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Hey folks!

Happy November! I hope everyone had a fun Halloween. Now we move on into the frosty march to Christmas, and I am all too aware that some of my RL friends are about to become utterly unbearable. Christmas cheer? Brrrrr.

But let us discuss merrier things! Specifically, stories! It seems there's a lot more interest in 4-5k commissions on here than there is for anything else, so I'm going to be testing those out this month and seeing what works best for my writing style. Here's hoping it goes well.

In the meantime, here, please enjoy a requested Servant Trap!


“She’s a disaster! The worst servant we’ve had summoned here since the project began.”

“Really? Come now, she can’t be worse than-”

“Yes! Yes she can be! By Asmodeus’s name, we’ve never had such trouble since the Roman girl who thought she could sing – and at least she let us try her around until something actually worked!”

“Alright, now calm down. Let’s go over this together – perhaps we can think something up. What was the name of this servant again?”

“Osakabehime. Princess of Himeji Castle.”

“Ah, a Princess? Simple then, we just-”

“No. No, she’s not like the normal royal servants, trust me.”

“Ah, a warrior type?”

“Completely the opposite. Honestly, she’s just called a Princess because she moved into a castle and refused to leave. Which is exactly the problem we’re having with her now!”

“How so?”

“She refuses to leave her room. For anything. And thanks to her powers, we can’t even get into her castle, let alone her attic. I mean, sure, we could just flood the place with Asmodeus’s blessing until her brains went pop, but then we’d just have a big boobed bimbo in a locked room she was too dumb to unlock…”

“I see. Hm, in that case… Perhaps you are right.”

“I am?”

“Indeed. This may be similar to the Roman case after all. We just need to bring in a little help...”


Osakabehime was having the time of her (after) life! A distant singularity cut off from the flow of history, unlikely to ever pull her into an important situation or summon her into danger, where she could just ignore the local inhabitants and get on with her proud shut-in lifestyle? This must have been paradise!

She’d been a little weirded out when she was first summoned to this unending, sprawling industrial city full of pink smoke and strange, cloaked inhabitants… But eh, honestly, if that’s what made them comfortable, then power to them! None of it had stopped her summoning Himeji Castle and locking herself inside with all of her snacks and goodies, so it wasn’t any of her concern.

Nope! All she cared about was lazing about, watching her anime, playing her games, and occasionally drawing doujin on her pad - y’know, when a deadline was right on top of her, at least. Oh, speaking of, she really should check on when her next page was due. She wasn’t going to work on it, obvs – but knowing how much time you had before you suddenly panic and race to get everything done in a couple of hours is an important skill for any professional procrastinator.

So, the princess of Himeji got right on that. First, she played another few hours of Battle Unknown Night – hey, she’d been on a roll, she had to finish out her matches! Then, she found a packet of her favourite pocky snacks that had gotten wedged between some cushions when she tried to get up, so obviously she set about eating those next. Then she rearranged her cushions to make sure there wasn’t anything more hidden underneath them, and to get them in a nice comfortable configuration once she’d moved them all around…

Then she rolled over and crawled up from under her kotatsu to blearily type at her computer, keeping her hoodie wrapped tight around her so that she didn’t lose any of that precious, precious warmth. ServaChat blinked on.

BattyBish: Morning all!

TrueLies: Heya~

Oh good, Kiyohime was already online! And in a good mood, apparently. Awesome! If she wasn’t even slightly upset, that meant there was plenty of time left on that next manuscript…

BattyBish: Hey Kiyo! How’s going?

TrueLies: Oh, super fun! I got summoned to this totally awesome place and, like, I’m having the bestest time evar!

Oh ho! She’d been summoned, huh? Great, even more distractions that’d keep the fiend off of her back. And if they ran over their deadline, then she could totally blame it on her partner being distracted! Ehehehe, a perfect scheme~

BattyBish: Sounds like you’re having a good time!

TrueLies: Totes!

Osakabehime sighed in relief. Alright! If that was the case, then she had another round of-

TrueLies: But don’t think I’ve forgotten about your next draft~


BattyBish: Ahaha, what do you mean? I’ve got pleeeenty of time until my deadline, right?

TrueLies: It was yesterday.


TrueLies: But don’t worry! I’ve been thinking about it, and that doujin would have been, like, totally boring! It was all dull and talky and stuff – it needed way more fanservice!

The princess of Himeji blinked, taking off her glasses and cleaning them before reading again. What? Kiyo-yo had changed her mind about one of their planned manuscripts? But she never did that! Once she committed to an idea she’d chase it to the ends of the earth, come hell or high water!

Kiyohime was just kind of like that in a lot of aspects of her life, really.

But, wait! Why was she complaining about this? She was off the hook! Missed a deadline, and got away with it scot-free! She’d have to be completely insane to question her partner right now.

BattyBish: Oh, uh, okay. Sure!

BattyBish: Well in that case I guess we’ll have to think up something new.

BattyBish: That might take a while, but I can start coming up with ideas tonight. Maybe we can discuss what we should go with next week?

There. That should buy her plenty of time. All the more so if Kiyo-yo ended up getting distracted by her summoning! Yeah, now she was completely free to-

TrueLies: Nah, I already thought of something!


TrueLies: It’ll be waaaay hotter than that last one.

TrueLies: I’m, like, sending the script over right away!

She had a script already?! But- But-!!!

TrueLies: And I’ll totally wanna see your draft drawn up by tonight! You missed your last deadline, after all, so this is, like, a teeny tiny extension!

G-guh… Osakabehime could practically feel her soul trying to escape her body.

BattyBish: Tonight? But that’s super mega crunch! It might kill me! Kiyo-yo, have mercy!

TrueLies: No~ If you don’t do it, I’ll totally punish yooouuu~

Oh sweet god in heaven. Kiyohime’s punishments were intense. She might die, she might actually die! Her sweet shut-in paradise might be lost to her forever!

There was nothing for it. There was no reasoning with her partner – not on anything, let alone on matters where threats had been exchanged. The girl didn’t lie, flat out. Osakabehime had one day to produce a full doujin draft manuscript, or else… Gulp.

She had to do this. In the name of her hidden haven, she had to work herself harder than she ever had before! Oh, please don’t let this become a habit…

BattyBish: O-okay! Sure, I can… do that… Totally! What am I working on?

TrueLies: Sending you the script now!

The computer pinged. The file was ready for download. Osakabehime clicked it without even thinking about it, bracing herself for whatever kind of task she had ahead of her. Though the sudden flash of pink that zapped through her PC was not the kind of thing she was prepared for.

“Huh?” Brow furrowing, she poked at her mouse, wiggling it about to see if she could find out what had just happened. It had only lasted for a moment, but…

Oh, the script had opened! Okay, better focus on that. Whatever that pink thing had been probably wasn’t important anyway.

The assassin servant’s eyes scanned through the lines quickly, her brow furrowing as she realised that there wasn’t all that much here. It was a short, simple story – and one that was a complete deviation from Kiyohime’s normal style. This one wasn’t a chaste romance focusing on the virtues of honesty and devotions – things that the other servant felt quite strongly about – but instead, seemed to be almost… a hentai? Just what kind of summoning was the berserker going through?

The script starred a reclusive woman who spent most of her time in her own home, refusing to go out – a sentiment that Osakabehime could thoroughly identify with, naturally, and for a moment she thought that this character might have been designed as a friendly tribute by her friend. That sentiment did not last long.

Because, alas, the plot did not approve of this woman’s reclusive ways. Indeed, the narrator was outright scornful of her habits, claiming she’d ‘never find a husband’ like this. Hmph. The nerve! She was perfectly capable of finding one if she wanted one! She just didn’t, that was all.

But the plot continued! ‘Fortunately’ for the shut-in, she had friends with whom she communicated online, and they sent her ‘gifts’ with which she could get her life in order – at least, according to the narration. A feather duster, to clean up her admittedly messy home. A cookbook, for her to prepare nutritious meals. And a pretty dress, so she could look her best. Each morning, she’d receive a new gift, and each one would change her in some unexpected way.

For example, whenever she used the duster to clean up, the dust would make her sneeze, and her thoughts would get all airy, like she was sneezing her worries right out of her head. Whenever she prepared a meal from the cookbook, it’d all go straight to her butt, and her thighs would get nice and plump. And when she wore the dress, it squeezed around her tummy and pushed all of her fat up into her chest, plumping her tits up nice and big.

By the end of it all, the recluse had dropped her gloomy, antisocial disposition, and was now a sunny, busty, big booty-ed housewife, eager to get out and seduce the first man she saw. The narration happily crowed that she’d have no problem finding a husband now!

… Wow. Wow! Hey, Kiyo-yo, what’s your motherkusoing problem, huh? Had something happened to upset you or something?

Oh, wait, right, the missed deadline. Ah. Okay, nevermind, Kiyohime was still super scary, no more sass, just quick sketchwork! Osakabehime would behave, she had no desire to face the flames. Ah, no wonder she’d been all cheerful in the chat – she’d probably been working on this little bit of revenge all night. Ugh, this would be a pain.

At least the sketch requests were detailed – albeit, mainly with requests for fanservice and pantyshots. Kiyo-yo had really put some work into this little slice of revenge. If the goal was humiliation, then she’d succeeded in spades…!

… But yes, she was still far, far too scary to defy, so, on the work would go. A quick doodled storyboard, annnd… Okay. Okay! She could do this. It might look a bit rushed, but she had a few ideas for how to get it all done, and the script was pretty short. Alright! Fine! You wanna play this game, Kiyo? Then be prepared for a full Osakabehime special! She was going to get this done right here and right now! And she was going to make sure that the ‘friend’ sending these gifts looked really goofy in every frame she was in. Yeah!

Right. Time to get to work. With a grumble and a second glance at the script, the princess of Himeji pulled her tablet over and snatched up her sketch pen. This wouldn’t take too long – she was an experienced hand! She just needed proper… encouragement… to get going. Okay, start at the beginning, sketch up the main character’s home – ignore how much it looked like her current room, messy and filled with clutter (she was going to get it all tidied up one of these days, honest)…

Good. Now she could just use that as the background for a whole bunch of scenes. Easy shortcut!

Next a quick design for the main character – don’t make her look too much like herself, thank you – annnd have her in a nice general pose that you can reuse a bunch of times… done! Haha, she was a genius! An artistic genius!

But now came the hard part. The gifts, and the fanservicey transformations. Best to just go in order with all these, right? So, first up, the feather duster…

The description of the scene was one of the more detailed ones. The crate would arrive on the main character’s doorstep, with a postmark from somewhere called ‘Cockaigne’ – the name felt a little familiar to Osakabehime, but she couldn’t place where she’d heard it. Probably something she hadn’t been listening to. Oh well! Anyway, the MC would open the crate, pick up the duster, look at it in confusion, and then start trying it out…

Then, as if by magic, she’d find everything practically tidied itself! The dust vanished, the snacks put themselves back in their wrappers, her strewn books on the floor organised themselves back onto their shelves, her models sorted themselves into the display cabinet, her dirty clothes flew into the washing basket…

It was amazing! Honestly, if Osakabehime had a magic brush like that, she might not have even minded if it ah- ahh- aaahhCHOO!!!

Sudden and unexpected, with no warning for the princess of shut-ins, suddenly she was sneezing her head off, her hood bouncing off of her head with the shocking force. It was as though every allergy she had (don’t question how a servant could have allergies, this was Osakabehime) had activated at once!

“Uuhh…” The dark-haired neet’s eyes fluttered, eyes rolling, and for a moment she thought she saw a pink cloud of dust spreading out through the air around her… But when she shook her head, it was gone. Must’ve been a trick of the light. “Oohh, where’d that come from? My head feels totally fuzzy right now…”

Weird, but, like, no big deal, right? Hopefully it was just a one off. Now, what had she been doing again? Oh, right, yeah, sketching. Oh yay, her tablet still had everything in place, it hadn’t been knocked off by her sneeze. What a total relief! Right, so, what the MC didn’t know, was that by using the duster, she would start sneezing her brains out, growing dumber and dumber with each sneeze, until she was a total airhead. Weird idea, but whatever. Okay, so, that wouldn’t take long to do.

This time Osakabehime didn’t notice the flash of pink around her drawing as she leaned in to put on the finishing touches to the cleaning scene, humming a merry tune as she went. Nor did she notice the way her incredibly messy room was tidying itself around her, straightening out until the entire place looked neat and tidy…

Nope, no time to pay attention to that – she had another scene to move on to! Right, this one was about the cookbook. Like the duster, it appeared in a delivery box from Cockaigne, this one supposedly to help her in the kitchen. Curious, the MC would pick one of the recipies from the book at random – uh, cookies, those were easy to draw, yeah – have a quick montage of mixing the ingredients together, cook it all up, and-


“Mmuuuhhh…” Osakabehime blinked, her dull eyes staring blankly into space as her head wobbled in another cloud of swiftly dissipated pink dust. It was quite a long while before she came back to herself this time – long enough for a plate piled high with delicious chocolate chip cookies to appear next to her PC on the table, and for her not to notice.

But finally, she did return from her haze – though, when she did, her head still felt pretty thick with fog, and her thoughts were oddly sluggish. “Like, what happened? Ohmigod, I totally zoned out in the middle of work, didn’t I?!”

Eep, no time for wondering what was going on, she had a deadline closing in. Absently, she reached out for a snack, and shoved a delicious warm cookie straight into her mouth, chomping down as she got back to work. Okay, so, the trick this time was that every time the MC ate one of those cookies, her ass would start to swell, plumping up under her robes until it was niiiice and juicy – her art had to really emphasise the lovely curves…

Naturally, she was far too dazed and preoccupied to notice as her own behind was starting to fatten up, her thickening thighs rubbing together gleefully as her ass gained an ever-growing set of padding, raising her up in her seat by a few inches. Yes, underneath her silk robes she was sporting quite the bottom-heavy hourglass.

Osakabehime giggled at the oblivious protagonist as she found herself falling into sluttier and sluttier situations, her now much more lewd body attracting far more attention than she was used to, and her ever dropping IQ leaving her far more willing to enjoy that fact. The silly girl had no idea she was turning into a total bimbo! Hee hee – ACHOO!

Another pink cloud of dust flooded the room, leaving the formerly composed princess of Himeji openly drooling on her tablet, her fattening ass pleasantly grinding against her chair. And despite her intentions, she was starting to look very similar to the protagonist of the doujin she was sketching…

Eventually, she started working again, her head now full of fluff and little else. She didn’t even worry about why she’d stopped this time – she just knew her chance was coming up to draw some big ol’ booba, and she was eager to continue. What was the plot again? It was a good thing her bestie Kiyo had written such killer notes!

Okay, so, the last present was, like, this totally sweet dress that got dropped off at the MC’s house! It was from Cockaigne as well, like all these fun toys, and it looked like this really cute kinda Sunday dress kinda thing, the sort of stuff a housewife’d wear. Though, y’know, with even bigger cleavage and a really short skirt that’d flip up for pantie shots all the time, teehee~

And naturally, seeing such a cool dress, the MC just had to put it on! But the instant the silly bimbo did, it wrapped around her waist and-

“Ooh!” Osakabehime’s eyes crossed as her waist was suddenly squeezed inwards, her hoodie cloak transforming into a pink, flowing copy of the one she’d just drawn for the doujin. Instantly, all the fat and flab she’d accrued over centuries of a lazy lifestyle were pushed up, out of her middle and into her breasts, which inflated like a pair of balloons. In the space of seconds they’d burst out, suddenly more than twice the size of her head, while her waist was left nice and thin. A true, heavy, hourglass.

And this, at least, even the increasingly vapid servant couldn’t miss. “Wha- Wha- WhaaAACHOOO!!!”

Or at least, she couldn’t miss it, until she sneezed out the very last of her brains – her leftover smarts and intelligence glittering as pink dust in the air, before blowing away on the breeze, leaving an emptyheaded bimbo behind.

On the screen in front of her, there was another pink flash, and then the scene she’d been drawing completed itself, before compiling all of the images into one digital doujin draft – titled ‘Osakabehime’s Brain Blasting Spring Cleaning!’ for good measure. Then the whole thing blinked away in a final pink flash – monitor, tablet, keyboard and all, leaving the busty, big booty-ed bimbo sitting in front of an empty kotatsu, giggling, and occasionally groping her chest.

She stayed there – not a thought in her fluffy and empty head – until the phone in her pocket buzzed. And even then it still took a few questioning looks around the room to work out what was happening. But finally, she put the phone to her ear. “Hello?”

“Heya!” The familiar voice of her bestie rang through her head. “Like, how’s the draft going, Batty?”

“Draft?” The batty bimbo blinked, trying to think what her friend could mean – and failing utterly at the ‘think’ part. All hope of her remembering this sort of thing had been sneezed out of her head good and proper. “Uh, like… I dunno!”

The answer she got, fortunately, was a happy giggle. “I thought it might be – but that’s okay! I found a bunch of guys who said they’d help us out by letting us practice our next hentai! It’ll be super fun! I’mma bring them around your place in a minute, so make sure everything’s ready!”

The phone beeped as it received a picture – a quickly taken snapshot of Okki’s bestest best bimbo buddy in the world, surrounded by sexy guys – her top already popped off to show her massive melons, and her lips locked tight onto one guy’s face. She looked like she was having such fun! Ugh, Okki was totally jelly!

“Oh, sure!” The dark-haired bimbo bounced in her seat, her curvy body preening at the thought of letting a bunch of handsome studs into her home. “I’ll get everything set in, like, no time at all!”

“Cool! See you soon!”

With a beep, the former princess of shut-ins snapped her phone closed, and then eagerly set about getting her home ready. Oh, she could do a little more dusting, and maybe some baking, and touch up her makeup – anything to make her guests feel a little more welcome!

And if she was really lucky, after letting them try her out a bit, maybe one of these nice gentlemen would want to take her as a wife! Oooh, her legs couldn’t help but rub together at the thought – or, what counted as a thought for her, anyway. She just couldn’t wait! She was going to be the bestest bimbo housewife the world had ever seen, just wait and see!

She was so happy she’d been summoned to such a wonderful city, where all of her airheaded dreams could come true~


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