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Hey folks!

Where the hell did February go? I could swear it was here when I checked, but good lord we're already in March. Damn that month is short.

Health wise I'm getting better - Sometimes I even feel like my old self again. It's going to be a bit longer, I think, before I'm back up to speed - but I'm hopeful that by April I'll be back in business. I'm sorry it's taking so long.

In the meantime, cheerleader Sae!


Request: Alright! I was thinking something for Persona 5.   The general idea is that, Joker used a brainwash skill on her during the battle against her shadow, and now she's 100% obedient to him - and he's taking full advantage.

Sae Niijima had been having a pretty tough time of it lately. Well, naturally, her career as a lawyer had always been intense, but these past few weeks it had been especially so. That was only to be expected when you found yourself wrapped up in a twisted conspiracy to put an end to the Phantom Thieves by murdering their leader in police custody…

Fortunately, they’d been able to avert that particular nasty conclusion to the Phantom Thief saga – though it had come at the cost of her career, since she was sure to be the scapegoat the public office blamed for the entire mess. That rankled – even if it was technically true she was the one responsible for Joker’s escape.

But oh well. To be honest, she’d been thinking about changing jobs a lot recently. Maybe the Thieves had done a little messing around in her head during their heist in there, but for some reason she just didn’t feel quite the same way about being a prosecutor as she used to. After everything she’d seen working for the SIU’s Director, it didn’t feel as just as it once had. Perhaps it was time to consider switching sides. Defence lawyers rarely won trials in Japan, but it still felt like a cause worth pursuing…

That was all for later, though. Right now, she had a different mission. It was early evening – she’d already rung home to let Makoto know she’d be out late – and she was walking through the streets of Yongen-Jaya, keeping the winter chill out with a thick coat. It was a trip she’d made before, quite a few times, in fact. Her feet knew the way.

It wasn’t long before she was stood in front of the all-too familiar door of Café Leblanc.

The place was closed, of course – it had gotten quite late. If she’d been looking for coffee, she was definitely out of luck. Fortunately, this time she was here for something else. Raising a hand, she gently pushed the door open, knowing without having to check that it was unlocked, and stepped inside. Waiting within, was…

“Ah, Master! There you are.” Sae smiled brightly, the sight of her owner banishing all traces of fatigue from her body, along with all those irrelevant thoughts about switching careers. His presence alone was enough to make everything else disappear. Why shouldn’t it? He was her Master, after all. Such feelings were perfectly natural for a Slave like her!

There was no sign of Sojiro Sakura, the owner of the café. It was just her and him tonight. The Phantom Thief who had captured her heart under the guise of ‘Joker’. He had a name, but she felt unworthy of dirtying it with her lips – as far as she was concerned, he was Master, and that was it.

And right now, he was smirking. She felt a rush of heat in her chest, her heart skipping a beat.

“Begin,” he said, and the silver haired woman nodded with a smile. It was time to do what she’d come here for.

With one smooth motion she tore off her coat, flicking it to hang on the coatrack by the entrance, and revealing the red and black cheerleading uniform she wore underneath. A tight red tube top and a flaring skirt, black with red flares, long red stockings, all balanced on black high heels like an expert – which, of course, she was. How could a cheer slave like her be any less?

And emblazoned on her chest proudly, the image of a flaming eyed top hat – the logo of the Phantom thieves who had ensnared her heart, if not stolen it completely. It really brought the look together.

Her pom-poms were plucked out of her bag before it was tossed casually into the corner, without a thought for her phone or all the valuable prosecutor data contained within it, and she struck a pose. Cheer Slave Sae was here and ready to begin!

Though as she took a breath to start, there was a sudden interruption from her Master.

“You don’t find anything weird about this?”

Sae blinked at him. What a strange question. “Weird about what, Master?” Everything was completely normal as far as she was concerned.

Still, her answer seemed to satisfy him, at least judging by his grin. “Never mind. Continue.”

The Cheer Slave nodded, breathing in once more. And then…

“Work it Shake it Rah rah rah

Master is the best by far!”

The cheering began. With a wink, a smile and a flourish, the glamorous prosecutor spun in place and fluttered her poms, dancing in the café lounge with a skill and grace that would have surprised anyone who knew her in her other career.

“Quiet by day by night a thief,

He’s the coolest, he's the chief!

Solving crimes and stealing hearts

He's got the skills he's got the smarts!”

Honestly, most might have found this kind of cheering embarrassing, but Sae put so much earnest effort and energy into every moment as she punched the air and kicked out her legs, that it was easy to just get swept up in the show. There was real passion in her cheers – and real devotion in her gaze, whenever she gave her audience of one a glance.

“But most of all right on the dot

He's really really really hot!”


Instantly, the silver haired prosecutor froze in place, one leg still kicked up to the side, her poms locked mid shake. She stared at her Master in askance, wondering what he’d called out for.

His command made it all too clear. “Sexier.” He was smirking, basking in the power he had over her.

Ahhh. She had been keeping things a bit basic to start off, hadn’t she? Well then…


Sae spun around, bending over to pressing her poms against her knees and shaking her proud posterior in her Master’s direction, her skirt fluttering and tempting.

“See me shake and see me swoon

I need to get you in me soon!”

She kicked out her legs and turned with a wink, folding her arms behind her head to shove her chest forward, and to give two of her bigger assets a little time in the spotlight as well – her top straining tight.

“I feel the heat I feel the need

You gotta fill me with your seed!”

Master chuckled, filling the Cheer Slave with delight. He was enjoying this! Now, if only he’d take her up on her offer, and settle this heat between her legs…

“Is that all you’ve got? Come on now Sae, I know you can do more than that…”

Oh, he wanted more? Very well then. The sharp, decisive mind and burning need to win that had gotten her past the bar exam before she’d even left school took hold. Master wanted more? She could give more!

She strutted forward with a smirk of her own, thrusting her chest right into Master’s face.

“See these tits they’re naught but jiggle~”

And then she guided his hands to slide around her ass, bouncing it between his palms.

“See these hips can’t help but wiggle~”

Her face wasright next to his as she leaned in to kiss his cheer, before almost moaning in his ear.

“My lips are plump and set to suck~”

Her legs pressed around his, her skirt riding up as she bounced up his thigh.

“My cunt spread wide just right to fuck~”

Then with a giggle, she kissed him again and slid backwards.

“And now I’ll sink down to my knees…”

In contrast to her words, the silver haired cheerleader spread her arms wide, before jumping and performing a textbook summersault, landing with her legs in a perfect split, her head now level with her Master’s crotch, the hunger in her eyes clear as day.

“Won’t you come and fuck me please?”

And then, for the longest, most dreadful moment, there was silence. She looked up at him, her expression desperate, her chest heaving as the heat within grew too hot to be controlled. Andhe stared down at her, rubbing his chin, thinking, considering…

“Oh why not.” Before finally giving in. “Come on, slave – let’s practice your routines in the bedroom.”

Ah! Sae’s face lit up as she hopped to her feet. Oh, she was so happy she could cheer! But that would mean less time in the bedroom, so she held in her excitement, grabbed Master’s hand, and quickly led him towards the back of the shop – only slightly delaying herself to pepper him with kisses, because she just couldn’t help herself. What a wonderful day to be a Cheer Slave~

And as they ascended the stairs towards his private room, Joker had to admit – while it had made the interrogation section of their plan a little complicated, using that brainwashing spell on Sae’s shadow had been 100% worth it.


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