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Hey folks!

Well, I'm still waiting for my body to recover fully and allow me to write at the speed I used to. If this continues, I'll have to delay my full return for another month - something I definitely wanted to avoid doing, but I'm not being left much choice. Getting sick is the worst, as all of this has reminded me.

But, in the meantime, here, another delayed short to hopefully entertain you while I continue trying to sort this all out. Hope you enjoy!


Request: Continuing off ending A of the CYOA, Raikou and Suzuka investigate the disappearance of BB by confronting Koyan. However, they’ll soon find the brainwashed AI and join her in mind-melting servitude in the growing ranks of the NFF and Koyan’s pets.

To those on the outside, life in Chaldea must have seemed incredibly hectic – or it would have, if there was anyone alive outside Chaldea left to judge. The singularities, the events, the lost belts, the careful balance of insane servants and crazy powers… Surely this was more than anyone could feasibly take! Survival in a place like that must be a desperate battle, a scathing cling to life against all odds and opposition!

But no. The residents of Chaldea, whether they be hero, villain, or simple human, all knew the truth. All of that stuff was standard. Easy, by now. They were all pretty used to the life-or-death stakes, and as long as you weren’t the last Master of humanity (who was worryingly well adjusted to everything, considering) you generally didn’t have to worry too much for your own safety.

No, the most dangerous times weren’t the loud events, or the desperate plunges into unknown territory. The most dangerous times were when any of the usual suspects, the troublemakers, the mischief makers, or the outright sadistic monsters, got quiet. That was when you knew you were in danger.

And now suspect number one on all of those lists had dropped off radar. BB, the digital demon, and the cause of at least half of the therapy bills in Chaldea, had vanished, and no one knew where she’d gone – or, much more worryingly, what she was up to. Now there was a sentence that kept the heroes of Chaldea up at night!

Such a situation could not be left to fester – at least, not according to two of the more proactive Servants currently active within the halls of humanity’s last hope. Or… Well, according to one of them, anyway.

“Seriously, why bother looking for her? If she’s gone, I say good riddance! That girl was a total bummer, y’know. Getting a vaycay from that busty ball of crazy should be, like, any Servants dream!” Fluffy ears twitched, poking through a long blonde mane as Suzuka Gozen folded her arms behind her head, casually strutting through the corridors of Chaldea alongside her far more tense partner. “And I was totally in the middle of watching my shows when you barged in and dragged me out here, that was rude AF, y’know.”

“I do apologise for the inconvenience,” the purple haired woman at her side said with a gentle smile. “But it’s absolutely necessary.”

Suzuka quirked an eyebrow, her fluffy tail swishing behind her. “That so?”

The woman nodded. “Certainly. After all.” Her eyes flashed, suddenly deadly serious, and for a moment the foxgirl thought she was about to get beheaded. “We can’t let her go about causing trouble for my dear child, can we?”

Ah. Right.

Hm. The blonde haired kind-of-kitsune bit weighed up her options. On the one hand, this was Minamoto no Raikou being crazy, as per usual. Being summoned as a Beserker had done absolutely nothing for the famous Hero’s sanity, and she’d already been plenty weird back when she was alive. On the other hand, this was Minamoto no Raikou being crazy – which meant unless you wanted to lose your head, or worse, be guilted by a sudden flood of mom!tears, you just went along with whatever she said. Bitch may be crazy, Suzuka thought very, very quietly inside her own head, but she’s strong all the same. Best to just ride this out. They’d do a quick search of Chaldea, hopefully find nothing, and then get on with their lives. Or, you know, afterlives. Whatever.

And yeah, even when you were actually looking for her, you never really wanted to find BB.

“Why’d you pick me tho?” Suzuka asked, tail still swishing as they peered into an empty room. “Not gunna lie, I kinda of assumed you hated me, what with the whole… y’know, the thing.” The ‘thing’ being that she was technically an Oni, even if she didn’t really act like them. Still, it was well known how Raikou felt about Oni…

“Well, you have been getting rather close to our Master lately…” Oh. Uh oh. The blonde eyed her companion nervously as the taller woman smiled sweetly. “So I thought I’d better assess your skills personally and make sure that you’re a suitable playmate. You are a famous slayer of Oni, after all.”

Phew. Okay. That wasn’t too bad…

“And if it turns out you’re no good, I’ll simply swat you like an insect and be done with it~”

Ulp. Yep, said without even the slightest flicker in her smile. That was Raikou for you. There really was no dealing with a Beserker, was there? Hm, if it came down to a fight, Suzuka knew it’d be a bad matchup for her. Maybe she could win, but… Well, best not to test it.

“’Kay! I’ll, uh, try not to let you down, Miss Master’s Mom!”

Raikou blinked, and then her smile widened with delight, her hand pressed against her chest. “Oh my, so respectful! Maybe you’ll be acceptable after all…”

Haaaah. There. That would probably keep the woman sated. Everyone knew that it was her fondest wish to be acknowledged as Master’s mother, and flattery would get you everywhere. Oh yes, don’t let the schoolgirl outfit and flighty way of speaking fool you, Suzuka Gozen was one sharp cookie – y’know, when she wasn’t distracted taking selfies or whatever.

Now, she decided with a sigh of relief, opening the next room, it was just a matter of not finding BB…

Unfortunately, the all too familiar giggle that emerged from beyond the dark door smashed those hopes to smithereens. There was no mistaking that voice. The foxgirl’s head shot around to look at her partner . Maybe she hadn’t heard, maybe she could just keep walking and pretend-!

But no. Raikou’s gaze was fixed firmly on the shadows past the threshold, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword. “So this is where the little menace has been hiding. Very well. Let us drag her out into the light.” And with that, she stepped inside.

Freakin’ Beserkers, man… For a moment, naturally, Suzuka considered hightailing it then and there, bolting while she still had her ears and tail attached. But doing that would definitely get her qualified as an insect to be smushed, and you could never assume you’d ever seen the last of a Hero like Raikou. Damnit…

“Ugh.” She snapped a quick selfie on her phone and checked her makeup. “I might be doomed, but at least I look fabulous.”


Then, sighing deep and making sure that all three of her swords were ready for action, the foxgirl charged in after her partner.

The room was silent when they entered, and even to a Servant’s eyes that shadows were pitch black. It looked to be one of the many dozens – if not hundreds – of store rooms that Chaldea maintained across the complex, their individual locations and purposes known only to Da Vinci. Whatever this one was for, it apparently needed a lot of shelves – the place was seemingly a maze of narrow passages and twisting corners.

Naturally, Raikou plunged in without a second glance, her confident stride carrying her forward so fast that Suzuka had to hurry to not lose sight of her. The door clicking shut behind her only gave the blonde Saber a single wincing moment of hesitation. Between the two of them, she was reasonably sure, they could deal with whatever BB was up to. Her as the brains, her partner as the brawn. Yeah, the AI was a menace, but she wouldn’t go too far, right?

Then they turned a corner, and the lights slammed on all around them, every wall covered in bright shining TV screens, and Suzuka remembered that BB didn’t know the meaning of ‘too far’. And as if to confirm it, the dreaded bell-like music began to play, the chimes dancing in their ears and ringing through their brains…

“It’s time for everybody’s favourite show, NFF Channel!”

Huh? The foxgirl blinked, looking around in surprise as Raikou glared at the screens. That wasn’t right. Surely it was supposed to be…?

But no, when the ‘show’s logo flashed up on screen, it confirmed what she’d heard. ‘NFF Channel’ was written in BB’s normal font, though now instead of the AI’s sinister silhouette, the title was flanked by the image of curling fox tails. And then it flashed to a very familiar studio, and-

“What the hecking hell?”

“As if you couldn’t make it any clearer what kind of a harlot you are!”

The two servants used different words, but their reactions were the same. And who could blame them? Suzuka had meant it when she thought BB didn’t know what ‘too far’ meant, but even she wasn’t expecting the purple haired AI to show herself on screen without even a single scrap of clothing on! Plus, holy crap, had her boobs always been that big? Was she trying to compete with Passionlip or something?!

“Wait, something’s wrong…” The foxgirl’s sword materialised in her hand as she felt the telltale signs of a trap. “What’s with her face? She looks, like, totally vapid, y’know…?”

It was true. Normally, BB’s expression was one of either bright cheer or sinister intent – but right now, all it said about her was brainless bimbo. Her smile was mindlessly bright, and her eyes were swirling in a strange, almost hypnotic kind of way…

“Welcome, Intruders!” The AI giggled, her chest bouncing proudly on the monitors. “Please stand by for a personal greeting from our most wonderous and perfect CEO!”

The pair of Servants blinked, unsure what to make of this new attitude. There wasn’t a trace of BB’s usual sadism or biting comments – she sounded more like the kind of automated greeter you’d get at a company reception than a cunning Servant in her own right. For the first time, the two were forced to wonder if the AI’s disappearance perhaps hadn’t been her setting up for one of her schemes…

And then a moment later, the question they were just barely starting to ask was answered, as BB’s busty and brainless image was replaced by the sneering image of Koyanskaya.

“Well well well,” the smirking fox leered down at them both from every angle. “If it isn’t the most miss-matched pair of Servant snoops I’ve ever seen~ The oni-slayer and the oni-slayer! Now why could it be that you’d wander into my little old lair? Are you looking to be hired by NFF? We are recruiting right now~”

If she was hoping to intimidate the two Servants, though, she reckoned without the willpower of Minamoto no Raikou. “Silence!” The Berserker glared, pointing her blade at the screen ahead of them. “Enough of your nonsense. Explain what you’ve done, now, or I’ll unleash the wrath of the heavens down upon you all.”

There really was no arguing with Berserkers.

“I mean it’s not like we’re that desperate to get her back, y’know?” Suzuka peered around her more imposing partner. “So as long as you’re not up to anything too nefarious, it’s not like we care.”

Koyanskaya chuckled to herself, eyes glinting. “Oh, but you’ve come all this way! The least I can do is give you a demonstration…” She snapped her fingers. “Hey, Bimbo Tits! Why don’t you give these two the special introductory video you prepared for new hires? I’m sure they’ll find it fascinating~”

“Yes Mistress!” BB reappeared on screen. “Now playing Index Function, by the Matherholics-”

“No!” The fox’s amused attitude disappeared, replaced with pure irritation. “Introduction! I said Introduction! Tch, stupid AI. Maybe I really did scrub too much of your brains-”

Her complaint was cut off as the screens suddenly flashed bright, and then filled with purple and white spirals. Both Servants blinked in surprise, their brows furrowing – Raikou’s in anger at the bizarre ploy, Suzuka’s in confusion as she tried to work out what the point of this was. But even as they both moved to voice their displeasure, they discovered that they shared the same problem.

They couldn’t move.

No, to their shock, they couldn’t twitch so much as a muscle. Their eyes stayed rooted on the spiral in front of them, and so their heads stayed fixed in place, pointing forward, and their bodies refused to budge lest they shake themselves away from the view in front of them. It was a sudden and complete betrayal of their forms that caught them completely off guard.

Another chuckle echoed around them. “So kind of you to stand around listening to my dumb little program’s music while it softened up your brains for the real deal~ I can already tell you’re prime recruitment fodder!”

Both Servants tried to retort, tried to break free of whatever malicious magic had caught hold of them, but the most they could do was shudder as the music grew louder, the spirals pulsing in front of them. Try as they might, they were thoroughly trapped, and both could feel the smug Servant’s tendrils burrowing into them.

Raikou’s eye twitched, her grip slowly tightening on her sword. This… This insolence would be punished. She could overcome this. It was just another trick by an opponent who thought entirely too much of herself. Oh yes, she’d encountered plenty of those during her lifetime. All that mattered was keeping her focus. Yes. She focused on the spiral. Watched intently as it twisted and swirled. Let it fill her vision, and then her mind, her iron focus sinking deep into its depths…

Meanwhile, Suzuka’s mind was running like a racehorse. Yes, sharp cookie that she was, the foxgirl/schoolgirl combo girl had immediately discarded the idea of brute forcing her way out of this one, and was instead trying to come up with a more intelligent solution. Surely this couldn’t be as simple as it appeared? The foxy secretary of doom wasn’t seriously trying to hypnotise them, was she? There was no way! But then, why couldn’t she move, if not for that? She had to take this seriously, as the attack on her brain that it was! In which case, she had to protect her mind at all costs, and then strike back when the opportunity presented itself. Yes, she just had to watch carefully, and wait for her chance. Watch and wait. Watch and wait. Watch and… And…

“Nnnhhuuhhh…” The blonde’s eyes slowly became lidded as Raikou’s jaw began to hang slack. Both Servants were swaying slightly, their eyes starting to swirl with purple highlights. But it was nothing to worry about. They knew what to do. They just had to… They just had to…

… To do something about how horny they were feeling! Oh wow, how had they not noticed before? Heated feelings of lust and desire were bubbling up inside them like a pair of volcanoes about to go off. So distracting… They had to do something about this right now, or else there was no way they’d be able to escape this trap!

Eyes swirling even faster, her pupils vanishing behind the purple light, Raikou’s lips quirked up into a horny smile as her sword dropped to the ground with a clang, forgotten as her hands slid eagerly into her pants. At her side, Suzuka had carelessly thrown her own blades over her shoulder, and now was passionately exploring her chest, kneading her breasts together with abandon as her spiralling eyes rolled up in her head, her tongue hanging out of her mouth carelessly, tail wagging frantically behind her.

But just as the wet, horny heat was building up to a climax…

“Mental defences at 0%! Engaging full power brain blast!” BB’s chipper, brainless voice rang out through the room.

Both Servants blinked again. Wait, wha-?

The room suddenly flooded with white light, every screen emitting a blinding pulse of power that slammed straight into the undefended Servant’s minds, and-


Both women howled in delight as their brains poppedin a burst of pleasure that sent them straight over the edge, juices squirting down their legs as they came harder than they’d ever cum in their lives. As one, their hands dropped limp to their sides, tongues lolling out, eyes completely filled with purple spirals. And if there could be any doubt left about their current state, it was swiftly erased as their chests burst out of their tops, breasts swelling to triple their original size as they drank down all the power that had once been their minds.

Where once had stood two powerful Servants, now stood only brainless bimbos.

And there they would remain, their empty heads heedless of everything around them as the screens finally went dark, and the echoing sound of footsteps began to approach. Even when Koyanskaya stepped up between them, her tails curling around their busty forms possessively as she inspected their proudly displayed goods, they didn’t so much as flinch. They just stood there, smiling mindlessly, without a single thought bouncing around in their skulls.

“Well, I suppose if there’s anything you can do right, it’s make more bimbos like yourself,” the fox-woman muttered to her phone, where her busty bimbo AI giggled, pleased to be praised so. “Now, let’s get them properly programmed for their new roles…”

With no further ado, the CEO produced two pink ipods – both with swirling purple spirals on their screens – and slid them into the receptive hands of her new minions. “You,” she giggled as she slid one pod’s earplugs into Suzuka’s fluffy ears, “are going to be my new social media manager! Don’t worry, you barely need a brain for that, and I think that super computer noble phantasm of yours will be perfect for spamming everyone’s accounts with NFF goodies. And as for you…” She spun over to Raikou, sliding the other pod’s plugs into place too. “You get the honour of being one of my recruiters. This company has a lot of positions left to fill, and you’re just the right kind of insane to do it – with a bit of tweaking~ I’m thinking we turn that weird mom thing of yours into more of a strict teacher vibe, what do you say?”

Raikou, of course, just drooled onto her tits.

“Perfect!” Koyanskaya clapped her hands in delight, and then snapped her fingers. Obediently, the bimbified copies of BB in the ipods activated, and began playing sweet, subliminal-laden music directly into the stunned Servant’s souls. Soon, honied words were echoing through their heads, taking the place of their obliterated thoughts, and guiding them down the path of their new lives as NFF recruits.

It was super effective. In moments, everything about Minamoto no Raikou and Suzuka Gozen was being reshaped – their minds, their memories, even their appearances. Their ripped outfits were reforming, restitching over their exposed chests, melting threads and armor mixing together to create a new set of uniforms – a white jacket, skirt, and hat, all lined with pink trim: The uniform of the NFF.

“Now that’s what I like to see…” Koyanskaya smirked, taking in the view as her new spiral eyed minions straightened up, a glint of… Well, not intelligence, exactly, but obedience, at least, returning to their gazes. “Ready to go earn some record breaking profits?”

“Yes, Boss!” Both Servants saluted smartly, their voices rich with adoration for the woman in front of them.

The CEO grinned. “Wonderful. Well then. Let’s get to work~”

Yep – this would definitely be one of the more dangerous days to work at Chaldea…


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