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Hey folks.

My immune system still seems to be caught in an eternal systems update where I get to experience everything I missed over the self isolation period (excpet Covid, thankfully) which is... unpleasant, but I remain optimistic I'm on the road to recovery. There can't be that many illnesses out there, can there?

Obviously it's hard to tell how long it's going to be until I can resume writing, but subs will remain uncharged until I've caught up on December's promises. In the meantime, here's another completed short to hopefully tide you over.

Have fun, stay safe, and stay healthy everyone!


Request: Tamamo searches the streets of Cockaigne for a worthy husband. Just when she finds her perfect husband he introduces her to his harem, planning to add her to his collection. One Polygamy Castration Fist later and the harem is in need of a new master. The whole harem brainwashes Tamamo into becoming that new master and Tamamo the Harem Queen is born.

The streets of Cockaigne were not the kind of place that one went wandering looking for a romantic entanglement. Oh they were elegant in their way – paved and dotted with bright lamp posts and elaborate sculptures, carved by the power of the King of Magic himself. But understandably, guests to the eternal city rarely took note of these features – after all, they were always obscured by the layer of heavy pink smog that ever darkened the skies. That was the price of paradise, the cloaked citizens would claim, and ‘visiting’ Servants usually accepted such a premise – unaware that the cloud was quietly draining their defences and weakening their spirits to prepare them for their inevitable descent into bimbodom.

But yes, the foggy streets were not the place that any reasonable person would go looking for love.

Tamamo-no-Mae, very fortunately, was anything but a normal person! No, beyond being a Servant, or a demi-goddess, or a nine-tailed fox (who may have shed a few tails to keep her weight down), Tamamo was one very special thing in particular – she was the world’s number one best wife ever! Oh yes, there was no beating her on loving devotion, she was a miracle in the kitchen, and an absolute deva in the bedroom – there was no competition for her in the maidenly arts.

She just needed a husband to prove it.

Yes, that was very much the problem of the moment for the fox woman. She was, she was quite sure, the perfect partner for an appreciative lover… But none had yet presented themselves to her. This was frustrating, to say the least. As a woman, she had needs, you know? There were few things Tamamo desired more than someone to look after, and who would look after her in turn. Chasing after that goal was why she’d become a Heroic Spirit in the first place.

Plus she had the faintest feeling that, somewhere out there in another timeline, another version of herself had already found the perfect partner, and good lord there was nothing in the world more motivating than jealousy over the success of an alternate self. No, no, no, there was no way Tamamo was going to settle and wait! She was going to find her perfect partner right the hell now, and no silly ‘city of eternal pleasures’ was going to get in her way! She was after something much, much deeper than mere pleasure, thank you so very much!

But so far, the pickings had been… disappointing. The good fox wife was a loyal soul (ish), but you had to be worthy of investment for her to give you the time of day, a test that her Master, the one who’d summoned her, had failed utterly. Honestly, no charm points at all. How someone like that could even draw her spirit in was a mystery. Oh well – she’d left them to it and gone to explore the city – may as well, right?

Now, Tamamo was an old-fashioned kind of girl, even with her energetic attitude. Her tastes were simple, simple activities allowing for maximum affection to be shared! So, uh, while the movie theatre was tempting, she would have been more interested in a cute romance movie rather than ‘The Mesmeric Maestro’ or whatever. That had been a hard no. The café she’d stopped at had looked pretty promising too, but all of their food been a bit too sugary. ‘Bimboberry cake’ and ‘Sweetslut smoothies’? And no two straw milkshakes for couples! Nope, she’d not be eating there. The bath house had been tempting – she’d been doing a lot of walking about today and wouldn’t have minded the opportunity to stroke her tails – but there was something odd about the pink water they used, and as a fox she couldn’t help but distrust it.

So that left her wandering the (elegant and foggy) city streets at something of a loose end. How would she ever find a partner if everything in this strange singularity refused to satisfy her? She was starting to lose hope!

But that was when she saw him.

He was… hard to describe. Not too beautiful, but far from ugly. Not too muscular, but far from weak. His hair wasn’t long, nor was it short. His clothes looked like everyone else’s – a neat set of black robes – and yet they seemed more stylish in an ineffable way. He didn’t radiate command, and yet his presence was impossible to ignore. A mix of so many different traits, all of them attractive, but not too attractive.

Plus, his brown hair really reminded her of someone important to her, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on who…

Tamamo’s tastes were simple, and she preferred a partner who demonstrated kindness and gentle spirit – nice, warm qualities of the soul… but this guy was ticking all of her boxes when it came to looks. Definitely a step up from everyone else she’d seen around here, anyway.

Okay, fox wife, play it cool. Don’t bounce up with your tails wagging. Just approach and strike up a conversation, see if there’s any spark. No need to be too forward, you don’t want to look too desperate now, right?

“So, tell me…” Tamamo-no-Mae purred, stroking herself eagerly against the arm of her newest paramour. “Which of these houses does my big, strong Master live in, hm?”

Tamamo wasn’t exactly sure how a quick conversation on a street corner had so rapidly morphed into an offer of a date, and then an invite to this fine gentleman’s home, but she certainly wasn’t complaining! There was just something so compelling about this guy – maybe he really was the one!

The man she was leaning against wasn’t really her Master, of course. Not yet, anyway. But if he played his cards right, well, anything could happen. She was a determined woman, after all, and she certainly wouldn’t be settling for a contract between herself and anyone less than her lover.

He just laughed as he guided her down the street. “Well, my fair lady, I don’t mean to brag…” He said, bringing their wandering to a stop just outside the largest mansion in sight. “But there’s only one house here worthy of your loveliness.”

The fox girl’s eyes flashed with glee.


This guy was well spoken, good looking, well cultured, and absolutely loaded. Not that wealth was the most important thing to Tamamo-no-Mae, of course not, no! She wasn’t some silly vain creature or anything like that. But it definitely helped~

She giggled like a school-girl in love, leaning deeper against her beau’s arm as he led her into the palace he was revealed to own. “Oh, you are a flatterer, aren’t you?”

“I certainly try,” he agreed, smirking. “But then, it’s hard not to flatter a rose so beautiful as yourself. There simply is no way to describe you that doesn’t reflect your magnificence. Now…” He gestured around the grand interior of his home. “What can I show you first?”

Ohh, now there was a question. Tamamo was confident in her seduction skills, and she was sure she could work her magic whatever her environment… But what would be best? Should she dazzle him with her skills in the kitchen? Perhaps tempt him with a preview of her graceful form by the pool? Or, cut right to the chase…?

This place was splendid, that was for sure. Unlike the overcast streets of the city, in here the air was clear and crisp. The walls were black and white, with gold gilding, and an expensive looking chandelier hung from the hall ceiling. The floor was rich red where it was carpeted, and smooth marble where it wasn’t. Truly, it seemed like the lap of luxury.

Oh, why not? She’d get her hooks in and make sure there was no way he’d ever consider saying no to her! A confident grin was on her lips as she leaned up to his ear, her tail waving in the ear behind her. “How about we head straight to the bedroom?”

“Ahh, well if you insist~” His smile was eager, his arm wrapping around her waist and stroking her tail gently as they ascended the stairs. “I’ll give you the VIB tour. I think you’ll like what you see.”

Tamamo’s ears twitched. VIB? Didn’t he mean…? Strange, she was sure she hadn’t misheard him.

But before she could really question his wording, they’d reached the bedroom doors. “Why don’t you take a look?”

Hmm. For some reason, the Servant was starting to feel a little suspicious about all this. But it was probably nothing. Just being silly. She shook her head and stepped forward, throwing the doors wide open.


… And finding, on the other side, a vast horde of (mostly) naked women. What the hell?! This was… This was a harem!!!

It was also quite a collection, the fox wife realised somewhere in the back of her mind, her brain whirring away despite her stunned expression. There were a great many women – all very busty, very giggly, very naked women – draping themselves around the high-class bedroom. And all of them were Servants, that fast part of her brain noted. The one laying splayed out on the rug was Jing Ke, giggling and twirling her fingers through the locks of black hair pooled around her… And that one over there with the green hair, she was definitely a servant too, though Tamamo didn’t recall her name… And those dusky skinned women making out in the corner could only have been Hassans…

But, it was strange. All of these Servants… Even the curvy ones had never been this curvy. These women all had boobs the size of cantaloupes! What had happened to all of them?! Could it be something to do with the collars that all of them wore – strange, solid silver loops with pink gems embedded in them at the clasp?

It was a good question – but it came to her just a hair too slow.


Before she could react, she felt something cold slide shut around her neck. A collar – just like the one all the other women were wearing. Immediately, she could sense something strange, something new, some kind of foreign magic trying to influence her. It tingled against her skin, crackling like static electricity, attempting to weave around and invade her body. In a matter of moments, her clothing – her elegant blue miko outfit – had unspooled down to bare threads, collapsing in a pile around her feet and leaving her just as nude as every other woman present.

“Haha, and here I thought you might be some slight challenge,” the man who’d charmed her so laughed. “But you’re just the same as all the rest of these sluts. A few nice words to entice your egos, and you bitches are all lining up to get your brains turned into b-”

“Polygamy Castration Fist!”

Sometimes, even the citizens of Cockaigne, an eternal city dedicated to pleasure and seduction, needed to learn a lesson or two. Lessons like ‘do not taunt the nice fox girl who just wants to be loved’, or ‘definitely do not taunt the literal incarnation of Amaterasu you idiot’, or even, at it’s most basic, ‘if you’re going to bimbofy a Servant, at least wait until their brains are mush before you taunt them’.

Otherwise you ended up with results like this. Yes, that was an important thing for a citizen to learn.

Though, that was just a general observation. Not every citizen of Cockaigne would be learning such a thing. Take the fool who had tried to collar Tamamo-no-Mae, for example. He would not be learning any lessons, because as her foot (Yes, this attack was confusingly named) collided with his groin, her Noble Phantasm level attack was unleashed straight into his body. It was an uncomfortable experience, as the righteous fury of a maiden scorned smashed through him from the crotch up, unmaking him from existence in the most painful way possible.

The nicest thing anyone could say about it was that it was blessedly brief – his screaming form evaporating into nothingness, the frayed cloth of his robes scattered on the winds over the city.

There was a quiet tink sound as the collar slipped from Tamamo’s neck, falling to the ground uselessly, its influence broken with the death of its creator. The fox wife breathed heavily, trying to recover control of herself after experiencing such pure, white-hot fury at having her heart played with so. Rage powerful enough to resist the might of Cockaigne…

But now that rage was starting to cool as she flicked her tail in annoyance, glaring at the scorch mark where her supposed ‘Master’ had been standing. Some potential husband he had been. Why did it always go this way? She just wanted a loving relationship – why did everyone always try to exploit her instead? Was she truly so repulsive? Why-

“Ah, Mistrsss~”


A voice, soft and giggly, spoke up behind her from the bedroom, and before she could turn, warm arms – multiple pairs, even – wrapped around her, snuggling against her back, her arms and legs. She could feel proud, jiggly flesh pressing against her bare skin, and tilting her head told her what she already knew – the ‘Master’s harem had embraced her. Jing Ke was even stroking her tail with surprising gentleness, threading it between her tits possessively.

“Wha- Wha…” The fox wife wasn’t sure what was happening. Were they trying to get revenge for killing their Master? But no, none of them were taking any aggressive moves against her. In fact, the blue haired Hassan was trying to- Oooohh, ahh... hah… - was succeeding in kissing along her neck, which sent all sorts of nice pink sparks through her brain. “What are you doing? Don’t you know you’re free now?” She finally managed to gasp.

But her question only got a chorus of giggles. “Why would we want to be free, Mistress?” The green haired woman purred by her side, her fingers eagerly exploring Tamamo’s flesh. “That’s, like, totally dumb! Who would we obey then?” The Servant shuddered. “Who’d fuck us then?”

“But…?” Tamamo found herself lifted off her feet and carried backwards into the bedroom in a sea of coos and kisses. “But aren’t you… supposed to be… I…”

It was getting hard to think all of a sudden. Maybe it was all these lovely lips and fingers, touching, licking, stroking her body, sending such delightful feelings through her… Or maybe it was more of the strange magic that had been in that collar!

No! The foxy Servant summoned up her willpower. She wasn’t going to end up like these women! She was Tamamo, not some… some dumbbustyslutty… Ooohh~!

Her breath grew hot as more ladies snuggled in around her, fawned over her, filled her body with pleasure. Mmm, this did feel nice… Having them serve her like this was, ah, very… enjoyable~ Yes, these big boobed bimbos knew their place, kneeling before her, worshiping her, begging for her touch… Like good little sluts…

“We’re just sexy harem bimbos, Mistress~” Someone – she couldn’t tell who as a lovely pair of fingers slid between her legs and stole up all of her attention – whispered in her ear. “We just fuck, suck, and obey~”

“Mmm…” Another voice in her other ear, so close it made the fur tickle. “We obey you, Mistress…”

“Yours to command…” The fox wife moaned as hands caressed her chest.

“Yours to enjoy…” She gasped, her eyes fluttering, as her tail was brushed.

“Yours to, like, totally fuck whenever you want!” And she squealed as hot, plump lips seized hers, a tongue swirling in her mouth, body thrumming with delight.

Cockaigne was a place where Servants became bimbos, yes. But there were some exceptions to that rule. Some spirits who proved useful to the eternal city in another capacity.

Tamamo had prepared to defend herself against being turned into a bimbo – but she needn’t have worried. Her sultry nature and power had impressed the powers that controlled this singularity. She wasn’t to be made into a simple bimbo, no, not at all. She had a far greater destiny in store.

Which meant her defences meant nothing, as her protections, prepared to stop her mind from melting, did little to stop corruption from another angle. The fox woman gasped, her fingers gripping hard on the bimbofied flesh of the women around her as the burning flame of lust surged within her chest. Steadily, spurred on by the servile pleasures of the harem, it wove through her core, and began to reshape her spirit into a new, more appropriate form.

Her greed and selfishness, traits she’d long tried to hide but possessed none the less, were increased, inflated beyond all proportion. Her care for others, erased, replaced by the regrown edge of the predator she had once been, who saw everyone else only as toys for her amusement. Her magics swirled in her head, spells to capture, to subdue, to tame the bitches who dared try to escape their place as her pets replacing her normal stock.

And as her mind began to change, so too did her body. She didn’t try to stop it anymore – there was no reason to. The energy now flowing through her promised everything she (now) desired, and she hungered for every drop. Her chest swelled out, her already large breasts growing even bigger – to the delight of the bimbos currently sucking on them. Her ass, too, plumped, her hips growing wider to give her a heavenly hourglass figure, to the joy of the bimbos worshiping her behind. And, of course, her tail crackled, sparkling with power, before dividing into three, each one glowing with pink light to show off how much power she now commanded in such a casual way.

It all felt… wonderful. She’d always wanted to be loved, and to love in return. Now she had that – these dumb bitches worshiped the ground she walked on, and they needed her to order them around! That was the same thing, right? Well, it was to the new, powerful Tamamo, and the old one who might have felt otherwise was being drawn away, drawn down, down, down, along with everything that the new her didn’t need – things like shame, or hesitation, or any memory of being anything other than the hottest bitch on the block.

All of her old self was melted down, offered up eagerly by the corrupted Servant, and drained down between her legs. Down to where an obedient horde of bimbos waited to lap lap lap it all up as she came.

And as the old Tamamo was pleasured away, the new one seized her new self, her new fate, her new class, with both hands.

Slut Tamer – it imprinted itself on her spiritual core so deep there was no chance of it ever being removed. This was who she was – this was what she was – from now until the end of eternity.

She couldn’t have been happier.

“Ahhhh~” She sighed, sitting back. She didn’t even bother to look for a chair, just parking her ass down, and smirking as an obedient bimbo – the green haired one – threw herself beneath her, getting on her hands and knees to act as a seat. The fox smirked, and wiggled her behind, enjoying the delighted and brainless moans of her new furniture. “Now, what to do with all of you, hmm?”

Her harem – and it was truly hers now – knelt before her, all eager, brainless, and bouncy. A horde of bimbos, eager to prove just how obedient they truly were.

Black flames lit along the edges of the new Slut Tamer’s body, creating an outfit out of thin air that wove itself around her. Black boots with tall heels. A short, dark blue skirt, ready to be raised for a servile tongue at any moment, already almost hoisted up by her tails. A dark blue bustier, the edge of its deep cleavage window lined by pink fox tails. And in her left hand, a silver collar, spinning casually around one of her fingers, while in her right, she held a silver leash, ready to clip around the neck of any bimbo she saw.

And right now, she saw an awful lot of bimbos.

“Oh, what the hell, I think I’ll test you all out” the new Queen of Harems said, shrugging before falling back on the bed behind her. “You may ravish me, darlings~ And whoever makes me cum first gets to be my favourite for the day.”

There was a chorus of excited gasps around the room – and then a horde of big boobed dumbass sluts descended on their Mistress like a pack of wild, horny animals, much to her delight.

The new Slut Tamer giggled to herself as she was plunged into a sea of pleasure, looking forward to her new life in this most wonderful city. She had so many pets to play with now, so much love to enjoy… But she could always go for more. The other Tamamos needed putting in their place, after all. And there was that rude Servant she’d heard of trying to pretend she was a Tamamo as well…

Mmm, it was going to be fun hunting them all down and fucking their brains out.

Yes, the streets of Cockaigne had been an awful place to go looking for love, it turned out – but they were a wonderful place to go looking for bimbos.

And Slut Tamer Tamamo-no-Mae couldn’t wait to prove it~


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