

“What? No! Me! Me me me!” The angel waved desperately to the audience. “I want her! Look, I’ve even got all this Dumb Bitch Juice to dunk her in!”

As if on cue, a metallic vat rose up behind her, its open top revealing the bubbling contents was just as she said – though unlike the normal bimbifying fluid, this one seemed to be mixed with white, sparkly glitter.

“It’s even, like, angel flavour! Don’t you think she’d look super cute with a halo over her big boobs?”

“What on earth…?” Lakshmi stared down at the vat beneath her with a look of clear horror. As a Servant she could easily tell just how potent a liquid that was – and judging by what seemed to have happened to the two other women on stage, she wanted nothing to do with it. Nervously, she tried to wiggle her rope prison to the right of the stage, where she wasn’t so at risk…

… Only for the floor to open up there as well, with another vat rising out of the shadows, also filled with the same DBJ – though this one had black glitter instead of white.

“Oh hey, wow, I have some too!” Devil Jeanne seemed as surprised as anyone as she stared at the second vat. “Oh, that’ll make things way easier!”

“Eh? How were you gunna turn her into a devil bimbo without bimbo juice?” The angel of the pair blinked at her sister, confused.

Said sister shrugged. “I dunno, fuck her brains out?”

“Oooohhh, that sounds fun too…”

The only non-bimbo Servant present was not impressed. “This is beyond insulting. I don’t even believe in angels and devils like these! I’m not Christian! I’m literally half goddess! Let me down from here and stop this nonsense before you regret it!”

No one paid her any attention – not that she expected it. She’d never been the type to go quietly, however, and until she could find a way to escape this situation, she had no intention of suffering in silence.

“Okay, so…” Angel Jeanne put a finger to her lips. “We’re supposed to, like, convince the audience we’re the best choice. So, um… What’s your… thingy. Uh. Argument?” Such big words were clearly a strain on such a small brain, but she did her best anyway.

Devil Jeanne, meanwhile, just flashed a proud smirk at the crowd, and shoved her chest out. “My big titties~”

“Huh?” Angel Jeanne blinked. “Wait, that’s not an argument either!”

“Sure it is! See? They’re really big!” The devil giggled, turning to face her twin and offering her the same view as the audience. Her confidence was flawless.

And apparently, for good reason. “Ohhh… They really are though…” Angel Jeanne licked her lips unconsciously, bending down to get a closer look. The devil giggled, giving the girl a good jiggle, watching her empty head bob up and down with every bounce.

“See?” The Alter giggled, preening. “They’re super big, soOooOOOooohhhh!!!”

She squealed, interrupting her own indisputable argument as her angel half suddenly leaned even closer and locked her lips around a nipple, laying a wet, needy kiss against a very sensitive area, coupled with an entirely un-sisterly like groping of her fat behind. Confident in her rhetoric as she was, she was completely unprepared for such a devastating counter, and quickly found herself melting into a pile of moans and squirms in her double’s arms.

“Mmm, they’re super tasty too,” the angel Jeanne giggled, drawing back after she’d properly overloaded her dark half’s mind. “Maybe I should turn you into an angel bimbo too, sis! Then all, uh… one… two… three! All three of us can have-Nn!”

Then she stopped, frozen in place, eyes wide. Her rival’s fingers had found the dripping slit between her legs, and had furiously seized the advantage. One, then two plunged in, the devil’s tail flicking as her thumb circled and stroked. The angel trembled, her legs rubbing together as pleasure and need built up in quick, equal measure.

“Ok, like, I could devil you, and-Mmmhm! Mmmn~”

Yeah, that was as far as the gloating would go before what little restraint the angel bimbo had broke, and she threw herself onto her rival, their lips catching together as their breasts mashed and bodies writhed – breaking what little concentration the devil had too. The two fell upon each other, what little clothing they had instantly torn away as they descended into a carnal duet that only a pair of horny bimbos could – to the wild cheers of their audience, of course.

The only one not impressed as the pair slid into a heavenly devilry sixty nine position was, of course, Lakshmi, who was red in the face and seriously cursing whoever had bound her arms so that she couldn’t shield her eyes. “Disgusting,” she muttered. “This entire place is a farce. If only I- Gah!”

The heroine ducked her head down as a glowing halo – launched by a thick pair of thighs squeezing tight around an angel’s head – shot up at her. In a remarkable and very uncharacteristic display of luck, the spinning disk missed her by a hair’s breadth, instead slicing through the ropes that bound her before shooting off into the rafters. Suddenly freed, Lakshmi dropped to the stage floor, managing to miss both bubbling vats.

“Haha!” She landed on her feet, crouched and ready to start repaying everyone involved in this humiliation for daring to involve her. “At last! Now I’ll show you the full might of-!”


The Servant’s face paled. Beneath her, the wooden floor was starting to buckle. Apparently the theatre had not been designed to carry two full vats filled with magical bimbo-making fuel. Slowly, the boards under feet were starting to crack and strain, bending downwards…

“Oh,” the heroine muttered, once again cursing the fact that she’d been granted the powers of a goddess of misfortune. “Shi-”


The floor gave out, sending Lakshmi down into the depths in a cloud of smoke and splinters – chased, rapidly, by a flood of pink liquid mixed with white and black glitter, crashing down over her head like a tidal wave. In a matter of moments, the theatre had a whole new in-house swimming pool installed.

And at the front of the stage, mercifully untouched by the disaster, the two Jeannes rolled over, continuing their mutual campaigns to fuck one another’s brains out, completely oblivious to everything else. At least, they were, until a foot gently prodded one of the pair’s back.

“Uh, like, hey?” A very busty, very dazed looking dark-skinned woman, naked as the day she was born and still dripping with pink liquid, stood over them. “So, like, I think I was doing something, but I totally forgot what. Can you, y’know, help or something…?”

The Jeannes stared up at her, trying to work out who this mystery figure might be. She looked familiar, but neither bimbo could quite place her. Still, the little devil horns poking up through her white hair were cute, as was that big glowing halo hovering over them. And her wings looked really cool, one white and feathered, the other red and leather. Plus she could definitely do all sorts of fun stuff with that spaded tail of hers. Who could she possibly be?

… Eh. It probably didn’t matter. “Oooh, your boobs are, like, really huge!”

“Oh, you think so?” The new bimbo giggled and bounced her chest. “Thanks! Yours are super-hot too~”

“Yeah!” All three stared at each other, hamster wheels spinning in their heads. Then, “Wanna fuck?”


And as the dark-skinned beauty dived in, instantly getting happy squeals from her partners as her hands roamed their nubile bodies, the incestuous twosome became a narcissistic threesome. At last, the new Jeanne-face was finally receiving her proper welcome to Cockaigne~


Up in the highest box seat, the night’s lottery winner leaned back in amusement. “Not a bad show at all, don’t you think?”


“Well, I suppose your view wasn’t quite as good,” they laughed, looking down at the big titted Servant kneeling under their robe. “But I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, all the same.”


“We’ll have to invite the new stars up here – after they’ve finished their performance, at least. I’m sure they’ll still have plenty of energy for an encore…”

Honestly, the pale skinned blonde between the Master’s legs wasn’t understanding much more than a word of what they were saying. But that was okay. Saber Alter wasn’t really one for understanding many things these days. Still, she was happy – she had her mouth full, and soon enough she had the feeling there would be plenty more bimbos for her to share just how horny she’d gotten standing around waiting for the show to start!

Ah, Cockaigne truly was the best. She couldn’t wait until it was her turn to welcome in some new guests~


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