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Hey folks.

As always, I hope everyone is doing well out there. I seem to be recovering bit by bit from the unending storm of viruses that hit me (I didn't think you could catch every bug going around one after another, but there you go) and hopefully I'll be able to resume my writing duties properly soon. I will be continuing the subscription pause through February, since my recovery is taking so long, but I'll still try to post stories up for you all as we go.

Today's story is actually the one I was working on when I got sick, so it got a bit delayed in the middle. Apologies if that's affected the quality, but I hope you all enjoy none the less.

Have a nice week everyone!


Request: A quest has been posted at Fairy tail about the  disappearances of people from an island, so Fairy tail send Ezra, Lucy,  and Levy to investigate. When they arrive they are lured into a hut by a  young man who worships the celestial spirits, and unknowing to the  ladies wants to transform them into slutty versions of the spirits. He  allows them to sit as he grabs some tea to make, spiking it with his  potion, and hands it over to the ladies as he explains what has been  happening in the village. As he lazily explains the girls begin to  transform. Erza transforms into a dim cow-girl with horns, large boobs,  and hooves on her feet(Tauros) Lucy transforms into a slutty French maid  with her hair in pigtails, a large ass and an accent. Levy is last to  transform and tries to leave only to hear an invisible beat and  transforms into a dancing harem girl for her masters enjoyment, having  an hourglass figure and her outfit transforms to fit her mindset. All  three girls turn to there new master, ready to serve.

(Contains dim cowgirls, sultry maids, and slavish dancers)

“Here  we are! At last!” Lucy stretched, trying to work the kinks out of her  legs and back while straightening her jacket and skirt. “I thought that  boat ride was going to last forever…”

“This  island is pretty distant,” Levy agreed, hoisting a large backpack full  of books and supplies as she stepped down off the dock. “I think if  Natsu and Gajeel had come, their travel sickness might have killed  them…”

Lucy shuddered at the thought. “Yeah.  Wendy too, for that matter. I don’t think she could have kept her  recovery spell up for that long… Well, that’s why this quest is all down  to us three!”

“Mmm.” The blue haired mage  sighed as the pair walked down the beach, pulling out the quest scroll  that had led them to this island. “I hope we’ll be enough. All these  disappearances are really worrying…”

The blonde  didn’t look at all concerned though. “Oh it’ll be fine. We have Erza  with us! Trust me, there’s not going to be anything out here that she  can’t beat.”

Levy just chuckled. “Well, true  enough. If there’s anything on this island that she can’t handle, it’s  going to stomp right over you and me.

“… I don’t like the way you put that…”

“Lucy!  Levy!” The pair looked up, spotting the redhead at the end of the  beach, standing at the base of a path that led up into the hills. “Come,  we’re nearly at our contact’s house! We shouldn’t dawdle all day!”

As  always, Erza was all business, dressed in her steel armour, blade clear  at her hip. She might have lightened up some over the past few years,  but the S class mage was still as direct as ever. The blue and blonde  haired mages exchanged a look and giggled, before rushing after their  friend. Some things never changed.

Fortunately,  Erza was right – they weren’t far from their contact at all. The man  lived in a lone hut just down the path from the beach, and it quickly  came into view, along with its owner, who stood waiting for them just  outside it. He waved as they approached – a tall man with dark hair,  dressed in a monk’s robes, though he seemed quite young for such a  position.

“Hello there! Welcome, travellers, to Starlight Island. What brings you all the way out here?”

“We’re  from Fairy Tail, here about the disappearances.” Erza was the one to  greet him first. “Were you the one that sent out this request?”

Levy  stepped forward, holding up the quest scroll. “According to this,  nearly half a dozen young women have disappeared while visiting this  island over the past few weeks…”

“Ahhh.” The  monk nodded. “I was hoping someone like you would arrive soon. Yes,  there has indeed been something strange going on here on the island of  late. Come.” He stepped back, and gestured for the ladies to follow him  as he pushed open the door to his hut. “I’ll fill you in on the details  over a nice cup of tea.”

“That would be welcome,” the redhead nodded, smiling politely as she entered behind him. “Thank you.”

“I’ll say.” Lucy was quick to follow the two inside. “A nice warm drink after that long voyage would be just the thing!”

Levy  was right behind her, pen and paper already in hand. “I’m set to get  down everything you have to say! I’m sure we’ll solve this mystery in no  time.”

“I’ve no doubt.” The monk chuckled,  guiding the mage trio into the dining room, where a large round table  awaited them. “Please, take a seat. I’ll just fetch the tea.”

The  three made themselves at home, setting their supplies down and pulling  up chairs. Lucy looked around, noting the simple but charming décor of  the room – until her eyes drifted upwards to the ceiling, and she  gasped.

“Oh!” She exclaimed with surprise,  staring up at the beautifully carved design up above her. “The  constellations! They’re beautiful!”

“Why thank  you.” The monk returned, carrying a tray laden with cups and saucers,  accompanied by a large, steaming teapot. “I put a lot of work into  recreating their patterns. The Celestial Spirits are very important to  me - I worship them, in fact.”

“Really?” Lucy  blinked, suddenly feeling very conscious of the golden keys dangling at  her waist. “I wasn’t aware there was a religion based around them…”

“It  is not a very large movement,” the man admitted with a chuckle as he  set out the cups and began to pour the tea – one for each guest. “But a  devout one, where it matters. I admit, I’ve always been fascinated by  the forms that the great spirits take. I suspect that those forms have  more power and meaning than general wisdom would tell us…”

“I  am sure that it’s a fascinating subject.” Erza leaned forward, gently  taking up her teacup. “But before you get into it, I must insist we  discuss the disappearances first. We could be working with a limited  time factor.”

The monk nodded. “Of course, of  course.” He slid into his own chair across from the trio. “Then I shall  try to give you all the details I can. It all started several weeks ago,  when the island was visited by an expedition from Mermaid Heel. I  recall that the wind was very cold that evening, and the stars shone  with unusually harsh light…”

His story quickly  began to drone on, all while the girls listened diligently. After all,  with a case like this, any little detail could be the key to uncovering  the truth – even if, as they soon began to suspect, this man just liked  to hear the sound of his own voice. The atmosphere was relaxing though,  and as each woman sipped her tea, enjoying the unusual but sweet  flavour, they all found themselves lacking in motivation to hurry him  up.

They just sat there, listening as the monk  prattled on about celestial alignments and the cycles of the moon, with a  polite kind of impatience. Honestly, none of them could really the  relevance any of it had to the people vanishing on the island, though  none of them were quite rude enough to interrupt just yet. None of them  were Natsu, after all. Besides, the atmosphere was very relaxing, the  tea was soothing (with just a hint of flavour that none of the mages  could quite place), and it felt good to just zone out while the man kept  talking, letting the words go in one ear and out the other…

Surprisingly,  it was Erza whose eyes glazed over first. Normally she was more  disciplined, one of the most focused members of the guild… But today,  she just couldn’t help it. Could it be that the trip over had worn her  out more than she’d let on? Well, if it had, the other two didn’t really  notice – their own gazes dulling at a swift rate, soon to catch up with  the redhead’s. Lucy was outright yawning, and Levy, who had been taking  notes, was starting to doodle in her notebook. The tea sure was nice  though – all three of them continued to drink, no matter how distracted  they got.

“Of course,” the Monk continued, his  words sailing right over the fuzzy heads of his audience, “when I say I  worship the Celestial spirits, I don’t mean that in the conventional  way. In fact, I’ve become convinced that the traditional depictions of  the spirits contain many mistakes – errors made by the unenlightened.  It’s all too easy to see when you take into account those who receive  their blessings. Even celestial summoners don’t recognise their true  powers, but…”

Lucy giggled to herself  empty-headedly, paying just enough attention to what he was saying to  note how wrong it was. How silly. She’d met pretty much all of the  Celestial spirits in person, and the idea that she didn’t understand  their power was ridiculous! Oh, there was no point listening to this  nonsense. Smiling, she had another sip of this delicious tea, and let  herself zone out completely.

His next words,  though, managed to resonate in Erza’s head deeply, even though she’d  stopped listening quite some time ago. The redhead blinked slowly,  trying to focus her glazed eyes as something pierced the fog that had  descended over her brain. What… What was he talking about…?

“Taurus,  for example,” his voice seemed to echo in her skull, “is often  worshiped as the spirit of the bull – but I find those who are most  blessed by the great celestial spirit’s power are often female. Thus,  truly, it is the symbol of the cow – a docile, simple beast, but one  that possesses great loyalty, and provides a wonderous bounty…”

Oh.  Cows. The infamous Titania found herself smiling as thoughts of black  and white bovines began to flood her thoughts. Docile and simple… Yes,  that was a good way of describing those stupid, passive beasts. Doing  nothing but standing around mooing all day. Heh heh… What a funny sound.  Moo. Mooooo…

So distracted was she by her  contemplation of cattle, that she was oblivious as the air around her  began to quietly sparkle with the power of the stars, a transformation  as slow and steady as her thoughts starting to overcome her. She’d come  on this mission wearing her standard armour, naturally – her practically  trademarked chest plate and skirt – though of course, this being Erza, a  new outfit was never more than a requip away. But now…

Well,  Erza had never shown a cowprint bikini among her many different garbs.  In fact, she had no recollection of ever putting such a garment in her  equipment collection. But she must have, because as she sipped her tea,  that was exactly what her armour was turning into. Hard, shiny metal was  softening and shrinking into white and black fabric that just barely  covered the woman’s chest, while her skirt was tightening up around her  ass and connecting up between her legs to form a very skimpy bikini  bottom, losing its blue colouration to get in with the cowprint crowd.  In a matter of moments her outfit had completely changed, without a  single flash of the requip spell.

She sighed  contentedly at the sudden freedom she felt, though the mage didn’t quite  manage to pull her thoughts out of their captivation with the word moo.  Honestly, it was just kind of a relief to be out of her normal gear –  it had been starting to feel really tight around her chest.

Which  was because said chest had grown far bigger than it had been when she’d  been measured for that chest plate! In fact, it had grown far bigger  than it had been when she’d put her armour on that morning – and it was  still growing bigger still. With every moment, her breasts were seeming  to swell, stretching out her bikini top even thinner than before, slowly  and steadily plumping up into very fine udders… And to be honest, she’d  started out big already, so she was quickly sporting some hefty  heifers, with no sign of stopping their growth spurt yet.

But  that wasn’t all. No, the cow-like change coming over Erza’s chest was  impressive, but the rest of her body wasn’t far behind. Already her  thighs were thickening, fattening up just a touch for a proper bovine  butt, while her feet – now completely bare after her clothes had been  rewoven – were shrinking and hardening into full-on hooves fit for a  member of the herd.

Meanwhile, at the other  end of her body, small, pointy horns were starting to poke through her  red hair, rising up out of her skull and really bringing this new cattle  look together. That was nothing compared to the changes going on inside  said skull though.

Erza Scarlet was a sharp,  intelligent woman – infamous for her tactical acumen as well as her  ludicrous levels of firepower. But you’d never have known that to look  at her now. No, no woman with an expression that dull, with eyes that  vapid, with a smile that stupid, could ever be mistaken for being  intelligent. For while all the rest of her body had been growing out  into the lovely curves of a sexy cowgirl, her brain – still quite  thoroughly preoccupied with stupid cows – had been shrinking into  something smaller. Simpler. More docile.

And as  the transformation ended, the starlight around her vanishing, with the  symbol of taurus glittering on her forehead for a moment and her boobs  finally growing so big they rested on the table in front of her, she  uttered the word that confirmed that she had been completely and totally  changed, body and soul, for all to hear.


Not  that her companions noticed, of course. Lucy had taken to playing with  her hair, smiling arrogantly to herself, and Levy was still doodling in  her book, though her sketches had begun to take on a much lewder kind of  style. The Monk was the only one who seemed to be paying any attention  to the redheaded former mage – and while his smile promised that he’d  soon be over to tend to her personally, for the moment, he had to help  the others with their own changes.

He cleared  his throat, continuing his lecture. “Virgo, of course, is the maiden –  or, as those who have been blessed enough to see the appearance of her  earthly incarnation, the maid. Soft, servile, utterly obedient, a woman  blessed by her shapes herself to the whim of her owner, turning herself  into a sexy and exotic maid to serve them until the end of their days…”

For  some reason, his words got through to Lucy. Virgo was one of her main  spirits after all. And since she’d acquired her through fighting her  former master, she’d gotten to see every side of the Celestial –  including the sides that she’d rather have not. It was certainly true  that Virgo took the form that’d please her master the best. And now the  summoner couldn’t help but be struck by the other ways she could have  ended up. For some reason she just couldn’t get the images of soft,  servile, sexy maids out of her head…

Starlight  shone down on the blonde from nowhere as her outfit began to change,  much like Erza’s had. This time it seemed more reasonable – her green  outfit glowing, and then reshaping into a frilly black and white maid’s  dress, just like whenever she used her star dress. But something was  very different this time. Her star dress had never been the most  concealing piece of clothing, but it had never been this revealing. Her  waist was totally exposed, showing off her flat belly to the world, her  cleavage cut was so deep there was almost no bottom to it, and her  frilly skirt hugged her behind so tightly it may as well have not been  there at all. Ordinarily, Lucy would have been mortified to be seen in  such clothes – but with her mind so heavily occupied with sexy maids,  she didn’t notice, and even if she had she would only have gotten turned  on by the look…

Her change wasn’t done with  just her outfit, though. No, her body had to be brought up to sexy maid  code as well! The shifts weren’t as pronounced as the ones Erza had been  through, but they were there all the same – her legs growing smoother  and more toned, perfect for showing off in the black heels that now  adorned her feet. Her chest pushed out a bit too – not nearly to the  same extent as the cow beside her, of course, but still enough to give  her a proud bust to show off to any guests whenever she bent over to  offer them tea.

It was her ass where the real  magic was happening, though. While Erza may have had all of her brains  sunk into her tits, Lucy was getting the delightfully pleasant  experience of having her stubborn will converted into fat for her  cheeks. Her daydreaming form rose slightly in her chair, her new dress  squeaking as it strained and stretched, her ass swelling out like a pair  of juicy balloons hooked up to a pump. Without ever noticing, she’d  become a wonderfully bottom heavy maid.

There  were still a few more touches to finish, of course. The blonde’s hair  styled itself into flowing pigtails, dangling at her sides, as lipstick  applied itself to her lips and eyeshadow to her eyes. She was a maid,  after all – she had to look sexy for her owner. These were the thoughts  sinking into her addled brain, her daydreams taking on such passionate  realness that they overwrote her reality, wiping away the Lucy of old  and leaving only Lucy the maid, ready to serve her master however he  desired, in whatever sexy way she could.

And obviously, to her thoroughly warped mind, the sexiest trait she could have as a maid…

“Ooooh…  Zut alors! I am, how you say, zo zorry, Mazter… I zhould have prepared  zhe tea myself. I zhall have to make it up to you zomehow…~”

… Was a French accent. Well, she was a Fairy Tail mage after all, it only made sense she was a weirdo too.

The  Monk smiled again, seeing the sign of Virgo glitter on his new maid’s  forehead as the light around her faded, before turning his attention to  his final guest.

“And last, but certainly not least, Libra is-”

“What  the…?” Before he could complete his little monologue, however, he was  interrupted by a very alarmed sounding Levy. Somehow, the word mage’s  head had cleared enough for her to look up from her notebook – and now  she was staring at the cow and the maid who had been two of her closest  friends with wide, concerned eyes. “G-guys? What’s going on?”


“Oh, I am zo zorry, would you be wanting more tea now too?”

The  blue haired mage stood up from the table with alarm, looking between  her friends and the Monk. “It- it’s you! You were the one behind the  disappearances all along!”

Seeing that the jig  was up, the man just shrugged. “I may have helped a few visitors convert  to my religion. They were hesitant at first, but they all saw it my way  eventually.” He stroked his chin, pondering his last guest. “I did  wonder if I put too little potion in your tea. Still, it should be  enough to do the job.”

Levy swallowed, looking down at her empty cup. Oh no. She had to get out of here!

But  she’d hardly made it more than a step towards the door before she found  herself stumbling, a loud beat suddenly pulsing between her ears.

The  Monk chuckled. “As I was saying, Libra is the blessing of rhythm and  dance.” He grinned as Levy began to sway. “Yes, a woman blessed by power  of Libra will find themselves pulled by an irresistible beat, drawn  into a dance that they cannot hope to escape – until even the desire to  do so is drummed right out of their head. From there, it’s inevitable  that they lose themselves completely, surrendering to the form of a  curvaceous and devoted slave girl dancer…”

Wh…  What? A slave girl dancer…? Levy’s eyes fluttered as she tried to think.  Her thoughts were so cloudy all of a sudden. Every time she tried to  get her thoughts together, another beat would pulse through her brain  and scatter them all. All she could focus on was the idea of slave girl  dancers… graceful, beautiful, and obedient…

Without  even thinking about it, the mage’s hands clapped together over her head  as she stood up straight, her clothes shimmering in the starlight that  surrounded her, her normal dress turning into a set of bejewelled veils  and silks that hugged her form, showing off everything while revealing  nothing. She was even developing a tan, a line of colour washing up from  her toes, over her legs, around her waist and shoulders, all the way up  to the top of her head.

A slave girl dancer… She was a… No…

The  beat pulsed through her head, and she moved, her hips snapping to the  side with a firm thrust. And as they did, her ass swelled up, quickly  plumping out to become a perfectly heart-shaped behind. Not quite a  competitor for the maid’s bottom-heavy curves, but a firm rival for the  cow’s thick seat.

She… She was a slave… N-no…

The  beat pulsed again, and she swayed to the other side, shoving her front  forward – and as she did, her normally flat chest exploded outwards,  large cantaloupe sized breasts suddenly growing out of her cliffside. In  a moment and a jiggle, she’d shot up to being one of the bustiest mages  in the guild – far behind the former Titania, yes, but easily competing  with the slutty blonde with the French accent!

Just as expected from a slave girl dancer!

A  smile spread over Levy’s lips as the beat played between her ears, a  constant, eternal rhythm that defined everything about her. She moved  through it, she breathed through it, she thought through it. She  was but a puppet to its eternal song. Its notes demanded her grace as  she spun, her silks swirling around her, and fell to her knees, the sign  of Libra glittering on her forehead.

“How  might this slave serve you tonight, Master?” She asked, her voice husky  with desire as she gazed up at the man who owned her.

“We are here for your pleazure, Zir~” The Maid purred, her fingers toying with the frilly edge of her top.

“Mmmoooo~” Even the cow sounded eager!

The  Monk looked around between them all. “Hmm. Well now, I was just going  to take you over to the ritual hall with the others… But I think I might  be able to find a use for the three of you around here.” He rose to his  feet and beckoned them all to follow. “Come. Let’s discuss this more in  the bedroom.”

The man stepped away, and the trio of former mages followed after him, all eager to see just what he had in mind.

Three  more victims had now vanished from the island. And soon enough, more  investigators would come hunting to find them. What would happen to  those new arrivals, and what would the fate of those already claimed?  Only the stars knew. And they wouldn’t be telling any time soon.


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