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Hey folks.

Right, if all has gone to plan, this is being posted up at the right time. Unfortunately I can't be keeping an eye on the scheduler right now, since today I have to be at the opposite end of the country attending a funeral. Hopefully once I get back I'll have a lot more free time to get things sorted - preperations for all this have been taking up a lot of space this past month (And are part of why I'm in a rush writing this.)

Best of luck all - I'll see you next week, hopefully.


Request: Continuing the train of Chihiro turning his female classmates into  bimbos, this time he turns Sakura and Aoi into his brain drained  Ultimate Brainless Bodyguards to protect him just in case any of the  others discover them.

Chihiro Fujisaki was having a strange week. Turning  three of your classmates into bimbos who worshiped your every step  would do that kind of thing. Having a bunch of horny brainless slaves  who wanted nothing more than to fuck your brains out in your room made  it pretty difficult to get anything else done! Not that he regretted a  second of it, of course – this had been the best week of his life. But  he really needed to get his work sorted – covering his tracks, altering  school records, lightly brainwashing the school staff… Basically, making  sure that no one was ever going to try to take his new harem away. The  Ultimate Bimbo, Cocksucker, and Airhead all belonged to him now, and  they were much happier with that than with anything they’d been doing  before he’d brainwashed them, he was sure. He certainly was!

In  the end he’d developed a small rota. Every hour one of the girls got to  sit under his skirt and suck him off while he wrote code on his  computer, while the other two could quietly play with each other over on  the bed. It was still a rather distracting system, but it worked! The  girls were all eager to obey his every whim, so that wasn’t a problem,  and having one of them tending to his cock while he worked certainly  helped him keep his hormones under control. Mostly.

Mukuro  was really living up to her new title, though – good lord, those lips  could suck the soul out of a god. Admittedly, when it was her turn to  kneel under his desk, he didn’t get a lot done. Junko was much easier –  she was more of a generalist bimbo now – and Kyoko, well, she was just  too dumb to do anything but what she was told. All three certainly had  their own unique twists, even if they were all bimbos now.

Still,  Chihiro couldn’t help but worry that even with all of his precautions,  someone would try to take these bimbos away from him. It was just his  nature, he was a fretter. Capable of absolutely amazing things,  certainly, but always kind of expecting things to go wrong all the same.  The girls had done absolute wonders for his confidence though. Enough  so that he’d decided not to wait around for things to break down – he  was going to get out ahead of things. He was going to build defences. He  was going to make sure that he and his harem were guarded from every  threat imaginable.

He was going to get some bodyguards.

And  not just any bodyguards. He was going to get the absolute best  bodyguards that had ever existed. The Ultimate Bodyguards, in fact.

Wait,  was there already… Oh there was. Wow, there really was an Ultimate for  everything, huh? Okay then, amend that – he was going to make the  Ultimate Bimbo Bodyguards. All good? Good.

And he already had the perfect pair of candidates for the position in mind…


“Don’t worry Sakura, you’ll enjoy this one. I just know it!”

The  taller student couldn’t help but chuckle at her friend’s enthusiasm as  she stepped into the dorm room, even if she personally had her doubts.  “I don’t know. I’ve not really watched many romance movies before…”  Truth be told, she had always been rather curious about them, but she’d  felt they conflicted too much with her goal of being the strongest  person in the world to watch any.

“You’ve been  missing out!” Aoi Asahina – Hina to those who knew her – giggled as she  grinned up at her friend. “Trust me, you’re in for a treat. Chihiro  helped me pick this one out specially!” She held up a DVD. “It’s  supposed to be all about a love triangle between a pair of bodyguards  and their client! I hear it's really sweet~!”

“Uh.”  Sakura Ogami rubbed the back of her neck nervously – an amusing  gesture, given she was a 6 foot 4 giant of a woman, with muscles that  could break a school bus in half with their merest flex. That movie  didn’t sound like a very sweet situation to her, but then, she really  didn’t know much about these girly things. “Well… I mean… I guess we  could give it a try…?”

“Yes!” Her smaller friend cheered happily. “We’re gunna have a proper girls night in! This’ll be great!”

Why was she so excited? Well…

If  one were to judge solely by appearances, they’d have no choice but to  think that these two couldn’t have been more different if they tried.  Sakura was a tall, well-muscled woman far beyond the average of anyone  around her, while Hina was small and lithe, her figure well suited to  shooting through the water like a harpoon. And yet despite that, they  truly were the best of friends – both of them driven by inner fire to  improve themselves and become the best at what they did. Hina’s cheerful  and chatty attitude fitted perfectly with Sakura’s more reticent  nature, and the Ultimate Swimmer had easily seen through the  intimidating aura that came with being the Ultimate Martial Artist to  the soft hearted girl beneath. The pair had been inseparable since the  day they first met. And the smaller member of the duo was all too eager  to share all of her interests with the bigger one!

Hence  her eagerly beckoning Sakura over to take a seat on the couch beside  her, having already skipped straight over to the TV to slot the disk in.  The screen was already starting to light up as the pair sat back, one  eager, one hesitant but curious, looking forward to the show.

The  pink and black spiral that suddenly snapped into focus in the show’s  place, however, was not what either of them were expecting. The colours  flashed, bright enough to almost sear the pair’s vision, leaving strange  afterimages and flickering words printed on their pupils. It was a  dazzling display – but certainly not the movie they’d been promised.

“Uh.” Sakura blinked, her brow furrowing. “Is that… normal?”

She  didn’t get an answer. If the martial artist had looked to her side,  she’dve seen why – a spiral eyed Aoi Asahina was already drooling onto  her top, her shoulders slumped, her jaw slack. But she didn’t look to  her side – her eyes were firmly fixed on the screen, unable to pull  away. Which was why, after a few more seconds, there were two slumped  athletes on the couch, both drooling mindlessly as pink and black swirls  filled their gaze…


The  pair opened their eyes, only for them both to rear back a step when  their vision was filled by a set of dark offering hands. Each palm had a  pink earpiece balanced atop them, with long curly wires leading down  into a pair of micro-transceivers.

“Here!” A  familiar cheerful voice filled their ears, coming from the figure  presenting their gifts. A shadowy figure that looked like little more  than pure darkness, set against a neon pink coloured world. Its shape  reminded them both of Chihiro. “These should be everything you need!”

“Uh,  thanks…” Said Hina, who was surprised even herself when she reached up  to take one of the earpieces. “But are you sure about this? I get why  you’d want Sakura to be your bodyguard, but I’m…”

The  words felt natural in her mouth, and as she spoke she could feel her  brain catching up to them. Oh, of course. Chihiro had asked the two of  them to protect him and his friends. Yes, everything made sense here,  nothing weird to dwell on…

“Don’t sell yourself short, Hina~” The figure giggled, before looking up at the other athlete. “You think so too, right Sakura?”

Sakura  blinked uncertainly, still trying to work out what was happening  despite an odd haze in her thoughts. Hadn’t… Hadn’t she just been about  to watch a movie with Hina? But… There had been something about  bodyguards mentioned, hadn’t there? “I…”

“See,  she agrees!” The figure seized the moment of hesitation gleefully,  quickly reaching up to pop the earpieces into the pair’s ears. They had  to climb a bit to reach Sakura’s. “Now just listen to these, and they’ll  tell you everything you need to know…”

The  haze seemed to grow thicker over Sakura’s mind as she heard a strange  pulsing beat through the speaker, a weird, intense kind of techo… But  before she could question it, the idea that she even should dissolved  right out of her head. Her arms fell slack at her sides, and she found  herself nodding along with whatever the figure had to say. The pink and  black world around them shimmered with the beat.

“Okay…”  Hina brushed her hair over her new accessory nervously – the growing  haze in her head not quite enough to soothe her yet. “I mean, I guess I  can give it a shot…”

There was a pleasant buzz  from her ear, and the swimmer felt a jolt of joy in her heart. Ooh! Well  maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all. And now that she looked at  them, their client was kind of cute, right…?


There  was a blur of static, and then the two were walking down the pink and  black street, dressed in sharp business suits, smart looking sunglasses  shielding their eyes. The job was clear in their heads, to quietly  shadow their client and his small crowd of busty lovers, who were  walking just ahead. Said client, lovers, and indeed everyone passing on  the street aside from the two of them appeared as simple black  silhouettes, but none the less there was something familiar about the  group of giggling girls flocking around their client that kept bothering  them…

Don’t think about it.

A  pink buzz in their ears distracted the duo’s attention from their  curious thoughts – just in time for them to notice a suspicious car  driving up, a gun muzzle poking out from a wound down window…

Hina  and Sakura flew into motion without a thought, the pulsing beat of  their earpieces guiding their motions. Sakura rushed forward, tackling  the client and their companions to the ground, carefully using her speed  and strength to spare them all from any injuries. Meanwhile Hina  snatched a can of soda from a surprised passer-by and kicked it like a  soccer ball – smashing it straight through the driver’s window and  sending the attacking vehicle careening off course into a near-by lamp  post.

Threat handled.

The  pair blinked, coming back to themselves. Woah. That had been… intense.  How had they done that? Sure, Hina was a star soccer player (she was an  ace at most sports, swimming was just what she was best at), and Sakura  was Sakura, but still, acting without thought like that…?

Don’t think about it.

There  was another burst of pink sparks in their ears, and their confused  expressions melted into dreamy smiles. Without a word, they let their  concerns evaporate, and simply enjoyed the attentions of a suddenly very  grateful bimbos…

And  then before they knew it, the world had changed again. Now they were in  a night club, cast over by shadows and neon light – a terrible place to  try to protect anyone. But their client had insisted that he and his  harem would visit, and there was no arguing with someone who had such a  masterly presence.

So instead, they simply took  up their positions – Sakura near the entrance, Hina near the bar – and  kept watch, arms folded behind their backs, their expressions totally  impassive. This would have been difficult for most people, with so many  distractions around – wow, those bimbos really knew how to dance – but  every time Hina’s eyes flicked, or Sakura’s attention snagged, there’d  just be another burst of pink, and-

Don’t think about it.

So  they didn’t. They just stood in place, their minds slowly settling into  an unthinking emptiness as distractions and stray thoughts were plucked  from their heads one by one. It felt good, and neither bodyguard could  think of any reason to resist. They might have, of course, but that kind  of thought had been among the first to go.

It  was once their shade-hidden gazes were thoroughly blank, and Hina had  spent a good five minutes drooling, that anything else happened. More  shadowy figures appeared, a swarm of them grouping around Mas- around  their client and his friends, their ill intent obvious. And the moment  the threat became clear, the two bodyguards leaped into action once  again.

Sakura was still Sakura, of course. A  single punch from her sent the dark thugs crashing into each other like  pins struck by a bowling ball. But Hina was a surprise. While the  swimmer had always been swift and graceful, here she moved with a  precision that almost matched her partner, sweeping the legs out from  under an attacker who was about to grab one of the bimbos, just as she  punched another in the crotch hard she left an imprint in his pelvis.  Again, they both acted without thought, and with much higher skill than  they should have possessed.

But neither noticed anything was wrong, thanks to a simple musical whisper in their ears.

Don’t think.

And they didn’t.


Another  blur, and now the group had moved on to the bedroom, silhouette  clothing cast off carelessly all over the floor. The bodyguard duo  didn’t really care, their brains still so close to being blissfully  empty, upgrading to completely devoid of thought once they took their  positions near the door. Nothing would stop them from obeying their duty  and protecting their Master.

Though this was a  position soon put to the test, as one of the bimbos was selected to be  Master’s partner tonight… leaving the other two to wander back to their  new guardians, their dark naked skin already glistening in the pink  light. Giggling, the pair bounded up to Hina and Sakura, their horny  desires obvious. But of course, neither guard really noticed.

Don’t think.

Their  heads were empty, their desires nothing more than a distraction. Even  when one of the bimbos leaned in to kiss Hina on the lips, or the other  started to grope Sakura’s chest, there was no reaction.

Not until the programming streaming in through their earpieces changed tone, anyway.


Suddenly,  the pair sprang to life. Hina began to kiss back, wrapping her arms  around the bimbo who’d found her in a tender embrace, stroking her arms  and driving her wild with her tongue. Sakura, meanwhile, returned the  favour to her bimbo, massaging her chest with her talented hands,  drawing eager moans from the ditz’s throat. Anything to provide their  partners pleasure.

But their programming wasn’t done.


As  one, the pair began to giggle, their passive expressions turning into  wide, dumb smiles. Their chests - which had never been meagre, being the  number 1 and 2 spots in their class (until very recently, at least) –  began to swell, swiftly pumping up under their suits to match the jiggly  examples in front of them. In a matter of moments, the number of bimbos  in the room had doubled, while the IQ present had halved.


And  then just like that, the transformation reversed, their expressions  going slack, their empty awareness returned. Their chests remained  double their original size though – their Master deciding that trait  could stay on a more permanent basis.

The  bimbos whined as their partners suddenly stopped tending to their needs,  but the bodyguards didn’t care. Their duty was to protect their Master  at all times, no matter what-


- the… like… the thingy with… the…

What had they just been thinking? Ooh, titties!


The  pair switched back and forth several times, their programming making  sure that both personas were fully installed, and could switch without  issue. Perfect for a pair of bodyguard bimbos who were prepared to party  the moment they were off the clock – or who were ready to be activated  the moment a threat made itself known. The Ultimate Bimbo Bodyguards.


Back  in the real world, of course, neither girl had yet moved from the couch  in Hina’s room. Though they had both scooted towards each other, and  both now had hands slipped underneath their friend’s skirt. Judging by  the wide smiles on both of their faces, and the intensity of the spirals  in their eyes, they were doing fine jobs of keeping each other’s brains  soft and distracted, and they had no problems doing so for some time.

Mukuro,  however, was looking quite impatient. Sneaking in had been super easy  once Master had given her the dorm master key, but now she was bored  waiting for the new members of the harem to finish. Alas, with her  brains already melted and her bust already stretching her top to  breaking point, the spiral movie on TV didn’t really do anything for  her, and she was looking forward to returning to her Master and seducing  him before her sister could.

“Come on guys,  get dumb already!” She whined, tapping her foot as she watched the  swimmer and martial artist’s tops stretch even tighter, their brains  evaporating by the second. “It totally doesn’t take this long to get  bimboed!”

There was no response. The former  Ultimate Soldier huffed. “Tch. Master said he was gunna, like, program  you both with my talent and stuff, but I dunno – neither of you look  like Ultimate Cocksuckers to me…”

It was a  mystery that would puzzle her for the rest of the day – until she forgot  it, at least. Which would happen at around about the point when two  very fit, very busty bimbos jumped her at the conclusion of their  training, and demonstrated all the fun techniques they’d just learned  for keeping members of Master’s harem happy. Techniques that they’d  prove to be very good at indeed.

It seemed that  Chihiro’s harem was already up to five members – but there was no  reason to think he’d stop there. There were still plenty more Ultimates  in the Academy who needed to learn a thing or two about how to stop  thinking…



This one was REALLY good. Easily my favorite installment yet. I actually have a few possible sequels in mind, and I'm not sure which one I want to go for next. Mind if I send the list to you later?