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Hey folks.

Things seem to be calming down around here, and hopefully my condition is improving, but man, I have learned to avoid making promises on that front. Still going to keep working on it, and in the meantime, here's another short!


Request: A music fan decides to play her favourite rock band's records backwards to search for hidden messages. Unfortunately, it turns out that rock music really can corrupt the youth when played backwards - into literal demons, that is.

Stella Rosenway was everything that a quiet family could want in a daughter. Prim, proper, respectful and graceful, she was kind, temperate, and always ready with a reassuring smile. It was hard to find fault with her at all, even as she’d grown from a golden child into a fully bloomed teen. The best anyone could do – parent, teacher, even her friends at school – was criticize her MILD perfectionist streak, since she was always so determined to do the best she could in any situation… But really, they all knew that was just complaining because she did too well.

If there was anyone who could find flaw in everyone’s favourite, though, it was Tamara Evans – who felt she was as far from being any kind of ‘golden child’ as one could possibly be. The high school’s resident delinquent, her family could never have been described as quiet, and by her late teens she was regularly waking up the rest of her home street with early morning screaming matches with her parents. The latest one had been over her cutting her hair short and dying it blue, which she thought was her colour. Her folks had disagreed. So had the school, but she didn’t care – everyone knew she was flunking her final school year. She hadn’t bothered handing in any homework for the past three semesters.

Thus, when she was assigned a group project with Stella towards the end of term, she was already anticipating with dark amusement the excuses that the top student would use to get her reassigned. There was, after all, no way that the famous Stella Rosenway would ever lower herself to work with someone like her. What would it be, she wondered. Would Stella say Tamara made her ‘feel uncomfortable’? Maybe she’d even lie and say she’d been threatened! Eh, whatever, it wasn’t like she cared about any of this stuff. Miss Perfect could say whatever she wanted, as long as she didn’t-

- Sit right next to her, what the hell?

“Hello.” Stella greeted the wide eyed punk with a bright smile, brushing her long blonde hair back over her shoulders as she settled into her new seat. “I’m sorry, we’ve never spoken much, have we? I’m Stella. I guess we’ll be working together! I hope I won’t slow you down too much.”

“Uh.” Tamara blinked. What was with this girl? Wasn’t she even the slightest bit nervous? Didn’t she know who she was? “Don’t think there’s much risk of that, Princess, don’t worry.”

“Princess?” The blonde’s brow furrowed in slight confusion, but she didn’t complain about the nickname. Instead, she just carried on with some bright cheer. “Well, okay then! So, shall we get started? What’s your favourite song?”

The project was one of those ‘sounds fun until you actually have to do it’ ones, where you were supposed to compose a short piece of music in the style of a famous artist. Tamara just chuckled – wow this girl was naïve. “Mine? Eh, nothing the teachers would approve of. Why not pick one of yours?”

And then she was surprised again when she saw Stella looking… embarrassed? She was glancing away and rubbing the back of her neck. “Uh, well, music… isn’t really my thing, you know? I don’t have a favourite. But I’m sure yours will do just fine!” She smiled again. “What’s the harm in trying, right?”

Oh boy. Now that almost got a full laugh out of her. “You might be surprised. But hey, don’t take my word for it.” She plucked her mp3 player from her pocket, headphones and all, offering it to her temporary partner. “Have a listen and see what you think.”

“Oh, thank you!” Again, the blonde flashed a sweet smile, plugging the headphones into her ears. Slowly, her thumb crept towards the play button. “I’m sure it will be- Oh!”

Her eyes widened as Tamara heard the faint sound of her music playing even from one seat over. “O-Oh my, um- Is it supposed to be this loud?

Tam chuckled and reached out to take her music player back. “Yeah, that’s kind of rock’s whole thing. Don’t worry, I figured you wouldn’t- huh?”

She paused, looking down at her hand – or rather, at Stella’s hand, which had just snapped out and locked around her wrist, stopping her from taking the player back.

“I didn’t say…” The blonde muttered, her gaze distant, yet oddly focused. “That I didn’t like it…”


That day, as it turned out, would be the start of an entirely unexpected friendship between the class dropout and the teacher’s darling. Tamara found herself enjoying Stella’s curious but earnest company, while something about the blue haired girl was apparently irresistible to the blonde. The two found themselves chatting all the way through the next class, and all the way home. The next day, Stella had been waiting for Tamara at the school gates, and… Well, that was that, really. The two were, for lack of any other term, ‘besties’.

Neither of them had ever had one of those before. Oh, Stella had many friend groups, and many girls clamouring to be her best friend, but she’d never really connected with any of them like this. And Tamara, well, she’d always been a loner before now. Any best friends she’d had were long ago and several schools in the past. Until now, anyway.

Something just clicked. The two could talk to each other about anything, and the words would just flow. It was just comfortable like that. After a single day, they felt like they’d known one another for a lifetime.

Which wasn’t to say that everyone else approved of their new friendship. Actually, it would be much more accurate to say that no one did. Parents, teachers, even other students all found the connection unacceptable, and frequently intruded to drag the pair apart. Stella had protested this quietly, in the way that her good girl nature allowed. Tamara had protested it significantly louder, and ended up with detention.

After that, it had gotten a bit trickier to see each other – requiring them to sneak around everyone else and meet up in places where they wouldn’t be interrupted. But Tamara was used to that kind of thing – and she quickly learned that Stella was a very fast learner. She also learned that the girl was unbelievably sheltered.

It was kinda cute.

“Why do all the boys like her milkshake so much? Is she some kind of famous chef? Why does she sell it in her yard though?”

“I don’t understand why they want to, ah, F-word the police…?”

“Steve Jobs died of what? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of-”

Scratch that, it was adorable. And even more adorable was her insatiable curiosity for learning more about the world. Every sheltered moment was quickly followed by a barrage of respectful but fascinated questions about this entire side of life she’d apparently never encountered. She had an insatiable thirst for learning that only ever seemed to lead to even more questions…

And that was how they ended up trying the stupid backwards music thing.

“Subliminal messages?” Stella blinked. “What do you mean?”

Tamara just laughed. The pair were hanging out at her house – alone, of course. There was no chance of her parents coming home any time soon. “It’s this stupid idea that a bunch of old idiots got in their heads some years back about how rock bands and whatever recording messages backwards in their songs to brainwash kids into listening to their music. It was just an excuse they came up with for why it was all so popular when they didn’t like it.”

“They didn’t like it? Why not? It all sounds so cool!”

Goddamn that blonde was adorable sometimes. “Not everyone’s as open minded as you, Stel,” Tamara snorted. “It was new and different, so they came up with a bunch of bullshit to try and justify getting rid of it.”

“Awh.” Her friend’s shoulders sank, her lips pouting. “I wanted to listen to the secret messages. It sounds really fun!”

“Eh.” The punk shrugged. “Honestly, if you actually listen to a track backwards, all you get is gibberish. If you’re trying really hard you can make out stuff that sounds like words, but that’s just because you’re trying to listen for it. There’s nothing really there.”

“Oh?” And suddenly the blonde was scooched up next to her. “Soooo you’ve listened to one?”

“W-well, yeah, I mean…” Hoo, this girl was even cuter up close. What the hell. Where did all these butterflies in her stomach come from? And- Oh no. Oh no. She was using the puppy dog eyes…! “Ngh! F-fine, fine, I’ll set one up for you, put those things away!”

Stella’s smile lit up the room. “Great! Thank you Tammy – I can’t wait~”

Shoving a bunch of awkward questions that the punk was notready to ask about herself aside, Tamara got the computer in her rom set up, speakers already primed for their loudest volume. The only thing left to pick was… “What song do you want to listen to?”

“Hm. Oh, how about this one?” Stella pointed to a new track in Tamara’s collection – an indy band that had just hit the charts recently that she had ben curious about. “They look cool!”

Well, they did… kinda. Honestly, Tamara found the look of their cover pretty generic, personally. It was just a red skinned succubus beckoning to the viewer. But Stel didn’t have anywhere near as much experience with this stuff as she did. And the blonde’s choice was pretty surprising. “Slut Bash? Really?” She grinned. “I had no idea you’d be into that kind of music.”

“Wh-what?!” Stella turned a charming shade of red. “I- I thought that said Slot Bash! W-well maybe not them, I guess…”

“Ooooh no, I’m not letting you off the hook.” Tamara selected the song, set it to run backwards, and hovered her finger over the play button. “If the great and wise Stella Rosenway wants to listen to Slut Bash, then Slut Bash she will have!”

“Taammmyyyy!” The blonde whined, but mostly out of nervous embarrassment. Tamara could tell at a glance that, once again, her friend’s curiosity was starting to leak out. “W-well, maybe one track…”

“Heh, sure thing, Princess~” She hit play.

And was surprised when the sound that flooded her room sounded actually coherent. No, more than coherent – actually… good? Most songs got pretty… iffy, when played backwards, but this one was as smooth as silk. The notes, the tune… It almost sounded like it was meant to run this way. The song was just as hot as it had been the other way around, with pulsing base and prickling guitar riffs. It was the lyrics that really shocked her though. They… made sense?

I can feel your lust, I can feel your desire

You try to hide your heart in the shell of a liar~

But I can lure you out, charm your true self to be free

Draw that inner flame, show you the demon you should be!

The words tickled at her ears and tingled in her brain. Somehow they felt personal. Directed. As if they were talking to her? No, that was ridiculous. This was just some weird trick track that they’d discovered by accident. But then why did it feel so targeted?

Plus, holy crap, this was way louder than she’d expected. Her room was shaking from the vibrations! Gritting her teeth, the punk reached out to turn her speakers down – only to find that nothing happened. It was just as loud as ever!

“S-sorry, something weird is going on here!” She looked back over her shoulder, giving her friend a nervous smile. “I’ll try to- Wait, Stella? Are you okay?”

The blonde was looking… strange. She had that look on her face again. The distant eyed one she’d had when she first listened to Tamara’s music player. “What are you… Oooohhh…”

“Stella? Hey, Stel, what’s wrong?” Tamara shoved herself out of her seat to rush to her friend’s side, only to stop at the last moment as the blonde giggled, her face turning a blushing red.

“This music…” She whispered, a smile growing on her lips. “It’s so… goooooood~” She was starting to breathe hard now, her arms hugging her body, hands roaming and stroking her sides. “Can’t you hear it~?”

It was hard to hear anything else! But now that Tamara listened, there were some more lyrics whispering in her ears…


She shuddered, the word echoing in her skull – and Stella moaned, her eyes glazing over as her hands gravitated to her chest. Eagerly, they started to squeeze and grope – clumsy at first, but with swiftly gathering skill – and with every touch, her breasts seemed to swell, growing larger, rounder, heavier, until her white top was starting to strain to hold them in, the outline of her nipples pressed firm and hard through the cloth.

Tam stood watching with wide eyes. She couldn’t look away.


“Mmmn… Ah!” Another moan spilled from slowly plumping lips, and one of Stella’s hands dipped from her chest, slithering down her body in a flash to plunge under her skirt. “Ooh!” The gasp of pleasure that followed said everything about what she found beneath – and the wet sounds that came next informed what she planned to do about it. Her blush was growing deeper, spreading across her cheeks and down her neck.

Tam licked her suddenly dry lips.


Her hands sped up, her moans growing louder, her smile spreading wider, her blush turning deeper, redder, spreading further…

W-wait, should her skin be looking that red? And, and what was happening to her breasts? Her top was actually starting to tear, they were getting so big, and her skirt starting to rip too. What was going on? Tamara tried to reach out, tried to break this strange illusion… But all she could do was watch as the beat played through her ears.


The sounds of tearing cloth were lost under the pounding music, but the sight of Stella’s white top and black skirt being shredded to pieces burned itself into Tamara’s eyes, her friend’s now incredibly curvy body bare for all to see after all of her clothing fell away. And not only did that mean her incredibly large chest and wonderfully wet looking nethers were revealed, but so too was the red colour that had seeped through her skin, staining her a bright crimson red from head to toe. Nor was that the only colour change, as Stella’s lovely blonde locks began to turn black from the roots on down, and her eyes took on a healthy green glow. And… Was that a tail, peaking out from behind her…?

Fuck her!

Wrenching herself around, Tamara stumbled towards her computer. She had to- She had to turn this music off! She could already feel it trying to wind around her thoughts, trying to tempt her into following after Stella’s path, but she had to resist! Whatever was happening, she had to put an end to it, before it went too far and changed them permanently. She had to save her friend, she had to save Stella-!

But before she could reach out for the controls, a red spaded tail snapped out and locked around her wrist, stopping her in her tracks.

“I didn’t say stop,” whispered a painfully familiar, and yet softly seductive voice in her ear. Large, round breasts pressed against her back, feeling oddly warm. Hot arms wrapped around her waist, playful hands cupping over her chest. “In fact… I think you should take another listen~”

Tamara gasped as her clothes disintegrated into ash around her – and then moaned as the tail unwrapped from her wrist and plunged between her legs, taloned fingers massaging her breasts. The music was still playing, still slithering in through her ears – but none of it felt anywhere near as seductive as the demonic creature playing her body like a fiddle.

“Just give in, Tammy~” That wonderful purr vibrated across the back of her neck. “We’ll have so much fun~”

She really didn’t need to ask. Tamara could feel herself starting to slip. Already, her top was growing tight, and she could see her skin starting to darken.

She knew blue was her colour.

“I can’t believe…” She moaned, her hips starting to thrust on their own as her eyes rolled up in her head. “They thought I’d… be a corrupting influence on you!

“I learn fast~” A forked tongue licked her cheek. “Let me show you what I’ve studied~”

Fair enough, Tamara decided as her top ripped and her jeans shredded, her tail growing out to stroke between her red friend’s legs. Who was she to resist an offer like that?

And as Tama’rah and Stel’la fell upon one another in a whirlwind of curves and smooth, succubus flesh, looking very much like the cover art for the band, the song continued to play…

Oh yeah, Slut Bash had definitely made a new pair of lifelong fans. They’d march into hell for a concert ticket for these guys, though they’d much rather hell came marching to them. It was a really good hidden track! They needed to make sure other people could appreciate it. Hm, maybe over the school intercom system? Now that’d be fun~

Maybe the idea of subliminal songs wasn’t so stupid after all.



Another home run from you.